The ongoing road
construction on Apapa Expressway is causing high traffic on the road and armed
robbers are taking advantage of the situation to rob road users, this is according to people who ply that route.
This morning two MTN female staff working at the
office in Apapa were robbed. One of the victims who was also robbed last
week was stabbed in the eye with a knife after the robbers broke their car window. A LIB reader who witnessed the incident sent in the photos (See pics of the robbery victim in the hospital after the cut)
People who work and live in the Apapa area of Lagos are asking the police to help them. If you ply that route, have you ever encountered armed robbers? Is it a serious problem in the area?

1 – 200 of 208 Newer› Newest»Its all GEJs fault ever since he bcame prsident, naija is upside down
What???... O God please help us
~Beautiful lopez~
God have mercy..
This is the hand work of area boys AKA yoruba boys.
I dis like that place so many thief #bright bravo#
So now we have signed the unnecessary anti-gay bill, now what? Matters in this country has gotten worse.
Nigeria police for where? They will even run away. Hmmmm is only God that can save us
Is it now you're knowing.boys are not smiling oh.u betta hold something,
Why am I still in this country God?
Naija. Everything na oppurtunity
My dear Linda, I can neva 4get d day my new bb was stolen along dah road, since den I left Lagos 4 good
No idea linda.
Eko oni baje.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Scary stuff!
Did I hear stabbed,why can't they just rob without injuring or trying to kill someone?......Police ke?.....Na Divine intervention things joor
Kamto Haf Tok
Its just a matter of time before they will be apprehended. Just watch.
Na wa o.so armed robbers still thrive?God help us
na wa oooo...God help us...police van re always dere...guess they too busy chasing container drivers from d wharf
I saw a BMW 5 series window crushed too this morning in front of Fatgbems filling station in Mile 2 this morning on my way to work, the car drove past me
That is the headquater of naija robbers and other criminal activities association
Na wa oooo... Robbers pls u people shld stop dis naaaaau... U pipo shld gaaan fight boko haram wit ur stupid talent... -__-
It has always been about robbers on that very road....Whoever works in Apapa area what am talking about...I was robbed there aswell sometime ago.
That is the headquater of naija robbers and other criminal activities association
jah save us
check dis out now for your chance to get paid daily
Never experienced it.. i dnt tke it often cos of d mad traffic dere,I'd take egbeda... 1st time hearing of dis... tank God 4 my lyf
From stealing politicians to Boko haram to armed robbers and it goes round again!..wen wil dis al end?hmmmmm
Mehn Linda, na serious problem o, Its a daily occurrence now, jst last week same thg happened ard 6.30am - 7.00am to lady in a car ahead of us. She was lucky because the robbers only succeeded in taking her hand-bag but didn't hurt the lady.
God help us all! Wen d leaders have failed w do they expect from the commoners?
Very true. Two of my colleagues have been robbed there. same way. they use an object to shatter your side glasses.
Thank God she is alive. May God continue to protect us from evil (people) IJN. Amen.
Bad boys ve seen avenue to do their evil act. God ll judge una o. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
It is very deadly ooooh
I barely go to d island since dey started construction
Hmmn...someone just posted on nairaland aw a full brt bus was robbed dis morning on the festac to cms route...
This brings back vivid memories I had while growing up.
We lived in that axis and it was a 'normal' occurence for ppl wakin up early to go to work.
I have couple of friends whose parents were killed on that road by armed robbers.
I rmbr comin back frm lessons den and everyday we get home alive was like walkin thru d shadow of death...bt we cldnt bt attend lessons den. Later on, my dad got us a private teacher...
Also various times wen we were comin frm evening church services. ..my dad had to drive thru some shootings n wieldin of machetes wen we were caught in d armed robbers web...at oda times...we wl just pack and wait for 2 hrs ...and wen d robbers were done...we wl drive home only to hear of the statistics d next day...some oda times...we packed d car...went back to church members home to sleep bt den...aw do we make it to school and work d next day.
Oh those days were horrible...esp wen one or two members of the house were yet to be home...no mobile phones...no way to contact dem...sometimes we just hope and pray al night not able to sleep...and we get d relief wen dey come in next day tellin us aw dey 'escaped' armed robbers n had to go sleep at a friends house.
Aw many more can I say...we only had a 3-bedroom flat bt we have more than 8 locks to secure the front door...and d gate...nt countin d locks on d back door...sometimes we make jest of my dad sayin 'ppl wey get empire sef no get des number of locks' bt wat can d old man do?...many times we r inside prayin (our last prayer) in fear as armed robbers struggle without success to gain access into d house...bt u only know dt wen dey av tried n failed. ..wat if dey were gonna b successful that one night...
It was so bad dt wen I got to Uni, tho i was in Lagos I hardly went home....cos no matter d number of nights I spend at home...I wl be awake all night only to start sleepin at 5am...wen d muslims r goin for der prayers...cos den I knw d night has been overcomed...only to go thru d same ordeal another night...
I know so many children frm dt area stl suffer from 'Post-traumatic stress disorder' like I do now...but really who cares.
