"Simi is Dr Sid's motivation, he's truly in love with her. His new song, Love Mine, is actually about her. I believe he's found The One"Simi is the former assistant editor of Complete Fashion magazine & is currently the creative director of a fashion consultancy company. Cute couple!
I dnt lyk d guy 4 anyfin... Buh cute partner sha... U guyz ar gud to go
•Estrano Lala
Lovely!I just hope they will get married soon.
Lovely!I just hope they will get married soon.
Her nose though.
Cute couple
She looks lyk a male in disguise...or maybe itz d hair dt doznt fit ha.
Wish u d best guys!
Congrats 2 them,abeg d chick is nt fine,she is looking very old,he is more cute than her,wishing them marital bliss.
Nahh...not cute. The lady is looking really old (or is it just me)
Why won't she be his motivation when her father is very wealthy. At least he has something to fall back on when he finally gives up singing rubbish music... Abeggy
Her face is too puffy....overrated things
Wldda bet she's patience ozonkwo's dauTa in d first pishure,she's cute :)
Dey compliment each oda
Dear LIB readers,please help I am addicted to LIB,1st thing in d morning when I wake up after prayer is LIB,in the office is LIB,at lunch is LIB and is the last thing when I'm going to bed,please I need your help o,dnt insult me o#running away#
Oh well! What can I say? Good for him.Lovely skin she's got #but her nose sha.
This fake high spender chick? lol.....the rich attract the rich na
Lovely pair! Its cool as these two ain't denying being a couple as other celebrities do. All the best to them!
She looks old
Love dem 2geda, very descent nd not loud young lady. This is 2 tell all dose bitches out dere fooling themselves around dese celebrites. They will only fuck u nd dump 4 dese descent ones
She looks too old for him.even pastor chris could get a GF that made everybody gaga Y can Sid do the same I'm still available #wink **unicjane*
Dr Sid fine pass this girl abeg. But its his choice.
Dr Sid is finer than this girl. But its his choice.
Yeah, the girl with the over exaggerated article on london standard or smth.
She seems like a nice girl nd sid seems nice too.
But her nose looks like its a life form of its own #jk #jk
They're cute indeed!
Nice....sha has inner beauty
She gives him cash.....dude is a brokeass
She looks old #gbam# linda bera post ds comment o
it nice 2 here dat he has found d one hhe love
awww...its about time. happy 4 him
Simi and Dr Sid is a YES.... Simi is such a lovely gurl...remember those days when she used to make us laugh during attachment. She does have a good sense of humour. Go gurl!
Enough already please. Tired of this story. It haf do we don hear o. The gist is getting boring
Pleaseeeeee... Define 'cute'. I dn't see anything cute here
Love is blind...
She's a big gurl.
Hmmm ok d beautiful ones r nt yet born abi issorit...I rest my brain-badoo-
Lovely couple. read on on http://whatshot.com.ng that the girl is heavy spender.
Lovely couple. read on somewhere http://whatshot.com.ng that the girl is heavy spender.
Good at least he has one not like those that don't show thr own
This gurl wowo oh she no make am @ all
Sidney do quick all your classmates are married .Agbaje,kosoko,adeyemo,somoyeadelusi,abdullahi,kola sho,the list is endless as all the girls are married.
Do invite us o.
Now I see where dude got the idea of wearing that blue suit over those lovely shoes from,that's if she's so much into men's fashion. He totally killed it that day except of course,for the chain.
Don't know any of his songs but I'm commenting because I was one time an intern with Karl Lagerfeld(for those of you who know him) and know what it means to be the Creative Director of a fashion consultancy company,be it in Africa,Europe,etc.
All the best dude and dudette!
Lovely couple
Wow....tot he was dating pearl(soundcity)...na wa ooo
Eyaahh... She looks so cute and mature. I am so happy 4 dem. I just wish he did diz earlier, so his late father could carry is grand child. I wish dem well. *Bigname Daniels*
Cute couple, this seem real unlike the usual I must date omo pupa,Simi is preti
Now that's what i always tell my fellow-women!!! Abeg make i talk.
When a guy decides to finally settle down, he goes for the very best: See cute chic. Former Assistant Editor!!! Creative director!!!
Our girls on the other hand will settle for "abroad based guy".What does he do for a living? Business; What kind of business? hmmm. If it is not abroad, it is with a baby daddy or a polygamous man they will go for!!!
Why can't our girls learn? They know only how to go for runs because of Blackerry and Brazilian hair, then expect a man of class to marry them. With that your funny past?If you settle for less, you get less!!!
Now you understand why John Utaka married a white woman. Even Banky W opted for a non -nigerian chic WHO IS AN EXECUTIVE in a top company.
Thumbs up, Dakore and Stéphanie. At least u got the message!!!
wish them all the best. Sid seems to be very happy with her.
She looks like shes tired.
