Kevin, 33, who started the job on board the 300-capacity ship on July 8th, said he had no choice but to take the job,
“I’m trying to provide for my family. Many footballers pick up jobs after football but I don’t see stories about them in the newspapers. I don’t really want to publicize my lifestyle in the newspapers about whether I have a job or don’t have a job. I have to work at some point to put food on the table and to provide for my family.” He saidThe dad of 3 was jobless for 6 months after his contract with League One minnows Ayr United was scrapped in January.
Managers on the ship reportedly warned his new co-workers not to discuss Kevin's former life as a footballer or bring it up with him as it's a touchy subject. Continue...
"Kevin started work on the ship earlier this month. It’s sad really to see someone who was obviously well-loved by the fans seemingly ending his career relatively early." A source said

Apart from Sunderland where he last played in 2006, Kevin also played for Coventry, Kilmarnock, Hearts, and Rangers.
In a 2010 newspaper interview he said:
“Sometimes in life money is not everything. I know a lot of people disagree with that but I had all the money years ago when I played with Sunderland and Coventry and I p***** it up a wall gambling. So money doesn’t always make you happy. The happiest I have been was the first year at Kilmarnock, playing football and knowing what my wage was.”
Eyah,its one of those things.
Life indeed...he shuld hv saved nd invested
Pls visit my shoe blog
Too bad he was gabbling .....if he ever has another chance maybe he can tink straight!
Chai! Asori nwam....such is life.
Pheeew! Somedays are like that.
Its always good to save for the rainy day.
nah choice... nkemdirimeverista111@gmail.com
Real grace to grass
Move on dear
According to him, he wasted his money gambling..hmmm a big lesson for us all. spend your money wisely and invest with your money.... don't have much to say
That's just life.......,
I see nothing wrong with this. a man has to take care of his bills, this is better than stealing or going into drugs
He's earning it honestly. At least he's not justifying committing crimes because times are hard.
He should have been advice to spend wisely and save selfishly
I hope Obafemi martins is reading this... Even Mikel Obi, especially Mikel Obi...
He'll pick up,There's GOD!...#Americawillknow
Moye B.
Not a very easy transition, suicides are committed for this reason, stay strong bruh,better than crime
That's life, sometimes bad days sometime goods, no one should mock him, it might be you next,
I reason wit u man!, its nt all abt d money
Guess he wasn't much of a player then, cos that's what is called a sharp decline!
from grace to grass
That's life for you...
It's nothing new , most athletes and soccer plays fall into backrupcy some years after they retire . His not the first and Wunt b the last. It's a normal trend
At lease he has a job. Some will depend on govt or blame their colleagues for lack of support. Much respect for him
Oh pele o
Kai.. al d best shaa tho nt my prayer
wow dats bad. Dis is world is reli turning around. From grace 2 grass
Quite unfortunate !!!hes still getting paid tho...
When he is suppose to own the ship! Sad
He didnt save??? - oma
He should've save and invest for the rainy days ahead. Our Nigerian celebs should take note. Especially...........hmmm!
God help him
I tellz u @horpe yemmy
So he didn't think to invest? Start a business? Do something? Well that's just dumb he should have used it wisely
only if we all cud invest wisely with the liitle funds. when all hope is lost u know u ve got investments.
ready not all dat glitters is real gold.
Like seriously! no investing, with all the money he earned as a player..sowieeee in Portuguese voices
Son of Solomon
God forbids bad things ooooooo. Lord ve mercy
Hmm..... That's why it's good to save for the rainy days.
It takes a responsible person to take such a job after touching good money, to cater for his family. Kudos to his inner strength!
*My R1.50c comment*
Yeee!!!unbelievable,Err'thing traced down to gambling
Dis will nt b my story IJN,father give me d grace 2 mk use of my youhtful age wisely,so I won't suffer wen I am old,help me lord 2 invest rightly n nt gamble IJN
Hmmmm speechless, most times in life people learn d hard way, who would have thought dat dis will happen to him..but I love d confidence he has to face his life, atleast itz better than stealing..well done man
"I had all the money years ago when I played for Sunderland and Coventry but I p***** it up gambling". That's too bad.
Why did he quit easily? Its hard to be jobless in football, there are clubs ready to sign him.Seems he doesnt know his worth..
Why did he quit easily? Its hard to be jobless in football, there are clubs ready to sign him.Seems he doesnt know his worth..
True talk man, money is not everything but i dont want everything i just want money....
Is a pity tho,from frypan 2 fire
No investment??
I lik ur courage br, no condition is permanent.
Gambling. Lesson learnt. Save for the "dry' days.
God wil see u tru.
He didn't invest, he didn't save for the rainy days. When Ur up there always use wat you have upstairs. God help him..M OUT amyumeh
Promotion, dats lovely. Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
I lik ur courage br, no condition is permanent.
oloshi thunder fire u made 120,000 pounds a year and u could not do anything with it come to Nigeria and wash toilet foolish man u pissed ur fortune away thru gambling useless thing
Such a sad story. He should have invested and not gambled.
