26 year old Fatoumata Owoseni was found unresponsive at the 39 South Munn Avenue apartment she shared with Babatope. The police have not released info on how he allegedly killed her. Babatope has been charged with her murder and is being held without bail at the Essex County Corrections Facility.
1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»why now?
9ja men killing dere wives abroad
Ds is getting too much
Mewa nsele
Nigerians must embarrass themselves sha!!!
Nemesis has caught up wt him.pfft!!!!
not t forget...Yoruba Men all d time kill dere wife abroad
But why?
Na wa oo. Ladies should really be careful. A lot of demons walking around as human beings. Once u notice the 1st signs of anger and violence, port like saka. Life no get duplicte.
Strange happenings, hope we read/hear less of them this year. Thank God for that someone u know.
Nawa, loduntuntun
Really? Lord gave mercy !!!
Na wa oooo. Y 're Yorubas abroad misbehaving. I think and suggests Yoruba shldnt be given visa. Enof is enof
Na ofe mmanu guy nah! Em don carry dia aaah! Woooo! Life go NJ.make dem kill am dia oooo.pls dey shouldn't consider bail in dis kindda offence he comitted.
Can't believe this.
Linda its nt surprisin,his face luks lik a serial killer 2me.
Chineke meehh!!!!!! Jesus
Na wa o
Na wao
God don catch am dis time
ok...so am the FIRST to comment right?
Let me go to church and place my Gift @ d Alter
It is well in Jesus name
What's it with these naija guys and wife battery of late. And the worst is that wen they see better fight them go humble. I'm tired.
~~Success Has No Limitation~~
Ladies Beware of Violent Monster Like Babatope....they day a man hits U or slaps U, that's how he will keep doing till the lady is no more....#End or Quit any relationship or marriage that's Abusive# May her Soul RIP
Dats really bad dats y nigerians are paying lots of chedda b4 they can enter other countries only God can judge.
People watch it this has notin to do with tribe igbos kill hausas kill people kill etc
Galore u don't ave brain... Sey devil dey look tribe b4 hin strt in wrk u ar jst bn tribal usless mofo
Not good at all.
-Blunt Ibo boy-
@ Galore your papa.To hell with ur generation for making that statement
I am Igbo, but must some of you make this story about yoruba people?? This man killed his wife and not 'Yoruba people' ........ Anyways , I hope he gets the verdict he deserves
I always hear stuff like this on the news but to actually happen to someone I know. God help us! May her soul rest in peace
Gosh, 9months. OMG dis is bad. Killing a woman with child. God have Mercy. He killed 2 pple @once or even 3 self. Naaaaaaa if guilty he would be hanged joor. Sad face***
@citentic abi wetin ur useless identity be,u beta go flush dat ur yeye ☎ wey u dey use Comment,I don't blame u coz uneva comot for dat ur village,omo ale jati jati,
Pple shld try and control their tempers, especially men. I used to be a very vindictive and furious person but God and marriage humbled me.Violence is an uncivilised and ungodly way of showing annoyance.
You are a stupid fool!
Lol the man is insane
Abeg enough of the sad new of nigerians doing bad things abroad. It's becoming really annoying.
Not tryna be tribalistic soon Yoruba ppl will be accusing Igbo ppl of committing crimes abroad why shud dis useless man kill his wife omg so bad of him pls go to jail n remain there
Wow that is real bad mother and child, just wested lik that! May God hav mercy on his soul
Violence! violence!! violence!!!. When will men learn to exercise 100% tolerant with thier wives?.
God av mercy plzzzzz
No member of your family will be given visa. Unintelligent fellow.
You 've started again. The post said a Nigerian Man and no ethnicity attached. When will u all these imbeciles grow up?.
Women, if he hits you once, he will hit you again. Stay in a violent relationship at the risk of losing your life! A word is enough for the wise.
Nawa oooo, God go judge am!!
