"The US believes in the principle of treating people equally under the law and that they are deserving of equal protection under the law.and that the state should not discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation and I say that recognizing that there may be people that have different religious or cultural beliefs but the issue is how does the state operate relative to people. You can look at the history of people around the world. When you start treating people differently not because of the harm they are doing to anybody but because they are different, that's the path whereby freedom is beginning to erode.
If somebody is a law abiding citizen who is going about their business and not breaking any law and obeying the traffic signs and doing all the things good citizens are supposed to do and not harming anybody, the idea they are treated differently based on who they love is wrong. Full stop."he said
Below is Kenyan president, Uhuru Kenyatta's response on the issue
"The fact of the matter is Kenya and US share so many values, democracy, entrepreneurship, family values. These are things we share but there are some things we do not share. Our culture our societies don't accept. Its very difficult for us to be able to impose on people that which they themselves do not accept. This is why I repeatedly say that for Kenyans today, the issue of gayrights is really a non issue. We want to focus on other areas that are day to day living for our people. Our health issues as we have discussed with president Obama. These are critical. Issues of inclusivity of women, a key section of society that is normally left out of the mainstream of economic development. What we can do in terms of infrastructure, Education, Roads, Power and Entrepreneurship. Maybe once like you have overcome some of these challenges we can begin to look at new once but the fact remains that this issue is not one that is in the foremost minds of Kenyans and that is the fact"he said
Thumbs up obama
foolish man.God will judge u
Nice one from Kenyan's President.
Both of them have spoken well.....but what about those said to be naked during his visit? Still waiting patiently though......
what a taboo. rubbish freedom and human right bullshit
2million gbozaaa 4 u sir....
Love and respect to Mr Keyanta! Let the U.S. Focus on important things and leave gay issues in their country. Africans say NO TO GAY MARRIAGE!
A distinction answer from Mr kenyatta. Even a male goat doesn't sex his follow he goat how much more we humans? Obama is a mad man an insane faggot. The bible used to be the standard for America now man made laws is now the standard. America is a time bomb that will explode soon!
It's cold it's cold
Heheh obama and this is gay right issues.
Awww! Smart response from Uhuru Kenyatta.
Nice one.
President Obama, abeg dats your talk is a non ish biko. Linda take note!
President Obama, abeg dats your talk is a non ish biko. Linda take note!
President Obama, abeg dats your talk is a non ish biko. Linda take note!
President Obama, abeg dats your talk is a non ish biko. Linda take note!
Obama onye mgbu na akogherinu there. Ur lost completely!
Some igbos here will praise kenyatta now...
Buhari said same and u gej people still found a way to crucify him..
Awon aye!!!
Obama is a stupid African man
Obama ur trick nd logic will not work in dis part of the world
I believe Africa should keep trying to remain sane concerning this degrading issue of human existence.
Kindly click
Today's Gentleman: What Women Expect You to be and What You Should Really Turn Out to be.
Why an Igbo Man Will Never Choose to go to War Again.
Thank God he not their president
God Created DICK and PUSSY period! Obama do me a favour pls! GERARRA HERE.
God bless president uhuru. Obama should just go with his baggage of evil proposal. Forcing people to do that which is against their wish is also a crime against humanity right. Amnesty international , Obama nad US should copy that. Nonsense.
When you start treating people differently not because of the harm they are doing to anybody but because they are different, that's the path whereby freedom is beginning to erode.
Spoken intelligently.. Like this is just the perfect point for this gay rights issue...
nor mind dat obama he head nor correct at all.
Obama o time don do come dey go back to America...... No confuse africans abeg... Go and leave us alone abeg.....
well Mr. President Uhuru. The people of Kenya do not accept what is potentially sodomy....
Good response Obama,but the solution is in the citizenry of the world finding solutions out what leads to these absurd feelings and sexual orientation.
Obama is obviously smoking Ibadan weed.
Tell him o, ewu..must every1 go with ur sick ryt.
Mad man, we don't need it
Obama, himself knows that just that nothing he can do about it. He is just a toy.
Lovely response....
Not even a male animal can go for another male animal to talk about human being. People self nawaoooo.
Good one from the president. Obama that is not their problem......
Well said President Kenyatta
There's always two sides to a coin. Beautifully stated points of view by two articulate minds.
