Dear LIB men, what would you do if your wife sent a stinker to your mum
From a male LIB reader
A few days ago, my new wife sent a stinker text message to my mum asking her to butt out of our marriage. I can't go into details as to what brought about this situation but I wanted to find out from other men how they would react if their wives sent an insulting text message to their mum. I haven't spoken to or eaten her food since my mum forwarded the text to me. I haven't even discussed it with her but she knows I know. I love my mum to death and the thought of someone, especially my wife, sending her a belittling text makes me so mad. What should I do?
You can't just judge her by the text. Not that what she did is right. But I wonder what your mum also did to warrant such insult. You may love your mum, but you are now building a home with your wife, let her apologize to your mum and end it amicably pls
The wife would have sought the consent of her husband and it also depends on how the mother-inlaw has seen their marriage. Some M.I's wouldn't want to leave their son's house because they don't love their son's choice. I can only get angry at my wife if my mum has never being a case to worry in my marriage.
Really! I'm Sorry but I can't marry a lady that so disrespectful to insult my mum. from dating her. I would have known she's that kind of person, character is like pregnancy, you just can't hide it.
Really! I'm Sorry but I can't marry a lady that so disrespectful to insult my mum. from dating her. I would have known she's that kind of person, character is like pregnancy, you just can't hide it.
Some mothers dont mind their business.....She might have deserved the text nonetheless, a wife should be tolerant and patient, there is no excuse except you aint properly trained. I think an outstanding clap back slap would do. #justsaying#
I'm a good guy, xtian, not bad looking, & in need of a serious relationship. Every girl I'm asking out is claiming to be taken, but I can't share. Any slim, independent and presentable lady who is not taken & in need of a serious relationship too, shud pls add me up 564C0BA1
I'm a good guy, xtian, not bad looking, & in need of a serious relationship. Every girl I'm asking out is claiming to be taken, but I can't share. Any slim, independent and presentable lady who is not taken & in need of a serious relationship too, shud pls add me up 564C0BA1
I'm a good guy, xtian, not bad looking, & in need of a serious relationship. Every girl I'm asking out is claiming to be taken, but I can't share. Any slim, independent and presentable lady who is not taken & in need of a serious relationship too, shud pls add me up 564C0BA1
Yes she is your mum, and I respect that fact... am a lady and I will never disrespect my mother in law. But wat parents fail to understand is that they need to minimize the way they interrupt in their children marriage.. I don't know the lady in question but I think you should sit her down and talk to her... some mother in laws can seriously be a pain in the ass but we all need to handle it wisely so that we do not create enmity in the family...Remember your mum once had a mother in law and am sure she has a story to tell... so Bros cool down no because of your mama scater your marriage.
WE can't judge if we do not know what transpired be for the text was sent and of course the content of the text... i will suggest you sort it out amongst you three.
I'm a good guy, xtian, not bad looking, & in need of a serious relationship. Every girl I'm asking out is claiming to be taken, but I can't share. Any slim, independent and presentable lady who is not taken & in need of a serious relationship too, shud pls add me up 564C0BA1
Yes she is your mum, and I respect that fact... am a lady and I will never disrespect my mother in law. But wat parents fail to understand is that they need to minimize the way they interrupt in their children marriage.. I don't know the lady in question but I think you should sit her down and talk to her... some mother in laws can seriously be a pain in the ass but we all need to handle it wisely so that we do not create enmity in the family...Remember your mum once had a mother in law and am sure she has a story to tell... so Bros cool down no because of your mama scater your marriage.
Leave your mum out of your marriage unless your are ready to ruin it. Buh that said, let her apologise to you and your mum it was wrong for her to insult your mum.
I'm not a man, but I think this two women are special to you. Just communicate and let go. No need bottling up anything or feeling angered. Don't also forget, you must understand /state the line,and draw it bold.# u now have a family
I'm a married woman and I haven't commented in weeks but this got me feeling so bad.
Your wife is completely out of line and lacks a proper upbringing. The Bible says in Prov. 14:1 Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands. Regardless of what your mother did, she had no right sending that text. She should have put God and not you in between the situation. She should turn to God and not attempt fighting her battles herself.
I'm not claiming to be a perfect wife but Lord knows that a home can only be built or torn apart by a woman. If she reads this, please ask her to read Proverbs and seek forgiveness.
I refuse to judge your wife until I know what your mum had done. If you can't spill what your mum did please park well. Your sound like a mummy's boy. From your write ups your mum is in control of you and for her to foward the message to you is to add more fire to your marriage . Talk to your wife and your mum should stay out of your marriage cod I don't think your wife woke up 1morning and decided to go mad. Some mother inlaws are so devilish. You wife also needs to control he temper. Sometimes silence is the best answer to a fool. Something don't need confrontation. From the look of things you have taking stands against your wife and that is what your mum wants (rejoicing in her heart) so take a chill pill and tak charge as a man. Let gods wisdom guide you.
I think ur wife went to far buh either ways smbody needs to tel ur mum d truth. So mother inlaws hv mental prblm, Mst tyms dey fail to undrstd dt their son is married and want to stil gt involved in his evryday life.imagine mine telln ma hubby dt dey Nid to b spendin more tym together knwin fully well dt he is married wiv kids and telln him to b hlpn him save his money. Vry annoyn. In d case ur mum mus hv done worse or similar thing so dnt blame her. Wht she did is beta dan wht I am abt doing.
Are you a learner? Can't you see this is a sign of what's to come? As a man this is a serious redline. Nobody is allowed to insult my Mum no matter what, and the thought of my wife doing it is extremely humiliating and painful. My advice? END THE MARRIAGE! YES, END IT!!!
Sit d 2 of dem down nd talk 2 dem dy are d most important pple in ur lyf 1 shld b rated above d oda ohk my d good lord gv u wisdom 2 tackle d situation
Maybe your wife over reacted, maybe your mum is overbearing but I think you are the cross of the problem did handle it properly and now whatever is the problem is boiling over.
dear poster, instead of ignoring ur wife, why not sit her down and ask her wat prompted it? Some MILs can b so annoying at times tho. (talking from xperience) There shldnt b a third party in ur marriage, cuz if u r looking for advice or wt other men feel abt ur wife's action, u myt just get d wrong advice. Pls sir ur wife down and talk to her. She myt b hurting as well.
You will hv to talk to ur wife and discuss d issue wit her by letting her knw you dnt like wat she did ,dan keepin quiet,I believe she will knw u dnt like it,and she won't repeat d issue again.
My brother even the bible said that a man will leave his mother and Father and cliff with his wife , and what God has joined together let no mother or mother-in-law put asunder.
a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said.. . Bros where yu love ur mother stop na there i love my mother start and if any woman, be it my wife dare insult her that marriage go end instantly no tym.... . . ***CURRENTLY IN JUPITER***
Well..if your wife sends a stinker straight to your mum it's because you don't have control over your home. If you were capable of handling it she would have directed her worries to you. The fact that your wife feels your mum needs to butt out means you haven't set the boundaries for your mum. The fact that your wife did what she did means you haven't set the boundaries for your wife. You love your mum but she is no longer part of your nuclear family. She is extended. Your wife is your nuclear family. You are the captain of the ship set the boundaries for both women and protect them. Be wise!
Not talking to her or staying away from her food is not d best... talk to her about what she did... and ask her to apologize to your mum... then move on
The wife obviously overreacted. They are subtle ways u can tell ur mother in-law not to interfere in ur marriage, but sending her a stinker text is so not advisable. The situation is dicey. Don't know what to tell u to do bro, but ur wife stepped outta line.
Please talk to your wife,and sort it out among yourselves. Marriage is not for mummy boys.You need to call your mum to order BUT respectfully. Your wife is a new member of the family and if she is not treated with the respect she deserves, she will be forced to do what she has done.At the same time,talk to her and understand her position.It is hard to keep queit when you are not treated right. My mum in law is a reverend (pastor),but the things she does????.I am not perfect either but will never write her a rude text or mail,the highest is just to ignore her,after which she starts ranting to her son that i dont pick her calls or return her hypocritical messages . Sometimes, silence is golden.
My brother first of all is that what you have is only one mother and that mom of yours nutured you right from infant till your an adult. For a so called wife to come in and start insulting that woman who has done so much for you is what I wouldn't take at all if I were you. Most women are fond of that rubbish. They tend to insult and wicked their mother in-law which I think is a very bad thing. If her own mother were to be insulted by her brothers wife, I know she wouldn't take it lightly. So if I were you sir, I will address the situation properly. My wife has no reason of any sort to send a stinker messgae to my mom. Its not proper. She has to apologise for that wrong deed.
She has gone way 2 far....i dnt knw abt anyone here bt my mom is my god...after God i worship her....she's everything 2 me mehn.....My advise- ask her y she did dat and punish her d way u knw best dat will really get 2 her..
She has gone way 2 far....i dnt knw abt anyone here bt my mom is my god...after God i worship her....she's everything 2 me mehn.....My advise- ask her y she did dat and punish d way u knw best dat will really get 2 her..
She has gone way 2 far....i dnt knw abt anyone here bt my mom is my god...after God i worship her....she's everything 2 me mehn.....My advise- ask her y she did dat and punish d way u knw best dat will really get 2 her..
