She explained her decision:
To be honest, all it came down to was choosing to live and not looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life. It could have come back more aggressively next time, so for me it was just more important to get the cancer out.
With the double mastectomy I now have less than one per cent chance of getting it back, otherwise it was 20, 30 or 40 per cent chance and for me it wasn't worth it.Giuliana was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months ago. God be with her!
may God be with her and bless her and her hubby richly Amen:)
God heal her totally biko! she's byn looking for d fruit of d womb with so much effort...naw cancer! na wa oh! God will heal her entire body...IJN
d good God will see her through nd grant her quick recovery Amen!....
my prayers r wt u Gl...i can imagine what's goin thru her mind now..i always love her contributions on EPolice
Both breasts, that's sad but good they detected it and can still stop it from spreading. She just needs to pray and support from her hubby and family, God be with her
After all she's been through trying to have a baby. Now this! I do wish her all the best. She really is a brave woman and she's lucky to have such a supportive husband. Best of luck Giulliana&Bill.
so so sad.God be with her..wud put her in my prayers......
Poor Guliana,God be with her
It's really sad to see one family with so many issues. We can't question God but my heart goes out to both of them. It must be really tough for bill. All this complications came from various treatments trying to conceive (read it one mag) It's not easy, I wish they had just adopted. I pray to God they overcome all these. Really sad.
God please do help her...
Giuliana have been through so much. I love this couple right here. I said a prayer for her when I found out about her diagnosis, will continue to keep her in my prayers. Stay strong girl, you will be okay. Bill, you are a lovely husband.
so sad this is happening to her and knowing how desperately she was also looking for a child...God pls heal her and comfort her
the rich also cry
Poor thing! She'll do just fine. Christina Applegate had to have both her breasts removed as well and now she has a beautiful baby at home so all hope is NOT lost.
She is so Brave...GOD heal her
Wow!! Tough choice to be presented with. Even tougher and brave I might decision to make. My heart goes out to you dear lady. I only pray her hussy stays by her all through. Phew!!!
My heart goes to Giuliana and Bill,love you so much dear and I pray with you for good health.
Ara no first dey before so no problem....
I wish her quick recovery.
I've admired this lady since I knew about her - her candour, courage and capacity to love are refreshing. She's down-to-earth too. Cancer is simply crazy. She lives a healthy lifestyle and it still comes to her.That's frightening. Cancer is no respecter of rules. We simply do our best and leave the rest to God. May He be with her!
May the grace of God be with her. Amen.
Life come first...
May God be with her. Amen.
That's really saddening seeing how beautiful this woman is.such a great sacrifice on her part.
My heart goes out to her. I pray removing her breast(s) will eradicate the cancer completely from her body, such a sweet couple or any other couple don't deserve to go through this.
Oh myy, I pray for her quick recovery physically n emotionally. Glad Bill is with her all through this process.
she must be going through alot.hey yah and she's still looking for a baby.God be with her cos i love her and her hubby
Oh dear!poor her,from baby battle to cancer battle.perhaps all d hormones dey give at IVF sessions cld hav potentiated a dormant cancer risk.my prayers r wit u guiliana!best wishes for quick recovery.
She'll be fine IJN. My mum is a cancer survivor and she had to go through the same procedure. She is still alive even 12 years after the operation and still goes about doing her daily activities. Sometimes in life when a situation presents itself have to do what you have to do. There are so many women out there going through the same. I urge all women both young and old to have their breast checked regularly. I really wish Giuliana quick recovery. All she needs right now is God and her families support. Bless her
May God heal her and bless with with the fruit of the womb. Nothing is impossible with God. I know he will do it for her
God works in mysterious ways though. if she wasnt going through IVF they never would have caught the cancer early.
she is a strong woman! God be with her :)
Oh dear! Gullianna God would see u thru am sure. Bill tanks for being a darling!
God Bless both of U!
Why do people in Nigeria use the word "hussy" instead of "hubby"? Do they know the definition of the word "hussy"?
1. a brazen or immoral woman.
2. a mischievous, impudent, or ill-behaved girl.
1520–30; earlier hussive housewife
1. trollop, slut. 2. baggage, minx.
Na wa! I have had people say to me "how is your hussy?" I have to tell them I am to a lesbian therefore I'm not married to a woman who is a trollop. LWKMD
Sorry to interupt..Y b say na gals kon dey comment for this post..
i love Giuliana and her hubby. i love their show too. the are like so real (unlike the erm, kardashians). i hope she remains strong and i wish her a quick recovery.
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