MediaTakeOut.com confirmed this morning that Rihanna is back together with Drake. This is not a rumor - it is fact - confirmed by a person on Rihanna's tour. According to a snitch Drake has been spending time with Rihanna - flying around the world to secretly meet her.
Tells the insider, "Rihanna and Drake have history, and they really want to make this into a real relationship - so they're keeping this quiet. I think Rihanna's in love."Read another report after the cut...
From The Daily Mail
Away from the stage Rihanna is said to have rekindled her romance with Canadian rapper Drake following her break-up with Chris Brown.
‘When she was dating Chris, he banned her from talking to Drake,’ a source told Look magazine.
‘She really missed him that time – yes, they went out years before but he was also a good friend to her – so calling him was one of the first things she did when she realised she was over Chris.
Yaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, first to comment! Limda, u no dey sleep ni?
Always a slut , lol hope drake keeps you...
Kai Linda! Publish me na *sobs*
rihanna, pls get married, u r not getting younger...yaxx.
We all know Rihanna is depressed and would do anything to get Chris angry.
More tori dey naijaPOSE
Also listen to Durella's latest song EXCLUSIVELY HERE
Happy for her! :)
Okay o, Hope u Can tame her a bit
good for them...hope they make it public and thank God she's moved on with her life without CB......olamide
Horseshit..... Drake was just rebound sex for rihanna. 1) chris is a loooot more endowed and riri hasn't hidden hidden her love for the shlong 2) thanks to his sabatical after wat happened in 2009 chris is now extremely street smart 3) we all know riri getting over chris can't happen. Ps I would never say this if it was someone else but rihanna is dark(really dark- she takes devil worshiping to a whole new level)(cc S&M) so am not judging what happend that night we all know she likes it rough plus she can be a bitch
This girl is getting herself into more problem...sorry for her.
Wow! Dats great news! I am happy for my sweetheart Riri, cos drake behaves more matured than Chris brown
Rihanna is a confused soul...
Media take out is always guaranteed to be wrong.
Now I c y dey made a song 2geda, *singing it loud 2 dem* if u love me, here's wat I'll do, I'll take care of u*...*smiling* rihanna really needs a cool n quite dude like drake.I just hope dey last
Now I c y dey made a song 2geda, *singing it loud 2 dem* if u love me, here's wat I'll do, I'll take care of u*...*smiling* rihanna really needs a cool n quite dude like drake.I just hope dey last
Now I c y dey made a song 2geda, *singing it loud 2 dem* if u love me, here's wat I'll do, I'll take care of u*...*smiling* rihanna really needs a cool n quite dude like drake.I just hope dey last
Dis people self, na wah 4 dem....
Dat wuld rilly make sense,my favorites cuming 2geda. Pweew!
what is really wrong with rihanna? How is she sure that drake will love her perfectly in return.
Das a picture from dia song"take care"..is not resent or reality
Drake is in 4some gud f*ck
~D great anonymous!
SMH...Riri!!! Juz hope dat since he started 4rm d bottom he knws hw NOT 2 beat a woman....... my thoughts
see as she be lyk winch 4 d 1st pic..ff @vivien_modela..:)
As far as I'm concern Drake is on a whole new level to C.B mhen drake is fuckin real if cash money CEO can give you Buggati veyron as a gift then "fuck all ya niggaz except my niggaz" in drizzy voice. I hope he make her a good baby mama coz I don't expect them to get marry coz Drizzy is a Nigga so and i don't think there is going to be a lot of drama on this coz drake got no time for stupid shit
Blood Diamond
The same MediaTakeOut that refered to Rihanna as an "Industry Whore" sometime ago?nice! I sorta like Drake,dude makes good music but I can't get the rumors of he and Trey Songz shagging each other outta me head. Damn funny,bunch of fruit cakes!
Lol... This girl is funny, walahi.
Good for them
first to comment,every one needs love in his/her life that u tried and fail doesn't mean u shouldn't try again.bravo baby u do have a heart of love.
Just rumours! Let a smart paparazzi bring out proof, and then, they wouldn't be hiding anything for long if all this is true, they would put it all out for the world to see.
