Yesterday after Rhode Island legalized same sex marriage, Raven Tweeted that now she can get married.
And in case some people didn't get it, Raven re-Tweeted a follower who said she was definitely out of the closet. Continue...
She later released a statement saying
“I was excited to hear today that more states legalized gay marriage,” she continues. “I, however am not currently getting married, but it is great to know I can now, should I wish to.”
Raven's rumoured girlfriend is former America's Next Top Model contestant, AzMarie Livingston..
Hmmm...who am I 2 judge?
Coincident?! And I'm watching "That's So Raven" right now on Disney
To me its a taboo. Abi men don finish?
Not interested..........NEXT!!!
-Blunt Ibo boy-
I feel so disgusted phew
I wonder wat silly pleasure u derive frm same sex. I feel lyk am gonna puke. She's really pretty btw.
Freedom in the States is becoming something else, well, let them do their thing!
Ahhhhhhh,Raven too, na wah o....wot do dey gain from ds stuff sefn wot can attract me to my fellow woman....omashe o
Oh...what a WASTE!!!!
With all this her fineness na GIrL she go dey follow?tufiakwa!!!!
Not my head ache. Next!
Its 2013; yet Y'all keep @ publicly displaying ur Ignorance like its a badge of honour. Sad for Y'all. Bn Gay is not a choice; its an orientation that's as normal as bn straight. Get that or Get Lost!!! I'm gay; never cjose to be nd I accept me for who I am.
So this beauty chose to toll the path of desolation, how pathetic! I pray for her soul. May her soul RIP
I seriously dnt support dis law dt permits dis
Lol, nw all ur gonna be seeing is those boobs n ass with anoda boobs n ass... Everytime I hear somones a lesbian I thought always comes "two sweet girls wasted", how sad :(
Oshi ni eleyi, mtshewww, next pls
Azmarie livingston is one gawjuss female!
(No homo)
Na wa oh! Na so we dey c am
:( Raven why? *sobs*
Aww linda u r so late. Buh its her life, aww n I like azmarie oh ANTM she photographed so well, Good 4 dem
Go girl, its ur life n u hav my surpport.
Nice one!!!
linda, it has been ages she posted this on twitter.... Next pls...
Why why why...why Raven? :( she was so beautiful in the cosby show and she's still a beauty. What a waste!
Az marie is so cute, she refused to wear a fake booty in ANTM and she was sent home.other house mates had a thing for her but raven too? Na wah sha.
Oh this preety babe like babes kai nawaoh.
End of time!
Hmmmm,the PoPE said..."Who A̶̲̥̅̊♏ I to judge". Ngwanu,no prb. Na dem sabi,but A̶̲̥̅̊♏ against it. See fine girls wey go marry come born fine children,na so dey go waste their lives. Infact I support what Zimbabwe president said abt gay marriage sha...."If you lock them up in a room for 5yrs and no issue,then we chop off their heads"...hehehehehehehehe,lindo post dis.
U mean none of these cute guys culd get her attention.To think dat she's one of my favorite actress .... Too bad Raven!!
Who are you to JUDGE? you FORNICATORS, THIEVES, MURDERERS AND BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND SNATCHERS>>>Preach against it if you can with the love of God, but don't come here pretending like you are holier, just shows how immature u are in you mind and brain. For those of you who ask if men are finished in the world? maybe in her area they have ran out of men...
She's my daughter fav.actress.Can't possibly tell my daughter abt her sexuality.Somethings are better left in the closet.
So this lil angel grew up to be a lesbian? Chai,its a pity.
And ur own soul burn to ashes..not sparin ur body..am not gay..buh sinx am no virgin and am gettin it straight,wats ma headache if som1 fancies ha own anatomy..and am guessin u no saint eida..rubbish!!
Busty anonymous
Why will u say they should be killed??WHY??
why are some born blind, some deaf, some without arms and some more feminine or masculine than the others? why do some people love to fight and some just don't want wahala not to talk of the palava of whether she/ he is gay or not? eya, u don eat this night? you get energy o, worrying over things you cannot change!!
your kid keep watching the old that's so raven episodes and might just find out
y do americans want to provoke God.......lesbian and homosexuality is a taboo to God and man
They look great together.
