See what this man said about Jesus over his sister's murder | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 5 March 2017

See what this man said about Jesus over his sister's murder

Over 200 commenters came for him...but he refused to take back his words...


Anonymous said...

May fire from heaven strick your dead for cursing my lord and personal saviour.

Unknown said...

He need some medication to help his depression. That's my honest advice

Anonymous said...

Na wa

Unknown said...




Myror Miller said...

When you leave things for Jesus and God they don't fucking do anything, my father was killed and my mom left everything to God and it's been 27years and God didn't tell her if the murderers have met their judgement or not, God is idle and Jesus is a foolish man...

Unknown said...

Christians are hypocrite... Look as how they are insulting him because of what he said and to them god wont punish them because they are defending his imaginary asshole son called jesus. No one said RIP to his dead sister but they have condemn his soul already. Tufiakwa. This stupid act called Religion has destroyed us beyond repair. Thunder fire that stupid imaginary being called jesus. Come and beat me.. Rubbish...

Anonymous said...

He needs to understand God better...i pray he finds himself

Anonymous said...

Do not blame him, what if she is the bread winner of the family, imagine his pained heart.

FRESH said...

Hmmmmm! He sure needs some counselling & lots of Christian love.That's a hurt,lost soul.

Anonymous said...

May God have mercy on everyone of us in jesus name.

Unknown said...

Bro I feel your pain, you seem helpless over the situation but the truth is Christ is not a killer. No matter what find your way back to him cuz he loves u. There is no challenge he doesn't know about. He knows u by name.come back home

Naijahelm said...


Fine Nonny said...

He was never a christain...

Anonymous said...

Na dat same fire go strike u..jesus no ask u to help am curse d man..let God be d if na u holy pass

giftyechi said...

No matter what happen Jesus still remain the most powerful name on earth,people have lost what is more than your sister and they never insult Jesus,i feel ur pain,but that does not make you to lose ur soul

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I reason if GOD exist,y did he allow things to happen badly,and he said is not a wicked GOD.mmeehhnnn am tired the way the world is going,killing every where still GOD is not doing anything.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that curses this young man is probably in the same state as he is. IN DARKNESS. Firstly, this young man never knew Jesus, just like many other christians around the world. If you ever wish that your enemy should die or pray to God to kill a man you call your enemy, then you have not known Jesus and you are still in darkness. If you rejoice when a man falls or stumbles or loses something, then you have not known Jesus and you are still in darkness. As for this young man, even the devil that he now worships can never call Jesus useless. Rather he would say "if you are the son of God..." in a bid to deceive...and they know who Jesus is...and tremble at the knowledge. Unfortunately the devil knows more about Jesus than many human beings yet we have the Bible right under our pillows.

Mr 47 said...

What kind of tribe is this Igbo sef? Tearing the Holy Bible, referring to a verse in our precious Holy Bible homophobic, calling our Saviour 'useless', this tribe is indeed something else. I guess they are the "daemon". What a useless tribe.  ‎

Anonymous said...

Loool! Useful man! Na dat u r no longer a Christian why don't u do somtin abt it? Anuofia

Unknown said...

Hmmm. Jesus take charge.

Unknown said...

Hmmm. Jesus take charge.

Justin's Mama. said...

That man is in pain.God understands him and with time he will be healed. Sometimes our struggles and pain make us run away from God.The devil will not succeed and he will find his way back to Jesus.

Asampokoto said...

Black people are annoying. That man is clearly in pain.I' m SURE he knows what he said is absurd, but it's anger. Instead of them to console him and talk to him with love, and show that Jesus is indeed love, see how people are now attacking him in a vicious way for his opinion

UG said...

God knows the end even from the begining.Take heart.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Let God be d judge

...merited happiness

Unknown said...

Please try and understand him. I am a christian and I can understand that there are times and incidents that occur. They make you question God. But please don't say that. Those calling you names are insensitive and forget that these things happen. Everything happens for a reason. Please kneel and apologise to God. I pray you find comfort and happiness I'll pray for you

ELLIE said...

