Friends of the victim, Dr Theresa share her story below...
We feel obliged to inform you of a disastrous and mind troubling incident. Dr Theresa is a Senior Registrar 1 in the department of Psychiatry of Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital (Ile-Ife). She is a very gentle, easy going, ever smiling & hardworking resident doctor who has been battling sickle cell disease for more than 30 years.

The parking lot within the compound is inadequate and as such tenants would have to occasionally call each other (through the security guard) to move their cars in the morning so that individuals are able to drive out. According to an eye witness (who is a doctor in the same hospital and also lives within the same compound), Dr Theresa's car was obstructing Dr. Okpara's car and he called her out to move her car. She had told him she was dressing up and would soon be out but he kept shouting and calling her. When she came out, he was still abusing her and being verbally aggressive. She then told him to take it easy since she had already told him she was dressing up and reminded him that he also does the same thing whenever his car is obstructing someone else's.
As Theresa came out, entered her car and fastened her seat belt to drive out of the parking lot, Dr. Okpara continued barking asking her to move her car out, she told him she was already in the car and asked if he wanted to move it out himself? He then said he will teach her a lesson and went swiflty around the car, opened her car door and held her dress and punched her face several times. The Co-tenants had to run out to pull him away from her. At a point he reached for his metal pedal lock and was again restrained by tenants.
the incident he showed no remorse, as he continued in his verbal
aggression with his shirt buttons undone calling her names. He also
dared her to call whoever in Abuja suggesting that he was above the law
as she made attempts to make calls after the incident. Dr. Theresa was
rushed to the hospital as being a known Sickle cell disease patient, her
health was paramount at the time. On arrival, it was confirmed that
indeed she had Cerebrospinal fluid leaking from her brain. This
continued to be copious before ameliorating after some hours. In adition
to the frontal bone fracture detected initially, a further depressed
nasal bone fracture was detected on CT scan. Theresa now has to decide
between going for surgery to correct the facial deformity or live with a
disfigured face.
Please join us in prayers for Theresa's quick recovery, while we fight to ensure that Dr. Okpara is brought to Justice.
We would appreciate your help in giving this much needed publicity.
Coz its a woman na..
Why didnt he pick hez size..
Nonsense man
Enugu's second shoe designer
Nawa ooo. Wt is this world turning to.
I.g @augustchild_ugegbe
Dis dude went our of bound for no reason by their profession they r restrain frm ever hitting female's.
He should b punish accordingly.
He should be stripped of his uniform and made to pay the bills for reconstructive surgery. He is not a doctor. He will kill patients. #okparacantserve
No be una want Military regime? BUHARI is here so enjoy your regime
I'm sorry o but she looks like trouble . But it doesn't justify a man beating up a woman. If you know someone is a military personnel, always try to avoid any confrontation . Back then in school my landlady was beaten by a military neighbor coz she kept on rolling her mouth, abusing him everytime.. The guy lost it one day and beat hell out of her. Avoid confrontation with any Military personnel .
Mad man.zahra buhari u better take dis case up since u re an ambassador to d sickle cell foundation in nigeria
Hmmm...this is serious! Pls govt should jail this bastard for life!
There it goes again, some of our military men show their might on civilians. How despicable! When the war drums sound, I can imagine the same would ask for redeployment using the most unimaginable excuses.
Sadly the naija system cannot help reverse this despicable trend. Over, he would have been arrested and if found guilty, then he would be dishonorably discharged.
Jeez! Who is that fool? Who fights a woman? That man should be thoroughly dealt with
This is serious. All LIB ladies please we need to start a # campaing over this. No one is above the law #justicefor#Drtheresa
And This is a father and husband, and even a doctor, why didn't he go take it out on his fellow man, Such people should be locked up like they do animals, he is a danger to the society, One day he will shoot someone, if he has not already
One useless mentally ill man roaming the hospital as a medical doctor. Shame on him for fighting a woman, much more a sick woman. It's a pity that such a courageous woman who didn't let her sickle disease stop her from pursing her dream through hard work is now being messed up by a lunatic he goat. I bet this idiot beats his wife and she will stay in the marriage all in the name of marrying a doctor coz of money. It's only stupid cowards that fight or exchange words with females , real males never hit a female and never exchange words with a female no matter the level of provocation. His type won't fight his fellow men coz they will beat him to death. Useless men who thinks they will never attain certain profession and certain power level, once they do, their own drama is always obvious. He should be severely punished and sent out of the military and his medical license should be canceled. He need to be a motor park tout.
