"This just melts my heart.I want 2 grow with u like this my "mine"- Annie Idibia gushes over the precious photo of Joke Silva and Olu Jcobs | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 5 March 2017

"This just melts my heart.I want 2 grow with u like this my "mine"- Annie Idibia gushes over the precious photo of Joke Silva and Olu Jcobs

Annie Idibia took to her page to gush about the love Joke Silva and Olu Jacobs, who have been married for almost 32 years share. Joke Silva saw Annie's post and responded to it. Read the posts after the cut...

Joke Silva responded by sharing Annie's message with the caption below:


Bonita Bislam said...

Whooooooooosh! This picture fills me with so much sweetness

I have an idea that this is what enduring love really means. Your memories of a girl at seventeen become as real and vivid as the middle-aged woman sitting in front of you. It is a happy sort of double vision, this seeing and remembering. To be seen this way is to be known

It's you at seventy-five and her at seventy-one, each of you listening for the other's step in the next room, each afraid that a sudden silence, a sudden cry, could mean a lifetime's talk is over.
May we all experience such!

Unknown said...

Very easy Annie... Call a make up artist to turn both you and Tubaba into old people, then you take pics and post them on instagram., Easy cheesy....

Tayo said...

Just hope say that 2face no go impregnate another woman and follow her go...
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Anonymous said...

I admired the couple

Wakeel Mustapha Olajide said...

Annie, it requires more than just wishful thinking, but personal sacrifice and interpersonal understanding, through thick and thin, through the uphills, through the curves and bends. This elderly couple is still blooming coz they truly builtvd foundation of ther luv on strong platform.

ebby said...

Every couple should work for their happiness. True happiness is not an expression but a result of "hardwork and commitment" in terms of honesty,openness, forbearing, forgiving spirit and accepting error and responsibility etc.

Egobliss said...

I want a union like this #wink

Anonymous said...

Annie, God will surely grant more than this to you and yours considering your tolerance, patience, love, joy and selfless service. You have done more than enough to bring your family together irrespective of your husband mistakes. Do not allow all these low life comments from Ed dreams etc to get at you. I see you and hubby go beyond aunty Joke and Olu because yours is also built on true love and even more than enough sacrifice than theirs. I love Annie and keep it up. From Nkem

Unknown said...

sweet couple
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

You are an awarded fool

Anonymous said...

You have nothing or people to inspire you,mumu!

Unknown said...

Annie is Bae.
Alao needs a Ryde or Dye Chic.

Anonymous said...

Didn't knw idiots like u still exist....ur stupidity is enoff to last a generation.

Unknown said...

Woooow, so sweet

chris77 said...

Lol. U think its all what u see in the pix and on television? Babe them get their own fight.

Unknown said...

This couple's love are an example to all @jokesilva and @olujacobs

Anonymous said...

Lol it nomal as a human being there must alwys be missunderstanding between each and I blv that what makes the two couples to be strong till today. Cuz nothing gud comz eazy. As far as u all knw, anything good always attract devil. And if u askd dis two couples today what they heve pass through to be here till today. Hunmmm my dear brother and sister it takes God Grace.. and it takes God and they are still in it till nw. Which makes hpy couples today. Past endurance past forgiveness overlooked sincerely. Pray for it annie d. And God will make u hpy. Spoken by SAM

Anonymous said...

But fear of the unknown will never let Linda settle down with any man

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