Happy New Year everyone + New Year message from me to you | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year everyone + New Year message from me to you

Three things I want to say to you all in this new year.
1. There's absolutely nothing you can't achieve. All you need is will, drive, determination, hard work, patience, incredible courage and a lot of faith.

On my 30th birthday in 2010, I had nothing. Absolutely no dime to my name. I was so depressed. I remember laying in my bed crying and asking God why? I've been working hard since I was 17, how come 13 years later I'm still in this position? Am I not worthy of your blessings? Why are you letting people mock me, feel sorry for me, disrespect me and tell me I won't amount to nothing? I thought if I lived a decent life and did what you said, you would use me as an example, you would bless the work of my hand. You said you would carry my load. Why have You abandoned me? This was my conversation with God. I was so angry but despite my depression, I never lost faith, I never stopped working and I never stopped believing in myself. I remember telling my God, the Alpha and Omega, the I am that I am that whether You like it or not You must bless me, I am kneeling in front of you and I won't leave You alone until You bless me. Because I deserve it. Because I'm Your child, Because You promised that my struggle will end. Because You said I should ask and You will give. And You must fulfill that promised. A year later my life changed forever. God didn't give me what I prayed for, He gave me way more than I ever imagined. He stunned me. And I know He hasn't even started in my life, this is just beginning.

Now for those who are in that same situation, those who feel like God has abandoned them, those who feel like no matter how hard they try, nothing seems to be working for them, you have to understand something; God's way is not our way. Sometimes He likes to take his time, to watch, to test you, to let you experience before He manifests in your life. And when He comes, oh you better be ready, because God doesn't play. And he's coming. Oh, He's coming. You ready? Please continue.

2. Please don't pay attention to what people say about you. Their mouths belong to them and they can say whatever they want. Just never let it get to you or define you. Never ever give anyone the power to make you hate yourself. Trust me, you're an amazing, incredible person and God loves you so much the way you are. He created you and He knows you're not perfect. He knows you're prone to making mistakes and He even lets you make these mistakes so you can learn from them and grow. Never ever give anyone the power to make you feel like you're not good enough, like you're not deserving enough or make you believe you won't amount to anything. They are not your God. They don't know your struggles, your pain, all the deep waters you had to cross to get to where you are today. They don't know your story, what you've had to sacrifice to be who you are today, so why do you care what they say or think? You should even be happy that they are talking about you. Have you ever seen people gather to talk about a destitute or a beggar? God's love for you is showing and that's why they gather and talk. When people start to see God's manifestation in your life, they start to hate because they don't understand it and it scares them. The only way they can feel good about themselves and where they are is to try to bring you down, but you have to be strong darling, hold your ground, don't lay down for nobody. Hold your head up high, raise your shoulders and let them know you're the boss! Oh yes you are! You don't know that yet? Oh, you better recognize. You are a child of destiny, a child of God and He is so proud of you. Those people? They are not important, they don't matter, pay them no mind. God hasn't even started with you and they are panicking, imagine when he starts? Oh, you wait. God is about to show you He's God. Once again, are you ready?

But here's one thing He doesn't like o. Having people in mind and wishing them evil. Not forgiving people who have wronged you and waiting for their downfall. God doesn't like that o. You can't have a dark heart, filled with hate and bitterness and expect God to be there. Oti o. You have to cleanse yourself of all the hate, anger and negativity if you want God to dwell in your life. If you want good in your life, you have to give good, and when I say good, I mean all the way. You can't be good in half measures. Remember what they say about 'you get what you give?' That's the way the universe works.

So in 2014, don't hold grudges, forgive people who have offended you, don't hate on people because God has a sense of humour o. The more you hate on people, the more He blesses them. You will be there counting all the reasons they are no good, while they are counting their blessings. Also God doesn't like wickedness o, so show love and kindness to your fellow human beings and watch God prove to you that He's the Creator of all and the King of the universe.

Also remember that it's important to give back. God didn't bless you for you alone. You must pass the blessing to others. That way, more blessings will come to you.