That's very rude and it just shows what your new wife is capable of. Be careful because if you don't get on her side she can use other unnatural acts, hopefully it doesn't get to that stage. Good luck
It's wrong for her to send an insulting message to her. If it were to be her mother would she have done that? But also I will not be one sided because she too will have something to see. What has your mom been doing to her that would have led her into that. There must a clear cut between ur marriage and family. No member of ur family has a right to intrude into ur marriage. At a certain age a man must learn to to run his family on his without having to involve his parents or family to it. What has your mum too been doing that has been making your wife clash with her and are you the type of guy that run at any slightess provocation to your mum to report no woman wants that. A woman wants her man to be independent and a mums boy.
See where ladies miss it,why wld u insult the mother of a man you claim u love??som1 even old enough to be ur mothe,it's wrong no matter the issue,if you really wnt to stay in that man's house,love the people that matter to him.she will be a mother inlaw too somday. Anyway,taalk to her and make her realize her mistake,she might come from a dysfunctional home whr they talk to adults anyhow.
She should apologize to your Mom and if truly your Mom is interfering in your marriage is bad.We all love our Mothers but if you don't put them to check they may ruin your marriage.
Advice: Dude, love your mom and respect your wife. Try tell your wife she is going to be a mother soon. Key words to note "What Goes Around, Comes Around". She must understand your mum is your mum while she is your wife.
This is serious. You can't ignore her for much longer. Communicate your feeling to her and make her apologize to your Mum. Obviously, things will be different. On the flip side, it is really important we dig deep into the character of our partners before saying "I DO". Good luck!
She should apologize to your Mom and if truly your Mom is interfering in your marriage is bad.We all love our Mothers but if you don't put them to check they may ruin your marriage.
First we ve to see the text to kwn the magnitude of wat she said, second you sound a mama's boy, the type that wants his mother in the middle of the marriage. Third we need to kwn wat happened before she sent that you dnt expect we the lovely panel of Linda to just judge like that. So bring the evidence bro...
Dats rude;no matter wat u don't send disrespectful messages to ur elders not to talk of ur mother-in-law.Warn her not to try it again n beg u mom to butt out ur marriage issues 9icely...u nvr can tell ur mom mite hv pushed her dis far 4 her to react dat way.
U should discuss it with ur Wife,u are already taking ur mum side by not asking ur wife what happen,u should find out what led to that before chanting u love ur mum to death,who no love I'm mama to death? Abi u be omo-mummy
Y is ur mum putting her nose in your marriage ? Grow some balls and tell her to back off yourself and your wife won't have to. Your mum asked for it. As difficult and it might be for her u r married and there's a place for mum and place for wife. Handle your home and leave your mum out of it.
your mother got served .. for ur wife to send her that stinker, she has had enough... the things women go through in the hands of so called mother inlaws cannot be over emphasised .inasmuch as I no get mind do am I will give her thumbs up..oh yes ..your mother should take several seats and let your marriage be and you have got to be a man
Whateva your mum might have done your wife shouldn't have gone about it that way at all. Yes some mum inlaws are horrible but as a man you can handle her your self. Am sorry but your wife should apologise first she isn't well trained. Totally out of order. Full stop
Share the text with all stakeholders. Infact share the story and her face with the whole world, on instagram, facebook, twitter etc and let an extended family meeting be held to address this once and for all. By the time the world castigates her, she will shrink into her shell. nough said
You said is a new wife, though u didn't provide much information as to the series of event that led her to sending such message to your mum, but what ever it is, I don't think your wife should have done that.
But to be fair on your wife, I believed your mum must have been interfering in the marriage one way or the other. One of the killers of marriage is THIRD PARTY INTERFERENCE!.
I can understand the love you have for your mother, it shows you and your mother are quite close but that might also be the cause of the problem.
"Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and to cleave to his wife and they shall become one fleas. Gen 2:24"
Marriages should be a successful leaving and cleaving for the one flesh to be attained. If not it is not yet a marriage.
Husbands and wife's should avoid family members maddling into their affairs. They should not be arbiters or counselors to quarrel or else they will fuel up the case and make mountains out of molehills. Couples should at all cost be independent and learn to resolve their misunderstanding in the family room.
While i think what your wife did was rash, you should make sure your mother and the love you have for her is not having undue influence in your marriage. It can cause a communication breakdown between you and your wife.
Mother in laws are known for poking their noses into their sons' marriages and it's soo frustrating for the wives, however a woman who doesn't respect your mother is not a keeper, can't afford to lose your mother over a woman. If you truly love both of them, get the wife to apologize to the mother face to face and promise to never do it again.
I don't know wat ur mom did o,Dere she'd b limitations to her involvement in ur marriage....buh data doesn't give ur wive d audacity to look @her talk less of sending a rude text!
I don't know wat ur mom did o,Dere she'd b limitations to her involvement in ur marriage....buh data doesn't give ur wive d audacity to look @her talk less of sending a rude text!
I don't know wat ur mom did o,Dere she'd b limitations to her involvement in ur marriage....buh data doesn't give ur wive d audacity to look @her talk less of sending a rude text!
Ur wife is still a baby.......Sit her down nd talk to her...No matter what....No one gets a pass for insulting A MOTHER.....whether ur mother or your mother inlaw....
its painful to observe but start out with understanding the reasons why she had to react that way. How long has this been happening and what have you done about resolving this when she complained. Thank you.
honestly, its a difficult situation, its ok to get mad, i would leave the house for some days, gimme time to clear my head, eventually, i will forgive her, but until she tenders an apology to my mum, i wont let both of them come near each other, nothing on earth shd make her insult my mother, if my mother is the guilty party, i will let her know and also reduce her access to her...pray abt it and love your wife, after all is said and done, your wife matters me
Its absolutely wrong for her to send that kind of msg to ur mum no matter what,her grievances shud be forwarded to u instead.i wud definitly gt so anoyed wit her its shows disrespect
That's wrong of her. Sit her down talk sense into her No matter what ur mum did she should talk to u about it instead of insulting ur mum. make her go down to ur mum and apologies cause no child no matter ur age should disrespect her mother or another's mum. You also should try levelling the love u ve for both women cause we can be jealous when more attention is given to one more
if u actually love ur mum to death den why did u marry a lady and also you have to tell us the situation that occurred for her telling ur mum to "butt out". If u do not know that u r now a married man and you both should cleave and leave as one. Ur mum should allow you to enjoy your marriage and leave u in peace with u n your wife. For her sending u the sms which your wife sent to her , ur mum is only trying to destroy your marriage. There is no one who does not love his mum to death, but when ur married , ur mum should adjust and know her place in ur life. Thanks.
Marry your mum and divorce your wife. Marriage is between two willing party parents role is advisory not poke nosing. U want ur marriage to last u & ur wife are business partners.
tell your mum to get her fucking self out of your marriage. it hurt so deep to see that your mother inlaw have the upper hand in your marriage. am going through this now and I understand how it hurts
Oga sir, a woman wld neva go all d way to insulting her mum in law to her face except she has had it up to her neck and her pussy of a husband is doin nothing about it. So check urself down dere if uv actually bcome a man or ur still mommas boy.
That is one thing with most women, when they come into your life they wants to take charge if possible chase relations & friends away, forgetting that this are the people that made you.
Wat u should do is keep ur mother out of ur marriage else u will have to lose ur wife n go back to ur mummy. Ur wife is the new family u have now n u have to recognize dat. How I so hate mummy boys eeh. Punishing d poor woman cos of ur mother. U even have the guts to say u haven't eaten her food since, is dat wat u married her for? Oya go n suck ur mummy's breast for food na. If u love ur mother so much then y did u get married knowing u can't share ur love btw two people. OLODO u better grow up kid.
Then go marry your mum abeg. If your mum was minding her business she won't get a stinker. If you like allow ur mum break up ur home. We all love our mums but need to know when to draw the line. NEXT!
You don't want to elaborate cause you know your mum is stingy... Well You need to be diplomatic about this , is your mum rude to your wife... if you mum's has been rude to your wife on several occasions and she can't handle it no more... She has every right to clear her mind...
If you love your mum as you described, why didn't you marry her? You still have a choice, anyway. On the other hand, what I will do, if I were in your situation is simple: I will hear the two sides of the stories before making a definite judgment. In your own case, it seems to me you're already biased towards your mum, and this might colour your judgement. So you may need to rethink your attitudes toward your wife, as a first step to finding solution to this problem. Best! Joseph
A man shall leave his parents nd cling to his wife. Stp bn a mumy's boy... I guess ur mum stepped too much on her. Let ur mum too mind her home nd leave u nd ur wife alone. Some mum in laws r frm hell. Guess ur wfy na nonsence. If e pain u too much,divorce ur wife nd marry ur mum.
the fact that it reached the stage where your wife had to text your mother it is your fault. Men need to realise that when they marry they need to focus on their wives and should stop letting their mothers butt into their marital affairs. can you imagine how annoying it must be for your wife who I'm sure is constantly hearing about what your mum wants or what she said. she is a married woman and in her home it is her right to do what she likes in her house!!!! anyway you now know how your wife feels. you are the only one that can stop this problem. this text did not just fall from heaven. you are the only one that can stop your mother from butting into your affairs. if you cant do it and your wife has reached her breaking point then she will do something rash like sending this text because that kind of frustration will drive a woman crazy. talk to your wife get her to apologise and in future keep the things that happen in your home between you and your wife stop running to mummy.(it doesn't matter how much you love her)
Is not good,i can't do that,but it still depends on how ur mum interferes in ur marriage,keep ur mothers love out of ur marriage,love ur mum and care for her,but let her not interfere in ur home,bcos that is where your problem will start, u won't find joyooo,
The truth is she's a woman n dere is a degree to Wc she can put up wiv ones as much as I'm a fan of respect, I definitely do not fink send one's mother an insulting message us d ryt way to go.i Ll sit ha down n create a boundary she mustn't cross n I wil tel my momma to reduce ha interference in my marriage.