Na by force, Africa shud get their act right and stop asking America for help, this is more like wat the British did during colonization, u cannot change our culture Bcos u want
That God for the response of President Uhuru Kenyatta. Obama, I may have ti believe that you are the very antichrist the bible told us of in the book of revelation. since you became the most powerful man in the world there has been no peace and now you want to force Sodomy in the whole world.
Obama's comment reflects the general American view today, most pple in his country accept the gay thing n see it as unique but normal. Kenyetta's response to d matter is perfect, the fact that Africans ve laws that reflect our own view of morality is no reason to see other countries dat see things differently frm us as enemies or devils. Obama may not be the best leader ever, but he's at least among one of best for a developed country like d US
Thats a good reply from kenyan president
Thats correct respond from Kenyan President
Thats a good reply by the Kenyan president.
Good reply no beating about the bush like some president in Africa. On point Linda take note
Well said.
Linda is a transgender.....always bringing up their stories.
Kenyatta please tell him...
Pls, why is Obama tryin to force this gay tin on evry country? Is he the antichrist we hv bn hearing abt? Dnt get it.
Obama is a goat!
Obama, God will judge you. How ugly your feet are in those shoes of your that preach sodomy without shame!
Is Obama now on a mission to convert every country to gay?😳... Is it by force? Nna Na wao!!!!
Both of them make sense...
On point provided there are no killings of gays
Am beginning to crush on dis Kenya president. He just answered with wisdom and straight to the point.
I have always been of the opinion that everyone should be free to live and be themselves, but not when your life is affecting the next person negatively. Obama maybe right in countries like the US where religion isn't a barrier, not in places like Kenya or Nigeria where everything we do is based on one religion or another.
Wise man indeed.hitting the nail at the head.....bravo.
This Obama I swear down na agent of anti-Christ...end time....
Sharp ans from Kenyan president, we don't have to share same things with Americans
Sharp ans from Kenyan president, we don't have to share same things with Americans
Brilliant response
There is an internal division within the American states, populace and judiciary on Gay Sex and Marriage. Is not a dictatorship if the U.S should seek to impose its non-consensus culture of free sexuality on other dissident nations abroad, or even deny aid to those communities that differ with American Culture? Why impose abortion, death penalty, gun rights, marijuana laws etc on foreign countries when there is no consensus at home.? Does America recognize that it has one thing common with Islam: Both cultures are violent and were born out of violence. America was born with the Gun while Islam was born with the Sword!!! The current wars in the Middle East is a collision of two violent cultures. Both claim to believe in the Prophets of the Bible but none of them accepts Christianity as basis for human civility. Both are fake and they should keep their terrorists to themselves. Africa has been subjected enough to slavery and colonialism. We do not need these foreign imports of ideology and dogma. Let African peace and communality remain. The world can learn a lot from African cultures and values.
Obama heatii kwere d nail on d head wats my business o jare
Well said Mr. Kenyatta.
We are Africans, we don't recognise gay practice.
Pele boda Obama. Wonder y Hez so hell bent on dis is Michelle really a man as dey claim?
Freedom without limits eventually amounts to self destruction.
Satan's stance of freedom is "freedom without limits", but God's stance on freedom has limits and boundaries. This ideological difference clearly differentiates God from Satan. This fact became apparent from the garden of eden till date.
American idea of freedom has become "freedom without limits" eversince they banished God from their system, courtesy of their leadership.
Beautiful response
Preach Uhuru, Preach!
That was quite the diplomatic response.....
Very matured and diplomatic response. The Kenyan president is really good with his response or whoever that prepared his speech
The Kenyan President gave an intelligible answer.
Obama being preaching adoption of gay right with passion, if he only the gospel of christ can be taken with such passion, wonder how great the world will be.
This useless satanic agent known as Obama, ur spot the hit up for hell,u go dance Azonto taya for there
This useless satanic agent known as Obama, ur spot they hit up for hell,u go dance Azonto taya for there
This useless satanic agent known as Obama, ur spot they hit up for hell,u go dance Azonto taya for there
Brilliant response from de Kenya president........
Brilliant response from de Kenya president........
Obama I respect the way u are preaching for people to accept peoples' ways of living but maybe we are misunderstanding it. I feel Obama wants us Africans to respect the Gay pple and understand that the have the right to live as gays but we feel he is forcing us to accept Gay right. All mallams to his kettle sha. For me u can live and let's live
So on point President Uhuru! Nice, brief & cute!