Happy for her.Most times it takes been with the wrong person to realise what the right one feels like.Drake is A lot more matured than Chris so I believe they can work things.
Good for her
Ugggg, Rihanna is confused about her love life
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I lAf
Ehn hn!!! Nw we are talking..go out with a MAN baby girl!!!I actually prefer her with DRAKE!!! Good luck riri!! Hope this turns into sum'n beautiful!!
Love?!Do nymphos fall in love?
Aint Drake tired of being used by this girl?!
Good luck to them, true love concurs all odds.
Am so happy for both of them...Cris was shit.
Am so happy for both of them...Cris was shit.
Awwwww I love you both, and I hope this is actually true. Riri hun, as much I love you, I'm warning you, just do not not bring all that drama and baggage of yours into this relationship, because if you do anything to break Drizzy's heart, I'll personally put a sword through that heart of yours. (Like say una send me sef. Lool).I hope you guys work out. Love you both.
Chris heart will be on d verge of bursting now...but then Rihanna's heart will soon be shredded. Love for d sake of vengeance is like building a castle in d wind.
She is making herself 'a used nd dump' instrument, hp she lst wif drake dou
There's sumfn cool 'bou Drake,I can't place it tho,I find it hard to find fault in errtin he does....I feel Riri is too wild for him kinda...Drake deserves better
Gud 4 dem,nd let her not go back 2 chris! Never again!
For sure chris is the man! One turn deserves another. Drake naa wa for u wo, waiting for crisis so as to take advantage.
After watching dat song they did 2gether, I think they r perfect 4 each other. Unlike chris who behaves childish, I just hope d rumour is real.
I'll say Good combo!
Ehen........I see
this Rihanna, does that mean that she cannot, decide on who to stay with, imagine what a nigerian girl of 16 can decide on, within 10mints.
With the ways she's going hope she doesn't end up like whitney huston or amy winehouse.
I rest my brain
I think they'll be good together
Can u all see now that rihanna is a stupid girl. If this story is true though............
Nt bad,let her pick up her pieces n move on
Gud tho
Post ma comment o
They look cute together! I think I prefer seeing her with Drake to Chris!
@crux737••• Way you go girl, wish u D very best, I love Drake coolness, am sure u guys will get along. *salute*
Wat is wrong wit dis chick?y is she runing in circles,babe u really need 2 grow up,waiting until they are done wit dis mary go round,go out of d league nd hook wit a complete stranger,u are better dan this.
Im so excited for Rihanna, I really hope this relationship works out for the two of them ie.if media take out is saying the truth.
and may chris b never come into riri's life again.
im so happy for riri and drake,they will make a cute couple.
Hmmmmmm.... I hope dis will last long.. Cos men are all d same Rihana deserve to be happy!!
Drake is with teyana Taylor. Lies
If its true, do I hear 'rebound'! Just sayin...D Curious1
Left over tinz. Rihanna stop this ur falling in and out of r/ships,you're not getting any younger. I wish ur r/ship with drake lasts tho.
She thinks it's payback. One person CB dislikes is Drake.
Hmmmmmm very interesting..... Hooking up ain't love tho
Good for riri baby,wish them luck
Awwww.. ive been praying for this hook up.. i prefer them together
Good 4her nd i rili do hope she's over CB as claimed...........Next pls
i don't knw y am feeling bad about this thinking now i knw cus i refer riri and cb's together even against all odds.
Riri are u sure abt dis one cos the guy get muscle pass CB, if u misbehav n him slap u ehn, nah hell fire ni ooo
Riri are u sure abt dis one cos the guy get muscle pass CB, if u misbehav n him slap u ehn, nah hell fire ni ooo
This is a good attempt to get back at Chris brown now I so love this drama she shld please dnt leave drake again I sha prefer Drake to that woman beater called Chris.
