Dear LIB readers: help me make sense of my existence | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 16 May 2014

Dear LIB readers: help me make sense of my existence

From a female LIB reader
Linda I'm 40years old today and I'm the saddest person alive. So I'm writing this letter today to God through your blog hoping somebody somewhere can help me make sense of my life.. 
Dear God, 
I'm 40 today and I hate the life you have given me. This isn't living. Being dead is better than this. Haba God, after my sacrifice, after serving you in truth and in spirit. You bring me shame? I have no money, no kids, no husband and you want me to continue serving u. Haha, you are joking right? 
From 18, I served your church till now, when my mates were busy having sex with their future husbands I was in church for praise and worship, cleaning chairs, going for revival, visitation, paying my tithes. etc. Continue...

Dear God, you no try! If I were you, I would have blessed me since. I never disobeyed my parents while they were alive. I read my bible daily, I was a virgin till I was 31 for Christ sake. Haba!

People told me, leave ikotun and move to the island. There are husbands there. I moved, nothing. They told me, change your church, I changed. Still nothing. Lose ur virginity, men dont like mature virgins, I lost it. What strategy have I not tried.

My mates that aren't married have money, and if they don't have money they have kids. Why have you chosen to humiliate me like this? Was I wrong to give up my virginity at 31? Is that why you are not fair to me, if that's the reason, all my friends and siblings stopped being virgins in their early 20s and they are all married with children. So that can't be. Or maybe my reward isn't here on earth. Oya take me, let me rest. I'm asthmatic, I'm lonely, I'm poor and not happy. This is too much. Too much 

Linda, libers somebody, anybody, please explain to me what I have done wrong. How does God work? Because I can't seem to make sense of my existence here on earth. 


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adetomiwa said...

My dear you are not the only one facing problems... If some people open their mouth to tell you some home-made problems they are into, am sure you will reconsider and still thank God for life. God is not to blame for a messed up life... And its never too late for him to restore all you've lost.

Anonymous said...

at least you have something to be greatfull to God for and that is LIFE and for GOOD HEALTH,go ask those in the hospital and they will tell you that you are more bless in your state than they so in every thing give thanks and again remain faithfull to GOD and in due time he will reward you and I tell you yours will be more rewarding remember the story of Hannah in the bible she was late but later celebrated we only know of Samuel what about the other wives my sister it is not later for God to answer you just hold onto him and he will not fail you cos he never fail.GOD the bible says HE MAKES ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL IN IS TIME.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You can form stories ehn u dis Linda.. Pls stop this shit.. I like u but ur stories are usually framed and formed by u... Honestly, almost all ur stories are lies. You and I know that..linda, I dnt buy ur crappy stories. Give us second hand gists, but not these lies u cull out of ur mind......from ur pretty fan

Anonymous said...

i've got semen for her if she wants kids

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Dnt wory dear all is well ,you shall find him dis year nd you to linda ,jst proclaim the words of faith in ur mouth an it shall come to past.find your hidden talent and you work towards it .you ar the apple of Gods eye#bebo#

Anonymous said...

God will make u happy....

itodo mohammed mark said...

if u need anything from God, u av to be patient..take Abraham for example he was promised a child and it took so many yrs for that promise to be accomplished...God wants to knw how much u really love him....he wants to knw how long u can stand by don't give up now...and he wont give up on u.....

chioma nwereoma said...

SPEECHLESS, your story is too touching that i lack words for an advice, but i tell you God has not changed and he has not forgotten you. dont let the devil take hold of your heart because that's all he one is totally happy on Earth,not even the president that has so much money,firm and power, so you can see how this things work. GOD HAS NOT FORGOTTEN will get married,always make yourself happy,dont let all you are going tru bring visible sadness upon you,so you dont chase people away from you.God loves you and HE will make you smile very soon.

Anonymous said...

It is well with you. I can feel what you are going through but who are we to question the unquestionable? God loves us unconditionally. If this battle is not from your own family, then his got a good plan for you. Remember Sara in the bible, she never gave up. The joy of The Lord is your strength. Read the book of job. He went thru a lot, he didn't curse God even when he was pressurised by his wife. At the end of it all, he was rewarded. My advise to you, don't let the devil to steal away your joy. Everything will pass away only his word will remain. It's not easy but be strong and serve him the more.

Anonymous said...

"PEOPLE told me, leave ikotun and move to the island. There are husbands there. I moved, nothing. THEY told me, change your church, I changed... What strategy have I not tried?"

You havent been trying strategies, you have just been undeniably half-witted. Your problems are boldly written, what if youur husband was in Ikotun or your church and u were meant to leave for the island together or he was meant to bring u all the riches in the world? U just missed him then. You listened to PEOPLE, you didn't listen to GOD. All those tithe giving and cleaning of chairs etc, using that as a bases for God's blessings is just a poor mindset. Focus on God expecting nothing from him. He would come to you when the time is right. God NEVER fails!!! Godspeed

Amarachukwu. said...

Gods time is the best...the patience dog eats the fattest bone...

florence said...

God never sleep nor slumber pls don't give up now still hope and trust in him ur breakthrough is close dis is a trial time, he will bless u and take away all ur burdens away frm u wen the time comes. We all have our own short comings and problems too but never u compaire ur self wit any body. Believe and trust in him

Anonymous said...

My dear, God works in mysterious ways.Our ways are not his ways.Its really painful and sad but dont lose hope.he is a faithful God.

Uche said...

do not give up on God . because he has not given up on you. be patient enough not to miss the good plans God has for you.

Anonymous said...

Dear sister, my heart goes out to you.I want you to know that God is not unjust to forget your labour of love. He is a good God and can not forget his own. His promises are true and sure.The bible said,"say to the righteous ones, it shall be well with you"Don't give up on God, your expectations shall not be cut short.I pray that the almighty God will forgive you all your sins and show you mercy.He will make a way for you and bless you indeed.Only be strong and repent. no time is right to commit sin,sin is sin no matter the reason.But i pray that God will have mercy and be gracious towards you.Remember His thoughts towards you are for good. Stay focused...

Anonymous said...

the problem, my dear, as I see it, is not God but your attitude. Men can smell a desperate woman from miles away- you do come across as desperate. My friend, ok, don't worry, wipe away the tears and forget about men. Go on with your life and enjoy it- before you know it, a good man will come along. I am not far away from you in age and guess what, I am still alive, enjoying my life!

Unknown said...

This is really touching. But one thing I can say is that, don't give up on God just yet. He works in mysterious ways and your case is not any different from the ones he has taken care of.

Anonymous said...

My dear, this a story that touches theee heart. My dear, God is God, he knows what is best for you. Do not relent @ his appointed time he will surprise you. He sees your heart and all that you are passing through. But have you gone for deliverance? To make sure you are not been held down by a spiritual husband or been placed a cause on. Be assured that God has a surprise for you. Happy 40th Birthday.