This is a New Year... Have some resolutions Galore. One can be to stop being ethnocentric or in Nigerian parlance- to stop being tribalistic. Jeez I believe you are young and can do better than your parents' generation. Your thinking is no different than white on black racism- let's be real and even that is now seen as 'dated' and so not cool, even as a joke
Physical abuse shouldn't be tolerated cos it mite eventually lead to the death of d victim
#DomesticViolence! Sure, they look 'innocent' and wear suits, and talk soft OUTSIDE! At home, they are monsters!! IF they hit you once, or you had to go to the hospital after being physically abused by the the crazed husband, RUN for YOUR LIFE! Unless you are Jesus Christ, dead people DON'T RISE UP! You trade your LIFE to be a WIFE, you DIE! #RIP
Just killed his wife and his unborn baby..anger is evil..he will spend the rest of his life in jail regretting..the face looks so innocent but with an evil mind.. may his wife's soul rest in peace..what a great loss
dis guy face is rily innocent,but wicked insyd.wicked animal
May the soul of Owoseni rest in peace. This is quite unfortunate.
Na wa ooh...some people are animals walking in human form
I find it hilarious when people say "Yoruba people have come again " or "ehen! See ndi igbo". Do you think foreign governments give a hoot where you're from? To them a Nigerian is a Nigerian when they're making the arrest and laughing their heads off at us so you'd better get over yourselves.
Women rush into marriage all in d name of Mrs 4geting that some men are lion, fine boy with bad attitude.RIP mrs Owoseni
God have mercy for him {ifeyinwa}
Yoruba ,Hausa fulani idiots n dia religion dat sees killing as a wonderful thing.dnt worry u guys wld learn frm biafra sooner dan later . Mumu pple. Rip lady. Biafra a gr8 nationof God.
Jackie nah fool. The wife was such a nice lady. RIP mama. I feel very sad for their two kids that he just messed their life up. Anyway, God will intervene.
Naija Oga oooo......we no dey rep for good tin at all.....smh
U re a fool & an imbecile
Lawd you got me laughing so hard but i support the motion though as in are they the only tribe abroad?
Nnem, please watch ur mouth oh, b4 d guy go later cum 4 u. He does v serious issue from d look of things. God help us all.
F***kn tribalistic pple......so blind to chk on occurrence, rather humming about tribe, (black racist) . I actually knw dis guy from back home. He's got a very bad temper even while growing up. His momma tried A lot to get this act off him. Guess she didn't do enough. We went to OAU ife together. hope u will av be given the chance to make amends Tope aka Jackie Chan. (bad temper turned devilish act)*too sad*
May God have mercy on us all. Don't know what this world is turning into
First prissioner of d year.
We shd stop linking crimes to ethnicity and I don't hear Yoruba when it come to good things achieved by Yoruba abroad. @ Galore, get a life
Don't know y women don't ever learn! If ur man exhibits any violent behavior,pls leave,dump and trash his ass! U can't make amendments in death. Fellow ladies help urselves plssssss.
Wow. God save us oooo
Men n deer wicked heart. Every lady should pray seriously wen choosing a life partner. Am sure anoda woman will fall in love with dat man.
Hia!!!! U. See! All dis young girls make una shine una eyes oooo! Cs dis mehn are just monsters! See a man with a violent behaviour can't change over nite oooo! Dini's new gf take note!
Lie! 98% of wife killers see ibo. But common this has nothing to do with tribes. This is pure evil and he deserves to die by lethal injection. I pray and hope NJ has capital punishment in place for guilty murderers. Rip beautiful woman and your unborn child. I bet he was already violent several times to her and she never left. When he hits you once he will never stop. Women run from men who hurt you. One say he might go the extra length to have you killed. To before warned is to before harmed.
Its not a Yoruba tin OK. Its just a thing of the heart . out of abundant so the heart speak.
