Pres. Obama to host Pres. Buhari at the White House on July 20th | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 25 June 2015

Pres. Obama to host Pres. Buhari at the White House on July 20th

A statement from the White House reads
On Monday, July 20, President Obama will host Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari at the White House. The visit will underscore the United States’ longstanding friendship with Nigeria, our commitment to strengthening and expanding our partnership with Nigeria’s new government, and our support for the Nigerian people following their historic democratic elections and peaceful transfer of power.
President Obama looks forward to discussing with President Buhari our many shared priorities including U.S.-Nigeria cooperation to advance a holistic, regional approach to combating Boko Haram, as well as Nigeria’s efforts to advance important economic and political reforms that will help unlock its full potential as a regional and global leader. In addition to hosting President Buhari at the White House, the United States will welcome President Buhari’s senior advisors for consultations with U.S. counterparts and other events aimed at building on the strong U.S.-Nigeria relationship.


AC£S said...

Good to know

SANDRA said...

Good to know

AC£S said...


Unknown said...

Issokay... Issorai...

Kayode Odusanya said...

Nice! All this parley from the western world means good things are about to happen in this our great country, Nigeria.

Do You Problems Lasting Long in Bed?

Fuck your opinion said...

He should not go and embarrass us in west America.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...




Sai Baba!
Change is here!


Unknown said...

Good one there. I know many people will start antagonizing the move now. Epistle according to MI ABAGA "BAD BELLE"

Unknown said...

Buhari na big boy o, wetin them no do for Jonah na wetin this Obama dey do for Buhari........ Thats nice but boko haram might don finish us finish by that tym nw.

GNI said...

the confuse buhari has succeeded selling nigeria out to the westerners who cannot give anything without benefiting in one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

Chie make buhari no go call President Obama Osama bin ladin, God abeg make buhari remember Obama name, Amen.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Oga no sell us give this people o

Unknown said...

Nice one! Linda take note!

Okowright Balaxy said...

I just hope Obama will not persuade Buhari to legalise same sex marriage in Nigeria. The US and the UK are never to be trusted, they never do something without having an hidden agenda. I hope educated people will follow Buhari so Obama don't deceive him into signing agreement that will mortgage Nigeria to US.

Unknown said...

Dis is good, and nice development. I hope PMB wil use dis opportunity to communicate d necessary area's where America can b of help to Nigeria.

How I got delivered from masturbation addiction - Tosin Silverdam...
(Am surprised dat Linda didn't post my comment. So I had to re-send my comment. Hopefully she wil post it.)

Wow! I must confess dat dis is d best post on LIB dat I hav read on dis blog bcos it comes frm sincerity of d heart wit out trying to hide anytin away frm d reader's.

Indeed abstinence is the best. Masturbation everytime is evil and sin. There is a spirit behind every habits b it good or bad. Dat is y when u start a particular habit it very difficult to let go.

There r some habits dat it takes d grace of God to let go of if not d person might even die wit dat habit. Smoker's r typical examples of die-hard habits dat r difficult to let go.

Pls, and pls desist frm masturbation for there is a evil spirit behind every tin dat is contrary to d will of d living God. It traps d soul of mankind to hell bound dat b4 u realise it might b too late.

Wow! As for d writer of dis testimony, its well wit ur life, and I decree by d name of d living God dat every trace's of dis addiction b broken in ur life. Its well wit ur soul, and God abundantly bless u for coming out wit dis testimony to help others dat r in dis circumstance.

Those who hav ears let them hear. A word is enough 4d wise!

Ikuku AmStrong said...


Anonymous said...

Pls Baba, USA means United States of America not united states of Alabama. ..

Unknown said...

Barack d real president...that's a nice one tho.

Unknown said...

Nice 1

Unknown said...

Nice 1

Arinze Chiji said...

...And the globe trotting continues in July. Buhari pls have sense. One naira is not yet one dollar! Maybe u want to discuss that with Obama!

Unknown said...

We no want ooo

Princess Chinasa Ukaegbu said...

Its like the meeting between a goat and a lion. One will end up devouring the other.

Unknown said...

Still skeptical of Greek Gifts though.

Remyne05 said...


Anonymous said...

BUHARI president abi travel agent? This man is not the solution o.

Ladun Liadi said...


mozez said...

homosexual talk. Buhari no gree oooooo

Unknown said...

I hope it's not a gay and transgender topic of discussion? Well I just hope so.. Because this kind of meeting is always very suspicious

Anonymous said...

na wa sha. im really surprised wit this fixation with meeting world leaders up and down.. where's his policy blue print for moving Nigeria forward nah??

Anonymous said...


Jessica nneka said...

All this waka waka and talk talk this man does evryday is begining to tire me out , like can he just do sumtin we can all see . Evryday I will , I will abeg do well , u shud be hosting obama tho

Anonymous said...

They are summoning him na. President Buhari should sit down and work. America does not have the solution to our myriad problems because they do not face the same challenges we face. It is even better Buhari rubs minds with the Asians because they face or had faced similar problems.

Anonymous said...

America be draining Nigeria
~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Shine ur eye Mr president US hmmmmm dey r nothing goes for nothing oo

Unknown said...

Dis is good, and nice development. I hope PMB wil use dis opportunity to communicate d necessary area's where America can b of help to Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Hehehhehehe#u not serious!

Unknown said...

Dis is good, and nice development. I hope PMB wil use dis opportunity to communicate d necessary area's where America can b of help to Nigeria.

Jasmine Joseph said...

Hahahahahaha ur cracking me up, A very Big Amen to that prayer

Jasmine Joseph said...

Ok cool, let d meeting yeild betta result

Anonymous said...

You always think through your anus. ANU OFIA

Anonymous said...

So you have expectations from Buhari? Yet you didn't expect anything from Jonathan. Bloody hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Rotten fool,alwyz sayinng nonsense,isi aki

Anonymous said...

Hahahhaha I don laugh die oh. Buhari fit fall person hand oh.

Anonymous said...

Na to travel we vote you put Office for? Sai baba

Anonymous said...

FUCK OBAMA. I bet all he's gone talk about is F A G G O T rights. What has obama done for Nigeria and Africa as a whole but to push his GAY agenda.

emmanuellagirl said...


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