She looks advanced o,but she's pretty.congrats Sydney.
Lin Lin, you can never be so sure until the knot is tied#
Hmmm biko who is older btw d two?
kai....Linda your amebo is 1st class!
naturally pretty, heard she was d one dat featured on d article abt being a serial shopper in d UK
I'm happy for them,he should put a ring on it she seems like a very lovely person. Cute couple
Isn't that the chic who comes to UK to buy maltiser and fajita? Spends £5000 in two weeks. Nice catch dr Sid.
She's cute but she looks like a man in the second picture. She has masculine facial features and as a fashion consultant she should know better to soften her looks with more vibrant colours. I've seen her in too much black lately.
Free lifetime supply of Osomo Bitters! Hehe
If I hear say them be cute couple...linda try the talk true sometimes
No bleaching and a professional. Definition of a correct babe. Congrats Dr Sid!!
I prays he takes her seriously.... Good luck guys
She looks old....
Ok he shld marry her nau, age is no longer on her side d face tells
Finally my man is loving someone
E ya but they dnt look good at all .but happy they re in love
Mr Esiri and Mrs Esiri to be! Love is in d air
her nose tho be like arrow
She no jus try for face, lyk u knw wt dey alwys say "that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" Dr Sid seems proud of her though...
She is a natural beauty. She seem classy and Dr. Sid appears to be satisfied with her. I hear wedding bells soon with this couple.
Some pple jst hv dat eyebag naturally,she looks homely.It's a yes 4rm me,she's a kinda gal dat u hv no chioce bt 2 love,very endearin
She looks reserved!!!!!!!all d best 2 dem.
To ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ she ain't pretty and she looks old the only attractive thing about her is that she is rich. Hope they get married
She woe-wor, It is good you brought this to the open this way she will know wether or not he is cheating on her.
Please anyone that knows this chick knows that she is a horrible person. I won't say more than that.
She's lucky she's rich.
So what if she is? is being old now a crime or sin?! Got nothing to say?husssh
Aww so lovely and she looks so pweety, she seems like a nice gurl, best of luck lovebirds
Rick Ross is sitting on ur brain
cute kwa.linda u just want pips to insult dis innocent gal.abeg shift
And you people are talking about her nose now its done,you should have seen it before when she was schooling in london
Pls what happened to LOLA OJ??? I thought Dr Sid said she was the One, this life na Exchange Rate
U call her old cos u are jealous of her nd wish u were in her shoes; until u learn to celebrate others, pple ll nt celebrate u. Weather or nt she is beautiful is it nt someone dat ll still marry her? Stop hating
She is finer than you!
she carries da natural beauty. Nice couple
I like her, I follow her on Twitter. I wonder if thats why she has so many haters
Pretty eyes
who cares
Thank you, is being old now a crime or sin. They look good together, no need hating.
The girl knows how to spend money. If I remember, she was the girl that was profiled in the UK Standard last year as part of the Nigerians that come to the UK to spend lots of money shopping.
Rotflmao...He's balanced eating KFC on it. Hahahahaha
Sisi Osomo,is that u? (۳º̩̩́_º̩̩̀)Û³
Ur brain is filled with poop...and change that horrible looking teeth u used as ur profile pic
Dude,are u serious? Waow! Karl Lagerfield? What was it like? Did u get dem cool clothes for free and all? Were the staff nice? Did u meet Karl himself? I dream of having mine someday.
Pls help me tell Gbemi adeoye aka yanglee dis o!Dr sid don fuck her life die.Bibire ko se fowore
ladies, why are you all so superficial. making snide comments about her look. i always envy girls who are not considered conventionally fine because they always get guys who are real and not some superficial dude just attracted to your face and physique. i should know, people call me beautiful and my hips and boobs always gets stares, its a heck of a job trying to figure out the real guys from the a-holes, God help me marry a guy who will appreciate me not for my looks but my character. i like her look a lot
Dnt insult me abeg,just asking for ur opinion not ur insult,if u dnt av notin good to say den kip ur mouth shut!
na news b dis?
na news b dis?
@anonymous 8:11am: I rly feel ur worry dear, I'm a victim too and infact mine is worse cs evn wen I'm 'pooing', evn I gt distracted smtyms wen doin tns self... Linda ur head don dey swell!
Abeg, na ur sister??? If u care soo much, tell her to do botox..lol. Or leave ma cousin alone...
Bring your own partner let us see...Envy and Bitterness has finished some people..Classy Babe not exposing side boobs
In as much as I'm glad that u didn't blab about her being ugly like other commenters,I can't help laughing about ur"radioactive" eyes being able to detect that she has inner beauty....unless you know her personally shaaa....lmao
I testify to that! Sid can beg for moneeeeeyyyyyy! Lol.. Witness!
See old people vexing o. Hahahahaha. Make una no vex say una old nw
Nhai! This babe wowo bikonu!
