These are the two doctors responsible for Bruce Jenner's transformation. Dr. Gary J. Alter and Dr Harrison Lee, both surgeons with prestigious practices in New York and California. Caitlyn Jenner made sure to express her gratitude by gifting Dr. Harrison H. Lee, with a personalised copy of her Vanity Fair feature. She wrote on his copy,
'To Harrison, Great Job. Thank you so much. Caitlyn Jenner.'
Good for her/him
Beautiful indeed
She is still sitting like a man...close those legs
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......
he still seat like a man, his dick is still showing like he cant close it.
True b told she is beautiful as a man or woman na wa.
I agree
True.. but he/she still can't sit like a lady.
See doctor for u ooo onyx where are u?
She's really becoming!
Linda stop encouraging bad things with kind words.
Are u saying Bruce is fulfilling God's purpose for his life?
Or God make a mistake creating Bruce as man in his own image?
Linda stop encouraging bad things with kind words.
Are u saying Bruce is fulfilling God's purpose for his life?
Or God make a mistake creating Bruce as man in his own image?
still sitting like a man,they should teach him/her how to sit properly. Looollll
I swear grand pa oppss! Grand ma caitlyn is becoming really beautiful, Humm I smell intimidation from Kris o.
She cant even close his legs!!!
Oppp. Man 4 woman
Is this the Doctor or Jakie chan? LOL
WOW! Man sues actress for staring at him from his TV (SEE HERE)
Na all of them go drown together!
Heshe looks like expired milk
Looking better than julietiwuno's mum
it is well
Woooooow.... He looks beautiful!! U rock Bruce, sorry, caithlyn
Birds of the same feathers.
Seen nd heard!!linda take note!
Birds of the same feathers.
yea he is
looking like Lucifer's in-law
Buh a disgrace to human to humanity! Well God is not dead. Acts 8:22
Wow!! Am really impressed.
She kinda look like her\his daughters.
Good for him/her biko. Linda take note!
Good for him/her biko. Linda take note!
There is no way a man can become a woman, no way! Even with all the best surgeons in the world performing the best surgeries on him. Even when they eventually discover how to transplant a uterus into a male's body and construct a vagina (they must be working so hard on that and I'm sure the crazy dr would be given an award for such an evil breakthrough) His pose gives him away already. This is so, so wrong. I'm not one to judge but these transgenders are taking it too far.
Linda you re beginning to annoy me by posting stories about this she male
Hot mess. You are still a man from Earth to heaven. And you will always win arm wrestling with those arms.
The doctor didn't perform any good job joor.
~D great anonymous!
Nigga one come fine pass him ex wife
I pray the sickness ends with him; kanye n Scott will pass
She still sits like a man, though.
What about those ugly muscular hands? No work done there abi?
You continue to promote and even make complimentary remarks about this issue.yet when someone has the guts to curse this issue down,you quickly agree.
Choose a side Madame.
She needs to learn to sit like a lady if not....
there is nothing beautiful about this silly transformation...mtcheeww..abegi,,there are better things to talk about.
See as him hand strong....... Jor oh
Wonder the doctor is a man..... OR was he a woman?
This world is going the wrong way.....
Good for her
Female face manly hands. Omo you can't cheat nature.
Good for her
Anytime i see her i see a man inside a woman's dress... Look at her hand. Choii
SMH...cant deal abeg
She is beautiful with manly hairy arms? Who is deceiving who?
Ok seen
His hands still look masculine
Iranu of the highest order.
Iranu of the highest order.
Lord have mercy
I don't blame u. Promoting evil. Pray not to loose readers
I see an obvious chin implants. And her hands r still masculine.
She still sits like a man. And has bent lips.
I still see the man in him nonesense
Still nt beautiful if u ask me Rubbish!!!
he still seats like a man.
I can still see his penis sticking out.what a joke. When he crosses over to the other side,he will find out that there is a GOD that runs the show by his rules weather you believe or not and He is THE JUDGE
Still looks like a dude in drag.
she looks Good
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He's /she's really becoming pretty
What happened to his prick?????
Did they cut off his dick as well???
Bt his body still looks masculine tho!
With those hands? Ha ha ha ha ha.
He's just seeking attention and needs more money.
Lol. Every time I see He/She I laff. Lmao TF! Lord Have Marcy
See as he spread leg dey call himself woman. Tufiakwa!!!
Look at all those gay men smiling.. In their minds, they be like... "We have seen an asshole( Caitlin) to f**k"... Nonsense and ingredient...
Stupid publicity fvckery
Look at all those gay men smiling.. In their minds, they be like... "We have seen an asshole( Caitlin) to f**k"... Nonsense and ingredient...
*still speechless*
Linda, there is nothing beautiful abt him. He is a fake she.
Nna see bruce o... Dude still looking like a man no doubt...
u shuld have eaually told him to hide those masculine veins in ur hand.. fine woman
U keep giving us every information about this family but yet ur keeping d most important information from us... What happen to his Dick? Has it been cut off??
