
Omawumi Megbele

Toni Tones

Ene Lawani and IK Ogbonna

Uti Nwachukwu

Waje and Vixen

Dorothy Ughenu and Moriam Musa

Data Okorodudu and Ndidi Obioha

Azuka and Fehintola

Movie producer, Lisa Omorodion

Ugonna Umerua

Left Helen Paul

Layole Oyatogun and Lisa Omorodion

Uju Murphy and friend

Ik and uti killed. Sry for those fat ladies
Lialian Bach is stil biuriful buh dos legs of hers hv metamorphosed in2 tubers of yam.Toni Tones is jst biuty personified.Uti n IK r jst posh as usual
issssokay..they all tried!
But is dat bleaching the latest fashion statement cos me i dint know becoming oyinbo is the new sexy....God save us from fake girls this 2014!!!!!
----tobs 2.0.14
Seen beautiful people
Colourful event, Lilian Bach is not looking good @ all. She's been MIA
Wow! All looking gorgeous
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orishi rishi shapes
Na wa 4 red carpet,lol
They are all looking so gorgeous. I love all their outfit.
They all look nice
Helen 2 has started bleaching. Na wa o
They all look gOod Sha
Lilian Bach, looking cute and simple. Where have u been all dz while, Lilian? As 4 d rest, they all look gud in dia different ways esp Uti.
~It's me noni! Ur 1 n only Abbie~
Which Helen Paul? D 1 we all Knw that's an actress/comedian or her alike??? If she's really d 1 den that means this world is truly coming 2 an end... Bleaching things is now the order of the day. Nawo showbiz personnels!
Cool dresses
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Love uti's dress also! Men 9ja get babes ooo
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Uti nd Toni tones kill dem all "sorry for dat lady" was her name again?? Lisa!! she luks like an angel frm mercury... lmao
Dey all luk gud wth deir faty/tiny shapes
D best dressed goes to Lillian. All others 5/10.
Na wa o!say d producer fat nor mean say make fat pple pack demselves full dere na?! Ahan see thick madams e'rywhere.......uti &ik get 2 make lotsa choices. Oooooooooooh!linda if u like swallow my comment o
Na wa o. Helen paul stil 2 don dey bleach.
Uti Bobo __kai dis dude go kill me o *cross my legs* pin 73D289BF
Infact I am so impressed with their dressing.
Ha! Is that Lilian Batch? She has aged seriously! Uju Mophy how is Ladi Balogun ? the fcmb bank md that broke your marriage? LOL
I see just two people here and they both look nice. IK and the REST.
~~Success Has No Limitation~~
hahahaha! with a second look all the ladies are fat!! ffff ....lol
Y is Toke Makinwa not here? She is nt Lisa Omorodion's frd?
Whatever happened to Lilian Bach..
Y is Toke Makinwa not here? She is nt Lisa Omorodion's frd?
U r so worthless like a spoilt 3310 nokia charger u should b sowi for ur sowi ass must every1 b slim foolish fool
All i see is FAT!!!Go hit the Gym FAT ladies.see as that1 b like Yam
Dis's d best n most gorgeous red carpet i Ve seen so far. Wow dey all luk beautiful n great, Nice one
Dont mind d idiot. D ladies r all beautiful n bootilicious
IK AND UTI!!!!!!!!!
All I is d red heels...gd tho.
They all look cute jare....
they try wel wel
they just dey there jaree.
Is dt not charity owoh beverly's friend?
Charity owoh.. *love struck* na so so red like traffic light..
I like lisa's curves in dat dress,#nohomo#
They look fab! Red carpet concept looks stylish too. Not tacky!
OMG. I love that dress worn by Lilian. Wow.
Women and bleaching not even bold enough to show off their hands na wa oo in d quest to be fair u kill ur self.Omawummi has worked on her legs oo na waje remain
Beautiful people. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
The all re cute.
Mehn......... am so impressed wt d plus sized chics they r sooooo on point.... thumbs up... even me wen b serious lePa no near them shishi ewooooooo.
D fat lady lady looks beatiful everybody most not be slim.
Waje looks fabulous
Wow ,impressive. Lisa omorodion has put everyone to shame. Heard it was a success. Kudos girl
Helen Paul dεγ bleach?!
Good ones especially that Fehintola. She's living up to her name. Lol!
This women make fat look beautiful.
I LoVe your dress Lisa. Congrats on ur movie.
Ene Maya no go turn her back that her ikyebe too flat. I even hear say she de wear fake bum. Lol
Helen paul don bleach finish. Kai. Mbgn tousism luks gud, doh d jumpsuit seems tite @ d vjay area. She stil kild it. Biko toni tones, cover up, ya body is nt even close 2 hot.
