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Sunday, 28 February 2016

Another pic that caused serious arguement on Facebook

People were asked if the photo above depicted murder or suicide. What do you think?


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Unknown said...


Anonymous said... smoker kills themselves before finishing the cigarette

Unknown said...

It's a murder, the gun is on his right hand and the blood on the wall is on his left side!! Bonus point the stool also feel too close to the cabinet.

Abdul Adepetu said...

Suicide. Area is clean, glasses taken off. No sign of struggle at all

Anonymous said...

This lady was on the phone, and smoking, someone walked away in, shot her and she fell! She was murdered.

Anonymous said...

But wait o. If she shot herself with the right hand the blood wont be splattered on that side of the wall. hmmmm, i went with suicide before o

Unknown said...

Most definitely murder judging by the position of the hand on the gunfire shot fired projections all wrong. Even where the blood is doesn't tally with the body on the ground

Unknown said...

U can't say bcos u Wia not there,,, he's holding a gun that makes it more complicated,,, but since he's holding a cigarette and a gun I would say is suicide, ,,

Unknown said...

It's a suicide he was high as u can see in his hand 'igbo'

Ethel Azuoma said...

From the out look,it is murder not suicide. Because the murderer hit the person and with d blood rushed from the wall,its a clear evidence but if it's a suicide,the blood will be on the floor and the body position,the slippers etc

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pretty face said...

It's a weird pic

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cindy johns said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

If its murder then the killer must be very good but looks like suicide thou

andre kelvin said...


AOI said...

I could be either

nenyo said...

It's sad dat I CNT comment

Unknown said...

As if I'm Sherlock Holmes.

Anonymous said...

well i think its a murder cos they way she fell and the position of the brain/blood on the wall suggests that the gun should be on the left hand if it was suicide.

Anonymous said...

easy..its a murder...gun can't be on the right hand and blood in same direction.

chommy said...

Murder, cos it seems as if she struggled with something or someone before she died. Linda observe!

akin_smite said...


Edge on A said...

Its a murder,the room of the murder is being scattered due to the struggle,the stool and the blood splash on the wall,as for the gun and cigarette its being placed.

Unknown said...

Difinately murder; because if its suicide, the victim won't be holding the gun again; in a blast, the gun drops. So its difinately murder

savvymobs said...

Hmmmm.... With a gun and cigarette still in her hands it's not suicide.. But she was shot while seated on d stool I want to believe the killer crept up on her that makes me wonder why she had a gun in the first place.

9japikin said...

It's definitely a murder... Check our the blood on the wall and the hand the gun is in... If she had shot herself with that hand, the blood splatter Shuld be the other way arnd.

Unknown said...

It's murder not sucide simple because the girl is holding the gun on her right hand, the blood staing is on her right too and she was facing the window.

Unknown said...

It is a murder. Judging from where the chair is placed .if it were suicide then the victim must have been sitting on the chair and the blood would not have splashed on the wall far from the chair. Also the slipper would not be off the victim's legs. Also the placement of the hands suggest that they were purposely placed.

obietrezy said...

Both... jor oh

Unknown said...

It is murder

Olua said...

It's a suicide. She first penned a suicide note on the slab by the window. Smoked a lot of malboro sticks, put her pen and glasses down (she was long sighted), turned and looked round the room one last time, sitting backing the mirror then shot herself with using her right hand. Stool fell to the left due to the impact of the shot, blood splattered on the wall, that's it.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Murder.. Gun is on the right hand. if suicide blood should have splattered to the left or behind depending on sitting position but not to the right

Unknown said...


Sixteen said...

It is actually murder in the sense that research has shown that most people that smoke with the left hand also commit suicide using that same hand which is nt the case here.

Also, if it is suicide, the gunner would shoot him/herself in the side of the head but as it appears here through the blood stain, the blood is at the back of the dead which depicts a straight shot in he forehead finding its way to the back.

Of cos, some will argue that it is a suicidal event due to the note that we can perceive as a death note but we must not leave the fact that the deah nite might be planted or the dead already has knowledge of his killers approaching him.

My thoughts

Unknown said...

It's a murder made to look like a suicide

Anonymous said...

this is murder it was just staged to look like a suicide, note that if the gun is in that hand then the blood spatter would have been at the other side if the room......murder for sure

Fredrick aroro said...

