Wither Nigeria and The Words Of Ayo Fayose - by FFK | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday 1 March 2016

Wither Nigeria and The Words Of Ayo Fayose - by FFK

Very interesting read. Read below...
“We have all summoned courage. They have deceived us to take our inheritance. We are going to get our inheritance back. I want to say one thing: they have started again. I want to reveal one secret here. They have started subtle moves to make Nigeria an Islamic nation. But God will not allow it.
This was done in 1984 but it failed. I cannot run away. I am Ayo Fayose. If you hit me, you hit trouble. If I hit you, you will be in trouble. Nigeria is a free nation and this nation will not be taken for an Islamic nation. Today, I decree the return of a PDP government in 2019"- Governor Ayo Fayose, Port Harcourt, 26th February, 2016.
Ayo Fayose's words give cause for concern and I must confess that I share his views. Ever since my TED EX lecture in 2014 which was titled ''the Rise Of Islamic Fundamentalism In Nigeria'' my greatest crime, in the eyes of my detractors, is that I have fearlessly and continuously stood up to and spoken out against the evil of islamic fundamentalism and the cancer of islamist terror in our country. 

Whether it be Boko Haram and its numerous facilitators and sponsors, the Fulani militias and herdsmen, the APC hidden agenda of islamisation of Nigeria or elements within the core northern ruling class who have often promoted and, in some cases openly supported and funded, terror and the cold-blooded murder of our compatriots, I have always stood against it. 

This does not mean that I am anti-Muslim because I am not. I believe in religious diversity and I consider it to be a privilige to live in a plural, multi-religious and multi-ethnic nation where people of all faiths are respected and are allowed to live their lives freely. As a matter of fact I believe that our diversity is our strength and that there is nothing more beautiful than a true Muslim or a true Christian practicing their faith in accordance with their traditions. We are, after all, all children of Abraham and what binds us together is our faith and belief in one God that created the universe and that rules in the affairs of men. 

What I will not accept though is the implementation of a terrorist agenda and the destruction of the lives and way of life of others by a small minority of religious zealots and ethnic bigots. I will not accept the fellowship of those that have been brainwashed and utterly possessed by the Salifist/Wahhabi philosophy which was covertly exported to much of the Sunni Muslim world by sinister and clandestine forces that reside in Saudi Arabia. I cannot abide those that kill in the name of God and that use the great faith of Islam to oppress others and force them to do their will. 

Those of us that are not Muslims are not slaves in this country and neither can we ever be. Those of us that are moderate Muslims in this country and that do not share the abominable views of the Islamic fundamentalists and the islamists cannot be slaves either. Yet that does not mean that a misguided few will not attempt to impose their will on the rest of us. To this extent I wholeheartedly concur with Ayo Fayose's view that there are covert moves by some extremists that are in the corridors of power to quietly and secretly islamise our country and that they are attempting to do so with contempt and impunity. If anyone doubts that this is the case or believes that it cannot happen they should read the history of Turkey and find out how what was once a christian nation was eventually transformed into a full blown Muslim state. 

The truth is that Fayose has said nothing new. I have said it many times before. I saw this coming and I warned Nigerians against it but no-one would listen. Now the scales are slowly falling from their eyes. Two events in the last few days, more than any others in recent times, have confirmed this fact. Firstly there was the horrendous massacre of over 300 people in Agatu, Benue state, a christian community, by hundreds of well-armed Muslim Fulani militias and herdsmen. In their usual way when it comes to atrocities committed by the Fulani militias, our government refused to comment on or react to the ugly incident for many days and up until there was a national and international outcry.   

Secondly there was the abduction of a 14 year old Christian girl by the name of Esse from her home in Bayelsa state to far away Kano where she was kept from her parents, forced to convert to Islam, married off to an old man against her will and hidden in the Emir of Kano's palace. All efforts by her parents to see and free their daughter have failed and to make matters worse officials of both the state and Federal government have refused to intervene and rescue the little girl from the slavery and torment of her abductors. 

I wonder how much more shame, injustice and indignity we have to suffer as a faith and as a people before we react to such wickedness  and injustice? We have even been denied the right to protest because when we do so we are accused, quite wrongly, of being anti-Islam. Well I am not anti-Islam but I am anti-injustice. I am not anti-Islam but I am anti-wickedness, anti-ethnic and religious domination, anti-slavery, anti-fascism, anti-religious extremism and bigotry, anti-pedophilia, anti-Boko Haram, anti-Boko Haram sponsors and anti-armed Fulani militias and herdsmen. I am anti-anything that brings blood, sweat and tears to my people and anti-anyone that kills, steals and destroys my nation and my compatriots. 