I have since moved out of naija...bt I have been in fear of living in d city. I cldnt survive living in London...neither cld I survive birmingham..cos it just brings memories and fears...and wen I choose to live in quiet and local neighbourhood...friends here wonder y...bt den am already scared for my kids...dont want dem to see or go thru any violence no matter aw minute it is...
Pls govt do something about it...des things have far reaching psychological effects...
I dont even know what my friends who lost loved ones r goin thru now...
God help us.
Sorry for al the rants...
GOD help this country!!!
Its true o linda,a friend of mine too was trown out of d bus around dat mile 2.(One chance)all bcos she had only 500naira
Funny enuf, there's a police station very close to this robbers hotspot which is a bit after berger underbridge to mile one and I sale... they harass vehicles especially those just cleared frm d port or bought frm berger in broad daylight, then at night they rob...they don't have guns just knives n rods, but I don't take chances... my brother has been a victim n he pursued one of them, caught him and bundled d shit to layeni police station, but he didn't get his stuff back... under cops to patrol that area, these guys r vry noticeable in terms of looks n clothing
Thank God no one died ...sha!
It is oh! As a matter of fact robbery times are early in the morning and late in the evenings. Once a slight hold up forms the guys go for their hit. Police presence in the are is from 7.30am to 5pm so these guys have a ball when they go hitting innocent commuters at the eairlier mentioned times. It imperative the police resumes earlie and close later that side. I've encountered them twice but have been lucky twice!
Pple can't jst work and earn legitimately
this is terrible! that road is sure a den of thieves and for ur info, the Police cannot do anything about it. cos as we hear, most of the robbers are sons of military men, so tell me who will catch who? Only God will save ppl from their hands.
I live in that area and can confirm these robbery cases. Going to work every morning is scary. At a time police men were stationed on the road, now we see them no more. Please Lagos State Commissioner of Police HELP US!!
God Will Heal You, and bless you beyond your 2003 Toyota....
is the nothing working in the country.......? these robbers should leave d masses alone and go to the government houses.....injuries inflicted on her,her car badly damaged.....the government should pay for the.....if they don't do something about all these nonsense we will revolt soon
Blessed be the name of The Lord i have been waiting to read this news,this is no joke and so pathetic. i stay in one of the estates in Mile2,many of my friends has been victims of this,now nobody wanna come visit me again esp when it is 5pm also early in the morning. the sad thing is people around there watch the robbery scene like it was some Home Video Location. A Uni friend of mine (Sunday) was posted to their apapa office from Ibadan,he stayed in mile2 crystal estate,got robbed 3 times in a month,after repairing the car and fixing new windscreen,he comes to church to share testimony of been alive still over and over,one of the robbery was even on his birthday,he has other colleagues with him around 6pm,they were all robbed and abused. He didn't spend up to 3months in Lagos,he had to forfeit his house rent and all,imagine a very active boy in church relocated out of Lagos. even the ones without cars they still rob them,ladies handbag and guy's jeweleries and phones. and it is always that spot all the time. if there is no more to this,then the governor should not just sit down and watch this get worse,it is worse already though.
that is true Linda.my mom was also attacked along the road last month.they collected her phone and money.
I hope the police immediately arrest the perpetrators and will not happen again like this
I hope the police immediately arrest the perpetrators and will not happen again like this
Linda I dnt ply dt route buh my friend does. Twice recently, she's bin robbed. Am so glad u brought sis here bcuz social media is naw d only way out leaders can immediately act up. Please dey seriously need to do something. May God keep protecting us all.
Linda God bless u...hope to have a lunch /dinner wiv u someday. U inspire me. God bless U again * hugs*
May God help us all,Amen.
Did anybody watch tiwa reduce our very own national anthem to some poor nigerian idol performance?
Mile2 top of the bridge and under the bridge very very dangerous o! I was once a victim, mine was under the bridge. they said i used my car to marched a lady (all to distract my attention)and moved my wallet which i didn't know it fell on the passenger sit. Thank God it was not more than that. Sorry my young lady may God almighty give you quick recovery.
OMG!!! What is happening in Nigeria? My God! I pray for peace and healing of our land
Apapa, TinCan, Coconut, Mile 2 axis is the most dangerous stretch in the country. I've been robbed here once and the saving Grace was I quickly wind down the glass and handed over my phone as the robbers were already threatening the shoot. Apart from Robbers another problem is bad roads and the fear of container trucks falling over on your car. Many innocent lives have been lost on that road. The police are trying these days, but they need to deploy more men to this area and flush out the Hoodlums/Area boys from the road.
Anything is possible in lagos, wst do u expect from an over crowded town? No breath of fresh air..
Mile 2.. Really Crazy At Odd Hours!!
..ATM Just Paid Me 1M
.Texting And Driving..
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I saw a BMW 5 series window crushed too this morning in front of Fatgbems filling station in Mile 2 this morning on my way to work, the car drove past me
My aunt complained of the same thing before she moved to their aromire branch,most of their staff(MTN) are almost everyday
its a daily occurance..we are virtually at dia mercy..no where to run to..they can kill anyone at dat point..i implore the govt to flood dat area with uniform men..
What kind of question is this? U are seeing a victim already. Of course is serious.