When addressing the congregation in Thessalonica, Paul said: “Support the weak.” (Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14.) “Depressed souls” are weak, in a sense, and so are discouraged ones. Proverbs 24:10 says: “Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? Your power will be scanty.” The words of a deeply discouraged person may become “wild talk.” (Job 6:2, 3) When ‘considering’ such ones, we need to keep in mind that what they say may not be a true reflection of what they really are at heart. Rachelle, whose mother became severely depressed, learned this from personal experience. Rachelle says: “Many times Mom would say something very hateful. Most of these times, I tried to remind myself of the kind of person Mom really is—loving, kind, and generous. I learned that depressed people say many things they do not mean. The worst thing that one can do is to return evil words or actions.” Proverbs 19:11 states: “The insight of a man certainly slows down his anger, and it is beauty on his part to pass over transgression.”

ELLIE said...

When addressing the congregation in Thessalonica, Paul said: “Support the weak.” (Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14.) “Depressed souls” are weak, in a sense, and so are discouraged ones. Proverbs 24:10 says: “Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? Your power will be scanty.” The words of a deeply discouraged person may become “wild talk.” (Job 6:2, 3) When ‘considering’ such ones, we need to keep in mind that what they say may not be a true reflection of what they really are at heart. Rachelle, whose mother became severely depressed, learned this from personal experience. Rachelle says: “Many times Mom would say something very hateful. Most of these times, I tried to remind myself of the kind of person Mom really is—loving, kind, and generous. I learned that depressed people say many things they do not mean. The worst thing that one can do is to return evil words or actions.” Proverbs 19:11 states: “The insight of a man certainly slows down his anger, and it is beauty on his part to pass over transgression.”

Anonymous said...

Now you know he was never a Christian mr better Christian

Anonymous said...

Why are Christians commenting and attacking the young man for saying what he said? Were you not the ones blasting Muslims for doing the same thing you people are doing now? It pains to insult beings that we venerate, respect and take as similitude for example.

Prince lexton said...

God please have mercy on him

Anonymous said...

He is pain, he trust jesus to help, but the problem here is he misunderstand jesus and his love..all of you saying hash word don't understand the position of this man. He is yet to understand the love of jesus

Oriefink_businesshub&more said...

My brother i really understand your pains and sorrow for God not to have revange your sister's death but know it that those murders are not at peace God works in a way we don't understand thats why he is God pls dear go back to him he will help you be strong

Unknown said...

Na so ur brain reach na...tribal fool are u even a Christian?

Unknown said...

He wil come around....wen I lost ma mum I felt lik saying a lot of things then.....buh I stil tnk God today

Oriefink_businesshub&more said...

My brother i really understand your pains and sorrow for God not to have revange your sister's death but know it that those murderers are not at peace our God works in a way we don't understand thats why he is God pls dear go back to him he will help you be strong

Unknown said...

You may have not killed anyone... but you probably have done things that also required judgement from God, instead he spared you. The person you hurt also is probably waiting to see you get judgemeng too. But God is love, He is not foolish. His foolishness is better than the wisest man on earth.

Unknown said...

You may have not killed anyone... but you probably have done things that also required judgement from God, instead he spared you. The person you hurt also is probably waiting to see you get judgement too. But God is love, He is not foolish. His foolishness is better than the wisest man on earth.

Unknown said...

My guy you are piont,Religion has mentally enslaved us for too long,people no longer think with their head but with their foot.
Who Jesus Christ help? Him son safe xtians wey bokoharam and Isis dey kill since?

Anonymous said...

People are so foolish. So attacking him is the way forward? Black man with black mind.

Anonymous said...

I can feel d guys pain

Unknown said...

God have mercy on his soul with time he will realize his mistakes and come back to thesame jesus he his always willing and ready to forgive him plz dnt George so u will not be George.

Unknown said...

Dnt George so u will not be George God have mercy on us all.

Chop Chop said...

You said it all, thank you.

Unknown said...

Go and kill him

Anonymous said...

God, forgive them for they know not what they say......

Anonymous said...

It is a pity, but Jesus is a loving God, who do not act lake man. His love is overwhelming that He does not return fire for fire but gives time for repentance. it is painful to lose loved ones but to rain an abuse to your Heavenly Father is not the best solution. You have to remember that Jesus even forgive those who crucified Him.

Anonymous said...

Choi. Is unfortunate we don't read our bible again but act in our own understanding. Gold help us.

Anonymous said...

