This man turned his heartache into inspiration after his wife left him taking everything with her but the dog | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 15 April 2016

This man turned his heartache into inspiration after his wife left him taking everything with her but the dog

It's a sad, sad day when a good thing comes to an end but where one ends, another begins. Just like Rafael Mantesso found out. He had a day to forget on his 30th birthday when his wife left him, to make matters worse, she took everything with her: the furniture, the kitchenware, all the photos and the pictures.

She left one thing behind however, the couple's bull terrier named Jimmy Choo after the famous shoe designer. With his wife gone, Rafael turned his hand to a long dormant inspiration; art. Using Jimmy Choo as his partner, Rafael began making beautiful illustrations with the bare walls as canvas. As Rafael began to photo his creations, people began to sit up and take notice.

Not only were the world's media enchanted, but Sandra Choi, Jimmy Choo's Creative Director fell under the other Jimmy's spell.

Sandra approached Rafael to commission him to create a series illustrations to decorate a selection of Jimmy Choo accessories. For Rafael, one door closed and another opened.


Unknown said...

Hahahaha,every disappointment is a blessings in disguise

LIB ADDICT#just passing#

Bonita Bislam said...

Wow inspiration can come even from smallest of things.That's why edreamz remains my inspiration *Big grin*

Anonymous said...

Oh my lord. He's a really good illustrator...and now he's a cool dude. Awww heartbreak turned into financial joy...hehehe

Arsenal said...

God is great

valushi said...

When he makes it, the leech will come back apologise, though I am afraid Rafael will take her back, because oyibo love is different from our's.

Unknown said...

Wow.. dats gr8

Eva Da Diva...

Unknown said...

Problem brings the best in you. Nice one

Anonymous said...

When the bridges you burn light your path to greatness....what a wonderful GOd.

Unknown said...

Gd for him
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Yetty k said...

eeyah.some women sha

Unknown said...

Amazing! I bet the wife would want back in now. Linda take note!

Funmy Kemmy said...


Anonymous said...

The thing is Rafael has always been talented but his now ex-wife is the one who has suppressed that talent all along. Now the devil woman is gone he now have the freedom to express that talent. I degree to your life today that every devil woman in your life should immediately delete themselves in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. SAY A BIG AMEN so that God will reveal the light in your life.

Pretty face said...


Unknown said...

I give credit to dog for being very cooperative

Unknown said...

dope af

Eddy Ogbunambala said...


Unknown said...

Quite creative and funny at the same time.

Chuks Bruno said...

His pain became his gain....Oluwa make me experience such trans4mation IJN

Unknown said...

Creativity helps!

Pearlie said...

Sometimes,we discover our talents in the worst of mood
All the best to him

Anonymous said...

Have you thought of the impact of your comment?

Evidence blacks are heart stone people.

I have learned far more from my Caucasian society than the black community, about love and forgiveness etc... BLACKs have so many problems, but pretend to be Christians. What is the issue if he can forgive her and reconcile with her. Don't be so bitter in your heart and stop being ignorant just because YOU aren't able to let the past GO!!

Anonymous said...

My dear be general: even men can suppress ones talents. Ler God remove all evil spirits from our lives no matter the gender!!

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