Anyway, I will find one weird LindaIkeji name and let y'all know soon where I am moving to. I don't want to give any of these guys the pleasure of buying those names from them.
Secondly, I also think it's time to expand. For almost 8 years it's been mostly me. I think it's time to get more hands to work at LIB. Doing it mostly alone has been fun but it can be quite exhausting. You don't go out much and I practically don't have a social life. Plus now I can go out more and maybe find me a husband before menopause catch me for house where I sit down from morning till night dey I need sex again in my life I
I'm kinda glad this's pushed me to want to expand. Will let y'all know. Kisses
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 487 Newer› Newest»Linda finest second paragraph got me really laffing
You need sex true true
Your husband will definitely come
Cybersquatters just pushed u to d next BIG level congrats baby
Love always
Linda u are 2 funny " find me a husband before menopause catch me 4 house".Yes u av 2 expand and d good lord will be with u always! Luv u!
You are rely funny.
Like u aint getting some already hehe
Its all good anty lindodo
Na wah ohhhh,its well shaaa
#######LIB MY BAD HABIT########
Linda, i need you to hook me up on ur blog ooo...we can make it bigger just d way it should be.
That's a gud move linda....May God increase you.
Good for u dear may God help u
i will be honored to work with you linda, if given the chance. please email me bosschic linda am waiting.
You can pick me for your kinda husband.
Choi... Aunty Linda, i have always wanted to be big as you are, u get Fanz wella... Yes oh u will expand, and get married, but no go dey do tiwa savage, ini edo, and other celebrities style, wey like divorce pass anything...
Abeg when u have a new domain inbox my gmail @ I fit work for you.
Yes,get ur own domain name and we will follow u again cos u av bin helping ur readers in ur own little way!luv u lindodo!
Everything happens for a reason. Turning point for you I guess. It's a country where successful people are hated more than politicians that steal billions. It's unfortunate.
Lili pls employ me, mail me for procedures
Linda the lord is your strength my dear. He will see you through. Rozay talking
Hahahahahahahaha. Linda Ikeji ooo. I swear you're funny. It's well Dear, whom God has blessed No man can cause.
Hi linda. You need a good lawyer. You can email me at 08033574836. Pls kindly delete my email address and phone number after verification. Have a blessed day.
Lol...linda it's kinda of good to know you have people who love you for you nd wants to be like you..have been. A fan of your blog for 8 years and have never comment once but with all that's going on want to say this..those who God have blessed can't be pull down rock linda..if you need more hands email me
bosschic linda i will be honored if given the opportunity to work with you my email is
Pls linda d name shud be what we can easily adapt to,am soused to d name linda ikeji as pepper is to pepersoup. Chai dis pple shud pity linda nau? Incase u need philosophers I'm der to assist.
I want to marry you :'(
Linda you no go kill me
@b4 menopause catch me.......Nne U no just send!.....wetin haters wan use U cuss now?....u don wear am as armour!.....may God keep prospering the works of ur hands dear
Ook....but pls post my comment 10ks
Check email Linda....
U are a very funny lady anyway it's good for things to happen, cous when they do they push us to do better,.. Go for it girl
Linda another advise for you. Search on Google on how to recover company domain name. There are a lot of articles, you mustn't buy those domains, and stop writing/blogging about it.
You don't have to loose your name cause someone infringed on it.
Good to hear you are learning. Sweetheart you are online (that's how you make your living), there are basic things you have to know okay? I'm surprise you said you ask someone to check if your name is available. Crying out loud is worth a lot. Maybe you don't know you are in top 2000 website in the world, above all your primary audience are youths. Jeez sweetheart wake up and monetize your traffic.
Lol.... Linda u too fear Menopause and pls don't tell me u're celibate. choi.
lol@" I need sex again in my life I swear...choi"....You should expand...
Linda come to me for confirm Love
Linda take it easy o bfor u crash
'Plus now I can go out more and maybe find me a husband before menopause catch me for house where I sit down from morning till night dey I need sex again in my life I' Linda, you such a funny lady, i like your sense of humor
'Plus now I can go out more and maybe find me a husband before menopause catch me for house where I sit down from morning till night dey I need sex again in my life I' Linda, you such a funny lady, i like your sense of humor
Hello and good morning, its time you get an office and employ capable hands. i am available . i need a job. xoxo hugs and kisses
lolzz i feel every tin u r goin tru now..!u r indeed a strong girl..i luv ur blog n log in evryday,atleast 2 do amebor lolzz no mata wat.. Am stil a fan of calm dear d battle is of d Lord..4 He turns d craftiness of d wicked 2 foolish...shalom
Linda I pray you get your heart desire husband he must be rich o so he won't be jealous of your success. My dear Linda prayer harder for God sent him to you.