Unruly, uncultured, uncultured and highly irresponsible officers of the Nigerian Army.
That's their handwork. When they see Boko Haram they pee on their pants but he isn't ashamed to hit a woman.
Hmmm...our military officer are not trained at ol...very stupid man
I wonder what this guy had against her that made him to act like a beast which he is. I pray she recovers well considering her health status. This wicked man will definitely get what he deserves.
Storyyyyy; who doesn't know what happened. Eventhough the doctor is a coward for raising his hand on a woman. The female doctor for sure must have insulted him for him to take that action, who doesn't know girls and their mouth. But what are you both going to gain exposing your dirty and shameless selves in the public.
So you think adding that she is a sikcle cell patient will make him win the case. Moreover, there is nothing to win here, the problem is just useless pride and stupidity.
My take, the beater, the 'beatee', 'the writer' and 'the sender' are all proud, useless and insensitive Drs. Imagine what touts will do, now our doctors are doing and later they will want Nigerians to respect them. Mtcheeew
Bia Linda you have to take time ooo. You don't post any nonsense of agbayas here.
I don't believe this story she probably attacked him first...
Doctor 4 dt matter! Na wa ooi
who will protect Nigerian civilians from these uniform people who believe their uniform gives them the right to ride roughshod over everybody else.
Many have died, many more have been maimed, deformed and scarred for life at their hands like this female medical doctor, yet our governments at various levels pretend as if they don't see these victimization.
Is the Nigerian military greater than the American, British or Russian military institutions, yet we do not here or see the military personnel of these nations unleashing terror and mayhem on the citizens.
This is a barbaric, unprofessional and terrorist behaviour that must be stopped, whatever it takes. Enough is enough!!
Linda correct the headline. That will cause more problems cos some people won't read the full article before commenting sef. Meanwhile, they should revoke the license of that man and jail him for at least 12 years in solitary confinement.
Evil man.
Pls the appropriate department in government should make sure he gets punished. If any government official is reading this, please make sure u show him he is not above the law. Thank u.
Above the law he said? Pls, this guy shd be thouroughly dealt with cuz a man in uniform is never above the law o
I have said it until they start punishing these barbaric bastards they will continue to use their uniform to oppress people. And it has gotten worse since Buhari came into office as these folk are getting it twisted that we are in military rule again. Those useless cadets have not been punished and according to what the military is saying now the window of which they could punish them for beating that innocent man has passed. What kind of a country is this? Until these guys are made an example of this will continue. We are calling on you Mr. President to set your dogs in line and tell them innocent civilians aren't an avenue to transfer aggression. One of these guys almost beat my wife in front of myself and my daughter some months ago. They don't care. They are power drunk. IT IS WRONG!!!!!!!!! MR SOLDIER YOU CANNOT BEAT CIVILIANS IT IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!
The woman's face though. Resembles a trouble maker. Get well soon. Dude is a psycho
What or who gave him the right to lash out. I see two issues here.
, 1. If she were a man he would never attempt such idiocy. 2. Just because he wears a uniform in naija (as we all know animals in human skin....zombie) he thinks he is in the battle field. I bet you if he were in the battle field he'd hide under one big okuta Idiot. I will pray and fast that they catch the stupid goat, shameless disgrace of a man.
Pls God I thank you for helping my family move to a detached house with no sharing of compound. The frustration in my former place was something else
Why such wickedness. Even if she is at fault, he ought to have cautioned himself. He must be punished dearly.
This *Punk* shd be locked UP!!!
The man is indeed a frustrated fool....
These men would just be showing their power on women and be fighting for free! Register for boxing or wrestling ,they will not.
Some people are very troublesome..
Imagine wht he did to dis lady now,bcos he thinks he's above the law.
Can we hear from Dr. Okpara as there are always two sides to every story. However, there is no justification for putting your hands on another person, man or woman. Ever!
I await Dr Okpara's response.