If your mother has been interfering in your marriage. Then your mother deserves it. Full stop. You should cut your strings from your mothers apron. Give details then we can address the issue properly. Shikena.
We al love her mums n at a point it will seem lyk dey re poke nosing but dey re only concerned, its too early for a new wife to act lyk dat evn if she is indeed putting mouth in dia matter. #*karlishah*
A man leaves his parents 2 join his wife, it's in d bible. U better be careful, some mothers can be mean 2 our spouses behind us. Ur mum myt be so happy with how u are treating ur wife now, she's now d angel & would now make ur wife worship her just 2 be in control of ur marriage.
Speak to your wife in a very calm and Godly manner and find out what the problem is. Make her understand your mom is not trying to take her place and that no matter what you are both together in this marriage. You will support her but she needs to speak to you always. tell her calmly she hurt your feelings by not speaking to you first about the problem she has with your mom. Sometimes mis communication ends up causing hurt and grief. Do the same for to your mom. She may not know she said something to hurt your wife hence your wife's reaction. This is one way you can win this battle and please don't think I condone your wife's text to your mom. Hope this helps.
If your mother wasn't interfering in your marriage; most mother's have being known to, if your mom wasn't then you need to give your wife a good talking to. Let her see herself in your shoes and ask her what she'd do. Also make sure your judgements is not clouded by your feelings for your mom.
If your mother wasn't interfering in your marriage; most mother's have being known to, if your mom wasn't then you need to give your wife a good talking to. Let her see herself in your shoes and ask her what she'd do. Also make sure your judgements is not clouded by your feelings for your mom. Cos you are married to her not your mom.
Grow up man, there are issues in marriage that silence alone can't handle. First you need to know how to marry set boundaries Btw ur mum's interference in your home. Then as for your wife, she needs to understand that the day she decided to marry you, that was the day your mum became hers and as such, if she wouldn't insult her own biological mother, then she shouldn't insult yours. If your mum acted out of place, she should show some courtesy by reporting it to you. Lastly, you need to be matured in handling this women. You are no longer a mummy's boy but a husband to some woman and as such, boundaries must be maintained and respected.
what do you mean by you love your mum till death. dont be is good to honor your parents. but you are about to start your own family. so dey should keep off and allow your wife take care of her own husband and home. and as for you mama"s boy...please grow up. you got married so you can be a man and have you own family. na wa o...please be matured. nobody hates their parents. PLEASE BE WISE. WISDOM IS THE PRINCIPAL THING. solve the problem with love. apologize to her and tell her that you will be a MAN from hence forth and not a mummy"s boy. and then let her know u dint like the sms she sent. correct and solve all issues with love. wish you all the best.
Forgive her, remember you guys are one, so she is her mother too. Talk to her, make her understand that parents can be so wrong sometimes but we don't go about it that way, we owe them honour, love and respect no matter what.
It is in no way right for d wife to send such msg to her mother in-law, but u hv to exercise patience so as not to worsen situation, y not sit ur wife n both of u address d primary issue dat brought about the txt msg. i feel ur wife want her place as d woman of d home n u hv to respect dat. this is d time to fight for peace in ur home not time to react to ur wife's actions.........AREMS
That's wrong of her. Sit her down talk sense into her No matter what ur mum did she should talk to u about it instead of insulting ur mum. make her go down to ur mum and apologies cause no child no matter ur age should disrespect her mother or another's mum. You also should try levelling the love u ve for both women cause we can be jealous when more attention is given to one more
You are so dumb, u should atleast ask her why she did that and stop your mum from interfering in your marriage. U love her to death and u always take her side.
Am sorry to write dis buh I think u r not a serious prsn n silly at dat too.....first u won't go into details, secondly, wot did ya mother do to ur wife to make her react dat way? Isn't she a human being and an adult for dat matter? What if u insult her own mother too? Like u said u love ur mother so much, Who does love his/her mother? U should hv married ya mother and leave the innocent lady alone. SILLY MEN dat put deir mother first in everything dey do in marriage n you think it's everyone dat wld accept such rubbish. Abeg tell ya mother to leave you and your wife alone to enjoy your marriage coz she has lived hers the way she wanted with her husband. Am sure it's an igbo man dat is ranting dis rubbish. Shameless pple. Tscheeeeew
You are so dumb, u should atleast ask her why she did that and stop your mum from interfering in your marriage. U love her to death and u always take her side.
Mama's boy, grow genesis 2:24, and ask the holy spirit to interprete it to you....meanwhile talk with your wife and try to understand her feelings when she did what she did(not unless your wife is saucy every other day) goodluck to you
The question is what have you been telling your mum about your marriage, what has your mum been saying, has she really been butting in... you guys need tons top being mummy's boys. Stop taking your bloody issues to your mother. Grow up!! Deal your issues within your home and act as the mediator to ensure there is peace. I'm sure your wife is not crazy. You and your mum must have pushed her to the wall. Big ups to her for having the courage. Wish I had the same to be honest. Mrs O
Mama's boy, grow genesis 2:24, and ask the holy spirit to interprete it to you....meanwhile talk with your wife and try to understand her feelings when she did what she did(not unless your wife is saucy every other day) goodluck to you
It's so sad. she's got no regard/respect for your mum. nevertheless, instruct her to go back to ur mum, go on her kneels and beg her, or else ..... but pls dont beat/insult her.
It depends on the type of mom you have, if she is a good one, stop your wife from doing that and if she refuse, let her go back to her parents. But if your mom is the bad one, I mean those that hate other people's children for no reason, then she deserve the stinker.
Yea u love ur mum good. Pls tell her to stop interfering in ur marriage. As 4 ur wife, she was wrong in sending d text. Tell her to not try it next time or else. TALK TO YOUR MOTHER!
umu aka! he say he has not eaten her food. don't eat na.
go and handle your mother so your wife does not do your work for you. if she is a good wife she will apologise to you and your mother but I'm sure she had reason for her actions.
Your mum shouldn't have forwarded the text to you and I agree your wife shouldn't have sent the text to your mum either.
But if your wife felt the need to address your mum like that, it might well be that it's something you are doing or saying to her that made her feel she had to do that.
Mothers should learn to keep mute about some things daughter in laws do if they want a happy home for their sons #justsaying
Truth is some MILs just don't give a breather,dont know hw bad this one is,buh some of them actually deserve worse than a stinker,and u men permit it,not knowing what ur wives r going true...she may have been disrespectful by sending that msg,buh u know ur wife better,if she's not usually like this,then she's had a full dose and was choking. Don't let ur mother come in between ur wife,cos u can always reconcile with ur mom,buh it myt not be easy to fix ur marriage. So apply wisdom and diplomacy and try to make ur wife apologise to ur mum,cos she's older than her,and to avoid issues btwn 2 important women in ur thread carefully!
Truelly Tell ur mum to butt out of ur lives,cos I guess it's choking ur wife that's why she just had to send ur mum the message. . And for ur wife,call her and tell her u don't appreciate how she went about it,she should have consulted with u first.
Truelly Tell ur mum to butt out of ur lives,cos I guess it's choking ur wife that's why she just had to send ur mum the message. . And for ur wife,call her and tell her u don't appreciate how she went about it,she should have consulted with u first.
Truelly Tell ur mum to butt out of ur lives,cos I guess it's choking ur wife that's why she just had to send ur mum the message. . And for ur wife,call her and tell her u don't appreciate how she went about it,she should have consulted with u first.
As a man warn her nd let her knw ur mum is nt a shit,she is ur mum for heaven sake,bt my broda dnt do it rough wit her,apply wisdom,let her knw she has no right to insult ur mum,nd plis try put a end to dat asap.....she is nt doing d ryt tin bro..
There must be a reason why your wife is not in terms with your mum, and i'm sure you know about it and she must have been frustrated by your inaction. well my advice is: call your wife let her know you are mad about that text (i'm sure she will apologize if you handle it maturely) and then respectfully talk to your mum. its your wife's house not hers.
Go to blazes cos you mother really need to butt are married now am sure the lady has been enduring her all this while seems you're still attached to her strings grow up man and fix ur home
I am a woman and I dont joke with my Mum. It is obvious your wife does not respect her mother either. Else she will not do that to somebody else's mother, talk more her mother inlaw. Send on a vacation to her parent's place until she is remorseful. Its not the solution to the problem, but she needs a little more lesson.
