Popular movie producer and former model Blessing Egbe has shared her opinion on Toke Makinwa marriage saga. The Lekki Wives producer, who is working on a new movie series called 'This Thing Called Marriage' says the storyline has nothing to do with Toke Makinwa. She also said the alleged busy lifestyle of the media personality is not enough reason for a man to cheat. What she said below...
‘I don’t know her personally and I don’t really know their story so I cannot talk much, I can’t even comment on it because I don’t know who the man was until I saw pictures of him. Obviously I read about it but all I can say is she is being strong about it which is good because some women would just break down and jump into third mainland bridge. I don’t really know them but I have heard so many people say that she was too busy for the man, that she is all over the place trying to make it but for me, is that enough for a man to cheat on his wife not only that but to get another girl pregnant?
What this story just says is that he was calculating every move he made because you don’t sleep with a woman without condom if you are not thinking pregnancy. She was probably she was his girlfriend, he knew at some point and says to himself “I would have preferred this one” maybe that’s what happened but why did he marry Toke then? Did you marry her to make a name? Did you marry her so that people would know and recognize your brand? All this while you were receiving from one and returning to another? So many questions we can never really say, because what goes behind closed doors, mouth cannot say’. Mrs Egbe who gained national recognition with her movie, Two Brides and a Baby and critically acclaimed, Lekki Wives denies that her new movie series project, This Thing Called Love is about Toke. ‘It is not o, please we shot a part of it three to four weeks ago when fuel scarcity was on, but it is a series that would deal with issues like that, it would deal with issues relating to patience in marriage, to what to do, what not to do, the clashes that happen, the differences in people that are supposed to come as one, we are supposed to become one but for some reasons in the home we are two different people so this just goes to expand and showcase what everybody, every married couples really know, we just going to take it to another level and expose what people don’t share but we are able to really get close’ She told ICampus
Ppl shld stop talking abt it jare. She shld be allowed to heal
tru talk he married her for d name nothing else
foolish man
think from his head below .... ....
Hollup! Hollup! Hollup! Jump into 3rd mainland bridge? Hmmmmm ok.. Continue
Its truely not enuf reason for a man to cheat, men will always be men no mata how faithful a woman is. Toke is a strong lady n I luv that..God bless her.
watin concern anyone...Toke can be so fake that if the news didn`t break out she would still leave the picture on her wall and tell the world on social media how her man has never cheated on her....pray for her..That`s why dating for long term is total bs...and never guarantee a happy marriage...Never marry someone just bcos you have dated them for so long. i guess that is what toke mankiwa did in her marriage. hope people learn from her mistake being a relationship guru doesnot mean you re perfect..everyone will make a mistake one point or another and you can never tie a cheating down unless he chooses to change himself
Ok ma
'' I can’t even comment on it because I don’t know who the man was'' And now you wrote a novel. I think you are a confusionist
i think any woman who takes her career way more seriously than her family/marriage shouldn't feel sad if their story played out like Toke's. The bitch was more interested in parties than her husband, stop blaming the guy, he was getting love from Toke so had to seek for it elsewhere. Do u know the number of women who cheat on their husbands if he hasn't got time for them? why is Maye's own different? i just wonder if the situation was the other way round whether u guys would criticize Toke?
and tbh, if u check linda's post on them when they recently got married, on when she was posting stuff on IG bout Maye being all supportive, my comment predicted what's happening now. If a nigga don't get no love from his woman he's gotta get it somewhere..
Spot on. Men??
Dis woman just said rubbish.
This blessing lady is lousy though, is it her business ??? Nigerians and their busy body self
~D great anonymous!
ok.... noted remain strong toke!
Some Men will alwaz be dogs,d earlier u as a woman realise who u r with,d beta for u...
Keep quiet pls, na who ask U for ur opinion?
Wow! She spoke well, and on point all through. I support all she said, and I wish our precious ladies learn frm wht she said.
I wish u HBD, and LLNP on ur BIRTHDAY - Monday, 22nd June 2015. God abundantly bless u, and everytin dat concerns u.