3. For 2014, here's my prayer for you. You will get in 2014, a kind of miracle you've never received. You will succeed beyond your imagination. You will have a state of joy that can't be hidden. You will ask God why do you love me so much? Every miracle that God will do in your life will never be reversed in Jesus name, Amen. When the list of great men with uncommon breakthroughs are compiled this year, your name will be included in Jesus name, Amen. Your struggles have ended with 2013 in Jesus name, Amen. God will use your story to confound the world in Jesus name, Amen. You will be a testimony of God's greatness. This will be a year of breakthrough, good tidings & perfection for you and your family in Jesus name. Whenever you call on the Lord He will stop whatever He's doing and answer you. He will stand in front of you to guide you and behind you to protect you. He will keep you safe from all evil. No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper in Jesus name. No deaths will visit your family in 2014 in Jesus name, Amen

God will fulfill his promise in your life, everything you have ever prayed, asked for, He'll give to you. He will bless you beyond your wildest dreams. He will lift you, He will strengthen you, He will fight your battles for you. Every time one door closes, He will open another one for you. He will put your enemies to shame. He will change your life in 2014. Something great, miraculous, and breathtaking will happen in your life in 2014 in Jesus name.

May love, money, peace, health come in abundance in Jesus name. A testimony so big will be given to you that nobody will believe you. God will use you to bless your family, your community and the world.

2014 will be the beginning of the best years of your life in Jesus name. In 2014, God will show you that He's the King of Kings, The Giver and the Taker, The Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. The I am that I am. The Lion of the tribe of Judah, The Holier than the Holiest, the Greatest than the greatest. The everlasting King of Glory, the Prince of Peace and the Lord of Lords. The Mighty Man in the battle and the Ancient of Days.

You said at the call of your name every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. I confess only good things for you. 2014 will be filled with testimony. He will turn your passion into a goldmine like he has done mine. He will never forsake you but bless you beyond your imagination. 

May you be an inspiration to your generation. May you leave your footprints on the sands of time. And one day when this life is over, the world will know that you were here.

May God bless you, your loved ones and everyone in the world
Happy 2014.


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elleven45 said...

I had to let the tears flow.
Thanks for the word of advice and encouragement.

Iloanya Obianuju said...

Amen darling! Amen!!! I wish you d best and more dis new year.

Unknown said...

God Bless u too and grant u your heart desires... Amen

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot Lindodo and best wishes to u.

Anonymous said...

Amen oooo......nice 1 LI may God bless u 2

Anonymous said...

Amen amen amen and amen. Happy new year Linda. I must say, I have new respect for you. God bless you

Anonymous said...

Amennnnnnn oooooooo!!!!!! All these and many more d Lord will do 4 me and my household & for ya'll.Thanks Linda,God bless u real good *big hug* HAPPY NEW YEAR WORLD!!!!!

Sehemba David Batur said...

Happy new year Linda, this is a wonderful message to abide by in the new year...God bless you and continue to make you fruitful...IJN

Sochi said...

Amen to that. Nice one nwannem nwanyi

Unknown said...

Thank u, God bless u too...happy new year!!!

#kokomistress# said...

amin amin amin ni oruko Jesu.... thank u lindodo

Anonymous said...

Happy new year linda.......best of wishes

Unknown said...

Amen and same to u

Anonymous said...

Nice one Linda

Anonymous said...

Wow....Thank you ‎​​​​soo much linda,am truly blessed and inspired. -Posh Celebrity

Unknown said...

God bless u too and grant you your heart desire

Unknown said...

God bless u too and grant you your heart desire

Anonymous said...

Linda!!! Blah blah blah! E too long na Lol..but den thanks sis..u r loved. Wendy

OMG!WOMAN said...

Here's my take, "Never ever give anyone the power to make you hate yourself. Trust me, you're an amazing, incredible person and God loves you so much the way you are. He created you and He knows you're not perfect" God bless you Linda, have a great 2014 to *kisses*

Kay said...

I love Linda Ikeji...

Anonymous said...

Amen, Amen, and Ameeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnn!!!! I claim dem all in JESUS name.

Unknown said...

God bless u too and grant you your heart desire

Anonymous said...

Amen..Linda God bless u, every1 on lib, my family and â„“̊..dis year will be filled wit blessings and testimonies..God will manifest in our lives...happy new year 2 Linda Ikeji, LIBers, and the Izus'...this is CHARMING KAY with love from Ghana..

Nwa Aba said...

Happy New year to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Amen 2 dis prayer,am really touched and i believe it will come 2 pass,tank u alot

Unknown said...

God bless u too and grant you your heart desire

Unknown said...

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Anonymous said...

