God loves Nigeria so much. For those that doubt it kindly consider the following. They created ebola in their demonic labs for bio weapons. They sent the disease to our shores through an insane Liberian but the Lord defended us and refused to allow it to take root in our shores.
refused to label Boko Haram as a terrorist organisation until all men
of goodwill begged them to do so and until the terrorists had
slaughtered no less than 25,000 Nigerians, including innocent children
whilst abducting thousands more.
refused to sell us arms to fight the Haramites and when we approached
other nations to do so they directed them to say ''no'' and turn us
God was with us, we sourced those arms ourselves and ever since then
the tied has turned and our gallant soldiers are winning the war against
Boko Haram.
Can all this be just coincidence? Do these so-called friends and allies of our nation really wish us well?
read the response of the American Ambassador to Nigeria about our
concerns about the US arms embargo on Nigeria. He spoke nothing but
nonsensical popycock and bunkum.
on earth have we done to them that they seek to bring us to our knees
and decimate our country with terror, torment, violent brutality and
have they visited us with so much covert hate despite our obnoxious
fawning and desperate crawling before their superpower thrones for the
last one hundred years?
Have we not played the fool enough for them and have we not bowed low enough to them on bended knee for the last 54 years?
despite all our efforts to please our international partners and
modern-day slave masters they seek to effect their prophecy that chaos
must envelop Nigeria and that our country must break up by 2015.
seek to ensure that we are enveloped in a sea of carnage and
fratricidal butchery the likes of which have never been seen before on
the African continent or indeed in world history.
the light of all these observations numerous questions must be asked?
Who is really behind Boko Haram and how come they have more
sophisticated arms than the Nigerian military?
supplies them with those arms and all that training? Is it the same
forces that covertly trained, armed and supplied ISIS, Al Nusra and
it the same powers that used those barbaric terrorist organisations in
Syria to attempt to topple President Bashar Al Assad and in Iraq to push
Nouri Al Malaki out of power?
it the same forces that unleashed mayhem and created turmoil in the
Ukraine and that sought to plunge Europe and Russia into a bloody war?
it the same forces that created Al Qaeda and commissioned Osama Bin
Ladin to push the Soviets out of Afghanistan? Is it the same people that
seek to use Boko Haram to decimate our country, destroy our people and
bring our government to it's knees?
is very clear to me that NATO will deploy ground troops to Iraq and
Syria relatively soon. This was the plan all along. The long-term
objective is not just to destroy and defeat ISIL but also to remove
Bashar Al Assad from power in Syria.
a matter of fact the latter has always been the primary objective and
America, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and a handful of others in the Arab
Gulf states supported and funded ISIS, Al Nusra, Daesh and a number of
other terrorist groups specifically for that purpose for a number of
sheer evil and horror of ISIS has provided a useful pretext and
justification for a full scale invasion of Syria and Iraq by the western
powers and their sunni Arab allies.
invasion, which will be clothed in the name of ''liberation'', will
come soon. Bashar Al Assad, Syria, Russia, Iran, China and their
secularist allies in the region need to brace up and prepare for the
worst. This is indeed a rhapsody of reality.
whoever unleashed these forces and whatever their evil intentions for
Nigeria are, one thing is clear: despite all our complexities,
self-hate, self-doubt, ignorance, naivety, eccentricities and innocent
trusting ways, God loves us dearly and we shall not go the way of Iraq,
Syria or Libya.
all this is the land of the Ameyo Adadevoh's and other brave souls.
This is the land where the watchers pray through the night and stand in
the gap for their beloved nation and their compatriots regardless of
faith, tribe or creed.
is the land where, though we pretend to hate one another and we bicker
morning, night and day, we know the meaning of the word patriotism,
honor, dedication, resilience, ruggedness and love.
This is the land whose people know how to worship and praise the one true God and who call on His name night and day.
earthly powers that be and the emissaries of the devil, no matter how
powerful, how rich and how connected will never destroy us and neither
shall the counsel of satan prevail in our land.
Each time they throw a bomb at us, like ebola, it shall ''return to sender''.
time they refuse to sell us arms to enable us to defend our people and
redeem our honor the Lord shall raise others who shall do it in their
bottom line is as follows: you may hate us and seek to shame and
humiliate us but God loves Nigeria and His purpose for our nation,
whether you like it or not, shall surely come to pass.
bless Nigeria and may He continue to deliver us from our enemies,
preserve our unity, defend our shores and protect our borders.