Murder because a dying person would struggle and not have cigarette firm held between his fingers as well as the gun

mr divine said...

Murder. Blood splatter is wrong for a sucide shot because its on the same side as the gun she is holding.

JAGABAN said...

I was not there so I will not say what I do not know.

Unknown said...

Madam Linda when ever you post question to answer like this pls always try and post the correct answer.

Well,its a suicide.

Anonymous said...

Its a murder. Look at the position of the blood stain and the hand that the gun is in. The gun is in his right hand and the stain is on the right wall of the room

Unknown said...

It's a murder, thus the blood splash on D rite instead of the left since she's holding D gun on her right

Unknown said...

Murder cos the gun is on d left hand with his right hand holding a stick of cigarette suggesting what he was doing before her sensed and intruder, reach for his/her gun but was late in pulling d trigger cos I guess the left hand was slow probably he/she is a right hand user Dr.Czar

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I think it's a murder, cause there's no way she will kill herself with a gun and still hold a cigarette inbetween her fingers

Goaldyn Boy said...

It is a SUIMURD!!!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

@Linda. Suicide ni ooo

Rotimi segun said...


Anonymous said...

It is 100% a Murder. If it is a suicide, the blood spatter on the wall would have been different and she would probably fall face down, the gun would not be in her hand. The cigarette was planted in her hand. Also if she happened to be a left hand person, the gun would not be in that hand. She was probably killed by someone she knew. Too much medical detective....Hahahahaha

angel.eyes said...


B sexy said...


Unknown said...

Murder....Homicide of cause.She os still holding the gun

Isek said...

Murder. She would have put out the cigarette first if she intended to end her life.

Unknown said...

Murder, she was shot and d shooter placed d gun and a cigarette in her hand to make it look like a suicide...Mrs Tommy

chinwa said...

I honestly think it's a clear case of murder

Isek said...

The gun should have been in her left hand. Definitely murder.

Unknown said...

It suicide on de table written note dat ahh am gone then de gun
on her hand

Unknown said...

From all indications it points to murder: looking at the direction of the blood on the wall,the hand on which he's holding his gun, and his body position on the floor. He was shot at before he could pull his trigger...

Anonymous said...

2 fighting.

Unknown said...

Omo how person go take no...since d person is holding d gun then I think it's suicide...

Unknown said...

You cant commit suicide and still have a grip on a gun and a cigar. This is pure MURDER.

Anonymous said...

It's a Murder...the Gun is on her right hand which indicates that the shooter shot her from her left temple and placed the Gun on her right hand...hence the blood on the wall. If it was a suicide the Gun would be laying on the left side of her corpse and not the right.....the direction of the chair and the blood is a clear indication of a murder framed to look like a suicide.

Anonymous said...

1) She was writing sitting on a stool...smoking maybe
2) The killer walks in and shoots her from the left side.
His mistake...1) He put the gun on her right hand and not left...the direction of the blood is different. There is no way a close range
shot can have that amount of back spatter.
2) there is blood to the right side of the wall ( a foward spatter). The shooter shot at close range.

Diamond said...


Unknown said...

I think it's a murder cos of d many inconsistencies in dat pix..
1.the angle of dat blood splatter and d way she fell shows she was shot at d side of d head while sitting and facing d window probably smoking and writing or just smoking cos if dat is a suicide note..d person dat killed her can help write d suicide note to make it look like she committed suicide.
2.from d angle of d blood..if she committed suicide d gun will not be in her right hand as it is in d should be on d left..
3. The gun is planted on her hand,likewise d cigarette.. cos if she killed her self it will be hard for her to still hold on tight to dat cigarette and d way she is holding it shows someone placed it on her like dat.. it is definitely a murder... my own opinion sha cos am not a detective

Unknown said...

Ask Google.

Anonymous said...


Afam Agu said...

Haha! Love this...i smell murder! Okay, here I go -
Evidence suggesting suicide:
- the pattern of the blood splatter shows the guns shot was to the left side of the head. - - The position of the pen also loosely suggests she is left handed and I presume the note on the 'table' is a suicide note?
- No sign of struggle in the image. This confirms either suicide or the deceased knows and trusts the culprit.
- The body fell towards the right side of the room following the force of the gun shot.