U re a man nd u. Should not allow ur mum to come in between ur marriage. Wat ur wife did is vry. Bad wich. Demands an apology bcos. She supposed to see ur mum as her mum too. Pls. Handle dis with all. Sense of maturity,talk to her nd ask her to apologize to ur. Mum u also. Apologize on behalf of ur wife nd pls pls pls don't go nd heat her cos u know hw women react
Bros stop been a sisi and be a man, u love ur mum not a crime. But u sound so much like d kind of man that will cough in his marriage and his mum will be d 1st to know, for ur wife to have done such although really wrong of her but she must have been pushed to d edge, so u too take a check of how Uv been runing ur marriage
Bros stop been a sisi and be a man, u love ur mum not a crime. But u sound so much like d kind of man that will cough in his marriage and his mum will be d 1st to know, for ur wife to have done such although really wrong of her but she must have been pushed to d edge, so u too take a check of how Uv been runing ur marriage
The wife must be suffering from severe mental imbalance. Without delving into what did or didn't transpire between the wife and the mother in law, the wife should have first brought it to the attention of the husband so that he can address the matter (if there is any matter to be addressed sef, as 98% of the time wives see and experience imaginary things when it comes to the female relatives of their husbands). The husband should pray for the wife so that her mental imbalance will be alleviated. @anonymousbobookokobioko!
YOU SHOULD DIVORCE YOUR WIFE ASAP AND MARRY YOUR MOTHER!!! You have said that you love your mother to death and cannot stand anyone, "especially" you wife to insult her. You have also refused to reveal the cause of the "insulting" text message and I assume it's because you are ashamed at what your mother did. I will tell you that your wife should not have insulted your mother. I will also tell you that your mother should not have done what ever she did. Basically, what I am saying here is that if you easily forgave one, you should easily forgive the other. Another suggestion is for you to dig deeper. Ask yourself really deeply, are you really angry with your wife or with your mother? Turn it around, if your father in-law did to you what your mother did to your wife, what would be your reaction?
you did not say what transpired. I am not really interested,but will want to bliv that you are not in control of your home. i appreciate the fact that you are mad that your wife disrespected your mother which of course should not be.I am sure your wife must have mentioned some of her issues with your mother? did you do anything about the things she said to you? take control and have a happy marriage. good luck.
Clearly you're not a real man. We can't judge if we don't know the genesis of the matter. Also you should be the one resolving the issue no mater how bad. You're supposed to leave your father and mother and CLEAVE to your wife. Not be a spoilt brat rejecting your wife's food and not discussing with her. Clearly you're still attached to mummy's apron strings!
Y did u let it get that far. Ur indifference is the cause of this mess ...ur wife must have been fed up .
No use crying over split milk. Ur a man , instead of sulking and keeping malice like a child address the issue head on . Adress what brought this about -and listen actively .
Tell ur mom there is indeed a boundary now ...and ur Wife is the pillar of ur home . Ensure ur mom respects ur wife and isn't involved in the decision making between u and ur wife .
Lastly talk to ur wife and really listen . Promise to be more sensitive to her in the future and go with her to apologize to ur mom .
Do not ignore any such fracas in the future . Always nip conflicts in the bud actively involved in ur marriage ...
Pray for God directions and your wife needs to respect your mum. If she didn't bring you up to become who you are today, she will not see you to marry. Also let your mum know that you have a wife
Walahi talahi, she is very right but has not done it the right way. There is no 3rd party in a marriage relationship. Don't forget that you love your mother to death. She ought to have discussed with you and make you to see her reason and allow you to handle the issue as your mother is her her mother. Both of you need good counselling to move forward. May God help you.
The two have their place. Your mum is over stepping her bounds she should be cautioned by you and not your wife. Maybe because you haven't done that that's why she did. If you have not gotten any complain from your wife and she did that she's has really over stepped her bounds and I would give her a federal warning. She must tender an apology else..........
You av refused to tell us details of what led to it and from the sound of things I think there must have been serious issues relating to your mum and your wife joining your marriage, I want you to know that it is bad for her to send such a message to your mum but I will also want you to know that there's a limit to human endurance and I personally think you have failed in your responsibilities of not addressing the issue before it escalates hence blame no one but yourself for not meeting up with your responsibilities as the head and man of the home.
Ignore and try to talk to elders to help them settle and resolve whatever issues they may have between them. Remember, they are both women of different hormones and I am sure your mother at your wife's age would have been the same jealous. You will always have your mother forever, but if you divorce your wife because of this little thing, you will never have your years, your me,or you, time, and efforts spent with your wife back; and the pains of that last forever.
You can get another wife, another kid but not another mother. Any wife who stooped so low to send your mum a stinker does not have any regards for you. I advice you should run as your leg can carry you.
Maybe you should marry your mum and let her bear kids for you. Are you married to your mother? She has no business in your marriage in the first place and the earlier you put her in check, the happier your marriage would be.
This is how mothers go, destroying their children's homes with unwarranted interferences
If you like go on hunger strike for ever, you are just living in denial. You know the right thing...
Avoid seeking counsel from the public. I am not supporting anyone but ur mom must ve interfered in ur family affairs as mother. It's always good to stay away from ur son/daughter marital life. Any reasonable parent does not come into son/daughter normal issues in marriage which can only be sorted out by you and ur spouse so in conclusion advise ur mom to stay away from ur marriage then call ur wife to order and be a strong man. You will surely build a better home.
She was very wrong to do that but at the same time, that speak volumes about your mum as i dont see y anybody would send anyone a belittling message if boundaries were respected. Secondly as a mother if my son's wife ever does that I will never show it to him cos that will earn me a greater respect , at d end of the day she will reealise that even though she messed up, I love my son so much that i wont foreward a message that can destroy his home. Iyae ni lowo.
Nothing justify her actions, buh d deed ve been done already. U ask her to apologise to ur mom. That's exactly what I did do if am in ur position. My wife won't dare such with mum. Bro, U need to talk to ur mum too, probably she's overbearing. Ubanagum
1 – 200 of 448 Newer› Newest»I would pulll her hair and warn her. Lindaobserve
You disrespect my mum? That's the end oo.
~album drops june 8~
Oo well,we can't judge without knowing d details,no wife will send her mother in law such text except d mother in law is a pest to her marriage....
Udont want to go into details cus ur mother is a trouble maker...yea da kinda mother inlaw! Oga abeg disappear frm here...she go soon send am part 2!
Feel free to take her for deliverance @"The lords chosen church" pls.
You can't just judge her by the text. Not that what she did is right. But I wonder what your mum also did to warrant such insult. You may love your mum, but you are now building a home with your wife, let her apologize to your mum and end it amicably pls
The wife would have sought the consent of her husband and it also depends on how the mother-inlaw has seen their marriage. Some M.I's wouldn't want to leave their son's house because they don't love their son's choice.
I can only get angry at my wife if my mum has never being a case to worry in my marriage.
Tell ur mum to stop meddling in your matrimonial affair simple and she will not be insulted. Some mother-in-law are nosy porkers.
Really! I'm Sorry but I can't marry a lady that so disrespectful to insult my mum. from dating her. I would have known she's that kind of person, character is like pregnancy, you just can't hide it.
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Really! I'm Sorry but I can't marry a lady that so disrespectful to insult my mum. from dating her. I would have known she's that kind of person, character is like pregnancy, you just can't hide it.
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Some mothers dont mind their business.....She might have deserved the text nonetheless, a wife should be tolerant and patient, there is no excuse except you aint properly trained. I think an outstanding clap back slap would do. #justsaying#
discuss it with her and make her to personally apologize to your Mum.
Butt her out
I'm a good guy, xtian, not bad looking, & in need of a serious relationship. Every girl I'm asking out is claiming to be taken, but I can't share. Any slim, independent and presentable lady who is not taken & in need of a serious relationship too, shud pls add me up 564C0BA1
I'm a good guy, xtian, not bad looking, & in need of a serious relationship. Every girl I'm asking out is claiming to be taken, but I can't share. Any slim, independent and presentable lady who is not taken & in need of a serious relationship too, shud pls add me up 564C0BA1
I'll just sit back and learn from married LIB men on how they'll deal with such situation, coz its quite a precarious one and common in marriages.
Dismiss her
I'm a good guy, xtian, not bad looking, & in need of a serious relationship. Every girl I'm asking out is claiming to be taken, but I can't share. Any slim, independent and presentable lady who is not taken & in need of a serious relationship too, shud pls add me up 564C0BA1
Yes she is your mum, and I respect that fact... am a lady and I will never disrespect my mother in law. But wat parents fail to understand is that they need to minimize the way they interrupt in their children marriage.. I don't know the lady in question but I think you should sit her down and talk to her... some mother in laws can seriously be a pain in the ass but we all need to handle it wisely so that we do not create enmity in the family...Remember your mum once had a mother in law and am sure she has a story to tell... so Bros cool down no because of your mama scater your marriage.
WE can't judge if we do not know what transpired be for the text was sent and of course the content of the text...
i will suggest you sort it out amongst you three.
