Speaking to newsmen yesterday, the Medical Director of the hospital, Dr. Benjamin Ohiaeri, said:
"The ambassador said if we continued to keep him (Sawyer), it would be tantamount to kidnap and abuse of human right. He said if we did not release him, we would be subjecting our hospital to international diplomatic row and we should not rule out the possibility of law suit.”The hospital lost four staff to the outbreak, two doctors and two nurses
"As if that was not bad enough for us, the Liberian Ambassador to Nigeria started to put pressure on us that Mr Sawyer had his fundamental human right that he wanted to leave the hospital and he should be allowed to leave. In other words, we have a provision within the law that allows the person to sign and leave the hospital. Meanwhile, there is a superior provision within that law which is that you can decline the patient for public good. In order to protect ourselves as an institution, we called in our lawyer who drafted for us a resolution, stating that we were not going to let Sawyer out because it will not be in the public good to let him out.”
"Because we did not let him go, Mr. Sawyer unleashed his bio terror on the staff of the hospital. He knew he had the disease, he was angry to the extent that he released his blood to contaminate our people as they came in. We lost four of our key staff who included, Dr. Adadevoh, she worked here for 21 years, Dr. Amos Abaniwo, our Chief consultant Anesthesiology and Director of clinical service, had been with us for 16 years. Dr. Adadevoh died leaving the husband and a son, Dr. Abaniwo died leaving his wife and three kids, the third person that died was a nurse Ejeleonu, she just started working with us that day. Unknown to us she was two months pregnant and she died with the pregnancy. The fourth person that died was nurse Evelyn Uko who had been working with us for the past 31 years. She was a widow, a single parent raising four children, she died living those children with us, multiple tragedy because the four children were kicked out of the home because of the stigma. So watching her is a combination of so much burden on First Consultant
it is wa
I hope our government does something about this
Sawyer will NEVER rest in peace, and may that stupid inconsiderate ambassador get his comeuppance. Evil bunch.
Ridiculous..well Ebola is on world tour cos u bastards.................................#KingOfKings
It is well.......
And the Nigerian government won't do shit, they only knw how to parachute money...
God will help them all..
I knew it.This Ebola thing was planned out.The Liberian government intentionally sent Sawyer to Nigeria to spread the deadly disease.Buh papa God pass them sha.
So sad..
May God almighty strengthen you and give you the grace to start again and also train those Children. May God bless first consultant
He should be sued an rebuffed out. Of Nigeria...Patrick sawyer God will continue to punish you and your family!!!!!!
let him go n sit down,wot did he know about fundamenta right,bad bella..Goldensarah9@yahoo.com
A big thumbs up to First Consultant for not letting Partrick Sawyerr leave. The children of the victims need a big compensation tht will cover their care. May God be with them and help them.
Ok too long. Rozay talking
Its quite unfortunate the number of lives that were lost because of Patrick Sawyer,he acted like a man on a mission in Nigeria,imagine the damage his release would have caused,thank God the hospital management stood their ground.
My goodness.
May God reward the families that's been affected
Mr Sawyer acted like a beast. Releasing his own blood knowing he had the virus just to pay back for what?
This ambassador must face it
It is well
May patrick's soul continue to roast......barbecue!
So why are the liberians surprised about the discrimination against them by world? Its evident that they are bent on sharing the virus.Thats no luv at all.
The Liberian Ambassador should be deported immediately. Liberians are grossly irresponsible that is why their country continues to stay in a hopeless mess. Wicked people!
What has bn done has bn done.......May the souls of d dead continue to rest in peace.....And may God give those alive the grace to live on.......As for Mr Sawyer nd Mr Ambassasor, God is watching......
May go punish that ambassador.... Useless pig....
Do we need more proof ? Isn't it obvious ebola was strategically planned bringing it into Nigeria?? Isn't this a terror attack? This doctor shud seek legal protection ASAP cos his life is in danger spilling dis..hope our govt do something so these creeps will stop messing with us
Shut up there!! There is a process to carry out things. It is an international issue and needs careful diplomatic solution!! he needs to be sued
The ambassador should be expelled from naija.
Don't we have government for the people. Or is only for the money. Dat man shud be jailed. How i hate Liberians. Linda publish and welcome back .
Honestly Linda,
I have been thinking and thinking about Patrick Sawyer and how he brought Ebola to our country. I still thought about it yesterday.
In my own opinion, I think Patrick Sawyer should be declared a bio-terrorist on a mission.
I have been wondering why the government is not pressing charges on the Liberian minister/ Patrick's friend (or whoever it was) that gave Patrick Sawyer the permission to fly in the first place even though he was quarantined and under surveillance. The Liberian government have a lot to answer for this. A lot!
Should the whole word keep watching as Liberia continues to export its largest commodity.....Ebola for free?
I am glad that First Consultant hospital is taking a step to doing the right thing. Honestly, it's really really saddening. Our government needs to do the right thing to serve as a deterrent to others in order to prevent future outbreak.
I hope our borders are closed to all the ebola hot zones sha. It will be really terrible if we allow another Patrick Sawyer in.
