1. Before, during and after work related activities like photo and video shoots. Including special events etc.
Several classes have been planned for the series like policing/ custom
officing / waitressing for the day to meet her surprised fans in the
3. To show her readiness and willingness to work with high profile corporate brands, she is taking etiquette lessons and so on.
The additional acting lessons she went to get in London, will also be
displayed through monologues that will be recorded with fans.
So watch out people!
Hmmmm,let's c wat she is up 2 dis time
Nice Karen
Fashion lovers pls www.omgville.blogspot.com
I will be back soon with a better comment, but meanwhile orbit want to get approved by google adsense click here for details.
K. Oooooo we av hear
Am waiting to see it
#So who cares
Bleh! who cares?
Ninja Turtle.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Wetin person no go see for this naija sef, ehhh? Nawaoooo!
Go girl! Muah!
Ay! We don't want to know karen o! Na by force?
And no linda, I will not watch out.
The first pic is nice btw
Knowing karen' and den doin wot wit her. Make she come dey show us fake boobs. My breast too big aint looking for whose own to look @. She's got nutin to offer abeg
Briliant IDea.. LOL!.......Date a Professional In Nigeria.. Lawyers, Doctors, Nurse and A Millionaire.. Rich Kids, Sugar Mummy, Meet A New Friend In Nigeria Today
Could y'all stop borin us wit ur shitty reality shows? From gbemi olateru to laide bakare and now u karen wan start ur own,ogini?
na now she wake up.....
whot so interesting bout this babe....
she looks so fake...
I will be back soon with a better comment, but meanwhile if u want to get approved by google adsense click here for details.
hu caress.
why would I wanna know a female version smigel?
Everybody knows reality shows are fake these days,I hope she gets the desired ratings.
Best of luck to her.
Wow..dats kul
cee her boobs with her spindled leg!! hehe
and talk about what, biko? plastic surgery and shrek???
Tats nice,good 4 her. Hey am ope daniel n am jus passing by.bye
Dats nice bt †Ñ’c̷ pix is wacky, eww
Good for her
Karen, hmmmmn! I wish her well tho.
I dont want to know karen.
Watch out for what? I said what? Pls!
Shut the hell up! If u dnt care den dats ur loss but i Τ̅e̶̲̥̅̊â„“â„“ u I CARE!
Everyone wnts to do reality show sha... Der r bera fins to do as a celeb dt'll assist d nation than always being on d screen.
Is dis not a he/she?never seen or heard bout her/him before
Everybodi wan do reality show,chia wetin karen gt 2 off na na wa ooooo,mk we dy luk sha.
Knew all I needed to know when she was on BBA show. What else is there to know?
Oranges on her chest! Wat da Hell?
Abeg so sleep jooor silly ass! Btw Hλ√ƺ u owned up to the paternity of ur unborn chlid by ur girlfriend whom u impregnated!
Ol'boy go n confess den mind ur bloody business!!!!!
oh no, dis gal again
Even u bona? I wan curse u before but com realise §♠Ƴ u get sorry issue u'r wallowwing in already make i no go add more pepper to the injury wey u get.....wanking is a serious issue!
I rebuke d spirit of vaseline craving in ur sorry life! Say Amen!
@ balogun emmanuel 4:48. It's a big shame u still write 'first to comment' @ Ur age... #agbaya#
Its bcos u'r so damn static, lazy, myopic and uncreative dats where u'r where u are til thy kingdom come! So why wnt u be surprised seeing others excel, cutting nitche for themselves n making ÈŠ̝̊†̥ big in life!
Sorry successful-colourful world where we dwell is not for pple â„“i̶̲̥̅ke u!
Ndo oooo!
Hmmmmm everybdy wants to do reality show.. In d end it turns out to b fake #not interested#
Its bcos u'r so damn static, lazy, myopic and uncreative dats where u'r where u are til thy kingdom come! So why wnt u be surprised seeing others excel, cutting nitche for themselves n making ÈŠ̝̊†̥ big in life!
Sorry successful-colourful world where we dwell is not for pple â„“i̶̲̥̅ke u!
Ndo oooo!
...If u dnt knw wat to do wit den u can use ÈŠ̝̊†̥ to smoke garri as u no get money buy groundnut n sugar! *Kmt*
Learn to be creative and stop being lazy! Arise n shine den a leaf frm Karen! Lazy being!!!!!!!!!
Olorun darijimi:(
Once an ODE W̶̲̥̅̊È‹̊ƪƪ always be an ODE for life! Hλ√ƺ always known u to be one and a very BIG-STUPID one as always!
U'v nt disappointed me one bit cos i'd expected DUMBY comments frm u! IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!
Ofcourse nobody cares abt a RETARDED She-goat â„“i̶̲̥̅ke u! Abeg go and sell ur okpa n stop disturbing matured minded fellows in here!
Ewu Enugu!!!