Unknown said...

Thank you for thinking and assisting God in his assignment

Anonymous said...

Never blame God for anything. Have tried searching urself? Have you gone for deliverance as some Christian think its not necessary? Try and check ur foundation as its written if the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do. Everything is not abt God but ourselves. If you are doing the right thing God will NEVER EVER leave or not answer your prayers. Apart from foundation, another thing that causes delay are spirit husband, Do u have sex in ur dreams if Yes then that is the beginning of solution. my sister go back and ask God to show u the problems and solutions. Take heart all be will be well. Stand on his promise as something God wants to prove himself. in a way u have helped God maybe that is why its taking long, just surrender and forget what people say.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain sis, but dont give up yet it's not over

Anonymous said...

Congratulations you are 40!
They say life begins at forty but I say life begins when you choose to live.
I'm 15 years younger but I've come to terms with the fact that God is good and a fair king who gives what you request for. If u look as the passage talking about wearing the whole armour of God, you'll find the word as the sword of the spirit.....the spirit is the manifestation of the soul in you for you are a god as he lives within you(I don't know your name). I read every bit of dat u wrote and look at it.......what words did u confess? All negative. Speak what you want and our fair king will grant unto you ur heart desire because with the shield of faith which will stand against any doubt for d desires of ur heart. (Rem: Faith as small as a mustard seed will move every mountain).
So please my dear......God is faithful and he loves us all to give us all what demand.
Life never gives you what you deserve but what you decide.......Adegun Oladipupo.
So please don't discourage other believers, I need you to please take your time and have faith in'll be amazed at the difference this will offer you.
Don't sit but work and he'll bless you.
God bless you!
Happy birthday.

Unknown said...

The trials that we face today is not the end life cos Christ Jesus is working behind the scene and when he's through we'll be what he want us to be, God is not through with blessing you, don't give up, have faith and your desires will be accomplish.

Anonymous said...

all hands are not equal.............stop comparing yourself with anybody else.

@iseiyanu said...

said in John 5:19 “Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” In other words, if my Father can tell a storm to be still, I can also tell the storm myself to be still and you also can tell the storm in your life to be still.
Dear, you just interpreted this in your way as "whatever you see the world doing, that's what you did.
You just pray for yourself now and I believed, that is how you have been praying for yourself since thinking you are praying. Remember Zacharias in Luke 1:5-80; in verse 18-20, He did not believe the Word of God for him to happen in God's season and he was cursed for his own season.
Believe me, you don't serve God. GOD, did you know Him? The you know the Biggerbility of His power? Did you know the availability of Hos grace? I guess no. If you know Him then you will know what He can do for His children.
You still have @least 80 years to live. If you can really know Him not as you claim but how He want you to know Him, This year will not miss you before you are married.
Don't waste the remaining years and short it too months or month

Unknown said...

Life is a mystery. And no one knows how God works. He does not bless us bcos we are righteous or punish us like we deserve. He works in an unexplained way. Maybe bcos he sees far more than we can see. But He does, answers prayers. That is, if u call upon him with all ur heart and with faith.

Unknown said...

The trials that we face today is not the end life cos Christ Jesus is working behind the scene and when he's through we'll be what he want us to be, God is not through with blessing you, don't give up, have faith and your desires will be accomplish.

Unknown said...

The trials that we face today is not the end life cos Christ Jesus is working behind the scene and when he's through we'll be what he want us to be, God is not through with blessing you, don't give up, have faith and your desires will be accomplish.

Unknown said...

The trials that we face today is not the end life cos Christ Jesus is working behind the scene and when he's through we'll be what he want us to be, God is not through with blessing you, don't give up, have faith and your desires will be accomplish.

Unknown said...

The trials that we face today is not the end life cos Christ Jesus is working behind the scene and when he's through we'll be what he want us to be, God is not through with blessing you, don't give up, have faith and your desires will be accomplish.

Pay Chuka said...


Anonymous said...

Woman thank God yet for your situation he has plans.

bouqui said...

your story is so touching,but i want u to know sumtin that once u ar still living u av hope,God doesnt like that,have u really ask God what
He wants?dont think He is nt seeing ur pains and agony,He makes things happen in his own time.Be stead fast and u will Laugh at last.

Anonymous said...

I am so touched. Dear poster,pls don't talk to God in dat manner. Be thankful for the life he has given u bcos he said in everything we shld give thnks. When there is life, there is hope. Pls don't give up on urself yet. He will surprise u soon.

Anonymous said...

If God brings you to it....He will surely see you through. Remember the Children of Israel at the red sea? They complained just like u doing. God why didn't you leave us to suffer in Egypt why have u brought us here?. My dear, we are no wiser than our Creator. He makes all things beautiful in his time. All I would suggest is pray for grace and patience to wait till the Lord time. Anna waited, the woman with the issue of blood waited. You can wait with the help of the Lord. Draw your strength in him. And please don't talk bitterly to your creator. It's not true he has not done something for u even in your condition. I say this so that the journey of 40 days should not become a journey of 40 years. Just like the isrealites in the wilderness. There is light at the end of the tunnel...Keep the faith my sister and my the Lord answer you from Zion.

Tush 4rm

Anonymous said...

well first of all...I feel sorry for you for wasting all that time in Church (it was a waste of time...and free labor trust me. This is how to make sense of your existence "DECIDE WHAT, WHO AND WHERE YOU WANT TO BE AND GO FOR IT...SIMPLE"! Stop waiting on Jesus or your pastor or even family to decide your life. Life is for the living...Carpe diem!

FunmiD said...

Dear LIB reader,
I cant pretend to know what you are going through cos i'm not in your shoes right now.But one thing i know is that our God is ever Faithfull,if it seems he hasn't settled you yet there might be a reason for the delay.Please just hold on tight to him,im sure he will come through for you soon.
For all those who are reading and might be in a position to help her with at least a good job please kindly do so.God bless

Anonymous said...

Shock and speechless @ first becos am not sure if ths is real?but incase it is?u need to get on ur face and thx God for ur life becos if some ppl were to trade their life wt ur's,ur be grateful to know ur life is not as bad.ur sai maybe ur reward is not here on earth,just maybe God still workn on u,testn u by all wht ur facein???just maybe is not ur tym yet!may God give u the grace to cont to hold on to him.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm its well. Your story touched me.I'm so sorry for your plight. Please try and look for a job anyhow you can, or try and learn a handwork. God is still on the throne. He sees you, He knows what you are going through. I can understand you. Please don't stop praying. God will do it for you. Your testimony is going to be awesome, Amen.

Anonymous said...

So pathetic. I can feel your pain. No worries dear. Just engage in something meaningful to keep you happy. And always avoid staying alone because an idol mind is a devil workshop. Your soul partner will locate you very soon IJN

Anonymous said...

