The Ukrainian government yesterday published a heartbreaking photo of a dead infant
and accused Russian president Vladimir Putin of having the blood of the baby victim of flight MH17 on his hands.
Senior government advisor Anton Gerashchenko posted the pic on their website, with a message to Putin saying: 'This baby's death is on your conscience. Damn you for centuries!'. He said he agonised over whether to publish the image of the tiny corpse lying in the field or not but decided the world needed to see it.
3 infants died after the plane was shot down on Thursday May 17th by pro-Russian rebels and till today, many bodies are still lying in fields. Meanwhile yesterday Russian
rebels stopped investigators who arrived the MH17 crash site from investigating the site, firing several warning shots. And the rebel commander blamed for shooting down the plane said "bodies aren't fresh', claiming corpses around the wreckage died before plane took off. Yes, he said so. Unbelievable! Continue to read...
from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
were prevented from conducting their investigation by militiamen during
their first trip to the scene.
separatists reportedly fired warning shots as the group of 30 officials
approached, forcing them to leave after just 75 minutes.
stand-off fuelled speculation that rebels are beginning a 'cover-up' by
hiding all links to the Buk missile believed to have shot down the
Mr Hug is leading the investigation into the deadly incident - but has been
hindered by a dispute over the location of the black boxes |
Michael Bociurkiw, spokesman for the OSCE, told CNN:
'It basically looks like the biggest crime scene in the world right
now, guarded by a bunch of guys in uniform with heavy firepower who are
quite inhospitable. And
there didn't seem to be anyone really in control, for example. One of
our top priorities was to find out what happened to the black boxes. No
one was there to answer those questions.'
Bociurkiw also described how the inspectors felt they were in danger as rockets were fired in the distance.
Greminger, the body's chairman, added: 'They did not have the kind of
access that they expected. They did not have the freedom of movement
that they need to do their job.'
the confusion over the whereabouts of the black boxes, the Russian
foreign minister was forced to deny having ‘any plans’ to grab the
flight recorders following the allegations.
Meanwhile, the rebel commander blamed for shooting down flight MH17 has made bizarre claims that bodies at the crash site 'aren't fresh'.
Pro-Russian separatist Igor Girkin (pictured above) has claimed corpses near the debris died days before the plane took off.
to rebel website Russkaya Vesna, the leader was told by people at the
scene in eastern Ukraine that 'a significant number of the bodies were
drained of blood and reeked of decomposition.'
also known as Strelkov and allegedly a former Russian intelligence
agent, also suggested that a large amount of blood serum and medications
in the wreckage.
The information has not been confirmed but the commander said: 'Ukrainian authorities are capable of any baseness.'
He was said to be among the laughing rebels that filmed the plane as it crashed
is said to have captured him gleefully bragging: ‘That was a blast –
look at the smoke!’ while a fireball rose from the debris.
extraordinary footage – apparently filmed by the shooters themselves –
charts the terrible final moments of the doomed airliner.
voice believed to be that of Strelkov – dubbed ‘Igor the Terrible’ –
announces: ‘The plane was hit!’ He adds: ‘Look at those black spots,
these are the parts, flying … it was a blast … look, look, black
a pall of smoke was seen coming from the crash site, he wrote a
triumphant war cry on Twitter, saying: ‘We warned you – do not fly in
"our sky”.’
The Malaysia Airlines Boeing-777 was shot down Thursday, killing all 298 people aboard.
Source: UK Daily Mail
So touchn.
Ooooooh noooo, too bad...wickedness...☹
This is too bad. I'm out ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Only if d dead can come back to life. . Watchd CNN nd Ukraine economic minister said d black box is in Ukraine
See what their stupidity lead to, since they won't stop fighting themselves. too bad
Pheeew! What a sight.
This is an act of terrorism and should be treated by the international community as such.
Somebody or group should be held responsible and made to pay for such evil to serve as deterrent to others.
Dis is rily sad.. No sense of remorse @all.... God and d blood of d innocent pple killed will judge dem accordingly.
God, this is one bad sight i swear.... May the souls of the dead R.I.P....
so sorry..first to comment. linda post my comment and stop doing ojoro biko.
Very pathetic,hope the perpetrators are brought to book.
God dis is soo sad,wat are we to
I keep crying.......................
