For those who don't know her, Karrine Stefans (pictured above) is a former video vixen, who was married to Darius McCrary (Eddie Winslow of popular 90s TV sitcom - Family Matters). The two divorced in 2011, and three months later, Karrine was married again, but this time, to an unknown dread-locked dude.
A few days ago, Ms Karrine posted a letter on her website to her husband. Read it below
Sometimes, in relationships, the pleasure is all theirs. Alone, I am a superhero. With you, I am a mere mortal. You deplete me. I’m tired of being your upgrade. We are not equally yoked. You really deserve someone more basic. I’m tired of pretending your mediocrity is okay with me. I’m tired of pretending I don’t miss G650′s. I’m tied of pretending you’re not a burden. I’m tired of pretending I don’t deserve a f-cking BOSS! I’m tired of you driving my car. Stop telling me you love me as if you’re doing me some sort of favor. I don’t need you to love me. I love me.Please continue...
I’m tired of pretending like you shouldn’t be intimidated by the other men in my life. Cuz you should. I’m tired of pretending as if I support your bullshit dreams. I’m tired of pretending your d-ck isn’t the smallest d-ck I’ve ever seen in my life. Cuz it is. I’m tired of pretending your favorite rapper didn’t just beat it up on Friday. I’m tired of paying for everything. I’m tired of you taking all this sh-t for granted as if you ever deserved any of it. Give me my Mac back. For real tho. I’m tired of washing your wack ass clothes. I hate your whole face. I’m tired of acting like the sex is good. I hate when you roll all the way over onto my side of the bed to hold me. I’m over here for a reason. Did I mention I’m tired of paying for everything? Okay.I’m tired of giving you the game.I’m tired of pretending you’re anything more than a bum. I should’ve just hired you as a cook and kept it moving. I’m tired of congratulating you for accomplishing minuscule sh-t. I’m tired of you begging
I’m tired of moaning when I can’t feel anything!I’m tired of having to think about someone else to get off. I’m tired of having to lock my phone when you’re around.I’m tired of taking showers with you. Can I get a moment! Damn! Yes. He’s better than you. Next question. All night. ‘Til 6 in the morning. Next question.Yes. And I didn’t have to pay for none of it. Next question. Presidential suite. Next question. About 10 inches. Next question.69. Next question. Like a boss. Next question. Balls deep. Next question. I’m tired of having to pretend you’re not the 3rd worst decision I’ve ever made.Oh dear, so not fair to the guy! What a biatch! Lol. But why marry him in the first place?
You should really be with that one chick who bagged our groceries this weekend. That’s more your speed.
Wow! maybe just maybe the guy is truly a bum but damn... As a guy I feel so bad like she is referring to me, goodness. But Karma will catch up with her.
wooooaaaahhhhh SHE IS A BAWSE!!!
if it was a guy that did it to a girl den for say ann ann bahdt guy...i beg day carry dey go!
Rubbish and ingredient!!Mchewwwwww.When you have a big d..k, your d..k is too small...When it is small...still they complain.Why would you be tired? Didn't you see all these before you married him.Women....You can never satisfy them.....
Superhead is not a wife material she has been with everyone if u love and marry she will break ur heart
I want to get something straight, was this letter to the first or second quickie (After only three months)Husband?
Fucking bitch!!!
THIS BITCH IS DUMB!!!! keep your affairs to yourself. THIS is why you dont rush into marriage. You are supposed to make sure you are compatible and know your partner inside and out before marriage, so all this is just hoopla and hogwash to me. I am led to believe this is a publicity stunt because no one has heard of her in, uhmmmm, how long??? 5 years? Next please.
Why did she marry him to begin with? why did she publish this letter#confused#....She OD! damn!She Had me rolling tho_ Next Question....lol
I'm tired of taking your shit.
I'm tired of pretending it is the best sex I ever had.
I'm tired of being your house girl.
I'm tired of paying the bills with my meager salary because you refuse to.
I'm tired of your sorry pretentious cheating ass
I'm tired of pretending that all is well while I cry myself to sleep at night.
I'm tired of you treating my family like shit and thinking that your family members are the only ones that deserve my money.
I am tired of being reminded everyday that I should count myself lucky that I am your wife; Guess what? You did not pick me from the gutter nor did you pick me from Luna.
I’m tired of your mood swings and your controlling attitude.
I’m tired of your lies. As I said, if you had exhibited one ounce of all this attitude while we were courting you would have been an ex.
I’m tired of praying that my marriage works when I know that it takes two to tango.
I'm tired of the pretense. I still wonder why you proposed.
I'm tired of writing this so I am done.
Ouch *whistling by sha o*
Is it a cause in America dat allmost all their women must sample more than 4 men's gala,they jst change partner as if na cloth......na wa ooooh !
Wow deep!
Oh Lord..... Thats a lot, she had totally ruined his ego with this.... oh well... Men should learn to cut their coats according to their size, if he didn't see this coming then im more sorry for him!
Silly whore. No difference between you & roadside prostitutes. Why did you marry him in the first instance - Hiss Hiss Hiss Hiss Hiss .............rubbish talk. Who cares you were the brainless human being marrying a man. Donkey!
I'm not the one to judge but if she has but this on her website, she is obviously looking for attention and here's my contribution. This woman is "The" scum of the earth, may GOD forgive me. Who ever told her video vixens like her can get married. She lost the best thing that ever happened to her through greed and now regrets it. She couldn't even leave her second marriage with dignity and divorce quietly. She had to go put rubbish on her website like the outside world really need to know how ungrateful and narcissistic she is. My dear soon to be ms scum/prostitute what goes around comes around and please stick to your days job whatever that is.
Supahead has come again. This girl has given head to almost ALL the male hip hop stars in yankee and she kisses and tells. No shame in her game. I watched the video of her in action with Mr Marcus(covers face in shame) this woman can give some good head. But seriously all these dudes wifeing her...what is wrong with them. She is a video hoe, likes expensive things and likes to name drop. About 80% of rapstars and hiphopstars have come in her mouth so what gives?