Good day lady as i was reading your story the spirit of God is telling me that when ever Men saw you ,you are like Old woman , and this is the work of satan,I should have given you my phone number,so that i can assist you but this is the solution go any Regional HQ of Mountain of fire ministry for your Deliverance am sure your problem will be over mind you am not a member of MFM but I want to tell you every church have there area of specialization,MAY GOD BE WITH YOU

Anonymous said...

I can imagine how demoralized you feel because that feeling is familiar to me. for what its worth, just be hopeful. it is well with your soul...

Anonymous said...

Oh !my days am deeply touched about ur ordeal, I dnt know how to comort u but d good lord wl wipe ur tears and bless u tremendeously .O ma se pls take heart dear ur days of joy are numbered be strong! U wl hv unbelievable testimony tis year.Ur time is here dnt let d devil take it away frm u.Is well wit u

Anonymous said...

U kno, God's time is diff frm our timing. My dear, God is stil workin and givin up shud nt b an option fr u bcos everytin works fr our gud.

Anonymous said...

Ton Bad.. Very Saddening Story.. Just keep Believing.. Maybe he wants to Test yhur Faith..

ADAOLISA said...

God is God and can not lie, Whatever he said must come to pass. Pls dont believe the lies of the devil. your life is meaningful and God will add colours to it soon. be strong.

Anonymous said...

There is a wise saying which goes "Only a mad man tries the same approach and expects different outcomes" yourself of the biggest scam in the world...religion. You are a GOD, start acting like one and stop waiting on a blue eyed, blonde hair, jewish God to make your life better #openyoureyes

Anonymous said...

Pray n tell God to reveal to you the root cause of your problems so you can adress it. Also go for deliverance too. Your problems may have a apiritual implication. Take heart,God will see you through.HE has not forgotten you.

Anonymous said...

My dear, the truth is dat we are Africans n really life normal events are sometimes very difficult here. The reason being dat we have strong" spiritual setbacks". Yes they are real! Am talking from experience but won't go into telling u my own pathetic story now bc of time. I would advice u to visit BRIDE ASSEMBLY church, ijesha Lagos. Am sure God will visit u there. Plus am not saying u shld be a member, just be going for their Tuesdays prayers n friday vigils n see wot God will do for u. They do personal deliverance every Tuesday before n after service. Try this n u won't regret it. All d best.

Anonymous said...

You can form stories ehn u dis Linda.. Pls stop this shit.. I like u but ur stories are usually framed and formed by u... Honestly, almost all ur stories are lies. You and I know that..linda, I dnt buy ur crappy stories. Give us second hand gists, but not these lies u cull out of ur mind......from ur pretty fan

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we cannot explain why things don't happen the way we want. Especially since we do all the 'right' things. Rest assured, God has seen your service and His plan is to reward you. We don't know how or when bcos His ways are not our ways. Many people question God esp when things don't go down the way we expect it. Hold on to His promises for you, take your mind off what you don't have (you are better than so many other people) and stay in praise, count your blessings and your life will be so much better. I'm almost 30, a virgin, i have asked God time again for my marital and career desire. He knows what He's doing and it'll all end in praise. Jer 29:11. Prov 3:5-6. Stay strong dear.

Conqueror said...

Dear Poster,
I pray that God forgive you and me for our sins, esp in our trying times.

I am only 25, I may not understand your pain wholly but believe me since the beginning of this year, it has being 1 problem or the other for me.

I lost all hope at some point, devil was speaking silly in my thoughts but I never lost my God or God increased me in faith.

I started reading n understanding for the better my Qur'an. BTW, prior to these problems, I ve always had whatever I asked God,just like that, u kno!

When I got faced with theses issues, I realised I was no better or special, if God could test Youssef (Joseph) n his father, if he could test Abraham, Muhammed then Y NOT YOU OR I?

Now dear poster, think to yourself, if God could reward Youssef's patience after all or Abraham's, or Ayyub (Job), Isa... then why not OURS?

During my quest to conquer all odds,
1. first my Qur'an taught me to accept whatever that happens as Allah's Will (whatever befalls us is only by Allah's leave no matter how "bad", He never falls asleep to let Satan...., it's always His will)

2. To be patient and persevere
3. That "no burden shal be laid upon us greater than we can bear"
4. That "verily after every difficulty, there comes relief"
5. whatever belongs to me shall never escape me n I shall never gain what does not belong to me

Right now, things aren't still where I want them to be, but my Faith in God is paying off, I ll get there and so will you but ONLY HIS WILL SHALL BE DONE!

Dear poster, I may not feel your pain directly but ask for God's will to be done in your life, he is not giving you a husband or kids or riches but he gives you breathe, and remember that which he has promised His true followers? Heaven, al-Jannah... and my Xtian friends taught me this " what shall it profit a man to .....(complete it)

Im sorry for this epistle but with the lessons life has taught me in this 2014, I just have to let someone know that, no matter how high n solid our "mountain of problem" is, someone's got a bigger one!

Anonymous said...

pls reed me:2corinthians 8:8,9.129,10.
or log on

real talk said...

If 2 say u get money nw,I 4 even manage date u but no money,no nothing,chai chai deris God ooo

Anonymous said...

@Poster, please rebuild your confidence and trust in God pls,i see you have lost your confidence in God longtime ago. i also sensed you missed it when you almost got your breaktru. please retrace your steps back to Christ, you cant give up now, beside you wont survive the battles of life without God. He's ever dependable.

God is never late! He's not a partial God, His WORD is indisputable and incorruptible. What He say He will do , He will DO MUCH MORE.

Be joyful and thankful atleast for the gifts of life and good health.
stop complaining be thankful that's your only access to a World of greatness with God.

i pray God rescue and liberate you from the grave of life in Jesus Name'Amen. pls rebuild your trust in God and return , you are close to your breakthrough.

nibestar said...

Can i speak with you, I'm a youth(33) residing in Port Harcourt. i don't want others to read my humble advice to you. My numbers are 08067916960 and 08056571711. Thank You

Anonymous said...

God loves you so much and you A̶̲̥̅®Îµ̲̣̣̣̥ precious in his sight. He I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ proud that he has such a daughter in you, you A̶̲̥̅®Îµ̲̣̣̣̥ luv more than you can ever imagine. Stay bless

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Oh Lord... poster ur words wrecked my heart ril bad. God's time is d best. He will neva 4sake those who serve him... plz dnt give up...keep dat God has not 4goten bout u. My heart is seriously bleedin 4 u... will put u in my prayers

Anonymous said...

i really want to see what people have to say.i am a virgin and there is soo much pressure from my virginity even worth it at all/

Unknown said...

