Details are sketchy but from what I gathered, Cynthia, a post graduate student of Nasarawa State University was robbed and killed in the hotel she lodged in Lagos by the same people who supposedly picked her up from the airport. This doesn't make any sense but this is what I was told. There's definitely more to the story. Even the family members don't have all the details.
Cynthia Udoka Osokogu, the 24 year old daughter of Major General Frank Osokogu RTD, came to Lagos in July to shop for her boutique in Nasarawa but didn't really tell anyone where exactly she was going to or who she was meeting.
Some people have been arrested in connection with her death. More details coming later...
1 – 200 of 208 Newer› Newest»OMG! dats so sad..Jeeeeeeeeez! May her soul RIP
Why r pple soo wicked? Cud d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ hv been ritualists?
omg this world is so strange. Since late July and they've been looking foe her. Yh the story no make sense, but when details come in it should. RIP to the girl.
Blood of Jesus
It mustnt b true! Y dis beautiful girl
Omg!!! Things are happening in ds country o! May God save us frm untimely death.
oh dear! robbed and killed by the smae people who picked her from d airport???
Jesus! Ehyaaa....wat the hell happened? May God give her family strength to bear this loss.
Anyone who says this isn't the endtime is definitly a joker... Sad news everywhere... Pls o...give your life to Christ and repent! Do not let the devil deceive you and tell you it does not matter... it does!
Oh God of mercy, not again this pretty lady, may God grant her family the grace to bear .....
May her soul rest in peace amen
God wat a beauty ppl ar really heartless. may her soul rest in peace AMEN
"...came to Lagos in July to shop for her boutique in Nasarawa but didn't really tell anyone where exactly she was going to or who she was meeting."
That tells U everything.
Wow! Dis is rilly sad! Some human beings tho!
Such a beauty! May her soul rest in peace, may God comfort those she left behind.
What a wicked world we live in.Beware the end time is here.RIP.
What a loss! May her soul rest in peace.
what a senseless murder nija has become a death chamber..everyone needs to beware!!!!
Such a beauty! May her soul rest in peace & may God comfort those she left behind.
too sad. God help us all.
Maybe she is a RUNS girl, but so sad, May her soul rest in peace. Amen
Jesus! May ha soul RIP n may God gv ha family d fortitude to bear their loss. This life is nothin o
P.S: always keep friends/family informed abt ur whereabts
Oh dear, sad one. But how come her body had been in the morgue since late july & she was reported missing almost a month later? So many things don't add up here...
The story doesn't add up.rip
According to her uncle dis morning,d guys were caught thru d cctv in d hotel in festac,may her soul RIP,I met her befor,dey actually paid for her flighht to lagos ,she is d sixth person dey ve killed so far,dey confessed .dey re theives ndey tot she had money n wanted to robb her her body was idendified. Aftr d searchof her
OMG! This is the highest form of wickedness!May her soul RIP.
Wat a wicked n'cruel world. Why are pple soooooo evilv?? Lord where are you?? RIP beautiful girl. The pple who did this will never have peace in their lives IJN
May her soul rest in peace. Sad.
Na wa o!!!sad..may her soul RIP..but i cant help but remark on all the pressure this 'fast life'in Naija...brazilian hair ownership,happening status etc is leading so many young beautiful vibrant ladies to destruction..i know its gud to be enterprising but then y cant we learn to crawl before we walk?y cnt a student face her studies squarely,finish n concentrate on either a job or biz?well i guess its multi-tasking'n i dnt mean to talk ill of d dead but then wht was she doin in lasgidi in a hotel room n nobody eps family members didnt know of her lasgidi visit?esp since it was an 'official'trip to stock up her boutique?so many lessons to be drawn from this pathetic story.
This hapins, she ran out of luck, its woh hapins to runs gurls.....
ANY TYM U GoiN ouT plS dO tell some1 where u heaDin too
Dis na runs matter. Dey don use her 4 juju...
Warning to young girls out there, be very careful. Very very careful, d world aint longer safe.
Chai, God help her soul
We all have to be careful,mostly the ladies. There is more th this story of her death. Let's all be careful.
I don't mean 2 b judgemental buh y wuld sm1 b robbed and killed in a hotel and δ hotel mangement comfortably deposited her body @ δ mortuary wtot goin tru her stuff 2 identify her and mayb contact sm1 2 report δ incidence dat is if δ story is genuie! Dx is jx a fishy story pls!
RIP fine girl... what another misery yet for our security people to unravel. www.brandigest.wordpress.com
this is really sad.someone has to say exactly what happened to her oo. were are her close friends?
Dis is so sad.May God comfort her family.
This goes to all evil men out there. Stop the evil act and give ur life to Christ Also to the dumb Chics that get easily enticed by the things of the world from strangers refered to you from your dumb friends or thru social networking sites. May her sould RIP
Its painful u knw but all the same in wat eva u do gud or bad tell som1 about it. Let's all embrace God
RIP cynthia
Soon as I saw the post she was missing, I had this eerie feeling that she was dead and it was runs related. RIP.