Mmmmhhh....Linda, don't be so hasty with your judgement. As a young lady who has always expressed her desire for a husband, you would be wise to read between her lines. If you know Karrine, then you know her hustle. Regardless of how she made her dough, no man is worth diminishing yourself for.
What kind of man lives off his wife? I have a husband who doesn't work, has not earned a living since the onset. Did I know he was jobless when we met? Yes. Love conquers all abi? Did I ever reckon that he would still be jobless, (after several un-welcomed trials to assist with him finding one) sitting at home waiting for me to play my african wife role after a crap day's work? Hell no! "Why did she marry him then?" you asked? Girl, men are extremely good at hiding some real stuff until they have you hooked. No amount of love, sweetness and faithfulness from a docile man can EVER stop a woman from losing all respect for such a man. Linda, no cry o, but the chances that you'll meet a man in naija who can take care of a woman like you are quite slim. Believe it, my dear. DO NOT MARRY YET IF HE DOES NOT WORK. Naija men are the biggest gold diggers on earth. They just cover themselves in the cloak of whatever African man bullshit stereotype they can get away with. The recent killings and maiming of young women have a single akin factor - the men were jobless. Love is cool, but it doesn't pay bills. It took me going from being single and cashed up with clear future potential to married, broke and completely confused.
Posting this on her site is a bit distasteful but na so akata dey sha. The dude too knows Karrine's bio so what's with the irritating, ball-less questions? I bet you she paid for them groceries.
Infact I don vex. I dey come, make I compose my own.....
Linda i bu kwa a baaaad sharp ibo gyal. I like what you're doing with the commenting and the viewing of comments.
@anon 1:52....you gave me some words I've been looking for to describe how I feel in my marriage right now. Barely 2 years and :(
Linda, shine ya eye, this one wey you dey cry for husband. PS there is a good reason behind those long demands ibos make to suitors.
She must have married him out of pity. I have a friend who married a guy with a pinky size dick, it was all pity. He used to cry and beg her to endure with him, telling tales of how he really wanted to satisfy her. But, nothing worst than a small dick man who doesn't bring home the bacon!
But, mehn, this lady is fierce. This could drive her ex-husband to suicide or to murder. I don't think it was wise to mock his dick size. Anyway ... Men do worse to women they are made at.
Dear loser,
I'm tired of fakin this love
I'm tired of ur mama calling 4 small change
I'm tired of " saying good job baby" when all u did was fry dodo
I'm tired of working hard for to families
I'm tired of thinking about cheating
I'm tired of over feeding ur fat ass
And most of all " I'm tired of ur shit slipping out when we having sex"
Oh how I which I can fuck my boss.....
Well dammmnnn!!!Lmaooo! Now that's a LOTTT!!!Choi! LOL...As in she haff mega finished the guy sha!!
My Favs:: ' I’m tired of pretending your d-ck isn’t the smallest d-ck I’ve ever seen in my life. Cuz it is.'----->Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouchhhhhhhh!! Lol
'Give me my Mac back. For real tho.'----> O_O LOL...Super!
Isn't that super head??? You can't wife a whore. If you all know her escaped with all the rappers/singers/athletes in her tell all book; you will not be surprised. I actually blame the guy. I'm sure he had a nice wifey girl, and decided to go for her for.
sorry to say but she got what she deserved. i really dnt knw why some women are in relationships. like seriously....IT IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. some really need to be by themselves. stop syking urself thinking u can "manage" a guy or that when u marry he "will" change.
All this shit she is talking about, i'm sorry to say but she needs to talk it back inside her ass!! next time LOOK BEFORE U LEAP!
Damn damn oh shit oh no she didnt!!!!! I need to write a freaking letter to my ex husband who was a bag of shit and a crap of pee! I feel her 100 percent! Some men are such dicks!
@Anon Mar 8, 04:52 PM: You're joking right?!? Smh...Like seriously,stop being dumb here with all ur uncalled for talk n go face ur man or whoever directly!! Mtcheeeewwww!
na who come beg am to dey wash cloth? if u want to be a slave to a man, don't complain later coz the guy no beg u to do am in the first place. His next chick is definitely gonna be better than her! And to d guy, plz biko return her Mac book o! u fit buy Acer laptop manage till u fit afford buy ur own Mac.. lol
i have to confess this letter was funny!
YOU REALLY want to know what i am tired of? I'm tired of women waiting for a Guy to make them happy, waiting for a guy to take them shopping and all of that stuff. This is 2012, please some women need to get their lazy ass off the chair and start doing great things for themselves! End of story!!
so you are saying that Nigerians don't sleep around as much as Americans? Choose your words wisely because i know for a fact it happens as often if not more in Nigeria especially after marriage with the men.
Abeg abeg hoe is seeking some publicity and Linda just gave it to her
This chic wrote a book titled "How to Find, Seduce, & Keep the Man You Want". I guess all what she talked about in the book didn't work for her. Hiss!!! Vixen my ass!!
Ol boy, pack and take off oh!
This chic fit shoot you, anytime now
Woah!!!! "I’m tired of congratulating you for accomplishing minuscule sh-t"?????
That's harsh, man!
now this woman is sure n unquestionably tired of this dude.
but u know what? she finish am!
u see why its not good to be desperate for marriage? in the beginning u see some shit n think ud cope n somehow work it out but when u tell urself the truth...thats where u go am tired of pretending the sex is good, am tired of this and that.
but before this babe would reach this height, it then means the guy is actually a fucker. sorry bro..she's sure tired of ur small P! Abeg give her, her Mac back n waka ohh!
This is what happens when we start having misplaced priority. It is a man's duty to cater for his wife and family not vice-versa. These days you men on twitter want women to work in the office all day, look after the kids, pound yam in the kitchen and bed room and still split the bill into two *Evil grin*. Yet you want RESPECT???
forgot to add, hope this dread guy will not on the long run be a whooped ass like the guy she's tired of.
emmm *thinking*
i doubt, this guy(dready) would have shown her d difference btwn real pleasure n faked, give her things the other has never given her but rather she gets for him...sure thats where the tiredness of being with a whooped ass G sprung from.
but babes de vex ohhh!
burr like seriously, a lot of rich chiqs r in this situation funny enough, both home n abroad but just cos they want to stay married, they chop all of ds shit and die in silence.
