A police source also disclosed that Obesere found it difficult to pressurize the DPO at Isolo into striking out the matter or persuade the victim to accept a settlement.
The source, who craved anonymity, also said Obesere contacted some top citizens to wade into the matter by persuading the DPO to soft-pedal on the matter but they backed down when they discovered that the police have incriminating evidence against the musician.
Victim relocates to Sagamu for treatment
Meantime, the victim, Olaiya, told Vanguard yesterday that she had relocated to her home town, Sagamu in Ogun State, where she is currently receiving treatment for the rape incident.
Olaiya, who spoke with Vanguard on the telephone, said: “As I speak with you, I am in Sagamu, my home town, where I have been receiving traditional treatment since the incident occurred.
I bled for more than two weeks —Victim
“I bled for more than two weeks after Alhaji Obesere raped me and inserted his ring into my private part. The incident occurred on February 12, 2013 and I have spent a lot of money treating myself.
“The DPO, Isolo Police division, took pity on me and refused to give in to Obesere’s pressure to strike out the case and God will bless him for that.
“But last week I was informed that the case had been transferred to the SCID and my Investigating Police Office, IPO, at Isolo asked me to come to the station on Tuesday for the transfer.
“But when I got to the SCID, I discovered the IPO, who took over the case, one Mr. Jacob, I don’t know his rank, became hostile to me.
“You need to see how this man treated me. He started by asking me to write a new statement and when I tried to explain that I had written a statement at Isolo division, he rebuffed my explanation and insisted I wrote a new one.
They threatened to kill me
“Afterwards, they started threatening me. The IPO, Alhaji Obesere, and some of his brothers, who were present there, asked me to stop the journalists from publishing my story and if I don’t, I will be a dead person.
“I was so frightened when they said this and each time my phone rang someone would pick it up to know who was calling.
“Later, they discovered I wasn’t going to break, then they started begging me and promised to take care of me. Alhaji Obesere even said he was going to take me to the best hospital for treatment.
“At the end, I rose to leave and they offered to drop me in my place. The IPO also insisted that I should follow them. Instead of taking me to my area, they took me to Obesere’s house and the woman who introduced me to him was also there.
“While I was with them I alerted the police at Isolo and told them where I was.
“But yesterday, they called after they saw the publication and started threatening again to kill me.
“I am highly terrified, that was why I travelled back to my home to get some treatment.”
I don't believe it is rape. In the first story I read, she said she agreed to pass the night at his house. Tell me which responsible woman passes the night in the house of a man you don't have anything to do with and you are not stranded in a strange city.
I don't believe it is rape. In the first story I read, she said she agreed to pass the night at his house. Tell me which responsible woman passes the night in the house of a man you don't have anything to do with and you are not stranded in a strange city.
I don't believe it is rape. In the first story I read, she said she agreed to pass the night at his house. Tell me which responsible woman passes the night in the house of a man you don't have anything to do with and you are not stranded in a strange city.
I don't believe it is rape. In the first story I read, she said she agreed to pass the night at his house. Tell me which responsible woman passes the night in the house of a man you don't have anything to do with and you are not stranded in a strange city.
So,this case iz still on? *««*CROWD PULLER PLEASER*»»*•
Brutality of callous men!!!!
May God punish all wicked men,Amen.
Why wud u disclose ur location cos dat ur so called friend might give dem ur shagamu address cos she might have been bribed. Just pray and maybe u settle out of media. Demand for lots of money cos I no say na money carry u go his house in d 1st place b4 tins got out of hand. Runs turn sour
This story thoooo
Pele tie! D ipo inisisted dat u̶̲̥̅̊ follow dem!, dat sounds so dump! Am sure u̶̲̥̅̊ r a real mumu, did dey carry u̶̲̥̅̊ by force into deir car, tx God dem no kill u̶̲̥̅̊ sef, beta dey ur village jeje
It is obvious that Obesere is a ritualist...he did that ring insertion for Ritual purposes.
I will advice the lady to Seek the face of God for proper deliverance, before she bleeds to death.
This lady should stop all this rant and attention seeking. You bled for two weeks and which hospital treated ur blood loss and were u given blood transfusion to replace lost blood? Any pic evidence of your 2weeks of bleeding? This lady should just stop her disjointed stories
Na wa o. Things are happening! #afraidthings
Hmmm. This is just shocking. Say no to rape!