Amen........... Same to you linda. Thanks for d inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Amen.I claim it all in Jesus name.Amen.Thanx Linda.God bless u

Anonymous said...

I strongly believe that dis year is so made for me, so world get ready 2 hear my name...FAITH.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Linda God will perfect all that concerns you too.lots of love

Unknown said...

Linda, I rarely comment here but this time I just can't help it! You are a blessing to this generation. And like you said God hasn't started his works in your life! HE will bless you abundantly! AMEN!! I really admire and appreciate you.

og said...

Amen Amen Amen

Anonymous said...

Thanks and I wish you many more dear. God bless you too.

Anonymous said...

Same to you linda. I wish you well.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your prayers,Linda,may you and your household get the same things this year and beyond.Happy new year and its blessings.

Masiv said...

Happy new year lin

Anonymous said...

Ŧђɑ̤̥̈̊п̥̥̲̣̣̣kƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ darling....... I'm impress......
I'm still waiting 4 ur blessing baba GOD....αη∂ â„“̊ know dis yr will be my yr#amen#

~ALATISHE say so~

Anonymous said...

Amen!!! I am blessed already, wish you the same.. God bless us all. HAPPY NEWYEAR

Anonymous said...

I'm bookmarkin this page.So inspiring.Happy new year to u Dear!

Anonymous said...

Amen. am hapi 4 ya! this is my year of surplus IJN.......

Anonymous said...

abeg its 2 long

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Linda! U've lifted my spirit. Thank you. I wish u d best this year.

Anonymous said...

tnx dear

Anonymous said...

I cried all through while i was read your messages,i am so hopeful that God who never fails will do it for as he did for you too. I say a very big AMEN to all your prayer and i believe it will happen and sure you will be part of it. Thanks very much for your inspiration to me,may God bless you more.

Anonymous said...

Amen. Thank you Linda for the launching us into 2014 on a prayerful note.

Unknown said...

Thank you May God keep rewarding you..

Anonymous said...

Happy new year

Anonymous said...

Lili i tap into ur blessing ooo, surely God will crown my effort also. Amen

Unknown said...

Thank you May God keep rewarding you..

Anonymous said...

I receive all these blessings in faith, I am really inspired, God bless u linda!

Unknown said...

New novel from Linda Ikeji
Happy new year to every one............I can't read it cos the volume is to be ..but will still buy on line shaa.......Ogaooooooo

Anonymous said...

Linda ur just a darling...God really bless you for dis message and give u d grace to keep being positive and impacting positively on people. Its a message I just needed to hear and I'm glad I feel re-assured. May u never forget God IJN amen! Thanks for the piece of encouragement....and Libers, u cud only find dis on Linda Ikeji's blog!

Miss Lawyer said...

God bless you loads for those words of encouragement and prayers Linda. you are indeed a blessing. love you girl!!

Anonymous said...

Point of contact

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amen! God bless u Linda!

Anonymous said...

Tnx miss Linda ikeji😘😘😘😘wishing u the same too nd A better year Ahead. Ijn😇😇😇😇frm mz pee

dreams1307 said...

Happy New Year,Linda...Wishing you all these n lots more too..kip shining,kip bin Great!!! Cheers

Anonymous said...

Tnx miss Linda ikeji😘😘😘😘wishing u the same too nd A better year Ahead. Ijn😇😇😇😇frm mz pee

tomi said...

thanks linda....amen

Objazz said...

Amazing stuff :)

Anonymous said...

Amen and u too linda...God will bless u more..I love u

Unknown said...

Wow! I feel the passion in this message. May God bless you richly. You are really an inspiration to many. Aunty Linda, please give me this New year gift by adding my blog to your reading list. I would be much grateful.

Anonymous said...

Thank you linda. God bless you richly!!!

KingSolomonKyan said...

Amen Pastor Miss Linda...GOD bless Us all

Apple said...

Happy new year dear Linda and blog visitors.

sophia said...

Very inspiring,first time to comment

nnamdi ojimba said...

Good morning linda. Honestly I must say u really made ma day. I love every word u said here. U are d best among d rest. Jus keep it up.

CUTE ONYII said...

Amen, you just added more strengeth and Joy to my life, some times I use to feel if God have forgotten me but some times last year God remebered me I pray for it to continue.I know can make it,remain blessed.

Anonymous said...

Amen, amen and amen. Wish u a prosperous new year Lindodo. Tayo

Anonymous said...