Guys u better HEAR this!! Don't EVER believe any girl that tells u ur dick is amazing or big! She's saying that coz she's IN LOVE. Wait till she's scorned, ur instrument automatically becomes the smallest shit on the face of the earth..and best believe ur friends will hear about the size too...LOL!
On that note, Amadioha pls deliver us from men with TINY dicks abeg...can't be sufering till death do us part.
hahahhaha, I so love how she aired her frustrations,some of these useless american men will push u to that point. Regardless whether shes superhead or not shes still a woman, and all she wants to do is be loved. Anyways Akata na Akata
Really? It was necessary for her to cut him deep like that? I know a girl, her name is karma. I hope she don't come for your ass. btw: She is just as unknown as he is....#ontothenextone.
She's for sure tired of living. What a byatch!!!
Really? Only in America will a CERTIFIED HOE be paid attention to. She seriously needs help, she's truly messed up.
If Nigerian women are like American women, they will be leaving their men just like that. I know many nigerian women who complain about their sex life, how they are not satisfied but they still stay in the marriage because marriage is beyond BIG DICK, you this useless woman.
Any man who marries superhead has to be the dumbest, insecure, loser ever. She better be happy she even got a ring. If she felt this way, why did she marry him in the first place. I have a feeling it's also a publicity stunt.
not cool gal.and how do we knw if ure nt all dat too lady.wak ass
Ashawo speaking...
What sort of marrued woman is this?? Her current husband shud know this is what he'll see if it's eventually over..
This lady is a whore.
So not fair. But it is good dat a girl gave it to a guy for once sha...it still shouldn't have been on d internet
She's heartless and classless. She
didn't have to go THAT hard on
dude! She aint perfect either!
Even in Nigeria, we women taste at least 5-6 before settling down. We just don't talk about it.
i can totally understand her,altho my own did not reach marriage.
I guess sometimes in life you make such decisions thinking thgs wud get better,and you learn to tolerate a lot of these thgs over time and remain in the relationship coz there's this hope that thgs will change. Till one day you can't take/fake it anymore and you break out. And see that you don't have to take it or fake it anymore.
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
well, im tired of pretending this isn't a reality in our world, cheating, backstabing, n in all acting in relationships. It really takes two to tango... change, we all is the WORD.
lwkmd. Gud 4 him. Men learn 2 work and stop dependn on ur wives!
Make you the biggest fool, if you have been pretending. Fool.
Correct girl, hope U̶̲̥̅̊ won't write to the new man oooo.
I really pity this lady because she just advertised herself as a slut. Even some small dicks fck better than some enormous ones.she has an uncontrollable sexual appetite, she is just a piece of shit
The next time that man wants to marry, if he hears video vixen he'll run. What kind of marriage can you have with a video ho that has been chased half her life by rappers?
Isn't this supahead? looking for cheap fame again I see.
Well she's the bigger fool for marrying the guy in d first place despite all she's said!!
Chineke! this is serious...i feel sorry for the guy,his rep is gone, but i also see reasons with the girl,
it takes a lot of courage to open up...she must have endured a lot of shit.
I know dis song na
OMG!!!!!now dis is way toooooooooo hilarious nd crazy ,I wonder if Nigerian women can write dis.Buh am sry 4 d guy sha he shuld jst hide his face in dust 4Eva,meanwhile LMAO @ small Dick
Tears in my eyes for dis dude mehn...
This so not fair--why pretend you like him anyway when you truely despise him----------ds is so embarassing and ds gurl who wrote ds is a loser who is trying to down the guys high esteem
she is partly to blame. It speaks volumes about her choice in men. Women sometimes r so desperate to marry, they settle for anything.
I am sure the guy must have a reply to this crap. My only worry is that Naija babes are good at copying the negative side of western culture. It wont be long before we start getting 'bulls' like this. If you dont need a man, vibrator is there for you ( you can even get 40 inches) and it will pay your bills too.
Ako na uche better in your life..
All i can do is to laff and take a deep breath...Wonder how people change to say opposite things about you when d going get wrong. Had she not enjoy any moment with him before? If it's a guy this is weird but if it's a ladies she has her life to live. What a world.
What is the logic behind posting this kind of letter on his website? It does not make any sense. All she needed to do was to divorce him quietly rather than humiliate the poor guy. Am a woman but i do not support this irrational action of hers. Even good marriages suffer challenges....Its not like i'm supporting the guy's irresponsibility but i do not think its enough to do this to him. anyway na yankee mentality. *mtcheeewwww*
Ashewo!!! As it occur to u dat ur puci is too wide 4 his di*k. Dis lady needs rehab, hope she won't say NO, NO, NO...
When you marry a woman who has seen the underpants of every Tom Dick & Harry, this is what you get. Pity! t
This is foolish are you sure she understand what is the meaning of wife.She is really an Idiot.just watch out she will soon run from the man she is marrying now.From Igbanda
my God! this is different.
shaa, she said her mind.
why on earth will a man even depend on a woman in the first place. good for him.
this girl is blunt.
O boy !!! This chick dey vex no be small. Waiting to see what the guy will say as a reply.
I hope her next marriage won't be a worse, cos d letter will sure be longer than this... oniranu.
Ah I don laff enter new year...
But seriously putting your husband on blast like this is so not cool.
If every woman married to a lazy ass man with skunk breath,oversize ego and non performing lilliputian dick put him on blast like this...imagine.
I trust my Nigerian sistehs jare,una sabi manage.
These kind of men are as common as mosquitoes over here abound in their lives,who makes a drama about it?
