Rihanna and Britney didn't kiss, but ABC still Censored it | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 25 May 2011

Rihanna and Britney didn't kiss, but ABC still Censored it

It was just a kiss on the cheek, but fearing it might be more, ABC cut to the audience reaction when Rihanna and Britney went in for their 'embrace' after their performance at the 2011 Billboard Music Awards. They only cut back to them when the two stars had separated but photogs took the pics of their 'kiss'.

Knowing RiRi and Britney, anything can happen...lol


supergal said...

its not a kiss but a peck on the cheek... it just reminds me of madonna and britney then wen they kissed on the stage when they performed... anything can happen .. its riri and britney ... :)

Anonymous said...

even if it's a kiss, soooo!

galore said...

If they kiss,,,its normal......its their life.....lol..

Surprise said...

They did not kiss, but they attempted to. In law, any attempt to attempt is an attempt. So their attempted attempt is an attempt. LOL

omo jeje said...

@ galore

Err, it becomes part of my family's life if we are innocently watching's the show at home... hooray for ABC.

Anonymous said...


Allegra said...

Did Madonna and Britney not do this many years ago............Riri and anything to make the headlines.

fiona said...

Kudos ABC for censoring it...i am glad they have some balls!! enough of this selatious nonsense going on on TV..i cant even watch TV anymore with my kids without being like a hawk making sure there is nothing inappropriate...if everyone goes around saying it is their life and they have a right to do whatever they want...then it is open season for everyone to indulge in all kinds of seditious acts..all in the name of its a free world...

Alicia says... said...

yawn....recycled GARBAGE!

Anonymous said...

Sick people!

Anonymous said...

abeg what else is new apart from these attention seeking and near washed out bitches jare?

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