My DEAR LINDA, Thank you so much for your New Year message. I was just saying AMEN to all the prayers. I actually sent you a new year message on the story before this. You are such an amazing young lady. May God Grant all your heart desires and keep you and your loved ones in 2014 and years to come. May He give you a man who will love you for who you are, appreciate, celebrate and support you always.

Unknown said...

Amen IJN.tnks

Kurtis said...

Great! Use the same faith for a husband and then, the Range Rover comes. Happy new year.

Anonymous said...

Ameeen, tnk you sis linda,I wud commenting on ur blog 4 d 1st time.. GOD BLESS as u wishes ur LIBers well...dmj says so

Dominic Golden said...

Am so crying right now. Oh Linda! i Love you beyond words. You wrote this for me and I claim every part of it. You have got feelings and ur words touched me so badly. Am glad and I Thank God for your life. May u always remain at the top too and I will join you soonest.

But Linda because It's 2014 I don't want to hold grudge. You know you are made already so there is No way u can be poor again even the way u emphasized it, but am always sad when I comment on your blog with my link and you refuse to publish it. It hurts. Please Nwanne Nmadu, It's another way to reward a loyal reader like me Dominic Golden even if I didn't get your cash price.

I will always love you my dearest. Biko, na Platonic love I get for you oooo. Lmao!

Anonymous said...

Amen. U really v a big hrt. I also pray for more blessing upon u

Unknown said...

Linda ur prayers really moved me to tears....I receive all ur declaration by faith in Jesus name...he will do 4 me wat he has done 4 u....and Linda the man of ur dreams will come 4 u dis year...I see u posting pictures of ur engagement ring on LIB...I see u wearing the loveliest wedding dress and saying "I do" to dat man dis year...dis is our year in Jesus name amen

Unknown said...

Amen. I know HE can do miracle in my life. He never lets us down. If I can kneel before God in truth & spirit, I will stand before any man. May God bless us Mentally, AMEN.

Unknown said...

Linda, I so luv u. Happy new year.

Anonymous said...

Tanks lindodo....real inspirational

best baby said...

I feel like crying, so touching! Is a year of God's fulfilment in my life 4rm student 2 graduate, Miss 2 Mrs, wht more will I ask? Long life $ property 2 my frnds $ I. Amen.

Unknown said...

Amen and Amen.....I feel new and blessed, thank you very much Linda, I can feel the blessings going through my body.....

folasade said...

Wow!!!!!! Am soooooooo blessed! Thanks Linda. It's also ur year of divine ease nd unexpected upgrade. . . .Amen

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your prayer, the God that has lifted you up will never let you down, IJN - Amen.He will continuing to shower his blessing upon u and your family, Amen.2014 will be a year of divine revelation and guidance for the right man for u IJN - Amen.I don't need anything from u my dear sister, but I'm just impressed with your progress and kind heart. My wife actually introduced me to your blog and I've been enjoying it ever since. Keep up the good job! From Dublin

jenny said...

Linda dear, Happy new year and I wish u same, this year 2014 u would be uplifted greatly and all the good things of life will come ur way with a good husband that will love and care for u.

miriam said...

Amen....I'm next in line for an uncommon blessing,Happy new year Linda.

Anonymous said...

Amen dear,and u too,dat was meant for me.

Anonymous said...

God less you plenty Linda wish you same too

Anonymous said...

Amen.thank u for the new yr msg. More blessing

Anonymous said...

"May GOD do wonders in ur too linda amen"

Anonymous said...

Thank you Linda for such a prophetic word.by the grace of God â„“̊' commit to Living Right, Doing right and Walking in Love. God bless you. Mrs Nanu.

Anonymous said...

Happy new year Linder, that is really inspiring, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Amen.happy new year@all

Unknown said...

Thank u very much darling. God will continue to bless

OKE... said...

Tankz linda dear...wish u a blissful 2014

SUNSHINE said...

Awwww. So touching.
I love you Linda.
I hold no grudges against anybody except our househelp that sprinkled water on my face while i was asleep , claiming it was a mistake.
Life's too short for all that.
And please, i am not like this in reality.
I'm just someone who loves attention.
I do not count the insults on the internet as anything.
But i realized we are all different.
What may hurt me might not hurt someone else.
To those i have hurt in anyway with my words, i'm sorry.
All the celebs i usually pick on, its because i love y'all.
Forgive me.
Happy new year.
God bless everybody.
PS: if you know me personally and you feel its proper to cuss me out and adding my real name.
You are OYO.
No time. LOL

Kofi Oppong Kyekyeku said...