We have far more pressing issues across africa than sexual orientations of folks.
fvck the US, when u give them the liberty, they start to progress to getting married. Sorry obama you failed in this one.
Gbam OBama..... you got it?
Kpom kwem! Correct guy #kenyanpresident.
are you looking for a sugar mummy or daddy please call this line 09050085168 please be matured>>>>>
What a classic response. I am really proud of some of our African Leaders.
that is the fact full stop......!
Both well said! But we Africans hold our Values dearly!
Both well said! But we Africans hold our Values dearly!
Good response to their son who failed to tackle the issue of racism against the blacks in USA, maybe that one doesn't border to human right.
Onye gulu akwukwo bu onye ma akwukwo! Harvard Law School opinion! Very convincing! I am still anti gay though. But mehn am in love with his opinion
Very diplomatic response from Kenyatta. Nice one.
Obama wan try woo dem into d level bur dem no gree...lol
Nice one Uhuru
That's two great minds talking....
Hmmmmm! Pres. Obama, seem very clear on gay rights; I will agree with him. Everyone is equal under the law, and given that, it follows that one sexual orientation is not to tickered with based on the singular reason that it is not the norm of the society! Is like the white majority in Europe or America, has the right over the blacks just because, they have fools notion that the colour of their skin is superior to the blacks! So long as as these gays operate within the ambits of the law of the land, I think, their sexual orientation should be acceptable to all, period! We Africans are flogging this gay issue far too much! And at the same time saying with mouth that discrimination by others in reference to our skin colour is inhuman! Hello we now like
And gay rights will never be an issue. Kai...if I were Kenyan, i'l be hugely irritated with this man. If i'm this embarassed n i'm nigerian, wonder hw some Kenyans wil feel. The whole excitement of a black man as US president has been extinguished by the fact that a black man imposed gay rights and abortion laws in the most influential country in the world. He'l be forever associated with the label of gayism and everything opposing pro-life ideals. Is there anything wrong with africans bikonu.
Hmmmmm! Pres. Obama, seem very clear on gay rights; I will agree with him. Everyone is equal under the law, and given that, it follows that one sexual orientation is not to tickered with based on the singular reason that it is not the norm of the society! Is like the white majority in Europe or America, has the right over the blacks just because, they have fools notion that the colour of their skin is superior to the blacks! So long as as these gays operate within the ambits of the law of the land, I think, their sexual orientation should be acceptable to all, period! We Africans are flogging this gay issue far too much! And at the same time saying with mouth that discrimination by others in reference to our skin colour is inhuman! Hello we now like turning into these
Thats a president with a steel spine, defying the intimidating presence of US. I hope naija does same.
Perfect response to good statement
They both have their points. You can not discriminate some person base on who they love when actually such persons are law abiding citizens, but still Gay right is something that is too hard for Africans to accept. It is not our culture and has never been part of us. But the problem is that high percentage of Africans are gays and they are everywhere: schools, churches,political parties,civil service,military, police force, etc. And u ll never know this until u are approached. So are we going to hide under the guise that it is not our culture? And what is culture by the way? It is the total way of life of a people in a particular time in their history and it is dynamic- it changes from time to time. So, we must come to know that gayism or lesbianism is a sexual orientation that people have. There is nothing spiritual, it develops from when a child in his/her adolescence period .when a child begin to feel love and sex and there is this tendency that if such a child is always around same sex, doing things together like bathing and all that, the child ll begin to feel sex from this perspective. That is why I laugh at parents who do not want their kid to get along with the opposite sex by sending them to boarding school. Yes, such schools teach very well but u will never be to sure of your child's sex orientation because when school father or senior inundate him\her with gift and care u can never resist for too long and definitely when u are in for it that is it . That is y 92% of gays and lesbians are from boarding schools. We have them in our universities: both lecturers, students and even married couples. And because it is against the law, such persons tends to raise their voice high against it when u bring on the topic. For instance, I know of a lecturer who speaks against gay right. He is married, but u ll never know he is actually a gay until he approaches U. So why the deceit?