He knows ur pain dearie, u hav indeed tried bt just imagine Christ for a second all d humiliation, lies against him, infliction of pain, betrayal den murder and all dis happened for doing no wrong @all. hav u ever stopped 2wonder why u hav lived all dis forty years even in poverty yet healthy? or u think u are better dan all dis cancer pple here nd there dat we see dia news on dis blog, alot of dem are far richer dan u can imagine, more famous and they even hav husbands nd lovely children.ur existence is nt by accident, u may think u hav totally lost all bt he said " i will replace all d yrs d locust had eaten". He said "he will not cause pain if he will not create something new Isaiah 66 vs 9. Alot of ppl r going through worst conditions, his trials only comes 2those he knows will not fall. it is really hard bt keep living in joy nd thanks even in dis state. be grateful for life dat money cannot buy and good health dat no man can give except d almighty. u r almost dia, pls dnt quit on God now. i pray dat God favour will locate u IJN.

Anonymous said...

Wow I'm touched. My sister have faith God doesn't fail he is just using all this to test you and see if you will pass please stick by him there is not better in this world than serving God ooh. If you need advise or any tin contact moi on 28A8A848 or 07065976782. And I'm sure God will hear don't Give up on. Stay Blessed.

~~Sir Alpachino sent via samsung galaxy pocket #Triangles~~

Anonymous said...

blive me I can relate to wt u r saying...but dis simple sentence chnged my view

GOD ain't asleep

Unknown said...


femi 08030752799 said...

Greetings the birthday celebrant. It's quite unfortunate that life has not dealt well enough with you but I strongly believe that while there is life there is hope. All you need is the right collection of Men. Men here means both gender. Right counsellor , right pastor, right friendship. Am confident the tide will turn for the better for you. You are closer than you can ever imagine. Pl be strong , don't give up. Help is near.

WildChild said...

You lacked faith and you went against Gods plan for you when your flesh caused you to sin, instead of questioning God, ask for His forgiveness and pray for mercy and divine favour. God blass

Anonymous said...

Do not think God is not aware of all you are passing through. He will change your story for in no time. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

If this write up is a real life story, then please for all of you LIB readers out there, this is a very serious someone personal life experience. Please take seriously into consideration this persons feelings and as a result make reasonable advice to this person. If you have no reasonable thing to say please say nothing for the interest of this person who is trying to reach out. Let love lead.

Anonymous said...

My dear, first of all ask God to forgive you for fighting him and ask for his mercy. I am 40 also, no parents, not married and no children but have a small job that brings in small income every month. Bible says that a "LIVING DOG IS BETTER THAN A DEAD LION" So, you are alive is a miracle. Sit down and think about some of your age mates who are dead. So, thank God for the gift of life and mind you there is nothing anybody says that can change your situation but you can change it yoursel. EMBRACE YOURSELF. COME OUT OF SELF-PITY. It is well

Anonymous said...

Sister, take it easy and make yourself happy bcos God knows what you are passing thru. Do not bcos of that forsake God so that satan will not rejoice over ur life. Create happiness from ur problem and so u will have a good turn around in Jesus Christ name. Peace be unto u.

Anonymous said...

Shut up! So by listening to your friends/mates aka foolish advisors you were serving God? You even talk as if God is your mate! No wonder you are sad.. I think you will remain like that until you stop thinking that serving God is following some set of rules outlined by your community. Stop all this your foolish complaints and let the grace of God take charge of you nt because you have worked for it. What if u were disvirgined at 100... ok now that you lost your virginity at 30 who did you give it to? Where is he? Yeye old virgin.

Unknown said...

Its normal that you feel this much pain, its ιƨ also normal if you feel that you've not been fortunate enough. Sometimes we christians find ourselves in that vulnerable situation. ßut let me tell you something, Æ“♡D has been there for you. Sometimes it happens this way in other to have a resounding testimony and laughter. Tell me how Æ“♡D will win αℓℓ those unbelivers around you if he doesn't stretch you to catapult you on that next level? Cheer up, Æ“♡D ιƨ still Æ“♡D! And has proven faithful in more difficult cases than yours. Try woking with your in built talent and listen less to cheap advice. May Æ“♡D show up in your life soon. Amen! Happy birthday dear! Have a laughter filled year! Don't forget to share your testimony.

Loulou said...

You don't give up on God,he has his reasons for everything. He never fails,he just wants your testimony to be resounding!!! Happy Birthday darling, and you will smile in Jesus name...

bella j said...

hmm this is deep.

Jowamoh said...

Hmmmmm! so touching. But the truth is you have failed in your testing times by succumbing to pressures. God works in a way that is beyond human's imagination. God answered Sarah when she had entered her menopause. He answered Hannah when all hope had seen lost. He shows his mighty hands when everyone has lost hope. Their is still hope for you if only you can believe in him and then ask for forgiveness of sins, cos you seems to loose hope in him. Remember quitters never win. Who knows if another miracle is on the line for the whole world to believe God through you. My dear all you need at this moment is to ask for forgiveness of sin and rededicated yourself to what you have been doing in his vineyard. Remember, yours is nor the worst.

Anonymous said...

I'm really touched. I feel your pain, but never give, continue to trust God, He is forever faithful. I really want to help but do not know how to reach you. I'll write Linda though to know how to send something across to you cos I'm not in Nigeria now. Stay strong. W.S

Anonymous said...

I know a woman who married a man in her 40s . The man had married before and it was not a good experience for him. Therefore u need to see the way he treats this lady , like diamond , u can feel his love when u are around them, as if he is teenager. He is very rich and two years after there marriage she is now pregnant. Her time to flourish was in her 40s. If she gave up , she would not have all she has now ,love, husband,wealth and a child. You don't know how close you are to your breakthrough stay strong. God is good

Anonymous said...

Dear Poster,
Your mail broke my heart. Trust me, sometimes we don't understand what He has planned for us. A thousand ages to Him is like an evening gone, but remember......He makes ALL things(NOTE:ALL) in HIS Time. Hang on to His word.

Here's a verse from a hymn that always cheers me up-

God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform,
He plants His footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.
Deep in His dark and hidden mines
With never-failing skill,
He fashions all His bright designs
And works His sovereign will.

Take care. We'll have cause to celebrate His faithfulness in your life before the year runs out.

Cophoworola said...

Dear LIB writer, God is not moved by emotions, He is moved by people's internal purpose of serving & diligently seeking him.

Ever wonder why people who don't care about life ride big cars, live in big houses e.t.c?

From my consumption of the writer content, She is likely being forced to do what she did since her teens (pardon me if I am wrong).

Many hide under the umbrella of working for God to be lazy (which the bible condemn), always "LOOKING UP TO GOD" for this or that. . .Common!, Have you ever make research on the profession of the 12 disciples of Jesus? (Please do)

Is the writer updated in different aspect of life?