I am anti-the dark forces from hell who have plagued our people with their unadulterated violence and their religious and ethnic intolerance over the years and who erroneously believe that they own Nigeria. The days of remaining silent out of fear of reprisals and insults or in the name of political correctness are long over. If I am the only voice left in Nigeria to do so I will continue to speak out and stand against this evil. I will also speak out against the notoriously indifferent, lukewarm, cowardly and stoic disposition of those amongst us who appear to be happy to be the victims and who are ready to accept this barbarity and live with it. 

No matter what I will not bend from this course, I will not flinch and I will not compromise. I will not run away from my calling and doing that which the Living God has called me to do. I would rather we redefine Nigeria than sit by silently as my people and those that share my faith are slowly and systematically turned into slaves by a tiny minority. 
The situation in our country today gives cause for concern and raises many questions about precisely where we are heading.  The assertion that Fayose has made compels us to ask, whither Nigeria? And there are many  other troubling events that give us cause to ask the same question.  
Consider the following. Thousands of IPOB members and Biafrans are regularly slaughtered by our security agencies. We must ask, wither Nigeria? Thousands of Shia Muslims are murdered in cold blood and regularly tormented by our Armed Forces. We must ask, whither Nigeria? Thousands of Middle Belters and southerners are regularly raped, abducted and butchered by Fulani militias and herdsmen. We must ask, whither Nigeria? Thousands of ordinary working class northerners are regularly massacred by Boko Haram. We must ask, whither Nigeria? 

Yet all hope is not lost and we must not despair. I am glad that President Muhamnadu Buhari has said that our country will not join the military coalition of Islamic nations that Saudi Arabia is putting together. This is a welcome development that has allayed the fears of many but it is clearly not enough and he must go further. 

The next step that he must take is to properly address the agitation for Biafra and attempt to make life a little easier and better for the people of the east. He must acknowledge the fact that self-determination is an inalienable right and that the only way to forge national unity is by consensus and the enthronement of equity and justice and not by state-sponsored tyranny and the spilling of blood.  

He must accept the fact that when you beat a child for long  enough one day he will stand up, say ‘’enough is enough’’, rise up in his own defense and beat you back. It is time for us to stop beating those that call themselves Biafrans and to stop regarding Biafra as a dirty word. It is time for us to enter into a meaningful dialogue with them rather than subject them to insults and opprobrium. 

It takes nothing from Nigeria if and when we make these concessions. As a matter of fact the contrary is the case: it would simply confirm our humanity and reaffirm our sense of justice and decency.  Whether those that hold the levers of power in our pathologically conservative and obsessive ruling class wish to acknowledge and accept it or not, today's reality is that Mr. Nnamdi Kanu, rightly or wrongly,  has become a hero to millions of young Igbos all over the world. His name is etched in their hearts and memories. 

Like Che Guevera and Fidel Castro of old he brings the hope of a new and better life to an aggrieved and abused people and a new generation. He is viewed by the majority of his kinsmen as the emancipator of an oppressed region and the champion of their collective aspirations and dreams. Simply put he has been transformed and elevated into the status of a living symbol: a symbol of the their deep yearning for liberty and freedom.  

We can be rest assured that the seed that he has planted in the psyche of the Igbo youth is here to stay. As each day passes it grows bigger and stronger and it becomes more and more irresistible. The appropriate response to the agitation for Biafra is not the forceful establishment and implementation of an insidious and relentless religious and ethnic agenda which is designed to hold Nigeria together by force because this will not work. Instead it is a display of maturity, understanding, moderation, equity and fair play in all matters touching and concerning governance and the running of the Nigerian state. A better understanding and appreciation of this most basic of all principles will bring more stability to our country and more joy to our people. Indeed it is the only way to guarantee our peace and it may well buy a united and indivisible Nigeria many more years.
 Permit me to end this contribution with an insighful and timely word from Mr. Babatunde O. Gbadamosi who is an.outstanding public commentator from an illustrious and distinguished lineage. On 28th February he wrote the following on his Facebook wall:


Unknown said...