Whatever must have happened has already happened...God knws the best.RIPP
Oh Jesus Christ! This is so sad....may God comfort her family&loved ones.
May her soul rest in peace. Beautiful girl. Obviously this is just a snippet the whole story. Didn't she have any ID on her? who took the body to the morgue. What role did the hotel staff play in the cover up.
Beautiful girl
She luks familiar. Like a face I've seen in my friend's boutique in Ikeja. Girls shld be careful of greed n materialisn oh! How can a total stranger pay for your flight, pick u up from airport n lounge u in a hotel?
I don't recall readin anything in dis story which said she came 2 do runs in lagos. Wonder y pple r so judgemental and quick 2 jump into conclusions. May her soul rest in peace n may God comfort her family.
oh wot a pretty lady,pls linder she don marry? May her soul R.I.P.
Are these things really happening in nigeria or we are watching zone reality? Jesus take control. Im short or words. RIP beautiful.
Close friends...!! No one ll show up now..!!
don trust anybody oh...
now this is quite sad and disturbing.with the way the whole story of how she got missen goes,one would be forced 2 think its aristo waka,but this is a girl whose dad is a retired Major-general and she being a post-graduate student,also owning a boutique of hers make you want to think otherwise.24?...mehnnn,she had a life ahead of her.RIP miss Cynthia Osokogu.
make some good money for yourself working part-time with some online U.S. firms for a paycheck of $1200 weekly.mail me on schineme@ymail.com,call 08135242346 for more info
O my God i cant believe dis may her soul rest in peace and her killer neva knw peace till d end of der life. I wasnt happy dats y i log in to refresh my mind and memory bt dis story just spoil everytin crying........ . Hallyshally
Ur right, just wondering if they killed her at the hotel, who took her body to the mortuart?? How did all this happen. How did they carry the body from the hotel room to the mortuary? Where did they pass? No1 saw them? This doesnt sound like a robery. Therez more to this story. RIP beautiful
To that fool calling her a runs gal,do you know her?She was born with a silver spoon.I mean she was driving a car before she clocked 18,so she doesnt need stupid runs to buy what?Bold 5,or jeeps which she had in abundance?
i grew up with her.I knew Cynthia & her family since she was just 14.She was so beautiful, so kind.She was so full of life.Had dreams ooh!I just keep thinking what went wrong?
After graduating,after all the stress.
No words but lets pray more often especially the ladies.Its a wicked world.
Its not about runs,its about luck and bad company
Haba! So every independent woman is in2 runs? Mediocrity at its peak *rme*
May her soul RIP n I hope justice is served 2 d culprits.
As a rule, I always tell somebody were I am going and who I am going to meet with. I think most people do this. someone should find her friends and start asking hard questions
Is a big lesson to our ladies out there.. May her soul rest in peace!
dis kain fhyn girl....God forbid bad tin
RIP beauty
This story doesnt add up at all.. Hw can thieves pay for her flight ticket? Then think she has money,rob n kill her... I believe it RUNS n for her not to tell anyone speaks volume.. Girls need to be careful.. Runs ain't pure.. Meeting a Aristos,stranger n sleeping with them for money.. Even if you have to meet pple, don't meet them at ODD hours & meet them in ur area, vicinity or public place where you know your way around and go with a friend just in case. May her soul R.I.P.
Omo Inla says so via Nokia Mars Q-Phone enroute Samsung Galaxy S300 wit 800 mega pixel camera
OMG,Such A̶̲̥̅ wicked world.an Epitome of beauty ve jst gone like dt.may her soul RIP.
Rip,gals shud b very careful,y didnt she tell anybdy whr she is goin to?i doubt if her ways r str8.buh anyways may God grant her family d strength 2 bear d loss
Cynthia,I pray u find rest n peace where u are.its shocking.no one deserves death.we love u.may God give ur parents n brothers d heart to bear ds loss.Adieu
It's indeed a great loss 2 her family, but d lessons dat comes with her death shuld be well learnt esecially by young ladies. May her soul RIP! *amrra*
Na wah ohh...may her soul rest in peace
So sad to her,bt dis is obviously not d end of d story...More to it. RIP
May her soul RIP but all of us know that ladies will never learn all in d name of being called a big babe. They want make money @ all cost. Obviously she went 4 runz cos the man that did it can't be her bf. Ladies pls be contented wit wht U̶̲̥̅̊ ve, pray nd strieve hard you will get there. This isn' d 1st time we re hearing such but ladies feel they re smarter. May God Help us Amen
It could happen to anyone, we all have to careful and very prayerful.may God help us all. May her soul rest in perfect peace.
Sad,wat a world we are living in.details nd facts giving are confusing dosent fit in the cause of her death.RIP
May her soul rest in peace and may Almighty God 4gives her and us our sins,amin.
