Norway mass murderer gets 21 years in prison. Just 21 years? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 24 August 2012

Norway mass murderer gets 21 years in prison. Just 21 years?

Anders Behring Breivik, the man who killed 77 people in a bomb attack and gun rampage just over a year ago, was this morning sentenced to 21 years in prison by a Norwegian court.

Breivik, 33, was charged with voluntary homicide and committing acts of terror over the attacks in Oslo and Utoya Island on July 22, 2011.

He killed 77 people and he gets just 21 years in prison?


Anonymous said...

Testimony to his cleverness. He'll get parole for good behaviour and will be out before you can blink. the Law, they say, is an ass

Anonymous said...

I guess Norway is the best place to become a serial killer then. Just do your 21 years and then live your life like it never happened. smh. Injustice. Apparently that's even the highest sentence anyone can ever get in Norway. What type of punishment is that supposed to be.

Anonymous said...

Wow!...why dont they just kill him immediately?

Ziba! said...

Hmmm! He killed 77 people yet he gets just 21 years. The injustice in the world's justice system is one kind. That's why the likes of LiLo will always think they can get away with anything. Soon, she'll do something bad again, get 4 months in jail but spend only 40mins cuz "the L.A. prisons are too full"... Mschewww

Mumof1 said...

Didn't he swear to do it again if let loose? Norway is in for it!!

BLOGLORD said...

21years only?

IVORY CHI said...

hmmm...21 years is very long.

but he deserves to killed too

Anonymous said...

Oyinbo people stupid sha, they'll say he's a psycho. Why would u kill 77 peeps and get just 21yrs in jail. He'e entitled to a life sentence.

Anonymous said...

and they gave Farouk Abdulmutallab life in prison. what a wonderful world

Anonymous said...

Technicaly he gets just 10years,cos wen counting a sentence its day and night

Anonymous said...

u can imagine how sick the law can be.what kind of verdict could the jury have given on such a massive killing? it does feels to them that the few years in prison is more painful than the actual murder..nonsense!!

Liz A said...

Their penal code does not allow death sentence or life imprisonment ! I reckon Norway is a relatively peaceful country.

Oshone Anavhe said...

I wonder oh, 21 years is a joke to what he really deserves. He suppose to be on death row, probably death with the lethal injection or by hanging

Anonymous said...

hmmn, sad... but what can we do? 21 years is def not fair as he deserves more, but its enough to teach him a good lesson, and his life can never remain the same again when he comes out (if he does This man made me hate his country.....God dey.

brandigest said...

Not enough. Considering the good condition of prisons abroad, he will complete his time and face his life again. Life aint fare.

Anonymous said...

They shld make me his exterminator trust like a rat he will suffer slowly

Anonymous said...

its normal.he isnt a muslim and those he killed were muslims

Loretta said...

I don't support the death penalty but life without the possibility of parole in solitary would have been Justice...21years that's enough for him to think up a better plan besides he'll be 54 when he gets out n still strong #smh# what were the Jury and Judge thinking

Nimma said...

21 yrs is the highest sentence in Norway. Besides , his sentence can be extended indefinitely so he ll most likely spend his whole life in jail.

Topdawg said...

The maximum punishment given to a person who has committed the worst of crime in Norway is 21 years in prison. In Euro countries if not all, they have scrapped capital punishments so no one is put to death for killing another person. That is what is called ''justice'' in western countries.
But come to think of it, if a black person or Muslim in Western countries commites a crime lesser in magnitude than the one committed by this Norwegian devil, he/she will be ruined either by death or life in prison. Just a thought for some of us who thinks there is justice in western countries.

Anonymous said...

there's no justice in the law o.kini gbo gbo rubish iyi?

Anonymous said...

if it was America, he will get 99yrs in prison. tho sometimes america can shock person sef, them fit release am saying him don kolo, or suffering from deeper depression.

Anonymous said...

If there's justice in this world, the least he should get is a Life sentence.

Anderson Fox said...

The minimum should have been 77 yrs.

Sakara said...

They shd have just added 12 more years to let him spend twice his age or minus his age from d 77 he killed and let him spend d rest n jail, dats not a fair sentence

Anonymous said...


There are people in the U.S doing 25 to life moving drugs. There are also people being put to death in Asia moving drugs and he got 21 years for a mass murder? WOW!!!

-Your Father

Chikaka said...

I further read that after the 21 years if they can prove he's still a menace to society, he won't be released.
Such lenient laws.