The watchers prayed "return to sender" and ebola was sent back to Houston through another insane Liberian. Now they seek to learn lessons from the Nigeria that they targeted and sought to destroy about how to "contain ebola".
You cannot be positive and move forward with life if you struggle with negative thinking.
Ok seen God bless u too
Yes, God loves us!
God is actually with Nigeria
Daddy FFK, Go and rest.
FFK, na you sabi o, long live Nigeria any way
Nice one
Nice pice Sir!
nice article ffom KFF fro the first time.
GOd loves d world.....nt just 9ja
God bless Nigeria (Amen)
I knew the international community was mor of a disadvantage to Nig probs than they potrayed...
The are indirectly supportin terrorism as we wouldnt legalize gay law
I think this explains a lot on why money has to be smuggled to buy the supposed arms...
Can d international community really go dat far???
I still wonder y ebola lasted in d U.S for dan 2 days... I tot the had the solution
Have never enjoyed any piece written by femi like ds.... thers really more to this haram terror dan we knw
yes,i know that God loves Nigeria,the foreign countries knows that too..Goldensarah9@yahoo.com
I`m with him on dis.....
Nice write up
Visit my blog
America may be the devil herself but she did not shove bad leaders down our throats.She did not force us to embrace tribalism and religious intolerance.She didnt force us to acknowledge corruption and favouritism as the pathway to success.She only played on our already confused mind of the true definition of "neighbou" and we fall for it.It was matter of choice and freewill.About time we accepted our flaws and work on promoting luv and unity.Name calling like politicians do wont get us outta the woods.FFK hope you are feeling me?
This gist heavy well well. I clean mouth Siddon dey look.
yeah we know
Femi Fani Kayode, you are not my man but I am with you on this 100%. God will always protect the weak.
This man I can see is a fool, does he think that the Americans are fools like our so called leaders?. Sell sophisticated arms to Nigerians and then it will fell into the hands of Boko Haram and they will not only use it to terrorise Nigerians but also other countries around.
The Americans knows that Nigerians are those sponsoring those devils and they want our leaders to first check each others out first before they can help.
They knows that our leaders are corrupt and selfish. What of if the arms are needed not for the armies but for the next elections?. I think that is all what those people are thinking for them to tell other countries not to sell arms to Nigeria.
I believe that one day, all darkness shall become light and we will see.
Linda post my comment
Hmmmm God loves nigeria.
Tell them femi. America is the architect of most problems happening around the world. They tried to use south africa to seize the 9.5m$ so they could stop nigeria from buying arms since they refused to seel for us. They knew nigerian govt was making moves to buy arms behind them so they decided to twart the effort. But God is with us.
Wow! This is by far the best article that he has produced. Thank you Linda for sharing it with us. LIB 4 life!
'If a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.'
-Malcolm X
The don't love us and they will never love us. We have to stand up for ourselves.
God Bless Nigeria
It is well
God Bless Nigeria
Nice one
atleast some1 sees it d way i do.i thank u Lord...we shall rule the world 1day...NAIJA shall!
May God richly bless your observant knowledge Sir.
Interesting piece!!!
Wow! What a nice article.
God bless u Fani Kayode. I knew it that most of the so called world powers are not with us in this fight against terrorism. Wolves in sheeps clothing. Lord have mercy
hmmm...he loves Nigeria but feels nothing for sierria leone,Guinea and liberia.shallow minded ideas such as this is what makes atheists ridicule christianity
Mr Femi Fani Kayode will come to understand what is happening when he reads this wonderful book:"IN BIAFRA AFRICA DIED -The Diplomatic Plot" published in Britain by Veritas Lumen Publishers, London.
Something is wrong with ds FFK. U make NGR sound so vulnerable. Why cant u mk ur own guns if dey dont sell 2 u?? Pls ds article is bland...
Something is wrong with ds FFK. U make NGR sound so vulnerable. Why cant u mk ur own guns if dey dont sell 2 u?? Pls ds article is bland...
Na waoohh
true talk my brother
God loves the world n we knw it..
Yes o God loves Nigeria.
Nice write-up mr FFK
God bless Nigeria
Hope u don't take urself too seriously.U sound like a Josef Kony in the making.
Kudos FFK. One of the few that see beyond their noses.
Oh my, well said FFK. You couldn't have said it better. Whenever they send a bomb against us like Ebola, it shall return to sender. That's the part i love most.