~Charles Ifeco~
I want to ask the man, Mr. Obama these few questions if he could answer them. 1.Does he believe in the Bible? 2. If he does, does he believe Sodom and Gomorrah was Destroyed because of their Homosexual practices? 3. If he does, does he believe God committed a horrible Crime against humanity by destroying them? 4. If he does, does he advocate people no longer Worship God? President Obama, please answer these simple questions. My nephew asked me recently if Obama was the Anti Christ that the bible foretold? I couldn't say yes or no. Only time will tell but he should know that majority of Africans have rejected him as one of theirs
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They both have their points. You can not discriminate some person base on who they love when actually such persons are law abiding citizens, but still Gay right is something that is too hard for Africans to accept. It is not our culture and has never been part of us. But the problem is that high percentage of Africans are gays and they are everywhere: schools, churches,political parties,civil service,military, police force, etc. And u ll never know this until u are approached. So are we going to hide under the guise that it is not our culture? And what is culture by the way? It is the total way of life of a people in a particular time in their history and it is dynamic- it changes from time to time. So, we must come to know that gayism or lesbianism is a sexual orientation that people have. There is nothing spiritual, it develops from when a child in his/her adolescence period .when a child begin to feel love and sex and there is this tendency that if such a child is always around same sex, doing things together like bathing and all that, the child ll begin to feel sex from this perspective. That is why I laugh at parents who do not want their kid to get along with the opposite sex by sending them to boarding school. Yes, such schools teach very well but u will never be to sure of your child's sex orientation because when school father or senior inundate him\her with gift and care u can never resist for too long and definitely when u are in for it that is it . That is y 92% of gays and lesbians are from boarding schools. We have them in our universities: both lecturers, students and even married couples. And because it is against the law, such persons tends to raise their voice high against it when u bring on the topic. For instance, I know of a lecturer who speaks against gay right. He is married, but u ll never know he is actually a gay until he approaches U. So why the deceit?
~Charles Ifeco~
They both have their points. You can not discriminate some person base on who they love when actually such persons are law abiding citizens, but still Gay right is something that is too hard for Africans to accept. It is not our culture and has never been part of us. But the problem is that high percentage of Africans are gays and they are everywhere: schools, churches,political parties,civil service,military, police force, etc. And u ll never know this until u are approached. So are we going to hide under the guise that it is not our culture? And what is culture by the way? It is the total way of life of a people in a particular time in their history and it is dynamic- it changes from time to time. So, we must come to know that gayism or lesbianism is a sexual orientation that people have. There is nothing spiritual, it develops from when a child in his/her adolescence period .when a child begin to feel love and sex and there is this tendency that if such a child is always around same sex, doing things together like bathing and all that, the child ll begin to feel sex from this perspective. That is why I laugh at parents who do not want their kid to get along with the opposite sex by sending them to boarding school. Yes, such schools teach very well but u will never be to sure of your child's sex orientation because when school father or senior inundate him\her with gift and care u can never resist for too long and definitely when u are in for it that is it . That is y 92% of gays and lesbians are from boarding schools. We have them in our universities: both lecturers, students and even married couples. And because it is against the law, such persons tends to raise their voice high against it when u bring on the topic. For instance, I know of a lecturer who speaks against gay right. He is married, but u ll never know he is actually a gay until he approaches U. So why the deceit?
~Charles Ifeco~
They both have their points. You can not discriminate some person base on who they love when actually such persons are law abiding citizens, but still Gay right is something that is too hard for Africans to accept. It is not our culture and has never been part of us. But the problem is that high percentage of Africans are gays and they are everywhere: schools, churches,political parties,civil service,military, police force, etc. And u ll never know this until u are approached. So are we going to hide under the guise that it is not our culture? And what is culture by the way? It is the total way of life of a people in a particular time in their history and it is dynamic- it changes from time to time. So, we must come to know that gayism or lesbianism is a sexual orientation that people have. There is nothing spiritual, it develops from when a child in his/her adolescence period .when a child begin to feel love and sex and there is this tendency that if such a child is always around same sex, doing things together like bathing and all that, the child ll begin to feel sex from this perspective. That is why I laugh at parents who do not want their kid to get along with the opposite sex by sending them to boarding school. Yes, such schools teach very well but u will never be to sure of your child's sex orientation because when school father or senior inundate him\her with gift and care u can never resist for too long and definitely when u are in for it that is it . That is y 92% of gays and lesbians are from boarding schools. We have them in our universities: both lecturers, students and even married couples. And because it is against the law, such persons tends to raise their voice high against it when u bring on the topic. For instance, I know of a lecturer who speaks against gay right. He is married, but u ll never know he is actually a gay until he approaches U. So why the deceit?
