In the video posted online, Lamar is seen throwing items out a paparazzo's car and smashing his camera equipment on the ground.
Lamar's outburst comes just as his alleged mistress is threatening to publish proof of their affair. Continue...
According to Star magazine...
Following the bombshell report on Lamar Odom‘s secret affair, now comes more news that could break Khloe Kardashian‘s heart: According to Star magazine, his alleged mistress Jennifer Richardson has a treasure trove of mementos proving she and Lamar had a relationship for several months.
Jennifer collected plane tickets, invoices and game tickets that a pal claims are from her time on the road with Lamar, which lasted from December 12, 2012 until February 12, 2013. As Lamar played for the L.A. Clippers, proud Jennifer was allegedly in the stands watching.
“He flew her first class every time,” her friend told Star.
And he also allegedly put her up in five-star hotels, using his friend, Anthony McNair, as a cover. Among the items pictured in Star is a check-in envelope with Anthony’s name on it.
Together, the items are evidence that Jennifer was much more than just a booty call, her friend insists.
“Between games, she would just go home and repack for her next trip with Lamar,” the friend explains. “She didn’t do this for fame. She did this because they had a connection. They shared all their secrets with each other. Lamar fell for her, and she fell for him.
dis paparazzi ppl sud let dis celebrities rest....dey nid deir privacy abeg
had a connection my foot. Just anoda reason to go Public. Its cheap fame.
This news isn't a new news so Lamer's own shouldn't be an issue too. Nevertheless Lamar, I thought you and Kloe were d best couple anyone would ever think off
hmmm I feel for him sha.
Its a man's world,but under the iron grip of the woman.
They've caused the downfall of many,now I see why some brothers,choose to love a brother instead.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
With Lamar acting this frantic, I am so sure he has some skeletons in his closet.
I just hate it when all these 'popcorn bitches' start exposing their affairs with married men and say it's not about fame. Really? Telling your story to star magazine is not because of this supposed connection you think you both had. It's because you are looking for fame. So plz easy on the bullshit. And as for Lamar of these allegations are true you are a fucking dick. If marriage taya you and you no wan do again plz divorce and go your separate ways not humiliating your poor wife like this.
lol..serious craze
Watch the Video: Lamar Odom smashes paparazzi's camera
stp 4ukin each oda lyk 9ja Yoruba's
ugh.. Did i jst say Yorubas
E be like say breeze don blow! Yawa don gash!
Mehn wish this was naija... How did doing an olosho.. a runz babe turn to dating for christ's sakes
That's what happens when you don't keep it real in front of a hoe
LMAO @That second Pix,Lamar Looks so funny in that pix,see Legs,ℓ☺ℓ ..Okay but seriously this is getting very Interesting,I still pray its untrue because this will really break Kloe..But there is really no smoke without fire,There has to be some truth somewhere in this story and that's pretty sad
you see this is exactly what i don't get you date a star he spends a whole on you takes you shopping gives u loads of expensive stuff and when the affair blows up the same bitch dat is involved goes to the sun or the enquirer yet better still she goes to vogue and sells the pictures the texts the messages and the letters what for (moni i guess) hoes will always be hoes and bitches will always be bitches dats why niggas dont wife dem
Hmnnn that's obviously a lie!! I don't believe a word!! Linda pls check ur sources again
this guy as go gaga ooo
Can this bitch just give it up already?! Didn't you make enough off of Lamar?! How much more could the press possibly pay your raggedy ass?!!! Khloe might forgive him (or not) but you is still gonna cry boohoo either ways coz he aint having your snitching ass back. Bitch. Stewwwpid blonde pig.
Linda bia,biko post my comment o.
