When contacted this morning following the statement released by Jude Okoye that May D is no longer an artist under Square Records; May D claimed he was not aware of the sack. His associates said they all heard about the sack on blogs and social media; that May D was not properly informed.
If this is true, then it's unfortunate!We believe that the contract between them was not consummated on the internet, how come a disclaimer was issued to bloggers and journalists without properly serving notice to the person involved?
May be he had not been informed, any which way,life must continue May D
These people are not real business people. Otherwise, they would have known that they should inform the person involved before letting everyone else know about it. This is too bad! How embarrassing.
Why not get a rejoinder from Engees" dear Linda? After all , you are a journalist or aren't you?
e get money,make e form label
too bad,simple communication inthis age seems impossible.
He Could sue them depending on the contract they signed. If he needs a lawyer he could contact me, will drop my contact with you linda via your email addy.
New movie in cinemas, conspiracy of d ibo musicians, watch for complete season1. =)) Lǻ̀́ff:DWǻ̀́n=DKill<=-PMɐ̀́̀́̀́=)) Linda pls b fast nd get us gist oooo, my ears r itching
i tink someone is trying to play tricks on us here cos is hard to believe that his nt aware b4 being discharged, well goodluck MAYD cos i love all ur songs wt psqare and d way u dance and shake ur body u are so sexy i love ur voice and ur sexy move it makes me wanna bang u.
Ppl seem to forget dat without their Bosses they can't get to d level they r today...they get carried away by the flexing from years of hardwork that their Bosses hav had!
And the gist becomes prolonged...letz wait for square records side of the story
Lol.....Maybe MAY D was high when they told him,the dude looks like he's constantly on dope
Linda i love the orange and black dress you wore to the Rick Ross concert. You looked banging.
he onli calm dat.... Bt in his profile(mistermayd) on twitter. He put his bookin info referin it 2 judeengees bt.... I noticed it wasnt dre by sunday dt i heard of d rumore
Brotherly, na so e easy
Stop tribalism in dis now......haba!!! Mr May D na sorry be U̶̲̥̅̊я name... U shud knw wht to do..... Anyhow e go, Baba just follow ur way.... Nothing doeth you....
Michael says...
Haba people,It's obvious what happened na. He leaked out 'Alingo' and got kicked out like Jackie Chan waaaa taaaa!!!!
i dont think so /.make.huge.money.online..check.this...www.netbizguru.net
Sexy ke? Na WA o
If this is true that's very unprofessional of square records. Lets keep fingers crossed the real gist go soon come out and I trust linda to get am sharp sharp.
Geez man, talk about a rude awakening & I mean that literally...
Linda did u jst say its quite unfortunate? Lik dats all? Linda!!! If its D'banj now u'l run ur mouth thru n thru, buh dis 1, u really don't hv anytin 2 say... As much as its obvious u hv a tin 4 Psquare, u com across as tribalistic at tyms... And yes I'm igbo also. Bene...
Jude wrote that statement bcos mayd refused to sign d miserable contract they gave him. Peter was always calling him and forcing him to sign d contract. A contract that binds him to dem 4 4yrs,that wotever endorsements or sales of his albums and shows he will give them 50% and split another 50% with his management team leaving him with 15%. How evil can they be? Bcos he refused,jude released that ugly statement. There was no need for that bcos he was never signed to square records in d 1st place. Mayd sinGle handedly wrote,chop my money,do as I do,even alingo and psquuare stole d tracks from him,and so many other wicked evil thing they have done to MayD. God is not asleep!
Now whos saying the truth? Kinda confusing
I'll wait to hear Psquare's side of the story before I air my opinion. Keep your head up May D!
Ashawo oshi
Guys remb psquares alingo was leaked n paul went on twitter n said dey have a traitor in squareville? Well i think its May d... Maybe dats y he was discharged in such manner
Guys remb psquares alingo was leaked n paul went on twitter n said dey have a traitor in squareville? Well i think its May d... Maybe dats y he was discharged in such manner
Guys remb psquares alingo was leaked n paul went on twitter n said dey have a traitor in squareville? Well i think its May d... Maybe dats y he was discharged in such manner
nawao,nobody knws wot hapend.even d media.so let's wait til d whol stry is bright
I hope he finds better success else where. Very unfortunate but life must go on.
Its like u av 4gotten wifot d help of d servant d king wud av 2 mk his food himself...don't b a proud motherfucker!
This is not a shocker at all. When have you ever seen an igbo-yoruba joint venture(whether music, nite club, business, heck even living together)ever last or go smoothly without one or both parties acting up. Igbo boys are frigging greedy. Too thirsty for money. They can sell their own mother for money while yorubas do not understand what loyalty is. I am half and half. Mom is from Imo and dad from Ogun so I know what I am saying. Good luck to both parties
Na waoh
wat did u expect from a family business, wat did May D expect?, has square records ever signed on anyone. u better go and look for a good record label. Jude confirmed this on twitter. sorry May D, LESSON NUMBER ONE, BE CAREFUL WEN DOING BIZ WITH AN ANAMBRA MAN.
if his contract has not expired. i'd love for him to sue psquare. that means more money for him...