There is God
I strongly urge the government to take this matter up immediately. The hopeless Liberian Ambassador must face the music for such callousness.
@first I was bemused when I clicked ma opera mini browser to open linda ikejis link only to find out that it was blank on weDnesday... Was shocked wen I saw the news highlight scrolling on ma tv screen that lib has been wiped out by google, I had to go to twitter to verify 4rm lindas tweet... It was like a dream cos I have been offline for some weeks, I must say it is a battle deserved to be won and the immediate declaration of lib resuscitation calls for celebration... I am so proud of linda, we libers are strongly beside you anytime, anyday, anywhere...and to mr ayedee or wah are u called, am sorry u choose to ruin a wrong woman and as God wld always do, he fought 4 lib.. If God before lib who can be against lib, I dnt wish and will never want to listen to wah happened between linda and the mister, am happy lib is back tho, Long live lib, long live linda, long live libers... INDIGENOUS LIB
The liberian Ambassador deserves to go to jail but we all know we do not have a judicial system in Nigeria so I wish d hospital Goodluck
Anon 10:09AM, what's ur purpose of dropping ur e-mail add here? Take am easy o, before ritualist contacts u. Mtchewwww.
Absaoddor... u need to leave Nigeria ASAP
May the soul of all the people whose lives Ebola snatched, continue to rest in peace.
That ambassador should be charged for bio terrorism already.
My respect for the personnel of First consultant hospital.
Pls, there is nothing Nigeria can do about the ambassador, every ambassador and his family enjoy what we call in international law DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY. Which means that he is is immune from being sued under the laws of the country where her serves.
The government of Liberia needs to put more efforts and surveillance measures and those considered to be victims of ebola and their primary and Secondary contacts. To the government of Nigeria, dt play the big brother role to Africa countries and endanger ur own citizens. Our international diplomatic laws should favour us pls.
Amen. Now they have gone to the U.S. They are wicked these Liberians.
Patrick saywer ur soul will neva rest in peace.
Good one. Wicked Liberians.
Ghen ghen
What is can we due? Its sue Oga mike thank u later..... first consultant has lost many of their gud staffs cos of this mess sue them atleast let someone pay
And Who Approves Linda
Liberia is a creation of the Abolition of slave trade. The country is made up of hopeless rejects who were sold into slavery. At the abolition of slave trade they were returned and settled in what is called Liberation Area. (Liberia). The stubbornness is still in their blood. That country is the flotsam and Jetsam of the world.
And we are still thinking of send help in terms of finace and human resources to help them after all what they did to us. In some good country the ambassador could have been sent back by now. But being the haija that we are nothing will be done to that ambassador.
Hey, anonymous 10:27, don't be so qiuck to castigate @meet, this is the how SA govt has been maltreating our citizen and nothing was done about it, instead our govt kept saying they were on top of the situation until SA gave them the same bitter pills they have been giving citizens with the $9.3m saga. So @meet is saying the obvious, let the govt proof him wrong by doing something immediately
From all ndications Patrick Sawyer's actions were planned. He purposely imported the terrible disease into Nigeria. But our God pass them!
It's shows u the kind of mentality of some of the people in Liberia have. That's the disease has spread so much in their country to the extent it's out of control. To imagine thieves going to an ebola isolation center to steal mattresses!!! What else do u expect from them. My prayer is that people should begin to see the need to curb this disease n wipe it out of the face of the earth n not threat it wt kids gloves. We've lost too many people already.
Very true. May God save us from evil.
The Liberian ambassador should be brought to book, meanwhile, Linda that picture on the left is not 1st consultant hospital.
Nigerians are funny we dnt have to wait for the hovernment a group of people lawyers, human rights activists can take up the case. They started bring our girls back lets start a twitter campaign and facebook. Liberia should be brought to books! Or avenge dr avamoah and others! Lets do this
very good after all the U.S was going to sue Duncan so as Liberian government, common apology we no get from Liberia President...Indict am very well.
First consultant and the families of those that passed must be thoroughly compensated. It's not enough for us to just praise them and curse sawyer. Let us all put pressure on govt to compensate this hospital and families of patriotic Nigerians that have been affected. That is the message this hospital is trying to pass across. Let's join voices pls. #FGN compensate first consultant #FGN compensate families of ebola heroine/hero.
They need to sue his ass. That's how they mismanage the outbreak in their country. He want to bring his ignorant and negligence attitude here.
Nooo way....
Sue him big time.
From AK.
Sue his dumb ass for damages
They re to compensate the family of the victims in lotta cash
And sentence the dumb fuck to life imprisonment without the possibility of parol
Patrick sawyer coming down with the virus isn't his making. But the ambassador fighting for his release even though he was sick makes me thinks the man had an ulterior motive. But am sure he didn't know d extent of his sickness n didn't as well know dat it'll. Escalate dat much. Now he's getting d heat for what is not his making either.
Goodluck will not issue press statement in this type of case.
I think the ambassador and the Liberian Government should be charged especially the lame minister in Liberia that authorized the trip. These people should not get away with it. This is pure demonic.
I think the ambassador and the Liberian Government should be charged especially the lame minister in Liberia that authorized the trip. These people should not get away with it. This is pure demonic.