Anonymous said...

shame!!!!! Umar Mutallab didnt suceed and United States gave him Life, while Breivik kills && and Norway gives im 21 Years. With Good behavour he could even serve less for good behaviour. A travesty of justice indeed.

moi said...

Exactly, I tot I was d only 1 who felt like dat! He shld get life or wrse hanged. He killd 77 pple!

Anonymous said...

Well, at least now we know...... You are only a killer if you are a muslim.

Anonymous said...

That is the maximum sentence anyone can get in Norway if you like kill a whole village. The law is the law.

Alicia says... said...

Hmmmmm, he should be out in his early 50's. Na waaaa oooo

Anonymous said...

dont be surprised that the killers of the General's daughter here in Nigeria will get 2years jail sentence....shai guy

Anonymous said...

Even though it states 21 years , there is twist in the law that will not let him get out

tagun said...

just have one word for you.BEAST!!!!!

Tutsie said...

Injustice in justice abi? Why not give him 21 years for each of the life he took!

Anonymous said...

Why didn't they sentence him to death....21years is not enough for killing those innocent people na.But anyways is still better than nothing (cweamy)

Anonymous said...

What happened to that number ; 100??? Or better still 77 years if one year is the penalty for one head.

Nigeria schools said...

He might not serve up to the 21 years in prison, or he might not survive the years in prison. I however wish for the latter.

Anonymous said...

Asari Dokubo/ Tompolo gets Multi Billon Naira FG contract.
FG settles with family of slain boko Haram leader.
Lets not judge them. at least he is going to prison

Anonymous said...

I just dont get white people, thats the difference between us and the white man. 21years is a preety short period.

Anonymous said...

linda y didn't u post the whole story.if u could post the story of islamic extremist(which am happy u did).y leave the details of this one out?.he is a christian extremist.he said the attacks were neccessary to prevent the islamization of norway.talking about fair journalism!.if u like dnt post...lola

Anonymous said...

In the US, this guy would have gotten the death penalty, life sentence without parole would not even be an option. In Nigeria, the would have put tyre and burn him to death... differences in level of civilization.

Anonymous said...

well either ways his life is finished

Anonymous said...

Yes, Linda, JUST 21 years. That’s maximum sentence in this case in Norway! If, when he has purged the sentence, he is judged to be a danger to the public, he will be kept in jail for another 5 years. And this procedure may be applied indefinitely as long as he is deemed a danger to the public! I’m flabbergasted by all the critical comments against the verdict. It’s a Norwegian court in the Norwegian judicial system pronouncing a verdict according to Norwegian law for a crime committed on Norwegian soil! It’s not American, Russian, Malaysian, Nigerian, Pakistani or what else! Norwegians agree on this aspect of their criminal law! There does not seem to be any major disagreement in their society as this has transpired since the heinous crime was committed more than a year ago. I was (and still am) saddened by Breivik murderous act, for all those lives destroyed and the pain his evil deeds has caused. But Norwegians do not believe in a life sentence (at least as the verdict for such a crime), let alone the death penalty and we should rest our case.

Anonymous said...

This is America for you.
It amazes.
With a good lawyer, you can get off with a slap on the wrist.
Their prisons are comfortable, that they look refreshed when they get out.

Sammizu said...

madt man...u'v gat no feelnz 4 humans atal

Anonymous said...

Even they giv him life inprisonment it won't change or bring back dose lives back,Dis world has turn into someting else,evry day n month people keep passing out ,13dead on shooting in chicago,I guess d world is coming to and end.God will see us thru.

MY TURN said...


Anonymous said...

that's the maximum a person can get in dat country for such an offence..

osphes said...

sometimes i wonder if some of these kind of stories are for real.

Anonymous said...

The unrepentant felon even said

"He knew what he was doing and will do it again"

He got 21yrs coz that's the highest penalty in their country. I even read that his solitary cell contains a separate exercise room, computer and tv. Them for send this bastard come kirikiri!

Anonymous said...

Well hell is waiting for him.

Stellina2003 said...

Linda darling, I don't find this surprising coz white people are like unstable people in their reasoning and thingking. I bet his highly paid lawyer will come up with a plea of insanity and then the court will later conclude that he was sick and needs help. They will forget the lives of 77 prominent people,and take pity on the killer.

daughter's lil girl said...

What happened to the 'death by hanging, death by firing squad, chopping off his fingers one everyday, ,pulling out his hair daily,life imprisonment sentences?????