I am sorry, but people should learn to control their temper especially people of a particular place. There is so much tension all around and there is no gain in trying to prove a point. Life is only one and when you see trouble, give up and run away from trouble. Some men are animals and there is no point provoking them with your mouth.
Sorry Theresa for the injury! But Una mouth too sharp! Instead of you to apologize for delaying the military man, you were provoking him by throwing verbal abuse on him! I can see how this write up was dressed to cover up your own fault!!!
Social media??? A portal for destroying people's lives. She has bruises? That's visibly normal if you have altercation with someone. I hope her mouth didn't put her into this mess? As much as no man should lay his hands on a woman no matter how intensely provoked.I see a yoruba trumped up medical case being built up cause the accused is igbo.
It's only a weak and insecure man that engages in a physical combat with a woman. Shame!Shame!!Shame!!!
Dr Okpara should be jailed!!!!!!!
Linda please follow this case please. I see no reason military men should continue to terrorize the vulnerable among us. 'EN' 'O' NO!!
Why all this naaaaah!
Dr Theresa ughalahi is a very gentle and hardworking woman.i used to know her as a student in oau.dis dr opkara or whatever he calls his name must be brought to book as quickly as possible.he must be arrested, charge to court, and d mdcn should suspend or perhaps revoke his practising licence.he isn't fit to be called a doctor.get well soon dr ughalahi
Never knew the Nigeria Airforce still breeds Animals that have the guts to hit females.
I wonder what he does to his own wife at home and pray that his daughters do no experience such in the nearest future.
Beating sickler! who does that? The authority should lock-up the man
Okpara u must pay 4dis
Good for her,women with bad mouth all over
This millitary officer must face the firing squad. What kind of man hits a woman. I hope & pray Dr Theresa gets better . This Dr okpara must either gets life imprisonment or excuted by hanging
Eya the Dr okpara get mind ooh
That Animal should be sent to Sambisa Forest where Goons like him lives.. Time will Tell.
Can someone fucking do something about the military officers in nigeria? I was almost beaten up to a pulp for not giving them money at the baracks where i live! Please we are living in fear! Nigerians feel without them during tough times we are finished. If the police is properly trained there wouldnt be any need for these animals to be let loose on the streets! My God can people in the school bring this man to his slow death! Dont kill him immediately- destroy him patiently..... Bastards!!!!! God punish his entire family
Oh no, what kind of wickedness is this???
He has to be transferred to a psych ward, can u imagine how does he treats his patient. Battering a co colleague like this, i tire for this profession oo!
What in God's name is really happening these days?,how can a man raise up his hands at a lady after pouring out abuses on her?.Theresa,your life is in God's hand and he will surely see you through.
Wing Commander my foot. Lock up the belligerent motor park tout for a good number of years. Nonsense.
God some people are heartless. He should be made to pay dearly
Hmmm pls let's take all these things easy ooo. Sorry dear
they shud break his skull too
why do we have so many animals in this world .Doctor foolish whatever, may your skull be deformed beyond repair
This motherfucker must be brought to justice. What the fuck is going on this year.
Make den carry the man go yabaleft first before den jail am
In dis naija??? Linda take note!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
No be igbo man? Na their way, violence, I live with one so I know.
Military people sha. If they don't hit they can't live. Yet to see or hear of any force man who doesna hit!
Military brutality! The government needs to put a stop to this errant nonsense
Na wa o so no arrest was made?.....ProudlyDeltan
You see this happened because no military personnel has been disciplined for physical assaulting a civilian.and it will keep happening if nothing is done.how can you be beating an armless woman like that.
Oh dear Lord!!!
Nigeria is a God forsaken country..the military men thinks they are above the law..they are nothing but cowards...nothing better to define a man fighting a woman
Military or no military, Theresa was rude. Imagine asking a man if he want to drive the car himself. Imagine reminding him he also do same. Sickle cell does not give her right to insult her seniors. She just would have apologize, keep quiet and move her car. The man too behaved so much like an animal. Being a military man does not make him above the law. He would have been patient and ignored after all shut happens.
He is ibo sef...why am I not surprised?
This is another tragic case of man's inhumanity to man.This brute of a doctor must face the wrath of the law in line with the wind of change in the country.
This is another tragic case of man's inhumanity to man.This brute of a doctor must face the wrath of the law in line with the wind of change in the country.
