Lagos Ocean Surge: 6 bodies discovered, more missing | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 19 August 2012

Lagos Ocean Surge: 6 bodies discovered, more missing

Following yesterday's Ocean surge at Kuramo Beach, 3 bodies, including that of a 6 year old child, were recovered from Bar Beach today...making it a total of 6 bodies so far recovered. At least 10 more are still missing.

The surge started on Friday night but became dangerous at about 7 yesterday morning. The surge leveled the Kuramo Beach and swept away fun seekers, fishermen and people occupying illegal shanties at the beach front. Some environmental activists are blaming the recent incident on the abandoned shipwrecks in the ocean. The surge is one of the worst we've had in recent time.

Governor Fashola has ordered the immediate demolition of structures at the beach and relocation of residents who stay in the illegal shacks around the beach.


Anonymous said...

Medecine agter death!

Str8FrmDaHips said...

No one mentioned the Mega City construction going on!!..and the implications...

Anonymous said...

Na wa oh.God help us

Anonymous said...

Yes oh, how about d' implications of eko atlantic estate right on d' beach

Anonymous said...

For the ignorant ones talking about the implications of the Eko Atlantic City, the land reclamation there is not the cause of the Ocean surge. The govt is just trying to reclaim the parts that the ocean has encroached, like reforestation of the desert in the North. Its actually an environmentally friendly project been done there. So if you don't know better don't expose your folly

Unknown said...

Dis is sad...dat beach is cursed...right from wen it was still bar beach

Anonymous said...

Err August 19, 2012 9:22 PM Eko Atlantic is NOT environmentally friendly O. The government is not reclaiming land that has been encroached upon. We were the ones who went into the ocean and started taking land and today we call it Victoria Island. It's simple really - We're putting land into the ocean and blocking off natural beaches and all that water needs an outlet so it's going to surge somewhere else - be it Kuramo or somewhere random in Ogun state. So to people who are planning to still own property in Eko ATlantic in 20 years, just know now that it won't be witches and wizards when the ocean starts to cover property in this so called 'mega city' whose risks and their plans to deal with them are still a mystery.

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy!
Their souls rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Apart from the reclaimed land, this might also be a side effect the sea bootm earthquake that took place in Asia a couple of days ago. I was expecting it tsunami to show up here in the US.

Anonymous said...

@medecine agter death, oga o....just 3 words and u messed up 2 of dem....some pple might not understand what u meant sef

Anonymous said...

What are you talking? Just listen to your self talk. Olodo!

Anonymous said...

So true~ God help us

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up to anonymous 1233... U are clearly in sync and know ur onions. Anonymous 922 should pls understand wot people are saying b4 acting 'i know it all' and just do a little research to get his facts right

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 922, is dat wot u av been brainwashed into thinking or u r just being funny? Kudos to anonymous 1233. U took d' words right out of my mouth...

Anonymous said...

May God help us. This means that there might be a tsunami in Nigeria. God it will be very disasterous. God please deliver us.

Str8FrmDaHips said...

Frigging liar about Eko Atlantic being Eco friendly..are the structures not being over run with water or not!!..paid Tinubu sycophant..

The Wordsmith said...

Pathetic though, but we must not be too careful not to scold these people who habited the shores of the atlantic. Such surges come, its typical of what we have today as a result of Global warming. They had a choice to live there or else where, but sadly they chose to live there. I sympathize with their families, but frown seriously at the fact that they thought they could out smart the ocean. They made their choices, but am afraid it didn't turn out good afterall. Life has got Options, and living even, is a matter of choice. "CHOICES" (leave a comment)

Anonymous said...

Please take a good look at the sea level around 3rd mainland bridge and notice how close it is 2 u when driving on it. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

chipins said...


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