They attacked my brother once in his car... he was lucky the road cleared and he zoomed off they coulda done same or worse to him
This is becoming a reoccurring issue that needs urgent attention before it results to a loss of life. Pls Linda,get the Authorities to speedy up whatever they can do to help the innocent.
Only God will safe us in this country
Jeez!!!! May the rot of Æ“♡D fall on them! Amen. They are inhuman! Stabbing a female in the eye? My Lord!
Linda na serious matter o. I was robbed at Liverpool on the 3rd of October, prior to this time I have heard a lot of people, especially the petty traders complaining of either being robbed or pushed into the Lagoon if you struggle with them
On this day, I had all my effects in my bag cos I left home in a mad rush and didn’t have enough time to put the essentials away. I had my Iphone, bb, ipod (which I rarely carry around, I de use am learn French) and my engagement ring (kept in my bag in the fear that I could be a victim if it’s in sight, as it has plenty of bling), my bank cards too.
Went to the nearest police station (where you are advising us to sort for help Linda) wailing, the police that took my statement asked for 2k for biro and for the written report, the typist also asked for 1k to type the written report. I begged as I had absolutely nothing on me, these agents from hell said all sorts of profanities on me o. My boss paid for it all in the end.
Linda, I would never have gone to the police station if not that I had my bank cards and work ID in my bag. I have a car that I do not take to work, for the same reason as captioned. It’s always easier to get away on foot than to get stranded in a car, God help you if you’re alone. I am lucky I got away alive, it happened on the Liverpool bridge just by the Lagoon.
If you work in Apapa, change routes, go through boundary via Marine beach. The construction work is part of the reason for this, but the major reason is the gridlock caused by the bad road and tankers that have used the roads as their parking or loading lot.
The robbers are too many in lagos,they r @ every corner
That road is very very dangerous...I have been robbed on that road before and I know what it feels like....Pls something needs to be done asap...pls...J25
Hmmmm na so we see am oo, dnt knw y its takn dem lyk FOREVA to finish sef.
Nt a day wtout any evil scenario in dis naija,God help us.
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sory, its a pity.
Is there any safe place in Nigeria?
I live in Mile 2 and work at Apapa, trust me those guy made me stop driving to work. I have witnessed a lot of robberies go on on that route and attempts on me as well but none has ever been successful.
They even make attempts in the afternoon but in harmless ways like begging and taking advantage of you if your windows are down.
We really help on that route cos these guys are so bold and they don't even cover their faces or anythg. They alredi feel they own d road.
yes ooooo from that liver pool area of apapa to ladipo area of oshodi is a very bad area both @ nite and day.i think Traffic robbers,and 1chance have their headquarters in that part of lagos hmm na from Experience i dey talk ooooo if you think say i dey lie try pretend say your motor spoil for any part of apapa-Oshodi express road @ nite then u will testify to what am saying or enter motor from or from there @ nite (Akinyemi)
Very true... i got robbed at the mile2 turn down last weekend. They first come to beg for arms then take advantage when they see a defenseless victim. It's sad cuz the police are fully aware of these happenings but nothing has been done to prevent such Ungodly act from happening so far.
Linda, robbery incidents are daily occurence at Mile 2,and all you see as police prensence is one abandoned police bike at the bridge intersection.
The Mile 2 axis has always been a den of criminals right from the 80s.I cant but wonder why the police has not deemded it fit to tag this area a red spot & to provide adequate 24 hour police surveillance & coverage.
Yes, i say 24 hours,'Cause these criminals operate round the clock,even in broad day light.
Years back, underneath the Maza Maza bridge used to be a dreaded place,as many hard working & struggling Nigerians have been maimed,raped & robbed,until Fashola opened up the place.
I remember there used to be waste dump adjacent Young Shall Grow Motor park,where victims could go the next day after being robbed to recover their IDs,address books and the likes.
Guys, i have lived on this axis for over thirty years and i can say Oshodi of the old is a child's place compared to Mile 2.
I believe authirities should wake up to their responsibilities and protect innocent & hard working residents.
It's a very serious problem,thanks for bringing it up.And the stupid policemen that ply that road in commercial buses witness these things but don't do anything, all they are interested in is catching innocent motorist going about their business.
this has been on for a long time. i wonder why our govt has ignored the route. lso the road construction has taken forever
I had the same experience 3 wks ago! Just bf the mile 2 bridge..In traffic. Two boys approached my car..one punched and smashed my car window..I got cuts from the debris of glasses...my bag was taken from me..I had my 2 yr and 4 yr old daughter in the car..luckily the girls asleep...it was a terrible experience! No one tried to help me..I thank God we were not hurt!
i was also attacked.it really is getting annoying and not safe anymore.the police should do something about this.......
Ive been a victim and i was shocked at the brazen attempt......they were not successful...cos i didnt give in, i tried winding up but they used their hand to hold the glass, i just drove off while telling them i didn't have any money on me....thank God they didn't have a gun .
God save us all.
