I read about Kemi Omotoyinbo's death some few days back and I still feel so much burden to write about it. She is a popular dancer and died during child birth. Her friends took to social media to condemn the managing Doctor on how she was treated and refusal to perform the surgery due to unavailability of funds.
If I were the Doctor I would have gone ahead to save her life but my concern is why did her friends keep her there if they knew she could not afford it? I mean, 450k is a lot of money and if you can't afford it, go to a cheaper facility.Why toy with your friend's life? I still know of some centers in Nigeria that you can get CS done for as low as 50K.
Again we can't say much because we don't know what transpired between both parties.
It is my duty to let you know that WHEN ACTIVE LABOUR LASTS MORE THAN 12HOURS, you are placing the life of the baby or the mother or both of them at risk. At that point it is an emergency.
Common reasons you may be advised to have Emergency Casserian Section:
1. Distressed foetus.
2. A previous CS scar.
3. Failed induction of Labour.
4. Bleeding or cord prolapse.
5. Scan showing transverse or breech presentation.
6. Estimated size of baby is too large.
7. Twin babies are entwined.
8. Baby has a congenital abnormality such as hydrocephalus.
9. Pelvis is particularly small or an unusual shape.
Imagine the number of people that die each day due to such negligence. It was a death that could have been prevented
Enjoy the Holiday
Sola FAJANA (Dr)
Your Wellness Strategist
could not afford it? I mean, 450k is a lot of money and if you can't a
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Actually I am of same view, her death would have been prevented if the doctors HS considered her life over money.
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Is only God that gives and take........so SOLA accept her departure with fate....it was God's time for her to leave the wicked world......
may soul contiune to rest in peace!!!!
Is only God that gives and take........so SOLA accept her departure with fate....it was God's time for her to leave the wicked world......
Is only God that gives and take........so SOLA accept her departure with fate....it was God's time for her to leave the wicked world......
Many people have died in Nigeria due to this kind of issue. This happens in a society where doctors keep comparing their salary with that of politicians.
Thanks linda
may her soul contiune to rest in peace!!!!
somehow government need to start paying more attention to stuff like this... its one life you know, this is no experiment
So are u now indirectly tryna blame her friends? Kwukwaa nke ima......may soul con't to rest.
Rip to her
Nigerians doctors nawa o,so she was left to die bcoz dey couldn't afford the money? Hmmm but y leave her there if the can't afford it eh? They will soon bury her with something more
what a pity...all d had i knwns...may her soul rest in peace.....@candidcamzz
Some Naija doctor self,save her first and let her stay there until she pay d cash before she go
May her soul find PEACE with GOD,AMEN.
Painful, see fine gal chai!
Of course yes! That wa not the way to go at all!
Hmmm, she's gone there's nothing we can do, may her soul rip
May her soul continue 2 rest in peace. Amen
Sighed. May her soul rest in peace. Feeling sad for her loved ones
Oh my God, doctors with money. Na wao oooooooo why not do the cs first. May her soul rest in peace. Amen
May her soul R.I.P.....
I knw frm a reliable source dat Kemi did not die in a private hospital, I don't knw why her family n friends are lying. Kemi died in a general hospital in ajegunle due to excessive bleeding arising frm the cs she did. So I really don't knw u her people are lying, N dey are making Nigerians abuse private hospitals and doctors. Pls stop the insults, Kemi did not die cos if lack of funds and she did not die in a private hospital, in fact she opted for the cs herself in the general hospital, N died after childbirth due to excessive bleeding.
RIP to the dead... http://maxgist.blogspot.in/
May her soul continue to rest in peace.
you are not right at all for blaming the friends. if you read the story, you'll see that she went in for labour and then CS was recommended. it was at the point that the doctor asked for 450k. there was no time to raise the money or even react. someone who was already in active labor how were they supposed to move her from that hospital. the real issue here is that we continue to allow doctors turn back patients and then we all act as if we don't know what's happening. the gov't doesn't have a system that allows the hospital to be paid if the patient does not pay.....
If dey go abroad pple go talk, dis one done die because she either can't afford oversea bill or decided 2 be patriotic
Its very unfortunate that this sort of thing happened. As a doctor myself, working in the Diaspora, i find it hard to lay blame on either. Both parties had a role to play in the matter.