Evidence suggesting MURDER!
- Hand wielding the gun DOES NOT match the blood splatter! No way she would have shot herself with her right hand with the blood splatter to the same side!

Possible suspects - Husband, lover or some other individual the deceased is well acquainted with. Looks like a murder that wasn't well thought out.

MORE of this Linda! Love it!

calibrapost said...

It's murder cos the Gun is on her hand. If it was suicide the gun would have falling off her hand due to the impact and she falling down

NaeTi said...

It is a murder, our killer staged it to look like a suicide. .if it was a suicide the gun wouldn't be placed nicely in her hands..

Unknown said...

Dis na rape jhare... dee

Unknown said...

It's a murder case, the place look dis arrange, maybe the lay in question was trying to escape.

Afam Agu said...

Haha! Love this...i smell murder! Okay, here I go -
Evidence suggesting suicide:
- the pattern of the blood splatter shows the guns shot was to the left side of the head. - - The position of the pen also loosely suggests she is left handed and I presume the note on the 'table' is a suicide note?
- No sign of struggle in the image. This confirms either suicide or the deceased knows and trusts the culprit.
- The body fell towards the right side of the room following the force of the gun shot.

Evidence suggesting MURDER!
- Hand wielding the gun DOES NOT match the blood splatter! No way she would have shot herself with her right hand with the blood splatter to the same side!

Possible suspects - Husband, lover or some other individual the deceased is well acquainted with. Looks like a murder that wasn't well thought out.

MORE of this Linda! Love it!

Unknown said...

Murder, her head was smashed on the wall! There're signs of struggle between her and her murderer

Unknown said...

I think it look like murder

Black Belle said...


Belladonna said...


Afam Agu said...

Unless of-course the deceased turned around to face the other side of the room before shooting herself then we have a difficult case here. Will need to visit the scene and interview key suspects to break the case :)

Previous analysis below:
Haha! Love this...i smell murder! Okay, here I go -
Evidence suggesting suicide:
- the pattern of the blood splatter shows the guns shot was to the left side of the head. - - The position of the pen also loosely suggests she is left handed and I presume the note on the 'table' is a suicide note?
- No sign of struggle in the image. This confirms either suicide or the deceased knows and trusts the culprit.
- The body fell towards the right side of the room following the force of the gun shot.

Evidence suggesting MURDER!
- Hand wielding the gun DOES NOT match the blood splatter! No way she would have shot herself with her right hand with the blood splatter to the same side!

Possible suspects - Husband, lover or some other individual the deceased is well acquainted with. Looks like a murder that wasn't well thought out.

MORE of this Linda! Love it!

ditwo2 said...

1.Blood stain on the right side of the wall and the gun is on the right hand...wrong direction cos if the shot come from the right the blood will spill to the left and vice versa.
2. The cigarette... it shouldn't be intact. Let assume she held the smoke before suicide (Which i doubt) the smoke would have fallen out of her hand.

ary said...

Looks like suicide because the weapon is in her hands but then again, she has a smoke in her hands, someone who wanted to commit suicide would have stubbed it out
So I would be going for murder.

Buchi said...

It's a professional that can design such a murder in such a manner after taking down his victim... Beyond every reasonable doubt it is a murder.

Unknown said...

i guess its a murder case. the blood on the wall gives a clue that she was murdered. she was sitting on a stool when she was shoot and the person that shot her made it look like a sucide by careful put the gun in her hand and cigarette to make it another story.

Prince-T said...


Anonymous said...

It's suicide cos there is a suicide note, gun in the left hand and a bullet hole on the left temple. Plus she was smoking which means she was disturbed #d curious1#

Anonymous said...

It's suicide cos there is a suicide note, gun in the left hand and a bullet hole on the left temple. Plus she was smoking which means she was disturbed #d curious1#

Unknown said...

Is murder...someone cannot kill himself and have the gun like that in his hand...the gun was practically handed to him by the murderer.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

The gun is on her right and the therefore the blood splatter should be on the opposite side of the wall. And if she did it with the left hand ,she should not have died with the gun in her right hand, so I am saying it's definitely murder.

Anonymous said...

It's a murder case,look at d position of d blood stain on d wall,the gun on her right hand,if she'd shot herself with the right hand the stain wouldn't be there.

Unknown said...