Na wa ooooo
Believe me I see this scene everyday on my way to work. I either get a near miss or someone in front or behind me is getting robbed by these guys....the police are usually in front some where pretending not to know what is happening or collecting bribe from those smugglers who carrying turkey in cars that should be off the Nigerian road. I sometimes feel these boys have police backing to do what they do and some one will get killed some day on that road and also orile road. Me am looking for who will sell me. Gun so I can protect myself.....don't trust the police anymore
Linda this is a very serious issue and measures must be carried out asap. Yes! Twice have these useless robbers made attempt to rob mi n my friends n family,this matter serious pass bokoharam matter sef. Pls Linda,help is needed urgntly. If the govt can provide opc from fagbems mile2 to apapa! Or else innocent lives will ce destroyed. God bless
God will bless you and your family Linlin. Please Fashola and whoever else is reading, why have you people forsaken badagry express way? The entire road is an eyesore. Life is so difficult for the people who live around there. Is it fair? You want to do ten lanes and railway will you not first fix the road? Your people came and demolished houses and blocked all the entrances into old Ojo road and still you can't fix the ONE ROAD we all have left to pass? hey just came and messed that whole road up. Getting home everyday is a nightmare. There are gulleys and pits on the road. Armed robbers are having a field day. FASHOLA IS IT ONLY ROADS ON THE ISLAND AND IKEJA YOU CAN FIX? WHAT ABOUT US? WE PAY TAX TOO!!! And please nobody should tell me it's a federal government road. Fix that road. Fix it!
similar incident happended to me nd a colleague Oct last yr, in traffic desending the mile2 bridge and 2 guys broke d glass of the passengers side and went away with my bag and fones togeda with dat of my colleague bt we werent hurt. since den till now, i always ff Orile coz of that ugly incident. We really nid govt intervention here in apapa URGENTLY
I ply that route every day...Leave home by 4:30 am and enter by 10:00.. and not once have I encountered armed robbers...
as long as God is with you, nothing can harm you.
the road is hell ... traffic for 4-5 hours everyday just to reach to ma office. meanwhile there has been several reports this week warning people in Apapa about armed robbers in traffic. at night the traffic is even worst, because of the new fashola law which banned trucks from entering apapa port during the day. so you can imagine going to apapa after 8-9 pm
Yes, the attack is become daily routing. They rob like every day now. Don't work alone early morning or evening period around that area. please, its dangerous.
That's very bad oo.see what they did to the helpless woman..
ODIEGWU O!!!..smh
Was almost robbed there some days back as I was heading towards mile2 from satelite town. As I approached towards maza maza and about to make a turn and enter festac,one scruffy looking dude approached me and demanded I give him money.he said he wanted to eat, and I felt pity for him. As i brought out money to give him,a second guy approached me,equally looking scruffy,pretending as if he wanted to bring out something from his waist, and kind of ordered me to double that money with harsh voice," o boy that was when I changed if for the guys oo. Told second guy not to open eye for me "say me na town boy and I will slap him if he ever talked to me that way.the other 1st guy apologised to me and told me not to be angry. What they wanted to do was just to obtain me but as GOD would have it, I didn't give them that chance because me sef na town boy and my eye dey red pass their own. Heard that's how they obtain pple there these days
Yes it is. D day i experienced it The guy came and asked for moni , I told him no moni he showed me a dagger and also was holding my side mirror. I had no moni on me but had to borrow from d pple I gave lift to give to him. My friends said I shld nt answer him but cos we ve heard, read stories Like dat I quickly gave him 2k duo he insisted 5k. But he later left to d next car. The irony of dis is dat it's starts frm 4pm. Pple including police men c dem around. Dey sit on d pavement to wait for traffic. Too bad.
God please save ur childrend.
Dis is very sad. My friend ws also attacked in dis same mile 2 wks ago. Let's all keep praying 4 nigeria, cos we really dnt av leaders and is only God dt can help. nt trying 2 b spiritual, bt wit d current happnings hmmmm!!. God dey
May God help us ooooo.
Its a pity that some people will fall victim to such thing but its for the good of the state and as long work is still going on, they should just pray and be careful while it last.. Abeg no curses
Why stabbin her in d eye? God help us
The Police need to swing into action ASAP or are they gonna wait till innocent lives are lost?
May God deliver us in this country o,insecurity is the order of the day *sign of the cross*
Its even worse on Badagry Expressway....I witnessd 1 on my way 2 schl on a tuesday morning arnd 10am.....dis dude ws jst going frm 1 vehicle 2d other......he will flash d gun 2d driver and codedly displace dem of their moni n fones.....d guy ws so Confident!
Hi Linda, I ply that route almost everyday. I see those boys around in traffic, my friend has been robbed there before, another friend's side mirror (the 2) were broken and even had to wave at him after completing the evil act, those boys are so notorious and desperate to do anything so as to rob. Please let us use this medium to call for aid on that road.
Thats the exact situation of things on that road during expecially at evening wen workers are closed from work and are heading home cause the traffic there is the worst in the entire lagos state......
Julius berger was doing a very good job on that Road and moving at a very fast pace until the curroption in Lagos state withdrew the contract frm them and Gave it to CCCEC (only fashola knows why), since then, construction has been on a Snail pace....
And lagosians are suffering, yet they keep painting the wrong picture to the media.....
