Several people were burnt to death today at Asaba park in Onitsha Upper Iweka after a trailer loaded with gas failed break and slammed into cars and people. The photos from the incident are horrific and graphic. See them after the cut...*warning - graphic photos*
OMG! May their souls rest in peace. Linda take note!
OMG! May their souls rest in peace. Linda take note!
Chai! Rip
Oh my God. So horrible. May their soul rest in peace.
Oh my God. So horrible. May their soul rest in peace.
Jesus! Hmmmmm......RIP to the dead......
Chai!may dia souls rest in peace#addictedtoLinda'sblog
So sad RIP to the deads.
Sweet Jesus... This is a gory sight...
Jesus christ!!!!!!!! Dis is really terrible....sad face
O jezzzzz.......
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......
OMG! What a tragedy, may their souls rest in peace.
Wldnt d driver have rammed in2 a place without humans. All this trailer and tanker drivers need to to be checked properly b4 allowing to ply d road cos most of them are either drunk or have issues
Goodness Lord... this is sadm
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy
omg!!!.. this is terrible!.. I'm short of words!!! R.I.P to the lost ones!!!
So horrible
May their souls RIPP
Awwwwwww...dis is not gud
Oh no! this is gory!! R.I.P
Eeeh lily, am short of words... These are human beings not animals. D death rate now is much and we al need 2 b on alert... God is just the only saviour we have now. RIP
OMG I'm speechless
So sad....
Oh lord...may u continually protect us and our own. RIP to d dead..and condolences to their families.
Painful death #RIP
Tragic! May their souls rest in peace.
OMG! U could still type "Linda take note after this?" Jesus! This is horrible. Just like that people r dead like chicken. Lord have mercy on d world!
Jesus ..This is a really sad news tbh may they rest in peace omg
Jeez what a pity may their souls RIP
Rip to the dead. Now i cant sleep :(
We will all die someday :( rip to the dead.
May their souls RIP
Oh! My God dis is horrible, God hv mercy, RIP 2 d dead
May their souls rest in peace. Worst way to die
Onitsha my city. How tragic. May d dead rest in peace.
This takes me back to the popular singer that sang about Pericome's experience there and what he usually says "Ihe neme na upper iweka"
OMG! I pray God should grant d families d fortitude to bear their loss. RIP to them.
Pls God help us frm tragic accidents, and untimely deaths.
Lord hv Mercy o KIA.
Rip to their souls
Jesus Christ! How can? May their souls rest in peace.
Jesu Ona iye o! Dis is really sad n terrible. RIP 2 dem all
Lord have mercy
Oh my God.. see people. Rip to them.
Oh Jesus!!! What is happening na??? Chai!! May their souls rest in peace.......
Buhari's government is breeding evil everywhere
May their families hv d strength to bare this great lost
Linda no be small thing o.....i don shout taya. I was close to upper iweka when its was happening, i later went and it was terrible. I couldnt snap or record any shit. Linda many pple were burnt not just these pics. I said many pple including a pregnant woman....choi no be small tin o.
OMG! Lord have mercy chai!
Oh my God! *crying *
Linda no be small thing o.....i don shout taya. I was close to upper iweka when its was happening, i later went and it was terrible. I couldnt snap or record any shit. Linda many pple were burnt not just these pics. I said many pple including a pregnant woman....choi no be small tin o.
Very sad
May their soul rest in peace
God pls dnt let dis kinda happen again. Oh so sad now R I P to them
It is well
My sista the mumu driver was coming from Awka when the tanker failed break, instead of the aboki to maintain the express where he was because the road was so free cos today is sunday no much vehicle on d road, he now swerved the tanker to the service lane where asaba buses were boarding. My sista na so pple take roast o.....i reach i no fit shout.
Lord av mercy on our souls. Cos no 1 knows d tym or hour, buh we pray not to end dis way, amen. RIP to d dead.
My sista the mumu driver was coming from Awka when the tanker failed break, instead of the aboki to maintain the express where he was because the road was so free cos today is sunday no much vehicle on d road, he now swerved the tanker to the service lane where asaba buses were boarding. My sista na so pple take roast o.....i reach i no fit shout.