Linda, wey my comment nau 😒
Ur papa is violent too
Pipu exchange words argue insult each its nt enof to go n brk sm1 skull wat if she dies u ll nw say NCOs she told a man if he wans to com n drive de car himself?
You are a fool and an idiot. You need as much psychiatric help as the monster.You are the type whose husban would bring in a prostitute to the house and you would lay the bed for them to sleep on an make breakfast for them the morning after. Because you cannot question an almighty 'man'. Better grow a brain in 2016. Idiot!
I hope he will b punished accordingly. Linda observe!
U're such an idiot for making such comment. Anuofia
U r a fool for this reply
Dr. Theresa is my friend ooo. May God heal her quick. And may He fight for her. Dr Okpara God knows how to handle you.
& you just made a point?
@anon 7:32 PM what does tribe have to do with this? Your mind needs cleansing to be honest. Dont know why people are so blinded by prejudice. FYI I married a yoruba man and went through violence. I know ladies married to men from other tribes and nationalities who have gone through violence. Pls dont muddy a serious issue with your polluted thinking. And no! I am not Igbo.
Actually, I think its a combination of things. 1. male on female violence is accepted in our culture. 2. military abuse too is condoned. Dangerous cocktail that can only lead to this sort of impunity.
Enh..and the penalty for insulting seniors is violence against the 'junior'. It is precisely this kind of thinking and victim blaming that enables people like the hoodlum Dr. Okafor.
Shut Up.
Pls he didn't fight her. He decided to correct her with some beatings...that's not fight. Truly, no man shld fight a lady...but u can always correct using different methods.
Pls he didn't fight her. He decided to correct her with some beatings...that's not fight. Truly, no man shld fight a lady...but u can always correct using different methods.
The whole story is still one sided and a single story as well. Beating a woman isn't good at all, but the said man deserves fairly...remember they are both colleagues and neighbors. There may be more to it. We need to know who started the fight.
The whole story is still one sided and a single story as well. Beating a woman isn't good at all, but the said man deserves fair hearing...remember they are both colleagues and neighbors. There may be more to it. We need to know who started the fight.
Dr O, you have a short fuse, I feel sorry for your wife if indeed you are married.
Why did you not get your own compound since you are unable to tolerate the drama of living in a shared compound. You have no justification for laying your hand on this woman. I don't care what she said or didn't say to you. You had no right to lay your iron fists on her. So, if the other neighbours in the compound had not restrained you, you would have continued and committed cold blooded murder, Abi?
I don't care what tribe you are, it's irrelevant as this Rage and subsequent Violence means that you failed woefully. To think that you are a medical doctor and you took the Hippocratic Oath. I suspect you, I suspect your qualifications. I think you are more suited to be at the war front fighting boko haram that practicing medicine treating human beings. I hope you learn the hard way that you are not above the law even if you have connections at the highest level of power in Nigeria.
Please leave his family out of it.
Perhaps this man has been chasing this woman for a long time and she did not agree and the only thing he knew was to beat her to submission by this method. Dr Caveman!
The law should take it course
The officer should not wait for you to "dress up" before you release him to go to work. Who knows whether he was going for his fellowship exams or he was going to deliver morning report lecture as part of his residency program requirement and was running late then had to wait for you to take your bath and dress up. You should have first removed your car before accusing him of blocking other people. I do not in any was support men raising their hand against women but some women get bad mouth. We have heard one side of the story.
What more response do you await? There is video evidence and photo evidence and life witnesses. You will never ever get any response from the dishonourable airforce officer. He is a sick man.
What more response do you await? There is video evidence and photo evidence and life witnesses. You will never ever get any response from the dishonourable airforce officer. He is a sick man.
Its unbelievable how Nigerians would blame the woman. Some of the people commenting have accepted violence against women as a normal way of life. Some maybe even beat women as well. No matter what she said or did, a soldier has no right to brutalise a civilian.
It is very foolish saying a person looks like trouble or looks like they talk too much.the woman has battled sickle cell disease for over 30 years. She has survived multiple bone crisis every year and has not died. This has resulted in her facie. Very wicked to insult her based on her medical condition.
First, this Dr Okpara, whether he is in the Air Force or not should have been arrested for aggravated assault. He should be in detention now, pending arraignment.