Too sad.Rip gurl.A big lesson drawn frm here2 others. Killings here n there,signs of end time.Repent n surrender all2God.Neva live Home wtout tellin atleast smone where u re goin2.Its kinda obvious dt she is a runs gurl n was controlled by dis same killers who re her clients.
What a wicked world we live in. May her so rest in peace.
As much as the truth hurts and many girls wouldn't want to say it... She was an example of many Nigerian girls who are hustling men for money... the sad part is she was a victim of ritualists..... it is sad to think that many nigerian girls are attracted to money than the person. And please don't say na only girls from poor home like money pass... there are many rich girls who like it more than even the poor ones... Imagine a girl who has everything still wanting more... Your papa na Army man way get level yet you still de do ashawo level.. Well now u have seen d result... Please... ladies stop all this prostitution and do something meaningful with una life... there was a time when the youth used to want to be sportsmen or executives... now all the youths want to be are internet con-artists and prostitutes... Abeg make the world end jor ..
This is really sad.may her soul rest in peace!
Personal securitywise,nigerian ladies are just TOO DAMN CARELESS!!!,TOO TRUSTING!!!,TOO NAÏVE!!!,TOO MUMUISH!!! Learn from others mistake b4 u become another victim
oh so sad,,,i read she s d only child. may her soul RIP
This is just wrong...just too wrong that i sincerely have no words...
What more can I say...sobs!!! Cynthia, you were so full of life, I never thought you would go this soon. May God show you mercy as you continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord. Good night dearie!!!
Sintia ur always in ma Hrt and may ur soul Rest in peace baby one love
A lesson to many girls .. May her Soul RIP amen
Someone must have known wher she was going, asin details she has friends am a girl amd I can't go anywhere without atleast telling a soul! The which kind hotel for Lag in this erra for lag go carry dead body go put for mogue without investigation?God help us all!RIP
All dis girls chasing quick money,u all gat 2 b careful cos dis bad guyz r not smiling again o
RIP too bad
This is truly sad...I'm really pained at this tho I don't know her.may her soul rest in peace and may GOD punish her killers.
What a shame and a sad ending,this is indeed a tragedy but there's definitely more to this story that meets the eye!firstly,robbers won't pay for ur ticket,pick u up to rob u and then kill u..2ndly she left nasarrawa and came to lagos to buy stocks for her boutique and she didn't deem it fit to tell a friend or most importantly her family(I guess that's abit far fetched that's if the story is true)I'm not here to judge her but even if she was going to meet a big man or anybody she shld have said something just incase especially a state she's not familiar with..I'm in my late 20s and I've lived in the Uk almost all my life but back in Lagos and always tell members of my family my whereabouts cos Naija is hard and a lot of desperate pple are out there..but like I said until the full story comes out..fingers crossed!May her soul Rest in peace
My frend cythia(crying)u were such a beauty,when ever u see me u scream my name and hug me,a smart and good looking lady,u always smilled....although somtimes snub but I liked it!I'lld miss u greatly its painful but what can I say?RIP my frend.....ADIEU
I just said wat exactly happend @3:03pm.spoke to her one of her relation
OMG! Dis is devastating,only God kws wat must've happened may her soul RIP Amen.
OMG! Dis is devastating,only God kws wat must've happened may her soul RIP Amen.
I feel so terrible after reading dis, its seems der is more 2 d story. But may her soul rest in peace.
Wat if d biz is her only way of surviving,is it not beta dan doing prostitution?
very sad.so it has reach that stage wgere you can put dead body in mortuary and no questions asked. hope she was not into runs as her father is well to do
May her soul rest in perfect peace
go to MISS PETITE NIGERIA BLOG to see her family. beautiful mum, lovely brothers. only girl amongst two boys. she just took a bad walk. may her soul rest in peace
U all should stop assuming stories and respect the dead....u guys should be reasonable for once...dont come here and start judging unecessarily.....its only her and God dat know's wot happnd....Cynthia dear may ur soul RIP....Amen
May her soul rest in peace
It' rather unfortunate!
Me hear say na. Facebook lover invite am come lag..... Ladies out there beware
May ur soul RIP Cynthia. We Used To Be closed Back Then In nasarawa state University. U used to Be quiet and lovely. Rip. May God Grant You Enternal Rest. I rememeber I usually see you online always on facebook.
U r a big fool.
Let's nt jump in2 conclusions and respect d dead.Rest in peace cynthia.adieu!!!
Its so easy to say!people jess open their smelly wide mouth to talk nd judge others!wen anybody could b a victim,in this unsafe nigeria dah we live in!nat knowing dat this cud happen to anyone!any gal dat is independent is now into runs abi?who holy pass!some idiots had better thot before opening their mouths to talk nd judge others!cyntia!may ur fine soul rest in peace!I love nd miss u!sobs!
this is a really sad story ,please ladies beware and be careful, tread cautiously. Beware of the so called "offers" that are thrown to your face,favors etc .this evil people lure innocent babes (guys inclusive) with "Greek gifts" . beware of this so called high and mighty in the society ,politicians etc ..i am really saddened at this still story . i am deeply saddened . everyday its one story of people being kidnapped ,to being robed and murdered ,even the newly born ones are not spared . so many young men out there have been turned into bounty hunters for the blood of the innocent for token just to serve the purpose of the ruthless BIG mad men hungry for power and money .