Hi linda I appreciate wat u ar doing. And I. Know God. Will fight. For u. I am a regular visitor to ur blog thou I dnt comment a lot. Just kip doing wat. U are doing God bless u. In case u need workers am interested in working for. U tnx.
Please is there a way I can contact you for a business venture and also have a great web developer to introduce you
though i never commented before , but i like how ure dealing with this, ure surely going higher. none of their efforts can pull you down. go girl
See as you dey spoil kids lol.. Goodluck
Get a .co
though i never commented before , but i like how ure dealing with this, ure surely going higher. none of their efforts can pull you down. go girl
Linda yeah I agree with you, it's about time you had time for yourself. We love you.
Linda I love u 4 dis,thats d way girl......murder dem with success n bury dem with smile!! POTABLE VIV
You are not going out to find husband.. u r going out so that husband will see you. you are too pretty to be looking for husband. they are looking for u. jst that u have been indoors..
jisike na olu..
I feel you Linda dearie but no matter what they do, The Lord is your strength, don't be deterred by these psychotics who find it difficult to hide their envy & accept someone else's success, they are rather pushing you towards bigger success.....your story shall be bigger & greater than what they think. IJN or
Hope securing another domain name will solve the problem,Most times when i google lindaikeji, it takes me to another site. Anyway its good to step up and expand and involve more hands coz you need that husband oo(quench the urge) time waits for no man.
Buy a vibrator in the meantime *wink*
Kiss kiss linda. God de ur side.
How old is linda?
lili employ me oooo. am available
The cause of your problem is showing off. Hope you learnt your lesson this time around.
More grace 2 ur hustle, wish u all wat u wish urself. pray u true luv
I have confidence in you. They fitn't stop you. No shaking. Don't even let them begin to get to you. weldone.... pele.
U need it ma. Dear, I jt wish u won't change d name, I can type d name in ma sleep sef! LMAO @ hav sex again. U shld hook up wit Mr wellington as he is as much. Single as u
Go girl...LIB readers ar
God is ur strength dear...
Do u really fink u funny?stop tryin too hard Pls
Great news, please I'll like to work for you. Is there a mail I can contact you with vital informations about myself and my abilities? God bless.
Plus now I can go out more and maybe find me a husband before menopause catch me for house where I sit down from morning till night dey I need sex again in my life I (I love this) pls hurry
God is ur strength dear...
Awwww!very nice and thoughtful of you.
God will bless you with a good man.A man after his heart.
Plz Linda,i need work oo frm u even to be ur cleaner.
May God strengthen your arm. You go girl
Tank God 4 u Linda, I believe God is strongly behind u, those guys that want to pull u down must b out of their mind. Whom God has blessed no man can curse.
Well done Linda, I'm one of those who have been you since day one.Good to see you grow from strength to strength,your blogg has also evolved from those days of Lagos weekend journalism to a more issue based blogg, there is still room for improvement. Though it's good to have your name on the blogg you can creat another name and turn it into a brand as anywhere you go we will follow.
Hmm.... Way to go gurl!
I dey ur side no shaking but most importantly, God dey ur side.
Go get them gurl, that's the spirit..
Blessed day to us all!
*My R1.50c comment*
Linda pls I will connect you to my big brother. He is 34,dark.,tall and handsome. And not doing badly. You both will look absolutely good together.
Plz Linda,i need work oo frm u,plz.
U r well known na linda ..u no know bfore..some go don even buy with yiur hubby to be name...pls I will like to be in your crew ...wannna work with...pls do make it known when employing.
D sky is ur limit.U re moving to a higher place!
Lol... Linda. You are one amazing lady. Haha. We all need good sex in our lives...*wink*
Linder I pray all this is resolved soon, cos I missed you these few days, pls am also interested in your expansion.
It's I need sex again in my life...body no be firewood na
Konji for kill u nah. Stay there dey blog Ode.