Now i bliv obesere is guilty! tank God dis case is gtin publicity
U are so stupid and foolish. You dare follow them? U still need to learn some lessons
I don't understand this story 1 bit! There are so many loopholes which only the olaiya lady can fill up. Why disclose your hideout if you're truly running away from death threats!!!
Esther Orhoro.
Why can't Nigerian police do their job effectively?
oh no?? all dis fake ass alhaji am begining to suspect jujulity in this Smh
Oh wat a pity.Dis can only hapen in a black man world.Rape, violence with impunity against women-d weaker vesels, God hav mercy on Africa & Nigeria.God turn D nigeria police frm bein common criminals 2 patroitic law enforcement agents.So help us God.Calebsy!
Na waoooooooooooo.
Evil on rampage
Why would he insert his ring
Rituals I guess plus over a week bleeding
Were ar d Odumakins & oda human ryt activists in dis country.Pls rise in defence & protection of ur fellow poor woman 4 GOD SAKE.Dis's a shame 2 dis country now
Threatening the poor girl won't help your sorry ass o Obesere,you and your corrupt IPO Mr. Jacob must not escape punishment! Linda keep following up o, we want daily updates on this matter! Obesere the ritualist must go to jail! Gbam! This violence against women must stop! Haba!
Na wa ooo, only God knws d truth
Fool,so you are disclosing your location again..mtchew
Pls let's rise up 2 put an end violence against women & d power in dis country.Let dis justice com on dis case lyk d@ of Ejigbo women.Women speak 4 ur fellow woman.Am a guy, don't no d woman in question bt am moved wit compassion 4 her
Justice must be done he must be shown to others has an example.
Evil that men do must be revealed someone.everyday for the thief.God don expose the man
I know him 2 be a devil,lindodo if u like use my comment 4 ur period don't post.
Abass Akande...'My dearest lover anxious gbo-gbo ko ma waleh ooo...o sha mo...condition ti mo wa...oya ka ma lehbo...oti leh lehbo ju...Obeh_(Linda u nid d D')
Continue stealing news from twitter,facebook and bella naija oo...
This obesere guy is a Villian tho*
I don't doubt this story as the Nigerian police can do just about anything
Nawa o is this how things are done in this country? just because she got no body,i pray God intervenes and justice is served,that obesere is a useless man
How old is woman dat raped? N were was she fucked dat she ended bleeding for 2 weeks??? An*s or cu*t? Even if na virgin sef. Linda I'm woman too. Buh may I jus first knw first
Juju man, what did u put in that ring? Ur cup don full
All Na Anonymous!! If He's Really Guilty With Concrete Evidences, Let Him Face The Music. If Not Strike Out The Case Jari... #Thats My Possition And Opinion!!
..ATM Just Paid Me 1M
.Texting And Driving..
>Comment Moderation Disabled<
You went to his matrimonial house for bussiness @ nyt? wht sort of biz? Office biz indeed..He asked u for sex but u refused and later on agreed to sleep in his house cos its late and u see him as a responsible man abi? which married responsible man would request for sex from a stranger on their first meet?It was late and u couldnt get a cab back to your ause abi? Before u can say its late in lagos not to get transport back home,that means u must have stayed there till past 12 and u said u re 29yrs old,hmmmmm....Are u that senseless??u slept in his house,in another room i guess and u didnt close your door not even after he had made approaches earlier huh?when he was rapping you,did u shout to alert the neighbourhood or he raped u at gun point?
Conclusion...There was sex and not rape,the lady took advantage of the situation probably because something went wrong between the duo,probably obesere didnt fufill the promise he made before the sex after enjoying the lady i.e osho free or whatever happened btw them sha....About the issue of ring,That could be a frame up and that could be as well possible,Im not there Only God knows...As for peeps that keep saying medical test prooved she was raped,Let me educate your ignorance,no medical test prooves you re being raped,it could only proove if there was sex or not,even when there is a tear,it doesnt neccesarily mean its was rape...