Sucide... I guess Sucide because I can see gun on her right hand... I think she blast her head off

...... Liber maniac.....
........ We aim to please.....
.......... God bless Nigeria.....

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hi Linda. It is a murder because the ciggarette on her hand would have fallen off if she killed herself. It is clear that the killer placed the gun and cigarette in her hand.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This ain't suicide

Anonymous said...

Murder..she was smoking and reading bt was shot before she could grab her gun to whoever the intruder was

Men of God said...

Murder! It wouldn't have been suicide cos the victim was still smoking, and the scene is in disarray. Am I not a detective?

Ekenekwa m unu!

Anonymous said...

Murder,coz the blood stain is to the right of the victim and looks like the victim was sitting on the stool facing the window,if it were suicide the gun will be on the left hand of the victim not on the right hand

Dapsonbaby said...

It's Suicide! I don't have time for story


Unknown said...

murder.. there is no way her hand will still grip d gun so firmly after shooting herself.. and also her ryt hand can no go under d shelf after d shootin, if it happens dat she comitted suicide... its a clear murder

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm Efiko detective.

Anonymous said...

U are a racist smh for you

Anonymous said...

Pure murder... blood splash on the wrong direction of where the hand holding the gun is. Again, I won't kill myself while I can still afford a cigarette

Anonymous said...

position of stool
position of body
Victim might be left handed judging by position of cigarette, pen on the left side of paper and ash tray
gun on right hand opposes blood on the right wall if it were suicide
right leg slipper to right feet, victim probably turned on stool
grip on cigar and gun
windows are closed and no crack

Conclusion: Murder

Chrys NG said...

I believe it's a murder case cos of the blood spattered on the wall. Also, when you observe the way the victim is holding the gun, you easily figure out that it must have been placed there Post Mortem. More so, the cigarette in the left hand shows that our victim is left-handed but the gun in the right contradicts this. The paper on the table doesn't seem to me as a suicide note but as an evidence that our victim was studying and this is proved by the reading lamp, spectacles and of course the stool.

ARC. BANKOLE said...

It's murder. Cos looking at the angle of the blood splash on the wall, it's obvious she was shot straight in the face or the head. Irrespective of the fact that she's holding a gun.

Unknown said...

She don high, come off with a gun in her hand

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Quite confusing thou

Enugu's second shoe designer

Esther Dangana said...


Unknown said...

The blood stain on the wall show she was murdered. She appear to be a tall lady so the blood stain on the do not match

Unknown said...

Ok. She walks in smoking, and wants to take out her target, he responds quickly and hit her in the head so bad she knocks herself against the wall, resulting in much blood on the wall. But the hitting was so hard it took her life . But the murderer, her target runs out.

Unknown said...

this is murder. you can have a free fall and have a perfect position hand still with a gun

Unknown said...

actually, its a murder. the written note on the table is to make it look like a suicide. as you can see from the window, it obvious that its dead in the night... so, she wouldn't hv bn able to write the suicide note with the table lamp not plug in to the wall socket for her to write it.
secondly, from the position of the blow out brains and blood on the wall, this indicates he wld have shot himself holding the gun with the left hand whioe sitting down rather than the right hand as illustrated on the picture.

Anonymous said...

I think she's not really dead but pretending to be. Her neighbor a 25 year old kola seller from abakaliki must have come to visit her by 8:30pm that night to watch super story afterwhich he gave her red nail polish. Unknown to her he had also come to rob her but when he watched that episode of super story, he changed his mind and left in a hurry but forgot his gun. When she was about to sleep by 11pm she decided to paint her nails first, as she painted her nails she walked into the stool toppling it over and accidentally spilled nail polish on the wall, she then discovered the gun under the table along with her stash of weed. Looking around and seeing the mess she created, she thought to herself this would make a good murder scene so she called the police reporting that she heard gunshots from her neighbors apartment (pretending to be someone else) and laid there until they came and photographed the crime scene. She was taken in for questioning and arrested for illegal possession of a firearm and a controlled substance. She was released after 18 months in a federal prison and is now married with 3 kids. Meanwhile the kola seller now sells recharge cards at a filling station in kaduna.

Emmanuel said...

From the position she is on the floor shows she was backing the window, with the blast of blood on the wall and the hand she is holding the gun with shows its a typical suicide.

Tpy said...

well i think its a little bit offensive

Anonymous said...