Dis is exactly wat am talking abt,God bless u so much my broda 4 saying dis;dis country can neva fall,bcos we re d children Living God nd he luvs u TOO much 2 allow such 2 happen 2 us.
Yes, indeed God loves us.
This mumu man again! Fews weeks back u said APC is sponsor of Boko Haram.. today you are saying USA is responsible! You will never change! Chameleon!!
see tribalist dey talk
In as much as it comes from FFK I won't bother me a bit cos initially you attacked APC and now you're seeing light from other angle, Nigeria should be able to know better BH aren't only evil they are meant to divert our attention from reaching our initial objectives which is vision 2020
no mata wot in biafra we stand ...God bless biafra republic...
Frm the man frm the east*odikwaegwu.com*
may jehovah bless u sir for this speech becos does forces dont anything gud out of us but the lord will shame them africa must return to its true glory
yep .. indeed God loves Nigeria ..
~ legendel Azuu ~
this man just talks too much. sit down jo. #yawn
FFK for president. Well written article exposing the United States for its covert, power hungry actions.
I am delighted that people like FFK understand what the west is up to. This people have seen the direction Nigeria is heading to if we get our acts right. No weapon fashioned against Nigeria shall prosper.On the issue of arms I don't really agree with FFK because we can easily purchase from Russia or China. They no how blessed Nigeria is and also that she is edging towards being a superpower in the nearest future.
Nice but not all r true but well articulated
God truly loves Nigeria if not…hmmm..
It is called neo-colonialism. They want to scatter this country into tiny pieces, none of which can truly stand alone, but will instead depend on them for security. They also want the oyel at the cheapest price possible to drive their economy. Then they also want to make sure that Nigeria, and by extension Africa and the black race will forever be subservient. United we stand, divided we fall. That is all. And congrats to you Linda, welcome back.
yes o God bless nigeria
The sooner Nigeria reviews it's foreign policy on certain issues the better for us. South Africa has forgotten so soon what we did during the apartheid era, send Glo and DSTV out of Nigeria. Just those two alone will slash their tax. As for America, why can't Nigeria buy arms from Russia and China? Are we waiting for their guided prophecy to come to pass. I tire o.
The sooner Nigeria reviews it's foreign policy on certain issues the better for us. South Africa has forgotten so soon what we did during the apartheid era, send Glo and DSTV out of Nigeria. Just those two alone will slash their tax. As for America, why can't Nigeria buy arms from Russia and China? Are we waiting for their guided prophecy to come to pass. I tire o.
2 boring 2 me . Fani kayade has no moral right to lebel another country when he is in no way better person !
Love this article. God will use the weak to pull down the strong. Our wisdom is foolishness to God. The westerners think they are wise, but actualy they are foolish. We have to begin to view and understand things from a spiritual stance. I think this FFK does.
Hmmm u try. If only u wrote all these before u did what took u to EFCC I got believe u. As it is we know d people who love Naija: we d masses. Not people like u.
YES GOD loves the world but hates the way ou insult and talk to people anyhow
Me too I enjoyed it. Dis is juts d simple truth of an international conspiracy
I agree with u sir.
interesting article by FFK. I think he needs some pampering from FG though
He actually Loves us
Is Ebola God's Wrath?Remaining fresh after Spiritual revival
U take urself too seriously.America is now jona's latest enemy. U're beginning to sound like Josef kony.U always hear the lords voice when u think aloud.we need prayers
Mad man..
FFK, you don't represent your University well. If you were the only one one knew who had attended that school, the person would have advised others not to attend. No investigation, no research, you always blab. God bless Nigeria.
I read in Vanguard that an army colonel literally donated out APC to Boko Haram. Whose fault is it? USA?
Am not a fan of FFK ,but diss article is well written. And d comments here shows dat under all d troubles and katakata , Nigeria still have hope.
Nice one FFK. I totally agree with u. But what about us? What about family? What about hope? Are we treating ourselves fairly? I know someday this nation will rise and shine. To US and its allies...our country will overcome. 314CC792
This is the best article ever written by FFK. Every word was precise and true. Our so. Called 'partners' are behind some of the nations' problems from amalgamation till date. God truly loves Nigeria!
100% agreed with you, my fella!
I can not believe this insane man was once a minister in nigeria.