God i thank u for my life,i passed after the incident
When the tanker now hit the buses.....pple wey lack knowledge about how dangerous tankers and its contents fit be rushed to rescue pple....naso d tanker explode bcos it was full with gas. Pple sitting inside the buses were all burnt, about 15 Toyota Hiace that was already full and some keke. Then agberos and oda passengers that were not in any bus yet. Its really a sad day.....Toronto hospital don full....RIP to them
Jesus have mercy!!
O my God
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May their souls rest in perfect peace.
So horrible. Rip to the dead.
Sweet Jesus! This is sad!! Rip
Good Lord have mercy
Good Lord have mercy
I'm lost for words!!! Lord Jesus!!!
It's really horrible. May their souls rest in peace
Awwwww, so painful. Rip
May their souls rest in peace. Please what does this "Linda take note" "Linda observe" mean?
All these stupid drivers, didn't he know that his truck doesn't hv break? Just killed innocent souls, that's too painful. So sad! May their souls RIP, Amen!
What a painful death! May their souls RIP
Oh my God..... may dir souls rest in perfect peace.
Still in shock!!! Don't know wat to
OMG!! Can't watch
Jezzz! What a sight!
Nawa o! May their souls R.I.P
I think these fuel tankers should only be operating at nights. So Sad. RIP
Omg rip
God please rest their souls
I'm no better than these pple that got roasted like this...
.sob sob....may God hav mercy on their souls!!!
Jesus! God forbid bad thing!! Chei!!! May they RIP
Rip may God accept their souls in heaven.
Rip may God accept their souls in heaven.
Life is so short, it could end in a blink of an eye! There is no difference between man and meat! Just look at this mess, people's relatives!
These trailers and tankers especially the ones carrying petroleum and chemicals shold be heavily regulated to avoid tragic accidents like these.
My name is Imo Ogoigbe.. and I was there in the midst of everything. Don't know how I am still alive with a few scratch. Please help me thank God for my life. I am not the most righteous guy. But God saved me from been crushed and burnt. Before I left onitcha south at enugu, a small boy..A begger asked me to buy a christian item. I am not a catholic and i don't belive in all that crap. Reluctantly, I bought it and put it at the back of my mobile. I equally gave another begged 100 naira. And we started the journey.
I got to onitcha, came down at the Onitcha south park. Crossed over to Asaba loading park to enter bus for asaba. Something pushed me to stop to read headlines of the nationAl dailies newspapers. Mostly because of the juicy head lines and the people arguing. I spent not more than 2 minutes at the stand. As I turned to enter the park, See trailer tanker with speed of light, with all control lost, hitting , carrying and crushing people towards my direction. I said to myself...THIS IS IT! MY END HAS COME. So I turned to my back because I didn't want to see me crushed. But I don't know how I got out of the way onto the road. THE WHOLE PEOPLE reading a newspaper with me all crushed.. The tanker took a left turn inside the bus station, crushed the recharge card sellers, news paper sellers, agberos, ticket sellers,..EVERYONE AT IT'S WAKE WHERE ALL CRUSHED FIRST. I got up. Still in shock, as i got up from the ground (mind you i dont knoq how and why i am still alive oo) the whole place was like a clean cleared field ...only that there where blood and body parts all around me, okada shattered parts and glasses around me. hurried for my back pack. And looked at the Tanker releasing the fuel from its tank. I knew instantlying it was going to explode. Immediately, still injured a little, I tool my bag, forgot the items I had shopped at shop right, I ran as hard as I could towards the road. No less than 19 seconds, the explosion started. Those people who rushed to help people burnt, the people still injured trapped inside the bus at the asaba bus stop..All burnt. It was a tragedy. But you will not belive that the Samsung s5 phone I place the small sign of the cross at the back, I held it as the tanker crushed passed me. Nothing happened to the glass phone my people!! Nothing ! Not even a scratch. My wriSt is turn and injured. My fat gold hand chain..left my hand because of the impact.. but my phone..A glass fragile fone that fell with me.. nothing happened to it.