In a nutshell, I am not saying you should try to help God (As his timing is ALWAYS PERFECT), But please endeavor to be updated (if you are not) or you will be outdated. . .Just an advice!

ifymiollion83 said...

All I can say to u is be patient, God is still in the business of making something out of nothing. don't speak evil with your mouth my dear. God will surely surprise u in know time.

Chux James said...

I know that for every thing that happens to a man/woman on earth, God has his reason for permitting it and a plan in our lives...just thank God for the gift of life and watch him do His thing. He has a plan for you, He will bring it to fruition at His own time. It is never too late. Sister become more social and keep praying...hold on to your God!

Unknown said...

Woman the truth although hard to digest is, THERE IS NO GOD. Atleast not the type orgarnized religion would have us believe in. We must all learn that all that matters is not harming another human being directly or indirectly. And helping people out when you can.

Your mistake is that you did not prioritize your life properly. Somebody that works in GTB will collect his salary at GTB and somebody that cooked beans will eat beans.

You concentrated on going to church so you grew in matters of the church. If you wanted to make money you would have spent more of your time studying and hanging around people that have made money. If you wanted a husband you should have learnt from your friends that were getting married.

When your mates were probably dressing up to attract the kind of men they wanted as husbands, you were probably jumping from church to church with big big skirts and old womens scarf.

All these pastors will never tell people the truth that in life we get what we work for. There is no one in the skies working for you. We have to keep learning and working hard. No amount of church or tithing will save you.

I have lots of friends who have faded into obscurity because they spent all their time hoping and praying for some divine being to come and help them instead of actively trying to better their lifes.

I wish you goodluck. If you have further questions please ask at

Chux James said...

I know that for every thing that happens to a man/woman on earth, God has his reason for permitting it and a plan in our lives...just thank God for the gift of life and watch him do His thing. He has a plan for you, He will bring it to fruition at His own time. It is never too late. Sister become more social and keep praying...hold on to your God!

Anonymous said...

Stfu fool ! WT do u know.may u not be in a position like that .we are humans.God created us to have companions

Anonymous said...

My dear...pls stop crying.I will not say that you are destined to be like never destined any one to be in a bad condition. Cos GOD is love. So my dear I would rather ask you to get your self a job this qwkl take care of your money issues..then package yourself very well .you might be fortunate to get a mate butt don't be in a hurry you must look before you leap..check your attitude ?ask yourself " do I ask an attitude problem; do I find IG hard to apologize even if I am not wrong ?etc...belief me are not alone in this kind of problem.. And lastly you need to be friendly...may God be with you

Anonymous said...

my dear cry no more God will perfect all that concerns u in due season. don't be discourage and don't be dismayed the God that brought u this far has a purpose for u. just hold on and don't quit praying the hour of your resurrection is here. please don't do any thing stupid and don't allow Satan to put negative thought in your mind. i know of so many who got married at 50 and 60, that u are 40 is not the end of life, it is just the beginning of new positive things to happen in your life.

hold on. hold still. the last time i checked God is still in the business of doing good.
its well with you. i love u dearly

via official intercom

Anonymous said...

Dear 40,
My name is Alhaji London, sorry to hear all your strategies have not worked. Lets move on, you need to focus on a plan b.
I suggest you hook up with me and I will introduce you to my 10 point get married plan. This is sure banker. All my past students are married; well except one stubborn Abuja girl who stopped at step 7 due to using the wrong type of whitening cream.
If you are interested, put your email or twitter ID here and I'll be in touch.

May 1st witnessed the wedding of my most recent student who is available for advice when needed.

Please don't expect miracles but you will have to learn a few new skills to help improve your marketability. Can you pout? Start practising, check out instagram for the different styles of pouting.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Anonymous said...

Remember many have all these u mentioned but still not happy, and are living miserably. Be thankful unto God first and he will supply you with other needs of yours. As from now onward be waking up in the midnight and thanking God for all he has done for you whole-heartedly and see how he will turn your life around. SHALOM.

Anonymous said...

It's called God's plan and timing. He is not asleep. Pls don't give up on God. His ways are not our ways.

halimsy said...

Just be patience everything will be alright just keep on praying

Famade Oluseyi said...

First, loosing your virginity for just an earthly need i don't think is the best you would have done but, for the sake of God mercy if indeed your are truly Born again now and have prayed God's forgiveness i believe God is faithful and just to forgive you. so..

Secondly, you see my sister, in life things might not really work the way we want them to, but, is not that we are not lucky, is not that we are not privilege, is not that God has forgotten us, is not that our existence here on earth has no positive significance, but, Many a times God is just looking us, watching our actions, imagining how much of strength we can show in trying times especially a kind like this. But, the truth is that, He always have a way of proving his supremacy to us in our trying time. May be he is preparing you for a brighter future, may be He wants you to know or learn some important things you ought to in other to make you triumph in a blessed Christian Hoe He is preparing for you. No matter the situation in Life never, i repeat never question God in regret why he created you or why He is allowing you to suffer in vain after faithfully serving hi. Have you forgotten the in the Holy Scripture (THE BIBLE) where it is written that: "My thought towards you are of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end". May be you forgotten Sarah and Abraham, What about those that are dead, some at two years and others... will they say that God is not faithful.. And Jabez, the man that was given birth to and was even named sorrow, but God change the cause of existence, look at Job, Oh God, that man will never say you are not worthy to the LORD even when his whole world was like, upside down but yet, He has that verse of the Bible in mind that says: "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."(Isaiah 40:31 and at the End the Scripture quotes that: "In the whole of the land no woman was as fair as the daughters of Job" God replaced all that he lost with millions of Blessing.

And now, look at the lilies in the mountains and the birds in the sky they neither have planters or have any that waters them still, you heavenly Father is taking good care of them, talk less of you His special Creature, that He spend time and moments to specially creates you wouldn't He care for you? Keep smiling and never give up even when things lets you down. God will destroy your the strong men in your life and make you mountains a plain. You hear me... Come on, be strong and continue to Waite upon God promise and i know he will never let you down. OK.

Don't ever give up on God, but Waite a bit and see Him calm every storm in your Life, even your egyptian army will all drawn in the Red sea. For he said: For I am the Lord, I change not;" (Malachi 3:6)... "For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry." (Hebrews 10:37). Wipe your tears because from now its only laughter than you will be experiencing. God bless you as you obey and Waite upon God. God bless you Ma.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sister, there is power in praises! And make sure you check your life very well and make a good change to God. It's well in Jesus Christ name.

Anonymous said...

my dear that u were able to move from ikotun to the island is a testimony enough. Check urself God has done alot for you. dont worry urself jst start living happy. take walks listen to music keep serving God in d ways u can but above all dont lock urself up in ur house d husband wudnt meet u in d palour. Go out even if it is for a walk

ll said...