Roma says so Via ATM
Na wa
Dats actually my area o buh I'm currently nt in lag,May Gog help us all
This is very TRUE, its traumatic having to ply that road every day.Though I hv been lucky d few times I hv encountered them cos my windows were up, bt frm dis incident,it sure means dat having your windows up is no longer a safety strategy. Pls the Police can help us, let them jst b there from 5.30am to 7am when its no longer dark plsssssssssss
I was attacked at Orile last week Monday, 2 days after my friends sister was robbed too at Mile2. It's been reoccuring. Breaking ppls window is d trick. It's so terrible we are not safe in our own land. The useless bois target female road users.
Geees babes. Can u imagine n her bag was snatched jus last week @ oshodi. Wat kind of rubbish is diz oooo
Its very true, 2 months ago two young men tried to rob my husband and I at about 7am. They actually threatened to shoot us if we don't respond to their demand for money. fortunately the car doors were locked and the windows wind up. this happened as we were held up in the traffic jam. we were able to drive off when the trailer ahead of us moved and we could divert to the other lane. Mile 2 is known to be a hive for criminal activities and nothing is being done to curb this blatant act.
Horrible! God pls save us in this country.What did this woman do to these people for them to disfigure her like this ? It shall never be well with the robbers who have done this.They will be shot and killed very soon by police in Jesus name.
I don't have a direct experience but my relation do. He was shot in the eye ,thank God he blocked the bullet with his left hand that was shattered by the bullet.He had since gone to the uk for eye suggery. Thank God it didn't affect the other eye. He now sees with one eye. This incident happened in 2012 under that mile 2 bridge at about 9pm. Police help out, they can lay an ambush around there to catch this hoodlums.
God will punish doze devilish robbers. Get well soon dear. See me see wickedness o.
This is the reason i always avoid that route and pass thru Oshodi home just to avoid the daily traffic on that route. Recently noticed that these guys now come out in the morning around Fatgbems - Mile 2 exit becos of the onging road construction that causes a bit of gridlock. God help us in that part of Lagos
The situation is terrible. Coming from Festac approaching Mile 2, i encountered these vile creatures while stuck in traffic. I am one of the lucky ones cause the road opened up and i took off before any damage could be done to my vehicle or the occupants. Sadly, just in front of us were LASTMA and a couple of police going about their own business.
God for us all at the end of the day cos the police and government are not.
Thank you very much Linda for putting this up. My friend lives along old ojo road but works on the Island.She has been targeted 5 (FIVE) times around this mile 2 area in the past two years. Plenty broken mirrors, plenty slaps, plenty handbag snatching, plenty narrow escape. Naija police definitely needs to do something about this. Very terrible situation in that area.
I really want to thank God for my life. I was attacked on that same road on sunday Mar 2nd by 2 robbers. i was in a taxi, going from amuwo to surulere, just right in front of FATGBEMS filling station i was approached by two red eyed touts, one on either side. They tried to open the door but it was locked, they threatened to shoot and waste my life if i don't comply. They demanded money from me forcefully, i begged and told dem i had paid the cab man and he had bought fuel with it. While they were still threatening me, i was able to throw all my belongings on the floor, quickly wound up and luckily the danfo beside us quickly gave us way to pass.... how i was able to comport myself and escape, only God knows because the traffic was thick, i had two fones on me, a laptop and an ipad and they made away with absolutely nothing and nothing happened to me. I'm still in shock cos those guys would have hurt me badly and made away with all i had. God made a way for me, but not all are lucky... the police should please intervene.
Yes o Linda, i work in an MTN Walk-In center around Mile 2, most customers who come in for Welcome back would always tell you they were robbed at Mile 2. Even my hubby was attacked once. it's that serious.
True say.....NPF should station some men on mufti around there but only God can still safe us, cos the men on mufti could still be the leader of the armed robbery gang seeking for daily delivery(Particular amount for each operation).....May God help us in ths yeye country ....
Linda, it is getting out of hand. I have been robbed there once. Just pray that govt will do sth. Every time u pass that mile 2, you must see glasses on the road. God help us.
God help us.
i have been attacked on that road close to berger office,i was so lucky i gave them N100 and they allowed me to go cos that was d only money in my wallet.these attacks happen in d day light while some police will be @ a distance.God save us in this country
Lindi....this is not the first time that has happened, nor the second. this has been a persistent issue. if you wind up the car, they break it, take your things and/or injure you. i have not been a victim and will never be, thank God, and i take that route every day except weekends.
Mile 2-Apapa route has been always a traffic area beacause of the numerous trucks going to and fro Apapa wharf. Most times, the only vehicles on the route to Apapa from Mile 2 are just heavy vehicles.
i deeply sympathise with the victims, and pray that they recover quickly, and the lady whose eye was stabbed, i wish i could visit you. Pls get well soon ladies, and be safe.
Linda thanks for bringing this to limelight! I ply that route to work on a daily basis and i can tell you this bizarre incident happen almost on a daily basis. The sad and not surprising fact is that the Police are doing nothing to stop this unfortunate event.