So Jennifer kept all her evidence hoping to nail Lamar one day eh? Yet her friend claims she didn't date Lamr for fame. Any way If I were Khloe I d adopt the opinion of Pinket Smith that cheating husbands deserve a second chance
the stupid mistress wants to bring air tickets,invoices,bla bla bla.Mtschew ...y not bring out the condom he used n show the world how you moan and moan y he did it....karma is a bitch
..lamar's ex wife will be watching as the drama unfolds someday khloe will watch too
..the lamar Odom self???? obiakpor ...smh
The difference between a nigerian slut and an oyibo slut is, a nigerian slut will use pregnancy to trap a man and become a wife or baby mama but an oyibo slut will leak the affair to the paparazzi, press etc just for fame or to tarnish the image of the guy. But this oyibo married athletes no dey learn lesson!
Dis is hilarious... I knew khloe was going to be heart broken someday, and she was a good wife to him.. Btw, see the people in the tour car having fun taking pix and filming the whole scene... Lol
Oyibo yeye. Men when will they stop cheating on women. God save us ooh.
Pay that paparazzo his money for your damages to his property.
Ghen Ghen.......Action film*grabs popcorn*
as much as i like khloe i'll say i saw dis coming.she took him from someone what did she expect to happen to her?the law of karma is still existing.
The journalist is def gonna sue his cheating ass.
Why is he so angry? Unless its true
And he knows he gonna pay for that stuff he's wrecking right?
Act 1, scene 2.
~D great anonymous!
American media and in fact western media is designed to break up relationships.They don't get it that people need a break or make mistakes. Thats why I like my man P. diddy. No wives, just girls under contracts. Those reporters painting people black probably are cheating the heck out of their wives! Still they always cast the first stone.
This american girls like fame too much, they should live my Lamar and his wife alone, what would dey gain in breaking in dre home. If she dosnt want fame den why is she cooking up all dis stories. My God help dam
Nsogbu Kardashian. Heard Khloe already threw him out of dia home. Na wa!
She did because they had a connection huh, den y was she pickin up proofs and y is she or her friend revealing?
Not 4 fame, ok she did it 4 wat. Home wrecker. Y do girls do this shit. So pissed. Even if she had somethin 2 do with him she knew he was married & continued with d relationship, flyin first class & chillin in 5 star hotels when d nigga said he is done & goin back 2 his wife u go public with d affair. May she crash & burn.
With this reaction he has proved himself guilty beyond reasonable doubt!
Congrats to the kardashian clan.
Can somebody pls tell this media people, paparazzies including Ɣ☺u Linda 2 leave this couple alone.c'mon y'll are jus complicating issues 4 dem.
Wow he’s starting to act like Kanye
stupid jennifer she is a home recker this is the worst betrayal lamar will go tru i hate that jennifer girl
Rubbish! I don't knw y diz stupid girl shud b given any attention. U had a connection and now u r out to wreck him. Chloe abeg hold ur man n smile 4 d cameras,u can deal with him privately.Nothing breaks a man more than that.
Proves nothing as these are not concrete evidence. Besides, Star is not a reliable source as they have proven time and time again. If this girl is trying to get on the come up, this is the wrong way to go as assuming she gets paid the odd $20k, that is it. Then what!!
This is bad news tho, I only hope Lamar would be able to work this out with Khloe without the Kardashians inteferring with their overbearing POVs.
Men like you abi...lol gay tinzz
I so luv ur comment so on point u ar really a nigga thumps up man *smiling face*
Its bad,wht's d lady up2?
Its bad,wht's d lady up2?
they just to sell stories which aint true
Oh shut up!
paparazzi leave celebs alone
paparazzis pls what re u trying to cook up?
The star is renonwed for spreading false tales about celebrities. Why does The Star always try to bring stars down,eh?
Yaaaack! See ur gay ass logic. As if gays don't cheat and tell.
I'm telling you. I have always insisted that dude was playing a role and real good too. A baller marries a chic after 1 month? While his baby mam/girlfriend is waiting on a ring? Lamar was and is a fraud. He lives off Khloe and that's a FACT! I hate a gold digging man. Kudos to Khloe for calling him out on his fake ass even though she'll get a lot of shade for it.
