There's an extremely shocking video that's online, and thankfully also in the hands of of the Illinois Department of Child Services in Chicago. In the video, the young mum of two very young children was seen giving oral relations to a man, while her two
children look on. The video, which was filmed in Chicago, is sad to watch. Hope those kids are removed from her. See it
Very bad
She is on drugs
Na spiritual conji
Weird things are really happening....
Aunty Linda what if she was forced to do so because of debt or something? You never know
What if she was forced to do it?
This black American people no well
What did I just watch?
That woman is a disgrace to womanhood....I pray those children don't grow to be like their so called mother.
I pity those kids
What in the world! Speechless!
Isn't it obvious that she was forced in the act? Does she really look like she was enjoying it? Linda get ur facts right. This woman was being forced to perform this humiliating act infront of her children as a form of punishment. I hope the images do not destroy the children's future
Don't be quick to judge. Maybe her last hope for feeding them
What kind of degenerate generation is this for God's sake?!
Where is the video? Perhaps the story is not complete. Linda we're not kids, any story u upload that has a video we expect to see it. Instead tag it viewers discrimination, unless is banned on the internet? you tell us
pervert single mother. bloody whore!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
I think she was forced to do it
Haaaaaa maybe that's how she was raised, even a prostitute wouldn't do that to her kids. She is completely useless and no bit of shame.
Commenting from
This is terrible, this boy is definitely going to practice this act very soon on another boy or force a girl to do this to him. I'm sure d mum was doing this for like 10$ groceries for her kids.
Nawa. But her face wasn't shown
Prolly mentally Retarded.
She and the man are sickos... they need help.
Long live LIB
Why u talking bout this. Its sunday and some of us are fasting. Post positive stuff. Thats d womans life. Let her be.
This is the most tragic video for me I've watched this year.... The kid locked outside actually looked suprise towards the end of the video play, which broke my heart(knowing kids become curious to try what parents say or do). There may be a possibility she was doing this for money but this guy also is really useless for doing this comfortably in front of kids. What they did is very wrong!!!
Who took the video, in short make this world end let everybody de go because we humans don over do. so wrong..d look on d boy outside just broke my heart.. his innocence gone ..but can u be forced to do ds ppl..I cant see any gun on her head..dey both culd be on drugs..
no sane woman or man shd allow kids see ds
It was obvious she didn't record that video, someone did. While it's easy to judge her, I think she is the only one who knows why that happened. And who knows if gun was pointed behind her to make her do that in front of her kids? Don't forget there was another kid outside crying, knocking the car door so he could get in. Let's not judge what we know nothing of because a lot of people who are condemning her would do it if that was the requirement for their lives and that of their children to be spared by assailants.
But wait oo, who was recording is the question i like to know?And why for goodness sake
Don't blame that may be how she gets money to feed those kids.
U no get eyes. Check the last word in her post, u will see "here". Click the "here" to watch it. Sha no release for body. Idiot
What? WTH is this world turning into?
Lord have mercy una way..smh
They have food stamps and all the benefits. Akata are just freaks
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Exactly my thought.. Looked like she was being forced.. U see d son hitting d glass while the little one was in d car..
It was a thrill for him knowing that the kids are watching. Sick bastard.
It was a thrill for him knowing that the kids are watching. Sick bastard.
The man is a demon himself, how can he subject that woman into doing such a hideous act In front of her kids and still videos it. He did for a purpose. Nonsense
You're mad. We're you forced to open it? If you truly didn't want to open it, were you unconscious when you opened it? All you bloody hypocrites.
Who was covering the act? May be she was forced to do this shit
Who recorded D video?
That's why black ladies are not appreciated in America trash
Choi, life is full of surprise
Shame on her
African Americans are ANIMALS.
African Americans are ANIMALS.
There's no second chance for this witch! How can she be so ruthless, I hope she loose custody of these kids and never get them back! May they wind up with someone that truly deserves them.
This is some gangster shit ...possibly a junky paying a debt .. see how her head is practically pushed down and someone else taking a video ... not her fault ..
Crazy man
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