Caveat: We are in Nigeria, a near-lawless country bothering on anarchy status. His colleagues in the Air Force, like the 90 SANs, may storm the police station, beat up all the cops, abduct the DPO as happened last week in Badagry, and set free the offender.
2. The OAUTHC administration should suspend him from the Residency immediately. If they would not do that, all the Resident Doctors should stop work immediately. I feel ashamed to admit that I was once two term Secretary, and then two term President of the Association of Resident Doctors at OAUTHC. Doing my time, we did not have animals in Doctors' clothing like Dr. Okpara. In my time, I would have ensured that he is expelled from the Residency program altogether.
3. The Nigerian Medical Council should suspend the license of the unprofessional Doctor, who has brought the profession into disrepute, for at least one year. There is no misbehavior, delaying tactic or abuse on the part of Dr. Theresa that would justify his wanton aggression.
Emmanuel O.
the lady doc misyarned to a pycho doc so she got the beaten of her life EOD
The swollen face made it look that way
God bless u dear. Am very sure this story must have bn twisted to attract sympathy for the sickler. I don't agree with the animal beater of a man but then again, I don't agree with the narrative.
Unprofessional military doctor.
Ouch dats so rude a man
Yes, the man may have been late for a meeting. Yes, the woman may have kept him there waiting for 1 hour. Yes, it may be her usual pattern. Yes, she may have insulted the life of him and told him that she would not move the car until he moved it. But, does that justify opening the passenger door and throwing punches??? That blow may have resulted in her death. Make osteomyelitis, abi na wetin dem dey call am nor go start from that fracture place.
You are obviously a doctor. please, which fellowship exam held last week? Nationals abi West Africa? Isn't she allowed to wear her clothes before coming outside? From the pictures posted, is she wearing any make-up or jewelry? Even her hair is not combed and you said she wanted to "dress up". Sorry o, she should have run naked from the bathroom or come to move her car in her towel/wrapper.
from a fellow doctor.
in medical parlance, she is his senior. SR1 is not a joke o. most likely, dr okpara is frustrated that such a "small girl" was able to sit for her 2 fellowship exams and pass in flying colours in just one sitting and he has been writing exam year-in-year-out without success.
meanwhile, what is bad in asking if he wanted to drive the car himself? she had done the needful and gotten into the car and he still continued his vituperative remarks.
idiot. she is not yoruba. fresh kwa? you are stale!
so, because she delayed him, she must keep mute while abuses her continuously? both of you have screws loose in your brains. unfortunately, he beat up the psychiatrist who would have treated you both. O-Y-O is your case!!!!!
Most comments have been biased in favor of d female doctor & I don't agree with these. People should learn to give a balanced view to any situation. It could b their turn tomorrow, the Bible says Judge not. I believe she & her apologists have gotten cheap popularity: better not to wash dirty linens in d public; this kind of publicity cannot happen in the legal profession since its a family affair. I assert that the whole episode was a set-up.
Beat my wife at my present ke oh boy who ever you be you beat me join oh or else .......
We need more social security laws in Nigeria cause we have more stupid people like that man still!
He should be tried in a militaristic way... Kill him through death by hanging!!!
This is sad. I believe a man should walk away from a woman, no matter the degree of provocation. Beating a sickler can precipitate crisis! The officer went too far, he should have restrained himself. Surgery as may be planned for the woman has its own risks in the sickle cell patient.
What a story by Dr Lekan Abudu! It's very obvious by your concluding remark what you set out to achieve with this inciting piece..."MUCH NEEDED PUBLICITY". As much as it is very reprehensible for any man to lay hands on any woman, it is also very irresponsible and loathesome for any woman to cuss or abuse(in any form)any man...both sexes should show restraints.
The norm Dr.Lekan in any apartment with limited parking space is to make provision for easy movement of other vehicles when there is an obstruction by your vehicle. In this instance i expected Dr.Theresa to have given the security chap her car keys to have the car moved by any of her colleagus or close neighbours, suffice to say she didn't. When she came out, the 'GENTLE' lady Dr never proceeded to move her car, rather she needed to score few points(Senior Reg to Reg): telling him this and reminding him that! Where's the wisdom in that when she could have used those minutes to move her car for Dr okpara.
