OAP Daddy Freeze shared food that his bae made and wrote that she made the most delicious Egusi soup ever, with smoked catfish fish, okporoko head, grass cutter, 'tozo' meat from a mature cow, along with some wholesome Eba! As a starter, catfish pepper soup was served. The he went ahead and tweeted that it is great to have a beautiful woman that doesnt cook like @noble_igwe does, but for him, he’d rather have both!! Well, Noble Igwe saw it and called him out for mentioning his wife and Freeze apologises adding that he meant no disrespect. Read the rest of the tweets after the cut...

Some people were disappointed that they made up..like the ones above.
Noble Igwe ended it by tweeting...
Freeze tho. Haba!
...merited happiness
Freeze..let's be honest, your first tweet was a shade. A sarcastic one. We all know africans kinda look down of women who don't cook for their husbands. You totally meant to shade noble igwe himself for defending his wife's lack of culinary skills, by praising yoru gf's skills. What did you expect people to do? You want to say you didn't expect they will yab noble igwe's wife or what? Good thing you had the wit to manage to convince him otherwise.
Uncle freeze abeg stop acting like a woman. I actually respected you before but dis you nosy and Mr know all attitude has taken it all.@igwe I am so proud of all you do and say. First you had your wedding in Lagos. Secondly you are best husband your wife could wish for. Finally you have respect for everybody no matter how senseless they are. You are a darling. Anty Linda abeg post am
Freeze is an idiot. TBH, If my wife was drag online for some cheap publicity by some grande bambino, I will burst the head of whoever that's involved. Die slow Freeze
Awon werey eko! All those bro bro, come through, etc useless English that they can't speak.
PS beliefs not belief. It's for an entire family. Family is plural. Oya say Beliefs after me. Beliefs. Beliefs. If you don't learn your singular and plurals Noble, the thunder!!!! The thunder!!!! That will fire you, will first fire you individually before showing you it can also come in plurals.
Nawa o
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I think Noble got exactly what he asked for, he needed to be noticed, and he got noticed, why whinning like a poor puppy?
and day Iggwe boy shud grow up,hes unpopular bc of his aggressive nAture
Funny set of individuals
Go to hell lube- section! You are an empty vessel joo looking for more chaos and anarchy when you haven't found solution to the one in your nation. Noble is very mature. But Noble, ibukwadi nwa amala igbo? In this time and age, you took a wife that can't cook for how long? Rest of your marriage? I no support evil jare, Freeze did well by getting the lady that can cook. Noble did well by defending his iyawo but will remain a bachelor till God knows when! Udo di! Ihe emelu mma amaka oooh!!!!
This ice block from the Dracula clan wouldn't ever start acting his age!
Mtsheeeew...next pls
this freeze go just dey form Sub-Zero .
This noble igwe guy wat does he do?
Freeze is a child in an adult body
Freeze should mind his business
If na women dem for don tear out each other throats. Linda take note!
Their cup of tea...
This long mouth freeze... Always looking for nonsense to say 😕😕
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Good they madeup immediately...hate when guys quarrel unnecessarily like women
But freeze stil made his poiny sha.cos virtually evri1 has read d post
Freeze and drama,all those "assortment" for him alone
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But why dat kind of tweet abt someone's wife,it's really not nice,ppl shld respect other ppl's privacy.....anyway dey don settle sha
Stop taking part, they are bolt brothers and they no there self.... believe Dr freeze means no harm... just friendly comments.....
Happy new week....
This is so funny
Kikikiki!!! But true,it's been long we had some drama,and if freeze didn't apologize ,,we all know they'd have fought
That Yoruba Albino can never Respect Himself For Once. Tueh To his Face
I love noble for standing up for his woman ! Freeze is an idiot... His first tweet was a shade and I love how noble reduced him to the gutters he belongs . Idiot man
Yeye Men.
He is a short man. What do you expect? Short men are very aggressive .
Freez coveted another man's wife(a mother of 3 children) Inpregnanted her and had a baby for him. He ended up breaking the man's marriage of 13 years, both families are currently in court. He is hear agin disrespecting another.
Stupid freeze. He got his match this time, lol. Not a fan of igwe but with this defence, am now a huge fan! Love him for this.
Well I fink freeze was wrong and he did the right tin by apologizing.. One man's food is anoda man's poison!
Well I fink freeze was wrong and he did the right tin by apologizing.. One man's food is anoda man's poison! Yoruba adage states "ti elejo ba ti mo ejo e lebi kii pe lori ikunle" don't do dat again... It's bad to compare ppl
Hahahaha. Gurl your mouthed!
