That's me (with Omawumi first pic on the left) at the Safari Walk Park in Nairobi, Kenya this afternoon. I'm having the time my life in Kenya. More photos when you continue...
In my hotel room...
I know you ladies love my weave..ó fine bájé bájé abi? :-) It's Asian Filip hair from
Lolavitahair. Call 08025275898 to get yours....*wink*
Later guys...let me go and continue enjoying my Kenya...:-)
Is that an engagement ring I see? or am I just dumb -____'
Enjoy Linda - Bee'
Enjoy ur self my love
Your kenya bawo! Let kenyan catch u. U trip u ,
Mean. Anyway have fun
the dress suits the environment but pleeeaaase don't wear it again...what are those on your fingers? please explain o, you're pasing the wrong message. anyways have a nice trip, you never can tell, Mr.Right might be in Kenya *wink*
you looks so old.
Linda dearie, Please be careful with the leopard. it might just be thinking " its lunch time"
Awwwww! You look lovely. Hope you have a wonderful time. I really missed you these past few days :(
Linda i love ur stlye, nd i really enjoys ur blog anytime,anyday. catch ur funny in kenya. i hope u will soon travel to SA.Babe ur cute.
Linda i love ur stlye, nd i really enjoys ur blog anytime,anyday. catch ur funny in kenya. i hope u will soon travel to SA.Babe ur cute.
Omo na model! Looking good. But Linda, this your horse- hair is too long o! Biko. it would have been much better jst skimming the top of your boobs.
Linda,Make flexing n jaye jaye no kill how, enjoy abeg - no kai
My dear enjoy Kenya jare, far away from the hustle and bustle of Lagos and constant NEPA interruptions. And yes, as a lady I was admiring the weave. It looks nice and natural and it suits you. But, I am a NATURAL sister so I don't perm my hair anymore. I only braid it from time to time. You look very nice in all the pictures and Omawunmi's stomach is still looking very big though she has given birth.
Anyway, Keep us posted you hear? I wish to be on vacation somewhere in Africa myself. Oyibo land don dey tire me my sister, LOL :)
niceeeee, lukn gud Lindy!!1
Linda looking yummy..real yummy to that Hyena giving you the look over!!..have fun u look very relaxed..
i just luv your personality so dwn to earth and just like any oda gal.enjoy ur self. pls d page is getting dry pls update it often.tks
Honestly babe you look on point. The hair, the outfit & your slim figure is priceless. No-one should dare post anything negative otherwise the person should drop dead & go to hell (YES I SAID IT)!!!
Narcissist, much?
oh babe!,you look stunning and beautiful.Enjoy urself,...Love u gal!!
Linda u look so beautiful and harmless...i have been coming to ur blog all dse while...dis is my 1st time of commenting...d sky is ur starting point...i dnt easily like pple....but i give it to u...i like u
Was that an engagement ring on your finger, Linda?
Aunty Linda,*pointing at your left finger*what's that?????
You look good girl,enjoy n shout out to 'Mowunmi,I have missed her on the scene,lots of love to her n baby!
What are you doing in Kenya? Fall holiday already?
Wow,linda hope to see more beautiful pics,make sure,my daughter,that you enjoy yourself to the fullest!.happy holiday,it's kind of it right?
See my Linda oo leaving the country without telling me, Okay I remember you said it on our last trip to Eco Hotel in Lagos.
It great to see you in Kenya
Visit the Massai mara, Mount Kenya, Mzima spring and make sure you don’t come looking like an elephant from Kenya.
Be careful in South Africa, Dem dey thief like Mad for there. But they are their version of Egbesu, Area Boyz and Bakkassi boys.
Don’t be bordered about Electricity, don’t rush to iron your clothes. No Nepa there,
Take your time, do your transaction from the Hotel room.
And look out for the Macho thing you always love
I will monitor you from Abuja
Safe trip
Omoge u fine ooooooo, baby oo. I'm buying the hair ASAP. Linda u're on point. Nice physique, nice dress, nice hair!
linda u re lukn young,itz been long i saw ur face,online actually not reality
Is Linda married ni...i hope you're not o cos my crush for you is still very strong o. Lol...looking really cute.
u look so brief
That weave looks good woman..... Are you dating anyone Linda??? I would Like to take you out....
Baba T
Dis ur hairstyle make u resemble Morticia Addams of Addams family. and u know see as omowunmi wear trouser, just incase those animal escape she too go fit escape but u go dey wear gown. where u race one start from. hehehehe
anyways have fun
Wow,loving ur dress nd dat hair,hmmmmmm. Groove on girl,nothing do u
Linda you are looking different facially....not your usual fine self...almost like it aint you
Awwww look at this pretty lady!!looking nice there is a funny sign at the park that says "Children and Warthogs have right of way" did you see it LOL anyway enjoy my
awwww, lovely pics.
ps continue sharing the pics esp. when you attend AFI's show in S.A.
safe travel :)
Love the hair and the dress. You look absolutely fabulous girl.