I'm a good guy, xtian, not bad looking, & in need of a serious relationship. Every girl I'm asking out is claiming to be taken, but I can't share. Any slim, independent and presentable lady who is not taken & in need of a serious relationship too, shud pls add me up 564C0BA1
Yes she is your mum, and I respect that fact... am a lady and I will never disrespect my mother in law. But wat parents fail to understand is that they need to minimize the way they interrupt in their children marriage.. I don't know the lady in question but I think you should sit her down and talk to her... some mother in laws can seriously be a pain in the ass but we all need to handle it wisely so that we do not create enmity in the family...Remember your mum once had a mother in law and am sure she has a story to tell... so Bros cool down no because of your mama scater your marriage.
U love ur mum to death so wht abt ur wife which type of love do u hav for her???
Oga biko park well, and tell ur mum not to b offended, and caution ur wife not to do such again.
Case settled, and matter resolved wit out stepping on any toes.
Hmmm...try and talk to ur wife to apologize for what she did.
Leave your mum out of your marriage unless your are ready to ruin it. Buh that said, let her apologise to you and your mum it was wrong for her to insult your mum.
It happens bro...@ d end of d day,she is still ur wife...mine did same,jst show her ur mad abt it and move 2 cents
I'm not a man, but I think this two women are special to you. Just communicate and let go. No need bottling up anything or feeling angered. Don't also forget, you must understand /state the line,and draw it bold.# u now have a family
Bad as it sounds...u can't divorce ur wife cos of dat....mum inlaws can b fustrating if u ask me...forget my broda
Bad as it sounds...u can't divorce ur wife cos of dat....mum inlaws can b fustrating if u ask me...forget my broda
You don't want 2 tell us wat led 2 ur wife sendin ur mum such text,how den do u want us 2 give u d right answer 2 ur question?
Talk to your wife...some mother in laws could b rilli frustrating at times
I'm a married woman and I haven't commented in weeks but this got me feeling so bad.
Your wife is completely out of line and lacks a proper upbringing. The Bible says in Prov. 14:1 Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands.
Regardless of what your mother did, she had no right sending that text. She should have put God and not you in between the situation.
She should turn to God and not attempt fighting her battles herself.
I'm not claiming to be a perfect wife but Lord knows that a home can only be built or torn apart by a woman. If she reads this, please ask her to read Proverbs and seek forgiveness.
Send her parking.....
Dis mum inlaws ehn,until dem see wetin dem dey find,dey won't rest
I refuse to judge your wife until I know what your mum had done. If you can't spill what your mum did please park well. Your sound like a mummy's boy. From your write ups your mum is in control of you and for her to foward the message to you is to add more fire to your marriage . Talk to your wife and your mum should stay out of your marriage cod I don't think your wife woke up 1morning and decided to go mad. Some mother inlaws are so devilish. You wife also needs to control he temper. Sometimes silence is the best answer to a fool. Something don't need confrontation. From the look of things you have taking stands against your wife and that is what your mum wants (rejoicing in her heart) so take a chill pill and tak charge as a man. Let gods wisdom guide you.
It happens bro...@ d end of d day,she is still ur wife...mine did same,jst show her ur mad abt it and move 2 cents
I think the full picture on why she would send such a message will encourage better counsel on how to react to her actions.
You got to tell us what happened I mean the full gist before we can dish out a response. There is always a reason behind all bad behaviors.
Kill your self sir! Since every one but ur wife can send such text.
I think ur wife went to far buh either ways smbody needs to tel ur mum d truth. So mother inlaws hv mental prblm, Mst tyms dey fail to undrstd dt their son is married and want to stil gt involved in his evryday life.imagine mine telln ma hubby dt dey Nid to b spendin more tym together knwin fully well dt he is married wiv kids and telln him to b hlpn him save his money. Vry annoyn. In d case ur mum mus hv done worse or similar thing so dnt blame her. Wht she did is beta dan wht I am abt doing.
Hey Mr Man.
Are you a learner? Can't you see this is a sign of what's to come?
As a man this is a serious redline.
Nobody is allowed to insult my Mum no matter what, and the thought of my wife doing it is extremely humiliating and painful.
Sit d 2 of dem down nd talk 2 dem dy are d most important pple in ur lyf 1 shld b rated above d oda ohk my d good lord gv u wisdom 2 tackle d situation
Maybe your wife over reacted, maybe your mum is overbearing but I think you are the cross of the problem did handle it properly and now whatever is the problem is boiling over.
dear poster, instead of ignoring ur wife, why not sit her down and ask her wat prompted it? Some MILs can b so annoying at times tho. (talking from xperience) There shldnt b a third party in ur marriage, cuz if u r looking for advice or wt other men feel abt ur wife's action, u myt just get d wrong advice. Pls sir ur wife down and talk to her. She myt b hurting as well.
You will hv to talk to ur wife and discuss d issue wit her by letting her knw you dnt like wat she did ,dan keepin quiet,I believe she will knw u dnt like it,and she won't repeat d issue again.
My brother even the bible said that a man will leave his mother and Father and cliff with his wife , and what God has joined together let no mother or mother-in-law put asunder.
What do you want us to tell you other than following your mind, find out from your mum what she did to her.
Bros where yu love ur mother stop na there i love my mother start and if any woman, be it my wife dare insult her that marriage go end instantly no tym....
What do you want us to tell you other than following your mind, find out from your mum what she did to her.
Well..if your wife sends a stinker straight to your mum it's because you don't have control over your home. If you were capable of handling it she would have directed her worries to you. The fact that your wife feels your mum needs to butt out means you haven't set the boundaries for your mum. The fact that your wife did what she did means you haven't set the boundaries for your wife. You love your mum but she is no longer part of your nuclear family. She is extended. Your wife is your nuclear family. You are the captain of the ship set the boundaries for both women and protect them. Be wise!
Not talking to her or staying away from her food is not d best... talk to her about what she did... and ask her to apologize to your mum... then move on
The wife obviously overreacted. They are subtle ways u can tell ur mother in-law not to interfere in ur marriage, but sending her a stinker text is so not advisable. The situation is dicey. Don't know what to tell u to do bro, but ur wife stepped outta line.
Please talk to your wife,and sort it out among yourselves. Marriage is not for mummy boys.You need to call your mum to order BUT respectfully. Your wife is a new member of the family and if she is not treated with the respect she deserves, she will be forced to do what she has done.At the same time,talk to her and understand her position.It is hard to keep queit when you are not treated right.
My mum in law is a reverend (pastor),but the things she does????.I am not perfect either but will never write her a rude text or mail,the highest is just to ignore her,after which she starts ranting to her son that i dont pick her calls or return her hypocritical messages . Sometimes, silence is golden.
I know how u feel and you must feel very upset and at a cross road.
You need to sought the wisdom of God in this matter, lean on his knowledge and understanding if u must make a wise decision.
The sensational response u get here from men might not be the best. Let you wife know how much she has hurt you by disrespecting your mum.
However, you must forgive her and bridge the gap.
Pray above all. It is well with your beloved mother and wife.
That's too bad of your wife...try to find out from ur wife what really happened b4 u can act.
My brother first of all is that what you have is only one mother and that mom of yours nutured you right from infant till your an adult. For a so called wife to come in and start insulting that woman who has done so much for you is what I wouldn't take at all if I were you. Most women are fond of that rubbish. They tend to insult and wicked their mother in-law which I think is a very bad thing. If her own mother were to be insulted by her brothers wife, I know she wouldn't take it lightly. So if I were you sir, I will address the situation properly. My wife has no reason of any sort to send a stinker messgae to my mom. Its not proper. She has to apologise for that wrong deed.
She has gone way 2 far....i dnt knw abt anyone here bt my mom is my god...after God i worship her....she's everything 2 me mehn.....My advise- ask her y she did dat and punish her d way u knw best dat will really get 2 her..
She has gone way 2 far....i dnt knw abt anyone here bt my mom is my god...after God i worship her....she's everything 2 me mehn.....My advise- ask her y she did dat and punish d way u knw best dat will really get 2 her..
She has gone way 2 far....i dnt knw abt anyone here bt my mom is my god...after God i worship her....she's everything 2 me mehn.....My advise- ask her y she did dat and punish d way u knw best dat will really get 2 her..
That's very rude and it just shows what your new wife is capable of. Be careful because if you don't get on her side she can use other unnatural acts, hopefully it doesn't get to that stage. Good luck
It's wrong for her to send an insulting message to her. If it were to be her mother would she have done that? But also I will not be one sided because she too will have something to see. What has your mom been doing to her that would have led her into that. There must a clear cut between ur marriage and family. No member of ur family has a right to intrude into ur marriage. At a certain age a man must learn to to run his family on his without having to involve his parents or family to it. What has your mum too been doing that has been making your wife clash with her and are you the type of guy that run at any slightess provocation to your mum to report no woman wants that. A woman wants her man to be independent and a mums boy.
You don't tell the half of a story and u except a good judgement... What did your mother do?
Na your mama pass her boundary.......simple!!!
See where ladies miss it,why wld u insult the mother of a man you claim u love??som1 even old enough to be ur mothe,it's wrong no matter the issue,if you really wnt to stay in that man's house,love the people that matter to him.she will be a mother inlaw too somday.