Yes, u sure need that my dear. Good sex for that matter.
Plus, different views from additional hands are welcome.
Moral of the lesson: Make money first, then play later.
okay woh sisi eko..... Just let us know where you are moving to when you are ready.. So we can catch up wid you.. Hmmmm but sisi you mean you have been staying without sex all these wile? Okay nau odigodi ajo sharp.. I mean you sayin you need sex again in your life... Sharp dudes pasa kwa everywhere.
Call me WIZKEL...
just when you are ready to expand, there are people ready to take the job offer please. thanks for those bloody muffons who pushed you cos they obviously would be bringing out the best and they would be giving some of us a new job.
thats how God works.they just don't know .enlargement of your is what's happening. pls I need the job.working with some like you will be my God working for me . bbm:7920779D
Bout time dear ,bout time . Everything happens for a reason . Expand ull only grow bigger . Be bigger like E online . The sky is only ur starting point . Whenever ppl push me down I only get up bigger .
Linda u no serious atal, abeg u need sex jare. yeye gurl
Bout time dear ,bout time . Everything happens for a reason . Expand ull only grow bigger . Be bigger like E online . The sky is only ur starting point . Whenever ppl push me down I only get up bigger .
Lmao@ before menopause catch u..abeg run ooo
Lol @ sex again.Linda pls get professionals to help u out.U can call ds num.He is good 08033332401
Linda copyright your blogs name and then report them to domain regulatory authorities and let them hands off the sites
You're not being creative. I just did a search and is still available for $2.99!!! Hurry before your squatter friends take that too.
Linda abeg employ me cos I dey find job & I'm computer literate
I am in need of a job,i am a fresh graduate of mass communication
It will be great working with you Linda. You have taught me how to be independent and that anyone that tells me I have to sleep with a man to succeed in life has lied.
my email is Please let me know when you are ready to have me on board. It willbe a great priviledge.
Good idea
Linda u are funny.don't worry menopause won't catch you.seriously you need more hands.
Linda we'll b expectn dat,God don mk u bigger
But linda you ought to have bought every domain in your name long before now. You really need to take this your job very seriously. Try and get a big office space and possibly buy a decent home somewhere around town that is well secured, then employ more hands. I will advise you to employ people you can work with to avoid envy and jealousy. Why don't you employ your sister laura, and few other hands whom you can trust. Don't go and employ pple that will tear you down oo. Goodluck to you.
Hmmmmmmmm would love to propose to you oya check out this domain name they are available
Wish u well in finding a husband...
find a domain name and enroute your to the new domain name well thats if your blogspot host will allow it... Cyber squatting is a big crime that the world wish to turn a blind eye to. As for the husband thing,MARRY ME
Lindodo dnt worry,it is well.....n God will give u ur own husband...Amen
Hello linda, congrats on ur plan to expand ur company. I'm glad u tot of dat. I wld lyk to join u on dis platform. Contact me on 08037584213 or 2a2995f0 or email on I op to join d winnin party. LIB all d way.
Love u 2! It good that u even move to another domain. All haters can go to the red sea and drown.... #Following LIB
It's a good thing to expand. Now them cybersquatters are all gonna cry.hehehehheeh..wat a drive for motivation. Linda biko when are you employing more hands.please I am deeply interested in working with you. Plz contact me. Thanks
I love ur spirit. Despite everything going on, u laugh & even make fun of urself. U r blessed & no one can bring u down.
Pls do, we are waiting, where you go, we go, and again concerning marriage, Gods time is the best, Biko don't rush into it. Love you
Oh linda! Maybe u should use ur fiancee's lastname, since u are gonna hv to adopt the name later on, buh make sure its kept secret till u use it for your domain name.
As for employing hands, i am badly inneed of a job, and i wouldnt mind if u employ me. I hv a B.A in history and and also have a huge desire for jounalism. Linda i beleive u can be of help, as i will diligently render a good service. Dont mind being a reporter for LIB.
OMG Linda I've been sayin this 4eva! LINDAIKEJI is a brand and shld be able 2run effectively with or without u. I ll be honored 2work 4dis brand.
Yeah you need to say i do to lucky guy out dere and secondly God will take you trough @linda sessy
You sound so much rattled. Take it easy. There is enough room !!!
