Donald Trump finally gives his plan for dealing with Isis in clear detail (& he makes no sense) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 9 September 2016

Donald Trump finally gives his plan for dealing with Isis in clear detail (& he makes no sense)

US Presidential candidate Donald Trump for some time now has been talking about his plans to defeat ISIS and expunge the terror organization once he is elected to be president.
At first during an interview this week with NBC on National security when he was asked how he intends to defeat ISIS, he replied that he doesn't want 'our enemies'  to publicly hear his ideas. But he has finally given ideas on how he plans to deal with the group.
Billionaire Trump's answer came after retired Army Lt. General Michael Flynn asked him to expand on the four components of his national security strategy, naming them ‘military, cyber, financial and ideological. But Trump's answer was really vague.
This is what Trump answered (in full):
'Well, that’s it. And you know cyber is becoming so big today. It’s becoming something that number of years ago, short number of years ago, wasn’t even a word. And now the cyber is so big, and you know look at what they’re doing with the internet.' 
'How they’re taking recruiting people through the internet. And part of it is the psychology because so many people think they’re winning. And you know, there’s a whole big thing. Even today, psychology — where CNN came out with a big poll. Their big poll came out today that Trump is winning. 
'It’s good psychology, you know. It’s good psychology. I know that for a fact because people that didn’t call me yesterday, they’re calling me today. So that’s the way life works right?'
America's next president??? *sigh*


NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Lol @he makes no sense

...merited happiness

Unknown said...

His biznez jare

Unknown said...

Lmoa...Hope Isis is taking note! #Clown

Unknown said...



OSINANL said...


Unknown said...

Brilliant guy, he have point, if you want to become am hero, you needs to protect your month, talks is not cheap

Mecious said...

It even upsets me that we are even talking about him in the first place. All in the name of freedom of speech this guy said the unthinkable severally yet he is still a presidential candidate. This is where i fear for democracy.

Unknown said...

He his just looking for what to say,doesn't make no sense mbok

Unknown said...

He responded this way cos he does not want the enemies to hear his idea, which is the best

Eva Da Diva...

Chizzy Liz said...

****************************Linda who added dat and he makes no sense in bracket ??????????? Pray mey dix man no win ********na u he go come arrest first*************


Come Linda, that guy had Trump better made sense to you....

He is the next POTUS!


And when he emerges, we (just U&I) shall celebrate with hot, steamy FUCK!

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

Madaam women empowERmEnt,LEave trump for us ooooooooo.He is alReady a winner

Unknown said...

Linda how much did hillary Hillary give you? Vote TRUMP

Tedd said...

trump my guy...linda i see you dont like this man.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

How is he not making sense LINDA? Please read again and think. Someone said he doesn't want to let his enemies know his plans and that cyber cnn came up with a figure that he is leading the presidential race. And then the word....PSYCHOLOGY!!! And u said he doesn't make sense....He just made u look stupid.

Unknown said...

Linda am very impressed how interested you are in 2016 American elections, up to a point of even taking a strong stand against Trump and his policies. The most amazing thing is that I HAVE NEVER READ ANY COMMENT/CRITICISM from you about Nigerian political successes and blunders. I guess the PMB administration is doing so well that you cannot even say anything for or against it.In as much as the world is globalized, charity still begins at home......

Unknown said...

Oh Lawd! He totally misunderstood the question...... Gush, do I need to analyze it got him??

........... Liber maniac.........

Anonymous said...

America's Buhari (a man bereft of ideas running for the presidency)

Unknown said...

The old man is a disaster... America's Choice 2016

Nigeria Shall be Great! like-minds.. not talking about the greedy and selfish ones in the senate o.

Unknown said...

Linda this man is smarter than you think .. you dont know his strategy so just watch, observe and learn ... this man's target are the silent majority, forget those people protesting against him, they are the loud minority... there are people who condemn him publicly thats still gonna secretly vote him ...his strategy is unconventional and somewhat evil but f**king effective .. ask urself 1 question, how come he's still giving clinton a run for her money despite all the negative backlash.. just watch out before the election he will drop a bombshell against clinton that will raise a lot of dust.Trump is still holding on to his joker he hasnt played it yet

Unknown said...