Anyway,taalk to her and make her realize her mistake,she might come from a dysfunctional home whr they talk to adults anyhow.
She should apologize to your Mom and if truly your Mom is interfering in your marriage is bad.We all love our Mothers but if you don't put them to check they may ruin your marriage.
All these apron mama boys.
You want to know what you should do yeah!
Okay! here you go...... Divorce your wife and marry your mother Fool!!
If you lyk no eat na you go lose.
Advice: Dude, love your mom and respect your wife. Try tell your wife she is going to be a mother soon. Key words to note "What Goes Around, Comes Around". She must understand your mum is your mum while she is your wife.
This is serious. You can't ignore her for much longer. Communicate your feeling to her and make her apologize to your Mum. Obviously, things will be different. On the flip side, it is really important we dig deep into the character of our partners before saying "I DO". Good luck!
Just be calm and speak to your wife about the issue and tell her to apologize to your mum
Tell her so that she will apologies to you and your Mum
She should apologize to your Mom and if truly your Mom is interfering in your marriage is bad.We all love our Mothers but if you don't put them to check they may ruin your marriage.
First we ve to see the text to kwn the magnitude of wat she said, second you sound a mama's boy, the type that wants his mother in the middle of the marriage. Third we need to kwn wat happened before she sent that you dnt expect we the lovely panel of Linda to just judge like that. So bring the evidence bro...
Dats rude;no matter wat u don't send disrespectful messages to ur elders not to talk of ur mother-in-law.Warn her not to try it again n beg u mom to butt out ur marriage issues 9icely...u nvr can tell ur mom mite hv pushed her dis far 4 her to react dat way.
U should discuss it with ur Wife,u are already taking ur mum side by not asking ur wife what happen,u should find out what led to that before chanting u love ur mum to death,who no love I'm mama to death? Abi u be omo-mummy
Call her to hear her own part of the story.
Y is ur mum putting her nose in your marriage ? Grow some balls and tell her to back off yourself and your wife won't have to. Your mum asked for it. As difficult and it might be for her u r married and there's a place for mum and place for wife. Handle your home and leave your mum out of it.
your mother got served .. for ur wife to send her that stinker, she has had enough... the things women go through in the hands of so called mother inlaws cannot be over emphasised .inasmuch as I no get mind do am I will give her thumbs up..oh yes ..your mother should take several seats and let your marriage be and you have got to be a man
Sorry mum boy, guess ur mum poke too much in ur affairs lolz, make I no talk too much jare, guys n men in d aos ur tots pls
Whateva your mum might have done your wife shouldn't have gone about it that way at all. Yes some mum inlaws are horrible but as a man you can handle her your self. Am sorry but your wife should apologise first she isn't well trained. Totally out of order. Full stop
Myb D guy's intrudes too much,buh @ leat he could av said it in a calm mature waaayy.
Sorry mum boy, guess ur mum poke too much in ur affairs lolz, make I no talk too much jare, guys n men in d aos ur tots pls
Share the text with all stakeholders. Infact share the story and her face with the whole world, on instagram, facebook, twitter etc and let an extended family meeting be held to address this once and for all. By the time the world castigates her, she will shrink into her shell. nough said
You said is a new wife, though u didn't provide much information as to the series of event that led her to sending such message to your mum, but what ever it is, I don't think your wife should have done that.
But to be fair on your wife, I believed your mum must have been interfering in the marriage one way or the other. One of the killers of marriage is THIRD PARTY INTERFERENCE!.
I can understand the love you have for your mother, it shows you and your mother are quite close but that might also be the cause of the problem.
"Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and to cleave to his wife and they shall become one fleas. Gen 2:24"
Marriages should be a successful leaving and cleaving for the one flesh to be attained. If not it is not yet a marriage.
Husbands and wife's should avoid family members maddling into their affairs. They should not be arbiters or counselors to quarrel or else they will fuel up the case and make mountains out of molehills. Couples should at all cost be independent and learn to resolve their misunderstanding in the family room.
While i think what your wife did was rash, you should make sure your mother and the love you have for her is not having undue influence in your marriage. It can cause a communication breakdown between you and your wife.
Mother in laws are known for poking their noses into their sons' marriages and it's soo frustrating for the wives, however a woman who doesn't respect your mother is not a keeper, can't afford to lose your mother over a woman. If you truly love both of them, get the wife to apologize to the mother face to face and promise to never do it again.
Pls send the same text to her Mother so she knows the importance of ur Mother. She is crazy. I wish u had not married her.
I don't know wat ur mom did o,Dere she'd b limitations to her involvement in ur marriage....buh data doesn't give ur wive d audacity to look @her talk less of sending a rude text!
I don't know wat ur mom did o,Dere she'd b limitations to her involvement in ur marriage....buh data doesn't give ur wive d audacity to look @her talk less of sending a rude text!
I'll report her to JESUS!
I don't know wat ur mom did o,Dere she'd b limitations to her involvement in ur marriage....buh data doesn't give ur wive d audacity to look @her talk less of sending a rude text!
Am not a man neither am I married, lemme wait and read other libers opinions.
Ur wife is still a baby.......Sit her down nd talk to her...No matter what....No one gets a pass for insulting A MOTHER.....whether ur mother or your mother inlaw....
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......
its painful to observe but start out with understanding the reasons why she had to react that way. How long has this been happening and what have you done about resolving this when she complained. Thank you.
honestly, its a difficult situation, its ok to get mad, i would leave the house for some days, gimme time to clear my head, eventually, i will forgive her, but until she tenders an apology to my mum, i wont let both of them come near each other, nothing on earth shd make her insult my mother, if my mother is the guilty party, i will let her know and also reduce her access to her...pray abt it and love your wife, after all is said and done, your wife matters me
Its absolutely wrong for her to send that kind of msg to ur mum no matter what,her grievances shud be forwarded to u instead.i wud definitly gt so anoyed wit her its shows disrespect
That's wrong of her. Sit her down talk sense into her No matter what ur mum did she should talk to u about it instead of insulting ur mum. make her go down to ur mum and apologies cause no child no matter ur age should disrespect her mother or another's mum. You also should try levelling the love u ve for both women cause we can be jealous when more attention is given to one more
if u actually love ur mum to death den why did u marry a lady and also you have to tell us the situation that occurred for her telling ur mum to "butt out". If u do not know that u r now a married man and you both should cleave and leave as one. Ur mum should allow you to enjoy your marriage and leave u in peace with u n your wife. For her sending u the sms which your wife sent to her , ur mum is only trying to destroy your marriage. There is no one who does not love his mum to death, but when ur married , ur mum should adjust and know her place in ur life. Thanks.
Your mum is your first love... Do not take that bullshit from her.
Marry your mum and divorce your wife. Marriage is between two willing party parents role is advisory not poke nosing. U want ur marriage to last u & ur wife are business partners.
tell your mum to get her fucking self out of your marriage. it hurt so deep to see that your mother inlaw have the upper hand in your marriage. am going through this now and I understand how it hurts
Go and marry your mum now since you so love her.... Men acting like boy. Better advice your mum to let your marriage be and focus on her old age
Oga sir, a woman wld neva go all d way to insulting her mum in law to her face except she has had it up to her neck and her pussy of a husband is doin nothing about it. So check urself down dere if uv actually bcome a man or ur still mommas boy.
That is one thing with most women, when they come into your life they wants to take charge if possible chase relations & friends away, forgetting that this are the people that made you.
Wat u should do is keep ur mother out of ur marriage else u will have to lose ur wife n go back to ur mummy. Ur wife is the new family u have now n u have to recognize dat. How I so hate mummy boys eeh. Punishing d poor woman cos of ur mother. U even have the guts to say u haven't eaten her food since, is dat wat u married her for? Oya go n suck ur mummy's breast for food na. If u love ur mother so much then y did u get married knowing u can't share ur love btw two people. OLODO u better grow up kid.
Tell your mother to mind her business.... Finish.
Then go marry your mum abeg. If your mum was minding her business she won't get a stinker. If you like allow ur mum break up ur home. We all love our mums but need to know when to draw the line. NEXT!
She dint ve to be nasty na. U shld ve handled d situation ursef
You don't want to elaborate cause you know your mum is stingy... Well You need to be diplomatic about this , is your mum rude to your wife... if you mum's has been rude to your wife on several occasions and she can't handle it no more... She has every right to clear her mind...
If you love your mum as you described, why didn't you marry her? You still have a choice, anyway. On the other hand, what I will do, if I were in your situation is simple: I will hear the two sides of the stories before making a definite judgment.
In your own case, it seems to me you're already biased towards your mum, and this might colour your judgement. So you may need to rethink your attitudes toward your wife, as a first step to finding solution to this problem.