May her soul rest in peace. So sad :'(
Hmmmm rip cynthia
Even if she was a runs girl does she deserve to be killed?c'mon we r all human plsssss.it could be any of us...if u don't ve any meaningful thing to say pls just read n move on.
Hey! Easy with d "Lord where are you???"Line. As sad as this is, d Lord is still on His Throne and He is still d God of Justice. While it saddens us dat a life is lost, pls let's be careful not to offend God in d process of grieving. May she rest in peace and may d Lord have mercy on her soul, amen.
I really think we shuld be bothered about our own lives more than call her names,where wuld U̶̲̥̅̊ end up wen U̶̲̥̅̊ leave this wicked world? May your soul rest in peace Cynthia,the lord will avenge your death.Adieu pretty
3boys not 2
May her soul RIP, Amen
May her soul rest in peace. so painful.
thank u o.. Nigerians!! Quick 2 speak negatively!must evrything b RUNS related??n even if its runs,no1 deserves 2 die like this... We shud al pray 4 her soul 2 RIP n pray no1 we know now or in future wil fall victim 2 dis!!No1 wants 2 come forward with any info cos trust me,u'l b arrested immediately! Dats y d story sounds incomplete n fishy!!
So cynthia is gone for good. Lord help us
Joy sayssssssss
Everything KNOWS for certain what happened to her. She's a victim of ritualists, she was a runs girl, she was hustling. What was she doing in Lagos? Blah blah blah!
How about she was a graduate who owned a boutique, went to Lagos to buy stocks and was robbed and killed?
What is wrong with a girl trying to look pretty? I fear o. A pretty girl who goes missing will automatically be judged a runs girl in Nigeria?! Na to dey wear djellaba remain na with shuku for head and no make up.
Sometimes the answers to life are simple.
RIP sweetie.
People Can Be Very Stupid. Cant Yall See She Was From A Rich Home????... Didnt Yall Read The Previous Story??? Do Yall Know Who Her Father Is????!!!!!!!! R.I.P Girl This Is Really Sad. Sail On To Zion Pretty......
Dirty Diana...
Pls stop saying wat u don't knw about d dead pls...cos it can happen 2 anyone here[RIP} so so sad
I am not saying she is into runs or not but for christ sake if she is realy going to shop for her boutque at list she will have a contact their so you her friend that tells us she was born with a silver spoon that one na story girl una never see anything if una like don't repent and give your lifes to christ e fit be you tomorrow may her soul rest in peace
She was a post grad student trying to make money. I do the same thing. I have a business I legitmately run. Please please shut up.
Who asked you where u lived all ur life? Information Minister from d UK
And ur certain? A girl cannot be pretty again. She must be a runs girl. Kmt.
Her body was found. Did they say any part was missing? Please educate me o. Abi they just kill people now without taking anything?
May her soul rest in peace.....so sad indeed
Ur very silly. Oya set up a security company and teach us na. Oloshi
With all due respect to the dead, I was with my BF and his friends on friday when one of his friends was talking about one cynthia girl whom another friend of his was telling him is missing, and has been for over a month now. In his own words, he said: "why I go dey bothered when everybody know say she dey promiscous, she fit dey with one ahlaji or she fit don travel out with one of her aristos because na wetin we know her for, make dem no wori, she go come back"..... Didn't pay any attention to it, till I saw this. I just hope its not the same Cynthia. Girls are just too desperate this days. I pray we all learn from this story, the urge to belong is making us (girls) do unthinkable things. May God help us... RIP Cynthia.
May she rest in peace, Amen.
This shows how poor security is in Nigeria! No traces whatsoever as to here whereabouts and suddenly she's been published in a blog. In as much as she didn't help situations atall by not disclosing her whereabouts I think she could have been traced. How the hell could she had been in the mortuary for almost a month and no one knew. She went to buy stock in Lagos all d way from nassarawa and couldn't tell anyone where she went is totally questionable. Whenever get the truth in that country. Girls of these days define success by the hair they wear and the fines they use and are not ashamed anymore falling prey to men who seem to have money to throw at them. They never would learn after all.may her soul rest in peace.
Even if she is a runs girl? Does that mean she should be killed/ Either way, thousands of non-runs people get killed before their time in Nigeria daily.
I feel sorry for those she left behind(her family). I want to know the real story cos the truth is not out yet...
The so called girls born with the silver spoon are the biggest runs girls.. They are spoilt and greedy. I'm not saying this is how poor Cynthia died though. But I'm saying siver spoon or not, babes still do runs. RIP beautiful. I feel sad about this.