1. When patients cannot afford treatment. Its the duty of the doctor to discuss the implications and offer an urgent transfer to a public hospital. She shouldnt have been allowed in and out of the hospital when money was already an issue.
LUTH and other public hospitals are in Lagos where people still deliver safely.
Pregancy is not an emergency. You have 9 months to prepare .. where u want to deliver, even time to save up for so called high class Clinics. Such an outrageous bill of 750k in Nigeria is unbelievable. A person who can afford such ridiculous bills should be able to opt for treatment abroad. Its a bitter lesson for all.
May the soul of the departed rest on. Amen
So sad
So fast? Nigerian female Big Brother "Hotshots" rep, Lilian allows a Namibian guy squeeze her bum on the first day! [Pics]
her death could been prevented,if they had carry her to a more cheaper hospital like the govt own hospital
Agree 100%. You couldn't have said it any better. Women listen and forget the Nigeria mentality "I must have my baby natural way". Always think about your life. Whenever a Dr tell a Nigeria women about CS to save her life and baby, what you will hear is: I reject it, is not my portion, some will start speaking in tongues. Let me tell you woman, it does not matter how you have your baby. What matters is that you are alive with your baby. I went to the OR with one yoruba lady last week after several advice and her rejection of C/S. Other nurses and doctors have to call me to come and talk to her that her life and baby was in danger. I have seen this incident multiple times when Nigerian women comes to deliver here in the US.
Wicked friends nd uncaring husband. Husband shud av his coat according to his size.
I said this in the house hubby won't let me be that am judging . I said if the friendz so much love her I mean why will the risk her wife and leave her there for dayz knowing she can't afford the money.
She's gone already
Well said doctor, when i think of this woman death i feel so angry, with the husband and friends. A lesson to all, learn to work according to your budget. Why go to a hospital that you are running around to get fund when you can afford the one within your reach. There are cheap a good hospital even private one can afford. May her family receive the comfort of the Holy spirit
Rubbish write up.. You failed to call out that beast that calls himself a doctor
Such a painful death.... Rip
Such a pity,Rip
Dr.sola you said it all.. Exactly what I was saying why she was not move to another hospital and the Doctor is heartless. I keep saying that the name of the hospital should be let know by the public and his license should be taking from him charge him for murder.
Well said doc
Was that the hospital she registered for antinetal?
I'm with this doc. Same thing I said abour her hubby n friends. What action did they take to save this lady? Why not take her to a different hospital?
Rest in peace Kemi Omotoyinbo
So sad...RIP
So sad....RIP
So sad....RIP
What I think is the doctor may have refused to perform d surgery without the initial deposit because maybe certain materials were needed to be purchased. So he didn't wanrt to dip hand in his pocket to buy the things.its possible too that they didn't come with 5% of the fees.assuming they needed to buy certain stuff for even as low as 50,000k and the money must be made available,the doctor may not want to use his funds.maybe incubator for the child is needed,drugs, etc,am sure its not only one doctor that was involved.am sure too that no one wanted to spend his fund directly or indirectly..its sad though.only God knows d truth
It's was that same day d mumu doctor told dem abt CS nd it was a public holidays. So u shud nt for once place any blame on her friends or hubby. RIP kemi
Continue to rest in peace
Afolabi Tosyne's blog
That's a good one doc.....I've been waiting for someone to really shed light into this issue. The fact is why didn't the family take her to a teaching hospital instead, where CS can be done at prices as low as 40k instead of endangering this woman's life. Private hospitals will always be private hospitals. In teaching hospitals, there are a lot of specialists who could have managed her perfectly well. How many specialists do we have in private hospitals......I think if the government takes the health sector seriously like politicians take their campaigns, then the tertiary health institution will be approached more often compared to pvt hospitals irrespective of your social status and the good news is even in tertiary hospitals you can still have a lil bit of privacy.
na wa oooooooo.najia
Lot of sense here..
True talk,I support
D deed has been done, write-ups/opinion frm any individual isn't important anymore.. They jst wasted her life *Flora*
Hmm am shut of words gud p.m doctor linda..