Now the most amazing part of the story is the undone buttons...was Dr Okpara the one that undid his buttons (because he was about fighting a fellow man, soldier, officer ...??) or did the buttons come off on their own? Could Dr.Theresa had gotten physical with him? Confusingly amazing! With the supposed plethora of evidence on this case, there shouldn't be the need for 'much publicity' as there are more pragmatic and satisfactory ways of tackling this: there's the disciplinary channel within the medical community, there is also the channel of seeking redress in a court of law. Why this sided sentimental piece to whip up sympathy? Yes there are bad eggs within the military but is that enough a reason to always drag the military to the mud? Some people can read between the lines in this piece hence the need for the other side of this story. Dr Lekan needs not try so hard as truth shall always prevail!
What a story by Dr Lekan Abudu! It's very obvious by your concluding remark what you set out to achieve with this inciting piece..."MUCH NEEDED PUBLICITY". As much as it is very reprehensible for any man to lay hands on any woman, it is also very irresponsible and loathesome for any woman to cuss or abuse(in any form)any man...both sexes should show restraints.
The norm Dr.Lekan in any apartment with limited parking space is to make provision for easy movement of other vehicles when there is an obstruction by your vehicle. In this instance i expected Dr.Theresa to have given the security chap her car keys to have the car moved by any of her colleagus or close neighbours, suffice to say she didn't. When she came out, the 'GENTLE' lady Dr never proceeded to move her car, rather she needed to score few points(Senior Reg to Reg): telling him this and reminding him that! Where's the wisdom in that when she could have used those minutes to move her car for Dr okpara.
Now the most amazing part of the story is the undone buttons...was Dr Okpara the one that undid his buttons (because he was about fighting a fellow man, soldier, officer ...??) or did the buttons come off on their own? Could Dr.Theresa had gotten physical with him? Confusingly amazing! With the supposed plethora of evidence on this case, there shouldn't be the need for 'much publicity' as there are more pragmatic and satisfactory ways of tackling this: there's the disciplinary channel within the medical community, there is also the channel of seeking redress in a court of law. Why this sided sentimental piece to whip up sympathy? Yes there are bad eggs within the military but is that enough a reason to always drag the military to the mud? Some people can read between the lines in this piece hence the need for the other side of this story. Dr Lekan needs not try so hard as truth shall always prevail!
Still talking dumb.Who told you tbis is a military regime? When will you have sense? Buhari this,Buhari that......My friend! Stop hating.it will destroy you.
Thumbs up
@buchijames.....you are one of those Nigerians that encourage the military to maltreat and not protect civilians. You are one of those Nigerians who tell women suffering domestic violence to shut up and endure.
Dear buchijames,
Social media is needed to publicise such events so it doesn't get swept under the carpet. Law enforcement will take sides with the okpara guy and tell the victim to quietly forgive him. You know how nigeria works. Nothing will be done to this guy if he isn't exposed. With this cheap publicity at least something will be done.
Haha. I think Jakes is the security guard and had been asking theresa to keep her keys with him.
I'm a doctor. I hope you get to read this...its simple. He should be taken before the medical and dental council of Nigeria...its a professional misconduct..I hope he gets his license suspended. Animal, bloody short service junkie forming regular.
Truth be told, not every story needs a second or balanced opinion.
1. Hitler killed 6 million Jews, do we need his opinion to judge on the matter
2. Buchi Jakes is from the same village as wing comander okpara, do we need a second opinion to prove he is biased in supporting his kinsman.
. When there is clear evidence of assault and battery and brutality, what do u need a second opinion for. What will the Commander say that we repair the broken skull the lady suffered
Recall Uzoma Okere who was beaten and stripped naked by naval ratings for similar reasons? Well the navy accused her of going to the soldiers, siezing their koboko and flogging them with it before the soldiers recovered and flogged her back. The judge laughed at the stupid unreal story and she was awarded 100million in compensation. Now buchijakes is saying Dr theresa went to rip up the buttons of the okpara. Another stupid unreal laughable idea.
She needs social media so she can get compensated and pay for the plastic surgery that will repair her broken face. If not, they will sweep in under the rug.
What saved Uzoma was social media. Hopefully it will save theresa.