Lindiway save your thoughts, It's not needed. Linda take note!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Hater Linda. Trump is leading in the latest pool. Face Nigeria problems n leave Trump alone

Anonymous said...

Hater Linda. Trump will win. Better face naija problem. Trump is a very confident man. Where r hillary email?

Anonymous said...

I don't support him but I don't think he's that stupid. He just doesn't wanna give answer. He may be a buffoon but not an idiot!

HRM Paul said...

Of course he is clueless like gej and now buhari

Anonymous said...

He makes no sense whatsoever, his facial expressions though, always looking like a clown

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Go Trump

Anonymous said...

I'm convinced this man has ADD. See how he just jumps around. You can almost tangibly see his mind racing off on different tangents in 2 seconds! Sheesh! How he made it in business beats me! Surely proves the grace of God is real!

Anonymous said...

With your cheap Mbeke face . So in your mind you are smarter than Trump now

Anonymous said...

Dummy Trump

Unknown said...

I will still vote for u man......

Unknown said...

Hahahahaha,this man is a nut case

Lib addict#just passing#

Ophacy said...

Neither Mrs Clinton nor Mr Trump is good for the US, but either of them is better than who we have here

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Steve said...

You r damn right..... thumbs up fella

Unknown said...

Comparing this with the recent post u made about Hilary clinton, I can clearly tell you're being too feminist.

Unknown said...

you need to have deep thoughts to understand what he said....high IQ less talk :)

Sammy said...

I swear if dis guy enter power America go be like Nigeria for real

Sammy said...

I pity some Nigerians they will always fall for cheap traps that is why we are in this mess today. I am a psychologist and I know if dis man gets power America will fall. Pple are so shallow in their brains and I see that's what is affecting Nigerians today

Sammy said...

Pls tell some clueless pple bcos they are dump.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't make sense, he makes money, its better for him to stick to money making and stop clowning around.

Unknown said...

He is a joker. Hilary has got this

Anonymous said...

Exactly. .the average IQ in Nigeria is extremely low and that includes Linda Ikeji .Low IQ people have no idea of the truth

Anonymous said...

The guy dumb, simple.

Unknown said...

These are signs that the world is coming to an end. Lol

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

This guy is clearly on some cheap drugs!Pls!someone kindly rid the world of this buffoon n put a bullet into his head!

Anonymous said...

Linda don't force your personal opinion on people in d name of ur blog.."he didn't make sense" prolly not to you....he hinted at fighting it from Cyber angle but wisely choose to not expantiate further...I think Linda is using her blog to bully and force her opinion out there now

Unusual said...

Linda permit me to tell u dat your reports on Donald Trump are extremely biased. Why aren't you talking about the email scandal threatening to end Clinton's ambition, why haven't I read a report on the very controversial and corrupt Clinton foundation and why aren't we seeing how she's been bough by big oil, big pharma and wall Street. You are too biased and I hate it. You are the Clinton News Network (CNN) of Nigeria.

Unknown said...

Yah I watched it. He never made sense, was just avoiding the question due to lack of knowledge

Unusual said...

So as a psychologist, u have in your skill set the ability to tell the future? Ewu..You are there profiling someone that is more intelligent than the whole of your family. Prophet Sammy. What else will fall???

Unknown said...

Are you minding linda, she's thinks owning a blog makes her sensible. Queen of senselessness.

Unknown said...

Trump is making a whole lotta sense.
My Bias thought though.

Ricky said...

Dude are u kidding or is ur English that bad ? Wtf

Anonymous said...

Linda please can you post something about DT without annoying write-up like "he makes no sense", may be to you.

Anonymous said...

Now I know you're a feminist Linda.. .he made sense you just don't understand!

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