I wish u all ur heart desires, joy, good health, and a prosperous life. Enjoy ur day, and stay blessed alwaz!
I like her opinion.
Nice one
Ok nice..would really love to watch
I laugh @TOKE for lettn ppl decide in r marital lyf 4gettn d@ lyf isn't a story book...myt av read alot of story wich had a happy end...buh truth every1 has his/her lyf 2live wit lots of obstacle...I guess she beta wake-up 2 reality n face it!
That's gud
she's really strong.....God shld just give her d strnght to keep bn strong
That's very nice of you Blessing. I always enjoy watching your work cos it's good.
You won't comment on d issue cos u don't know them personally but went on to write an epistle. Hmmm. Why won't people mind dia own biz n family instead of meddling.
Please shut up. What do you know about anything. Linda observe!
What is her business with the man. Linda take note
What is your business there. who asked your opinion. Linda take note
I just want to take a moment to abuse that foolish idiot on this blog who is stealing my identity. You are a stupid fool. I took a lot of time to come up with this signage so that linda will know its me and i can collect my 100k at the end of the year. I depend on this money a lot. I tell you say i get work? Why do come and take somebody signage? This is wrong very very wrong. You even took my email sef. Now you log in to gmail as Julia and I am the real julia. So God will punish you for your sins. I will not give up my signage.
linda observe
Mrs Blessing, keep up your job without calling Toke's name. The media attention has just off the hook. This "shine bright like a diamond" forehead Toke Makinwa is not disturbed about her marriage. All this "she's moved on" gimmicks and yarns isn't worth it, Toke didn't move on, she's a moving that never stops.
Linda spare us a day without Toke, Jenner and kardashian in the news, Walahi I'll convince Idris Elba to marry you.
what type of foolish statement is this? before a film is produced is there not a script? This Toke thing just happened, would they have hurriedly gone and written the script, cast the actors and start shooting? abeg, people should stop looking for cheap publicity.
Yu dont knw them so then shut ur mouth up.
Okay o
this is a load of crap. she shud fuck off and stop stressing. no valid points
this is a load of crap. she shud fuck off and stop stressing. no valid points
Issokay o! We don hear. Linda take note!
Okiie, notice to all LIBERs. Didn't want to do dis before but I gex I just have to do it as a disclaimer. One idiot on dis blog stole my identity, my name & signage. So please any negative comments on dis blog is not coming from me but from the thief cos I would neva say anything bad about someone or wish anyone evil. So I have gone back to using my old pix & my email address is (julie3er@gmail.com). Linda take note!
Is Your life really that frustrated? Calm down!
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I swear down! She publishes a whole news vanguard news paper on it. I hate you blessing, with your tiny and irritating voice! Uuuuuuuurrrrrhhh you talk too much, poke nosing all da time plus your wowo face
Al I knw is d girl is busy livin fake celebrity life styl and formin fake british ascent every were..men get lonely too
this lady just said shit!!! because your man got another woman preggy which isnt a valid information yet o, u left your matrimonial home...marriage is all about understanding, we have more worse cases but all de do is to endure and keep praying. toke just wants her name everywer and broke her home by herself.kapish... i wish her well sha
Linda, Is there a week or day you wont talk abt Toke? Does she pay you that much to be in the news?
Dey shd 4gt abt dis woman n let r move on wt r life
Ok nah
Yes its more than enough for a man to cheat, most men cheat its in their dna some suppress it while others let it out so let that be a known fact. Men are hunters by nature and as such will love to conquer as many preys as possible. That is the nature of a man. Now having said that. You cannot be everywhere at the same damn time as a MARRIED woman and expect your home to be intact. Life does not work like that. You are out during the day and you are out at night and you expect your man to patiently wait for you at home till you come back, when do you even come back. Toke is still a little girl and probably does not have proper advice from elders or older women so this is the outcome. What happened to her is bound to happen to any woman who puts so much priority on the pursuit of fame and not necessarily carrier ahead of her home. She just made her case public because this type of shit happens every blessed day world wide so please you Nigerians should stop making it look like something out of the ordinary just happened. Trust me if she ever gets a shot a marriage again i assure you she will learn to balance her Carrier and her home properly. Note the word i used is Carrier and not FAME.