Woow Thanks!!!!

Unknown said...

HnY ppl

jhenni said...

Aunty Linda you are such an inspiration, may God continue to bless you. Happy new year to libers and Nigerians, one love to you all.

Lan Roy said...

This is a masterpiece Linda..Thumbs up...You inspire a lot of people(including me) ..Soo much love for you

Unknown said...

Linda. God Bless You for this, it was spot on, inspired by non other than God. God Bless You and Bless you real good. Have a greater 2014.

Nnekaan said...

Awwwwwww Linda, this message is so humbling and inspiring. I say a big amen to the prayers.

May every day of the New Year
glow with a good cheer and happiness for you, your family and your business. Happy 2014!

Anonymous said...

Amen God bless you Linda. God blessed me 2013 my wife put to bed a bouncing baby girl on The same date with you Linda. 19th September God also made me a land lord. I know this year will be better in Jesus name. Happy new year Linda and all libers.

akin omo akin said...

Truly God's way is not our way. Am motivated. Linda, I thank God for you life.

Bolu said...

I'm delightd at d wrds here,vry encouragin

Anonymous said...

Amen,amen and amen.

Anonymous said...

Linda...thanks for your words of courage and wisdom, the way you want us to blessed, God will continue to bless u. Happi new year

Undisputed ALASH said...

I cnt read it finish...happy new year 2 u too

Anonymous said...

Wishing u a great year.... Love u linda....

Nnekaan said...

Awwwwwww Linda, your message is so humbling and inspiring. I say a big amen to your prayers.

May every day of the New Year
glow with a good cheer and happiness for you, your family and your business. Happy New Year

jhenni said...

May God Almighty bless our country and my own prayers for you are; God should continue to bless you and make you an inspiration for us all.one love.

Phoenix said...

Amen n u too....ds message really touched my soul.tanx a lot

Anonymous said...

Linda u touched my heart dis morning,u re also a motivator.happy nu year dear.

annipol said...

Amen, wish you the same linda and thank you for this.

Phoenix said...

Amen n u too....ds message really touched my soul.tanx a lot

Sola Alake said...

Amen, God bless u linda

The Relationship Expert said...

AMEN!!! LINDA !May God seal all ur prayers and wishes for us with manifestations!! HAPPY NEW YEAR DEARIE!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year linda,God will bless you richly for this inspiring and motivating message and trust me,that your greatest heart desire,only you alone knows it,God will use it to crown you this new year,amen,thanks for the prayers and words of encouragement and I say a big amen to all,thank you,have a lovely celebration........lovi says so!

Anonymous said...

This is very deep, thanks a lot. I most certainly wish you the same

Anonymous said...

Am I first? Like who cares? Anyways Linda, thanks for the new year message. May God bless you plenty plenty even as you have ministered this goodwill message for the year. My prayer for you is that you exceed your expectations for this year(I so believe your media platform will grow to the likes of E Entertainment). You'll enjoy divine health and protection. And God would bring the bone of your bones , one who will make your happiness his priority. Have a blessed year and keep the gist rolling.(Hate to admit this but your blog is like NTA news for me.....lollll).Take care luv.

Anonymous said...

Amen! Thank you so much for your prayers and words of encouragement. Indeed you re a blessing to your generation. I wish you the same and may the Lord grant you all your heart desires. By the grace of God we will all celebrate your wedding with your dream husband in 2014. Happy new year dear!

Goldberry Blaq said...

Now I truly wanna cry *sobs* God bless u loads. Luv u like crazy.

akudo nnaji said...

Thanks linda, that was inspiring. Happy new year to you and your family

Unknown said...

Amen and amen and amen. God bless you richly pastor lin lin.

iq said...

Amen to these wonderful prayers. Linda, dis writeup ļş da bomb. Happy new year.

kenino said...

Amen!!! Well said madam!!!

yvonne chris said...

I thank God for his manifestations in ur life and I'm so tapping frm ur blessings..Happy new year Linda and y'all supporting d ministry..God bless us big!

ebk said...

Thanks linda! U ministered to me; esp dt no 2

Anonymous said...

This is a great one.........a God inspired message. God bless you. Linda!......you're gonna hear me roar this year cos its a unique year for me.