Plsssss... Am out of here.. See the way this people are insulting my Jesus and my God.... I'm not a judge..... But you know what I'm on the level because of my God... He loves you, cos if he leave ur side for a second... All you opening ur mouth to insult God here, will not see a second of another minute.. God is not like you... His thought and intentions are far from ur shallow thought.... We have been through worst.... But I love him... I have no regret serving him.... Keep going back from God while millions come to him.... Satan never chain una na that's why you have the mouth to to Jesus we love you.

Unknown said...

iVabulous said....
most people here r jst talking crap cos frm ur reactns, u r no beta dan him. for wat he said, its totally wrong but i knw God wnt even flinch bcos if He were to react, most of us wld av been roasted many times ova nd ova.

Anonymous said...

Let's all not pretend like we don't know where he's coming from, please.

Unknown said...

Father forgive him for he knows not wa he has done!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

Mr 47,this has nothing to do with tribe,a lot of people say things when they are going through tribulations

Emy said...

@Myror Miller, ed Dreams, Obiechina Chigozie & co, do you know that even Jesus Christ, The Son of The Living God was killed by humans(Jews & Gentiles)?
Jesus Christ, had the power to strike them all death but He didn't. Even while on the cross of cavalry in pains, He still showed them Love. God Almighty,never did anything. I mean His only begotten Son, was been crucified in such a gruesome manner, yet HE did nothing. Today, we as Christians are happy because what we thought was a loss was meant for our own gain.Now we are saved. ALLELUIA!

Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?

ROMANS 8:35-37
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36
As it is written: “- For Your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.…

Anonymous said...

Jesus is Lord over all, one day you will stand before Him the King of kings and give an account of yourself.

Unknown said...

dreamz u are the dumbest dumbass muda4ka since the existence of mankind.
i also have dought abt the existence of God, but i know within myself in as much as i believe there is no God if people start believing like me, things will go to chaos, because Christianity preaches peace , you may say they are enslaved by the religion but u have to give credit to Christians, becos they are the reason you are still alife. cos there wud have been war, revenge bloodshed, people who have no respect for the law etc

Anonymous said...

u are very foolish , go join ur dad den


You know you won´t have been alive and also living without any form of disability and ill health if not for God/Jesus.

I understand that it hurts badly, it hurts like crazy to lose a family member and I can´t imagine how it must be hurting to know that other humans had the heart to kill your loved one. It must be a terrible feeling dear. May God heal your heart. Quit being angry with God, You think that he is not dealing with the killers, you don´t know them but he is dealing with them seriously that is if they haven´t lost their lives too. Two men who were riding on a boat on their way migrating to Europe, pushed some Christians into the sea and death out of religious extremism/ignorance and bad heartedness. On arrival at Europe they were touted by the others and the two were locked up, one of them died in detention leaving the other one who is being dealt with.
Again earlier this year some neighbours ganged up in their 419 unit and robbed me, it was painful. I fasted and prayed against the person I was suspecting that has a hand in it. I prayed that God arise and fight and punish for my sake. Two days ago I saw him with terrible injuries he sustained in an accident. You think that God does not hear and answer prayers, he answers them. If you want him to move the ground for you, you can add fasting to it. Don´t be angry with God. Isaiah said in chapter 45:9 "Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker----- Does the clay say to the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'The potter has no hands'?

Unknown said...

Its because of him u are still alive today.He is giving u time to repent!!!

Myror Miller said...

You see what am saying? Christians have Hayes in their heart and they're hypocrites, some day I will die and you also won't live forever so take life easy moron...

Myror Miller said...

If Christinity preaches peace why are you calling him names? And why do Christians hate like that? If I say God is foolish, you shouldn't react, you're supposed to pray for me in peace instead, but you Christians are assholes who are selfish and intolerant...

Myror Miller said...

So the disabled, sick and hungry people are not under his loving hands? Because you're comfortable that's why you can write this trash thinking you made a point, God don't care about the children in Rwanda, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Central African Republic etc. those people die everyday, no food,no water and no medical care etc. who created them? The devil?

Myror Miller said...

The only place you can find that story is in the Bible which of course was written by sexist men with drunk ideology, what's the need for Jesus to die for us when his father is so powerful to change everything without blinking an eye, if God was that powerful why would he need his son to die? So he has penis and got Mary pregnant? More stupidity every time you Christians open your mouth and quote from a book...

kisbykay (Travelling Agency) said...

