Self-employed people are more prone to committing suicide as compared to those engaged in service. In service too, private sector employees are more likely to commit suicide than those working with the government. National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data for 2014 shows that self-employed people (including agriculture and business) accounted for 19.7% of all suicides, making them the biggest single group among suicide victims.Among the self-employed though, businessmen were safer than those engaged in agriculture. Of all the suicide victims in 2014, 9.4% were engaged in agriculture while only 7.5% were engaged in business. The salaried class with financial security is just as vulnerable as businessmen, accounting for 7.5% of all suicides. Government service, however, is a much safer bet for a long life.
Only 1.7% of the suicide victims were engaged in government service. With no job security, private sector employees are more vulnerable. They accounted for 4.7% of all suicides. Employees of public sector undertakings (PSU) accounted for only 1.1% of the victims. Students and unemployed victims accounted for 6.1% and 7.5% of suicides respectively. However, the group most vulnerable to suicides is that of housewives. They accounted for 15.3% of all suicides committed in 2014.
Making a case for economic independence of women, they also made up for 47.4% of all female victims. Most housewives committed suicide in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
The two states had 24.5% and 24.1% victims as housewives respectively. Government servants accounted for 22.2%, 16%, 15.4%, 12.2% & 6.9% of suicides victims in Daman & Diu, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram respectively. In Andaman and Nicobar islands 52.9% victims were employed with the private sector. In Chandigarh the same figure stood at 27.6%.
really? i disagree
meenah_wakil on instagram meenah83 on snapchat
really? i disagree
meenah_wakil on instagram meenah83 on snapchat
really? i disagree
meenah_wakil on instagram meenah83 on snapchat
Ooooooooooh my...!
Just shit
Don't believe dis sh*t.....
Ok, seen
Ok, seen
All these researches are bullcrap....
There is an iota of truth tho,because most self employed people are always alone,but salary earners are with mostly their colleagues and they discuss and ease out the tension with life,So i concur with this one!
I agree with them.
In my own view salary earners are more prone to suicide,than self employd people,some times salary earners dont get paid for months,its is frustrating at time,just like what salary earners are passing trough in verious states of nigeria, while self in employd. Get money on daily bases.
Hmmmmm, it is well. Linda take note!
Hmmmmm, it is well. Linda take note!
Hmmmmm, it is well. Linda take note!
Da Fuck?
Not when i'm thinkin of goin Solo, my Boss overworked me like a Donkey.
Kinda true.... like d guy who threatened to end his life today cos his work isn't paying well.
Buh definitely not in naija....
I think as of today government workers r more prone to suicide dan their counterparts. Imagine not being paid for almost a yr
Well is way different in naija shah....
Nah lie.
Not true joo
There is truth in this. Bank workers are prone to suicide than govt workers
This ones are not well.
This ones are not well.
Salary earners have d comfort of regular pay, they just have to turn up and shuffle papers, they take risks at someone else's xpense.
Entrepreneurs bear all of d burden win or lose.
They didn't state the possible reasons behind that, though I think it could be as a result of stress. When you're an entrepreneur, the stress of monitoring the business, your employees' activities and trying to satisfy your customers could be overwhelming.
There is always a new study, so Linda what do you think, you are self employed, do you relate? Do you feel suicidal?!
Not necessarily
Nah I don't believe this article not when you are working in an oil firm with fat pay hehehe!!!
That ur calculation is wrong bros. I don't agree with u
yes ooo.. enterpreneurship isnt easy ooo. i think its a calling
Well said.
Too good to b true...
1 Peter 2:9 (KJV)...
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
Stop living for things, start living for God!
Your commitment to God wil provoke heaven's commitment 2u!!
The quality of ur commitment to God determines d quality of ur destiny!!!
Kinda true!
Suicide is something that is common here in india so I wont doubt d statistics given above .
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