Obalola said...

Happy new year Linda

emeka vertigo said...

Linda, you made my year 2013 so bright.. Thanks for being there.. Before I sleep everyday I check ur blog.. No matter how busy I am 10pm is alwayz a tym for you.. 2014 better year ahead..

Anonymous said...

Amen and Many More Blessings To You Too Linda.

@ jolly.hilfamily

Anonymous said...

Linda God bless u really good,am encouraged,ma faith increased after reading dis piece....it was jus like u we're talking to me...may God help us all in dis struggle!

Unknown said...

happy new year to you too...kinda funny no has commented since u have posted this......hmmm..

Anonymous said...

Pastor Linda ikeji I hail ooooo,amen anyways and god will strengthen u too.happy 2014

Unknown said...

This is really inspiring. Thanks linda :)

Anonymous said...

Amen! Amen! Ameeeen

Anonymous said...

Linda this messages is such an inspring msg..May God's will be done as per the msg you sent to ur fans..

Thank You..

Happy New Year..I will live this year with faith,hardwork and determination..in Jesus name ..Amen

Anonymous said...

Haa! Lyndodo u no book n talkin 4rm experience wit ur matured creative intuitionalized dissertation u 2 gbaski I pray u mit ur drim man God has destined 4 u n nt wat society want 4 u as a husband pls look b4 u leap coz 2014 u r on God's list.... Abi na. Hapi 2014

Anonymous said...

Linda I'm a loyal LIBer thoigh I don't post comment. But today I said I must bcos your new year message is wonderful. God bless u girl, and grant your hearts desires.

Divine aka Mr Dee said...

Wow...Linda, these words of urs are really what I needed for this year. Your story has inspired me so much & I know indeed that this is just the beginning. Am a big fan of urs (usually read up the luvly stories on my BB App) . Love u so much. Happy new year

Anonymous said...

A big Amen to all these prayers & prophecies. Happy New Year Linda, you have a good heart & God will crown you with a good man this year in Jesus name, Amen!

Anonymous said...

God bless you Linda! I just did vigil with prayers

Unknown said...

Amen Linda! Amen!

Anonymous said...

Linda with dis prayers point u showered on us dis morning....may u neva lack anyting Good...d Goodness of d lord shall overflow in ur life continously....amen

Anonymous said...

Aminaaa thank you linda

Mr Obot said...

Amen and same to u "Mrs' Lindaikeji ....I know That's What u deserve and u'll get the "Mrs" this year IJN,Amen

Anonymous said...

Am fed up with your sob stories!!!

Anonymous said...

Your message brought tears to my eyes Linda.
I believe that this year will be a remarkable year
in my life. Thank u soooo much and God bless.
Happy new year!

Nnamdi said...

Amen Linda..Happy new year too..U'r so blessed..such an inspiration..hugs

Unknown said...

God will continue to bless the work of your hand linda

Unknown said...

Aunty linda God go bless û, he has been faithful to mi, but wit ur words my hope nd faith de burn fire now thanks nd pls aunty linda wetin i đø û no û don't post my comment abeg post dis o ahhhhhhhh

pwitie B said...

Tnks aunty Linda cheers 2a new year 2 u ad libers Amen

princesmart said...

i like ur prayers, wish u many more good thing.

Unknown said...

Amen ooooo linda 2014 will be the beginning of our BESTEST years. My year of MOVING FORWARD in JESUS NAME AMEN. I see myself and family reaching the top of the mountian this year in JESUS NAME AMEN. Happy 2014 to ALL

Unknown said...

Aunty linda post my comment of abeg kilode i offend û, no vex if i did o lol blesses to û dis 2014 exceeding grace upon ur life

Anonymous said...

Linda u re just so sweet hugss, God will grant u ur heart desires dis year

Unknown said...

happy new year Linda

Anonymous said...

AMEN,God bless You more Linda and bless us all.Had goose pimples wyl readin dis,Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the cliche message. We've heard this same message over and over again. Yes you did it and suffered

Anonymous said...

Linda,I can't say much..I have "screengrabbed" d prayers as my confessions for 2014.u that had d heart and time to pray for us,the lord God will not leave u in Jesus name.Luv u much linda,u are simply the best!

Anonymous said...

I know who you are talking to,fear no let you mention her name,I don tell her oh,She have replied you in a more revealing scoop,lmao,guys don't miss out,the scoop is on Angel Maryjane David Blog,That chic too much,chei,linda I sit down dey look una.