Keep saying the truth,the only servant of the must high God the only yoruba man with brain.
Terrorist buhari is on his was to islamize Nigeria and put in Islamic paper but he will die.
Only animals,bastards and animals will speak again FFK.
Terrorist buhari must die must.

#sad indeed

STERN said...

I AM FAYOSE(STERN), IF YOU HIT ME, YOU HIT TROUBLE. IF I HIT YOU, YOU WILL BE IN TROUBLE. These are wise words from the UNSTOPPABLE! FAYOSE you will forever and ever remain my NO. 1 MENTOR.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense talk!!!

Sylvia said...

Hmmmmmmm... Nigeria is in deep trouble.. We need to go back to God for intervention...

gentle said...

Ffk you just over make sense every single damn time. GOD bless you. I'm not a tribalistic person, nether do I hate Muslims but someone must say the truth. That religion is trouble.

Unknown said...

God ve mercy on us and protect ur children Amen.

Anonymous said...

Let these your uncle's know that this is a blog not literature nor history class

Unknown said...

That plan of turning Nigeria to an Islamic state will never and ever come to past. If Buhari like let him b signing so called business with Arab world etc. Am not anti Islamic bt leave us d way we are mbok. After all its same one GOD. No compelling No troubles. Brandyblesswilliams@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Buhari is not intelligent .... Period

General said...

One of the brightest excerpts I have I read in a while. Very illuminating and insightful. More please so we can expose their hides

ABBY said...

FFK' You're not being real

Unknown said...

Well said and interesting article but l know Nigeria will not be islamatized

Unknown said...

This is nonsense.Absolutely rubbish.

Unknown said...

I don't want anybody to comment on this post with out reading it... What an insightful words from one of the Nigeria finest, do I have any thing else to add? The answer is no. The great God's ambassador has said it all... God bless u sir.... And u shall remain light at this dark path in Jesus name amen

.... Igbos has bn marginalized since 1970 but God is nt asleep.....

Unknown said...

While FKK made good points, and the acrimonies in the way the Biafra struggle is being handled which should be looked into, I wouldn't want us to pin everything on one man; the herdsmen issue has been in existence long before this administration. Just as we have good and bad muslims, we also have good and very bad christians. What we need in times like this is a strong judicial system without prejudice. Ese is being returned home today but where is Yinusa? Still enjoying his freedom after abducting a kid for months

Unknown said...

Linda,you do not have anything better than this piece of shit to publish?The country is already hot ,stop publishing things that would make it more hot,please.

Unknown said...

Hmmm interesting nd very well spoken FFK my man I like ur courage speak on one day we shall prevail

Unknown said...

Ffk and fayose,many will not agree with them both but they HV made get sense and must be taken seriously.one bad thing with this country is that we don't take matters serious especially at initial stage

dansignature said...

please who read the full article? abeg summarize for me biko

dansignature said...

please who read the full article? abeg summarize for me biko

dansignature said...

please who read the full article? abeg summarize for me biko

FRESH said...

Yoruba rabble rousers! Why are some yoruba like this.Creating tension everywhere? All the rubbish said by these two men is the sole reason Nigerian youths are daily hating themselves on social media.Linda,you call this an interesting read? It is shameful to give this two characters any form of press exposure. They are a destructive duo.

Unknown said...

Great writeup indeed.

Unknown said...

Hope this will bring something good for Nigeria

Anonymous said...

So this gap toothed cocain smoking Omo ale Yoruba can write a plenty like this? Where were all these beautiful write ups when Jona and PDshit was ruling? Abeg take a back sit.

Unknown said...

Story Story

Tefe said...

on point chief kayode.

Unknown said...

Too much shitty write up frm a talk talk Governor.. Totally inane statement..
Whu told him buhari wants to Islamize Nigeria

Enugu's second shoe designer

Anonymous said...

If only vast majority of Nigerians could read this wonderful piece of work by FFK, Buhari and his cohorts are busy dismantling the foundations laid by our hitherto leaders by failing to take into cognizance the essence of constitutionalism and democratic consolidation. The worst part is our media houses have all gone to sleep, they've all done the work they were paid for and they're now sleeping, no more serving as watchdog of the present administration because they're either scared or have taken sides. The incessant killings and gradual ethnic cleansing in the middle belts, North and violation of human rights by the current administration is hardly heard on radio or TV stations. People are killed daily by Fulani militia and herdsmen but nobody is saying anything, but the bloods of those innocent victims will surely be on your heads and judgement awaits you all!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Wat a write up. We r watchng sha.