Yinkus your shelling has graduated. I pity anyone who dares enter your blog.
He can't afford it. Men who live off their wives should be shot.
How did she take him? Even a pet can't be taken easily. Lamar was never going to marry the silly girl who kept having kids for him.
It's a hard world. Men must cheat so there are already prepared kiss and tell girls who await them at different points, love them and have a 'connection' and then betray them. So, Lamar, pay for damages to the paparazzi, lose your beloved Jennifer who will sell stories to make money, and then, lose your wife sooner or later. The world is hard. But put up a fight, see whether you can eat your cake and have it. Continue being quite good at your job, don't be like Tiger Woods, ok?
Before Khloe got married she was rude and unpleasant. Now God has used Lamar, a gold digging, good guy acting, father of many, player to change her. I loved watching her care for and nuture him. The next guy she marries will be her real husband and 1000x better than Lamar.
Yinkus your shelling has graduated. I pity anyone who dares enter your blog.
If the other guy is the paparazzi, in the 3rd pix, he is trying to say, 'Guy, why now? See what you have done.'
That was not necessary.
Please check out my blog
That statement so not right There Is no justification for being gay, dont gays cheat?
Some women are FOOLS, yeah he cheated with you so why make it public and keep record and evidence just for cheap as fame. Stupid dumb b*tch
Favour you are very funny with your condoms comment. However, Palate was never married before Khloe, the woman you are referring to is the mother of his 2 children and not ex-wife.
@anon 8:07 gay men cheat like crazy. Relationship problems are not solely restricted to straight couples. And bros bona your logic is flawed. People are gay because they are gay not because they were chested on
Ode! Lamar isn't a gold digger, fool! He is a basketball player for a top team, he has every right to get angry if the gist isn't true. And he makes more money than khoe.
Meeen! You be shelling SHAMPION o!
We all know that if the gist was true khloe will kill him, her temper aint nyc, the video of lamar was funny esp. When he was packing the box up lol.............lamar is a cool dude, I don't believe he will cheat on khloe....LAMAR AINT A GOLD DIGGER BITCHES.....he has his own damn money
Loool men will alwayz b men,she should just forgive him cos to me i tink lamar z a gud hubby if u put aside d cheatin part
Are you for real? He's an NBA Star... how can you say he lives off Khloe? You better get ur facts right
the friend said, the friend said is all am reading.
Bitch pls!
they should shut their trap and let khloe and lamar be!
Dumb skull lamar is a NBA star now do d mathematics who is digging who, don't blame u tho uve spent ur life watching dat fake ass family with out real talent fake show. He earns more than them dufees. Btw I'm sure u like gold digging women. Birds of the same feather.
I rest my brain
The video is on tmz and it is not as violent as the picture seems.
@Anon7:37 ur very funny 2 say Lamar lives off Khloe,dats a big joke do u knw how much he earns as a basketballer,omo get ur facts right b4 I punch ur smelling mouth
didnt u see all d pictures of lamar and the said jennifer, what other proof do u want again before u believe this???????dumb doubting thomas..........
Lol!!!!! I think same sex is beta, my opinion so don't think of abusing me,*stickingtongueout*
Yes ohh, dats how dose yoruba chics do it, dey fuck each others hubby and dnt hide it! My opinion oh, dnt crucify me *stickingouttongue*
Yes ohh, yoruba peeps, dey can fuck each others hubby, and dey dnt hide it at all. My opinion ohh, dnt crucify me *stickingouttongue*
Yes ohh, dats how dose yoruba chics do it, dey fuck each others hubby and dnt hide it! My opinion oh, dnt crucify me *stickingouttongue*
Lol!!!!! I think same sex is beta, my opinion so don't think of abusing me,*stickingtongueout*
Which one b oyibo? Na all men dey do am joo
D best couple is ice n coco luv dm de r so real tho coco is a sluty bitch bt ice cn neva go public wit it dats love n marturity
All I can say is cheating is bad for the soul and your marriage!!!