Gud 4 r
Gud 4 r
Linda please stop posting stuff regarding this dude after all there's nothing sensible and knowledgeable about his demonic transformation (not interested),please linda. Thank you
caitlyn or whatever u can as well get lost for alll i care
Dat person doesn't look like a lady 2 me, see his arms.....
He/she should close her legs she is a ladÅ·
Nna Mmadu? Person Papa? Science Project.
look at his hands...
Nice but yet to learn how to sit like a woman,which one be legs wide open.
To me he still looks like bruce (a male)
Rubbish oooooo
Linda so you are referring this man as she? Na waoh you
Gud for him o!
What drove this guy into this act is the fact that he was surrounded with beautiful women with talent and good figure...they had lots of control over thier own lives and was just trying to be one...
See as cat whatever sit down wide leg as a man... you can never be a woman bruce
This guy is beautiful indeed
Still sits like a man
My brother's, and sister's, dis is exactly how Michael Jackson was doing until he died.
I pray dis man case should b different, and he should see d light of Christ b4 he reach his grave.
Wait what exactly is wrong with this lady called lindaikeji??!?! Bruce jenner is now a cute she cutie,bla bla openly and blatantly goshin over this crazy demonic anti-christ,God setup and all ecstatic about it..u obviously need 2 consider who's side u on,money is suddenly turnin ur moral standards upsidedown,sideways...i pray God help youand we all..#andthou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy hrt ...deut6:5
Now who do you Love,linda and y'all is itmoney,sex,fame or God???!?
Nuff said!! OMOJESU
No matter d amount of makeup he slaps on dat rubber face he is still an F-ing dude biko! D ewu still sits like a man (just open legs like his about to give birth)
Her arm is still masculine, guess that can't be altered
He/she's still a man. See how he/she sat, real women hardly sit like that.
Looks lik Janice Wilkinson
Enough of all these crap. Mr Bruce enjoy your shemalehood.
The face and the body stature and poise are mismatched...
He still got that masculine arm*
He still got masculine arm
When would He/She have a Boy friend who will be servicing his/her anus?
He is a pretty girl...oops she sorry
Beauti kini? Abegi waka go front
Taa!! Which beautiful woman?!
She still sits like a man. Fucking vile shemale
Look @ hw she sat in d 1st pix, Jenner nt fyn abeg!
Serving Popcorn to those that came to read comments on LIB
Which kind "beautiful woman" Linda dey talk sef? See his man hands! This Bruce man is only deceiving himself.
Well the she-man still sits like a man!! Good to know...
Great job, really.
Na guy dis one go dey find now o. I hope dat right side of the chin nor compress sha? E come be like say old age wan come show for the face now when she don turn beautiful woman. At least person nor go dey see Bruce Jenner face for Caitlyn again; that is something.
Science project. And the doctors will laugh at their patients in d corner of their bedrooms. Mr&Mrs Bruce Caitlyn Jenner!
He still sits lik a man.............you can deceive man but God can not be mocked!...
And they haven't transformed themselves yet. Okbye.
Dust...more beautiful my foot" this asshole should go & die *far too kind*
Neeeeex......she is pretty though
It still has hairy arms and a square jaw.
If an ugly man can be made into a pretty woman :(
Fugly girls out there, what is your excuse
Look at how the idiot is sitting and he says he's a lady kmt. Linda stop glorifying rubbish!
Na wa for this people oooo
Endtime....man turns woman after sleeping with all manners of women for 65 yrs...then got tired of being a man. Okay oouo
Hmmm trust chinkoooo they can do anything
Look at his legs still look like that of a man. He is mad mam
D female doesn't fit u as u expected right Bruce ?
They forgot to work on his hand? The right hand looks masculine.
Nawa ohh
But her hands tho...still looking all manISH...lol
No be only beautiful, wight with big problem...
their business , face color different from body hand still be like man own ... fine bobo de hear
With his (no sorry for not saying HER) old hands/skin like who dey do concrete work
she needs to learn how to sit like a woman that she now professes to be!
And what exactly did both Drs do?? Bcoz he still sounds like a grandfather,and d veins on his hands indicates great male struggles.Nonsense.
She still sits like a man!!! A lady closes her legs
He/she's stil ugly as he was.....
Looks like Celine Dion!
Science project! U still sit like a damn man! I tot u would be all legs crossed n stuff
someone should tell bruce women dont sit like that. he needs to learn to sit like a woman now loool.
he/she still sit like a man...maybe its his D that is causing it, he should cut it off already arrrgggghhhhhhh
Abasha! Smhhh
Still sits like a man!
If He wants to be a woman, he should put in more effort.
Ode. Ur gay broda,right?
too bad
he still sits like a man,sorry bruce you just can't help it.
he still sits like a man,sorry bruce you just can't help it.
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