He should be sentenced to death
Women, pls,pls,pls, although we can't tell initially, endeavour 2 make enquires about ur partner (internally,externally,familiies,friends etc) before entering marriage ooooo, bikonu. We r @ world's end. When I tell people dat I ve never dated a yoruba man, I will neva Eva date dem, dey fnk m wierd. Buh spirit cannot and ll neva gel wif dem. Please all man, be guided accordingly.
Fear guys with cool face, they are deadly. My exboyfriend is one of his kind.... When we are hanging out, people will always admire him,bcs he is very gud lukin and facially cool. But when u open his heart, he is a beast. I was a fool inlove, but I had to break free to save myself b4 he kills me. Each time I see news like this, my mind flys back to my ex. I m happy with my life now...
Oloriburuku ni iya e.e no go better for u for dat comment
@galore,u r a bastard for dat comment.omo ale jati jati
Any man dat attempts to raise his hands on u, weda na play or trail. Nne make ya heels no touch ground. Runaway.
YORUBA AGAIN!!!!! Why are they always disgracing us????...mtcheew! #flipsperuvianhair
May God forgive him o! Nine months pregnant wife dis is serious.
Women, pls,pls,pls, although we can't tell initially, endeavour 2 make enquires about ur partner (internally,externally,familiies,friends etc) before entering marriage ooooo, bikonu. We r @ world's end. When I tell people dat I ve never dated a yoruba man, I will neva Eva date dem, dey fnk m wierd. Buh spirit cannot and ll neva gel wif dem. Please all man, be guided accordingly.
Beast nemesis has catchup with him men with beasty attitude be warned
He go chop jail time...Nothing else.. Things that happen these days.. Smh
Pls I'm still in search of my swt Bonario.. Pls which part of bush is ur village dt u can't get network to post a comment on LIB?.. I'm so missing u Bona!..
He should be punished if found guilty
Linda u sabi evry body oooo..lol
Soon the Yoruba ppl will say that igbo's commit too much crime abroad why wud dis one kill his wife fgs dats bad tho
Gallon or wetin dem dey call u, borrow urself brain now, na new year we dey
@Taiwo nw its d devil's fault abi?
Buh if its Igbo nw, u guys ll b sayin shitt
Babe first of all,your note at the end will implicate him more cos every one reads your blog. So that's good. And to any one dating A guy named WISEMAN, be careful cos you may end up like this lady. #wordofadvice
This guy most die to cause is not easy to be a woman ,not to talk of been pregnant.mr murder
Una don start to ∂E̶̲̥̅̊Y̶̲̥̅̊ curse for 2014. Linda abeg no ∂E̶̲̥̅̊Y̶̲̥̅̊ post curses on ur blog jo.
Look @ his calm face, my God! Let's not judge a book by its cover oo. Rip to the victim and may d Lord deal with dis wicked man
â„“☺â„“ @ port like saka. So funny.
so sad....i pray whoever is responsible is brought to book
Thank God u r one of the smart ones
But honestly yoruba guys are not straightforward, am talking from experince twice, may God gives d gal family d strength to bare d lost(meemee).
@linda i dont blv dat word dat he dated someone and d person left him with violent behaviour,na lie,tope is a friendly guy dat av known from akure even attended obafemi awolowo uni ife b4 relocating to the US in 2004let us see d bottom of dis gist b4 we judge,he likes showing off but not exxtent of killing,i know him too well,so linda thou shall not judge.post dis comment.