Anonymous said...

May God continue prosper and bless you.

Anonymous said...

You are blessed Linda. Wishing you all you have wished us in this 2014. Yoou are an inspiration and i love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Amen!!!!!! Thanks Linda for this wonderful post..very uplifting *kisses* Happy New Year to you Linda and all Libers!!!!

kofo said...

Amen.. Thanks for this motivation Linda.. God will continue to enrich yu with wisdom and blessings.. Happy New year,,. Have a wonderful one..

Unknown said...

Amen...thanks for the inspirational words. You have uplifted my spirit and once again strengthened my faith in God. As you bless and prayed for others, may your blessings be manifested in multiple folds. Waking up to your testimonies and blessings, is a good way to start the year... thank you my sis.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Amen Linda! Amen!

Unknown said...

Amen Linda! Amen!

Anonymous said...

Oh Linda, ur words brought tears to my eyes. May God bless everyone of us nd may our dreams come through

Anonymous said...

Amennnnnnnn nice talk.dear

Unknown said...

Amen Linda! Amen!

Obincowelds said...


Kachi Sixtus said...

Amen Amen Amen...
Its indeed a wonderful prayer for all of us and I have claimed it all, in Jesus Name, Amen.
Happy New Year to u too...cheers!!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Happy 2014 Linda! God bless you real good

Obincowelds said...


Anonymous said...

AMEN AND AMEN. Glad i could read this post this early, may God's grace never depart from you(amen)

Obincowelds said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! AMEN AMEN AMEN.. Linda I'm deeply touched by ur encouragement and prayers, they struck me deeply. With Faith and good work,he'll hear n ans me! Amen
Happy 2014 Linda

Hugs n Kisses

'lade said...

Pastress Linda ikeji of life!!!

Obincowelds said...


ebony nessa said...

Wow,nice one Linda....amen to all our wishes,post my comment ooo dis is d first day of 2014 nd I hope am d first to comment*dancing*

Anonymous said...

Word linda! To God be the Glory

Amaka said...

Thanks so much Linda. God bless u.

FranZen said...

Happy new year people! I key into this anointing of prophesies from the lips of a living witness of God's blessings, ms Linda Ikeji. Thanks a million, it shall be well with you and ure generation. Amen. 2014 will shall conquer and excel to greatness and all that Believe shout a Big......Amen

Sahnzylyn said...

AMEN!!!! Linda,I'm so speechless.Thankyou so much for these words of encouragement and upliftment.you don't know what you've just done for my spirit.I'm even more determined than ever to make it.our blessings this year shall be given to us in good measure,pressed down,shaken together and running over.This is our year of plenty,unmerited favour,divine connections In Jesus Name...AMEN!!!!mThank you so much Linda,hope to have more have with you this year.I love you...muah!!!

Unknown said...

Linda Ikeji, I am really touched and may all you pray for come your way 2014.

Anonymous said...


ASHIYA said...

Linda will make a fine pastor o, I say a big AMEN to all these prayers. May God bless Linda and family.

Visages Parfait said...

"And when He comes, oh you better be ready, because God doesn't play. And he's coming. Oh, He's coming. You ready?" YES I AM!
Amen! Amen n Amen....I will testify of Gods' goodness in my life in 2014.
Happy new year Linda.....you really are more than just a blogger oo

Sahnzylyn said...

Oh...lest I 4get,Lin lin it's a new year,please start posting my comments...BIKONU

Anonymous said...

Amen n Amen. Happy new year!

Scoco said...

Amen and Amennnnn!Thanx soo much Linda for the beautiful inspiring and lifting message.May God continue to bless u beyond ur imaginations.

soppie said...

Tankz soooo much linda,,happy new year

Anonymous said...

Happy new year Linda. This should be the 2nd time I'm posting a comment. I read your blog everyday and I must say that I'm REALLY PROUD OF YOU! I love your testimony and I pray that greater one will come in Jesus' name...and thanks for that beautiful house you built for your parents. The Lord will perfect everything that concerns you this year in Jesus' name.

Anonymous said...

Amen oooh..God will also settle u dis year!

Unknown said...

Hello Linda I've been e-mailing you for 2 weeks now! Pls get back to me. I would really appreciate this. Or someone on ur team can reaply me. Thanks

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