What God wants to give you is not money, it is not children, it is not husband, it is not job. What He wants to give you is His Word in your spirit. It will make you what He talks about.
Serve Him in truth and in spirit.
You can be bless with articles from or

Unknown said...

My dear, just leave a blameless life, make sure u r always happy, dnt kill ursef wif self pity. U r beta dan those in the Grave. U'll surely smile somday. Just Believe! Its well

Adaeze Writes said...

Hello Dear, God is not man and He doesn't think like man. I would have preferred that you offered up all these words in prayers rather than rat it out on a blog! But all the same, He is God and that is who He is and nothing can change that. He will work a miracle in your life. Do not think like the Egyptians and do not mourn like those who have no God. You have an everlasting Father who made you in His own image and likeness. What more do you want? He clothes the birds of the air and the grasses on the field...He will take care of you. Your name is written in His Palms, what an honour? You will smile...Believe it.
Just table all these words mixed with gratitude to your heavenly father and I assure you that the God who sees in secret will reward you a full measure, pressed down, shaken and running over.
It is well with you. Amen.

Anonymous said...

I know a lady who is getting married at 47 to a wonderful man although a widower. She is so enjoying herself. She never for once stopped serving God or obeying him.

What i have noticed is that so called Church girls are so bitter in their hearts. They are terrible judgmental characters and such is not attractive to any man.

Toritsemugbone Ikomi said...

Hello ,
First thing you should know is you are beautiful, strong, confident, determined; i don't know you but you just need encouragement. Never Ever lose faith in God, he sees all things and in his time he would do for you what he has done for others and probably even more. I am 19 years old and had suicidal thoughts a couple of time when i was 16, i questioned God, I cried and i almost gave up but i decided that all i had to do was FIGHT. Dont literally fight people o lol, in your case this means continue praising God(Stop questioning), Be positive (Forget Negativity it only brings you down), Carry yourself with Pride, Determination(Get out of your comfort zone), Challenge your self(Apply for jobs that u probably don't think you would get you never know), Use what you have to start a business, Listen to your gut and continue to be yourself. Don't let what other people tell you define you. You are probably asking why would i take advice from a 19 year old, i see a lot of people struggle in this life, but their confidence and drive helps them get to higher group.

You are strong, Just think of better days ahead.
God bless

Toritsemugbone Ikomi said...

Hello ,
First thing you should know is you are beautiful, strong, confident, determined; i don't know you but you just need encouragement. Never Ever lose faith in God, he sees all things and in his time he would do for you what he has done for others and probably even more. I am 19 years old and had suicidal thoughts a couple of time when i was 16, i questioned God, I cried and i almost gave up but i decided that all i had to do was FIGHT. Dont literally fight people o lol, in your case this means continue praising God(Stop questioning), Be positive (Forget Negativity it only brings you down), Carry yourself with Pride, Determination(Get out of your comfort zone), Challenge your self(Apply for jobs that u probably don't think you would get you never know), Use what you have to start a business, Listen to your gut and continue to be yourself. Don't let what other people tell you define you. You are probably asking why would i take advice from a 19 year old, i see a lot of people struggle in this life, but their confidence and drive helps them get to higher group.

You are strong, Just think of better days ahead.
God bless

Toritsemugbone Ikomi said...

Hello ,
First thing you should know is you are beautiful, strong, confident, determined; i don't know you but you just need encouragement. Never Ever lose faith in God, he sees all things and in his time he would do for you what he has done for others and probably even more. I am 19 years old and had suicidal thoughts a couple of time when i was 16, i questioned God, I cried and i almost gave up but i decided that all i had to do was FIGHT. Dont literally fight people o lol, in your case this means continue praising God(Stop questioning), Be positive (Forget Negativity it only brings you down), Carry yourself with Pride, Determination(Get out of your comfort zone), Challenge your self(Apply for jobs that u probably don't think you would get you never know), Use what you have to start a business, Listen to your gut and continue to be yourself. Don't let what other people tell you define you. You are probably asking why would i take advice from a 19 year old, i see a lot of people struggle in this life, but their confidence and drive helps them get to higher group.

You are strong, Just think of better days ahead.
God bless

Anonymous said...

Obviously u neva worshipped God in truth,in spirit n faith,u ere jst a Church goer,my dear sister where art thou kept ur faith?if u read ur bible den u shd remember Sarah,Ruth,Naomi etc.blessings come lyk a rocket,u wnt knw hw it'l hapn said...

Poster, I hate to break it to you but there are people who have it worse than you. If you are healthy, eat, walk and talk and to top it have a roof over your head then you should not be whining at God.
You want a man,how have you gone about your search? Are you waiting for a church brother to drop out of the blue and say God sent him to marry you? What type of man are you looking for, what moves have you made to find him, appearance, character overall packaging.....I'm not criticizing you, because I can understand your frustration but questioning God and giving him ultimatums is not going to get you any closer to your dreams. Please help yourself firstly by not comparing yourself to others, our destiny's are different.
There are so many legitimate things one can do in Lagos to make money besides getting an office job. Make a move and get busy, stop sitting around for a miracle biko. All the best.
Are Your Expectations About Dating And Marriage Realistic?-click my name to read more and share your thoughts.

Ono said...

Yes! And I second this your comment. Out of the struggles; God grooms us for greatness. You sound very intelligient so, read more biblical literatures. Especially the bible. I believe you'll find your answers. And don't do anything because people said this and that. It should be all about God.

ho gosh!!!! said...

if we so sad y dyhu keep coming here? agent of the devil, boko haram..holy ghost thunder fire ur life..fiiiiiiiiiirrrrrreeeeee!!!!

Anonymous said...

dear poster whether you serve him or not HE IS STILL GOD. remember shedrach meshack and abednego when they were about to be thrown into the fire, they said to the king EVEN IF OUR GOD DOES NOT SAVE US we will not bow down to your idol. your mindset about Christianity has been all wrong. we serve God not because of what He can do for us, we serve God because that's the reason for my living i cant but serve Him. its the air i breath this life is less than a minute compared to eternity even if you live to be 120 years. secondly you allowed peoples advice rob you off your blessings. what if the week you relocated to the island was the week your dream job would have come from ikotun or the day you left your former church was the day your husband walked into that same church? do you hear from God? being religious is far different from being spiritual. Dear poster ask for forgiveness.

ho gosh!!!! said...

take ur focus off it on God...shikena

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by if truly your story is genuine? Is it fake before? Ode please don't comment if you have nothing reasonable to say

Gbemi said...

Who are you to question God? God is not a wicked God, the bible says, I av come so that you will have life and in abundance, He has given you the spirit of truth and of sound mind. You have probably been serving God for what you will get in return and not in truth and praying amiss. Serve God in truth and of open mind and faithfully and yes ur reward is here on earth. The gift of life alone is enough to be thankful. I pray the God will arise and fight for you, God will restore to you all the years of hard labor and prosper you. Look back and think of how you av failed in one way or the other and make it right prayerful. Pray fervently and without ceasing, you will triumph and victory will be yours in Jesus name. Amen.