Rape is such a thorny subject for me, I just can't get my head around the fact, that an animal and a beast would rape a woman, it really pisses me off!!! Why are women not respected in this country, all I read is a woman has been beaten to the point of death by her husband, a gang of feral youths raped a lady nearly everyday, why are some men deviod of any human emotion and so inhumane, it is really sickening!!! Now they want to pay the woman off, I urge the woman to persist and continue, until this case goes to court, and I do hope she gets justice!!! All the idiots, morons and bastards especially women supporting this animal and beast called obesere, what you wish for this woman would be your portion 100%, barbaric animals!!! If anyone insults me, whatever you say to me is back to sender 100%, and to your family and generation!!!whizman
Pls be careful and make sure u r well treated traditionally.
Dear Obesere or watever dey call u, just pray nothin shld happen 2 her, den u will know dat ur career & existence is finished.
Dear Obesere or watever dey call u, just pray nothin shld happen 2 her, den u will know dat ur career & existence is finished.
Oloriburuku ni geh yi sha...E raped u n u went 2 ur villa 2 hide n gt treatment yet u let every1 knw u ome town..so u tink dey can't kill u der ba...Oloshi nii e dem don gv u moni 2 spoil Obesere name abi...U r a Bastard ur story does nt sound true atal
Unblvable, if its true its means peepz r wicked oooh
Papa tosibe is all this 2ru??? ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Y naija guls con bad lyk dis?instead of her to be happy
Hmmmmmmm......all these High Profiled people God Τ̲̅§ watching Y'all.AbimbolaP
Hope the government of Lagos are aware of this? This case better get the justice it deserves, even though I think the victim is an a**! Both parties deserve a chance to prove their case.
What is going on in dis country?
Where are those human right activists? what are they waiting for? is it because is not about GEJ ?
Hnmmm when will justice take its full course in naija where d innocent will be given full back up by d law n d culprit rightly punished for offense commited? When? Smh...so long as d culprit is rich, anything is possible. O ma se o...KDP
Na wa ooooo,all this men tho.that's hw so many girls had been used to renew ritauls.na only GOD know hw many girls obesere don put ring for there pussy and later give them money..a pastor will now tell me nt to pregnant my wife b4 marrying her?so many girls are living corpse
Hmmm! I refuse to believe this story until Obesere himself tell us his own part of the story.
Dis man is heartless oooo,my dear protect ur self 1st!!!!!!!
He most face the law, justice most take it full cost. Using people for firm and ritual purpose. mtchew....
He has been exposed,for me he wanted to use her for rituals,i wonder why inserting a ring in her private parts,musicians and fame.what a shame.
This serves all this soul called room to room business ladies right. His a star right. Enjoy the best of them. David will soon rape u also. Ashawo kobo kobo. Cheers.
This allegation is weighty.I hope the matter will not be swept under the carpet.
I don't understand why this lady is foolish, stupidly foolish infact. "I rose to leave, and they offered to drop me. "Dpo insisted"! Really??????
And why are you or the newspaper disclosing your whereabouts if you left Lagos for safety???
I'm just puzzled *long hiss*
I am begining to doubt d authenticity of this woman's claims..u bled for two weeks..u b mermaid?
Don't belief ur lies u little chicken. U went for runs in de first place. Lie lie gal. U need deliverance not hospital, mumu wan make name.
If she sleep for him house mean say he go rape her. What is wrong in her sleeping in his house? . She slept in d guest room ok. He go meet her force her. Women groups should také up dis case.
The lady shld seek the face of God.
I swear d gurl 2 mumu..diz kinda acient mumu...still follow him 2 his house again for d second tym...I sml blackmail
May God disgrace u. Obesere
You dey craze dis woman...why again ddu go 2 obesere's haus....wat dd you 4get der d first tyme.....You a big fool I tell you....I tell you @ d end of d day you gonna lose dis case.....you sound jst lyk a cheap runs 'g°̩яℓ ....A beg stop dis cheap attention seeking stuff & move on wit your miserable life jare....
That doesn't matter.if I may ask,what's the visitor's room meant for?
Linda why are you not posting my comments, that is really rude!! Do you just delete comments, if you don't like the opinion being expressed, na wa for you!! I wouldn't bloody bother next time, @ least Bella Naija post comments, unlike you!!! If you like don't post this too!!!whizman
So because she passed d night in his house,dat gave him d licence to rape her? U must be a rapist as well! Must every woman be blamed in every rape case?