Linda abeg Weytin I do u wey u ney dey like post my comment even for 2014?? That man is suppose to die by hanging
Make God punish am well
Ah! Linda knows him? It aff be! Another excuse for Linda not to marry this year. *strolls away*
My ex started with over jealousy n then shouts,before push then slaps,then beating and breaking my fone or his,the worst is they work on ur brian so much u start thinking ure the cause and u say tins like if I just do it dis way just maybe we wld be at peace,guess wot even if ure perfect they wuld always find a stupid reason to hit u,he was to pay my bride price 2nd week of dec after all d drama I actually thot finally it was worth it, 4yrs of more tears than joy,that was wen I got the beating of my life bcos I didn't pick he's calls even tho I was at his place told him sorry but he just didn't listen,I got a black eye,and people in d compd took me to d hospital cos he ran away,he's base in ph and his name starts wit m,really abusive men are all so nice n caring to strangers,and they are also fine n charming. I realise if I went ahead with d marriage I'll die there,abeg all dis desperados I don't believe any woman that their husband didn't exibit that character b4 they got married,I think they just felt it would all go away,it gets worst dear,once he starts he nver stops,RUN you deserve better,if u don't like urself enough tik abt your love ones that wuld miss u while ure gone Forever,make love no go kill you oh
Galore or gallon why u dey curse for this fresh new year? U are not different from babatope owoseni with ur aggressive curse.
Linda post my comment
Igbos are too "tribalistic". They much "tribalise" every issue.
I know tope very well we lived together in ijapo akure before he travelled his nickname was jacky back here then tope has the best mom in the world she's a ps in ondo state I saw him last year I really taught he as changed tope is a military man in america his just like a family to me he as two kids already by same wife this is really bad news
Amen.... @ Cintetic... u are a bastard... Omo ale,alai ni iran jati jati... u are d problem this country has. Oloshi.
Madam Oge, its not about never dating a Yoruba man. Any man can be violent at anytime....just pray †Î¦ God †Î¦ bless you with your own bone of bone! SexyD
this guy? chei. i fucking know him wella. grew up in Akure with him too. Na oau e finish from as well.. a.k.a jackie. He's from Idanre Town. Father contested for somethin in Ondo State then. bastard complexed guy
Pls, its 2014. Retards pls drop d tribal war. Galore, u hv come here from sdk blog to show off your stupidity in this new year abi?
I hope boko haram touches ur life in one way or anoda since u r tribalistic. U know they r not abi? That is my hope for any tribalistic bigot on this blog. May boko haram touch ur life this year
I know this guy too,grew up with him in Akure then,he is know by most of us as "jackie" and yeah,that's bcoz he used t beat us silly then,he lived in Ijapo Estate,went to OAU briefly and moved to the USA to join the US Army,he served in Iraq and Afgan!
Thot he out grew the violence tho,sad sad!
Going by d wife's name I'm guessing she was Gambian.9mths pregnancy's full term so I guess he'll be convicted on 2-counts of murder,either way it's not looking good 4 u bruh.
God bless u with dis ur comment,D police hv nt confirm yet pipo don dey jump in2 conclusion.
I know Tope,Jackie,we grew up together,I can remember the day the guy dealth with another friend of ours,wow,it took his Dad and Mum's intervention to stop "Tope Jackie" from killing the other guy
El Toro, has dis comment increased ur acct balance nw?
Imagen nah,dis blog is just 4 us 2 know wut is goin on in world but,some people don turn am 2 yabis blog,imagen callin someone u never c bastrd,who knows weda dats wut u r.linda should nr b postin all dis yabis comment truth truth,abeg na nw year we day.
@anon 1:52,u really haven't said anything abt him yet,u just said u knew him bak then nd he comes 4rm a good home,we want ppl that knows if he's a violent man or if he's a woman batterer,dat wud help at least,I just see ppl cursing nd jumping into conclusions,mind u d police hasn't states or said he killed his wife yet"he's just suspected of strangling"who knows,somtimes dats how cruel life can be,mabe he's bin a good guy all his life nd probably married a nagging wife nd 4 once decided 2 take bad frends advise 2 beat her up just once nd did it wrong,you just neva know,ladies beware!just pray dat God gives us d best men dat wud have tolerance,watch a man d way he is with is family ist dats what most ppl dnt know,if he's swt with his mother nd sistas he can be sweet with u nd vice versa,watch d way he treats other ppl,4rm d househelp 2 gatemen 2 collegues,not just u,I dated a guy once nd noticed his family neva comes 2 his house evn tho he talks abt dem only 4 his frend to tell me how brutal he was 2 his sistr dat dated him 4 7yrs nd hw he beatsup women dat messes up,nd now found out he didn't attend his elder sisters wedding,chai omo I didn't wait 2 learn sakas strategy of porting I just teleported w/out luking back b4 I become a case study...nd m glad nd happy I made d descision...