Whatever makes you happy,go ahead and knock yourself out with it.
Only sexual behaviours I'm opposed to are Pedophilia,Incest,necrophilia and ofcourse rape.
With that said,I think its about time we let the gays breathe!
How stupid of u to pass judgement on someone's soul...u aren't any different cos u just sinned too.
Please I'm a lesbian so y'all can shut up now....don't care what you think
There's nothing normal about being gay...read the bible and get your facts right, except you don't believe in God.
That's wastefulness ....why'd one turn to the same gender as he/her is 4 sexual bla. Bla bla...... All this gay ppl should have pro rapists high on viagra arranged 4 em am sure they'll have a change of heart
It's not an orientation! It's a sin just like fornication and adultery. Being gay is not WHO YOU ARE! You are a human being there's more to you than just sex! I love you, God loves you more please have a change of heart and be all that our God truly wants you to be since the world began.
What a sad world o,so dis gosting d end is indeed nearer dan we can imagine o, o God cum 2 our aid o.lynda abeg post ny comment o
@Bola,I don't cur what happens to them. E be like say you be one
That's so Raven!
Oddly enough, this story has actually been running for years... Tho she'd never publicized it up until now... Meanwhile, I seriously don't get why she’s with someone who acts like a dude but wasn’t born a dude lol! Perhaps now maybe Queen Latifah would come out of the closet too!
Rubbish. Dis is digusting. Mtcheeeeeeew.
Gud people of 9ja, dis is not ur headache, wrrdless plz.... Lindopop post my comment
Its a big sin nd its in d bible,av always wanted 2 be a leb bcus I went 2 all girls scdy skul,all girls @home,I dnt get mixed up wit guys bcus my mum wii say der bad,I had feelins 4 gurls mor dan guys but afta readin how God disstoryed a city bcus of guy nd Leb in d bible immdty I vomed neva 2 be one again,pls stay away its not d will of God.tnxx
We r not to Judge abi? Go back to ur Bible and read God's take on homosexuality and other sins against the holy spirit. End time!
they waste, there's not enjoyment having sex together,its a shame been straight is the best, she should come try me her life will change forever lolz
Who cares anyways? Next plzz
Who cares anyway? Next plzz
Nobody was born gay...homosexuality is a lifestyle choice outside the norm of everyday society. Homosexuality is an illness...rubbish lifestyle practiced by worthless people!!!
Homosexualism goes against all aspects of existence:naturally no animal or living thing copulates with it's own sex,rather it looks for the opposite sex. Since this generation has refused to acknowlege God's injuctions nd abuse the freewill given by God at least we should look at d 'matter' from nature's point of view and retrace our steps. PS no one's hating anyone,it's jst the actions that r appalling. Above Be at peace with all men.
Wait ooo, does it mean u don't like pussy or is there something in pussy that makes u not to like it? I can't get this gay/lesbian 'ish honestly
All dis tinz I see make me weak..its obvious d world will end..why will u reject Dick..I can't understand..she needs deliverance..she needs to be locked in a room wit dat dude dat broke record..so d boi can hav sex wit her for 8hours atleast..am sure afta d experience she will change..................THE DON
Lmaooo! That's soo sarcastic...
oh no, LORD not RAVEN!!! *sadfaced* see how beautiful she is, been watching her from bill cosby show up to thats so raven and she's so funny and entertaining. Lord pls save her plssssssssssssssssssssss
Oh my gosh.I feel so bad bout dis news. I love Raven so much. My best disney star....oooopss. 'Sobs'
Clap for yourself,u are even proud to say.babe abi na guy u chose dat life sytle nobody made u dat way.
Hmmmmn,,majestically walking pass!
Na wa o! God is truly patient and merciful
Na wa o! God is truly patient and merciful
I love you fr bin u,am nt lesbian bt I cn nva judge anybodi fr what dey do.leav ur life
Am happy she is out finally,mk naija let go of dia fake holiness nd legaliz gay marriage.coz gay don full evrywea oooooo
I love you fr bin u,am nt lesbian bt I cn nva judge anybodi fr what dey do.leav ur life
Lol. Dats so sick. Am just 19 yh ad notin feels beta dan wen my boyfriend sex me. Ad as for dose criticizing beverley ur nt righteous either
The thing is, U can never choose your sexuality..stop judging so u won't b judged...still love her tho...
