Beyonce Says She Was Inspired By Lorella Cuccerini For Billboard Awards Performance | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 26 May 2011

Beyonce Says She Was Inspired By Lorella Cuccerini For Billboard Awards Performance

People have kinda been accusing her of copying Italian pop star Lorella for her innovative performance at the Billboard awards, but Bey says didn't copy, she was only inspired by it.

Beyonce tells AOL
"My makeup artist showed me the performance of Lorella Cuccarini a year ago, and it inspired me so much. I then met with the talented people who worked on it. The technology and concept were so genius. Thank God for YouTube or I would have never been exposed to something so inspiring. I never worked so hard on anything in my life as that performance for the Billboard Awards."
Side by side video comparison of Beyonce's Billboard Music performance and a performance by Lorella Cuccarini from 2010 after the cut...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Beyonce for finally admitting youre a copy cat
always inspired by everyone but yourself
inspired by fela
inspired by Diana Ross ,the list is endless
try to be original for once

Allegra said...

There are obvious similarities as well as differences.......that is the inspirations I guess. We all get inspiration from different sources of life don't we?

Anonymous said...


ugo said...

is this the same beyonce that sang "... put some clothes on, I told ya, don't walk out your house without your clothes on, you nasty girl"? na kweshon i ask o :D

Alicia says... said...

after AOL and Yahoo and other sites made a big deal about it. hahahaha. if not, would she be saying anything? mtchew.

Adebola said...

I dont see the similarities aside the graphics, which is a bit similar. And you cant blame Beyonce for that. The other girl didnt even dance. Next please. Linda I love u for always bringing latest news to us.

Anonymous said...

the similarity isn't that much to be honest....

Udegbunam Chukwudi said...

Beyonce no mind them. Warreva. That technology was wasted on Lorella abeg.

Your performance/version was d shit! ;-)


Anonymous said...

copycat. all she ever do is copy.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 12:57 PM

...and see where she is in life with all her 'copy copy'

keep on hating. so where do YOU get your own inspirations from..drug peddlers or prostitutes?? cos you have to get it from somone.

Anonymous said...

the girl earns over 60million dollars every year, most popular black female star, married to one of the richest black artists, if you dont beev her beevers, who will u beev?

Anonymous said...

To be honest, Bee only admitted that she copied or was 'inspired' by Lorella. She only admitted it and kept it secret because the Media ousted her and made a big deal out of it.

She would have kept silent, had it not been exposed. That shows deceit in my opinion.
After all, she was very often about being inspired by Fela! So, why wasnt she open about this? This was an attempt to pass on someone's else idea or initiative as hers.

Beyonce is very successful , that's not in dispute, but she isnt original.
How many successful artists have been inspired by Beyonce? None! Becuase all she does is

She did perform very well though and I commend her for that.

Anonymous said...

Abeg Beyonce, what you are doing is copying every dick and harry you see. You are always inspired. Go and retire and stop lying to us that you are inspired by this and that when you are actually out of originality.

Anonymous said...

lol i donot hate or beef beyonce. i wouldnot have known about her if not that i see her name on linda's site and people talk about her. if you ask me about her songs i would be clueless its not my fault i dont listen to her songs...maybe i donot like her kind of music who know? now one person that i could listen to all day is brandy!

Anonymous said...

Wait, what do you guys want? Art imitates life and vice versa...

Anonymous said...

Inspired my back-foot. More like copy. She is not original and is so overrated. She only commented on this because she was caught in the act.
I used to be a hardcore fan of Beyonce but now, I can;t stand her rubbish.

Anonymous said...

She should have kukuma performed naked because this outfit na waya lol. I have never been a Beyonce fan not during her days in Destiny's Child or as a solo artist. I respect her hustle, she is talented but her voice or songs are not spectacular. She is a machine, not better than a performing animal in a circus act and please don't jump down my throat, I am not calling her an animal, just comparing what she does to what a well trained tiger in a circus would do, perform as told, nothing more nothing less.

She has no personality, dead behind the eyes, no clear stands on any real issues, she always looks like a deer caught in headlights during interviews as if waiting for someone to hold up the answers from behind the camera, she is just about making the money for her herself and her handlers, point blank period.

I wouldn't exchange my life for her for all of her money. Who want to live that type of life even if it's in the lap of luxury?

Anonymous said...

Beyonce stans kill me!!!..This woman is a thief period..She did same before lying that she wrote irreplaceable until neyo called her out, then she stole if i were a boy and the single ladies routine video *sigh* when will she do something by herself? and her crazy fans try to pass her off as original? Delusional much

Anonymous said...

@ anon 2.18pm

this is anon 12:57, in response, you are very daft. a deranged beyonce fan that cant differenciate fanatic razzle dazzle from facts.

she made her money mostly from copying and duping artists etc,and calls it 'inspiration' when she's caught. it is well known and covered up.
one is allowed to state such about the 'beloved' beyonce without HATING, you moron. Hater is over used and abused by ignoramouses such as your self, face the truth and stop jumping on d bandwagon of beyonce as if you know her well well. idiot, like i didnt know she had money and was married to jay - z. how we all get to our various levels of success is different and mine was not through cheating. if thats her game fine but am not going to be vibrating because of her based on that unlike your deluded self. how about get inspiration from yourself? daft cow. na you go follow prostitutes and druggies. Anuofia!

Anonymous said...

her singing days are well and truely over hence copying this and copying that move over for kelly row its her time to shine and it does not seem as if bey likes that mcshew

Winnergal said...

Beyonce haterz on the prowl...You can drink as much hate-o-rade as you want, but just don't get drunk, okay? Cause you still have to drive back to your reality...

Anonymous said...

not going to say any other thing but that Beyonce had a good performance stolen or not the other lady was extremely boring.

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