Anonymous said...

You are a fool. What more is the joy of a woman than to have husband and kids? Do you think money is everything? What about happiness?

Ladies World said...

I kind of feel your pain, hurt, desires, loneliness but i will advice you to choose to be happy. Find things that interests you and give it time. Make new friends that can encourage you, join ladies fellowship where you can be prayed with, get constant encouragement and networking. Life is not all about marriage and money, it's all about contentment and joy. I'm sorry you served church from 18, but you are not meant to serve church! You are meant to serve a living God that you know and understand. God only reward those who know and serve him NOT those who serve a religious organisation. Your case is not closed yet, let your heart be open, cos your time of remembrance is here.
"They that compare themselves with others are not wise"
You are peculiar and choose to stop comparing yourselves with your friends.
Attend this coming conference for Ladies and meet with with the convener afterwards, i'm sure you will be helped to get healing and empowerment.
Detail of the Conference are: Ladies World Conference 2014
Venue: MBA Hall-Lagos State University, Ojo, iyana-iba.
Time: 10am
Date: Thursday, May 29, 2014

Chux James said...

I know that for every thing that happens to a man/woman on earth, God has his reason for permitting it and a plan in our lives...just thank God for the gift of life and watch him do His thing. He has a plan for you, He will bring it to fruition at His own time. It is never too late. Sister become more social and keep praying...hold on to your God!

Ladies World said...

I feel your pain, hurt, desires, loneliness somehow but i will advice you to choose to be happy. Find things that interests you and give it time to overtake you. Make new friends that can encourage you, join ladies fellowship where you can be prayed with, get constant encouragement and networking. Life is not all about marriage and money, it's all about contentment and joy. I'm sorry you served church from 18, but you are not meant to serve church! You are meant to serve a living God that you know and understand. God only reward those who know and serve him NOT those who serve a religious organisation. Your case is not closed yet, let your heart be open, cos your time of remembrance is here.
"They that compare themselves with others are not wise"
You are peculiar and choose to stop comparing yourselves with your friends.
Attend this coming conference for Ladies and meet with with the convener afterwards, i'm sure you will be helped to get healing and empowerment.
Detail of the Conference are: Ladies World Conference 2014
Venue: MBA Hall-Lagos State University, Ojo, iyana-iba.
Time: 10am
Date: Thursday, May 29, 2014

Anonymous said...

You are very foolish for your statement. She said she went to church, attended revivals, always in church. Didn't sleep around like her friends, got disvirgined at the age of 31. Moved from one place to another even changed her church and you are here talking trash. Mumu

juliet says so said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm Tears rolling down my eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my sister God id still GOd, He never change and will not change bcos of u, pls keep on believing Him,He must c u throu.

Chux James said...

I know that for every thing that happens to a man/woman on earth, God has his reason for permitting it and a plan in our lives...just thank God for the gift of life and watch him do His thing. He has a plan for you, He will bring it to fruition at His own time. It is never too late. Sister become more social and keep praying...hold on to your God!

Anonymous said...

Why are you this dumb? If at the age of 40 you don't have a husband, do you think that's a good thing??? Huh tell me?? Or are you a lesson???? Smh

Chux James said...

I know that for every thing that happens to a man/woman on earth, God has his reason for permitting it and a plan in our lives...just thank God for the gift of life and watch him do His thing. He has a plan for you, He will bring it to fruition at His own time. It is never too late. Sister become more social and keep praying...hold on to your God!

Chux James said...

I know that for every thing that happens to a man/woman on earth, God has his reason for permitting it and a plan in our lives...just thank God for the gift of life and watch him do His thing. He has a plan for you, He will bring it to fruition at His own time. It is never too late. Sister become more social and keep praying...hold on to your God!

Anonymous said...

Must you rant? If like carry your virginity to heaven na you sabin. The girl is dissatisfied and she's entitled to her own opinion so please let her be.

Anonymous said...

Ode, Mumu like you. Even if she listens to the song, is Beyoncé not married?? You tell me. Doesn't she have a kid?? Is chime mandatory not married?? Smh

flamest said...

Put ur trust in God.

Anonymous said...

babe abeg dey try pretend say u get sense small na..haba!!!

Anonymous said...

What sort of stupid happiness are you talking of? Being married and having kids is a woman's happiness. Money is the happiness of a greedy woman if she doesn't care about being married. Even ashawo dey marry. So what the hell are you saying?

Anonymous said...

lin lin post my comment

APPLE said...

The Lord take's care of his own. Madam search yourself very well.

Anonymous said...

I have always been doubtful of these type of stories. Lady if you are as you are in your forties then you cannot blame anyone except yourself.

You left sensibility to serve god. Well keep serivng him.

Anonymous said...

Wtf!!!! You are so dumb!!! I swear!!! She's human, you can't compare Sarah, Hannah and job or Ruth to hers. They had stringer faith. These days because of people's sins even the innocent suffers from it and God is not pleased so Wtf are you saying? Do you think it's easy? To even keep her virginity till 31 years of age she really tried. Kudos to her.. do you think she doesn't get horns??? Or you think she's a bamboo stick?? Rubbish

Anonymous said...

You are also a fool at your age cos you've just shown how senseless you are.

Anonymous said...

My dear your letter is full of lamentation. You never mentioned what u did for a living , ur educational background , family n friends . To me you are no being totally honest with LIB readers and your self . My dear the answer lies within you . Seek and you will find . The God I serve never fails .


My Dear poster, you have to first thank God for ur life or do u think all ur age mates are still alive? Have u visited hospital or prisons before? After visiting this places you will have every reason to thank God. God can never be mock and he never forsake his people. Be courageous and wait on him. stop complaining and praise him for everything. God will see u through

Unknown said...

of a Truth God cannot lie. i feel your pain if your are being sincere. Allow me say unanswered prayers are sometimes the greatest blessing. i can see your faith is chattered already,please work on that. We are to trust God and not test Him. He is God whether He blesses us or not. if only He will open the eyes of our mind to see better. He works in ways we can't see. Serve God in truth not for the sake of anything you are expecting from Him. Let Him remain God,either u remain poor,single,without child;make sure you are upright and a prayer of mercy at this stage is paramount than any other technique. So Sorry about your pain Sis,God will surely arise *Shalom

Rosey O. said...

My dear, God never makes mistake, and His ways of thinking cannot be compared to that of man's. I would just like to encourage you to hold on....there is nothing impossible for God, and HE HAS NOT FAILED YOU YET! Cry out to God, and tell Him exactly how you feel, the way you have displayed in your letter. The best of your days are yet to come, dear! Remember Job! Do not give up, pls!