Hmmm, it's alright. May God heal your pain and may you realize that God is supreme being and can't be questioned. He has his reason for everything.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chinedu
Jesus is much more than your personal perception of him. God loves you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 08:08
It s ok if you question the existence of God.I have no air tight explanations to your questions but remember It s a"FALLEN WORLD".Ad St Paul said if our hope in christ is of this world we are to be most pitied. I believe it goes beyond what we can see and our understandings. Our beliefs as Christians are by faith without which,it s impossible to please or even serve God.By faith we believe that "All appearances to the contrary notwithstanding "Light" will outshine "Darkness","Truth" will conquer "lie","Good" will overcome "evil" and "love" will triumph over "hatred".God bless

Unknown said...

For u to say bad things abt Christ,it means u r a dead man walking. Since u left Christianity,am sure everything has been going on smoothly in ur life. The Bible said,come unto me all ye that are heavily laddened. U insulting God does not stop him from being God,so do urself good man and return bk to Him,dts only where u can find rest

Anonymous said...

Please let us ask for God Mercy on him,and the Grace to be in good Union n with his creator in Jesus name Amen.

Anonymous said...

Please let us ask for God Mercy on him,and the Grace to be in good Union n with his creator in Jesus name Amen.

Anonymous said...

@miller you are really hurting. I feel ur pain I sometimes ask this same question when I see my abusers and I begin to wonder. There is God my dear. Ur heart will heal . It takes time tho . Hugs.

Anonymous said...

God is not our mate, God the Father, God the son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit has been in existence before the earth was formed.. God made the earth out of nothing so He can make anything out of anything. God does not need to sleep with anyone to have a child, Jesus has been in existence before Mary was born and even before God started forming the world.

Why should we say that there is no God? if there is no God then how did man come into existence? has anyone else claimed us since God said He's our father? Even the devil knows that there's God that is why he tempted and asked Jesus to perform miracles if He is the true ''Son of God''

God sent Jesus to us to teach us how to live and attain Heaven, Jesus told us to love regardless and forgive our offenders so that God can forgive us our sins too, God will not forgive us if we do not forgive our neighbors. Jesus was insulted while He was a Man, He was insulted to His face while He was preaching the gospel, he was insulted while even hanging on the cross but He forgave them all before His body died.

God is not a man, He's a mysterious spiritual being, so we can never understand Him or His ways. God does not allow evil to happen if he does not want to show us the light and truth. Remember Job's story in the bible. One cannot understand the true meaning of light if he hasn't experienced darkness.

The Holy Spirit inspired the prophecy of the coming of Jesus to prophets before He was born, the prophets told us that Jesus is coming to save us from the hands of the wicked, so the people that lived before Jesus was born as a man thought that Jesus was coming as a military man to fight with swords and kill the wickeds , but no, He came humbly as a child and fulfilled all the prophecies said about him, He came, saved us and showed us the light without killing anyone.

God loves and He cares for each and everyone of us that is why he sent Jesus to save us. God does not need to put food in our mouths to show us His love, no matter how much quantity of food we eat we'll still be hungry hours later, why are we so interested in eating foods that will perish, God gave us the greatest food which will never perish but give us eternal life, Jesus is the food that gives everlasting life, unless we eat His flesh and drink his blood we'll never attain eternal life( John 6 ).

God cares about the sick, hungry and disabled, we humans can't be equally perfect, hence we won't appreciate every little we have, one may be hungry but God is still manifesting His power in that person, one may be be sick but God is still manifesting His power in that person and one may be disabled but God is still manifesting His power. There's no sickness in Heaven, there's no hunger in Heaven and there is no disability in Heaven. God loves us that is why He gave us Jesus to show us the way to Heaven, God's love for us is eternal life for us in heaven, unless we live according to Jesus's preaching we'll never attain Heaving. Jesus is the way.

The Holy Spirit inspired those that wrote the books in the bible, Holy Spirit is God so God is the one that inspired those to wrote the bible.

God does not need to physically fight for us to show us what he's doing, everyone has his case to answer at the end of breath.