Whew! Indept analyst. Choi!

Anonymous said...

She was about to comit suicide, a mudrer came nd hit her head on d wall, she's not dead yet 'cos paramedics r on d way probably.

Luciana Chinda said...

The both

togsonkaks said...

Three big clues.

1.Position of the Stool.
2.Position of the body.
3.Blood splash on the wall.

The blood splash is a huge one, that means she was shot so close to the wall.
If she actually killed herself and fell on the stool, the stool would fall towards the opposite direction compared to the one in the picture.
It's quite obvious she was murdered

Unknown said...

It's a murder case

Silver said so.....

Posh Queen said...

I cannot categorically say the answer, but I will set up an investigation, looking into the matter.

DJ.Teemanny said...

i will say its a Murder case and also a suicide case,for those of you who see beyond mare imagination,you will realize that she had intention of letting go,becos some may see whats she is holding like a cigarette but i bet you its not,it is call equatorial guinea,when you smoke it you will hear a voice telling you Die! die!! die!!!. RIp dear.

Anonymous said...

Thats a murder case...Want To Naturally Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Click Here To Read

Unknown said...

You believe it's a murder scene, .....but you will say it's a suicide. You make a whole lotta sense

Unknown said...

With all the plenty English, you still lack sense

Unknown said...

it a murder case cos if it suicide she will not fall like that the gun and ciga was put on her hand just to cover up

Dex said...

It's pure murder. She or he is left handed obviously from the position of the pen,the ash tray,the coke can and the cigarette on the left hand. The gun is in the wrong hand.....and of course the blood splatter confirms it.

Unknown said...

Shame on u Asshole

Most beautiful gal on linda ikeji's blog

Unknown said...

Murder shit, i believe b4 she was killed, the murderer make her leave a note and place the gun in her hand after killing her

Most beautiful gal on linda ikeji's blog

Unknown said...

Murder.. the cigarette is still burning, chair fell..and if she shot herself,she would have fallen backwards or to the left side...But the splash of the blood shows an external bullet

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Being Tochi said...

Framed suicide but actually murder. ..I can tell someone shot him and made it look like suicide because he was writing before this happened. ..oh no he wasn't writing he had dropped his pen and removed his glasses to eat then someone came in and shot him. can tell he is left handed from the position of the pen on his book and the cigarette.. so there's no reason he will shoot with his right hand. He was shot and it was framed as suicide

Being Tochi said...


Anonymous said...

Have you tried it before....talking like you were at the fucking scene...

Anonymous said...

See analysis... Dis guy just det write like say he plant cctv for there.

Anonymous said...

murder there were blood at wall
if its was suicide she should lying and backing that blood side

Unknown said...

Probably murder den the killer sets scene to make it look like a suicide

Anonymous said...

Confuse gadimakwa

Anonymous said...

Which one did you choose, "for me".

Unknown said...

Quite confusing thou..

Enugu's second shoe designer

Anonymous said...

It's murder, if he shoot with his right hand the blood splash wouldn't be on that side of the wall ...

Unknown said...


Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...



People let's calm down, this is simple puzzle... it's a painting not a picture... no 1 died... there's no case...

Anonymous said...

This is really murder MUST READ: Quotes from Pastor David Ibiyeomie

achmed said...

U're smart.exactly

Unknown said...

D both


Unknown said...

It's a murder case, the gun was planted in her hand and she couldav been forced to write d suicide note. Moreover d way she's lying & d blood splatter pattern doesn't say suicide.

Mamapapa said...

Murder, I think. The hand holding the gun should not be in that position.

Mamapapa said...

Murder, I think. The hand holding the gun should not be in that position, the blood stain should be on the other side or splashed everywhere , the body should fall against the table.

Unknown said...

Murder or suicide, d result is death so d next question is why was d picture created? How is the picture supposed to influence individual's mindset n d world at large. There are many paintings n drawings that can restore a lost soul. Peace

Unknown said...

This a murder case. She was sitting on a stool facing the window, she shot from the left to right splashing blood on the wall. The shooter put the gun in her right hand. But she should have shot to the left.

Voltron said...

Cigarette to help ke? Hmmm

Unknown said...

It's a murder case, the gun is in the right hand, and the bullet came from the left side

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Smart person said...

Why do you think that they're left handed? The paper is set up to have been written on via their right hand.

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