I'm sure some of you heard the rumour. It appeared on a few sites online yesterday and today and according to the publication, T.B Joshua predicted the death of 2go and Facebook users. Well, the church is denying he made any such statement! And on that note, Goodnight my beautiful readers...let me rest my eyes. Ciao!
make you day there oo becos me i still dey awake and i need you to update more news also when i know you are awake it helps me to wank well
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has just included OKADA RIDING as Olympic Sport. Nigeria is on course to win Gold.
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Do people still listen to this joker? Na aw for naija o
Now everything is prophecy from TB Joshua.People should live this man alone please.This Wednesday afternoon in Australia n nothing has happened.
God is the master...if u Believe In God natin go
hppn..wetin man 'belief in' na im de kil am.
Hw cn a man of God gave such prophy...dia is
no fire without smoke...a word is enough fr d
It is the physical exertion of the adversaries against the servant of God.
People should not mind such rumor as it is not factual. I am watching Emmanuel TV 24hours and Pastor Joshua has never said anything of such that is if at all he knows anything about 2Go to think of it. This is how the same people who called their selves the genuine Christians will be going about telling all sorts of lies to fault other person’s name and thinking that they would be confusing God for their self-indulgence.
However, I tell you that in whatever one does in life the judgment you will have on the last day. Populace do not need to be misleading anymore rather tune to the Emmanuel TV at your home to see the truth about TB Joshua yourself and compeer with what you heard about him thus far. Even with so-called men of god and you will agree with me that Christianity has inverted this days. How acclaimed supposed servants of God could be telling lies and causing bewilderment in order to express disapproval of others.
You need to ask yourself what is the meaning of prophesy by the by. It is all about knowing the Gods mind concerning his people in what is to come out of the ordinary by exposing Satan clandestine. In addition, how you identify a real prophet of God is by accurate prophesies because God can never for any reason divulge his mind to anyone who is not his true servant. Again, by their fruits you shall know them.
Just as many TB Joshua unfair criticisms the self-appointed men of god that claims to be hearing from God whereas relies on their brainpower ascent, If true that you serve God in truth and spirit then you would be able to know his opinion about yourself and about others. In which that whatever you say for him must be correct and accurate because God is not an author of confusion.
Bear in mind that Christianity is not a religion nor even political parties but relationship between man and God in which Christ came to achieve through love. So let love lead because we are sons and daughters of love, in that case love your neighbor as yourself. Your neighbor could be your enemies or those that do not share the same faith with you the word of God says love them all according to TB Joshua.
Chibuzor Igwah
It shld beta b rumour but if its nt na him,his family nd his church member go die.all ds **** pastors.cherryberry
Ok o we don hear.
Religion and social sites? Of all the pressing issues,atrocities and cankerworms that are being perpertrated in the name of religion,this is all you can talk about? It damn better be a rumour!Long beards never were my thing anyways...
They denying cause nobody died.Another remour, FG about to ban 2go.....GALAXY!
Pple shuld be careful with peddling rumors, especially when it concerns an annointed servant of God. *amrra*
Na wah for niaja,buh come to tink of t is high time the close facebook.smh
Dan Katsina
Yeah i heard that rumour to, but guess what..?? Immediately i knew it was fake as he T.B Joshua is, no doubt bout that.
Even if there's no denial, why will anyone believe such drivel?
God be with us wherever we go! AMEN!
Blue print for a successful courtship- http://princessofzion.wordpress.com/2012/07/14/courtshipwhat-is-it-how-do-i-do-it-right/
This princess of zion's ads just makes me ℓ☺ℓ.
linda yu r obviously too lazy to upload comments, pls activate d auto comment..thnx! Much luv
Msheww... And u r real yeah? Pls stop judging pple, I'm sure he hasn't done anything 2 u, u r jst being dumb n biased. Msheww. «~Dora
Thank God nothing like that will happen, we that spend all our life on social network?
But how can someone spread such rumour
Please check out this blog
Oh Lord!!!...No comment...*Strolling by, to sit down on the couch, one hand on the remote switching channels... nothing interesting on TV...*30minutes later* am bored...back on Linda Ikeji...has she uploaded people's abuse yet? Not yet...Linda is dulling joh...Ok back watching TV..its my day off from work...I am allowed...ahaaa..3 Hrs later...comments have come up...they are abusing me...why wetin I do?....what have I said...oh sorry wrong person...they love me...yeah my people love me...To be continued...#THEEND...You just went into my limbo...#Nigerian Inception...Coming to your mind soon...47vids.com..lol
There are too many prophets around!Why some races produce more miracle peddlers than others?Is it coz these people are too lazy to get a proper job?If this joshua is a prophet then I am the kind of england!
If you believe in a prophet of God of not, you have no right to blaspheme, seriously ur playing wiv ur life.
I myself don't follow any pastor, but doesn't mean I shld blaspheme against them, the bible says the blasphemer never goes unpunished!