Lilian bach looks so simple and sweet.
Dey all look sweet @least no one like karen opening boobs..dey all look classy
Yes o I prefer lilian's own.
Na Waje small so? *suprised face* pls share d secret 2such remarkable weight loss oo. IK n Uti look really gud
Uti killed it! I love d suit. IK was kul 2. Lilian; I never knew she was d one until I saw her name. She looks transformed 2 me. Omawumi haba! Most it b dis style? Pls try something else b4 u make urself a stereotype
~Charles Ifeco~
My dear leave those pipl n try somthing else with ur time. Cos dey r just feeding on ur BIS
~Charles Ifeco~
Love data okorodudu n lisaz dresses!!!
The Fashion Engineer
........and all the bleached fat ladies came out to support their own, impressive lol.
Lillian's outfit looks razzz.
Lilian n Ene look so gud with their dressing,got me tripping,keep it up...... Apinex
Ik is so cute. Hmmmm just loving his style
Seeing a couple of runz girl luks, Lilian Bache is fat oh! Dey luk good shaa, Btw my subscription is about to expire! I'm doomed!!!
Niceooo. Waje looks really good. No Toke Makinwa?
Love the gowns, but ladies pls dnt wear swt short gowns wit bleachin n teethpick legs.. Its wrong. Uti u too much. Buy bombom for market if u no get bombom to wear bodyhug gowns okay. E no cost.. #funny me
Uti was staring so hard at the girl,ene lawani,he didn't even look at the man shaking his hand
Nice outfits ladies and gents. Kudos, u guys nailed it.
Blood of God..!!! Is that lilian bach??chaiii women are like flower ooh....just lyk how caroline danjuma is a paragon of beauty,there was a time Lili was...wasup with her?she just go underground..is she married?? Lili am happy to see u on d red carpet!! I loved to see you on d tv screen eventho u can't act to save ur lyf..! Uti dt ur crossing leg pose hv rily confirmed ur sexuality..! Well well well I love d fact dt dere r really fat ladies in ds event,it showed empowerment..- cheezy
Beautiful Lilian Bach. Didn't even recognise lovely Helen Paul. Everyone with his/her style. Gorgeous people
Lilian Bach is lookin so cute
@badoo abi wat ever you call urself, sorry for ur self stinking rabbit.
Nigerian celebs need to check for dress code before attending events like these. This is a movie premier and not a wedding biko nu!
Carbohydrate nigerians. FAT
Lisa's dress is on point. Omawunmi looks good. where is Toke? The fat ladies are trying too hard
Those two ladies one red shoes kill it to the last,beauriful face nice shapes espcially the one on gold colour shot sexy skimpy gown. Na true were is toke the party/event crasher she no hear dis one early or she travel go villa.lol
Beautiful people!! Choi!!!
His Name is Yomi Jason Amusa.
where is anty toke na
I don't understand why everyone is saying Helen Paul has bleached her skin. In that pic, she's the one in red (on the left) and not the light-skinned girl on the right, no?
No doubt, some are beautiful but why have Nigerian gals adopted ds evening dress wearing thing by force. You see girls squeezing themselves into a dress looking like 'agege bread' squeezed into a straw. We do not hav d oyinbo shape and carriage for ds gowns just like our trado will not seat too well on them. Pls 2014 naija gals don't kill ur selves wt bleach and I must happen by fire.
I could swear uti is gay
Everyone must not be slim. They look beautiful. Haters go and die !!!Stop hating on success and do something better with your time.
You are a big fooool. Put ur picture up for thee world to see. Worthless piece of shit. stop hating on people that are doing something useful with their life.
They all look gud
Ode ..u r too bush to know. The worth of her dress.
Close yourr mouth there. Before the devils shuts it up for u. Bad belle !
Beautiful but too many fat, bleaching and big tommy tyns.
Waje killed it from head to toe.
Linda my eyes aren't paining me na...that can't be helen paul
#That happy sister!
@ bout a, u probably have chicken legs. Ode
Ene lawani is on point!!! Wait ooh yeee!! Yeee!!! Fashion police eeehh!! Omawumi eeehh na wetin? Jajajaja!!! Fined## Makeitstop##
Ene lawani is on point!!! Wait ooh yeee!! Yeee!!! Fashion police eeehh!! Omawumi eeehh na wetin? Jajajaja!!! Fined## Makeitstop##
Uti is swagged out nice. But the remaining have no fashion sense.. All those fat ladies tho..don't they see how hollywood woman stay fit and sexy?get yo asses to d gym