Nawa ooo,dz karen self she 4 cm giv me d money naa,or charity as she no knw wetin she go use money do!!!durr!!!
FOOL! FOOL!! FOOL!!!!!! STUPID FOOL!!!!!! Gosh! U need an award for being the BIGGEST fool!
FOOL! Shey cos u cant afford one cos of ur wretched state? Eeeyaah! Pele oooo!
Did i hear u §♠Ƴ shrek? Den u must be a GORILLA!
Ugly Mammal!!!!!!
FOOL! FOOL!! FOOL!!!!!! STUPID FOOL!!!!!! Gosh! U need an award for being the BIGGEST fool!
Ofcourse nobody cares abt a RETARDED She-goat â„“i̶̲̥̅ke u! Abeg go and sell ur okpa n stop disturbing matured minded fellows in here!
Ewu Enugu!!!
Once an ODE W̶̲̥̅̊È‹̊ƪƪ always be an ODE for life! Hλ√ƺ always known u to be one and a very BIG-STUPID one as always!
U'v nt disappointed me one bit cos i'd expected DUMBY comments frm u! IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!
Karen sit here \_____ I'm coming, lemme get ur merrycine
Learn to be creative and stop being lazy! Arise n shine den a leaf frm Karen! Lazy being!!!!!!!!!
...If u dnt knw wat to do wit den u can use ÈŠ̝̊†̥ to smoke garri as u no get money buy groundnut n sugar! *Kmt*
Abeg make all of una shut up, she's doin ha biz, if u no like d programe, no watch, she needs to make more mony, which is normal, haters leak my ass,by d way she don try 4 life, some of u haters shuld get a life
As in?what's up nigerian celebrities wit reality show?Nawa ooo
I like Karen but this her boobs are ugly i beg.
☺ķªª¥ º°˚! Watching to see ♓☺w its gonna be like
So is that how u'll affect lives with all the plenty money u won.....mtshewww....next pls
Oya take kulikuli,agbaya
Hahahahaha sorry to say but " A celebrity is supose to be a role model" not a #bitch-like lady showing off her boobs as if she is some soft porn actress..... Pls be decent N act ryt... No offence
Hope her show works out good. I like her. We all can't be as normal as people expects.
See her mouth lyk dick!!! Reality ko who go watch am sef
nice girl,am happy for you,the sky is the limit...haters copy that
I no admire this breats one bit.
Am smith the benin guy
Do u people ever encourage anyone? U all should encourage d poor girl, she's trying to make something out of her life pls.
oK! am in front of ma Tv already
Shey na her fake boobz she want come dey display dere again
NNA na wa oo. Dis 1 na blog molestation. See breast na!! Choi!
What do I wanna know about her? Not interested jor,mtcheeeew. Still everything will be fake so no need.
Excuse me ma, what's so special about her? I will die to what a reality show centred on linda ikeji than that.... *lips sealed* what a waste sha
And who the fuck wants to know Karen? Oh please..
Karen? Really? Lol
Visit www.ameriestyle.blogspot.com for your latest fashion trend/news
Buh Mary u ugly o.
Hahahah! You mean smeagol? Lord of the rings smeagol? Buhahahahaah!
Yipeeee! 1st 2 comment, haters dieeeeeee.
And who the fuck wants to know Karen? Oh please..
Lool Linda, can you include an option to like a comment??
I will definitely not be watching!!!!!!
Really??? She has fans???
Never seens any sha ooo
Go girlllll
Go girlllll
How many reality shows we go dey watch now?
check this out Fifty Shades of Grey and handcuffs
Luvin her low cut dress, plus prolly won't be bad after all... Quit judging her sha!
~D great anonymous!
Princess Fiona. Only God knows what she's up to.
My tot exactly and she just b like carved image for d second pix.#bb smiley not interested#
i'll be watching karen was interesting to watch on bba
She try
Y do u keep insulting kareen wen u look no betta dan her .n so wat if her boobs r fake?na u carry am. Huumm yall should leave d girl be n get a life rada dan trying to be selfemployed haters
Those things on her chest look painful. Are those boobs or tumors???
Ok oo wish u luck miss strong boobs
Loooooooool. Tumors ofcourse.
Karen I like! Every body must not be fine biko God made us all in his own image. Karen at least frm what I saw frm her BBA stay in d aws was real n she was always full of joy n laughter. Nice personality she got too.
Love dat dress...... bt dat boob...wow! FIFA World Cup ball! *I didn't say dat* love her eyes!
Ewwwww,4 Y nah. Very thing now has a "reality show" celebrity status I die. Nigga plx go and ave several seats
Nyc one kip it up gal
Not interested#yawns den sleep#
Who's dis mad disciplinarian 'commenter' abeg? Hmm plss, I realise d prblm of unemployment in Nigeria bt get a job!
this girl is just too ugly,,,with all the money
I kind of like this Karen Igbo though i see lots of peeps don't. oh well she be fine daring chick.