If you are not being asked to move, sister, don't go anywhere. Sit tight on this platform for now. You may continue to work on the new site but don't jump to it yet.
I like what BN is doing. On their own website or so. But I can't spend the amount of time I spend on LIB there. For all the reasons!!! This Google platform is built for this. It took a large strong team of programmers to put together.
I would imagine the majority of your readers are on mobile devices. Websites are pretty awful on mobiles in Nigeria.
To leave this platform will mean handing someone else the initiative.
Stay where you are. The storm shall be over.
Jeeezzz... Linda is such a clown.... God will lead u right.
Jeeezzz... Linda is such a clown.. May God lead u right.
This ran as a thought in my mind few months back, that its high time you actually get your own website probably for news and other social stuffs, so as to keep your user base growing. Congrats.
Linda so u no dey menoooo b4!!!abeg go clear dat tunnel o b4 cobweb arrnge 4 no mind dose useless mnkeys u r a star nd dere's nthng dey cnt do about it!abeg employ me oooooo I just graduate from AAU I nid a job!!!hehehehe
Did you check
Linda biko employ me make I work 4 u
not funny! a mature lady like you should know how to use such words.... like you want to marry bcos of sex... and not to be join together as 1 with the man God made for you. dirty talk , am vexed at you
If only those wicked guys knew that their evil intents will bring about a massive and global expansion for you...uhmmmm. God is surely on your side. *Biggest Congrats.
Fuck jor...chop alone die alone. Gerrout of here jor....who say blogger no fit nack...u r just too silly....u know how many homes wey u support to break? No worries
Very good,Now you're talking. Abeg do quick let us know when you're ready make we do forward our cv's come your side
Ok At needing Sex in your life.
Yeah!u sure need to get ur sex life bck!keep been U
Ok ooo, I can also help u from school here in ife. My email address is Tanx
Wow i can give
Babes you need am, bodi no be fire wood lol More seriously, one need to always be on top of his game cos the world is competitive. I wish you all d best.
Na wa oo, these guys wan close ur shop by all means oo, bt oluwa is involved sha
Linda emloy me oooooo,I serious ooooo I juz graj I nidz d job I don dey read ur blog since wen I dey 300l,love u scatter.
Hahahaha monopause me go like marry u Linda
Linda emloy me oooooo,I serious ooooo I juz graj I nidz d job I don dey read ur blog since wen I dey 300l,love u scatter.
Dey will only try bt will nt succeed. Hw do we apply to gt to work wit u.
Linda, Linda, Linda. So dat place dey scratch you and you just dey subdue am?
Where were u when they were taking all ur names cause I knw u r intelligent,smart,independent powerful black n blessed woman?
Lmaoo...@ needing sex again. U really need a social life darl...dat shudnt be lagging as its part of ur life too...Wish u success as u expand...let some of us knw if deres vacancy sha obsession
Linda biko don't kill me wit laugh dis morning
Good luck to you Linda. Yes I agree its time to expand and also get a hubby n have cute kids. That's what a balanced life is all about. God bless you.
u just have to wait till some new domain extensions are released
God bless ur effort and quench all their struggles to bring ur down.
try using anagram. I like the way you see yourself, it's fun. That you are keeping a cool head about this is cool too. Big ups to you.
Eya. My dear Linda. Abeg don't let these haters change you one bit, but I'm glad they've empowered you and opened your eyes to go to the next level though, good for you. We your fans will follow you anywhere, even Lol!
Grow bigger, get (trustworthy!) employees, find a husband, have lots of amazing sex and make beautiful babies, and make a will so that when the inevitable happens, someone competent can take over your blogging. Good luck doll! #Mwah
are you serious, lols, i comfirmed this by also doing a search and find out there is nor available @ all. anyway i tink IKEJILINDA.COM is still available.
Thank God this "Work alone-Chop Alone" mentality has left you.... Haba even one man businesses have sales boys at least .....
and as for the name etc... just keep trying till you get one....!