Anonymous said...

Hmmmn not a fair trial.

Anonymous said...

21 years is the maximum penalty of the Norwegian legal system. He can however be detained indefinitely after serving the 21 years if he is deemed dangerous to the general population.

Next time read more about an issue before you post; all I had to do was google.

Anonymous said...

a lot of european criminal justice systems focus on rehabilitation of criminals, hence, the seemingly lenient sentences as opposed to the american criminal justince system which focuses on punishment.

also, he wasn't just sentenced to 21 years. he got 10-21 years.

he will be eligible for parole in 10 years

Unknown said...

WTH. Dats so sad. 21 yrs jail time. If i was a family member i wud pay to hv him killed in jail.

Tycoon said...

yeah, that's because that is the maximum number of years of sentence in their country. Stupid law if you ask me. I guess a case like this will make the law makers go back to the drawing board and reverse this.

Anonymous said...

dat one no de even one wey de pain pass na 'condition' of the prison cell this mistake will spend his time.neat,spacious facility complete with gym!i mean like they didnt see all those rat holes in iran or better still our naija kirikiri to dump this unrepentant fool?.*hissing*

Anonymous said...

Find out the skin colour of those person he murdered,then u will know why he is gettin 21yrs.

debbie said...

Seriously!!!!!? The people wey die no get beta lawyer ni!!!


wat else do u want linda? 4 him 2 b killed by hanging or life sentence? U nt serious

Anonymous said...

He deserve more then that.

SUE JORDAN said...


Anonymous said...

How many ur boko haram brothers don get?nonsense

Anonymous said...

av been hearing dt u dnt post comments dt contains d bitter i av experienced it.go on.carry on wit ur discrimination.

Anonymous said...

When I was watching BBc news I heard his most likely to spend a maximum of ten yrs!!!

Raylah said...

Clap 4 urslf

Zsa Zsa said...

It is in Norway dear.

Anonymous said...

@raylah shhhhh abegi

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ deeper depression

Anonymous said...

you won't understand...its a white thing.

Chiagozie Obuekwe said...

That's the maximum sentence in Norway, quite strange though. 21 years is the highest jail term for any offence.

Anonymous said...

so unfair!

Anonymous said...

@Simple Me, it's like you just jump into commenting without knowing what the issue is about.

Can you Niajas just shut your mouth and stop posting comments base on your Niaja perspective.

Anonymous said...

I dnt wnt to bother myslf with his 21yrs enjoyment in a serene facility called prison. Bt the fact that this "prick" APPOLOGISED to his crew for nt killing enuogh!!! Hmmmm... Norway, i pity una!

okpara said...

this white people sha are most folish people

love said...

were world is turning too.....OMG

Anonymous said...

The German Immigrant says...In America he'd get 77 life sentences to be served back to back. The case itself was a mere formality cos the Head Judge was busy paying solitaire thoughout...says The German Imigrant

Anonymous said...

Commentators would always have an opinion on a topic they have absolutely no idea about.
He got twenty one years because that is the maximum sentence that can be given in Sweden. However he is likely to be held in jail for the rest of his natural life on the basis of certain provisions in Swedish law that makes him a danger to society.

Okey said...

To all these oversabi people who re trying their hardest to educate us on Norwegian Law....what we are saying is that in certain cases, the death penalty for some actions is quite deserved."21 max years with a provision to remain locked up if he is deemed a threat to society"!!!..what sort of punishment is that for a sane person who knowingly killed 77 people????

Anonymous said...

21 years is the maximum allowed under norwegian law...after 21 years he WILL be given an extension of another 21 years. Jeez linda understand facts before posting on LIB.

amie said...

Hian, stp hatin jo. Wt does Lindsay av 2 d wit serial killer talk??? Abeggi free d geh wit her money, lyk u dnt envy dem. Comment on d killer n liff lilo jo!

Okey said...

and to the anonymous mumu@2:14's Norway not Sweden!!

Anonymous said...

linda, connect me abeg. I wan migrate 2 norway or beta its prisons wia i wil b enjoying free amenities wit laptop join. But na wa o. Sisi linda post am o.

ujunwa said...

you people are vexed about the sentence passed oya google prion.of.Norway and check out where he is gonna be doing the tym, you would wish to commit the crime and do the time loll

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are a completely incompetent piece of scum.

Your kind needs to be eradicated from White nations.

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