Whoever said she has the look of a trouble maker or talkative must have the look of a pedophile. Since character is judged by looks to you
Wat? Dt man must b sick,i hope he pays dearly
LIB ADDICT#just passing#
That so called Dr is supposed to be a veterinary Dr where he can be with the animal's, if care is not taken he will beat his patients some day.
if its the same DR OKPARA dat i know who once lived in airforce base Jos. then he must be taught a lesson
Dr Emeka Okpara is known to have a Temper .He exhibits such terrible behavior in public places. Jos is a small town and quite a number of people remember his excessive outbursts . First, during PTA meetings at then Tiny Tears School Jos, this Officer was hardly a gentleman . He was rash, insolent, verbally aggressive and always pulling rank and was involved in several parking - lot issues. At Banking Halls, his voice was often overbearing and he was notorious for his impatience and for verbally abusing Bank staff! Does he have a psychiatric condition? Maybe, he needs a psychiatric evaluation! Never mind that his wife has not told her own story!
Perebo one of bayelsa Dr ughalahi taught us all in psychiatry. So gentle and soft spoken sometimes we could bearly hear her during her teachings in the clinic. I also rotated through community health under Dr Opara very proud and rude! Like say na dem get this country. Our seniors from his part of the country are so arrogant, stuffless (in med school that means you are empty and can't impact knowledge they always claim they are in charge like gods) Dr Ughalahi could not have abused him like everybody claimed. Na dis same ife we dey oh for lagere. Video evidence dey oh. They are colleagues staying in the same compound probably oga Opara Don step him boundary before and got insulted and was now waiting for a day she would step into his trap. Opara killer sef dey Park block pple for that same compound Oh. MDCAN, NMA, NPMC, should take this guy up. ARD OAUTHC, Nothing concern me with Navy Oh. Bunch of cowards that can't even kill our enemies. You think say if ughalahi na my sister I no go go spiritual for the foolish Opara? As if she no get people too animal of the highest order. Opara wan even use padlock jam her for head sef na pple hold am oh. OAUTHC residency magomago employ people that are sane as resident doctors na pple wey get connection dem dey give residency position. Well the cmd might be d next in line on the list of those uniformed killers. Prof Agbakuru a true father and a core ibo man. Apologies for you are a rare breed. Other Prof in O and G, Gastrointestinal, continue falling the people you will never be around to teach. Dem children dey hold needle and syringe now and am sure their parents cannot even wait for children to clerk them let alone perfom DRE for them. Anywhere you hear Opara abeg move Oh proud good for nothing killer is coming. I trust abokis dem for Don kill thousands of their generations again. Who dey humble people dey hate not to even talk of one stupid na me be dis.. Heeee na me go first be medical doctor/airforce person for my generation. Idiot. She is in the ICU OAUTHC IFE. Opara and family should start praying that she should survive this. She is from Benue and she is connected too. Dr Opara Baboon.
this man called okpara has caused alot of families in jos untold hardship and pain.
this episode is not new and will not be the last one. anyway if the man keeps walking our street freely then danger looms for residents of JOs in particular.
She is no trouble maker. I happen to know her.
She is no trouble maker. I happen to know her.
NMA should seize this sick man's licence to practice and examine him well in a psychiatric ward. May this idiot meet his match very soon.
Why involve another noble profession in this.so vets are the ones who behave like animals since they treat animals.get a life retard.
Thank you Amos. One military officer also maltreated me last year,,, slapped me o. As big as I am. They see civilians as lesser people. I don't understand why,,,. US army wouldn't be so barbaric and brutal.
This is despicable how could Dr "caveman"act dis way to words Ocheche! I mean he must be a taught a very very i mean very good lesson! I Happen to know her from way back FGGC gboko n was really a sweet senior, no one deserves such, Air forces my foot d real military wont behave like dis Coward did hitting a Lady for Dat Matter, i mean right now no one is above the law in dis nation of ours, if Bade cld b put behind bars Den what does dis Dr caveman tink Would Happen to IT? As for His dr degree i know dats already ova for him daaaa.....
Pointing out who is more at fault is absolutely immaterial here. I think that this matter should be channelled to the appropriate quarters for proper legal redress by the able NIGERIAN JUDICIARY and a law promulgated there of.
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