Other ideas;
Kisses baby.... u fit add numbers to the name or lindaikejiforever, or Linda ikeji the daughter of zion..... haters dem full everywhere
I read about the dude and co who are stressing you but dont worry God pass them. I cant claim i know the ins and outs of remaining on blogsphere or owning your website but all i can say is LINDA IKEJI perhaps its time you kept quiet. The bible says be as wise as a serpent but as gentle as a dove. At the end of the day we remain in Nigeria dont forget. If you were based outside, i will give you a thumbs up but here peeps be hailing you and plotting to take from you. Its not all your achievement that you should splash on your blog, it is not every holiday or trip that you should splash, it is not every shoe or bag price that you should list or allow close family members splash on instagram and co (shout out to that your sister).
At the end of the day, your true fans know what you stand for. You encourage young women and girls to have dreams and go for it without lying on their back. Thats a big thing but dear please sometimes keep quiet. I know Bella Naija is raking in big box too but you hardly hear a word or see her splashed all around. i am not asking you to be like Seun of Nairaland but find a middle ground and may God continue to bless your hussle for ever and ever and evermore.
From a reader who cares...
Linda need sex? Nd I fuck very well..can we hookup..lwkmh
Linda,i knw u don't knw me so much but just kindly visit my blog,tho its been long I posted n I dnt knw much abt designing blogs just visit . I'd be honored if u'd get back to me on dz email wen ur ready to expand, I'm a devoted writer n i'd bring innovations n all to make ur blog alway better. Btw I thank God ur back#wheewww
Nne, I am really thrilled to know you intend to give these low lives the fight for their money. You can count on us to stand hybrid all the way in this. And should you ever think it's time to give someone a legal 'black eye' just holla.
About getting more sex...hmmmmm keeping my toes crossed.
Eya buh everything hapan 4 a reason my dear buh linda y ar u Treating me bad I told u I want 2 b a blogger u refuse 2 help me God dey ooooo~ice princess ~
Linda killed me oo😂😂 sweety with success comes more challenges, are big days are yet to come
Linda oooooooo u realli need d sex go find urslf a husband jare nice one
Linda u'er funny before menopause catch me for house lol
You can have different varieties of spelling your name dat won't make u loose ur viewership......... Please employ people, you aint getting any younger, Nairaland, Bellanaija n rest av made it too... Have a team... two he heads r better than one
p.S u can like to add Bonario to ur staff lol
Funny you linda.... Anyway I'm still available for marriage. Twitter/@dj_smartt
abeg linda if you need sex u dont need to announce it to the world, just hit me and i will pounce on ur ass like u never had before even thou ur pussy will be deep and oily.
Love you long time...Welcome to wordpress, where google can't try nada!
Go Linda! You inspire me*
Good idea, you need to expand for growth but I don't know about the sex part o! as I strongly discourage sex before marriage. Most guys appreciate girls who don't open their legs for them even when they ask for it persistently. It worked for me though the smooching no
You were sleeping and let soap entered your eyes. Wise up n get your website
Lol. Lindy way so u get sense lyk dis choi dnt worry u will have sex again lol #onelovefromSnow#
hehehehehe,,,, abeg do marry before menopause hug u for body
Linda please how do I apply?
I believe I'm the kind of person you need. Contact me on
NB: Female, 27
im sure someone told u this would be a good idea, because all u have been is selfish and greedy only winning hearts of people in a certain TG. dont confuse me to be a hater, i cant be arsed. i read ur blog everyday and i like what u do i just dont like what u stand for.
Funny! Making sense... God will continue to raise u above ur enemies... Amen!!
kisses i will be waiting dearie linda.
You were sleeping and let soap entered your eyes. Wise up n get your website
Good move girl! honestly the only part of this that got me eye popping was the sex in my life thing. 1 night with linda... hmmmm i'm made.
Please am interested in the job.
Linda INeed That Job Die . . I'm AComputer Science Student . . Tx Mai Life . . Incase Yu Nid Mhe . . Holla :
Linda INeed That Job Die . . I'm AComputer Science Student . . Tx Mai Life . . Incase Yu Nid Mhe . . Holla :
nice one, linda... my pleasure to work with u.... sex sex sex u need... laffs in spanish.
Linda I'm very hardworking, I wld be very happy to be in your team. Pls do contact me via Thanks dear
It Will be an epic fail, cos the name LindaIkeji has been established & widely recognized.
you can still employ more bloggers and when doing so ensure you include a music blogger...all the best Lily!
Ashawo Linda
I just keep loving you and may God keep guiding you..amen
All the best!
