She was once the most beautiful girl in Nigeria but one would hardly believe this in seeing her. Age and sickness have ravaged that, leaving a shell of that stunning beauty. This is the story of Helen Anyamelune, the second Miss Nigeria. Today, Helen lives in a state of sickness and abandonment. She is equally wheel-chair struck. But it hasn't always been like this.Continue reading...
About 53 years ago, specifically 1958, she was crowned the most beautiful girl in the country. That was before the country became independent. She was also the second young lady to be so crowned in the history of beauty pageant in Nigeria. With her emergence, she became the most sought after woman in the country. Many people wanted to be associated with her. But today, it is a different story.
Nobody wants to know what became of her, the beauty is faded, and the allure is gone. To compound it, she is penniless, after having spent all her money on the sickness that has ravaged her body. For Helen, an indigene of Ugbodu community in Aniocha North Local Government area of defunct Bendel State, now Delta State, the only time she was ever offered a lifeline was during the tenure of former governor of Delta State, Chief James Ibori. Narrating her ordeal in an interview with our correspondent, Helen seated on a wheel chair in tears said, ÒNigeria my country has forsaken me.
For several years now Miss Nigeria 1958 has been sick and confined to a wheel chair and no assistance of any kind. At this juncture, she burst into tears asking rhetorically again, What have I done to Nigeria to warrant this neglect that not even the government can come to my aid and assist me in whatever way it could?
I have been suffering from stroke for several years now and I know if the state or the federal government had come to my aid by now, my health would have improved and who knows, I might not have ended in a wheel chair like this. While appealing to government at all levels, NGOs, corporate bodies, individuals and leaders of Nigeria and Nigerians to come to her aid and not to allow the labour of their heroes past to be in vain, Helen lamented the situation where after promoting and making ones nation proud, you will then be neglected and abandoned by the same nation, upon suffering a misfortune. Still in tears, Helen in her seventies, ended up by saying that a nation that does not honour or come to the aid of her heroes when in difficulties, will soon have no heroes. Till date as I talk, I am alone, responsible for all my medical treatment; the bill is borne by me. I have sold all my property in Lagos just to take care of my present condition but all to no avail. If government, NGOs or anybody could offer me support, I will receive it wholeheartedly. This is a country I served diligently as Miss Nigeria.
Also speaking, Mrs. Gloria Chukwuneyenwa Nnemeke, immediate younger sister to Helen, disclosed that her elder sister contested the pageant when she was between 19 and 21 years of age, when she had just finished her secondary school at Wanemba community, now in Akwa Ibom State. According to Gloria, the ex-Miss Nigeria has gone through thick and thin in her present predicament and has been bed-ridden for several years now. She lamented the neglect of Government at the local, state and federal levels. As someone who represented the nation, projected the name of her country as a Miss Nigeria 1958, no one cares whether she exists or not, even in her present condition. It only Chief James Ibori's government that rendered her little financial assistance. Apart from that, no single assistance has ever come her way again either from government, NGOs or individual.
So, I am using this medium to appeal to the local, state and federal government as well as NGOs, multinational companies, and individuals to come to her aid. She added that before now, Helen had travelled to India and London all in a bid to seek medical treatment which was solely sponsored by the ailing Miss Nigeria herself. Gloria further told Sunday Mirror how she had to hire the services of someone who is now taking care of her as she is confined to a wheel chair. Her sister recalled that if not God's intervention, Helen would have died last week when she fainted. But through the mercy of God almighty she was able to survive.
In her time, the pageant was not as lucrative and exalted as it is today. Government should always remember those who projected and promoted the country's image positively, as the labour of our heroes past must not be in vain, according to our National Anthem, Helen's sister said.
For those willing to help Helen, the stroke-struck, wheelchair- ridden ex-Miss Nigeria, contact her through the following mobile lines: Gloria-08062291890 and Steven - 08038332869.
Linda you said she was Miss Nigeria, then you said she was crowned The Most Beautiful Girl In Nigeria. As Nigerians, we know these two beauty pageants r totally different. So why r you using both titles interchangeably? Makes a lot of difference.
Anyways, sad story. Hope someone helps
erm @chillysauce..i didn't say! the full article was culled from national mirror...and besides they didn't say she won the MBGN title, they wrote that she was once the most beautiful woman in this country - by virtue of winning the miss nigeria title that year. they mean different things, i think
Ehmmm,am confused here!How does BN a former miss Nigeria bcome Nigeria's responsibility?Does she have a family?I pray she gets well soon tho buh I hate ds type of Begging!
" About 53 years ago, specifically 1958, she was crowned the most beautiful girl in the country".