~Charles Ifeco~
They both have their points. You can not discriminate some person base on who they love when actually such persons are law abiding citizens, but still Gay right is something that is too hard for Africans to accept. It is not our culture and has never been part of us. But the problem is that high percentage of Africans are gays and they are everywhere: schools, churches,political parties,civil service,military, police force, etc. And u ll never know this until u are approached. So are we going to hide under the guise that it is not our culture? And what is culture by the way? It is the total way of life of a people in a particular time in their history and it is dynamic- it changes from time to time. So, we must come to know that gayism or lesbianism is a sexual orientation that people have. There is nothing spiritual, it develops from when a child in his/her adolescence period .when a child begin to feel love and sex and there is this tendency that if such a child is always around same sex, doing things together like bathing and all that, the child ll begin to feel sex from this perspective. That is why I laugh at parents who do not want their kid to get along with the opposite sex by sending them to boarding school. Yes, such schools teach very well but u will never be to sure of your child's sex orientation because when school father or senior inundate him\her with gift and care u can never resist for too long and definitely when u are in for it that is it . That is y 92% of gays and lesbians are from boarding schools. We have them in our universities: both lecturers, students and even married couples. And because it is against the law, such persons tends to raise their voice high against it when u bring on the topic. For instance, I know of a lecturer who speaks against gay right. He is married, but u ll never know he is actually a gay until he approaches U. So why the deceit?
~Charles Ifeco~
They both have their points. You can not discriminate some person base on who they love when actually such persons are law abiding citizens, but still Gay right is something that is too hard for Africans to accept. It is not our culture and has never been part of us. But the problem is that high percentage of Africans are gays and they are everywhere: schools, churches,political parties,civil service,military, police force, etc. And u ll never know this until u are approached. So are we going to hide under the guise that it is not our culture? And what is culture by the way? It is the total way of life of a people in a particular time in their history and it is dynamic- it changes from time to time. So, we must come to know that gayism or lesbianism is a sexual orientation that people have. There is nothing spiritual, it develops from when a child in his/her adolescence period .when a child begin to feel love and sex and there is this tendency that if such a child is always around same sex, doing things together like bathing and all that, the child ll begin to feel sex from this perspective. That is why I laugh at parents who do not want their kid to get along with the opposite sex by sending them to boarding school. Yes, such schools teach very well but u will never be to sure of your child's sex orientation because when school father or senior inundate him\her with gift and care u can never resist for too long and definitely when u are in for it that is it . That is y 92% of gays and lesbians are from boarding schools. We have them in our universities: both lecturers, students and even married couples. And because it is against the law, such persons tends to raise their voice high against it when u bring on the topic. For instance, I know of a lecturer who speaks against gay right. He is married, but u ll never know he is actually a gay until he approaches U. So why the deceit?
~Charles Ifeco~
Mayb he is
Then u be olodo.... U don't read at all..... Google it and come back to reply.
Ode.... Did u read anything about force there? Illiteracy is a disease whalahi
People sha... Most of the idiots here commenting and discriminating gay people do have anal sex, so tell me u ain't gay too? Ode people
Abi oo help me
I love what they both said. Both of them are wise.
I'm waiting for the day Obama will go to Saudi Arabia or any Islamic Country in the UAE and promote gay rights.
That will be the day...
Crazy people!
The world is making this issue a front burner and that is why it seems to be gaining popularity. Rule of law, equity and justice are founded based on moral values and good conscience. If everything is based on the rule of law, wherein you are free to do anything so long as you are not violating any law, then Obama and some of his team membes could have as well visited Kenya stack naked, so long as they have not violated any law. Would people be arrasted in US if they lawfully decide to work the streets of NY naked. Why is ponography discouraged. Has it violated any provisions of the law? I pity the world of today.
Obama is not saying that africans should embrace lgbt. All he is saying is that they should not pass laws that would endanger them or put them away for life. In the bible, Jesus Christ rebuked the people who were hell bent on trying to stone a prostitute to death and his response was if you are without sin cast the first stone. Non of them did because we are all blemish with sin
The bible is not the constitution.
the quran too
Not all americans believe in God let alone christianity
Religion is a choice
society supersedes individuals' faiths
Obama did not legalize gay marriage
they have laws and they have a supreme court
obama just happens to be tolerant to them - he has the right,right???