HOE-loshi!!!! We r talkin abt sumtin else,see were ur own mind is...mtssheewww..some girls sef
They do things haphazardly without considering the effect on their brand and image. For God's sake who is Jude Engees..??...an Agbaya feeding off the success of his younger brothers...
I really liked chop my money but seriously it was MayD's flavor that made it more interesting. Looking like a somalian refugee...anyways I wish all of them the best. THat was very unprofessional of psquare if it is true but then again about 80% of naijas dont act professional
Na wa o...part 3 of this story coming soon
Mr charge and bail lawyer they never signed any contract go back to street fool or listen well before looking for a case
I culd remember wen jude helped de guy hu needed surgery, u all said so many gud tins about him. Now becos of dis u all wnt 2 crusify de guy without even hearin his own side of de story. Abeg guy try give dem ur own side of de tory jare.
Lol jo nd it has started all ova jst like dbanj nd jazzys ish y cnt they jst learn to act mature nd settle ish amongst themselves mst they always embarrass themselves...this is going to b anoda long drama of I said he said nd btw its really gettin childish nd boring...
May D, Psquare owe u no xplanatn cos u were nt officialy signed. Dey brought u in2 square ville lyk a bro and u went ahead 2 leak the ALINGO song on d internet. Thats 2 bad and unfair.
Now I am confused
Never pass judgement until u hear from the other party...BigMike
wetein MAY D do na heeya and i be like d guy abi the guy pass the okoyes back go dey contact Akon for a deal any how mr may d this is not the end of the world move on but p square una wicked o first una thief timaya song now una sack may d the other time una kick out kaha from una house the other time again una claim say na una buy dat una former house if no be say the landlord begin shout we for no no the truth haba these jos boys
that is just sooo fucked up ...
Instead of talking to MAY D in-person, they are posting tweets on tweeter, facebook, blackberry and everything in-between. get a grip people...run a real biz not jerking off on social media!!!!
hey may d life continues ooo httpo://dwaynediary.blogspot.com
Linda why cant ppl leave comments on your blog anymore?
@Ugo, I hit my foot against a desk at work and a lawyer called ugo told me I could sue... Was it you??? Bloody opportunistic ambulance chaser.
Goodluck to both May D and the Okoye's; all good artists.
I don't believe MayD, because his twitter bio has been edited... In the new one there is nothing that shows he his connected with square records..
Does that mean may d won't be a the p-square concert in london. Na wa o. May d has bigger hits than p-sqaure at the moment. No point going for the show then.
The first thing i see when i look at May D is a comedian's face, makes me laugh all day. May D, we love u already. U our baba Ibeji! Move on,its just childish of them not to formally terminate your contract if its the truth oooo,cos pipu sabi cook story.
Linda I see u did not post my comment about d contract they wre tryin to force may d to sign! This only shows that u are 2faced and an enemy of progress
dis absoLute unfortunate
nawwwwwwwwwwwwwah oo
Anon 6.28. Sharrrrrap linda posted the comment. Am sur ur using nokia 3310 tu browse. Abi u don turn anoda jim iyke.
I don't know the day yoruba girls and boys want to learn not to do ANY business deals with igbo boys. Seriously wake up. I have not seen one single one that lasted or made profit without the igbo boys figgting over money. It is their specialty
@ anon 7:39pm I tink u b d one to shut up nd learn some manners.
I say to hell wit psquared.... Mayd is a natural talent.... U will do well... Abet giv us d soundtrack
That laugh go soon kill u, moron.
spuare record i swear una no try hw una go sack may d jst like dat i swear una no try at all may d abeg no wory til dy ride on baba god dy urside
really? So he told you that? Smh for you
typical igbo business
May d may d u where faster than your shadow what u where asking for artist with bigger heats never even achieve am why didn't u kul down to get a heat first like what is d rush why do u compare your self with people that are there in d industry before u after all they did for u u choose to listen to outsiders well is unfortunate it ended this way
Naija Músic industry!!! Full Of drama
Mtsheeew ! I hate People that take decision without rationality . If The Disclaimer is true . Then Jude Okoye Must be very stupid (Linda forgive me for using that word) . because this must be based on personal differences between May D and Jude . Imagine Peter n Paul no even know. @morlardybaba
p square i hate you u guys for doing dis...not nice at alll.....if u like dont post my comment cos u like dem......
@flygerian just out of curiosity, are your parents still together?
It is regrettably lugubrious. Life goes on MAY D. Square Records think b4 u act, else u make elastic mistakes
It is regrettably lugubrious. Life goes on MAY'D. Square Records think b4 u act, else u make elastic mistakes
If this story is true, then it is wicked of Jude to have done that. It is very regrettable. MAY'D life goes on. Square records think before you Act, else, you make elastic mistakes.. MAY'D you can contact me
Nkita lachakwa gi ike! Do u understand this?
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