Enjoy your Kenya well well.
have fun babe
Lovely pictures Linda. You need more food in that stomach. A little bit of weight won't do you any harm.
nice.actually i do love the hair.
stunning ,GOD will provide a good husband for u.ijna
Nice pics linda...
linda praise the lord for the disvirgination of your was the flight and the whole experience you shall advance and enter gambia next in jesus name and then europe lool
nice pics n have fun o
haba! Babe u look very put together. oh and yeah ur hair is nice. keep it up.
linda i must say that u are really enjoying urself there......
but pls u need to hurry up and settle down....u are running late bus...and it shows all over u
Dont worry when we decide we want horse hair we will give them a call
I know no no se you fine bai.
then, I go finish all dollars (almighty Dolapo) on you.
You are sweet oooo!!!
Can I give you a trips to UK, USA & CANADA babe?
Linda...commot yr hand for there(2nd pix)
All i want to know is who d photographer
Nice nice nice! Love ur hair! u look awesome! I'm very positive u will meet ur Mr. right in kenya. If 9ja guyz can't see ur beauty then maybe the guyz from Kenya wld. Goodluck and plz don't fall our hand oo!
Chai, the smile on your face no be small O, when i bring you to Miami wetin you go do? Start clapping when you see Oyinbo people?
I think u should remove your second picture.... it looks awkward..... ( a sincere comment with love)
aaaah linda i am jealous ooh,u look fantabulous.enjoy dearie.
Its Linda's world and others are just filling space.
I still have a crush on her though
Mr Admirer
Linda i am so happy for you oh.........Finally you have joined Your hair is so lovely and you are looking like a beauty queen on a pet project. How is the weather in Kenya? The food nko? The
Oh Linda! You rock!
Very well Linda. Now we know you are still blogging.
Obafemi Awolowo Centre For Distance Learning Released 2011/2012 Pre-degree Entrance Examination Results
The pictures are very lovely! And how was your flight? Kool?
Oh and enjoY your stay there.
Enjoy Miss! Being coming to ya blog to see some updates, but nauthing.
Oh, so good to see you blogging outta there.
Wait a minute i thought i saw someone that looked like you at the Naija nite concert.......oh crap that was you i would have gone all groupie on you!!!!
o fine baje baje. Anyway, have a gud time and keep us updated with pix and all.
Awesome pictures but that cheetah looks like its just timing u
YOU LOOK GOOD GIRLS.. HEY LINDA, WAS THAT ANIMAL JUST THERE? ahh.. nor make am bite you o.xoxo
awww, soo pretty..... and i love d hair do.... mwah!
er sweetie ...arent the rings you are wearing supposed to spoil market for you? - KC
linda,jeun soke!!!as you don fashy me nah!!!!enjoi remain for me oh!!!yu do deserve the getaway vac,yu've been working ya ass off...miss yu!!!
Linda u make sense die,hav fun bt we ar missn u.
Omo to bah shi shey dedee, oye ki o lasiko igbadun!! Lolz, av fun sugar!
Linda u hot sha.. chei...
I'm happy for you...Have a great time lady
Someone is looking relaxed.Shows ure having fun.
Keep it up..
Linda, Are u Beyonce you're showing off ur belle?
How months old? *winks* looks cool on those pixs
awwww.beautiful and refreshing...loving ur hair and natural look
Linda yi o serious sha...well u luk fine sha..enjoi.
i dont understand how fine babe like u no get man or at least person wey go de service ya engine and change ya oil. linda, something must be wrong. ur damn too fine to be a single lady abeg. Im serious.
Linda u r too swit not to b married.abeg pity one of ur suitors and say yes naah
You look really nice Linda, i love Ur hair
u really look like an Asian-philipino woman...i call ur weave security blanket.
In btw...what makes me think u look like a younger version of Elohor of eyes though...enjoy and bring Kenyata mojommo
Linda, Linda ... U dey enjoy ooo
Help!!!!!! Omawumi don carry belle again?
Help!!!!!! Omawumi don carry belle again?
Make sure you go to Ole polos and eat some nyama choma.
I hope you take time out to blog about some interesting 'comparisons' about Kenya and our country.
Telecommunications - reach and pricing
Hospitality - General attitude, hotels etc
Love for Nigerian music...atleast Flavour,Psquare, Naeto C etc
Your hair is fine but your dress is BAM!!!!!!! Enjoy baby!!! You actually worth more than that
Linda is that an engaement ring or wedding ring? Me i dont understand you o! And you are searching abi?
Enjoy jarre na your time.
Linda u re as beautiful as ever girl. Seems our omowummi has started work already.