Unwanted gbege or yawa olorun maje ari cho!..... Naa So Life Be.... Hmmmm. Olawuyijeremiah@gmail.com
Unwanted gbege or yawa olorun maje ari cho!..... Naa So Life Be.... Hmmmm. Olawuyijeremiah@gmail.com
I feel 4 u bro , u are a real man by puttin ur family first.
At the least, he's still a very responsible fellow. Many people in his shoes would've gone for the fast lane. The press should leave the guy alone, he has a job and he's paying his taxes. Lest I forget, there's always dignity in labor. Kudos man, keep your head high!
City: Unknown.
Doro-Backward... #OFFICIAL*SWAGG
wat a damn shame... Pray a club buys u again
How patronizing of you. At least he's earning an honest living and providing for his family.
@horpe Yemmy: you can say that again...
So he is earning 90000 naira per week and that's broke? Smh jst not up his former standard
God pls let our story be from grace to grace
Hmmmm. This is serious
There is dignity in labour
time is money they say, but he has himself to blame for that becos he picked up gambling without thinking of what the future holds...xoxo peggylicious
Mikel, watchout o!!!! Lolz.....Just joking...but seriously this is very very sad. Thats why gambling is not good.
God 4bid diz kinda history in my life! *Flora*
Lesson for naija celebs
Hmmmm! Dats life,u are on top 2day u ar down 2mrw.Lesson learnt,stay humble! The lesson is not 4 only d footballers,all of us including u linda.Stay humble & invest wisely.
LIFE!!! Investment!!!
Breezy_p danabiaziem@gmail.com
Nigerian footballers should learn. Ask Udeze, Babayaro, Dan Omokachi Igali etc
the problem with sm of the footballers is that they dont make good investment while playing football,they rather spend it buying cars,i respect kanu nwankwo for his contribution not only to his family but others.indelable mark he has made---kanu foundation
rainy day's... Nobody talks about sunny day's.
Shipping is the highest employer of labour in europe and Nigeria. Shipping pays the highest wages in the world. imagine earning upto £800 a month for just cleaning and sitting idle. £800 is very big money now in the Uk. 17yrs old boys earn as much as £3000 a month in the Uk and Nigeria as well. Thank God for him @ least he fell stood up and dusted himself.
Its all about moving forward and not backward. Its not for me and shouldn't be for either of us ..
But, sorry to say, wasnt he having money in d safe wen he was a footballer? Was he just spendin all dat money as it was comin in?
Am Sure Our Footballers Λπϑ Celebs Dey Read This Post. (Linda's Man)
it's not "broke"....but it certainly isnt much when you take into consideration the cost of living here. 1 months rent in london is on average £1k (for a 1 bedroom)
=yes,word of advice frm linda indirectly to all of us d readers here. use all ur money 2day nd buy data bundle to be on LIB,2moro's needs will come knocking,i mean knocking so hard, dt u will rem d glory days. so mak una dey invest,save,do bizness and dnt be all out on d media. Madam linda,if u like post. shebi i don mention ur name,cos u go feel say i dey discourage ppl, bt na truth.
=yes,word of advice frm linda indirectly to all of us d readers here. use all ur money 2day nd buy data bundle to be on LIB,2moro's needs will come knocking,i mean knocking so hard, dt u will rem d glory days. so mak una dey invest,save,do bizness and dnt be all out on d media. Madam linda,if u like post. shebi i don mention ur name,cos u go feel say i dey discourage ppl, bt na truth.
Money is not everything,but make sure u make alot of it before talking the bullsh*t...
That is life for you!
@Pual Ojei.U're just a waste of sperm.@least now that's he's down,he's not asking ur father for money.he's working!so y dis much curse?frustrated being
Love this man. Some ll just lay down on the couch and chop chips all day, while Watching TV. There is dignity in labour
Sad, what happened to investing ur money
..dis is a lesson learnt in a hard way to other celebrities
Yea rite,there is dignity in labour
Oshey oo Bona! I wonder why he didn't save. It is well.
Well at least he is doing an honest days work. Femi Kuti said in a recent interview that most the so called Nigerian musicians we have today will be irrelevant in less than 10 years because they don't understand what longevity in music is all about. They think it's all about going into studio and shooting a video in South Africa then posing with sign-on fee. Linda get ready,you posting of some then being paraded for armed robbery in the future because trust Nigerians will be tired of them soon enough
With God by our side!!!!!
Its a sad story, a man az to do what az to be done..... But come to think of it, 1600 dolls a month...dats large pay in my country, I believe dats way more dan some bank pay....
That's a result of reckless lifestyle and missmanagement....
The amount of tax they usually pay over there did not put the man in the rank of rich celebrities at £10000/week but he could have invested part of the money if he wished to do so. That is one thing with gambling; most of the people blaming this man should actually learn from his financial mistakes instead of just blaming him. We have different categories of gambling being played in Nigeria today in a reckless manner. I just hope that most people will not end up like this man and i also wish him a change of fortune.
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