So u finlly did not post my comment... Too bad
Gud 4her..
~D great anonymous!
Who tell u say she don kpai u dis onye ara anonymous
Thanks for that reply my dear.
Loool! Help me tell them.
Thanks for that reply my dear.
I love you. #HomoMuch
Nna damn u o! Man to man is disgusting. Woman to woman?!!! Suweeeet something
I'm telling you. She's too damn sexy. I will do her if I have the chance o jare!
Na so Pope Francis talk am
No to gay (faggot) in nigeria by naughty by natur
Raven whhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy *sobbing*what a waste
If u are gay, does it make it right? Do u knw gay peeps have same psychological orientation with paedophiles and serial killers? Do we justify these cos its their orientation? Kleptomania to is an orientation. People are born with it, but it doesn't make it right. Its a disorder. People with this disorder seek help. Sodomy can't be justified. No disrespect, u need to seek help asap.
Baba go siddon, wasn't going to judge her but don't give us that "you did not make the choice" BS, u weren't born that way
Anonymous 6.47. This examples you gave of the diverse nature of human beings throws serious light to this issue of gayism. Who am I to judge?
So its a waste cos shez nt doing it wif a guy abi?? Mtcheew.... u male species had beta get over yaselfs
Just read the book of leventicus
Raven was not ın The Cosby Show. She was ın Hangıng Wıth Mr Cooper.#okbye#
I liked her when she was young loved her body when she grew older but now ..... She's a waste
Lol u make sense
Yes very bad
No judging but some1 tell her to read the book of leventicus
Lol I feel u
U chose to be. Life is what u make it. U get lost. People r entitled to their opinions.
old gist linda...she kinda came out a while ago. especially when she lost all her weight 3years ago.
Wendy Williams outed her some months back dou...so it's kinda stale to me... I wonder wat went wrong in her life...smh... such a waste.
What a bloody waste. I crushed on this girl for years sha. Never missed that's so Raven
Linda! Come out Too. U Lesbian.
hey GUYS...They can marry legally in court... but NO CHRURCH WOULD BE FORCED TO MARRY THEM....
May God av mercy on these lives.
All of you that are saying that she should burn in hell and all other stupid comments...because no one has come out to talk about your own sins. Awon fornicators and adulterers.Rubbish! Mind your business and let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Mscheeewww!
Na GOD go punish any man wey marry his fellow man nd same goes to women, u ppl shld stop daring GOD ooo, make una no let GOD to scatter dis world d way HE scattered sodum/gomorah,
You aren't judging if you say the truth, gay marriage is wrong, if God wanted people to be gay then men would be able to give birth. Or women will make themselves pregnant. And God did not create anyone gay I hate when people say that, it's a demon, if you resist it will flee.
I'm sad for you, since you allowed yourself to be gay, it's not about 2013 it's about God, God didn't make you gay, you decided that demon live in you.
As d day goes by....more n more ppl cum outta d closet.....I happn 2 b 1, many of u hav dis mindset dat homos(les and gay) took a decision 2 b 1....- bet me anybdy dat identifies as gay...alwaz crave 4 change....bt It wunt jst come..no matta hw hard u try.lik I keep sayin....it has 2 do wif hormonal imbalance......rememba d shemales,transexuals,transvestities,pansexuals etc....all r products of hormonal disorder.wen a guy secrets more of d female hormones notably(progesterone) he tends 2 act feminine nd as a consequence wil b molested severally @ a tender age....d person grows up 2 b gay..jst d same way tomboyz turn LES.....all has 2 do wif hormones.gender roles,family upbringing,environment r contributory factors.....so. Pls allow homos 2 b...
how e take matter for ya side?
men dey! them know want man... nah by force?
tell me when you puke ok?
they gain the type of plessure you cannit give
after chopping off their heads.... where do you see yourself... as its the endtime.... do you know that the worst sin is to take another life...
if you follow levinticus... you would have not been alive now.... because you would have been stonned to death or put to death for dissobeying your parents
your daughter might just be gay if you tell her that raven is gay.... is that not ignorance!!!
yes endtime! are you ready
thank you my sister... majority of nigers population is closet case gays!