Don't mind the Fish
The same thing thats making Noble brag about hus wife will become a bone of contention soon when she has settled in well and his initial gra gra lovey dovey is over and d real life starts.
Lets know if restaurant food will still hungry u
Lol @freeze saying that he was just supporting what Noble said earlier
Support ko
Eva Da Diva...
Freeze is a good example of an arrogant child raised by useless parents!! He obviously lacks respect as he was never taught any of this. I feel no pity for for him cos'all his words and action screams: Ä PRODUCT OF BAD PARENTING!!
OPEYEMI Olarinde nee ONI is freeze ex wife and she is from the bescumbered Oni clan and is here again as annonymous commenting shit. We are waiting for her. She was molested as a child while her mum went awhoring, her family was hated by all and sundry. No wonder her marriage didn't work. She is fat ugly and absolutely stupid
mr freeze or frozen it is non of ur biz if nobles wife cooks or not mtcheww youruba demon
Freeze!!!! Shut the hell up, you're the one that has been under anonymous defending your foolishness, all you've always wanted is to be famous, which is why you alway have to say something on everything, unfortunately every shot you take hits the wrong target, exposing how stupid you are. With the way you broke down your wife's details, it's very clear its you making this particular comment. Are you that stupid? You're a clear example of the word stupid. You have kids you've not seen, a wife you almost killed with your hands, calling her evil, insulting her in public and claiming she was the one violent on you, are that lazy? Well it's obvious you're lazy, everyone you clearly joined cool fm with have all moved on except you, you're the longest serving OAP with the lowest following on social media and least recognition in the industry. Stop putting your mouth in matters that doesn't concern you, bcos you fucked up marriage and family doesn't mean everyone else would. Grow up Mr. Daddy freeze or whatever you want to call yourself, the attention you seek you won't get instead you'll only expose you stupidly and foolishness. Wake up, I know it's too late but try.
Awwww.... So sweet... @"It feels so good to say "my wife""
And what stops Freeze from learning how to cook? Must you wait for a womam to do everything for you? Since you love food so much, why not learn? I know a lot of men that are great cooks. My father was a great cook although he leaves the kitchen for my mum to do the cooking. But when my mum was sick and my father entered the kitchen, i was shocked. The food he prepared was so sweet. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
Freeze go and watch Knoor maggie competion and see. No be men like you be chef for there wey be expert cooks dey host the programme? Most of the time, men even win the competition. The men that host the programme are so educated, intelligent and speak impecable english. These men are excellent cooks. What stops you from being like them since na only food dey inside that your brain. Na backward mentality dey worry you that's why you still believe a woman's place is in the kitchen but if your wife go work for office and bring money come home, you go collect. You wont refuse and tell her that a man's place is in the office because the bible says men should sweat and work. The bible never said a woman should work. So why not also learn how to cook instead of insulting genuine people's wives? Agabya. Big born fool. Idiot!
Noble is an ideal man. I just love him. I wish i will see this kind of man like Noble to marry
I like people that stand up for their wives. Noble much respect sir. You are such a cool guy
I have a cousin that married a beautiful wife. The wife was born with a siver spoon. Her father was a high court judge. They grew up always having house helps, cooks, chefs etc but my cousin was so much in love with her that he married her even when he knew she could not cook. My cousin also hired a cook after he married her but his wife was uncomfortable that she could not cook. He noticed she was uncomfortable and kept telling her that she should relax. My cousin was very close to his aunties. So he planned with his aunties to come visit them in Lagos and his aunties taught his wife how to cook for two weeks. They went to the market and taught her how to buy food stuff and also gave her cooking lessons. That was how his wife learnt how to cook. This is an example of a man that loves his wife. He was able to understand that it wasn't her fault and didn't use it against her. Today his wife even cooks better than his aunties that taught her. His wife even took her cooking skills further by attending a cathering school abroad where she has learnt how to make cake, icing, pasteries etc. Life is not one-sided. This is how life is supposed to be. You can make your marraige work if you want to.
Freeze is too irresponsible for my liking. I think he has a complex when it comes to women. He also has an attitude problem
Freeze grow up!
Freeze, the fact that you cannot keep a home doesnt mean you should destroy Noble's home. He is a man that respect and loves his wife against all odds. So back off his relationship. Ode!
Noble please come and marry me
Noble Igwe you are a correct man. A good husband that ladies will clamour for. I respect you bro
Noble Igwe how come you have an irresponsible friend like Freeze? Both of you are two different people. Pls dont let him spoil your reputation by your association with him
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