Heheeeeheeeeeheeeee LWTMP
Stop insulting her,she is just saying what most women esp Nigeria married women are going through,lot of women are bread winner of the family,pay the house rent and children school while the men spent their money on mistress and girlfriend,most men has small dick and can't function well,most men are scared or imitated of other men,she is speaking
the minds of most married women,an married and most of my married women friend complain abt such thing,most women are suffering silently
Men esp Nigeria men stop being a gold digger,go out there and make money and take care of your family,learn more sexual skill and stop being boring on bed
Una dey call am ashawo...very soon una go hear say Govt or one big man don invite am come Naija come give am 18 national govt security bodyguards, una go dey hail am....*mtcheeeeeeew*
Linda, why you no post my comment? mtchewww! anyway, i dont even feel like retyping it sef.
honestly, i dont think most Nigerian MEN depend on their wives for income. its the exact opposite. Most Nigerian WOMEN still do the traditional gender roles of taking care of the kids, the house, and the cooking. DUH.
anyway, it has also occurred to me that if SOOOOO many women are suffering silently in marriage, what is this craze and rush and desperation that some/most women have to get married? if you know (especially marrying a certain type of guy) what the marriage will probably be like in 5 years, i still dont get why so many do it?
IDK, one of those things in life I'll never understand.
Valentine, no one pays anyone'a bill in US..So we don't give a rat's ass. That's why the women have balls and most Naija women don't! Truth hurts!!!
Laugh wan kill me now now!!!! Hehehehehehe! But seriously 90 percent of naija wives would wish they could write this sort of letter to their husbys, but sistas are just too caught up with "what people will say",religion,culture and wht have you.Mshieww! Next!
5-6 ke? If not 10.. We'll b4min holier dan thou.. Some sef don taste up2 15.. 5 is still reasonably decent! If u ask me
dats deep... why marry him in d 1st place? u shld have known he had all dese qualities na... o ga oh...d guy sef must b so useless...c all d words wey she use describe am..hehehe
@Alicia: The craze to get married is to get into a good marriage where your husband is a great one not a lame ass one. Nobody prays for a loser husband.
Kia no be small thing, this lady needs Jesus....
I was once engaged to a loser with a 3 inch dick. I know how a woman can get caught up with a small dick man. They compensate for their lack of dick with nice manners and they have this thing of drawing you in to their insecurities and to pamper their egos, you find yourself consoling them that it's not all about size.
But the truth really is that size matters and great deal in this business. Too big is a problem, too small is a nuisance. Small dick men have deep insecurities and they should.
Whenever you hear a woman say size doesn't matter, not only is she in denial, she's also managing some small dick somewhere.
Madam.. Pls go&learn ow2speak english 1st b4 u cum on ere&pass head cracking comments
thank you Anon 2:27 AM ..... God will bless you so much. after going thru the comments here, its sad that some people r asking if she didn't see al dis before she accepted his proposal....... women have been programmed with emotions and dis emotions a times becomes our undoing. we feel sympathy so easily and am pretty sure she had dat for him until he started misbehaving(obviously not cheating on her). don't be so quick to judge because you don't where the shoe pinches her most, that's all i am saying........ as for Karrine, kick his damn ass out of your house because men are lazy ass beast and bullies who always have it @ the back of their small minds that it is a man's world and they can get away with anything.....kick it so hard,weneva he wants to sit down the ache alone will remind him of his fuckups.
Nah wah o. When i read this in another blog, i just tire. Women, our wahala too much. My own dear friend was complaining that all her husband wants to do is Fuck! The guy is enormous too and shes tired. She has to use hot water to soothe her pussy. While i was laughing, she was crying that she wanted out.What a world. I asked her so what do you want, she said a small dick would do. LMAO
African-American women can have drama...Madame Karrine, you have no one to blame for your lack of judgement..If he is such a loser, why did you marry him in the first place??? Was his d..k supposed to magically grow into a tree trunk in the course of the marriage??? You're just petty so do us all a favour and SHUT UP!!!
OMG!!!! 5 is decent? And you'd want the 6th person to treat you like a queen?
Did i just hera you say 15? *drops dead*
Wow!!!! This is F-ing poetic. But babe what about been diplomatic?
Kai!! this chic is mean sha...i wonder what the guy ever did to deserve such brutishness from her.I only hope she learns that 3 months loaded with sex and false love words is not enough to tie the knots with a man. I would't touch this girl with a long pole if i were a guy...
next question, so mean!. next question, skin deep mean. next question, crazily mean. next question, guys, avoid her like plaque for the fear of karrine stefan may just be the beginning of celibacy...lol
Wallahi, if some married women for 9ja write their own letters to their husbands, e go dey worse than this. Too many gold digging bums masquerading as husbands in 9ja today.
lol...hahahhahahahhahahah...OMD #DEAD
From ur gf shantel,
I am tired of pretending that ur my one and only meanwhile u were never in the picture.
I am tired of telling you how ur teeth shines like d snow meanwhile u get rotten teeth.
I am tired of telling you how good u are in bed,when ur d**k cant even stand well.
@ Anonymous March 9, 2012 2:27 AM
I totally feel your response. Sometimes, we go into these relationships because of love, we really want to get married and we genuinely believe that these guys are making efforts and things will get better after marriage. But they never get better and you keep trying to be the understanding wife because you so want your marriage to work.
Really, if a guy doesn't have job, or a source of income, he shouldn't even get married. It's so frustrating. Both partners will simply frustrate each other out.
If you ask me, Love sometimes, is not enough.
Abegggg may we hear word. this chick is a PORN STAR! She has sex on camera for money..thats one of d lowest of d low. what makes her think she deserves a better person neways?? her pumpum mileage is over 550,000km ...dat one pass tokunbo na...come dey claim boss chic....d dude probly cheated on her so now she feels scorned..
This is truly said. I feel you girlfriend. Sometimes, when we make these choices, we believe things will change but they never really do.
WOW! let out air......phew!
just too bad, just too bad....HMM!
funniest tin is dat she is not evn seein ur abuses so pls stop sweatin.... d grl no try sha bt d guy myt b a mumu tho.
Men be calling her whore cos she bold enough to say u got a pinkie for a dick, go grow a dick den come and call her names. Mtscheeew! Next pls!
gosh its like she dipped into my soul and said all the words i having been dying to tell som1. but still i wish she hadnt done it so publically. ahhhh ooo well....
Its Nigerian women I pity most.
Most Nigerian men have the manners of beasts in the jungle, can't handle a conversation,can't satisfy you in bed,
are allergic to domestic chores,score zero in personal hygeine,(the dry skin,raggedy dirt encrusted nails and he goat smell are AWFUL)and rather spend their money on sex than taking care of their families...
