'People think we're twins' - Mother and daughter look so alike their partners get confused | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 19 August 2015

'People think we're twins' - Mother and daughter look so alike their partners get confused

The mum, Georgie Smedley is 42 and the daughter, Jazz, is 19 but it's hard to tell them apart. The mum and daughter say people mistake them for sisters which the mother says she takes as a huge compliment. They have same fiery hair, nearly same height, weight, and shoe size - as well as sounding alike. But can you guess who is the mum and who is the daughter? More pics after the cut...

Jazz with her younger sister and mum...


Unknown said...

this is serious o, see resemblance here



Different still is clear

SMURF said...

Almost in all the pics, the mum stands at the right

The Sexiest Mother Of This Blog said...

They actually look. Like twins. Beautiful people

Video: High Ranked Politician And His Friend’s Daughter S**x T@pe Goes Viral

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous mum

ary said...

It is more like why is a 19 year old looking so grown up but her mom is well in shape and should share the secrets of eternal youth with her teenaged daughter.

Unknown said...

The woman in red is the mom.. See her face well..

Unknown said...

D one at d right is d mother

Anonymous said...

Mum is the one by our right. You can't hide age, you know.

Unknown said...

It's obvious na...yeah dey look alike buh u can tell which is d mom! + dey r beautiful...d one in red s d mum..she is d one wearing sweat shirt in d oda pic too...also d one behind d lil gell


Her mum young shaaaa.

Unknown said...

Na so me and my Daughter go dey.

Anonymous said...

D mom is d one on d left

Unknown said...

So identical

Unknown said...


NaijaDeltaBabe said...

I love dis

Trendyify said...


it is well

N.I.X said...

Good genes

Unknown said...

they really do look alike,but mum is the one on red,on d first pix,pretty women.

gentle said...

Wow...the mom looks so young. 42?? #goals.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Look so much alike

Unknown said...

Nice one,so i should congratulate you for given birth at tender age or sexual abuse by yoruba decendant in america.

i don't give a damn.
#sad indeed

Unknown said...

Nice one,so i should congratulate you for given birth at tender age or sexual abuse by yoruba decendant in america.

i don't give a damn.
#sad indeed

Unknown said...


Why you should read to your kids

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Mum is the short one and on red

Anonymous said...

The daughter is d one on d LEFT in all d pictures. She has a wider face dn her mum but also has d young vibe.

Her mum is pretty but d neck never lies & her smile shows deeper lines.

Unknown said...

Whoa......I can hardly differentiate mother from child....I love dis

Unknown said...

Dame;i nid a daughter asap

Unknown said...

The one on red gown is the mom.....beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Jesu!!!...who is d mother

Unknown said...

This is amazing; the mum is the one on red. I guess it is good genes at work.


Unknown said...

This is amazing; the mum is the one on red. I guess it is good genes at work.


simsony said...

Good for them!

yawanow said...

wow they look more like twins

Unknown said...

Nice 1

Unknown said...

Nice 1

Unknown said...

Oh ma G! D one on red is d mum! Did is gud

Annette said...

Nice 1..moda nd dauta

Anonymous said...

Mum is the one on the right

Unknown said...

Wow lovely

Unknown said...

Wow, striking resemblance and the mum looks fabulous. I think the mom is th one on the right in the second picture.

Unknown said...

Wonderful! Very hard to tell them apart mbok, btw they're both pretty!

Peejay said...

The daughter is taller in all the pictures. This will be I and my daughter in a few years! She's super tall for her age...sigh.

Peejay said...

The daughter is taller in all the pictures. This will be I and my daughter in a few years, she's super tall for her age...sigh.

Anonymous said...

u can obviously see d age difference bt nice one tho

Unknown said...


yourstrulyblogposts.blogspot.com said...

Are you kidding me? The mother looks good for her age but you can tell mother from daughter

Unknown said...

God please give me this luck!!

Anonymous said...

The mum is the shorter one and with red dress

Mihearty said...

Mum is on the right. The difference is clear. But the woman has nice body though

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Its only the first pic by the right that shows the mother others are difficult to tell really

Didi Stories said...

D mom z on red... Wow lovely

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Unknown said...

Wow! They look cool but d mum is not as fresh as d daughter. Thumbs up to them and God bless them.

I B M bolubantin said...

Such resemblance...that's cute

Unknown said...

Dey sure do look alike but the Mom looks older biko. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

So giving birth at 23 means you gave birth at a tender age? *Shaking my head*

Anonymous said...

It's not clear biko. The mum has really tried to stay looking young

Anonymous said...

The mum is on d right in all d pics but she looks amazing.

Emerald said...

the difference is preety obvious, yes they look like age mates in most pixs but u can tell who is who by a mere glance.its just facinating that a woman that old can look that young, other than that,theres no reason for their mates to be confused.

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