Fool is ur new surname......using ur native dialect to be a tribalist. God punish all u ethnocentric bastards. As if ur ibo families don't mess up hia. Come n watch them on Judge Judy's show. Olodo oloriburuku ni gbogbo yin
Pictures were taken at the National Habour, Maryland.
Ode.....u v spoilt ur whole epistle with ur tribalism. Foolish u, my ibo neighbour has beaten his wife many times. Talk another thing
I know Jackie in AK and OAU, same class in Ife. Tope is a very friendly and nice guy though he has a fiery temper, left for the US in 2004 after we finished from Ife. He even served in the US Army and was on posting to one of the conflict zones in the Middle East. People that know Tope will tell you that he is a fantastic chap except for his fiery temper. Hmmm too bad.
How can a Yoruba guy that has taken his time n resources to be educated be straight forward with an illiterate like u? Tell me.
Common sentence u can't construct. Work on urself 1st
Tope is my friend and he's well behaved, he was in Nigeria last year, we even hung out together,all d ladies always wants a piece of him, he was in Nigeria 2012 december with his daughter, we even took her to an amusement park in Akure, he even gave me a christmas gift a white fossil wirst watch, we spoke at length and he told me how much he loved his wife and family, he would never murder his wife ,I'm sure he was framed,so many people have gone to jail in the so called America for a crime they didn't commit until d.n.a and other thorough investigations exonorates them... My prayer is with you dear friend ...i pray the plice catch the real killers .
Wow..,to think he got's a cool face...
I knw tope very well jakie pls don't judge him his a real change person something is not right I heard from the wife on the 26th and they were fine the wife said she wanna go back to skool tope is a very responsible man with great mom mrs owoseni she's heavy tope can't hurt mata I knw them too well and linda wats the name of ur frnd u claimed left tope for voilent behaviour the truth shall come out soon God bless america
For why?
@El Toro u knw him quite well,he's my friends kid brother!
say whot? jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez!
I feel u dear
Yoruba man again? Angry n wicked pppl.
Dis is serious!
Ouch! He's from Idanre, Ondo State and even a distant cousin. Speechless!
This foolish Americans won't remember to add that he was in the US Army.only the Nigerian part will concern them.didn't they have expert psychologists to evaluate that he's unstable.nonsense
Onye Oma Emeka! Where were u when these ppl say shit? Igbos 2 lyk money, igbos dis n dat? Stfu! Foolish ofe nmanu ppl.
LIBers are really 2faced walahi. It's a yoruba name n y'all re sayin, it could be anybody buh if na igbo name, Kai! Dats nothing 1 wouldn't hv read hia.
I know Tope as well, had a class with him in Maryland, he was even my project partner sef. I wonder what went wrong.
Separatism is evil. Stop it.
If u ve a boxing champion "with no medals" (who uses u for practice) as a husband, boyfriend or whatever, pls ladies be wise and quit or check if he is worth dying for..
My wife you don come back?
Take a nap if you are tired.
You be police?
@Nefertiti u're right honey. Good looking guys can usually be cold hearted except me
U sound so idiotic.
are u okay?
has there been other times?
nawa o!!!
I don't know why some people who comment on issues here are so raw. Can't everyone be a little bit civil with their comments? I tire for you
@cintetic abi wetin u call urself wat is 'Yoruba' now why are u ppl always stereotyping dey said nigerian man. Naija has 3 ethnic groups fine he has Yoruba name what d f...k has 'Yoruba' got to do with it. He is his own man. Grow up and get enlightened.Visa or no visa ppl will still kill ignorant somebody mtsheew
Lock him up and throw the keys away
I can smell hatred in u,y not try to get a life instead of hating,only cos dis guy no dey fllw u talk wen he dey naija,u hate him like dis,go get life pls,i sabi him well for akure aswell& na same uni we go.