Oh well,minus the STDs and all,let our sisters keep on enjoying their lives!!!
Gosh!!! Let’s see you make this same comment in a couple of years when your dumb ass will be all wrinkled up and you'd be all alone craving for that same fuck u dissed. You Stupid CUNT!! Get a real life and remember that nothing last forever, so if you think this look you have now is not going to fade away, then ask your fucking mother who was a witch to have given birth to your dumb ass. Your fucking pussy would have been all worn out then and you would just be another hag wishing for the old times, your MOTHER is a typical example (not like we ever heard about the old cunt). She must have really groomed you in the right order of being a stupid dick seeking whore.
I fucking hate superficial bitches like this stupid ass cunt who feels she is some fucking fab queen. YOU WILL NOT BE ANYTHING MORE THAN WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE RIGHT NOW, A REAL BIATCH!!!
Haba! Bitch move over! She expressed herself. Hug a freaking ocean-submerged transformer. Killjoy oshi. @Anon 4:52, been there so I know how you feel. It is well.
Is the message to her new husband or old one? I'm lost... Anyway, the truth is bitter. Marriage is not for her. She loves to date different men with hot sex. She is just saying the truth.
It is a pity that a lot of men are so stupid and assume their women really enjoy remaining with them all the time.
Men that love free things beware! Have more pride and stop driving her car just because it is better than yours.
Fuck her millions tyms....she is full of shit.who told her to try all dick to know small en big one biiiaaatch
....when the Lady is the boss...!!!
Na wah oooo...me sef I tire for dis leta
some women re so dumb!!kmt.Yk
Hmmmm, whether we like it or not this is what most women are feeling but will never say it. I believe our feelings should be spoken so we can be free.
Currently I am not married and only thinking about it cos my family is putting me under pressure + i want to have kids. It's difficult to say this but when i see all that happens in marriages around me i really dont know if i want to get married. Though i will get the kind of man I deserve. I have been good so deserve good things.
Now, do i feel bad about what the lady wrote... Hell no. Do I think the guy will want her dead...Yes. This should really teach us that this class thing is not entirely bullshit.
Rich marry Rich,Poor marry poor, its a perfect match cos dem go know how dem go do am. Never marry sm1 cos you feel bad for them or you feel you can change their sad situation.
Yoruba marry yoruba, Igbo marry Igbo mehn their cultures dont match and will neva match. Most of the people that understand this saying are the Hausas. Lets stop wasting our time thinking we can really fit in. It's much more easier except in rare cases.
That's a funny question.
There are so many women going through pure hell in their marriages,will they tell you that they are the ones who pay the rent and school fees and household bills and send money home to both families and...?
"Why the rush and craze to marry at all costs?"
Because the AVERAGE Nigerian woman has no idea of who she is. and needs a man to validate her sense of self.
Her ultimate goal in life is what she believes she was created for: to serve a man. and procreate.
The cheating,lies,bullshit,stds are all part of the package which she believes she must bear.
After all at the end of the day,she answers to that 'heavenly title', MRS,while you, perhaps, do not.
amean i am a woman and this is really bad for her to say all what she has just said
this plastic too is talking nawa ooo the man own don finish chei well whatever goes round comes round beacuse her current hubby would now know that he is in trouble beacuse when they split ehh she would right the same about him and i tell you he would right his own first before she gets there....very sad though
So what if she's tired of life...you'll soon read about her death when she gets tired of life...abeg let her be...
please what is wrong with having uncontrolable sexual appetite...when you are married/in a relationship...isn't that part of marriage/mature bf-gf agreement? see double standards o! if it is a man who has uncontrolable appetite and woman complain, una go say she dey deny am his right. If na woman wey like sex, una go brand am 'ashawo'. haba! liking sex is not the exclusive preserve of men alone o! shey u know? Women too like and deserve to like sex without apology abeg!
Oh can it you losers! Granted she made her affairs public and absolutely destroyed his ego but fair play to her.
If a guy wrote this, y'all will celebrate him and make him the king of the heart breaker's club.
It's her life and her decision! If karma wants to catch up with her, let it.
Y'all should just enjoy a well written article and stop moaning because she's givin' ur sugar mummies ideas!
anonymous Me
i feel dis babe. i feel like writing same of my ex husband.he was a bag of shit.most women here dont just speak out and the men keep on getting more folish. any man who wants respect should earn it.u dont just sit down and do nothing while the woman gets food, pays sch fees for 3kids ad u answer daddy, God punish u.bt u spend money on chics.i married a working husband bt whn i startd earning moni he relaxed and became an idiot.he wil beat i nd innocent kids on top.God punish am again.shey hes begging to have us back bt dt will neva be.the lady knows wat she went thru.if she is a whore he knew and married her that way so nigerian guys shld shut their mouth afterall it is a man that make a whore out of a woman.
Hey!!!!!!!!!!! this 1 pinch me. i no lie. If nah me b d man, i go go giv thanks giving say person weh fit tlk all this no dey my life again o!
Vixen Super Head is a mental case. All the blow jobs she's given and sperm she's swallowed has skewed her brains!
Ehmmmmmmm!!! I'm a little lost here. Which of the husbands has that letter?? The ex or dready?? Can someone help me out??
I love this girl. She has only voiced what most women think of in their hearts. Linda as you climb the ladder of success pray you don't meet men like this cos you'll become a shadow of yourself. BTW haven't you guys heard of people that pretend before marriage. Once married, their true colours come out. God help us.
Linda nwannem,it is always good for one to look b4 they leap oooo.Sometimes when these married people come out to wash their their dirty linen outside,my dear, I appreciate my status.
For that anonymous who goes like:I'm tired of ur shit slipping out when we having sex" ,may be your dick is outrageously over-sized and goes beyond the right route.Please do smth about it cos if your marry another,the story would still be the same.
ANUOFIA,she she no see guy dick b4 she marry am,dat onetin wit lady of now a days ,they neva satisfy. must u damage d guys ego bfore u dump him.if na dick u dey find come zaria or benue
She is definitely thinking out loud, you know how many women would want to do same but fear disallow.