Ebony dont say that. Dont call her friends wicked n her husb uncaring . U dont know what happened. Going to a Private hosp is not a bad thing jUst dat they didnt know it would result to cs which cost so high
Sisi linda pls make dis write up a page in ur blog.continue to R.I.P
God go bless you very well to ur 90th generation! Once one is pregnant and about to have the baby na prayers o so if you have the money to go abroad and have the baby where u hardly hear of a woman dying due to child birth why not go?
Why do we keep Blaming the doctors. Pregnancy and delivery is not an emergency, it was no accident. They had 9 months to plan, time to save and before you register in a hospital you would have asked for the cost of delivery isn't it. Pls the doctor is doing his business the same way everyone else is doing their business to make a living in this hard country
Let's stop pointing finger and pray God console those she left behind and as well grant her eternal peace. Death is inevitable pregnant women died both home and abroad, public /general or private hospital. God knows what hidden b4 men. I pray untimely death will not be our portion IJN. Amen
Doc u ve said it all,pregnancy isn't an emergency,lik me were I gave birth d bills for cs is abt 380k to 460k so I kw befor goin to d hosp cox of d good gynaecologist there nobody prays for cs but atleast put dt at one coner esp d bils of both cs n normal delivery. God so faithful I gave birth normal.its so painful may her soul Rip
Are u or d reliable source her family member?
No Bonario, I beg to differ! This happens in a country where people compare themselves with others! Its a known fact that most private hospitals take deposit before they start whatever major treatment they are to give, so when they couldn't pay why didn't they go to a govt hospital or cheaper private hospital? Becos it most be said that she gave birth at an "expensive" hospital? The story is actually incomplete cos we don't know for sure what transpired between both parties, but if they didn't like the services been rendered, no one tied their legs to the hospital, they should have gone to another place!
Thank you for this comment. Ah ah. Am actually tired of people complaining about the doctor. When will her family accept responsibility? I know of people who actually keep bulk money at home or with reliable friends and family just before the baby is due. This carelessness should not be overlooked. After 24 hours of labour CS is usually advised so for 4 days they searched for money. I don't believe that
So you really think that after 5 whole days of labour. The topic was just brought up on the 5th day. When after 24 hours it is usually advised. Please use your thinking faculty.
It could have also been prevented if her husband and her family will stop behaving as if after 5 days of labour they just knew they would need to pay some more money. It also could have been prevented if her so called loved ones would have made preparations for her to go to a cheaper facility before she spend 5 whole days in labour.
Yes they should be blamed. Especially her husband.
People think they can get a better service at private hospitals bcos their bill is expensive and on the high side.... its not how expensive but the services to b rendered.....dats d mistake Nigerians make. A teaching hospital can never demand for dat high amount of money yet they would treat you as they ought bcos they av consultants who are vast in that aspect. CS in OOUTH ogun state is not even up to 50k yet they would do a perfect job....
Don't let sentiment cloud your common sense. If you know you are in Nigeria and cash is what they like to see then you must be prepared for the unexpected. Childbirth is such a fragile time anything can happen. If that money was not on ground then I think it was unwise to remain at such an expensive place when cheap effective hospitals are available. But to wait for 5 days of labour. Her loved ones r wicked.
The blame is on her Husband and her friends , they contributed to her death.
Blaming the hospital is like saying saying you will rather sleep on the road side than go to a motel because u can't afford a hotel .
No doctor wants to see his patient die, most doctors don't put money over life, anyone who says otherwise is basically ignorant.
Zubby said so
Thank you sir/ma.
@ Bonario, kip ur filthy mouth shut if u don't have anytin reasonable/ sensible to say. U sound like an illiterate many times wen u comment on dis blog.
So sad. So unfortunate.