God punish you for calling her runs girl. bastard. your mama no be runs girls. na runs ur mama do take born u.. idiot. sharap if u aint got a thing to say sharap.
Deciding not to do runs has nothing with being from a rich home. A poor girl with high morals and the fear of God wouldn't do runs.. After all haven't u read Linda Ikeji's life story? I do runs and I am not proud of it.
Well said! People r insensitive n totally senseless!! It is a sin 2 b a beautiful n independent gal!! Did it occur 2 any1 dat mayb d family knows d full story n d blogger doesn't?? Respect d dead all you idiots calling her a runs gal
SMH...I recall a reader suggesting if they checked all flight manifests to see if she was traveling to anywhere. I hope they nab her jillers. No one deserves this.
I tink ure high on cheap weed !! U dunnot know details ,dunnot even bother jumping into d stupid conclusion abt runs or wat av uuu !!
Cynthia may ur soul rest in peace , ameen.
Na so Cynthia take end... OMG.
This life is very funny, I know this girl fa to her roots oh... Kai, Cynthia.
Anyways, May your Soul RIP.
What happened to her is bad but even the dumbest person on earth knows this is runs related. If she is going on a legit business trip, Why on earth didn't she inform her family where she was going to?? And those that say she is from a rich home so therefore she doesn't do runs. These days those type of girls are the worst.Its GREED nothing else. May she rest in peace tho
You people are so DUMB! She came to Lagos to do "runs"! These girls are damn too greedy, looking for what they can't afford. This will teach those greedy idiotic so-called babes to look next time before jumping into an aristo's arms. Idiots!!!
SpEechless. God help us.
Anon 3.01. U are a pathetic fool. She was a decent gal nt in2 runs. Show sme respect 2 d dead. Idiot
What a life pls let's all be careful
Mind ur business all of you. Wu made you judge? Let he or she wu is witout sin cast da 1st stone. Allow da dead rest in peace wit una plenty talk 4 mouth lyk a spoilt pump. May we not die in a manner dat pple wil av negative tinz 2 say about us. RIP Cynthia
May we be found in the sanctuary and not in the mortuary in Jesus mighty name.
U r an imbecile,na u talk pass,ur sis dey allen o and ibiza! Goat
No one has a right to claim a life...runs or no runs!!!!
chai.. Wot a wicked world.. C fyn beauty just wasted.d hotel no get security camera? Chai.major take heart sir..
U r a bigger fool...!
No b only independent woman, if u don't take time, u'l join her. Mumu 1st grade
God Have mercy.
But please dont leave the city to another place without informing your loved ones. Even if you r running away. Let them know where you r going just incase (abeg oooo).
Please i there are soemthings you can do if you really have to leave home.
1. Create an email address (seperate from your everyday one) that one of your family memebers know so that you can communicate with them.
2. If you can get a cheaper phone so that you can call them.
3. Write letters updating them if you have no access to a computer. You can put a fake rerurn address but write to your family.
Please protect yourself. You are of so much use to the world alive.
Think this way, if you cant trust family, then dont fully trust a stranger.
Total stranger go pay 4 ya flight to lagos, pick u up n lodge u in a hotel, if she'z independent, she wudaf done all dis herself, entered a bus gan, gone to her frnds or sisters place to stay while she shop 4 her so-called boutique or better still told som1 if she knew 'em guys, bt no, na run matters, u com dey talk rubbish.
Bunga fish
U r next in line if u dnt kno, mumu
Independent ko democrazy ni
RIP jareh fine geh
Emeh Achanga said...
To that fool calling her a runs gal,do you know her?She was born with a silver spoon
May her soul rest in peace,it is so sad that such a young life is cought in such predicament. As pareents we should not relent in talking to our kids because this is a serious issue with lots of twist .we pray to God for justics.
The management of the hotel as well as the staff on duty on that fateful should be invited for questioning/interrogation as the cas may be.
Why would anyone kill such a beautiful girl? This is such a despicable act!They shud trace her calls and find the real killers.I wish her family finds peace and may her soul rest in Peace!
This is sad so sad. Please if we have to go some where, please tell someone, just tell someone you have to travel; friend, sister, brother, cousin, someone close. May her soul Rest in Peace :( -Amaogechukwu
Soory oooo
Anyone in Nigeria, in this day and age who leaves her house to another city almost 12 hours away by road and 2 hours away by flight without telling her parents cant be pure AND THAT IS A FACT!!!
Beauty or no beauty, graduate or illiterate - no well brought up child with her senses in tact can do it. PERIOD.
Who here has done such a thing?
Answer me? Who?