At least the man now knows where he stands........ you can't transform a hoe into a wife.....
mehn dis so unfair.....gosh can imagine hw d dude felt afta seein dis
Na waoooooo thyis one too much
ONOME says..............................
Oh blood of Jesus;Mary my mother this is too much oooooooo
Kai.If na my brother this girl write this kain tin about I go personally beat my bros not the wife ;)))Ewooooooooooooooooooo.DISGRACE DISGRACE BETTER SHAME!!!
Why she go diss the guy like this na?for public again????Ewwooooooooooo
I have been reading the comments and LWKMD;can see some of my fellow sisters are complaining about theirs under annonymous;better for u sisters;no make oga drive u commot;e no dey hard them for Naija :))))))
But seriously a lot of married women go through some of this sh***t and are quiet about it or complain amongst themselves so what is the woman's ish????
MARRIAGE is a lot of HARDWORK ladies;no one has a perfect marriage;absolutely NO-ONE.If it's not the sex;its the finances;or his relations or his dirty habits;or his snoring;or his cheating etc etc etc etc and I am sure the men also have a list of grievances about us too;our pettiness,our nagging,our refusing to try new sexual positions,our dirty habits,our love for Oprah instead of football:))))))TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE STAYING UNDER ONE ROOF TILL DEATH DO THEM PART IS NO MOIN MOIN/MEAN FEAT
But we work at it and we work at it and we work at it and we work at it and we work at it and if we feel we have tried our best and we are still not happy and he becomes violent then WE COUNT OUR LOSSES AND RUN:)))))
Good luck sisters........(who made me Aunty Onome's agony column???ewoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo)
Linda you re destroying ur blog with Superhead stories no one is interested
You rock girl She is my Hero of the Decade I support u girl am soooo tired of having His thing inside me and moaning when I know am not enjoying it am tired of saying I love you when I dont am tired of saying thank you when you give me stipends when I know I earn more than you I am tired of u touching my breast I feel wet but not connected to you....am tired of ur dirty armpit can u blame me the society expects me to be married at all cost....Linda dis lady is speaking the mind of most women jare
Most Nigeria women are getting married because of family and society pressure and belief that a woman is nothing without a man that's why out of desperation dey marry lazy and useless men,Linda Ikeji is example of a lady who believe only a man can make her happy and fulfilled,so she is desperated,in 3yrs time,if linda is not married she wld end up as a 3rd wife as a result of desperation,ladies no man can't make u fulfilled or happy,not all dt glitter is gold,lot of married woman are suffering and similing in Nig,from a married woman
No money + small dick= F9 ..anyone complaining that wants the guy can go for him.
this was really harsh...however nija men shld take note..they think they have a monopoly on cheating and sleeping around...gone are the days when women just sat around feeling sorry for themselves...men esp those with a small appendage, NEED TO TREAT THEIR WIVES LIKE QUEENS....women are not settling anymore....YOU MEN ARE THE ONES THAT REALLY LUCK OUT BCOS U ARE THE ONES THAT NEED THE VIAGRA. ONCE U START GETTING OLDER THE MOJO STOPS WORKING....SO WISE UP AND PUT UR HOUSE IN ORDER
In awe! If this is all true, then she must be really furious. I see it this way, the guy really loved her that she accommodated him out of pity (plus she fell in luv w him too quickly) only to realise she was doing herself a disfavour, especially now that there's another guy. You know there are some things you would love to say to your man but because they might hurt his feelings, so you keep it to yourself. Such as your way off thinking is too mediocre for my standard, especially if that's the way he is.
@ anon 3:44 am, When you have one that pounds you like a drum roll with the least provocation then you will know that you have to choose your battles. 99% of women that are married are pretenders living on the 2 out of 367 days that the man decides to favour them with a smile. I know of a girl that kept on telling us how great her marriage was. She was the one feeding, and clothing everyone in the house. Paying the house rent and sending the children to school. Meanwhile the husband was sleeping around with virtually all the young girls in town and beating the wife up for not giving him his allowance on time and not giving him money to start another business (the 100th idea). Finally the camels back broke when one of his girlfriend cursed her out at the market and told her that her husband cannot perform well. lol. That was the beginning of her wisdom........
She's a BOSS and none of u here have been in her shoes.... And she really is saying you shld love yourself and be who u are really...no man deserves to make u feel less of a person not to talk of a man who is a scrub to d point of insult...
And the idiot that said video vixens dont get married you are a big fool...are they not human beings! All in d name of insult people just talk anyhow! Haba, it's not fair! Ladies always try to be objective
All he have to do is say... I'm tired of your worn out pu$$y, I'm tired of you thinking your pretty and your not, I'm tired of the weave that gets tangled everywhere in the bed, I'm tired of the fish odor you endore, I'm tired of having sex with a c*mdumpster, I'm tired of your pointless make-up that don't help your looks, I'm tired of you thinking you know how to su(k di(k but you really don't, I'm tired of you remembering when you used to be hot but now your not, I'm tired of you thinking you can still pull a baller but you can't because you are still with me, I'm tired of the bathroom smelling like a fish market, I'm tired of imagining that your pu$$y is tight knowing that I feel no walls when I go inside, I'm tired of ur rotten beltway pu$$y SMDH
CHOIIIIIIIIIII!! See stroking!
Thanks Linda, havent stopped LMAO since reading ti.
I no get time to dey analyse, this is just some seriously funny sh*t!
Am sorry why should ladies read this??? I am perfectly happy in my relationship and by the way, I love it when he rolls over to my side of the bed to cuddle me. If you're tired of him, DUMP HIM and stop moaning! Cos girl, its your prerogative!