Linda its true! Ds is a very serious issue, am a staff of mtn n I use to stay around kirikiri town,coming to wrk early in d mornin is not easy at all evn if u r working on foot. God help us all
my friend was also attcked sometime last year after visiting me @festac,they took his money and wallet containng his id card. he went the next day to report to police and police told him there was no need cos he is not a service man and the thieves will not use his id card for anything. police refused to take his statement,it was so embarrasing.
Thank God they survived
but Linda u know about a product call profilon we brought it to u in ur house me and my colleague? it is a smash and grab and can serve as bulletproof is a German product,my company has the franchise. we r located in dolphin estate
i have been attacked on that road close to berger office,i was so lucky i gave them N100 and they allowed me to go cos that was d only money in my wallet.these attacks happen in d day light while some police will be @ a distance.God save us in this country
and pls post my comment oo is for the good of we Nigerians, we should go for profilon
i was also robbed on that mile 2 by 8am in the morning on my way to work 3weeks ago.that pkace is becoming dangerous every day. frin charles festac
I ply the Mile 2-Apapa road as I also work in Apapa. That route, especially the Mile 2 is really dangerous. I was almost robbed sometime earlier this year on that bridge,the thieves were already banging on my windows, I had to ram into a bus in front of me so as to draw people's attention which made the thieves run off.
The police on that route don't help or do anything, it almost normal thing now(it's been happening way b4 the construction began),that people don't react.
Working Street lights need to be installed and anti robbery squads positioned along that route please.
Linda, this is very serious o! I pray to God every day to bring me back home safely. I live in Festac and work in Apapa.
There was one evening around 6pm; 2men on bike (armed with guns)started robbing a vehicle under the bridge in mile2. Of course they were shooting simultaneously and we all fled for our lives (trust some Lagosians to be watching film show from a distance). Sadly the robbery went on for about 10- 20 minutes and no one could do nothing. No security official nothing.
I only see police van on top of the bridge(which is where i usually drop)but are they always there.
This thing is so bad they most times in Mile2 they'll just walk up to your car n start making demands n people and other cars in traffic too cant do anything. if your window is wound down its easy access for them; if its wound up they'll break it if you don't comply.
It happened to a friend of mine, they came to his car in traffic and demanded for money and his phones; and he had no choice because they were already showing him their pocket- that they had a gun in it. All these happened with people around no one could stop them. I've even heard of how they've killed people who try to out smart or argue with them.
We need fully equipped security officials in Mile2; the situation is very bad.
Omg, they really want to disfigure this lady... Thank God for her life and that idiots needs to be caught and sentence to 50yrs in jail....
Still on still, the lack of security in naija dey cause this things.....
Linda, that route is something else. My friend was robbed and badly injured. There is so much insecurity in this country.
Their days are numbered...wish u quick recovery...
and these robbery operations sometimes takes place in broad daylight
I am surprised no one has posted a comment on this issue yet. I live in Festac Town and I have witnessed numerous robberies on that Mile 2 road. In fact, a couple of weeks ago my car broke down and a friend stopped to assist, only for him to be robbed by hoodlums in that area. Sometimes I wish I had a gun of my own, so that I can make an example of one of these robbers (yes! I feel that strongly about it!) The worst part of it is that the Police officers who harass motorists around that area turn a blind eye to the menace! Walahi, no be small problem
what a tragic situation,armed robbers everywhere. God help us o
Yes oh av been a victim Mine was on a bike frm suru alaba going 2wardz durba junction wen i Waz apprehended by guns wif gun am Brand New tourch2,16k in my waltet and a Black eye. Till date i can't see wit my left eye Waz bleeding went 2 d nearest Police Station 2 Report d incident 4 d idiotz on duties demanding 2k frm me b4 my case will be written down
Very true Linda.
The annoying part is that there’s a police check point very close to where these guys operate. I see the robbers on a daily basis attacking people going to work…I almost got robbed twice on that bridge.
Very true Linda.
The annoying part is that there’s a police check point very close to where these guys operate. I see the robbers on a daily basis attacking people going to work…I almost got robbed twice on that bridge.
God have mercy on hungry Nigerians. That's the problem. ENGR E
Fashola is the best governor that south west have ever been opportuned to have,just give him some few days and he would look into this matter..... People can be heartless, stabbing someone in the eye....They say they are humans buh yet act like 'animals'#cheezyJayne
Abeg who watched d nigeria v mexico game?? What's d final scores??.............#KING
Dis is serious!!! Broad day light robbery...... Lagos nawa.....
Linda I hv been a victim on that road. On that very incident , they robbers approached my car, banging on the window glasses asking me to wind down which I refused, I offered them money but they said it was not enough. They used broken blocks to shatter my wind shield and made away with cash and valuables. I was lucky to leave there unhurt but car windshields were shattered.
my God in heaven, ur ppl dey ur hands.
That is one thing that really scare's me in Nigeria.