U really need a pic to show d 2 weeks of bleeding??? How stupid can one be!
You saying this sh*t, where you there??
Calm down na! How many times you wan post your message?
One million likes for your comment. Shows that someone on this blog actually gets the gist.
I dont believe this lady... why didn't she report immediately.
Think ppl i am not a fan of obesere but dis story is somehow.Think b4 u judge
Runs turns sour. By my judgement, d girl actually for runs but she had to shout out when juju was involved. oniranu buruku!
Runs turns sour. By my judgement, d girl actually for runs but she had to shout out when juju was involved. oniranu buruku!
You know what?u simply lack understanding.guess u have to read it over and over again and then digest.pls don't comment if u don't know what's right.u're a lady,fine.the ring inserted into her vigina might have some spiritual effect.do u know hw many girls he had done it to all in d name of givn dem money?that's why some ladies bleed to death while some get dried up day by day which makes them richer and famous.
If you're a man remember one day you'll be a father
One day your daughter will find herself in such a situation and I pray no one believes her
Uninformed idiot. Medical exam will show forceful penetration which doesn't happen with consensual sex
I'll be shocked if you say you are Nigerian cos judging by the comments here one would say Nigerians are sadistic. How one can support a rapist is still shocking to me yet it is even the women that support those beasts. May God help this nation
Omo rapala rapala wo trouble!
so he's actually guilty
Fake story ni jor, that girl na first class Ode aunty ade........ d truth wll soon prevailed
The story is nt clear enough 29yr old sleeping in a man house means they ar lovers which is not new bt d issue of ring has to be investigate I agree wt my guy dat medical test could only proove if there was sex or not
My sympathies are with her. May justice prevail.
Big fool! Why reveal your location if you are in danger? You better run from there jo! The story get K-leg ooo. Why insert voodoo ring? Why spend the night with a married man? Obesere was never a womanizer unless if he has really changed or doing it for spiritual reasons.
The girl is dim because she does not need help if she had a good voice to sing with. Do a demotape and take it to Alaba. Dim-dim should be her middle name. Is the newspaper photo her real picture?
Exactly!Only ǤÕ̳͡D̶̲̥̅̊ sees every hidden thingz.Two ways; Its either Obesere was trying some juju stuffs wt d ring insertion in her p***y OR d woman faking all these to bring him down!! But d rape is somehow unbelievable sha #i doubt#.
D facts was DAT dis lady Olanike by name, came 4 Runs & spent 4good days in A bass house, hoping 2 get d money he promised her, but unfortunately 4 her, d money didn't come & she decide 2 show him by blackmailing him 2 d press.
I think u should stop sending nonsense post @ anon 5:00pm. If u don't believe shut d fuck up, even d police have evidence and u're there talking trash. Keep it myopic opinion to urself. It's people like u that are raped & say thank u sir to d rapist.
Then U're a stupid woman. Did u read d part where she said a ring was inserted into her private part or where u too blind to see that?
Funny dude...
No b lie...lolz
Wasere...abass akande_aka tosibeh
@debbie Chelsea why u dey judge! U b judge Abi u b God?
This is just too fake to believe. How can you go somewhere for help and you where offered to spend the night and you agree. Na your papa house? And also you mentioned he asked you for sex and you refused-and you still have gut to spend the night. That means you also wanted sex! Like Yoruba will say "E kan ti eyan obani je ko kin fi ru n mu" babe pls demand for what you want and stop dragging this gentle man on the floor.
Bia or hey Obasere which ever language you understand, if this story ιƨ true, better take your filty hands off her or get your story more implicated. Cδ♍ε̲ to think of it, I've never heard of this ηαмє before, except on this blog.
Chaiiiii.most, full cost, firm... you need sound education
Very uninformed maga
It hurts so much that when a woman is raped, people say she is lying especially if she is raped by an influential man.
You know why stories of rape victims can sometimes change. They are so traumatized that their accounts in the first few days are so messed up due to shock, fear and confusion. But they always stick to the hard fact, they had been raped
i know, i have counselled many. If this rape didnt happen, Obesere wouldnt even talk about settlement. I am sure he has done it before.