So sad.. Rest in peace beautiful*sadface*
My dear Nigerians, why are we always fast at saying things we are not sure of? Cynthia Osokogu and I were childhood friends, we started from same Primary school and same secondary school. She is from a very wonderful family. Please can someone tell me the crime my friend committed by going to lagos? Why are oda girls who travel to lagos not seen as runs girls, wat crime has god commited by making her pretty? Is it also a crime to go for shopping and lodge in a hotel? We all are suppose to pray that God almighty should accept her soul, and also pray that we all die at our appointed time. Cox weda we like it or not we will all join her soon its a matter of time. RIP to all departed souls of Command secondary school JOS, Cynthia Osokogu, Evelyn Odeh, Zakari Rabo.
naby!!!....small small abeg...u dnt judge 4rm a distance...u cnt say wat she actually went 4....tho u av a pnt sha...bt all i av say z 'tk it easy'
In this age of social networks and internet super high way ,if u choose not 2 tell anyone about ur movement, na runs and this one just went bad that's all.
When it comes 2 money shitt happens, that is why actors even with all d money they hav are caught sometimes pushing drugs. This not a ritual killing,why take all that trouble? Wit a good car u can pick up to 20 grls in one hour in naija. Sins of the father maybe,there's so many angles to this.Do not rush to judge.
See the rubbish all these morons are writing here...you must be the kidnappers and murderers since you seem to know so much about someone who is a total stranger to many of you...Is Nigeria so bad that no one has decency in them anymore??? Don't judge the poor girl by your obviously low moral standards...and please respect the dead and her family so they may mourn her quietly. Bloody Idiots ruled by fools....Runs ko...100m ni....Idiocy at its maximum.
I knw her very well. We school 2geda in d same school and stay in d same compound. She's a very big runs girl. Anyway may her soul RIP.
The dreaded news parents dread..when I said there's a major demonic force linked to money..from the yahoo boys..ritualists..to the girls that want the Range..steady access to brazillian abi na Peruvian hair..promoted by the evil axis of occultic leaders they are the commanders in chief of the whole charade..
You know even if she went on a blind date..in a well run country with punitve laws and distributed wealth..it wouldn't even get lead to her death(80%)..no cameras after alighting from flight..not a snapshot of the plate no of the car that came 4 her...Linda every step u took from Heathrow to Hilton was accounted 4 without u flicking ur hair..now that's being secure..basic things
May her soul rest in peace
I have read all the comments and I have this to say " Dibia na agwo otolo odebelu ikeya na nne" meaning he who kills wont he die?
I love you God my Lord for one thing, death, you kill you die, whether today or not but must surely one day, so you can go ahead and kill a million women, men, kids, whether for ritual or serial related surely your time shall come, nto gi cos it will come sooner than you think, in a very bad way you know na, mme eeee, fuel tanker will burn you abi? Or trailer will compress you? Or flood go carry you but surely and sooner you will be gone from the face of earth, just the same way you killed Cynthia. Runs or no runs no one has the right to take the life of another human being, read the ten commandment and wait for your time cos it's coming soon, sooner, soonest. Nto gi o, you will dieeeeee too fool, and hell awaits you
Am sick to my stomach from hearing and readin too many stupid and myopic comments abbout dis!for some of us that knew cynthia and grew up with her dis is very painful and disheartening!she has a dad, mum and three elder brothers left to mourn her untimely passing!!dis isnt another sensational tabloid story,dis is the death of a person!who cares if details add up or not.........she is dead and never goin to smile again or laugh to the hearing of the living!!!!!pls it cld happen to anyone!runz my foot!!!myopic fools
May ur gentle SOul RIP
Am just speechless,at this point we should all realise that we hv all come short of the glory of God and no can say he/she has been living a life without sin but yet God has spared our life,none of us has the right to judge her but I urge each and everyone of us to learn a lesson from this incident its just a thin line btw life and death.be careful,cautions,vigilant,and pray cos it takes more than being smart to co-exist in this world.udoka was loving,friendly,and always smilling wat an untimly death she was so full of life adieu my dear may your gentle soul rest in peace amen
People sayin they knew her during their childhood and al make me laff.... How close were u 2 dis gal...??? Dat u were close 2 sum1 b4 and know how they use 2 b; doesn't mean they will always be that way. CHANGE is d only constant thing.... She myt hav changed along the line due 2 influences and the need 2 kip up d trend. It has happened, it has happened..... D best 2 do now is 2 draw lessons 4rm her story.... Once beaten twice shy!
This is really a sad news.
Her soul rest in peace.
Dis is really sad but d story is nt clear,wat if the hotel management is responsible for this.wat if she wanted to quitely enter lag and out,wat if she was going tru something and didn't want to stay wit anyone but ve her space and think in a hotel,wat if...its well.RIP darling.