So rebounding with Drake to get at Chris makes sense to dis gal? Mumu tins
which kain in love, chris breezy told her in d song deuces, dat she'll regret d day he finds anoda gal, now she running from pillar 2 post looking 4 love, all ye gals dat like 2 misbehave 2 ur guys, take note
I love Riri and C. B is my man but I think Drake would provide a more stable relationship for her. She and Chris are too volatile for their own good. Go Riridrake!
Riri is always so in love.lol
Just now again,shes so in love
She must be suffering from lovemejejeism#
Happy for her!
Rihanna where is ur self esteem? Drake in an interview on radio bragged about using u b4 Chris did. He made jest about it on radio. Now he's going to have anoda reason to brag
Meet ur sugar pop today! call o,eight o, three, four, six, six, nine, one, two, seven. Earn as much as u want. Lagos and Abj. only!. The choice is urs.
So she couldn't wait for me, na wa o... After all the love she confessed to me? Riri***pouring tears*** na God go judge u!!!
So she couldn't wait for me, na wa o... After all the love she confessed to me? Riri***pouring tears*** na God go judge u!!!
3:32 am post and its 10:20 and still showing as 0 comments?....commenters are drawn to blogs to read other comments and reply others.
Fly Guy or warreva you call yourself,dont be a fool.
Now back to the matter, Rih you should settle for Drake I think he's so into you. Its very obvious,even CB knows this. At least that was the hidden contention behind their fight in NYC.
Now they're going round the same cycle again, Chris leaves Rhihanna for Karreuche, Rihanna follows Drake, and then Chris returns to Rihanna while Kareuche waits for him to come back,and then he's gonna band her from talking to Drake again and she's gonno stop! Aha! And when he's done he will go to Kareuche, the cycle continues.
Big mistake. Exes are exes for a reason.
Riri going back to Drake is on called for. Can't u just just b a reasonable girl for once #smh
I believe she is doing this to hurt Chris, Brown and Riri are still in love with each other. It is a wrong move in my opinion.
Unless Drake is just out to be enjoying the pussy, think it's an insult for him to just be the one that she comes to when she gets dumped 'cause she'd leave him at the snap of Chris Brown's fingers..
I think there is truth in what you are saying.
Do u knw you are ridilous. So when he kills her and you are contracted to sow her burial dress that is when you would know they are not compartible.
Rihanna I have nothing against this, just be shure it is what u want and not a pay-back.
I swear!
these people throw the word "love" around carelessly. So now Rihanna isn't in love with Chris anymore?
I've got mad love for drizzy, and I'll hate to see him get hurt by confused rihanna. I know drake likes her so much and just hope she doesn't take advantage of that. #teamdrake Yolo!!!!!!!!.......#that girl
Rebound Babay!!!
Mumu, how ?
Good for them...
Thank you my broda. I wonder what ppl are evening thinking in this country, all this fake riri wanna be everywhere. All thanks to riri for damaging all girls in naija . Low brain gals .... Lol
I pray dis one lasts, wish dem d best!!!!
i really pray this one last and be for ever
i hope their relationship last longer and sooner get married.........
I saw it coming.. was even listening to 'take care' jst dis morning
yayyyyyyy, am happy for her , finally she can move on without chrisbrown
Na so love dey come? U love die one, he leaves u, u love another immediately. Common...... Give it a break already.
The slut has finally found someone
she's using him as usual,n he's a darn fool. she'll drop him like a bad habit as soon as chris brown winks at her
Na wa for all dis ppl sef.Naaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa
in love kor out love ni.... this is love on the rebound and drake is always the puppet in this show. anyway he's banging one of the finest women alive.WIN WIN
Riri girl I prefer Æ”☺u sticking 2 drake,he is more matured & gentle & plz giv him ur unconditional L♥√ع cos I wouldn't want anytin dt ll hurt him.
Oh!!! Stfu...
No be riri and CB wey sing Ain't nobody business foolish people very soon chris brown go sing another mumu song same to Riri
No be riri and CB wey sing Ain't nobody business foolish people very soon chris brown go sing another mumu song same to Riri
Like u, if chris had asked u out won't u follow him as old as u are ?
Gud for dem.......
I'm happy for drake coz i know he is mature and as a deep feeling for Robyn
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