Laughing hard at the sex again, about time to make more impact but as you grow please beware of the new biz model you may want to employ as what made you can never be replaced. Its important to put your readers in mind. By the way if you need a good and trust worthy journalist my wife is available, if you wont owe her like those nonsense riff raff bastards called publishers.
U no go kill person with laughter auntie Linda.I was sooooo angry wn i could not assess ur blog on my phone over the Holiday. Anyway,thank God it's been resolved now. Well done dear. We dey ur side!
Laughing hard at the sex again, about time to make more impact but as you grow please beware of the new biz model you may want to employ as what made you can never be replaced. Its important to put your readers in mind. By the way if you need a good and trust worthy journalist my wife is available, if you wont owe her like those nonsense riff raff bastards called publishers.
God will announce you the more. Try and keep some rings about yr self out from public view, it is not every trip or every car you announce to the public. People can be jealous, and you r also outing your life st risk. Be more matured about these things. God is yr strength.
Linda I dey with you all the way, nothing dey happen. God must punish Satan.
Welcome development!
linda you have gone mad lol just buy one of there names na... no worry your self too much.
congrats on the move.bigger you on the way!!!i could be down if ur serious about the always open to making a little extra cash!!!hit me up on
i admire ur reaction to this. a nice way to view life. can't wait to see and celebrate your expansion. wish you all the best.
Lmao @ need sex again....
Really funny wat some guys can do, they are just intimidated by u ... Meanwhile, I'll be glad 2 work with u , I'll make u proud
Linda, I am a web developer...I developed,, can design something even better for you plus give you a fine content management database system where all your employees will be given access to your site and set limit for how far they can control...Plus I will give you special advice and tutoring as to how to manage your website efficiently...Plus give you mentorship on how to successfully set up an online company, the office, the role of each employee...Plus give you tips on how to drive all your traffic to your new website and much more...I can finger myself as experienced and talented, though I am not known and recognized that much, but trust me, I have handled such business...You truely need to rest.
My email:
Hi Linda, i wish you all the best in your expansion pursuit. And i think you totally rock. They CAN'T bring you down.
Let us know what you decide as you go along and if you have any part time position, i will be interested as i already have a job, but will be happy to work with you.
Meanwhile, getting a man is important but don't settle for less than you deserve....
Thought you were saving your self Linda... finally you want to employ good for you
Dnt mind em".
A pity this is happening but good to know you are seeing the bright side of it.
Blogging, even professionally, can't stop anybody from having a sexual life...even an occasional one.
What's more, still redirects to your blog, so what's all this talk about all your domain names having been registered by some villains.
Seun doesn't lie about people like Linda does and that's why no one is coming after him. He knows she has stepped on toes and framed a lot of people just to have view and that's why she will continue being a target
so my comments are not always posted....what did I do biko
Hi Linda, i wish you all the best in your expansion pursuit. And i think you totally rock. They CAN'T bring you down.
Let us know what you decide as you go along and if you have any part time position, i will be interested as i already have a job, but will be happy to work with you.
Meanwhile, getting a man is important but don't settle for less than you deserve....
Be very careful whom u employ sha..make sure u ask God before u employ anyone
@ she should have invested in expanding her business before she started showing off. That is what happened to people that didn't priotize their business. And also quit exposing every penny you spend and behave like your role model - Bellanaija. Less is better and enough of your (Omo o je obe ri attitude) We got it that you are richer than the world itself. Good for you but remember that when you put your business out there, it leaves room for criticism
Linda said "I need sex again in my life I swear". I love dat...dis lady is just so audible n free spirited n I admire her courage so much....just so free n 100% down to dear yu nid it o....I luk forward to hearing/seeing d day yu wil walk down d aisle wit Mr Right n believe me, u'll find it real soon.... Wanna see Linda happy
Hello Linda! I got ur complaint and I think I ve a name dat is so super cool! It would wow u and blow d mind of ur fans,seal d lips of ur haters, I mean d name 4 ur domain.dontbe scared am a grt fan of urs, no charges, just doing it as a fan,in appreciation 2 ur works
I can help out I gots some grt names u out 2 try 4 ur domain
I ve grt names 4 ur domain u vnt tried yet
Linda, love u so much will you marry me???
Everything will work in your favour..U'll see. buh i tot u were a virgin abi celibate linda!!! choi!U miss sex ehn
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