May God have mercy on dem...dey will leave with dz in deir conscience dats if dey have any
Pls vsit my shoe blog
Jesus! What a tragedy! What a wicked world, this is so sad, I am heart broken now because I love kids a lot, they are so innocent and they are the most beautiful thing I have ever set my eyes on
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Now I know why my friends in the EU hate Russia.
Chai, there is God ooo..may all these rebels be killed by fire by force.
Linda, this is really sad, looking at that baby lying on that field breaks my heart.But my bible made me to know that all murderers will go to hell.PUTIN, you and your associates, God will surely judge you for this.
This is so unfortunate, I sincerely pray for the repose of their souls. Amen
O God! That picture of the baby is so hrtbreaking.
Why aren't those guys behind bars?
Sadistic Bastards! Jeeeez! The Evil Men do these days ehn, it even scares d devil. Look at his Monstrous sadistic evil face.
Don't even knw what to say..... So sad
wickedness, heartless and inhumanity with no sign of remorse.
wondering why most humans who indulge in killing their fellow human beings have sold their soul to the devil(satan). May God have mercy on them and RIP to the dead.
Russia is threading war stories. When the game start let em play it to finish. We are aware they have newly built missiles and rockets they wanna test. Surely they will test soon.
I don't think it is nice posting the pix of that baby, the ukrainian prime minister is just trying to prey on the conscience of the world! A lot of people have died, so no need to stir up and more quarrels!
sick sons of bitches....................................................#KingOfKings
80 children were on that plane not 3
Oh my God! These people are heartless...RIP
"Wars and rumours of wars" ...
These people are evil. Nemesis will catch up with them one day and they'll all die a more horrific death. May the souls of the departed rest in peace.
Russia is an evil nation
Fifa had better think twice about giving them the right to host the 2018 World Cup.
Linda be careful. You may be posting propaganda
Are you looking for a suger mummy or daddy please call dis line 09096552678 please be mature...
Jeez you actually owe a sky? God must have shared it to nations when he created the world. Blood sucking monsters
Pifff heartless.
So na everywhere craze dey
May their souls rest in perfect peace....Amen
this is madness,so u mean they packed dead bodies in a commercial flight..ur stupidity is out of this
We warned you – do not fly in "our sky”.’
Wow!!!!! Who created the sky? This is real madness. God have Mercy.
War is not good in any form or shape. This are things we see when it happens.
READ Funny 18+ Jokes Here
Russians are soooooo wicked! Polish people too. They are the same animals.
I can really see dt u r an idol civillian. Almost first to comment in all of Linda's post. Try and get a job.
what a Dumb statement from the Rebels.
GOD will reward them.
I have been trying to post a comment on this blog for a long time but, she won't let my comment come on. With this post, I know this LIB is a propaganda machine or you are ignorance, make research yourself before you post news and stop copy and pasting news from western media that are meant to deceive people. Only if you know the truth of the ukranian crises, then you won't post lies as the western media want you to.
Because they are stupid are you ...its Ukraine rebels not russia ..Google is your friend.. know more about what's happening in the world before u open ur empty skull to type shit
This story is why you shouldn't reply if you insist on using stupid taglines all in sake for possibly winning money although you should be intelligent enough to know Linda is likely to change her criteria next time around. It is also an unoriginal tagline.
Very stupid. "Catch me..." under this story? really??? Ode
You're a bloody fool. First to comment on such a story. Really?? I hope 10 people write same if there is ever a story about your horrific murder which I actually honestly pray never comes to be
They're playing politics with this cold blooded mass murder. Bring the perps to account.
The agony of a nation pawned by the russian oligarchy!!!...RIP to the 298 passengers *sobs* @Fortunedexcel
No sign of remorse na wah... it will be their turn one day the wicked shall not go unpunished.
Dose that did dis will never go unpunished
Dude you're on every post on this site, everything I click I must see ur comment!! I wonder if u live her abi na unemployment de worry u. .u too much! I de hail
That makes you on every post as well. If you see his comments on every post. So unemployment dey worry you too.#shadegonewrong
3 infants as in babies.
And FIFA Expect this country RUSSIA to host the next World cup
Take it easy buddy.
it's pro-Russian separatists fighters. Use Credible sources like cnn not just the first thing you read on Google mumu
The same reason why Shekau is still i. Sambisa forest.
How did the body of this baby ended up being intact from a blast on 33000 feet above the see level? And it lay peaceful on the ground intact? And a Nigerian "sharp" lady is joining the west to put this on her blog?
This is a really good read for me, I must say you put your best effort for this blog
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