How unreasonable And irrational some people can be..... smh
This really brought tears to my eyes...I pity those children!!!especially the stigma it has caused them!
The government should have that bloody ambassador demon investigated, I strongly believe that Patrick sawyer was an instrument used by some high people in this world to destroy nigerian , so now we know this about Mr ambassador, he should be investigated. God bless Nigeria
I have always had the suspicion that Sawyer and his accomplice (the ambassador) were on a deadly mission to infect Nigeria with the virus. Now that Sawyer is dead, the remaining bio-terrorist should immediately be put under surveillance, quarantined and deported. If the government of Liberia is found to have a hand in this, we should immediately sever relations with them. I doubt whether the government we have in Abuja has the competence to do this.
The useless Ambassador should be given a personal no gran-ta,the courses that comes upon Sawyar will be the portion of the useless ambassador, it will never be well with them all, the blood of the dead people will call God to avenge them, so the ambassador or what u call yourself be ready for your own too.
I hope the Ambassador is no longer in Nigeria; if he is still there, he should be declared personal-non grata. He should be sent out of the country for contributing to murder by Ebola in Nigeria.
Bad news
May God help those innocent children and the victim family
Useless animalistc ambassador u will burn in hell soonest
Onyixx Linda picken, how market?
Yesterday I came across a document that contained some list of directors.I mean big directors in a big company and Dr Adadevoh was one of them. It stated that she is an endocrinologist(and I said to myself this great person is who sawyer infected)I started cursing his generation. I had to google what endo ..means.she was so cute in the picture I saw
Queen of Blogs welcome back, good to have you back
On dis ebola issue I have many things to say,wil try to summarize.. I have seen ebola documentary on what is goin on in liberia and it traumatised me. It is very serious.I saw when they were givin a patient fluid and he was dyin,he. Couldn't swallow.he was stretchin perhaps about to die. I saw one with sores on his hands,all his vein had collasped. D doctor kept hittin his hand tryin to get vein no way,many other patients were also over the place. Weak and dying ,helpless and d ward was choked up. why I am sayin all these. Pls let our government ban all flights to the epidemic zones.managin dis disease is difficult. And for the fact that we contained it the first may not be so the second time
Also,ebola was contained becos Lagos state Governor is proactive. I wonder why the federal govt is claiming the glory. God forbid if it had entered abuja, or the northern part am sure it will still be in Nigeria and it would have been worst than Liberia .people that cannot 'contain' Boko Haram are saying they contained ebola in Lagos. for me. its Fashola who did
Yesterday I came across a document that contained some list of directors.I mean big directors in a big company and Dr Adadevoh was one of them. It stated that she is an endocrinologist(and I said to myself this great person is who sawyer infected)I started cursing his generation. I had to google what endo ..means.she was so cute in the picture I saw
They should stop campaigning with it
It is well with the families. God has a purpose for their lives.
I can't see my comment.
I wish we have a govt that will find this a serious enough matter to get involved in it
So what have we done about it? Is that Liberian ambassador still not here? Every body will continue to trample on us as long we continue to play mumu big brother.
They waited long enough!!!
The thunder wey wan fire all these wicked Liberians dey do serious PRESS-UP. As for Patrick Sawyer, dem fan the place wey u go stay for hell. Onyeiberibe
It is well
Is Ebola God's Wrath?Remaining fresh after Spiritual revival
I don't remember reading about that second doctor who was an anaesthesiologist.
I don't remember reading or hearing about the death of the second doctor who was an anaesthesiologist.
These same Liberians, when they saw that Duncan had travelled to the USA, were talking about prosecuting the man. Meanwhile, this ambassador and that their Deputy Minister Finance were busy talking rubbish when it involved Sawyer and Nigeria.
This man should be expelled from Nigeria, if it where America they will expel him immediately to send a strong signal to their government, that the fall out of their incompetence, carelessness and recklessness will not be borne by another country.
After all their President have expelled 10 ministers from her cabinet who fled the country because of the ebola breakout.
Am not surprised that a black man will pick up phone and start harassing a medical expert in another country to release a man infected with a hazardous dangerous illness.
At any given opportunity the black man will display his ignorance and abuse of power no matter the platform.
And this fool has acted not too differently. Tufikwa, once you cross into Africa south of the Sahara you only meet a large populace degenerating, decimating and disintegrating at a very fast speed toward self annihilation.
Mark my word after the next 100 years and we are still busy matching backward the white man will comeback and colonize us again.
#liberiapayup #FGNpayFirstConsultants #compensatetheFamilies
May God help us
God will punish dat man and sawyer for bringing on timely death to Nigerias
Nice one........ Vote Linda Ikeji For MOST OUTSTANDING Blogger.............. akubuike1@yahoo.com
Nice one........ Vote Linda Ikeji For MOST OUTSTANDING Blogger.............. akubuike1@yahoo.com
Nice one........ Vote Linda Ikeji For MOST OUTSTANDING Blogger.............. akubuike1@yahoo.com
Im glad Ebola is something that has been cleared from nigeria and other countries.
sorry for my late post on this blog, but God is Good, Ebola is something, no man or woman should experience
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