Gboza says:
Swaggerlicious romantical! ... so this is how 'fine boy' or 'swag guy' becomes very irritating in marriage? May God help our young men (esp the likes of anonymous 4:08am)to wisely make hay while the sun shines instead of swaggering about.
hey,I'm a working, proud naija woman and yes,split d bills wt my hubby and really dont mind..There's a certain standard of living dt my kids av and I'll rather they don't live below dt..and I'm not ashamed to say I enjoy sex wt my hubby(sorry if I sound 2raw)
I gotta question for the ladies 'What these b***ches want frm a nigga' (in DMX voice)? A broda got 9inches and dat shit too much to take. Anoda gotta 6 and half and dat be d smallest. These hoes.gotta do some Kergel exercises to make dat wide p**sy tighter. Women can never be pleased, period. Didnt u fuck him b4 marrying him? U didnt knw all these then? I believe shes bout to release another book.
It takes a whole lot of maturity to stay married. If d dreadlockd nigga were to write his own letter, that wub be longer than superheads. Wat happend to talking tins ova?
I gotta advice Mr. DREADLOCKS, never wife a hoe.
And to superhead, dnt get married again cos not eryone is meant to be married
....And the next guy thinks he'll be free of this EXTENSIVE Analysis which is nothing but spiteful.
Who is actually 'perfect' in this world.
Only those 'matched' by God... Lesson.
gezzz she is a bitch... thats not the way you break up with a guy that has fucked you before tell us the truth and stop pretending to be a super hero. bitch bitch bitch. guys dis na warning to all of una make some real fucking money.
she's the real prostitude she's stupid nt even ashamed of her fuckin sef nonsense
to be honest dis lady has really wash are dirty stuffs publicly .........wishing her the best wth her new found love.
This is the meanest letter I've ever written. I hope this dude will not commit suicide after this
I hope this guy will not commit suicide after reading this letter
Oooouuuucccchhhh...........infact am crying & shedding bloody tears right now on behalf of the guy. The worse part is the media sensation its going to cause as i know most newspapers will publish it. His friends are going to make mockery of him especially on the part where she talks about the size of his d**k & how poorly he performs. O God, the must have really hurt her for her to go gaga like this. I feel for the guy sha. Like Linda said, y did she marry d guy in the first place?......beats me.
Aside, can someone pls tell me the meaning of SMH?
Whilst you all read and make your interesting comments, I want all you men out there to thank your stars that IT IS NOT YOU.
Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for myself, only that my wife of 13 years have not yet (and I say not yet) sent me a similar letter. Everything in this letter is true about my marriage except the fact that I take care of my financial responsibilities and my fatherly duties (pay mortgage, bills, school fees etc) It is so hurtful when I see that my wife is longing for a long lost boyfriend (who by the way is now happily married - She never ceases to track him of facebook by setting up fake ids). It is so painful sometimes I can barely breathe. One advise to you guys out there yet to marry, Never get involved with a woman who is in love with someone from her past, Such women are stuck in a rut and will never move on, however they will destroy other people in the process.
All black women talk about is penis size. Yet, they are the most single women.
Non black men are known to have smaller ones, I don't see any of their women coming out to say trash like this. The letter is to expose the man, but it actually exposes her more as the SLUT, WHORE, TRASH that she is.
They are some men with small penis who do better than big ones because it's all about knowing how to work it. If his penis is slipping out, maybe your Vjay jay has no more elastic in it bcos of all the d***s that has been inside. Superhead is all about getting her money, this is probably part of her new stupid book.
That's one reason i like oyinbos, the courage to say it as it is. Bloggers have called her whore..yes, bitch...yes, ashawo...yes, wetin remain? Bottom line is; SHE SAID IT AS EXACTLY AS she saw it and felt it!!! Is this not how "Pastor" Ure was fooling herself with that toy-boy musician husband of hers, only to come back later after her eyes cleared to tell us that the love lasted because she was spending her money on the idiot? Look all around you, those lazy men are everywhere. Abeg you people should tell yourselves the truth jor. No matter how much you love a man and bestow all your wealth on him in the name of love, one day it will begin to weigh down on you and the man will lose all manner of respect from you especially if all he ever brings to the table is his so called "LOVE". And abeg, how much is that exactly?
mba! ds one no be moi moi, she finish ds guy.
n its true oh, plenty women in naija willbe wishing they can actually cry out like ds but cos of what will people say syndrome dem withdraw de suffer n smile.
to be desperate for marriage is d biggest shit u can give to urself.
Why would the hoe go into a man she doesnt like?
She is not a wife material at all.No man should ever marry such a bitch.
LMfao!!! I so love dis bitch oooohhh M Geeee!!!
Funniest and truest thing I've read in a loooog time. Shame more women are not so vocal about the crap the go through....might just stop the men behaving so badly.
She's a porn "Ho". Probably had Mandingo big long one, been impaled by Lexington Steele. banged by Monsieur Marcus. Maybe had all three at same time, ass, p**sy and mouth. This fool still tried to make this "Ho" into housewife. Couldn't stand the one dick no more. Needs a train run up her crack.
Heard bitch gives a good head though.
Linda! Karrine is 'superhead' - the video vixen! How could you leave out that very important piece of information?
This just shows how bitter naija women can get. She just admitted this was not aimed at her husband but nobody and for attention for her new book. I have never read a piece by anyone who wrote so much crap against Satan himself but if na man that is all fine and dandy. But trust bitter nigerian women, they support any abuse directed towards men no matter how ridiculous it sounds. My thing is if you hate men so much then have nothing to do with them and this goes both ways when it comes to men who hate women too. My 2. Cents
I remember ramming her all weekend frm her dripping to cumming. She looked take-home-2-mama. Da week I gave her d ring was d week I found out she was ramming one small boy banker... she confessed 2 it afta I found out. In compares den I was broke. Now I fear to count my money in naira... ... & @Msss, a knickle for ur tots...Calabar na big town.
Loool u wee not kee mee
LOL!!!! Shet mehn. She's evil sha but maybe he should have gotten a job. Americans can take it overboard but at least women are treated more fairly than here.
These women claiming Nigerian men are gold-diggers, don't play the bills, depend on their women for money etc...which country are you in? Are you actually talking about Nigeria? I suspect you all must be based abroad. I don't know about Nigerian men abroad but in Nigeria, men are still the primary breadwinners.
Nobody forced you to go abroad; its your problem if Nigerian men in US decided to behave like the black American men.