God is not human. God is a supernatural spiritual being which we can never understood. If we understand Him, then he's not God.

Jesus didn't come for the righteous, he came for us in darkness, he came to bring us into light. He loves everyone, even the ones insulting His name, He loves you mother more than your own mother does.

Jesus is the only way to the father!!!

Unknown said...

Who jesus help?..Jesus is not coming anywhere...

Unknown said...

People suffer for lack of knowledge, God have mercy on this generation

h'ugo said...

Lack of understanding of the word if God, it's gonna be like this on the last day, ppl wll cry, shout, but it wll seem like God doesn't care, read the word of God and gain understanding, God is not man,so he definitely wll not act like man, remember when the great master JESUS the immortal was flogged by mortals, crucified on the cross by flesh being spirit God did not react, a rule has been set by which we must abide or fall out,say what u may but he is gracious, loving and kind, not encouraging evil nor killing but one has to be careful,who killed today might reconcile with God tomorrow and he wll be forgiven but the killed if not in good relationship with God goes elsewhere that's the funny part of it all,that y we should always be ready for the unknown, if u die now it's strictly between u and God nobody else is involved, he doesn't want to knw the situation surrounding ur death, he has no business with ur sisters killer but ur sister who has come home until those who killed her come home too to face judgment, ppl who killed Christ when he was here we didn't hear God sent thunder or brimstone to kill them,study the word of God, live a righteous life, forgive and forget so u are not consumed by ur own anger, especially anger against God, devil is smart but not that powerful, JESUS is awesome, God is who he is...grace

Anonymous said...

He needs love and prayers. Jesus wouldn't want us to insult him.

Anonymous said...

People judge what they don't understand. I'd rather you kept your mouth shut than spew out blasphemy. We get it, you're probably an agnostic or atheist. Doesnt mean you have to make a mockery of a religion on account of your useless prejudices and sheer ignorance. Argue with sense

Anonymous said...

People judge what they don't understand. I'd rather you kept your mouth shut than spew out blasphemy. We get it, you're probably an agnostic or atheist. Doesnt mean you have to make a mockery of a religion on account of your useless prejudices and sheer ignorance. Argue with sense

Anonymous said...

People judge what they don't understand. I'd rather you kept your mouth shut than spew out blasphemy. We get it, you're probably an agnostic or atheist. Doesnt mean you have to make a mockery of a religion on account of your useless prejudices and sheer ignorance. Argue with sense

Anonymous said...

People judge what they don't understand. I'd rather you kept your mouth shut than spew out blasphemy. We get it, you're probably an agnostic or atheist. Doesnt mean you have to make a mockery of a religion on account of your useless prejudices and sheer ignorance. Argue with sense

Unknown said...

I even regret reading this article,What an abomination.


..... Your f*cking mouth and fragmented brainwashed mind with which you insult God are still alive without disability because of the kindness of God. Don't you devil offspring dare push words into my mouth. If you are a Christian you would have known that God's way is not our way and that those disabled and hungry are not hated by God.He is the porter that made us and who are you to question him? Who? As a matter of fact,get behind me you mother fucking Satan.

Emy said...

@Myror Mille, no apologies. God is God all by Himself.God will be God forever regardless of what a man does or does not do. He is self-sustained in no way relying on man. There is more than enough reason for you to accept Him as the Lord of your life.

Unknown said...

fist of all i want to politely say FCUK religion and also FCUK those hypocrites that calls themselves Christians and are here lashing this guy... If you was in his shoes you'll fell his pains... R.I.P to your sister and may she find peace

Anonymous said...

WOE UNTO YOU.... May the wrath of the almighty come upon you and destroy even your generations

Dynamik said...

The person releasing thunder to strike the dead, are you that senseless? This man is clearly in pain. If you are a Christian and feel he shouldn't say such, why curse the dead? You should ask God for mercy for him. That is part of your assignment as a Christian if you are one. If you think he doesn't deserve mercy, I think you are foolish then.

Dynamik said...

The person releasing thunder to strike the dead, are you that senseless? This man is clearly in pain. If you are a Christian and feel he shouldn't say such, why curse the dead? You should ask God for mercy for him. That is part of your assignment as a Christian if you are one. If you think he doesn't deserve mercy, I think you are foolish then.

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