For those of u christians dat are afraid to judge, evn d bible separates sins from abomination...dis is an abomination! God condemned it. Tufia kwa!. From a scientific POV, the anatomy of human beings justifies dat gay & lesbians are mentally disturbed.
Concerning dis LGBT matter, I'm pofaced *lips sealed*
Its INI D'Geniero *signing out*
Actually, I dunno my sexuality o! I have a boyfriend & a girlfriend too! I also like watching by boyfriend fuck my girlfriend cos it turns me on. I like to do stuff to my girlfriend wen my boyfriend is fucking both of us especially sucking her pussy but I don't really like her touching me! So pls, wots my sexuality? Pls go easy on me with the cursing & insults. I just want to know.
Ure BI m'dear.. loool.
Too late Linda read this long tym....u sha
you could bisexual...
Ofcos ur a sick bisexual. God have mercy on us all for we have all sinned and come short of his mercies and graces..bisexuallity and homosexuallity are both unnatural sins.. Adultery and fornication are too but homos n bi's!!!! Indeed aborminable
Foolish girl! clap for yourself and sing it to the streets, your being a lesbian is quite stale!...and who cares to know about what you do,bloody lesbian!!!
Its Jayke again, big ups Raven!! Thank God everyday for he created you beautifully gay and you're blessed and loved. Above All, Thank God that unlike millions of others, you were extremely lucky to be born in a country which is led by/populated by jut/equitable and rational human beings. Now you can access all the rights and privileges that everyone else can access. As for you bigots and homophobes in that disgusting hypocritical Nigeria, you're simply deceiving yourselves, you are doing yourself a major disservice by hating/discrimiting against your fellow citizens just because they happen to be gay! Whether you like it or not, most of you homophobes and bigots have gay fathers, uncles, brothers, boyfriends, fiances, best friends etc. You think they are straight because you have created a monstrous world governed by intolerance and narrow - mindedness and consequently, we are all poorer for it!! As for you fake bible thumpers, read Leviticus thoroughly and find that there are lots of other things condemned by that book of the bible which all of you have fallen foul of, you are therefore (going by the contents of your false religiousity), eaually doomed to hell ... As usual, Naija is racing backwards at full speed while the rest of the world embraces justice, tolerance and openness... May God help all of us. And in case, you're wondering, I am a proudly gay, well educated, well traveled young Nigerian. I love myself, God created me as a beautiful gay man and I can feel his love and blessings over me everyday. So DIE!! Haters and Homophobes.... linda, you must publish dis ooooo
New way to justify our wrongs (sins) "Don't Judge" and we Christains found it .... Lol
This Kenny u na gay oh, lol oya read Romans na ode ass abi na pussy licker
Go and fuck or lick your mother, it's love and no body is going to judge u okay...
Hahahaha, here goes Jesus speaking . Go and fuck ur mother na. After all it's love and no one should judge uh
Omo u r a confused bisexual and ur problem came from media , too much porn movies . So u r sick and u need to seek help okay
AzMarie Livingston!!!GORGEOUS!They chic is one natural model!(no homo thns,am so straight)
bullshit...soon it will hit Nigeria....rubbish
i think people that have feelings for same sex partner have psychological problems and need to see psychologists for treatment.
it's sheer show of madness,gay, lesbian,bisexual, homosexual...,U all better go and see psychologist b4 una go enter street, by then it will b too late.
sincerely speaking or writing, its a psychological disorder.abi tell me how a fellow woman will penetrate another fellow woman.how will i touch a man like me then feel something for that man.it's madness no other name u fit call am.
She was
well i see hell has found more company
if a female eat pussy she a lesbo and take the weave out your hair
if you a female and eat pussy you are a lesbo and take weave out your hair americans
if you eat pussy as a female you are a lesbo and take the weave out your hair
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