Unfortunately religion isnt as tolerant as it claims- itz obvious worldwide.
if Africa doesnt accept gay rights fine...but plz no need to demonize anybody- u think itz a sin cos ur faith tells u that,i agree my faith does too- but i cant judge them.
Buhari has said it already!
Before the kenyas to america!
Intimidation isnt the word- he opines! He didnt force it!
Bear in mind that gay rights logically,is hard to beat in an argument!
This gay things have been in existence for a very long time,even in biblical time but the Almighty God warned against it and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah over this.if not for anything we human should obey God not Satan.World leaders spreading Satan gospel.End time is near for sure.
U want him to start killing white people?
U r shallow!
He is black..hence he has to be very careful..and when will learn they have laws and a supreme court!
The law is intended people from the infringement of their human rights and pursuit to self determination, it is not intended for the protection of religious beliefs and pretend morality.
We live in a world of humans, and not all humans are identical. The fact that you are fortunate enough to fit into a status quo, does not grant you the authority to debase others, because they don't match your expectations.
The conversation has started. Let the proceedings begin.
Which values?
Values of hypocrisy and extreme corruption?
Is corruption not more wicked than gay rights?
Is gay rights even wicked? Are there victims?
Hope u know corruption in d form of stealing tax payers' money is tantamount to murder- in some countries its capital punishment!!!!
Human rights and tolerance has nothing to do with religion!!!! Everybody will not believe in God- fact!!
Believing in God is a choice!
If u dont agree pls present a logical argument in ur favour!!!
True talk... Kenya President spoke well and God bless him for dis wonderful speech. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.
Transgender and homosexual r abominations b4 d living Lord and d pathway is hell. Pls desist frm it.
Nice response .. Its just not important and Godly
He is not forcing u...he is advancing their foreign policy....the way we africans advance ours..
He is asking that u do not persecute them which we are doing- he doesnt want u to jail them as they are not criminals...he wants us to be more tolerant and accept them as humans that they are!!!
He is not forcing u...it's part of their foreign policy..just like anti-corruption
are we to follow the laws of men or the grand nom which is given by the creator of man and the universe?what caused God to destroy sodom and ghommora,what caused Isrealite to be destroyed and taken to captivity by babylonians,all those feelings are satanic.Read the the bible book of Rom chpt 1 v 23-30 and Matt chpt 24 v 13.Incase you are not versed in scriptures, it is clear that the time left is reduced for God to bring an end to this our ungodly world like he did to sodom and ghommora.So be warned and take heed and stop supporting evil.America is a rejected country by God, their country motor by their founders was "IN GOD WE TRUST" BUT ARE THEY TRUSTING IN God today?
As u be secretary of heaven dey pass judgement!!!
Na so christ teach u to talk?????
I keep saying it that religion sometimes,can be very intolerant and selfish..
even atheist dont judge and attack people like dis
Please tell dem no need to demonise...
we can judge ehn..
yet all forms of wickedness in leadership occur in Africa!!! Talk about values and morality....we major on d minor!
Charles so what's ur point? So being gay or lesbian is right bah? My friend shut up u no get talk at all may God forgive ur twisted mind cos u r lost already from ur comment
Very good response from the kenyian president ... There are other pressing issues Africa needs to focus on other than gay rights .. Maybe when we tackle corruption,poverty and basic amenities the government needs to provide for it's people then we can talk about gay rights LOL.. Meanwhile what does Obama mean by law abiding citizen obeying traffic lights that's a very suspicious thing to say especially after the death of that young lady Sandra bland .. Hmm .. He said the law is supposed protects its people equally right ? Why are they busy killing black people in the United states then .. Oga Obama Pls go and tackle that problem first stop shoving these gay people down our throats ..
The Kenyan president couldn't have said it any better.. He nailed it for me.. Our problem right now is how to fix Nigeria and not man yanshing another man..👍
If protecting and supporting sodomy at this end time is protecting human right then I want to follow human left..
Ode nie!
The fact of the matter is. There are gay animals. Just because you were taught certain things doesn't mean that is true. Whether you all like it or not, gay people are every where. Even in your country. Gayness was here long before sny of us, but it was more hush hush then. Now people are being more open. Dont care who don't like nor agree with me. The fact still remains the ss me. I'm out. 💯
He isn't trying to force anything. He is being open minded. Keeping it real. You people are just slow and stuck in your on way. There are stoll gay people there too, whether you believe ot or accept it. Anti-christ my foot. You and people like you are onesided, uneducated, plain hypocrites.