Linda/ladies we need to fight this. That's why rape will never abate in our society because people believe it's the woman's fault.
Imagine bleeding for 2 weeks after rape. Only God knows what he did to her.
Rape is all about what the woman think, what was she doing in a man's house all through the night, though I sympathise with her but let other irresponsible married women take notice
Y she go sleep 4 man house(man wey she D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ meet 4 d 1st tym)? N b4 she sleep....d man don ask am 4 sex(she say she no gree) n she still agree to crash 4 d guy house....SMH
@Archie.....dont believe errthang you read/hear.......theres 3 sides to this kinda story...
1. Her Story
2.His Story
3.The truth
Obviously both of them are not giving us the truth.......me sha senses a woman scorned! and out to seek revenge.....that whole going to his house and agreeing to sleep over blah blah blah...really???????????.... and she was asking him. for money....he prolly banged her and didn't give ha d promised pay, so she wan fuck am up!.....And a rape story will always bring sympathy her way.
On 2 The Next!
I don't believe in this her story of rape. Was she drugged.? Was the man harmed? Or are they more than one? Pls she should go and sit down or to prove the case of rape is a difficult one
A woman that trust and see him as a responsible gentleman
The bleeding isn't coming from a ruptured vein or artery it's from her vagina!!! Only faggots like you would want to see it.
Rape?? What he/she is trying to say is that no sane person goes to someone's house for the first time to conduct business and at that late hour, and then decide to spend the night there! like really? how late was it that she couldn't go get a cab and why did she stay that late to begin with? when you ask yourself all these questions you'll see that the story ain't just right! someone cannot just come up with claims and everybody will start buying into it JUST LIKE THAT! the FACTS need to be right! PERIOD!!!!
U see hen,,all dis our young gals of nowadays der ojukokoro too muccch...and na him go kill all of dem.....ow can a student dat is still in sch want to travel to dubai 4 biz...wat kind of money is a student looking 4....ASHAWO GAL...na dat ashawa she wan travel go dubAi go do........ASHAWO NO B BIZ O...ole
This calls for d help of DR lightman in " Lie To Me".we need to know who is guilty here.
@Annoymous 9.21pm,Its so obvious that ur IQ is very low and u cant think beyond what u read,i wish a form of Iq test has to be done and passed before Linda approves and post some comments so as to reduce the number of morons that post of this blog..Ive came across a case whereby a guy banged a lady to the extent that the lady starts urinating and had tears?and mind u,it was 100% consensual,And pls dont argue my profession with me,ok...Also try and learn how to read and understand English cos i said it doesn't necessary means rape even when there was a tear cos thats what forceful penetration is likely to do....
See, u've said it all ....may God just help in this country with all this atrocities I wonder where this world is getting into .....to me if am to advice this lady she should just accept the compensation n move on with her life why.....because the person who raped her is a public figure n he's powerful they will just turn everything upside down to ensure he goes free ....there is no justice in this country anymore
And u still went back to his house?.
Couldn't u have said no and stick to ur words?. Anyway, na u sabi.
Wat time did she gets dere in de first place. And according to her story some 1 introduce her to him. Wat does dat imply
This matter should be properly investigated & if der's Evidence of rape,Obesere shud be given d appropriate punishment. Are life must be guarded by the police. God'll fight for u
May ur mother, daughter,wife even grandmother be raped, olorokori Eni waye daran,obesere has always been a ritualistic bastard,he has used the destiny of his wife's elder brother gan,that deporteee....if the baby shld die,ama lo sun iyawo e ati a won omo e mole ni Dublin Yi ni...
The stories by the woman are totally disjointed. lies to cover lies. We
Hey did it take four days before reporting to police. Why travelled to Ibadan immediately and had to come back to Lagos after 4days to make report. I think she used the four days to negotiate the exploitation and decided to report when it was clear Obesere was not ready to part with money easily. Oloso woman
Cos they want money that he has to offer n the woman is nobody. But they've forgotten she has a God
How sure are you that he raped her?and what kind of business was she transacting with obesere?abi she won turn fuji artist?she should have thought of a good story to back herself up....
Over like @ ur comment...
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