That route is a dangerous route. I have been robbed there before, shots at and almost killed. Each time I drive through that route I can feel my heart coming out. The police stations within that location are fully aware of the crimes on-going at that location, why they choose not to do anything, only God can explain.
yes o. i and my colleague was robbed same way at orile road two weeks ago. a brt bus leaving festac yesterday morning was robbed too. this is really alarming. later we kick against jungle justice while the Nigerian police just stand on the road collecting bribe. my colleague is still traumatised. its a terrible experience
yes o. i and my colleague were robbed at orile two weeks ago same way. her two side glasses were shattered. its become alarming. till now, she is yet to recover from the shock. later, we condemn jungle justice while the Nigerian police just stand on the road collecting 50naira
That's how you know a real Lagos.
it is true,armed robbers invaded apapa expressway(mile 2 especially) even in the daylight whenever dia is a trafic.nigeria police shld pls assit us on this issue
My dear is a very bad road for arm robbers,the other day ma dad,ma sister nd I were going to d park,dey attack us Oo°˚˚˚°,dey said we shuld give dem money,ma dad told dem we don't hv,it was sum1 outside dt shouted dey ran away.dey didn't steal anytin.pls am appealing to d government to pls try and do sumtin abt dt road.de secretary.
You are really sick. ! _what has anti-gay bill got Ï„̲̅õ̸̳͡ do with this??? _yur just pained !
You left lagos over BB? That's funny
They are bastards I tell u, d police knows dis people n can kill all of dem if they want to, police IG wat are u waiting for oh? Do something in fact army should take over dat area police na useless people,
I sympathize with the ladies and i also thank God because i was attacked by a man who asserted he had a gun on mile 2 bridge descending to connect to Orile while driving to work in December. I did not even try to verify his claim but manoeuvred my car to the next available space on the other lane, though i scratched another person's car while doing that. I wish the area is safe to users irrespective of timing as we all have to leave early for work to avoid being stuck in the mile 2 traffic.
U re a hopeless idiot for such a comment!
I was robbed there 2wice, 1st at abule ado in traffic, the second one was at mile 2 in same traffic, and it's d same set off guys, cos I can never forget.
They should protest 2 police head quarters there @ lag, polic we no dat they re serious.
They should protest 2 police head quarters there @ lag, polic we no dat they re serious.
Its not news anymore..infact Its hell there.. And even Worst during the raining season.. For safety always have two wallet, one for the thief and one for You.. Once they knock on ur glass quickly submit the wallet with few change, no I.d cards and mayb ur old touchlight fone..lol..
Very serious, I live in beachland estate and d traffic s so horrible here trailer's everywere....They did same to ma bf last year leaving him wit a cut on his hand....Linda which police smh those ones wen dey busy dey collect 20 naira from trailer drivers so dey car park on d road??? Ma advise pple carry knife or gun in ur car protect ur sef pls
Linda I was robbed there twice, first at abule ado, collected my BlackBerry and my husband BlackBerry, b4 dey approached us, I told my hubby dat those guys looks like robbers, but my hubby said haba naaaaa, in less Dan 10 second dey smashed the glass with a stone, and robbed us, I wasn't scared cos I was expecting it, and the guys were saying to me dat I don't looked scared, and collected all we had, d next one was only me, going home, I waited for traffic to chill, but on getting to mile 2, there was still little traffic due to danfo drivers illegal stopping, this time I was prepared for them, my real phone and my bag was secretly kept, den I had a dummy bag with, hair ,stones, 1 shoe, in short jagons,dead old mottorola phone , immediately dey came, I just rolled down give dem,dey were shocked, they thank me for co-operating. While dey were robbing me ,4 armed police men were infront looking at me, and dey did nothing,wen I drove to were the police were seeing everything, they said they did not noticed, Linda those guys are mean, and yet they don't wear mask, same set of people, one is fair with tribal mark, one has a bad leg,and d last has a mark on his four head,same set, twice, GOD is watching dem, but I thank GOD am alive
Festac Apapa those routes have always been notorious and to think there are armed policemen there.Someone who almost lost his life on that route said the day he was shot in the head police men were not very far off. They know what is happening and we hear they even lend these robbers their guns to use to perpetrate this evil.
Linda, the mile 2 apapa and mile 2 orile axis is the most dangerous in Lagos. I have been a victim of both axis and had to go through 3rd mainland bridge to VI from Festac everyday!
I was attacked in Orile bus-stop in 2012 where they smashed my glass close to Orile police station but was lucky they couldn't take anything cos I maneuvered my way out. When I went to report the incident at the police station the policemen on duty told "madam u are lucky oo better go and do thanksgiving in church". Last week Thursday same incident happened in same Orile and was just lucky I got away again. But some other cars were not so lucky. This is a very serious matter and I'm believe the police are part of this because I do not see any reason why this has become a reoccurring decimal.
I worked as an Infotech guy at a bank. I was scheduled to work night shift. I left home with my gf going to VI that night. I don't know what made me follow Apapa that night. Anyway, I got stuck in traffic there in Apapa and I decided to step out of my car to see if the traffic was serious. So, I left my woman in the car...I got back to my car to see my Car Side glass broken. And of course, my gf was robbed!! You need to see as she was shaking...! I don't wanna write too much stories. But believe me, that place is such a terrible place to ply. And of course, that was the last time I drove through the place while I was in naija o! I won't even advise any one to dare drive through the place o!