To all dos dat called her runz girl ur time is coming. Obama has made a Law in usa dat frm 2013 dat evrybody der ll ve a microchip in dem so if anythin goes wrong dey can locate d psn. BEWARE OF 666.. It is happenin too soon. Once numbered u ve the mark. They re jst doin it in advanced technology... RIP beautiful
The Truth is, Cynthia (& everybody else does that), was chatting with one guy on her facebook and for long, ofcoarse the guy is all nice and sweet to her, (as a good friend, nothing dirty or so, as u can make friends with guys or girls through facebook), & she told him she was coming to Lagos for shopping, she has a boutique shop in abuja that sells clothes & bags. so the guy thought she is rich, because she told him (she is going shopping). he offered to pick her up from the airport, (which is very normal for a friend of mine that ive been chatting for so long and i think i know him well & feel too comfortable to him, to pick me up) this doesnt make her runz girl....
anyway, i dont know if she went to a hotel on her own as he is dropping her, so he will know where she is gonna stay anyway, OR he is the one who offered to take her of her hotel or her stay, (which is still very normal for a guy to offer me a gift or paying my hotel or dinner and i accept) this still doesnt make me runz girl!!! whatever it is,,, the guy knew which hotel cynthia was staying.
He tied her up, he tied her hands and legs and mouth and strangled her to death, until she died, all he wanted is to STEAL her, cuz she said shes going shopping so he thought shes carrying alot of money. he killed her so he doesnt leave any trace for him.
Cynthia is the girl #6, to be killed this way, by the same guy,,, just from facebook.
me myself i made alot of friends from facebook and i met them and now we became good friends. i dont blame cynthia for meeting a stranger, bcuz people can be too wicked and good actors. and im sure there is non of you that didnt make friends on facebook.
Cynthia is one of my close friends, i know her well, we talk about deep & private things. she is not runz girl, she is very independent, and this deosnt mean she must reject gifts or a man taking her for dinner or paying her hotel or picking her from airport.
Me as an independent girl, i go out everyday from my house, i travel alot, i dont tell my mum and dad and close friends all details of what ill do exactly, because i dont have time to tell all details to everybody around me all the time & i may not even know what else ill do when i reach to where im going, my life & my daily activities are not planned as in paper and pen! its not logic,,, she was going to lagos to go shopping, and on the way she will meet friends, could be new or old friends, she could go clubbing, lunch, swimming, blah blah... how the hell would she tell all her movements to parents or friends? we always just say headlines, UNLESS WE ARE NOT INDEPENDENT GIRLS AND JUST LIVING IN THE SHELL OF OUR FAMILY, THAT HARDLY GO OUT.
Girls and Guys, just be careful, now we learnt one big lesson, no need to be friends with complete strangers unless u ask about them and know some of their close friends that are close friends to u at least, thats if u r desperate to have new friends. Be careful not only from guys who add u or chat with u on facebook, also be careful from girls, girls can be too evil too, and it maybe a guy also acting like a lady which happens ALOT.
God bless Cynthia, and no matter what disrespectful people may say, Only God knows that Cynthia doesnt deserve this at all. AT ALL!!!
God bless u Cynthia, rest in peace my good friend. we all pray for u, and will join u soon.
Everyone that commented on this news, EXCEPT the sincere symphatizers, are all foolish, insensitive judgemental pieces of trash. A good line of "RIP Cynthia" would have done or better still, read and pass (my polite way of saying shut up). No one has a right to judge, if she were alive u could say it to her face, but guess what? She's dead, so tell ur stories to urselves. Na u pple wey talk runz pass, dey do the runs o, it's not abt a single girl super-hanging out, even so-called "women" do same with guys they think they know. It could happen to anyone, even a husband can harm his wife. Gdmrng!!!
@ Nbaby: this is the internet, virtual space where anyone can spew their guts, IF you have EVER lost a sibling( I have by the way) , you'll realize that 1. What hurts most is the pain of the loss, 2. Pain of not having closure abt what actually happened. Spare the Osokogu family right now, by reining in your "gist horses", for you this is an opportunity to gist and propound theories not verified by the cops, for you its an opportunity to spread rumours which are largely unfounded, till everything is pieced together, do this family a very HUGE favour- SHUT UR TRAP and QUIT typing! RUNS or Not JUST STOP.
My mum once told me something. She said wherever U go n who u go with, if u know its not a movement I would consent to n so u can't disclose d details to me, pls tell someone in the house even if its d youngest or a friend. Let someone be aware of ur whereabout at every given time.
Times have changed,people r devising various ways of making money,the hearts of men r desperately wicked.
Don't think dis is anytime to judge Cynthia because Legit ppl have been hit b4.
No matter where U r let at least one person know.
Wenever I am going out with anyone I inform a friend in the presence of the person I'm going out with so that that person knows that someone else knows I'm with him. So let's all pray for God's protection and be careful how we move.
RIP Cynthia
I hope the family is not in a hurry to arrest people.
The only way to know who truly killed Cynthia is with DNA analysis.
A beautiful woman such as her is rarely killed without being harmed sexually. They need to swab her vagina, mouth, under her fingernails, etc.