Maleeka Zayn
na wa o, pple nd rumor, mstchewwwwwwwwwwww
Guys, Live and let live
Clap for ur self. All this gospel na for who? I was expecting those his fanatics who have nothing to do, but move from blog to blog to defend him...and u didn't fail me. Prophets are known to be true if their prophecies come true...then that makes TB joshua not a prophet cos he has predicted so many things that didn't happen or even seemed to happen...if I may ask do u follow God,Jesus or TB joshua. Cos from the way I see things it seems Jesus is no more relevant, but TB Joshua is. Some of you even go to the extent of comparing Jesus with him...wonna no di fear face?
Plssssssss u guyz, let this Man be! Haba!! How useless n uneducated can some pple get sef? Dey said dey didn't send any info like Dat, if u don't believe Dem, shut it n sit down! No need 2 insult d man or say he will die etc! Watss all this dumbness for naw? Haba! Msheww. Linda pls, 2 avoid the fire of God from visiting u aswell,i advice u stop posting anything concerning any man of God, wether the ministry is fake of real biko cos u stand aside n watch pple insult these ministries for nothing! Msheww «~Dora
Anonymous 12:38pm, it's better U̶̲̥̅̊ sharrap Ãήϑ mind Ūя̲̅ business rather dan putting urself I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ a̶̲̥̅ limelight of a̶̲̥̅ True/False Prophet.
Anonymous 12:38pm, it's better U̶̲̥̅̊ sharrap Ãήϑ mind Ūя̲̅ business rather dan putting urself I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ a̶̲̥̅ limelight of a̶̲̥̅ True/False Prophet.
why people they fear?if they know that prohetT.B Joshua prophecies are not real?but i will like to advise that,people should have the fear of God.T.B joshua has not at any point compare himself with JESUS.what a humble man.do not judge,GOD will jugde everyone accordilly.therefore choose ye thisday who ye we serve,either GOD or MAN
Some things are better left unsaid. Talking about prophesy, no man GENUINELY knows tomorrow.
Good reply @anon 12:38, You took the words out of my mouth. These so called followers are hopelessly brain washed that they no longer know the difference b/w Jesus and their pastors.
I don't even want to start with the "man of God", God is God, he cannot be mocked and the fact that most of us choose to perish with our ignorance, does not make him less who he is.
@Anonymous 12:38 PM and others in general.
Well, one thing you must know is that TB Joshua has no time in what Satan personified as you will do or keep saying about him and has no time replying detractors. Is not that he is not aware of how even as many will gather and be praying for God to take away his life but to him he has no power to fight back. He elucidates that the battle is of God and not him as he is but a mere servant.
And also said that assuming he depends on power of his own that he would not mind to fight back and as you are wishing him death he will be praying for you to die as well which is that either you succeed in killing him or he will. Instead opposite is the case because each time he asked God why me of all this only answer that God usually gives to him is to pray for both his admires and antagonist like you as well. As that is how others before him were persecute, In that case he is busy praying that God should forgive you out of your ignorance according to the book of (Matthew 5:44) But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
TB Joshua use to give his prophesies candidly only on Sundays live service facing more than 70 thousand congregations of both local and international visitors in a Sunday service. After that, they will continue to televise that very prophesy on Emmanuel TV to keep warning so that people in concern will be cognizant until it happens if care does not take.
It is true that the bible made us to understand that by his name Jesus you can do all things, yes, but without love of God in your life the name means noting in your lips. Then you must love others the way you love yourself and if yes you do how comes of all your forged rumors.
Are you a believer? Then you need deliverance for the purely spirit of God to have its right way in your life before you can worship God in truth and spirit otherwise you will keep lying and have yourself to regret in the hell fire at last. If non-Christian, then you can watch Emmanuel TV to see thousands of Muslims and others like you from all parts of the world that comes to worship in the Synagogue in our country Nigerian every Sunday as they have seen the mighty power of God manifesting in the life of TB Joshua.
We shall know the truth and it shall set us free then seek you the truth now you are still alive because no repentance in the land of death. I am writing this because am addicted to this blog but don’t always commenting and not that anybody sent me because TB Joshua himself edify that we are not fighting flesh and blood so the members are not scuffle or defending him for anything because they have made to know that their battles belongs to God.
Hehehehehehe!! Am just waitin 2 see wat Mr illuminati has 2 say hmmmmm am kind off interested in knowin dat religion nd father I hope am nt going tru d wrong path
But y'all anonymous guys, can u leave the guy alone? He's fighting for what he believes in and is hurting nobody. I'm pantheist, I believe in God and also believe he can reveal himself thru diff ways be it christianity, islam, science nd even Tb joshuaism. Let's not judge.
Maleeka Zayn
But y'all anonymous guys, can u leave the guy alone? He's fighting for what he believes in and is hurting nobody. I'm pantheist, I believe in God and also believe he can reveal himself thru diff ways be it christianity, islam, science nd even Tb joshuaism. Let's not judge
@Anonymous 12:38 PM and others in general.