I am alive. I am injured a little but I am alive.I have a video ..not so clear. I don't know how to go about posting it. I just want to you all to thank God for my life. It is 4 am in the morning. I can't sleep. Still in shock and still full of thanksgiving.
My name is Imo Ogoigbe.. and I was there in the midst of everything. Don't know how I am still alive with a few scratch. Please help me thank God for my life. I am not the most righteous guy. But God saved me from been crushed and burnt. Before I left onitcha south at enugu, a small boy..a begger asked me to buy a christian item. I am not a catholic and i don't belive in all that crap. Reluctantly, I bought it and put it at the back of my mobile. I equally gave another begged 100 naira. And we started the journey.
I got to onitcha, came down at the Onitcha south park. Crossed over to Asaba loading park to enter bus for asaba. Something pushed me to stop to read headlines of the nationAl daily newspapers. Mostly because of the juicy head lines and the people arguing. I spent not more than 2 minutes at the stand. As I turned to enter the park, See trailer tanker with speed of light, with all control lost, hitting , carrying and crushing people towards my direction. I said to myself...THIS IS IT! MY END HAS COME. So I turned to my back because I didn't want to see me crushed. But I don't know how I got out of the way onto the road. EVERYONE reading newspaper with were all crushed.. The tanker took a left turn inside the bus station, crushed the recharge card sellers, news paper sellers, agberos, ticket sellers,..EVERYONE AT IT'S WAKE WHERE ALL CRUSHED FIRST. I got up. Still in shock, as i got up from the ground (mind you i dont know how and why i am still alive oo) the whole place was like a clean cleared field ...only that there where blood and body parts all around me, okada shattered parts and broken glasses around me. I hurried for my back pack. And looked at the broken Tanker releasing the fuel from its tank. I knew instantlying it was going to explode. Immediately, still injured a little, I tool my bag, forgot the items I had shopped at shop right, I ran as hard as I could towards the road. No less than 19 seconds, the explosion started. Those people who rushed to help injured people where burnt, the people still injured trapped inside the bus at the asaba bus stop..All burnt. It was a tragedy. But you will not belive that the Samsung s5 phone I place the small sign of the cross at the back, I held it as the tanker crushed passed me. Nothing happened to the glass phone my people!! Nothing ! Not even a scratch. My wriSt is turn and injured. My fat gold hand chain..left my hand because of the impact.. but my phone..A glass fragile fone that fell with me.. nothing happened to it.
I am alive. I am injured a little but I am alive.I have a video ..not so clear. I don't know how to go about posting it. I just want you all to thank God for my life.
U re a FOOL!
What does buhari have to do with this? Stupidity!
I thank and bless Jehovah God for your life nd ours too
Thank God for your life.
All bore down to our police, road traffic officers, and the license office that reap people and allow not qualified, fake licenses, overloads to ply our roads to ruin people's lives. We don't get it yet, the system is shameful and full of mess. Quite unfortunate. We hope the New adm under BUHAD and ONIBAD will straighten things this time. GEJ tried but woowww their focus was for them alone not the main issues on the ground. The same will happen to BUHAD and ONIBAD if they mess up. Our eyes don open wide and no nonsense
Am happy for you
Now if oyinbo man call us animal, we go begin vex, what kind of human takes picture of his kind while deceased in an unnatural state. We lack common sense of decency, in other part of the world such activities are handled by forensic expert and crime scene technician for a meaningful purpose. We really need to grow up. RIP to the departed.
Since my life I have never heard of such huge no of deaths at upper Iweka. Lord please have mercy on us and to the dead ones grant them eternal rest. May God console the affected families. Lord please do not allow such to happen again.
Imo, I am dumb founded at the testimony. I believe God did that for a special reason. I thank God for your life. Please take care and move closer to Him who spared your life.
That is why every one shld surrender to Jesus.U never can tell what is going to happen when u live home.
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