Rest in peace sister
May her soul rest well
.... wondering y dey r lying sef' she died few minutes after seeing her baby; so unfortunate dat d real story is not shared in d social platform
well private hospital or not, i believe itz high time we hold our govt and doctors to account for every maternal death that is recorded, my sister-inlaw died in private hosiptal in naija after a bill of 1.8m was paid in a private hospital she stay for 2months before delivery, and something went wrong during the CS, excessive bleeding, her uterus was removing still bleeding no stop till she died then someone tells us na so God plan am. what a statement after paying 1.8m plsssss imcompetent doctors both in govt and private hosp. license should be retrieved when u loss a mother. i gave birth in USA, and just that the doctor was busy wearing shoes when i was about to push and i had a tear, i nearly used him(naija shakara) the naija nurse(taiwo) just said lets sha thank God u are alive(naija mentality). and they kept coming back try to please me with all sorts, had a big box of pampers to last for 3months and baby food, fruit juices while leaving the hospital etc
In all of this, husband and family members were not mentioned but friends. Was she not living under a man before the incident?
Lesson to all our women especially the so called modern women, how long are we going to continue living a fake life? There are one thousand and one hospitals that can perform CS perfectly well at a cheaper rate. Must we form class in everything? Didn’t she attend antenatal to have run test to know if she can deliver the baby herself nor need assistance?
Let’s be wise, life has no duplicate especially when it comes to this issue of childbirth, one has to be very careful. God will help us all.
In all of this, husband and family members were not mentioned but friends. Was she not living under a man before the incident?
Lesson to all our women especially the so called modern women, how long are we going to continue living a fake life? There are one thousand and one hospitals that can perform CS perfectly well at a cheaper rate. Must we form class in everything? Didn’t she attend antenatal to have run test to know if she can deliver the baby herself nor need assistance?
Let’s be wise, life has no duplicate especially when it comes to this issue of childbirth, one has to be very careful. God will help us all.
I sincerely have my reservations about this story. I had a CS myself about 6years ago at a private hospice here in Lagos, I make bold to say this that NO HOSPITAL will insist on full payment before commencing surgery on a pregnant woman. There are usually some papers your husband or representing relative is asked to sign before the surgery commences. These papers are usually legally binding such that you are obliged to pay the agreed cost of surgery before your baby and the mother are allowed out of the hospital, in such a case, you would also have been registered in such a hospital for your antenatals prior to date of delivery. That said, the possible scenarios that occurred in this case may have been
1. The late woman probably did not register in that same hospital for her ante -natals, hence they were not acquainted to her
2. The husband may have refused to sign the pre-surgery papers on time, due to our stupid superstitious believes about operations/surgeries on this side of the planet
This ought to also serve as a lesson because
1. It takes 9 whole months to plan for a birth. During which you may have decided based on your income, where you would like to have your child.
2. Fake living is what leads people to want to overreach themselves, the fact that Bisi had her baby at Hospital X, does not mean you must do same and vice versa.
3. When pregnant, before you get to the end of your third trimester(and your water breaks.lol), do a survey of possible places within your neighbourhood and environs that you can afford
4. While saving up for your delivery, include the possibility of a surgery ( no one prays for it, but it pays to be prepared)
Nigerians, please do not blame the doctors, na siddon dem siddon jeje dey find their daily bread like everyone of us, if a roadside groundnut seller cannot possibly sell her wares for credit, while should a doctor (who is not running a charity) be expected to do same?
Men, if your big enough to impregnate her, be big enough to save up for the delivery!
As stupid and as timid and naive as u sound! Its only Nigerians I kno that always want everything free when they can actually afford paying for it, for all you know,the money for naming is saved somewhere and all.
Doctors are insulted on daily basis,their pride and sacrifice is tramped upon everytime! 4 God's sake think before you open your dirty stinking Guts, Do Doctors and deir family get free hospital bills or anything free in Nigeria, Lots of you have even abused deir generosity and humanity Act, most of u just want to talk for yarning sake, Don't they have bills to pay, or do hospital owners get electricity, drugs, for free, or won't they pay their staffs. Its such a pity d lady in question died. Keep in mind Doctors have family that look up to them too, n I tell you, society don't give back to Dr's in anyway,they only insult them. Blame most of their actions on your government, when hospitals are short staffed and d few hired over work themselves, why wouldn't they demand for more. When your government pay Them 5000 has harzard allowance, even if they carry Ebola. Am just so pissed bout dis irritant's comment dat I don't know where to even start from. Am not a doctor, but am a wife to a Generous and Efficient one.
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