Well, one thing you must know is that TB Joshua has no time in what Satan personified as you will do or keep saying about him and has no time replying detractors. Is not that he is not aware of how even as many will gather and be praying for God to take away his life but to him he has no power to fight back. He elucidates that the battle is of God and not him as he is but a mere servant.
And also said that assuming he depends on power of his own that he would not mind to fight back and as you are wishing him death he will be praying for you to die as well which is that either you succeed in killing him or he will. Instead opposite is the case because each time he asked God why me of all this only answer that God usually gives to him is to pray for both his admires and antagonist like you as well. As that is how others before him were persecute, In that case he is busy praying that God should forgive you out of your ignorance according to the book of (Matthew 5:44) But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
TB Joshua use to give his prophesies candidly only on Sundays live service facing more than 70 thousand congregations of both local and international visitors and viewers of Emmanuel TV all over the world in a Sunday service. After that, they will continue to televise that very prophesy on Emmanuel TV to keep warning so that people in concern will be cognizant until it happens if care does not take.
It is true that the bible made us to understand that by his name Jesus you can do all things, yes, but without love of God in your life the name means noting in your lips. Then you must love others the way you love yourself and if yes you do how comes of all your forged rumors.
Are you a believer? Then you need deliverance for the purely spirit of God to have its right way in your life before you can worship God in truth and spirit otherwise you will keep lying and have yourself to regret in the hell fire at last. If non-Christian, then you can watch Emmanuel TV to see thousands of Muslims and others like you from all parts of the world that comes to worship in the Synagogue in our country Nigerian every Sunday as they have seen the mighty power of God manifesting in the life of TB Joshua.
We shall know the truth and it shall set us free then seek you the truth now you are still alive because no repentance in the land of death. I am writing this because am addicted to this blog but don’t always commenting and not that anybody sent me because TB Joshua himself edify that we are not fighting flesh and blood so the members are not scuffle or defending him for anything because they have made to know that their battles belongs to God.
Epistle of Chibuzor. Nawa o!
Y can't wil live issues partaining 2 men of God n let God handle it himself,atimes i feel sori 4 pple wen dey castigate dem,aw many muslims ve u xtains seen or heard castigating their leaders, d problem wit xtain is dat u serve d men of God n nt God of men.
Don't judge so that u won't be judged!Senior Prophet TB Joshua is a true man of God and also very humble and kind to a fault,God has used him to save many lives too....
From everything uve said, u just confirmed he sent you lol. Who wished TB Joshua dead. He's the one always predicting deaths. The same bible also tells us to beware of false prophets...u need redemption more than anybody on this blog...you did a nice campaign for synagogue church.;Marketing Director
WONU: abeg Mr. Chıbuzor dıs ur essay ıs too long jor, we knw TB joshua ıs a man of God shıkena!
The same bible said in (John 14:12) “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.
Some account for the greater works thus:
1. The very shadow of Peter healed the diseased, Acts 5:15.
2. Diseases were cure, and demons cast out, by applying to the persons handkerchiefs and aprons that had before touched the body of Paul, Acts 19:12.
The prophets of the old did not die out with the power of God he can still use a person from anywhere through any medium to demonstrate himself as the God almighty from generation to generations even till end of the earth.
Yes, TB Joshua predicts deaths not without solutions but serves as warning by exposing the plans of Satan so that whomever the prophesy concerns will run to God for safety immediately, which can be change only if you concur and have faith in. but ignorantly many pass away.
(Proverbs 29:18) Without prophetic vision people run wild, but blessed are those who follow God's teachings. (Verse 20) Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
Mr Chibuzor Igwah, Abeg na. We are very sorry. Pls forgive us. No more write-ups please. Na beg we dey beg. This is an overdose abeg!!! Good grief !!! *wipingoffsweat*
they should close u and ur father's house entirely because ur life is useless rather than closing facebook...mtcheeew!
gerrout!....pack ur frustrations somewhere jawe, i bet u've been an okada rider at onitsha mkt for d past yrs, and thats why okadaring has really occupied the better part of ur brain...#okby
The same bible said in (John 14:12) “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.
Some account for the greater works thus:
1. The very shadow of Peter healed the diseased, Acts 5:15.
2. Diseases were cure, and demons cast out, by applying to the persons handkerchiefs and aprons that had before touched the body of Paul, Acts 19:12.
The prophets of the old did not die out with the power of God he can still use a person from anywhere through any medium to demonstrate himself as the God almighty from generation to generations even till end of the earth.
Yes, TB Joshua predicts deaths not without solutions but serves as warning by exposing the plans of Satan so that whomever the prophesy concerns will run to God for safety immediately, which can be change only if you agree and believe but ignorantly many pass away.
(Proverbs 29:18) Without prophetic vision people run wild, but blessed are those who follow God's teachings. (Verse 20) Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
Jesus is Lord! Ramadan Kareem ! End of discussion!
abi o
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