@ kachina I agree wif u totally.... Word!
Anon 5:00 pm, don't mind the Evil Obama, his an evil man, but some people doesn't no. Obama is a big demon!
Thank u President Uhuru Keyatta, u spoke well.
Same agenda he tried to introduce to Buhari, why is he going from country to country to initiate countries to satan??...his next stop is Ethiopia .
Charles ifeco, go nd hug transformer for all I care. From there they'll accept ur Gay right bastard!!!!!!!!
Charles ifeco, go nd hug transformer for all I care. From there they'll accept ur Gay right bastard!!!!!!!!
U right.. Never
Aj U, go nd hug transformer for all I care. From there they'll accept ur Gay right bastard!!!!!!!!
Matured and straight to the point
@Charles ifeco, Save us all these long writeups U r throwing everywhere. Homosexualism will never be levalized in Nigeria or any African country that still hold their culture and belief dearly. Better relocate to America and join ur fellow gays and gay president Obama.
Does Obama agree that his two daughters are old enough to be given in marriage according to Islamic and some other cultures? If not let him acknowledge that every culture has the right to order its sexual preferences and moral values. The vote by the U.S Supreme Court was 5-4 and not 9-0. In Africa it is 53-0. So Mr Obama, leave that matter alone because even Russia objects to it. If LGBT was a UN Security matter, there would have been vetoes from at least 4 members.
No state can satisfy all d minorities. Gay practice is one in a thousand of minority behaviors. Today u declare work free day for national days but you do not seek opinion from people who do not believe in national activities. Gayism do not guarantee procreation and should be abolished since every govt try to protect humans and support procreation.
4 whu?
To anon 6:19. You hit the nail on the head. I totally agree with you. The US are basking on the glory that they are one of the most powerful nation. Same was Sodom and Gomorrah, they were so rich that they were always having merriment enjoying their gayism until God totally wiped them off the earth. So they believe, since they are prospering, that God is on their side. God anger is already on the nation's that reject Christ and soonest they would pay dearly for it
Tank you mr Kenya president as for Obama don't worry obam mugabe is coming to marry u ok.
Even d gays deep down knows they r doing a bad thing if they speak d truth! Thumbs up to kenya president!
uhuru kenyatta get brain.
I am not a fan of the whole Lwkmd, it's disgusting to me and I believe gay suffer in there as*. All the same I don't feel the govt. needs to tag it a crime, the law of the land should not support any gay Union of club or any form of public showing or publicity, but I don't think gay people should be sent to jail, it will not change anything. Obama going around to campaign this gay right is not just sensible enough. Gays shouldn't be sent to jail but the nation law shouldn't support it, the nation should ban any public or advertising of gay. I support all African nations on gay but they shouldn't send them to jail, that's a bit harsh.
D question is ............ Is Obama gay ? Openly NO. So wats u pple's stress ? He has a wife .
Signs of endtime indeed
I personally dont see anythin wrong in wat Obama did accepting Gay marriage 4 US cos dats wat d ppl want and wat can he do about it? Kenya President is right also cos his ppl r not in support of it so he has 2 defend them
And wen eva the devil is trying to convince u to do something evil or even commit a sin, he would sound so sane and reasonable and if u re not a strong person dat knows right from wrong, u would easily fall for it.
Heheh @ it's cold.. u b #oguncorper?
Thunder fire u!!
Thank you
Niggas homosexuality is common among goats, have seen a lot of them
Obama needs a new woman to nack...e be like say mitchel no sabi nack well well so him don dey think say na man to man be the way now
Anti christ tins. He is preaching the devils message. Fornication, sodomy, idolatry. America is swimming in immorality and sin. And they all think is 21st century lifestyle. Oh but that day cometh wen everyman shall give account.
Anti christ tins. He is preaching the devils message. Fornication, sodomy, idolatry. America is swimming in immorality and sin. And they all think is 21st century lifestyle. Oh but that day cometh wen everyman shall give account.
Anon 9.14.. yes there are victims as most people are being forced into it..im sure you urself didn't join naturally.. we mothers are also victims as the prize of pampers has increased rapidly, we now have lots of consumers
But is not biblical. Is he suppose to respect people's opinions or God's word?
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