That's not saying she was 'once d most beautiful girl in Nigeria' .
But I get you
But cant the state gov . Help her in the condition
@chillysauce - some are helpers some are criticisers you have obviously decided which you will be AKOWE PELE.
I want to give out some of my money to people who need it. BB pin 312AD095. Twitter handle is @iheduruc.
U did not mention anything abt her children/child as d case maybe.D so called stars shuld read ds especially Jim iyke nd co. Wia is olu maintain? Pls Linda update us on Enebeli Enebuwa. tanx dearie.
Linda don't mind @chillysauce Naija's and their oversabi they must correct everything to prove they know more than everybody else when what they do is expose their ignorance. This is a sober story and yet you have time to make corrections to something that it is not even important to the story.
So, if she won MBGN or miss Nigeria does it change the moral of the story. Mscheww!!!
its really a pity!
i pray help gets to her asap.
LOL, Linda lays the smackdown !
Na English dey cause this kind confusion,well no be our Papa language.The most important thing is getting help for the woman.
Na English dey cause this kind confusion,well no be our Papa language.The most important thing is getting help for the woman.
chillysauce @ Dec 4, 2011 11:47 AM:
I suppose you don't know the meaning of "CULLED"?
How sad! Miss nigeria organisers should do something abeg! Nike oshinowo should remove her high heels and do one thing for humanity!
I do wish her speedy recovery and hope help come her way, does the fact that she was once a beauty queen mean she should now be the responsibility of Nigerians? It is ok she solicits for help, but she should stop seeing it as her entitlement. Was her reign not for a year? .... She should ask for help on compassionate grounds abeg
Sigh so many things to say...but the summary would be "what budget would that be in?, so cos she was most beautiful she didnt prepare for the future then?"...get well soon sha...
i dont want to sound heartless but i dont see the relevance of her being a miss nigeria and the nigerian government helping her....she won the title yes, probably also won some money and a good life as well....its not like she went to war for our country...so no....she should drop the miss nigerian title as a means of pity seeking.....on the other hand....she does need help, and i bet millions of other nigerians need help....what we need is not a charity system for celebrities who are now suffering but a health care system that takes care of every nigerian....no matter your occupation or former occupation.....i do hope some one helps her...maybe there is a charity we can donate to that helps nigerians in need....does anyone know of any....i would gladly donate to help her
Ummm...bc she was Miss Nigeria 1958 doesn't warrant her that she must get financial help from the country. Its sad that she is going through this but she's not the only person in the country suffering from financial difficulty and stroke. Ibori that helped her is a criminal & murder, that was nice of him to help. Doesn't she have children & her sister that is blabbing to press can't help her??
Well some of us are willing to help but not on the ground that She was former Miss Nigeria. She is definitely going to get help even though one may ask, Madam you no get husband,, you no get children . Cos am sure the pageant had a lot of opportunities you could have maximized then when you were beautiful and tender. Nigeria offered you the platform to plan your life and invest for the future and not expecting you to return after so many decades crying that Nigeria had forsaken you..
Anyway the Queens of these days are wiser. They grab footballers like no man business. They scheme for stupendously rich kids. They want a secure future for themselves and their children cos beauty fades wt age.
as a former miss Nigeria, she has a right to bring it up that she served her country in that year. Nigeria should be responsible for her on humanitarian/welfare grounds just like any other citizen
At the risk of sounding totally heartless, what's the reason for the pity party? So she was Miss Nigeria, good, but does that mean that the social system that has failed Nigerians must single her out for assistance? Where's her family? I would rather she seeks help on the basis of being a senior citizen (in her state of origin like Lagos does for it's senior citizens) rather than on the aegis of Miss Nigeria . . .
Hmm....i knw a lot of u will mostly crucify me for this , but I'll say my mind. Yes she was a beauty queen but how dat makes her a nigerian hero is what i don't get. Sure,nigeria should have health facilities in place esp for d older generation. What I'm against is d way she has blamed the govt for the deteoration of her health. She was a beauty queen for a year,she woulda bin paid to reign and all sorts of opportunities woulda come her way. My point is dat if she needs help, she ought to ask for it humbly not act like d govt is depriving her of her right. How is she different from d millions of nigerians in even worse conditions? Nonsense! Hero my Yansh!!
I honestly can't get past her this statement-"Òh Nigeria my country has forsaken me" and "What have I done to Nigeria to warrant this neglect that not even the government can come to my aid and assist me in whatever way it could?".... Like seriously? Where are her kids? How about her family?
"This is a country I served diligently as Miss Nigeria." Did you go to war for this country?