This a disguise warning to those girl who disguise them selves to prostitute using the name RUNS GIRLS!if you don't quit!you gonna die pretty soon!I don't ve that tym polishing my comment so it wount hurt ya all!let's call a spade a spade
Mr. Samuel Odimuku and co, you must know for sure that she is a runs girl because you patronized her right, all you who come on this site to spit your maggot infested gut, shut your trap cos you never knew her. You are all stupid for speaking about the dead in this manner, I know for sure that you all talking trash here about Cynthia have runs girls as sisters and cousins and even girlfriends!!!
I have zero tolerance for women who like to live a fast paced life, but if you do not know Cynthia, SHUT YOUR TRAP, she was the only girl, she was her dad's favourite, she was a nice girl, we mourn her, her family mourns, give them that respect and keep your bloody opinion to your damn selves all you self hating people who castigate other people for what you resent the most in yourselves.
You do not know how you will end, focus on how you will end than castigate her, let her face her maker and give account for life, it is not in your bloody place to judge her when your sisters, wives, girlfriends are no better
August 21, 2012 3:11 AM if you are not into shadey business then why would you not want people to know your wear abouts if i may ask unless you are doing runs yourself and you are coming here to defend it???
OMG! Such a sad story,may your soul rest in peace Cynthia. Plz stop judging people cos neither of you were there when she was killed.
Well said cynthia!
Y are pipo sayin wot dey don't knw,y?u don't ave ani emprical facts about wot had hapened yet ur crucifin d dead.let God b d judge n let's also wait untill d fact is stated n seen(investigation).yes d story given might nt b tru but wot gives us d impression dat our mere asumption(runs n tinz)is actually d cause of her death.her freinds shld b arrested...d onli problem I ave is she shld ave informed someone b4 leavin..but God had said it will hapen dis way so no body can stop it.
This is really a sad news........May her soul rest in peace
All of you saying she went for runs you guys were there she?...even if its runs she went for does she deserve to be murdered in cold blood
?...upon all the sins you guys have committed you are still alive here being judgemental. somepeolple are just heartless, nothing justifies the killing of another human being..nothing.
now in Nigeria any fine, trendy girl is a runs girl...illitrates! meanwhile all these foolish guys talking beg girls for money oh, they position themselves where they could be feeding from a gurl, not minding where she gets the money from. all men like extravagant girls, but never will they wonder where she gets these monies from. shame on all the guys here talking trash...u all need deliverance.
Runs girl or business girl? That's not the issue. A live has been lost here. We pray for strength for the family. Let's wait for the police to produce their report. However amongst a lot, I can sharply pick two lessons from this.
(1) Always let someone know about your every movement. Always have a group of people we can trust to tell our secrets.
(2) Always be at peace with your Creator, so that death will not be a big deal.
RIP Cynthia, God be with you.
Her death is a shameful one. What on earth was she thinking. Am sure she had a boyfriend but most gals won't let their greed lie in peace. When your parents send you to school sit in school and learn. Its a pity. May her soul rest in peace.
@Randa essie
I was not gon say anything on this issue till I saw your Independent bullshit talk and I'm like STFU and SYAD, What rubbish are you spewing? In this day and age of technology????? You don't have to tell your parents every little detail even if it is just your friend for your own damn safety let people know where you are and whom you are with, with things like this happening there is no big independent girl when it comes to your own safety. If you like don't learn a lesson from this MIss independent hissss....next puleaseeeeeeeee..... RIP Jare Cynthia.... lemme not use the pepper body of this your death on people mscheww...
u know things happen every day,so wen things like dis unless u are actually there pls do not judge,ive been kidnapped from abuja airport before just boarding a cab,he stopped in the middle of no where and some boys jumped in and the rest is history,the only thing spared was my life cos at some point i pretended to be dead.so plssssss dnt judge, u never really know
very sad indeed. i'm really hoping that she came to Lagos to do business as claimed. This might be another story of greed or Runz gone bad. I see no reason why she shud let two men fund her air fare and lodge her in a hotel...she shud have had this all planned out for herself b4 making that trip.
Many girls have acted like her and gone scott free, its unfortunate that it had to be her time.
U left too soon Cynthia
But U don"t have to blame d dead like tht. At least we've not heard d full gist. May her soul R I P.
Over~~fine dey worry her.. runz or no runz: y would u tak d liv of a human being jst lik dat??? i degree b4 d end of yr, dey must caugh d bastard killers in Jeus name...amen.. my condolence goes 2 her family.. RIP AWESOME CYNTHIA..
OMG.......i knew people will associate this with her being a Runs girl...exactly my fears when she got missing. No one knows what she went there to do please stop judging her and pray for her pretty soul to rest in peace. Chaii!!
Really can't believe Cynthia is dead, may her soul rest in peace.
God knows best
That was d mistake she made,she would have at least tell a soul her where about cos things r happening,wether is business or runs,relate ur journey to someone close cos ur meeting was wth a total stranger,why trust someone u met online.9ja where poverty has eaten up,pipo r desperately wicked can kill to get d money,i guess she was free 4 d target and thats sad.may her soul rest in peace
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