They are looking fabulous!u guys shld learn ow to appreciate people jawe
Linda post ma comment. Isn't dat ma fwends bf wif anoda lady. Men shaa, and he wil b professin luve
Everyone looking good to me. Nice outfits
Is Ik using 'Half caste cream'? PERAPS.
This is charity owo and jason amusa an ex...wow them done come back to together lol, attend event de hold waist smh, Afta all de fight for unilag.
And this Lisa na black babe before she bleached O! I know her way way bak frm doffin.....
Na wao no be dis boy my friend the always put for Dp as her BF na him liv am for house go event with charity? Laughing in spanish.....this boy na real play boy with him ashawo face......
Charity liv my sisters BF alone, no come drag this one like bev mata!!! You go still loose this one, soo bitch go and look for urs o!!!!
Auwww poor jossy, all the wicked angels like charity way make my paddy sad dis year......fire fire fire......
My chacha got a new BF #dancing, dis boy fine sha.....Congrat sis, flaunt him let haters go and die.......
And charity was telling me of how much she's in love with this boy......chacha de goal getter.... enjoy babe's u deserve to be happy.......
Hahahaahahaah....a big amen 2 dah.
Charity owo that is @jossymoro's bf......this ur small small runs na him u way take compitt with her smh......Shey I always tell her to liv life like the moro's *sad*.....but am here wit my popcorn!!!
I know this Lisa, my friend always use her as dp.....and praising her, Congrat babe's
Starting from the most beautiful Lilian Bach, Waje, Vixen Ekwere, and the lady at the right, in the last pic nailed their dresses respectively, the worst dress goes to Omawunmi Megbele it's high time she starts dressing like a young woman she is.
Na woaaaa for naija, soo Monalisa chinda no come this premier? And Benjamin too.....wicked industry peeps....and dis babe shall do well......Congrat babes
Am seeing things, Charity na Lisa friend, Ada na Lisa friend, jason na Lisa friend....who is fooling who abeg??
Jossy put your shits together and move on, this nigga is on to the next one......I know u sabi cry but move on, he ain't for u, go to Jo and Pam dey need u........all this heartless men........oreva
This is Ada's bf na......with all their cute BBM pictures together #crying.......evrytim I see her dp I pray for my own bf, men can give u hope smh......
Charity owoh......hmmmmmmm
Thank God #dancing, @homboybrizzy and and chacha are bak.......cute couple!!!
God bless lisa.....she brought this two together again....Couples alert Charity and Yomi amusa.....they av been dating on and off frm unilag!!!
Chai.......and jossy reads this blog like bible........Hun take *wipes*
Lisa ur beautiful........nice curves
If charity see Jossy's *ss.......she would holla for a surgeon.........no saay Dem no warn you O!!
Na waoo.....frm charity to esikan, frm esikan to charity......laughing in french
love all the outfits...so trendy!
Toke not here?? Lilian is still fly just added a Lil weight but all she is d most burriful
Lolz @ sorry for those fat ladies. Ur mouth no go kill u. Try as much as possible to keep your mouth shut when u know nothing good will proceeD out of it ok? No need making people feel BAD. Thank me later...*iknowsayurbabeFAAATlolz.*
Asin ehn!
I was shocked my self.
You obviously don't visit Bella naija.
So good to see Lilian Batch pls whr have u been o, then Helen Paul after u will open that ur mouth dat is like pot and be doing comedy, now u went to bleach SMH beta prepare to become comedy ur self o cos time will tell. U were chocolate skin and beautiful I don't know wat made u go bleach now u'll look older than normal, u've disappointed me greatly #sadface
You are all haters.
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Love me some Ene Lawani...baby di ok
Can't u guys see that its the lighting effect that makes Helen Paul look fair. When will u people quit judging smh. Mscheeeew
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Yomi Jason Amusa
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Height 6ft
Sexy As Fuck
E-mail JasonAmusa@gmail.com
Twitter @homboybrizzy
If not that I'm Married sha. But still
I wont bother commenting as u never put it up anyway. What happen to freedom of speech!!!!!I was expressing my view about lilian bach- rubish woman, husband snatcher
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