It is well......
she is better off directing this kind of story to the likes of the silver bird group of companies and other concerns who sponsor and have benefitted from the miss nigeria contest.
people like linda who benefit from the beauty industry should also stand by their own and help her raise funds like others have said I'm sorry nigeria owes her absolutely nothing because representing nigeria in a beauty contest doesn't amount to serving the country
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so now her health is a national issue?
biko people so learn to take care of their own businesses....abeg doesn't she have relative? federal govt has to add her to the list of many issues the have to address abi?
Individual citizens healthcare expenses should not be govts responsibility. If she is begging for help, let her beg. But to allude that the govt owes her something is crazy.
Now if she's pleading with the govt to step up healthcare in naija so she doesn't have to travel for treatment, then that makes sense.
i see where she is coming from. as Miss Nigeria, you are an ambassador for your country. im sure she did a lot of things for Nigeria, travelled places and represented us. so she does have a point. she served her country so why can't they help her as well?
Because she was once a Miss Nigeria doesn't make her anymore privileged than any other senior Nigerian with a health condition.if you need help,ask from the people you feel can help you,not demanding for it like its your birthright!
A truly sad story, . . I would like to be of assistance.
But there is one aspect of the whole story that kinda irks me. The whole use of the word - "Hero". In my limited understanding a "hero" is a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his/her brave deeds and noble qualities.
You are not a hero of a nation because you are/were beautiful. Infact, you cant be regarded as the hero of a village because of beauty.
And yes, its true, let all our present actors, actresses, musicians and the likes, keep in mind that today is their day, but beauty fades, talent dies, money never last forever because time is a merciless task master. And some where down the road of life, all they will have to remember them by will be the good they have done, the lives and destiny they have changed and the impact they had on their family, loved ones and the human race.
Jim Iyke take note! One day, you will be a toothless, balded, bent over old man, and the only legacy you may have left might be your rudeness and crassness as a man.
Ce la vie!
Are you kidding me??? Like others have said before me, winning a MBGN crown doesnt equate to going to war for the country. Not in any way. She should beg if she wants to beg and not act like Nigeria owes her a damn thing. How is she better than other people (non-mbgn) who have done equally amazing things in this country and are in a similar condition.
abeg, lets just pity the poor woman. but seriously Nigeria does not owe you bcos you were beautiful. I will pray for her sha. Let God heal her and give her strength. And may all her kids and cousins remember her and take care of her.
Nigeria, i repeat does not owe her anything for being beautiful once. No.
E de na o. E ti tu bere o. There are surrely other reasons for wanting help rather than being a former Miss Nigeria. Nigeria does not feed miss Nigeria. The private organisers do. God help you sha madam. Just get close to God. There is absolutely no situation that He cannot turn around. Run to Him, not Nigeria. This is a serious advise
By the way Linds, Can we get a picture of when she was miss Nigeria? pls pls pls pls "putting on my baby face and pursing my lips" plsssssss. just curious.
Why must Nigerians always attach meaning to every situation. This is a poor woman that needs your financial help that's all. She is simply asking for our kind help and not our BIG "GRAMMAR" on this issue. I don't see any reason why someone would spoil the mind of another person that is willing to help just because you can speak English or you read Law. Please let's help the poor woman or better still not comment at all on this issue rather than show people that you can release big grammar more than Hon. Patrick Obahiagbon. We all know that she didn't fight the war nor serve the government directly but she deserves to be heard like any of you would want when you are aging. I want to thank those who are compassionate about her present predicament and willing to help her financially. Shekina!!!
Afterall said and said I personally pray God helps the sick woman and send helpers her way. What I really don't appreciate is her begging approach. Nigeria owes her nothing for being a former beauty queen and so she should stop blaming her for her present predicament. She should seek help on the basis of a sick woman needing the help of nigerians and not imposing help on us on the basis of an ex-beauty queen. Wish her all the best.
Small bits of content which are explained in details, helps me understand the topic, thank you!
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i believe people have forgotten that whatever is said here is been read by the whole world and not Nigerians alone...when we make comments why dont we weigh our words before we use them on others..it baffles me when people tongue lash one another online...anyway i pray God makes it possible for the Nigerian govt to notice her...
She was my nxt door neighbour, she paased away few weeks ago! May her gentle and loving soul rest in perfect peace. For all those saying all sorts, may God forgive u! Wen it has to do wv a woman, some men jes open their mauf and say nonsense, I am yet to see sumfin lik dis bin said abt a knwn male in Nigeria! It goes a long way to show how men respect women evn in their homes!
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