News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
Credible intelligence reports at the disposal of the Nigeria Police indicate that terrorists have perfected plot to carry out attacks on the Abuja transport sector. The attacks which are intended to cause panic amongst Abuja residents and visitors alike are planned to be perpetrated through suicide bombings, or through the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) concealed in luggage, bags, cans, and other receptacles. The Police High Command therefore, while ordering FCT Commissioner of Police in particular and other CPs in adjoining States to beef-up security at major parks around Abuja and its environs, enjoins the general public, particularly those within and outside the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja to be roundly vigilant and report any suspicious persons, objects, movements or activities to the Security Forces without delay. Continue..
"I do not know how these allegations of ritual actions against me started. My ministry has existed for 17 years and we have never been associated with any bad thing or any untoward allegation. We have been doing well in carrying out God’s work since we came into existence. We have rehabilitation center where mad people are healed. Relations of such people bring them to our ministry and also stay with them until they are healed after which they will go home. We do not charge them, we feed them free. So, the ministry has been flourishing in all our branches. Continue...
Never will I subscribe to one killing his or her parents and as much as I hate and will never justify his act, I still think this should serve as a warning to parents out there who has turned discipling a child into child abuse
My childhood was one of pain, my own mother made life miserable for me, truth be told, I was not the stubborn type, I grew up to find out that my mum hate me with passion for no just cause. my mum used to tell me that I'll amount to nothing in life, she would beat, bite and put pepper in my vaginal and yes this was before I even started menstruating.
Sometimes she beats me to the point that I'll start crying and beg God to show me my real mother. Continue...
After hearing of the proposal of some delegates at the ongoing confab that we should revert to the old national anthem, I sat by my piano and played both anthems. Playing and singing to the current anthem “Arise O’ Compatriot” was basically easy because I had done that countless times and I wasn’t even looking at the piano keys as I sang through the verses. I downloaded the lyrics of the old anthem just to be sure I was singing the right words. I know the tune by heart because my dad frequently sang it to me when I was a little school boy. And I felt nothing as usual singing it. But right from the first line of the old anthem “Nigeria We Hail Thee,” I felt a strange sense of pride and patriotism. I felt very strange because like every Nigerian, I am saddened that as a country, we have lost our way.
I read with much respect and admiration Wale Gates tweets about the student who killed his father at the redeemed camp, and I must say he has greatly earned my respect. He chose to speak out instead of condemning and threw some light on the enormity of an issue we most often take for granted.
However, I must point out that even though we both sympathize with the boy’s predicament as truly many times parents turn beating, which indeed is a good form of punishment into abuse, standing up to ones parents is a sin as great in proportion to, or even greater than adultery, murder and stealing. Continue...
"Lamar is doing all this press because he is on a new team. But what he is saying is just not true. Saying that he talks to me everyday and that we are working things out. But I haven't been able to reach him for months. And it almost gets my hopes up.'
"He's wearing his ring full time. F*** your ring, you were wearing it when you were f****** someone else too! The way I was living was not a way to live. Everything I did I had to hide or conceal or cover up.'
"Let me tell you something. Last year on my birthday I lied to everyone. Because I had to lie and say I was with my husband. When in fact my husband was missing with another girl. Okay? And I lied and I gave up my Beyonce tickets. That's how badly I was hiding. And I didn't have a birthday. I was alone and lied to everyone.'
Hey! come and see Nigerians all over the world, holding Oputa Panel on top of my fathers burial. Kassala deyooooo.
My father's burial may have come and gone, but tongues are still wagging about all the drama that went down. No be The CharlyBoy Show? I must confess that my pop's burial was the biggest show I ever put together in all my years as an event organizer; it also turned out the biggest burial show across the Niger. Who wan try. Abegi! 3Gbosa for the man wey sabi. Continue...
"We received an email that Rihanna sent to Chris Brown nearly when the two were dating. The email shows just how needy Rihanna was in their relationship. We removed the "from" field, but trus us this is 100% confirmed to have come from Rihanna. How did we get it, you ask? Well Chris sent it to his homies - to show them how needy Rihanna is. And explain how he's never getting back with her. So all you Chrianna fans...you can forget it!!