Yes! It happens a lot even tho I had only heard experinces from friends, thot I cldn't be a victim until last week when two men approached my car and leaned in, the one on my side was saying something... I didn't look at him and kept a straight face and said a big NO! The other on my right saw my bag and tried to open the door, thankfully it was locked. Thank God for his mercies. I didn't even know they've started smashing windows. These are the type that deserve no mercy when caught!
U are nothing but a fool.thank Ur stars freedom of speech can allow pple like you to come here and say rubbish. The shops,houses and business placess fashola distroyed in lagos did not turn pple to thieves is GEJ. Mile 2 has always been a hideout for thieves.
Ogbeni be quiet with ur insensitivity jare. I lived in Festac for years n was plying that road even at night, went to Cotonou n didn't return until late night. Never v I been robbed there but does that mean God's not with d victims? Or does that make me better or holier? No
U n I v just been lucky. When I eventually got robbed it was far away Benin, broad daylight
...cos u dey enter danfo
Linda these are my colleagues and this incident happened right behind me. I did communicate with d victims about 5 mins before then as we were deciding d best route to get to d office due to usual trailler traffic gridlock we encounter on dat axis.
It should be noted that on getting to the gate of our office another robbery incident was reported to av just occured where robbers attacked 2 policement and collected d gun of one of d policemen and carted away d cash of d oda policeman which he just withdrew from d ATM at d MTN Maritime House office.
Tell me...if police can be robbed, how safe can we citizens be?
...cos u dey enter danfo
Stop been ignorant...im not a GEJ fan but armed robbers have been in existence for so many years.....think with your head before talking
My husband was robbed dis morning on that same road! Thank God for his life
Tinumbu and fashola boys at work! I hate Lagos' State
Dat mile 2 route always has traffic. As long as theres traffic those pick pocket s always rob.It happens constantly on that route. The surprising thing is that theres an army barracks there. Cant they deploy soldiers there? Ive been robbed there a number of times. Infact the last time the guys used hammer and were hitting at my glass. Fortunately, the glass did not break and the traffic moved , i sped off very quickly. May God help us in this Lagos.
May God punish u and ur entire family 4 dat ur stupid comment. Who doesn't knw papa as a robbery zone b4 GEJ came into power. Stupid fool.
Nawa o... if u no wear cloth komot ya house shebi na GEJ fault?
how is it? Have sense nau. I guess it'll also be his fault when you have constipation too, baa? Apply your sense from now on please. *sigh*
I was attacked on the Liverpool bridge in 2014 3guys on the driver side and the other two on the passenger side my windows were were done about 7pm Thank GOD I escaped somehow
aunty linda...pls help us around shomou/onipan...we dont sleep again at 9t dey go from house to house..the last time my hubby calld apollice man he had his contact while they were robbing our neigbour,the police guy said he is not on duty but wud cal others,till dis minute notin o ...evn my mum area at yaba (sabo) that 1is evn worse sef.....and they only enta poor pple's home..pls niger police help us on abiodun street shomolu lagos
Pathological liar!
So God is not with the people that were robbed abi?
Am lafing do hard here left lagos indeed.
I have been attacked twice on this same road. It's a regular stuff at the moment. I am always very worried and scared when I get to this place on a daily basis. Hope some day the police would shift their tent to this part of the road.
I have been attacked twice on this same road. It's a regular stuff at the moment. I am always very worried and scared when I get to this place on a daily basis. Hope some day the police would shift their tent to this part of the road.
GEJ is also responsible for you not having a brain also, fool with masters degree
Is there any safe place in that hell hole? May God help us.
Loool..ds woman u killed me wif laugh..chia i love my niaja ppl..always make light of every situation
Aaawww sorry dear..i understand.
Many thanks for bringing this up. I was robbed at this same spot two weeks ago around 6:32am. I was lucky to abandon my car in the middle of the road and ran for my life. They were with pistols. I sighted three of them........They took the phone i forgot in the car and that was all. It was God that saved me. Wishing the Lady that was stabbed quick recovery. Lagos state government need to act fast on this
Chai..See Lie...Hian Haba... Was d hammer a Plastic Hammer.. Or the glass na iron Glass.. Lol
Linda, God bless you for bringing this up. I live in festac and i was robbed of my bag in 2007 at mile 2 oke.That is to show you how long these boys have been operating. There are some small boys they just recruited now. People who pass there will notice this.Since this year, i know 7 people close to me(including my mum and brother) me that have been robbed.
There is no reason why this terror should continue when there is a police station across the express from where they rob.
The BRT robbery in 512 bus stop in festac started last year and our very incompetent Area Commander is very much aware.
The police know all these boys but they just dont want to do anything. Imagine that i have to look for a military man to carry just to avoid being attacked again as women are most vulnerable to the robbery.
It is time for us to take our security into our own hands. These boys cannot be more than we are. When they see that we are out for them, they will retreat.
Thank you again Linda and please keep talking about this just like you did for the pepper sellers at ejigbo so the people in authority get to hear.
Please can pepper spray be bought anywhere in naija??? This is a serious matter. Since the useless policemen are conniving with these thieves to harm innocent people, we have to devise a way too to help ourselves. But the issue of breaking glasses, its really dangerous.
FASHOLA help your people abeg.
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