A man shall leave his parents nd cling to his wife. Stp bn a mumy's boy... I guess ur mum stepped too much on her. Let ur mum too mind her home nd leave u nd ur wife alone. Some mum in laws r frm hell. Guess ur wfy na nonsence. If e pain u too much,divorce ur wife nd marry ur mum.
the fact that it reached the stage where your wife had to text your mother it is your fault. Men need to realise that when they marry they need to focus on their wives and should stop letting their mothers butt into their marital affairs. can you imagine how annoying it must be for your wife who I'm sure is constantly hearing about what your mum wants or what she said. she is a married woman and in her home it is her right to do what she likes in her house!!!!
anyway you now know how your wife feels. you are the only one that can stop this problem. this text did not just fall from heaven. you are the only one that can stop your mother from butting into your affairs. if you cant do it and your wife has reached her breaking point then she will do something rash like sending this text because that kind of frustration will drive a woman crazy. talk to your wife get her to apologise and in future keep the things that happen in your home between you and your wife stop running to mummy.(it doesn't matter how much you love her)
Is not good,i can't do that,but it still depends on how ur mum interferes in ur marriage,keep ur mothers love out of ur marriage,love ur mum and care for her,but let her not interfere in ur home,bcos that is where your problem will start, u won't find joyooo,
The truth is she's a woman n dere is a degree to Wc she can put up wiv ones as much as I'm a fan of respect, I definitely do not fink send one's mother an insulting message us d ryt way to go.i Ll sit ha down n create a boundary she mustn't cross n I wil tel my momma to reduce ha interference in my marriage.
Make I read comments biko. Linda take note!
Make I read comments biko. Linda take note!
If your mother has been interfering in your marriage. Then your mother deserves it. Full stop. You should cut your strings from your mothers apron. Give details then we can address the issue properly. Shikena.
She needs to get a Dont F with me kinda warnin and also know dat ur mum is a no go area where she'll take her stupidity to. For real
We al love her mums n at a point it will seem lyk dey re poke nosing but dey re only concerned, its too early for a new wife to act lyk dat evn if she is indeed putting mouth in dia matter.
A man leaves his parents 2 join his wife, it's in d bible. U better be careful, some mothers can be mean 2 our spouses behind us. Ur mum myt be so happy with how u are treating ur wife now, she's now d angel & would now make ur wife worship her just 2 be in control of ur marriage.
What did your mother do? Not eating your wife's food, will only make things worse. It's a new marriage nuture it.
Discus it with her. Let her know your stand. Also make your mum understand she has limits in matters concerning you and your wife. Enough said. Ok bye
Speak to your wife in a very calm and Godly manner and find out what the problem is. Make her understand your mom is not trying to take her place and that no matter what you are both together in this marriage. You will support her but she needs to speak to you always. tell her calmly she hurt your feelings by not speaking to you first about the problem she has with your mom. Sometimes mis communication ends up causing hurt and grief. Do the same for to your mom. She may not know she said something to hurt your wife hence your wife's reaction. This is one way you can win this battle and please don't think I condone your wife's text to your mom. Hope this helps.
U re just an idiot... Marry your mum na
Shey u straff ur mum too? Mumu
If your mother wasn't interfering in your marriage; most mother's have being known to, if your mom wasn't then you need to give your wife a good talking to. Let her see herself in your shoes and ask her what she'd do. Also make sure your judgements is not clouded by your feelings for your mom.
If your mother wasn't interfering in your marriage; most mother's have being known to, if your mom wasn't then you need to give your wife a good talking to. Let her see herself in your shoes and ask her what she'd do. Also make sure your judgements is not clouded by your feelings for your mom. Cos you are married to her not your mom.
Grow up man, there are issues in marriage that silence alone can't handle. First you need to know how to marry set boundaries Btw ur mum's interference in your home. Then as for your wife, she needs to understand that the day she decided to marry you, that was the day your mum became hers and as such, if she wouldn't insult her own biological mother, then she shouldn't insult yours. If your mum acted out of place, she should show some courtesy by reporting it to you. Lastly, you need to be matured in handling this women. You are no longer a mummy's boy but a husband to some woman and as such, boundaries must be maintained and respected.
what do you mean by you love your mum till death. dont be is good to honor your parents. but you are about to start your own family. so dey should keep off and allow your wife take care of her own husband and home. and as for you mama"s boy...please grow up. you got married so you can be a man and have you own family. na wa o...please be matured. nobody hates their parents. PLEASE BE WISE. WISDOM IS THE PRINCIPAL THING. solve the problem with love. apologize to her and tell her that you will be a MAN from hence forth and not a mummy"s boy. and then let her know u dint like the sms she sent. correct and solve all issues with love. wish you all the best.
I dnt knw what d situation is like for her to send ur mother an insultive message. To me what she did is very wrong.
Forgive her, remember you guys are one, so she is her mother too. Talk to her, make her understand that parents can be so wrong sometimes but we don't go about it that way, we owe them honour, love and respect no matter what.
It is in no way right for d wife to send such msg to her mother in-law, but u hv to exercise patience so as not to worsen situation, y not sit ur wife n both of u address d primary issue dat brought about the txt msg. i feel ur wife want her place as d woman of d home n u hv to respect dat. this is d time to fight for peace in ur home not time to react to ur wife's actions.........AREMS
U dnt nid libers or married men 2 tell u dat she has little or no rspct 4 u & yr family. Whateva d case, she shld'v discuss it wit u.
Not my area, waiting to read comments later
That's wrong of her. Sit her down talk sense into her No matter what ur mum did she should talk to u about it instead of insulting ur mum. make her go down to ur mum and apologies cause no child no matter ur age should disrespect her mother or another's mum. You also should try levelling the love u ve for both women cause we can be jealous when more attention is given to one more
You are so dumb, u should atleast ask her why she did that and stop your mum from interfering in your marriage. U love her to death and u always take her side.
Am sorry to write dis buh I think u r not a serious prsn n silly at dat too.....first u won't go into details, secondly, wot did ya mother do to ur wife to make her react dat way? Isn't she a human being and an adult for dat matter? What if u insult her own mother too? Like u said u love ur mother so much, Who does love his/her mother? U should hv married ya mother and leave the innocent lady alone. SILLY MEN dat put deir mother first in everything dey do in marriage n you think it's everyone dat wld accept such rubbish. Abeg tell ya mother to leave you and your wife alone to enjoy your marriage coz she has lived hers the way she wanted with her husband. Am sure it's an igbo man dat is ranting dis rubbish. Shameless pple. Tscheeeeew
You are so dumb, u should atleast ask her why she did that and stop your mum from interfering in your marriage. U love her to death and u always take her side.
Mama's boy, grow genesis 2:24, and ask the holy spirit to interprete it to you....meanwhile talk with your wife and try to understand her feelings when she did what she did(not unless your wife is saucy every other day) goodluck to you
The question is what have you been telling your mum about your marriage, what has your mum been saying, has she really been butting in... you guys need tons top being mummy's boys. Stop taking your bloody issues to your mother. Grow up!! Deal your issues within your home and act as the mediator to ensure there is peace. I'm sure your wife is not crazy. You and your mum must have pushed her to the wall. Big ups to her for having the courage. Wish I had the same to be honest. Mrs O
Mama's boy, grow genesis 2:24, and ask the holy spirit to interprete it to you....meanwhile talk with your wife and try to understand her feelings when she did what she did(not unless your wife is saucy every other day) goodluck to you
She is gonna leave my house, you don't mess with my mom. Never
It's so sad. she's got no regard/respect for your mum. nevertheless, instruct her to go back to ur mum, go on her kneels and beg her, or else ..... but pls dont beat/insult her.
Talk it over calmly. Let her tell u if she will be happy wiv such if she had a son.
It depends on the type of mom you have, if she is a good one, stop your wife from doing that and if she refuse, let her go back to her parents. But if your mom is the bad one, I mean those that hate other people's children for no reason, then she deserve the stinker.
You love your mum to death?why did you get married then go stay with your mum,she wouldn't also mind having kids for you too
Yea u love ur mum good. Pls tell her to stop interfering in ur marriage. As 4 ur wife, she was wrong in sending d text. Tell her to not try it next time or else. TALK TO YOUR MOTHER!
umu aka! he say he has not eaten her food. don't eat na.
go and handle your mother so your wife does not do your work for you. if she is a good wife she will apologise to you and your mother but I'm sure she had reason for her actions.
Your mum shouldn't have forwarded the text to you and I agree your wife shouldn't have sent the text to your mum either.
But if your wife felt the need to address your mum like that, it might well be that it's something you are doing or saying to her that made her feel she had to do that.
Mothers should learn to keep mute about some things daughter in laws do if they want a happy home for their sons #justsaying
Truth is some MILs just don't give a breather,dont know hw bad this one is,buh some of them actually deserve worse than a stinker,and u men permit it,not knowing what ur wives r going true...she may have been disrespectful by sending that msg,buh u know ur wife better,if she's not usually like this,then she's had a full dose and was choking.
Don't let ur mother come in between ur wife,cos u can always reconcile with ur mom,buh it myt not be easy to fix ur marriage.
So apply wisdom and diplomacy and try to make ur wife apologise to ur mum,cos she's older than her,and to avoid issues btwn 2 important women in ur thread carefully!
Truelly Tell ur mum to butt out of ur lives,cos I guess it's choking ur wife that's why she just had to send ur mum the message. . And for ur wife,call her and tell her u don't appreciate how she went about it,she should have consulted with u first.
lol don't eat her food. mumu
Truelly Tell ur mum to butt out of ur lives,cos I guess it's choking ur wife that's why she just had to send ur mum the message. . And for ur wife,call her and tell her u don't appreciate how she went about it,she should have consulted with u first.