Na wah well won't jump into Conclusions let d Police prove beyond reasonable doubt 1st!mayb it ws an accident, But Men pls its btr u leave d woman if u cnt control ur anger than to ve blood on ur hands vice versa!anger cn be deadly! Wen u r getin der jst walk out!it doesn't mean dt ur weak.
I was not there so my lips are sealed*whistling
*gbemmy sexxy*
The wicked must not go unpunish. He will surely pay for his crime@mercy
Mehn, ppl sud kno when to use singular verb or plural one in dr sentences on dis blog. U guyz r givn me headache wif ur english. Isi na egbuzi m eba. Ha!
Oooo haters free me, d truth can be bitter.
Stop Hating
Wht an act... Pls God help us...
My thots exactly but. Going by pple's record of. Him, I pray he diddnt or won't be tied down by past violent recordss
Rest in peace mama. I love you so much and so does the kids. Lord have mercy on Topes soul. Not all men kill their wife. Just walk away. Mama was never mean to no1 bcuz she was my sister inlaw so I know. Rest on baby girl
na wahaaa ooo. speechless Owoseni family wat is d way out of this mess.ur name.....
We don't knw wht happen dat de man reacted in dat manner. But pls my fellow ppl lts nt allow anger to control our actions cos it some times cause our lives like dis one.RIP for the lady n the Man God judgement is the best
U re d 1 dat is an idiot... Ewu gambia. Linda, if u like chew my comment
Dnt mind him, oye oma CY, u dnt knw dis yoruba pipu re filled wit hate nd jealousy 4igbos. Dats y even in d jand dey travel 2dey still display deir bitterness. Ndi ara #L_ Ikeji's fwend#
Tope is innocent and can say that again... He'd bn a zero temperamental nd cute guy since his pry schl days in ijapo estate, Akure.. His antecedent cum good xters are enough facts to vouch and fight for his innocence in this..
People shd desist from using this medium to assassinate xters, pls.
Everybody here seem to be taking the matter from the comment-value. We have failed to ask why he will like to kill a pregnant woman? Like to put his two lively kids to misery? The information is still very circumstantial. The facts available did not say neighbors saw him strangulating wife, now did we read that their was a scuffle before the homicide was discovered. Nothing in the report even suggest he's a woman beater. Pls stop persecuting the guy and wait for the police's report.
Ur wife must have some good pussy....wink!...wink!
One word yoruba!
He can rot there for all I care.
Making provocative statements under the disguise of the name anonymous simply mean you have no balls or your dick is tiny
Hiding under the disguise of anonymous to make lewd comments simply mean you either don't ve balls or you have a tiny dick!
Its normal for tchem abroad
I still want to believe this is not true, Jackie pls tet me and make me believe you did not do this. Tope pls tell am dreaming this was not your making. I refuse to believe you did this until proven beyond reasonable doubt.Jackie can you pls make me believe this was not your making or could prompted this Tope. somebody pls wake up from my sleep plss
Jackie pls tell this is not same you, pls tell you did not do this. somebody pls wake me up from my dream like it seems I am dreaming, Tope what could have prompted this. I refuse to coment until after the final police findings
Am not here to defend Jackie, Nigerian and whoever reading this news should pls be conscious of the fact that this guy has just been alleged of the tragedy however I will want people to exercise a little patience for the police findings before we start crucify TOPE.
Women beware of Abusive insecure men. Your dying early is not worth it. GOD loves you first. Pls do not take a man as ur world, especially an abusive man, when they kill u , u are no more. I married an abuser too but na pray I dey pray make God kill am if he ever ever tries to hit me again. DO not argue with them, walk away and do something u like, have fun knowing that God loves you.