I'm sincerely amazed at the way some people think oooo.....more than 50 percent of commenters here have pointed out that she is ugly....just a few questions of which I need answers from the"she is ugly"commenters will do...
1)Can you create an ant,not to talk of a human being??
2)Haven't you ever heard that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder??
3)Why not question the God who made her"UGLY"??
4)If she had done a nose job wouldn't you still criticize her for altering her natural feature?
5)Are you 100% cute??
6)Are all parts of your body the way you want it to be??
7)Since when did"beauty" become the only criteria for marriage??
8)If doctor sid had chosen an"extremly" pretty girl to marry wouldn't you have described him/Nigerian musicians as being myopic in choosing life partners??........so my dear"she is ugly" commenters,answer these questions,THANK YOU
Smh, Simi in disguise......slow down baby paid post ain't worth it
@anonymous 8:11, you need serious deliverance from pastor tunde bakare from linda ikeji Blog.
Congrats to you both. Beautuiful couple and God willing a beautiful married life soon!
They both cool....Linlin 2day is my birthday o
Her nose shaaaaa
Mr and mrs esiri...yaay..waiting for the wedding...
anyone saying this girl is ugly is probably just jealous cos u heard she is from a wealthy family....old women stop beefing and pray for God to bring dat tomato seller ur way
MMmmmmm.......... d gurl is not so cute. But then again, love is not about beauty. And as dey say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Although, one would naturally expect more from this red carpet ppl.
She looks like a man
Isn't she lanko's ex that stays off opebi rd?
The hottest part of hell awaits a lot of you on here. This babe is very pretty and homely looking. Why areyou guys insulting her and trying to make her feel less of the beautiful woman she is. She looks like she is from a good home, well taken care of and sophisticated. Which is way more than I can say for about 85% of the people you all idolize on this blog
o wuru agadi nwanyi hmmm moneeeeey hmmmmmmmmmm
Simi is a very nice girl. I think her match with dr. sid will work.
Congrats dear.
Pure stupidity coupled with joblessness! Hey ur case is worse than a tire horse with a broken leg! Useless #Sponicobabani
Anonymous of lyf-hahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahaha, linda if u no post my laff, Konga go marry you
Very ugly girl! Babe are you not tired of complimenting yourself on this blog??
She is sooooooo unattractive....no wonder she spends so much to make up for her inadequacies
Tanks dear 4 d Comment....Haters!!!!Go To No 6 ime Ala Street
Ha Haters Can go to No 6 Ime Ala Street off Burial Ground Road
Hian!!! Sidney dis was nt the plan o!! u promised to marry me nd now am seeing this one, Sidney u mustu marry me o! just wait u ll see me when in action when i ve time for you
more @ www.inometeamonline.com
If she is extremely beautiful and dr sid is sad 4 d rest of his life... U guyz 'll b happy ba? If she. Is v.fine n u guyz now say "aww, lovely couple,they fit" ...then u go... Who bears d burden of her xracter? Wisdom is scarce... Dr sid musta had hotter bitches, i'm sure he knows what he is doing... @least. it is his choice. Fuck u all. Tnkx. Linda, abeg, pity me n post this. Tnx luv
are these some of the costume jewelries she buys on those her expensive trips? Babe, sorry. I have these two on ur neck and even more and they are not extraordinaire. Dont come saying its not d same cos I live abroad and I know! I can tell d shops u bought d two from, but go on deceiving urself and other ignorant fools
stupid ppl wey no get any sense should keep their stupidity to themselves. i feel like am flying over the moon. dr sid no mind those idiots wey no get anything and yet go want pull others down
Any how she looks, she is ok for the man, or is the man complaining, the man is there enjoying his thing, & we are here drinking paladol for another persons headache
Y'all are all worried about the wrong thing... Do you guys not see fine yella boy in the back of second picture!? Kmt.... I digress (PS it's a blog why are people so passionate...it's all suppose to be light hearted fun... #dontbemeanspirited #relax lol (funny comments though... Naija you guys have time)
Ur life tho... USELESS! Idiot
Sid fucks every moving thing. After 2 bottles of Gulder he becomes a full blown he goat. Now he is settling with a good gal. God punish you.
So lovely, nice couple, just dress up for a beautiful day, wish you can happy forever.
Whether old or ugly or fyne,she desrves everything good everyother person deserves on earth,if they'r happy with demselves good for them.pray for yours **beautiful lame heads**
All u pigs bad mouthing d lady I beat u'all still vry single n lonely! D chick got 2 many class to last ur generation! Jobless fools... vry Nyc couples n besides I luv d song n video Dr sid!
Not at all.......
She looks older than him .Its so obvious.
Thanks for this whoevea you are
Sidney is a qualified dentist. A graduate of the university of Ibadan. Get your facts right!!!!
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