U love. Ur mum den wat happen to ur wife. Act like a man bro
Truelly Tell ur mum to butt out of ur lives,cos I guess it's choking ur wife that's why she just had to send ur mum the message. . And for ur wife,call her and tell her u don't appreciate how she went about it,she should have consulted with u first.
Be wise, oh man... be wise!
lol he say he has not eaten her food. don't eat na. umu aka.
handle your mother so your wife does not have to.
As a man warn her nd let her knw ur mum is nt a shit,she is ur mum for heaven sake,bt my broda dnt do it rough wit her,apply wisdom,let her knw she has no right to insult ur mum,nd plis try put a end to dat asap.....she is nt doing d ryt tin bro.. are married now am sure the lady has been enduring her all this while
seems you're still attached to her strings grow up man and fix ur home
Whatever the reason maybe I think it's so wrong to insult ur husband's mother...even though a lot of mother in-laws deserve it.
There must be a reason why your wife is not in terms with your mum, and i'm sure you know about it and she must have been frustrated by your inaction. well my advice is: call your wife let her know you are mad about that text (i'm sure she will apologize if you handle it maturely) and then respectfully talk to your mum. its your wife's house not hers.
Go to blazes cos you mother really need to butt are married now am sure the lady has been enduring her all this while
seems you're still attached to her strings grow up man and fix ur home
You should have writen what exactly she sent to ur mum so that we could judge by the real thing not hear say
I am a woman and I dont joke with my Mum. It is obvious your wife does not respect her mother either. Else she will not do that to somebody else's mother, talk more her mother inlaw. Send on a vacation to her parent's place until she is remorseful. Its not the solution to the problem, but she needs a little more lesson.
U re a man nd u. Should not allow ur mum to come in between ur marriage. Wat ur wife did is vry. Bad wich. Demands an apology bcos. She supposed to see ur mum as her mum too. Pls. Handle dis with all. Sense of maturity,talk to her nd ask her to apologize to ur. Mum u also. Apologize on behalf of ur wife nd pls pls pls don't go nd heat her cos u know hw women react
Calm down. Talk to her. She's your wife. You will have to make your mom n wife become friends somehow!
Bros stop been a sisi and be a man, u love ur mum not a crime. But u sound so much like d kind of man that will cough in his marriage and his mum will be d 1st to know, for ur wife to have done such although really wrong of her but she must have been pushed to d edge, so u too take a check of how Uv been runing ur marriage
Bros stop been a sisi and be a man, u love ur mum not a crime. But u sound so much like d kind of man that will cough in his marriage and his mum will be d 1st to know, for ur wife to have done such although really wrong of her but she must have been pushed to d edge, so u too take a check of how Uv been runing ur marriage
The wife must be suffering from severe mental imbalance. Without delving into what did or didn't transpire between the wife and the mother in law, the wife should have first brought it to the attention of the husband so that he can address the matter (if there is any matter to be addressed sef, as 98% of the time wives see and experience imaginary things when it comes to the female relatives of their husbands). The husband should pray for the wife so that her mental imbalance will be alleviated. @anonymousbobookokobioko!
You have said that you love your mother to death and cannot stand anyone, "especially" you wife to insult her. You have also refused to reveal the cause of the "insulting" text message and I assume it's because you are ashamed at what your mother did.
I will tell you that your wife should not have insulted your mother. I will also tell you that your mother should not have done what ever she did. Basically, what I am saying here is that if you easily forgave one, you should easily forgive the other.
Another suggestion is for you to dig deeper. Ask yourself really deeply, are you really angry with your wife or with your mother? Turn it around, if your father in-law did to you what your mother did to your wife, what would be your reaction?
Just passing....
you did not say what transpired. I am not really interested,but will want to bliv that you are not in control of your home. i appreciate the fact that you are mad that your wife disrespected your mother which of course should not be.I am sure your wife must have mentioned some of her issues with your mother? did you do anything about the things she said to you? take control and have a happy marriage. good luck.
No matter what ur mum has done, or said, an insulting message to her from ur wife is quiet wrong. Where is patience and tolerance in her dico???
Clearly you're not a real man. We can't judge if we don't know the genesis of the matter. Also you should be the one resolving the issue no mater how bad. You're supposed to leave your father and mother and CLEAVE to your wife. Not be a spoilt brat rejecting your wife's food and not discussing with her. Clearly you're still attached to mummy's apron strings!
Y did u let it get that far. Ur indifference is the cause of this mess ...ur wife must have been fed up .
No use crying over split milk. Ur a man , instead of sulking and keeping malice like a child address the issue head on . Adress what brought this about -and listen actively .
Tell ur mom there is indeed a boundary now ...and ur Wife is the pillar of ur home . Ensure ur mom respects ur wife and isn't involved in the decision making between u and ur wife .
Lastly talk to ur wife and really listen . Promise to be more sensitive to her in the future and go with her to apologize to ur mom .
Do not ignore any such fracas in the future . Always nip conflicts in the bud actively involved in ur marriage ...
All the best
Pray for God directions and your wife needs to respect your mum. If she didn't bring you up to become who you are today, she will not see you to marry. Also let your mum know that you have a wife
Walahi talahi, she is very right but has not done it the right way. There is no 3rd party in a marriage relationship. Don't forget that you love your mother to death.
She ought to have discussed with you and make you to see her reason and allow you to handle the issue as your mother is her her mother.
Both of you need good counselling to move forward. May God help you.
Hmnmmmn dats serious
Not eating or keeping mute won't solve it. There is no smoke without fire
She will soon beat your mom if you dont take a very tough action
The two have their place. Your mum is over stepping her bounds she should be cautioned by you and not your wife. Maybe because you haven't done that that's why she did. If you have not gotten any complain from your wife and she did that she's has really over stepped her bounds and I would give her a federal warning. She must tender an apology else..........
This is an incomplete story. Has your mum been interfering in your marriage? If so, then your wife has every right to tell her to stay out of it...
Forward the text to her mom so she will know what it feels like
You av refused to tell us details of what led to it and from the sound of things I think there must have been serious issues relating to your mum and your wife joining your marriage, I want you to know that it is bad for her to send such a message to your mum but I will also want you to know that there's a limit to human endurance and I personally think you have failed in your responsibilities of not addressing the issue before it escalates hence blame no one but yourself for not meeting up with your responsibilities as the head and man of the home.
Ignore and try to talk to elders to help them settle and resolve whatever issues they may have between them. Remember, they are both women of different hormones and I am sure your mother at your wife's age would have been the same jealous. You will always have your mother forever, but if you divorce your wife because of this little thing, you will never have your years, your me,or you, time, and efforts spent with your wife back; and the pains of that last forever.
You can get another wife, another kid but not another mother. Any wife who stooped so low to send your mum a stinker does not have any regards for you. I advice you should run as your leg can carry you.
U love ur mom to death and so is ur wife... U and ur wife are one.... Ur mother gave birth to u buh ur wife is YOU... U know u can't hurt urself..
It's simple,divorce ur wife and marry ur mother finito! That way no blasted woman will belittle ur mum again..anu mpahma!
It depends on what has ensued btw d 2 women. U not discussing it wt ur wife myt make tnz worse. U love ur mum, yes but what if shez d one at fault?
You will only get wrong advice. Ask God for wisdom to solve any problems that may arise.
Divorce your new wife and marry your mother,since you love your mother to death. You are not ready for marriage my man.
Maybe you should marry your mum and let her bear kids for you. Are you married to your mother? She has no business in your marriage in the first place and the earlier you put her in check, the happier your marriage would be.
This is how mothers go, destroying their children's homes with unwarranted interferences
If you like go on hunger strike for ever, you are just living in denial. You know the right thing...
Avoid seeking counsel from the public. I am not supporting anyone but ur mom must ve interfered in ur family affairs as mother. It's always good to stay away from ur son/daughter marital life. Any reasonable parent does not come into son/daughter normal issues in marriage which can only be sorted out by you and ur spouse so in conclusion advise ur mom to stay away from ur marriage then call ur wife to order and be a strong man. You will surely build a better home.
I am Coonett
She was very wrong to do that but at the same time, that speak volumes about your mum as i dont see y anybody would send anyone a belittling message if boundaries were respected. Secondly as a mother if my son's wife ever does that I will never show it to him cos that will earn me a greater respect , at d end of the day she will reealise that even though she messed up, I love my son so much that i wont foreward a message that can destroy his home. Iyae ni lowo.
Talk to her in a lanuage she will understand that ur mum â„“̊S̶̲̥̅ not an outside but a family to her
Nothing justify her actions, buh d deed ve been done already. U ask her to apologise to ur mom. That's exactly what I did do if am in ur position. My wife won't dare such with mum. Bro, U need to talk to ur mum too, probably she's overbearing.
Grow up mummy's boi....u sld hv bin d 1 to tell ur mum to back outta ur new marriage bt since ur too daft to,ur wyf hs helpd u.mummy wrapper
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