Dats some fuckery
all u people taking a bunch of crap and don't know anything ... He was cheating every single chance he got . He was a good liar too and I wonder how he is going to lie his way out of this tradegy ,,, she knew about his affairs and still stayed with him . and apparently his brothers sister inlaw said the brother is doing it to his wife as well .... he was face justice in the court. 95 percent of these post said he had a violent past and loved to attack others physically when he was angry .
they never said he was a suspect ,,, he was charged with her murder , That makes a significant difference with regards to what will be against him in yankee country .
Sad to hear this is happening to u ma dude Tope, we grew up togeda back in d days,stil talked abt u wit sumone few days ago b4 readin ths, Gods ur strength dude, may d soul of ur wife rest in peace, dont judge him people..
This is so sad. His parents live on my parents' street in Ijapo Estate and we used to play together when we were small. He was a very lively child though quite naughty. One hears these things happening to others but it's sad to hear when it happens to someone you know.
Why must we not judge him ????? please tell me I dated this man so I know what I am talking about . Have u dated him ??????
The main question that we all need an answer for is ""Why made him or allowed him to get to this point " ? growing up with someone does not justify whether he is guilty or not . He has several children with his wife and slept around a lot and even when it was brought to her attention she still stayed with him . I heard she was a nurse , don't know if that is true . He did not wear a ring and had no pictures of her on any social media that he was a part of . I guess that was a part of him to be with other women . This is such a disgrace for the OWOSENI family . What do they have to save about Him now ?
why did they call him Jackie??? in referring to the Asian ""Jackie chang"" was because of his features or because he loved to fight ????????
He is not a Nigerian but a citizen of America. He has not been convicted a murderer yet,why are people calling him a murderer. He loves his wife and children and don't judge him until you hear his own story. HE is kind and very nice.People claim he was beating Fatumata Owoseni why didn"t she run away from the marriage or get a divorce. am closing to Fatumata OWoseni she is too soft and always takes his side. Babatope's mum told him not to marry her that the marriage wont work but she neglecting the advice. Babatope 's mum told late Fatumata not to travel to New Jersey in her pregnant condition but she disobeyed. She was greatly loved by her husband's family Adieu Mamaa Owoseni . we love you more but God loves her most
so why did he have to kill her . ? was it his child or someone else ?
You never know the secret lives People live. Here in US as long as your surname is not English, if anything ever happens to you out with you they will highlight that you are from a foreign origin. I live close by to that apartment complex and saw the activity. Some men just lose their tempers. Seems as though what started as a disagreement ended up with a violent killing. If you are a woman in an abusive relationship get out now while you have a chance. I'm speaking from experience. It usually doesn't get better. Happy new year all..
Yes I heard she always take his side and when she got information that he was cheating on her she did not believes and stated that she was his one and only and he did not love the other women he was with . My question is why would they marry if the family told her that it would work out . Its very sad to know the kids will not have any of their parents to see them grow up and care for them . He was a serial cheater and couldn't stop he was like that from before they marry . Heck he was with me for a while and then I found out he was with someone else and her at the same time . I always wonder why he never made mention of her and I have never seen a pic of her on any social medium or he never wore a ring at all . He sent messages to other women saying he wants to marry them and marrying her was a mistake . having kids for someone doesn't make them happy if the marriage is not meant to be . Killing someone doesn't resolve any thing he should have just divorce her and live his own lifestyle and took care of his kids like a real man . my sympathy to the owoseni family is loosing their first born to jail for propably the res of his life . and to Fatoumatas family for the tragic lost of a member of their family to violence . It could have been prevented . Tope was a great guy and except for being a good liar . He did not physically sbuse me but when things don't go his way his insults others .
he loved her? so why did he kill her ? that doesn't make any sense to say he loved her yet he killed the woman he made a vow with . I laughed when she said he was her only and only because Clearly she was not his. They never lived together and never wear a ring or acknowledged that he was married . Are those signs enough to see he was not that into you . Now am hearing that his brother marry a girl and is doing the same thing to her as well wow . If a man move out of state and living his own life and do as he please and yet you still trail him all in the name to say that's your husband? even with two other kids he did not take her and live together like a regular family normally would .
its very sad and I hope this teaches other women no to force a guy into marrying them and having kids wont help .