And that's why she is moving forward cos she hasn't met a f*****g bitter person like u Dami aka Blog Ashewo...Oluwadamilola biko take a seat!!!
***EDO BABE***
Balogun Emmanuel your yansh don open...I laff in afuze
***Edo Babe***
Isoko wa doh....heyyyyy...go gurl its ur time
@ the displinarian.... I know you are ugly short stunted Karen Igho! Stop being a coward and use your real name! Don't worry, I know you want to market those plastic boobs of yours! Ewu Gambia! Lol
This stupid girl and her boobs
click HERE for more gist
@ disciplinarian. Oga ur own sef don 2much.Na only u dey here???Haba calm down ur blood too dey hot!!!
A Nollywood Mistake.
@Disciplinarian...now you're making this blog boring.U must be a local street fighter.Get a life,okay?
If you cant be happy for someone else's success, then what makes you think you deserve better? What makes you think that the terrible situation you are in is not your portion (Who's portion is it?)
Hating would get you no where. Try and be more appreciative and may be something positive would happen in your life.
Seriously!!!!!Must u reply to every truth?,that's their opinion
Who is dis fool called d disciplinarian attacking everybody?!! I'm sure she's Karen's house girl! Get a life fool and stop making a fool of urself! Bloody idiot!!! Karen is fake and annoying! Oya go and hang urself!
U took d words right out of my mouth blog lord
Hahahahaha libers will not kills somebody! Tumors definitely
Karen pls go nd find work 2do or start a busines,Uti is doin good for himself,there is noting interesting abt u 2know nd whoever "disciplinarian is u had beta get a life nd stop respondn 2every comment u dnt lyk
hippie cant wait for this luv u Karen.
I am not going to say anything spiteful or unnecessary but is it the latest trend for Nigerian celebrities to now host reality tv shows? first it was omotola, then jim iyke now Karen? a reality tv show is really supposed to be channelled at the celebrity showing his/her fans how his/her live is on a very normal day(not showing us clips of you and your crew abroad all the time) your fans want to know where you live, sleep or how you take care of your home if you have one(only omotola managed to do this last year December i.e last time I checked) your fans want to get to meet your families, your parents, your close friends, your kids, your girlfriend and everything(which more important than showing them how you went to Dubai or the uk stayed in fancy hotels or how you bought a suit that didn't fit) they really don't care about all that stuff, they want real stuff. Karen if you are really going to do a reality show I don't think there's anything you are incapable of doing but please let it be as real as real can get. I personally don't think you need to get acting classes for this if it is really a reality show there shouldn't be a need for acting please just be yourself. I am not a fan but I admire how hard you are willing to work now
I don't understand all d hating! I like her,she rocks! Go Karen!!
Linda post my commentooo!
would luv to watch this. go karen. this girl is real, except her boobs of course. lmao
Nawa o!everybody sha wan get reality show. Shey na because dem Americans dey do am, na so we sef wan carry our head join? Abeg o! As for you Karen, pigs have a better shot at building mansions than your show has at making it. #SoPleaseParkWell scheeeewwwwww #VexingAtTinsWeyNoConcernMeTINZZ
Nawa o!everybody sha wan get reality show. Shey na because dem Americans dey do am, na so we sef wan carry our head join? Abeg o! As for you Karen, pigs have a better shot at building mansions than your show has at making it. #SoPleaseParkWell scheeeewwwwww #VexingAtTinsWeyNoConcernMeTINZZ
Disciplinarian.....can u shut up alredi?eiish!ur comments are begining to irritate me!local champion!
I swr...and pls throw Ur bb away all these decorations are overrated!local thing..
Disciplinarian.....can u shut up alredi?eiish!ur comments are begining to irritate me!local champion!
her boobs job is funny,so so so unreal.The surgeon is funny.
I love karen Igho! #nohomo crazy fan of her fashion sense.
Dt disciplinarian or wetin dey call am sef must be so jobless dt he gets his eyes fixed on everyone comments and den opens his dictionary 2 compose stupid english 2 reply to pple's comment. Pls go get a life u're so borin.
He's so stupid n boring. Am sure his life is so boring dts y he has a mouth diarrhoea.
U guys dnt mind him, he's jst learning ow 2 talk. He's Karen's toilet maid.
Dt disciplinarian or wetin dey call am sef must be so jobless dt he gets his eyes fixed on everyone comments and den opens his dictionary 2 compose stupid english 2 reply to pple's comment. Pls go get a life u're so borin.
Who wants to know Karen
everybody doing reality show both those that don't knw d meaning and what it entails, ve notk been seeing omotolas advert on dstv like she stopped
so Karen thinks she is a star cos she won bigbrother Africa a show that promotes no moral value, n now she wants to show us her life style, pls Linda u people in d media should pass our message across. obviously nobody wants to see. how can I pay 11k to watch fake people(jim iyke n co)pls tell dem we don't want
Karen is that you....you cant force people to like you...stop bin bitter....Deal with it....
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