Whoopi.....I just sold my car on cheki.com.ng
Dis is a serious case.. Buh all d same khloe shld just forgive Lamal cos dey are meant to be togeda... F Jennifer.. Bitch
You are such a RETARD!
I really love dis couple.khloe is d most matured amongst d sisters.Please do forgive him if he really cheated on u.
Cheating is a normal ting to men,so all dis desperate chick shld fuck dere ass were dey belong and let go off pple matrimonial home! Married men are jst helping dem to achieve dere dream dey shld,nt take it for granted. lamar go and apologize to ur wife She lov u and ill forgive u.
Yh she was rude, envious of her sisters and had low self esteem! Am glad some1 has been watching d show from d begining. But lamar isn't a gold digger. Btw if E! hasn't confirmed this rumuor then its crap! So yal shld take a chill pill! Xo
I hate the Kardashians and their lame reality show. But now they have a new convert. i will definitely watch the next episode just to see Khloe face and watch her cry. he he he he he
All these yankee paparazzi nah waooo. Make dem leave am alone, but not withstanding, Lamar u no try at all, Khloe gave you everything.
You know who's really happy right now???? That friend of Lamar's with the bald head who hates Khloe's guts to pieces!!! Hahahahahaha! He's probably like "yea bitch who's laughing now". But why would anyone want to be known as "the woman Lamar was cheating with"..that's supposed to be an achievement now to be a slut? Some chics can be real daft mahn.
I really don't get why everyone is hating on the Jennifer girl, she's a cheap ass low life slut, with an undeniable desire for her two minutes of fame. She's doing what whores do best..... And thats being a whore. So u guys should lay off her....hehe... Lamar on the other hand is a dumb black baller, ballers never learn, its like they don't know how to think outside the bb court. Ok, so he decided to cheat on his awesome wife with a tramp, he now couldn't take precautions nd be mega discrete about his stupid deed. Flying her first class and ish.... Kmt.... And now behaving like a raged bull, breaking things and what not. Dumb ass...... #that girl
Really, the evidence is a hotel reciept in his friend's name and plane tickets, this does not prove shit!!! Hope its all untrue, but Lamar is being automatically indicted here. Marriage is such a complex thing when its not working so its sad when things go like this, there's always blanket blame for the person who reaches out to someone else. The other person involved takes no responsibility, even if they might have become absolutely horrible to be with. No rights or wrongs, only in Society's eyes.
Geez!!! @anon7:40, did u just say he can't afford it? Pls get ur records straight, Lamar is an NBA star and earns much more money than Khloe
Geez!!!! Do u knw what u're saying? Get ur records straight, dis is an NBA star who earns much more the Khloe
Geez!!! Do u knw what u're saying? This is an NBA star who earns much more than Khloe does
Your right, while do they like to kiss and tell and she claims there was a connection btw them, she kept all the details to prove they had sometin going and not supporting lamar for cheating,that men nature even if they have a goddess @ home the tendency to cheat and re-cheat is always there. But from the looks of things dis jenny babe wan scatter khloe marriage cos as lamar is claiming he didn't have an affair why is she claiming to have proofs of their relationship. Anyway all of them will be okay
Whao! That is some $20k worth of gear, he's just trashed....anyway he can afford to pay back the pap...
all na gra gra. eventually d truth will come out dt he's bin cheating on her. he cheated on his ex with kloe,n he'll do it again
All diz celebs ehn some of deir marriages no dey last Na wa o i used 2 fink dat lamar waz a very good hussy...y wld he do dat 2 khloe...??...d jenny sef na fool..mtscheww
Absolute truth!
If its true. She will divorce him. I just pray is a lie if not, the man should relax and get ready for divorce.
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