We also grew up in the same neighbourhood and he used to date my cousin. This is so shocking!
Dem no dey tell man say rain dey fall,na jail him go die
i am just wondering what would make someone get so angry that you kill the person you love and the woman that gave you two kids and was about to give you your third child . Many people said he was abusing her , i wonder why she stayed in the abusive relationship . Now he ruined his life forever and have to live with the deadly act .
Well according to may people he was abusing her in so many ways . His brother is doing the same thing and his wife left him before it was too late . Hope she doesn't go back . She became friends with Fatoumata after she met tolu and saw that tope was bringing women to the apartment he had in lanham during that time . She went and told Fatoumata that tope was bringing women over to the apartment . She marry tolu and had a child and I guess realize shit is not easy with an African man at all .. Tope was a good liar and did not have the resouces to get out of this one . He strangled her and then called 911 I wonder what he told the police when he got there .. that she fell in the bath tub and that why they found her in the bath tub ???? they found it suspicious and arrested him and after the autopsy concluded she was strangled ... WOW ... soo sad .. Fatoumata had alternatives but she stayed in relationship and told the other women she was going to be the wife and the chick that stayed with him through the bad times and the good times . well it ended on a very very bad note . You people need to stop as the b s about how he was growing up .. that has nothing to do with what He did to the woman he marry and had kids with . Tope dated my friend for a while and it was very heart breaking for her when she rrealize he had a girl for like 2 years and did not even acknowledged that he was a liar ... he was good covering his tracks until his luck ran out . you Should see the text messaged he send my friend just a month ago . saying how much he loved her and want to marry her and he made a mistake as a boy and now he is grown and want to be the BEST EXPEWRINCE she ever had . He even wanted to come and spend time with her and when he refused and distance her self from him .. he sent her naked pics of the a woman she had and said he could have that any time ... I am happy I warned my friend to end the relationship once she found out he was along with someone else . The pictures of Tope attached to these link with him in that black top and a jeans infront of a harbor in Maryland was during a weekend fling with another woman from and after they had their fun she realize she was not the only one as well ... they never lived together and that mad eit very easy for him to have his life filled with who ever he can get to have a flind with he will .. can u imagine what kind of life he had lving in another state when she was out of sight . She was not even at his gradutation when he got his masters ... she was not on any picture he posted on line ... yeh the women he had a fling with was all over his profile .... I hope he gets the full extent of the law and never get to walk the streets again and look at another woman . For a guy who love sex so much I wonder what he will do now .... all those years in prison without his many ladies to call for booty and have a good time away from him commitment .
Unbelievable, this man was my roommate in Newark nj, we didn't get along and he left... His brother came over my house to visit him assaulted me and run away before the police show up with babatope's cover...I took them to the court but the younger brother never shows up, and babatope went to the court and fabricates all kind of lies especially telling the judge that I was an extremist muslim thinking the judge would buy it... I'm not happy as to what happens to Fatou(his wife), but I feel like if you ever wrong people for no reason there will always be Devine justice, Allah Akbar!
I hope justice meets him .He was acting as if he is the ruler of the universe for too long and now his time is up . Too bad the wife failed to see all these things and was so naïve and protected him and too his side for every thing . HE IS A GOOD LIAR . He will lie even when the truth can be seen . all these people talking about how he was friendly and kids , PLEASE he is a monster and a sex addict.
He surely is a monster, I lived with him and he's no Saint. His friendly look is nothing but camouflage. It's so sad that his wife was blindsided all this time, my heart goes out to her family and friends. His younger Tolu Owoseni would be worse monster had he got it his way, I have police report against him here in nj, I wish he gets full force of justice as well.
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