Former Democratic Governor of Vermont, Howard Dean says he suspects Trump Towers was wire taped, with good reason.
Still Democrats hit back over social media with the following tweets:
According to The Guardian reports:
"Presidents cannot legally order a wire tap operation unilaterally: federal agents and attorneys would have had to convince a federal judge either of probable cause of a serious crime or that the target of the tap was the agent of a foreign power.
However, the former British MP Louise Mensch reported in November that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (Fisa) court had granted the FBI a surveillance warrant of “US persons” to investigate possible contacts between Russian banks and Trump’s associates. In January, the BBC reported that the Fisa court had issued its warrant in October".
Wharrefa.. their cup of kunu.
Seriously, this man is attracted to Obama. He just cannot get over him. Trump should better tell us how he feels about Obama so we know how to help him
Hmmmm I think trump shouldn't be like our nigerian leaders who spend half a tenure complaining about predecessors, then use the other half tenure to figure out what to do then before you know it their time is done and their successor comes in to complain about them. A circle of political pervasive mediocres with too much activities no progress.
Trump is a joke.
Trump keeps proving that he is a wacho!
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This bully has no regard for etiquette & decorum, sitting President always treat their predecessors with dignity and respect, no sitting President ever insults any former Presidents. Yet this misfit called Obama "stupid". All the living former US Presidents should write him a letter of protest to call him to order and demand he makes an apology to Obama.
He will be the first president of USA to serve a term.. And not re elected.. The if he's not impeach
ignore dumb trump, he's unstable!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Whites are only 10% of the world's population, yet are the most industrious, ingenious, and innovative race the world has known. Whites have formed nations, built civilizations, assumed and administrated power, created the Renaissance, the Age of Discovery, the Industrial Revolution, automation, technology, the space program which landed men on the moon and launched probes exploring beyond the solar system, discovered electricity, created wonder drugs and architecture and have harnessed nuclear power, have unlocked the secrets of DNA and relativity, created computer science and the internet age...... sub-Saharan Africans still cannot even feed themselves. No pre-contact sub-Saharan African society ever created a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, invented the wheel or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or any social organization, or formal religion, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure or bridge or sewer, or infrastructure of any kind, and they never harnessed a river, or even drilled well or irrigated, or built a road or railway or sea-worthy vessel, they never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device. Blacks are the only race incapable of caring for themselves. Whites still have to provide food, medical, financial and engineering aid to Africans. They couldn't survive without White charity. Blacks became an out-of-control invasive species after Whites domesticated them. Blacks lived alone in sub-Saharan Africa, a vast continent with temperate climates and abundant resources for 60,000 years; so they cannot blame racism, poverty, imperialism or anything else for their failures. How could they live with all that shoreline and never contemplate putting a sail on a ship like every other culture did? Blacks are the oldest race, they had a huge head-start so they should be the most advanced race; but they are the least advanced race. And in fact they never did develop until they were domesticated by Whites. 19 of the 20 poorest countries are sub-Saharan African (Haiti). There has never been a successful Black country. No modern creations or civilization exists in sub-Saharan Africa that was not brought there by Whites. There are no White Third-World nations, but all Black ones are. Put Whites on an island and you get England; put Asians on an island and you get Japan; put Blacks on an island and you get Haiti. Nowhere Blacks live are they considered achievers. In fact they are universally viewed as unproductive and disruptive to society. Simply, life is an IQ test. Sub-Saharan Africans have never made a contribution to the world. Blacks can only achieve either because they are mixed with White genes or because they reside in White societies. For every one gifted Black there are eight gifted Whites. 80% of gifted Blacks are mixed-race. Today there are 738 million Europeans and 1.2 billion Africans. In 2050, according to the latest U.N. projections, Europe’s population will have dipped to 707 million, while Africa’s population will be 2.4 billion. By 2100, half of all children on earth will be African. On current trends, within 35 years, 1 in every 4 people will be sub-Saharan African. By 2100,
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