I'm sure she's learnt her lessons. once married, your family comes first. she was all over the place, putting her home as secondary. lets tell ourselves the truth. those that got married after her have their babies now or are expecting. na only her be celebrity. she busy pass TIWA SAVAGE, Omotola no marry, Aunty Joke no dey with Uncle J. lets not make her feel like what she did was right. the guy is a human being
You must be depressed. How is Toke a bitch? Abeg,park well. Does Maje look like he has a job or can fend for two people. So she should sit home and mope because she wants her husband to love her?
Most relationships and marriages end because there is this "celebrity" status or social media frenzy attached to it, if Toke was a normal lady I bet you, nobody would waste time twice on this stories, i mean we hear this kind of gist everyday, in the office, in your estate, in the church and people move on. Its her choice if she decides to break up her marriage. Won't she marry another man or would she remain celibate all her life? The truth is the fact that your husband doesn't cheat on you or you haven't caught him don't make you the happiest woman in the world, most women that celebrate their husband as who doesn't cheat,my dear check well he might be GAY. Would Toke be happy if her husband cheats on her with a man>if she has a choice this might be better.
Like I Care..................
@David Uche... U r very ignorant..... Who ever said anything about her being too busy. excuses
Stop talking trash when you don't know what to say.
Juliet we do not know you or care. Pls shut up. Ah!
This stupid person again Juliet or whatever Linda pls block her! She is seriously very irritating. Nobody cares!
So many fools hat comment on this blog. She said she can't comment on it nd she did not.she only explained why she can't comment. And it's an interview. Dey must v asked. Cos someone is not saying what is on ur shallow mind does not mean dey r saying rubbish. Idle silly lots
Na wa oooo
And all stay at home mums in Nigeria have husband's that are NOT cheating, rubbish! The man is a natural cheat even if she used to sleep on his head everyday!
I repeat! A cheat would be a cheat whether the lady is at home or jot! All this yarns are just tweee! Have naija men not cheated on plenty women that idolize them? Fame rubbish!
Blessing Egbe...why don't you face your work and leave these please alone???
Oga YOU SEF PARK WELL!!!!!! DO you know how much Maje is worth? This is why you shouldn't talk authoritatively about what you don't know. FYI Maje is so loaded that neither he or his alleged lovechild will ever have to get a job/work. Don't believe me? Google is your friend.Toke can work everyday for the next 25 years and still not come close to half his wealth. Cant fend for two people..?....LOL..smh.
In reference too:
Anonymous said...
You must be depressed. How is Toke a bitch? Abeg,park well. Does Maje look like he has a job or can fend for two people. So she should sit home and mope because she wants her husband to love her?
June 22, 2015 at 10:12 AM
This idiot all ur comments 2 women are so disrespectful. I pity ur mother becos ur comments shows u have no regard 4 her
Kelechi Uba! You can't even spell the word "career" correctly and you want to dare have an opinion on the issue. Please go back to school. Not your fault, na this easy access to social media cause am! Mumu!
Jst passing by...bt note...u can't rili tlk or judge cos u ain't in deir shoe.......life goes on...dnt forget Wat will b will , there is no perfect situation...We shld jst realise dat b4 any utterance to odas...There is a GOD!
The Lord is Toke's strength.
If people are actually saying she was too busy that's why he cheated then a lot of women should also cheat on the absentee busy making money husbands. A lot of men are too busy but still expect faithfulness so why can the same happen for a woman. She us bringing the bread home, has he ever lacked anything? Please the man is a cheater, a cheater us a cheater.
If people are actually saying she was too busy that's why he cheated then a lot of women should also cheat on the absentee busy making money husbands. A lot of men are too busy but still expect faithfulness so why can the same happen for a woman. She us bringing the bread home, has he ever lacked anything? Please the man is a cheater, a cheater us a cheater.
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