Nice pix linda, buh ur stomach luks kinda big, is it dat u overfed b4 dis awting or ur expecting a...........*lipz sealed*
linda ikeji u r very beautiful
You lepa no be small. Abeg, Kill that Hippo and eat.
The pictures seem to reflect you modelling than having the time of your life. Hope you are not a vain or insecure person.Its either of the two
Enjoy yourself girl!
Pretty linda, errmmm Omowunmi tommy sha, e big o lmao :p
PreTty linda, Omowunmi tommy sha, e big o, lmao :p
village champion...'my hotel room'SMH
i absolutely luvvvvvv ur weave
Bia Linda, is that the only type of hair do you know. And see how your friend's top is made from ankara and it looks fashionable and you wear like you get belle....... LOL
Linda we want pics of nairobi city and excetera. This one na pics of you + 1, you + pig, you, you, you, you, you, you...............YOU!
Can we have a place on your blogg where we can just click "LIKE"
enjoy ur vacay,u already look rested and calm
In the second pic "WETIN UR LEFT HAND DEY DO FOR DIA"??
i love your extension. is it indian and what inches? am really dying for it. Looking fab, ride on sisto.
I can see that you are really having a good time. Go girl!
Lovely pictures Linda. Looks like fun. Enjoy and bring back lots of gist o
Love the hair...*wink*
Noticed your lovely smile too...its exactly the same in very picture. Almost as if "copy and paste" was
I'm glad your having a fun trip! Cheers
awwwww.u so cute,humble, n funny..i like all ur pictures and yes, d weave is pretty nice to...cant stop reading ur makes my day complete evryday..kip enjoyin Kenya...many more trips for u n God bless u...Amen
Linda hun, u look fabulicious..i feel like having u in ma arms..if only my kemi cud look dis good 4 me..*looking wistfully*
i thought you said you don't travel?
i can now say i see the beauty in you linda, good job!
Pls when ur comeing back no forget my cake o
LI, One word: G0RGEOUS!!!
happy 4 u babes but pls loose the weave.
Girl try to Be natural for once..Enough of this weaves.. Can you imagine all the way to the philippines for fake hair,all becos i wan fine na wa oh lol
Nice pics without a doubt..the second pic from omawumi,watin your hand dey do there?lol
Love ur hair... hate ur dress.
are u, omawunmi and ur camera man the only pple on this trip?
Linda! You wohwoh ooo! But I can give you a new look though....
wow, lucky u. but what's happening in Kenya? business or vacation?, and is that an engagement ring i see on your finger Linda? hmn abeg tel us o..
@Linda, I hope u had a nice time sha...but i could also see ure going to Kenya as "married" woman, at least i could see a ring in your right hand in that second pic...but its cool....
Is it cuz those kenyan guys are "etremely" black?
Well enjoy ur stay there oo...God bless u
Luv the dress! Nice photo as well!
hope the hotel is not close to somali border. enjoy mai dear if not bcos you said in one of your posts dat u dont date a younger guy,omo i for turn oliver twist for your neck.Ma di mario sibe ni
LIN-LIN, strawberry bum tum, australian steak, sugar sweet cane. We r missin You o! Abeg do come house evrywhr don dry!!
Sha do not come MT-handed also.
Linda, God bless you for adding that hair info.
Nice pix.
Do you ever wear "African hair"?
Make sure you check out the night life! You wont regret it. Check out Madi (MadHouse) & Carni girl!! I love Nairobi!!
you are simply the best.
Babe u mean u neva travel out of naija be4? even Ghana with ur levels? on d other hand lovely pic
More of Kenya And less of You
u sure having fun.....all work n no play makes linda ikeji a dull chiq. lol.
I met Linda in Kenya and observed two things.
1. she's a sweet heart, very unassuming and down to earth.
2. She's rich
Nice meeting you Ms Ikeji and thanks for everything
Some people are bitter sha...
enjoy yaself no marry kobokobo kidding
Abeg do and come back to Nigeria oh... i don't know what you are doing there standing beside animals.
Hey Linda, ur looking so nice sweet. I wish iam the luckiest person for u!
My dear, U're not looking bad. Nice shots
My dear, U're not looking bad. Nice shots
are you sure u r 25? i would swear u are nothing less than 29....u look dat old facially. i used to think u were in ur early 30's
Enjoy ur hols. Try varying ur pix and not just take photographs in the zoo. See what is happening everywhere u go and make sure u have ur laptop or Ipad on u always. True sign of a professional blogger. Have fun.
Linda linda u dey fill ursef sheeh!, luvly pix d 15th one is my favourite,n y wumi no wear dat her shimi abi she dey fear kenyan boys..abeg do com bck o!..
LOL. No worry. The hair dey on point 100%
It's a very nice place and lean too, went there for my Honeymoon. Have fun and make sure you visit the Masai tribe.
U look cool, av more fun jare, u need it...Love ur gown....
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