Kim K met her friend Serena Williams in front of Harrods, they said hi to each other, both hugged and Serena asked for permission to touch Kim K's tummy. Kim allowed Serena to touch her tummy while she had her hands on her hips. Two bootylicious women! More photos after the cut...
Photo credit: JamesY Images
Two bootylicious bawo Linda?. One is factory made and one is all natural with the help of gyming and working out to stop it from being flabby. I beg stop hailing this plastic Kim biko
Her butt real fat
There's just something bout Kim i find intriguing
Kim this your ass will explode one day o! Ahn ahn see wetin person carry for back!
Akpabio akpabio...see nyash
Really funny,doubtin thomas
Sexiest chic ever...go Kim!
"Slow and steady wins d race"
Kims Ass tho, but why e come curve like dat, to much for a white girl
Kim's butt though ....
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......
Yes ooo,cos these celebrities are capable of doing anthing
Kim's ass is sagging.
Doubting Thomas will not believe until she puts her hands over the tummy. Lol.
Aunty Serena when will you have your own?
This kims ass no be for here
Haba linda she is greeting d baby joor. *moju
Millionaire club...notin do dem!
See kim yannsh omg! Kanye na ta ife
Seems kim's butt is almost fallen off.
Kim's butt is almost on the ground o..
Please guys visit my blog Www.trendwithgloria.blogspot.com Www.trendwithgloria.blogspot.com
Kim's ass is ugly mehn!! With her shorts legs like d ass wants to fall eewww. See serenas compacted ass
Hawt ladies...
Pls check my blog and share your opinion.
Wow am happy for her too
This Kim K boobs and nyash hmmmmmmm
Dat ass looks super fake! One as original ass and other ass is fake! I don't blame serena na, she need to confirm, all dis celebs can lie all seeking for attention
See kim's fake butt is showing in this outfit. God punish plastic surgery.
Am yet to get what people find attractive about this 'down below' butt of Kim K.So disgusting.
Serena was like "nne eh idikwa sure na idi ime?...kim k was like "serena rapum aka ooo#snowlove
Serena was like "nne eh idikwa sure na idi ime?...kim k was like "serena rapum aka ooo#snowlove
Lol... Classy sense of humor..
Finally sha, after all said and written, fact remains that Kim is absolutely breathtaking.
Ooooooooooh my....
No lesson derived.
Ooooooooooh my....!
No lesson derived.
Awwww cute! Luv dem both
*lib's namesake*
I think she's really pregnant, judging from the increase in the size of her bobs!
I think she's really pregnant, judging from the increase in the size of her bobs!
Awon aye, they are lookn 4wat to say. So tell us... Is she preg?
Naija women no d gree mke u touch their belle o, hehehe, nyc one...
Dos fat ass tho
She wouldn't feel anything
Beautiful women. Kim and ass though. I guess people selling pants will never sale if the world is occupied with the likes of Kim.
Busy Fingers.
Love Serena.
Awww I like kim a whole lot. She's so calm, doesn't do drugs, doesn't party hard, doesn't club. D nudity and sex tape is her only flaw, nd with it I still prefer her to many other Hollywood celebrities. Almost all of them have gone naked anyways.
I cannot understand why she moves on heels whilst pregnant.
Abeg which kind of ass b dat? Na waooo!
Kim your ass seem to be sagging, na wa
Biko, what is she always adjusting?
It is well
serena is diverting d baby's glory so she can win more medals. #lol
See dat ass mehn
Nice pics
Gawd... This kim nyanch na die i swear...
No be only touch, she 4 scan d belle na mumu
Na her front get belle abi na her back?
2 bootylicious women, only that one is real while the other is faker than a #100,000 bill
Ds Is for ppl wf d mouth of d lyks of Wendy Williams, n dia stupid tots
Lool...seeing is believing.
Linda who told u she asked for permission to touch her tummy u said the story like u were there with them
Dey r really bootilicious and very beautiful. Dave
Kim's butt tho
Serena wears her tennis shoes, because heels are too mainstream!
Kimmys ass sha! The first and 2nd pics made it look fake like tinys butt! Yansh jst be like load
Seems her ass is falling out
What she's wearing thoe
Serena is a skeptist...Empirical evidence things noni
I know I gat a big ass but damn! Nothing compared to Kim's. #FanSelf
That wha serena tld u in ur dream yesterday abi
See as person yansh de drop..*smh*
You've posted it once auntylind!
Lol so funny, and Kim's disposition tho.
One day Kim butt go fall ooo... See how the thing be
Nawaa for this Kim nyash ... See how Serena William's own is so natural
Choi!!! Linda you can zoom for africa
Don't be &%$.
When a woman is pregnant,thru out the pregnancy,friends and family rub the tummy.especially those that aren't married or pregnant yet.its an awesome feel and people just want to touch it.but in Nigeria where we thrive on superstition,you see people trying to fend people off so they don't pass witch craft or kill the baby(stupid us) and yet we claim religion more than any continent on earth but don't trust GOD to protect us!!
Your insinuations are silly Madame.even real men want a feel cos that's one great miracle!more so if one has tried as long as she has.
These peoples lives are documented with paparazzi almost sleeping in their front lawns.you,mto,wendy and tmz said she wasn't pregnant the first time around,but we all saw she and the belly blow up.
Cut the crap out!
Powerful women.
Dey look beautiful+kim stop wearing tight cloths
Fine woman.
Wtf is up with Kim's butt? It looks different everyday.
Her a$$ keeps getting more fake each day, with her chicken legs loooll
Falr and faker by the day
A woman with a fake butt....love me some Serena...
Kim get nyash sha!
Beautiful women
Haba Linda, its just a way to congratulate her not checking if its real. Common sense
Good to know
See as kim yansh commot ahaha..this is not a one man food o
I just like, love Serena Williams.
Seen! Oyibo I salute ooh.... In naija they will think u want to bewitch their bby... #godwin#
Ewooooo.... She nyash, seriously this woman too package.
Really bootylicious friends. Linda take note!
Dis kim k boot is sagging,maybe is as a result of d pregg.fake is fake no matter hw to try to package it..lol,wish her well sha.
Kim's arse is just ridiculous now. What a joke!
Jst love dz Serena
Kim gather oo..
Lolz! U all see d diff btw a fake and a real ass!
@Chinwe Amadi, u took those words out of my mouth. I concur wit ur comment.
Mscccceeewww yeye dey smell, so dis ashawo cannot wear panties abi?
Oh, please, she did not touch her stomach to make sure she's really pregnant. It's a sign of awe and wonder to ask to pat a friend's pregnant belly. Two bootylicious ladies, you say?. Serena's showing Kim the real booty deal, no silicone, just jiggle.
U don't have a big ass,u're fat aziiiinnnn very fat.
Those big fat inflated ikebe of Kim, does it pull her down when she's walking?!.. Mehn those things no longer look sexy but disgusting..
I'm lol.....u spoke my mind....+ all ur 'bawo' tinz seriously cracked me up....still lol...#funmi#
Kim has the fakest body parts in the world
lol.....linda you ehh!!!!!
Bcos d baby will not die
I thought u hated nyash
And did she confirmed whether she is pregnant truly?
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