God bless Nigeria
To FFK and whom it may concern. Its very unfortunate that someone like FFK is still walking on the street of Nigeria. I do not understand why we Africans do like to transfer our self made problem on the shoulder of other people. Kindly ask FFK to come forth with proves of all his allegations on the State, Just because he does not have the privilege to wine and dine with this present ruler do not give you liberty to condemn or reprimand it. If people like FFK has positively invested the funds allocated to them when they was in power America wouldn't have had the opportunity to import sophisticated weapon that end in the hand of BH as he claimed . Country like Nigeria should have an effective air and land Boarder security so someone with Ebola wouldn’t have free entry into our great nation. America is as innocent as GOD because African is considered as bad and crappy investment made by God.
We keep dwelling in illusion ,despite undisputable evidence that corruption is deadly as Ebola which can diminish the human population in a light speed, We Africans still uphold a persistent false psychotic belief that almighty God will come to deliver us in the hand of corruption and other self made problem that has hinder our racial development. People like FFK still have the chance to correct their wrongs so that we can begin to be responsible for our decisions and accept our responsibilities because I do not understand why we have to hold America responsible for high tuition fee, lack of standard medical facilities, Bad roads. Where were you when someone unwisely pocket $16B allocated for light up Nigeria project, what happen to all funds available to our build and manage our roads and airport security, where were you when just one person unreasonably steal and embezzled billions projected for our Police force? Mr FFK and Co please take the back seat and just let have peace because we have had enough of your unwise decisions.
To FFK and whom it may concern. Its very unfortunate that someone like FFK is still walking on the street of Nigeria. I do not understand why we Africans do like to transfer our self made problem on the shoulder of other people. Kindly ask FFK to come forth with proves of all his allegations on the State, Just because he does not have the privilege to wine and dine with this present ruler do not give you liberty to condemn or reprimand it. If people like FFK has positively invested the funds allocated to them when they was in power America wouldn't have had the opportunity to import sophisticated weapon that end in the hand of BH as he claimed . Country like Nigeria should have an effective air and land Boarder security so someone with Ebola wouldn’t have free entry into our great nation. America is as innocent as GOD because African is considered as bad and crappy investment made by God.
We keep dwelling in illusion ,despite undisputable evidence that corruption is deadly as Ebola which can diminish the human population in a light speed, We Africans still uphold a persistent false psychotic belief that almighty God will come to deliver us in the hand of corruption and other self made problem that has hinder our racial development. People like FFK still have the chance to correct their wrongs so that we can begin to be responsible for our decisions and accept our responsibilities because I do not understand why we have to hold America responsible for high tuition fee, lack of standard medical facilities, Bad roads. Where were you when someone unwisely pocket $16B allocated for light up Nigeria project, what happen to all funds available to our build and manage our roads and airport security, where were you when just one person unreasonably steal and embezzled billions projected for our Police force? Mr FFK and Co please take the back seat and just let have peace because we have had enough of your unwise decisions.
God blessing
This is a real wonderful article from FFK. I love this man, he is so wise and intelligent and he cannot say this truth enough.. Nigerians he that hath ear let them hear bcos the international community wants to destroy us.. You pple might not understand that this man has seen a clear vision on the current situation of this country and the terror BH has befell us.. It is all the plans of the internation community to get us down otherwise the 1million question remains. Who is Boko Haram nad what are the sponsors
It's a pity when some shallow minded Nigerians could insult an intelligent article like this it's shows that a lot of Nigerians actually don't read books or I will say don't have an understanding of what ever information comes their way....We know Nigeria is a corrupt nation, we know FFK is a controversial person but hey pals stop the insult.... When you see good things and read good articles like this one learn from it and appreciate them if it's worth it. For the record ; Nigeria contained Ebola with a perfect result and that was Gracious.... Thank you... My first time ever to paste a commit... Good job Linda.
To all the shallow minded people here: address the content of the discourse and leave the writer alone. Is he right or wrong.
Talking nonsense as usual. They hate you because of corruption. They hate the fact that people like you have stolen the wealth meant for all and left millions in poverty. They do not want to be associated with a clueless government . Everything you wrote up there is gibberish but trust Nigerians to agree with you because everything religion makes their brain cells stop functioning. Awon ole oshi!
I tell you. So so shallow. Children are dying in other West African countries, he can't even see that the swift action of our government saved us.
God Bless Nigeria. We should help our fellow brothers in neighbouring African countries more & more in these times as they need us. Victory for one, victory for all. #DeathToTheEnemiesOfNigeria #DeathToTheEnemiesOfAfrica
God bless Nigeria but he love and bless me mostly cause am the apple of his eye
Hmmmmmm, this men(fani and asari) are so confused. You should thought of it b4......
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