@Anonymous, you think I won`t know it`s you bitch! Your family ain`t shit to me and will never be. If you r tired why the f don`t you move on bitch, nothing satisfies you not even your children, you complain about everything, you come here without a name to rant......mcheeew
Na wah o!
Lol.... Like really? Why get things complicated doe? If u love him tell him, if u dnt like him tell him! Communication is ultimate não darling dis is nt a means of communication
Ps: Evn if it wanted to be? Ur name isnt rili anonymous!
i respect people who say it as they see it,it wasn't easy saying it but she had to,that is what i call BRAVE HEART.
Life really cant be this hard yo! Dahnn
Linda maa chuks u de bore these days. been waitn for update
It is funny ooo cos she has a book on ''ow to find, seduce $ keep d man u want'...so wot wen wrng?...lolll'
pity she has to do it on FB but truth is women do put up with a lot of pretence.sexually,emotionally etc!!!!!!
OWKAAAYYY!! O_O.... my question now is, how is the guy doing?... because this can have fatal effects on someone... not even talking about his ego that is now damaged for life! sigh!!!
Aduke luv you are so bloody daft! This is a lady who is clearly venting her frustrations on this site, if you were in her shoes you would identify with the letter in the post, even though its not specific its obvious she feels the need to do this, but your daft self cannot wrap your head around that! This site let's me know just how myopic people are. @Anon Mar 8, 04:52 PM I hope you find peace in your marriage, I hope everything works out for you. Its hard when things don't work out as we planned it, men are one way before marriage and another after. Wish you all the best.
Co-sign! You just made a whole lotta sense
Lol.. You must be a REALLY broke guy for that to be your interpretation! Loooool! This is a woman who clearly earns 100% of the family income. You are one of those punk ass lazy fuckers who live off women, that's your dream abi? Any man who makes money enjoys splashing it out on women, not saying women should demand it but a lot of men enjoy it, take pride in it. That's how I know you don't have a job or are a broke basic nigga.. Hahaha.. Please improve your life. Thanks
''He’s better than you. Next question. All night. ‘Til 6 in the morning. Next question.Yes. And I didn’t have to pay for none of it. Next question. Presidential suite. Next question. About 10 inches. Next question.69. Next question. Like a boss. Next question. Balls deep. Next question.''
Chick is crazy.
Linda abeg post my comment joo..why do you always refuse to post my comment?
Are you women abusing Nigerian men in Nigeria as lazy and irresponsible or those living abroad? Its news to me that most men in Nigeria depend on their wives. Abeg, carry una akata wahala dey go.
Women are wonderful! its funny how in the beginning everything was all gravy, now all of a sudden he's a bum and his dick shrunk... why do women always do that? when ur in love the dick is huge and sex is amazing, when u lose interest it becomes shit... U need to check urself, u might just be the one thats fucked up!
Lol @ Mr Marcus.u must b a porn expert.
I can see some Naija women copying her and following her footsteps, since we like to copy American culture. Why do black people always act so stupid? .
To women, no matter how bad your man is, DO NOT expose him like that. Talking about it within your family/friends is enough and better than exposing him on the internet. It's PATHETIC. And, if you can't stand him, leave him, it's as simple as that.
To men, if you don't like your woman, DO NOT expose her like that. Be a man about it. You have every right to move on to the next woman you think is better.
Most importantly, men and women are easily carried away now. They don't know what love, commitment, marriage is about anymore. If you don't love him or her why even marry her or him in the first place. If you guys are having problems, you can always work a situation out. Sigh
How embarrassing. People did you see what a husband wrote here calling his wife a bitch cos he feels she is the one that wrote how unhappy she is in dis blog. This is what im talking about. Some men are cheap
As for the guy asking if naija men are gold diggers. I say yep yep yep, some sure are especially those living abroad.
Anon 4:49 puleeeeez shut up. You split d bill (obviously whats in vogue) not you hadling the entire bill.
Majority of the females...''Majority'' I said!..are all in support of Superhead cos they are going through hard/bad times or they have gone through all that with someone before..Putting up with a man that is not ambitious and is lazy as fuck is not the thing.But y'all making sound like if he aint got it from the start,he can never get it..That BOSS who u choose to FUCK over ur husband was a SLAVE before.With that being said,Husbands need to MAN UP and accept their jobs and take care of the family too but still women up here be talking as if they need the slightest reason/excuse to be unfaithful/get out of they marriage.Why the hell did you put up with him if you cant handle his B.S tho .
Fucking Speechless....Wtf!
@anon March 10, 2012 6:18 AM.
Please which anon are you referring to. Guilty conscience. No go kill your wife for the sake of Linda Ikeji's blog oh.
@ anon March 11, 2012 12:54 PM. If I split the bill then I would be in glory land. You leave your wahala and go to tell people their own wahala.You be correct ITK. Wait till your husband earns 6 figures a month and then you are the one paying the bills, sending the kids to school and taking care of the household with your 58K per month then you will stop telling other people their business.....Yes. I am doing it because no matter what is going on between my husband and I, I still want a roof over my childrens head; and I don't want them to go without food in their stomach. I would rather die before I let that happen to my children. What other questions do you have? Oshi O da and to cap it all up.....na eeeeeddddddiiiiiaaaaat wey you be.
@ March 9, 2012 4:49 PM. Chai....See lie dey flow for your mouth like lucozade. Abeg we done hear this tory tey.
@ anon March 9, 2012 9:39 AM, I can feel your pain. But please go and learn how to spell in English before you blow me away with your own version of the written English Language.
@ anon March 9, 2012 4:49 PM/ anon March 12, 2012 8:17 PM....Well...... wind done blow fowl niash open. how many mouth wey you get. Today na it is well, tomorrow na I wish. Na people like you wey dey always talk say it happened to my friend, it happened to my cousin....meanwhile na you wey the thing happen to. Abeg shut up your mouth with all the fake happiness and lie lie. Yeye dey smell.
She probably asked him out and proposed to him so he lost his place as the man.
This is d reason why men don't like dating or marrying "Made Women". She's just a bitch. Why did it take her after Marriage to realize he's cock and bullshit. SMH!
OUCH! Nasty!!!
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