Unknown said...

What a long write up? Linda I'm tired to read, but it make sense

Anonymous said...

indeed the truth is alwz bitter. i wholly concur with ur contribution without sentiment.

Anonymous said...

Ffk , this is too long , like an epistle. Go and change diaper , baby is wet and crying. ***father at 55

Anonymous said...

Ffk , this is too long , like an epistle. Go and change diaper , baby is wet and crying. ***father at 55

Anonymous said...

I am with u bro

Unknown said...

No time wey FFK no dey write epistle. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Linda..you dint post all...Hian!...

Temitope Alabi said...

Revelation revealed by God to pastor bosun Emmanuel coming to pass. Turkey use to be a Christian country until it was islamized. Nigeria constitution favouring Islam. Plans failed in the 80s. Secret plans underground now to islamize Nigeria. Don't say its not possible BT stand in the place of intercession for Nigeria. Turkey is an example. We can do all things through Christ DAT strengthens us. Phil 4:13

Unknown said...

Too long

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Too long I beg,I will be back to read comments.

Engee said...

Ffk is really a good writer. I am with him on this one.

Sipping my hennessy

Ayekooto said...

I personally disagree with most of the arguments you have in your piece and i believe if PDP won the last elections you'll never have raised them.
What's your inheritance? Our beloved NIGERIA? God forbid. And i pray Nigeria will never see the likes of the last 16 years again,IJN.
Sir,do you want the present government to bribe Nnamdi Kanu just the way GEJ made the Niger Delta militias billionaires/untouchables? Very sure PMB will never do that especially with this present economic meltdown. Sir,do you think what Mazi Kanu (as he's called by his people)is doing is right to a soverieigh nation like Nigeria? Have you seen some of the videos of their rallies/protest? Do you know Sir that most of the youths they are using were not born during the last Biafra war and why am really pained is that most of their folks around then cannot advised or let them realize how the last war failed their region.
Sir,the fulani herdsmen/militias this have been going on even when your party was in government and am sure our able Military will crush them soon,i mean soon.
Sir,you said protest abi? We will only if you lead,then with your wife/girlfriend,kids,family/friends ,close associates,them Fayose and co etc. Thanks you.

Unknown said...

TF did he wrote on his facebook wall?

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm.......Lawd af mercy

Anonymous said...

Well said....Finally someone has decided to talk...

Unknown said...

Nice words I just like dis ffk of a guy

AOI said...

Fani kayode, what you don't understand is that all Nigerians suffer the same things the Igbos are suffering. To single them out for negotiation with will be the biggest mistake Nigeria will make.

The unfortunate thing is that when you and Jonathan was in power, you and Biafra never came up with these agitations. The feeling the other side has therefore is that your cry is politically motivated.

Also, with all the revelations of theft while you were in the corridors of power, and knowing that the primary reason why Biafra has remained undeveloped, you have never for once shown support for the anti-corruption war.

One therefore wonders what or who you actually stand for.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

FFK madness no get cure Sam Sam, shamless old man.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

FFK madness no get cure Sam Sam, shamless old man.

Unknown said...

Idiot like u,what do u knw,u are only interested in linda's 100k at d end of year giveaway

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Oluwa C DOn said...

Aboki, do you always reason from your anus?

Vela said...

He is only expressing his taught

Anonymous said...

@Fresh. 100% spot on

Anonymous said...

@Ayekooto . Correct response

Oskirin said...

instrestin indeed....Linda, we go see where u and ds men go end wit all ds una agitation...

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

As una evil plans don expose ba @aboki?
The madness that makes a wicked dog bite its tail off is the one that will come upon any group standing against Christianity! Be warned

muhad said...

These Men jez wanna b relevant...Fayose should focus more on developing Ekiti state while FFK should giv his new born son more attention rather dan seeking attention on social media...I comment my reserve....

Anonymous said...

Poisonous thoughts

Unknown said...

Nice words

Unknown said...

Fayose and ffk wants to start religion war in nigeria with their basket mouth... They talk nonsense too much and rant like babies..

Unknown said...

May God bless u

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