Vindot.....Via Techno Phantom A PLUS said...

Woman am not gonna write much...the reason he has not answered is because You did not ask me HIM like a Father, He is your Father, Talk to him, You nag,lament,accuse and Blame Him, how do you expect Him to Answer your Prayer,WOMAN TALK TO HIM....I SAID TALK TO HIM KNOWING YOU ARE HIS DAUGHTER.....TALK TO HIM IN HIS WAY....HE IS GOD

MissBusyBody said...

Wow! Gistzone, I absolutely love your comment, no time for pity parties, dust your self up and keep going

Anonymous said...

Errr those two ARE MARRIED. so please. Until you walk in someone's shoes you can't know where it stings

Anonymous said...

My sister i feel your pain and that message really touch my soul. because you wrote this,you have reminded God and God will surly put a smile on your face and he will change your story to Good.Please never give up in prayers. I Will keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

STFU! Y wld lind make up something like dis? Y r u exposing ur decimal-point IQ to d world! Goat of d year! Linda better post my comment o!

Anonymous said...

I just shed tears reading your story but my dear no one is perfect, for everyone has what is giving them heart ache. I belt you that very soon you will come back to this very blog and testify of God goodness. Maybe God wants the world to learn from your story and be wise. Read Heb 1:9. It is well with you.

Unknown said...

there's this song i love so much because it has my nickname "CLOZZ3R" in it,the line reads 'don't give up you might be closer than you think you are'. you can only help yourself,so many people have these money,husband (1st,2nd,3rd,4th ... marriages) and they are more miserable than the helpless ones. let your mind be at peace with God,do not disconnect with the ministration of Holy Spirit. He is God He cannot lie.

Anonymous said...

God is a good God and He is faithful, it is this world that is in a fallen state, but God is never changing and faithful and He loves you. He has seen all your works, even with your imperfections He loves you. I believe you made the mistake of listening to people who told you to loose your virginity, change church, location and all that. He has been close by and you did not consult with Him or His Word. Notwithstanding He is still in love with you and can make everything beautiful. Isa_26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Really marriage is not everything. Focus on His word and spend more time in His presence worship, you will realize how insignificant your worries are. He will speak to you, ask Him questions about your future and expect response. God has never failed you and will never fail you.

Anonymous said...

my dear poster, i am shocked at your post/reasons for sadness. it makes me have a re-think if you were really serving God . pls serve Him for the right reasons - being a virgin is not equal to serving God - serve Him with all your heart now and forget about marriage and money.
i truly feel sorry for you not b/c of all you said BUT b/c of your IGNORANCE. pls listen to me....i am a christian woman ...i am 41 now....married at 39...dis-virgin-ed at 29 yet born with androgen insensitivity syndrome (congenital disease that made me to NEVER menstruate {till now}, has no uterus, fallopian tubes or cervix)- but all these are medical reports and NEVER stopped me from serving God. before i got married, i was fervent in my service to for the right reasons, keeping myself,etc cos i know God created me for a purpose. i was neither praying for a husband nor worried about it cos i know My Father Lord loves me. he does things for us His children at His time. i and my hubby are strongly believing God for d fruit of d womb - and i believe i'll carry my twins in His time.... in Jesus Name. Amen. pls try faith in His Word b/c faith always works....if it does not work then it's unbelief. THE WORD (OF GOD) WORKS!!!!!

Angie said...


Royal Attah said...

My dear, I'm 32 years, I have not slept with any girl. God does not judge you based on your past or background. He makes everything beautiful in His own time, not your time. Be patient for He is aware. Please, weep no more because God is aware. Be strong. I love your endurance.

Anonymous said...

The first problem is that you dont understand your purpose. I suggest for your 40th birthday buy yourself Rick Warrens "a purpose driven life". The Bible says that a double minded man (or woman) shall receive nothing from God, when people tell you do something- you moved your location, changed churches all based on opinions not Gods word. Your life feels directionless because you think God created you to be a wife and mother, which is really expecting very little from God. What are your talents? Have you explored these to the fullest? Are you at the top of your game, such that you can add value - not only vagina, to a man's life? Eve showed up while Adam was working. Rebecca was working when she met Abrahams servant (and she wasnt afraid of hard work). You are not whole, so chances are you would be a burden to some poor man. Rather let God complete the good work he has begun in you and fall in love with Christ and yourself.

thelegalwerk said...

The first problem is that you dont understand your purpose. I suggest for your 40th birthday buy yourself Rick Warrens "a purpose driven life". The Bible says that a double minded man (or woman) shall receive nothing from God, when people tell you do something- you moved your location, changed churches all based on opinions not Gods word. Your life feels directionless because you think God created you to be a wife and mother, which is really expecting very little from God. What are your talents? Have you explored these to the fullest? Are you at the top of your game, such that you can add value - not only vagina, to a man's life? Eve showed up while Adam was working. Rebecca was working when she met Abrahams servant (and she wasnt afraid of hard work). You are not whole, so chances are you would be a burden to some poor man. Rather let God complete the good work he has begun in you and fall in love with Christ and yourself.

Unknown said...

I don't normally comment on posts on LIB but I think this would be a good one to start with. I know it may sound lame but I would want you to sit back and just reflect on the world around you. Think of the pain and anguish and uncertainty that the parents and relatives of the 270+ chibok girls are going through? Take a trip to the hospitals and see patients on life support mechanisms, some that can not breath without the aid of machine, some that cannot digest and process food without the aid of one device or another, some that are already bedridden that cannot get up, they eat, pass out waste product in the same bed they lie upon, some people on wheelchairs. Even think of what people that are blind and dumb might be going through. Then again, look at the women and children in places like afghanistan and syria who cannot plan their future, who cannot even think of getting married, having children and making money because of the level of chaos and desolation surrounding them. I will leave you with you verses from the bible and the rest is up to you and they are Jeremiah 29 vs 11 and Ecclesiastes 9 vs 11.

In all situation we find ourselves, we should give thanks.

no one, but someone said...

see if you can call me on 08059262390

Anonymous said...

I don't know u but seems like u allow pple and circumstances control u d book of jer 29 vs 11 say dat d plans he has 4 u are plans of good not of evil plan to bring u xpected end nobody who serves God has ever been put to shame, its just that we humans are not faithful. All those time u were busy listening to pple,lost ur virginity(immorality),changed ur parish did u care to know God's say? My dear ur not others and others are not u dat they succeeded there those not mean u will succeed there, pls go back on ur knees and ask urself questions,go back to ur beginning when u serve God unreservedly pray against every yoke in ur life and family,sincerely ask God for forgiveness and live a life in accordance to his holy will,and how will u know his will if u don't listen to him(he speaks to us every day in our heart its just dat we are too busy to listen) and study d word.Its not late my dear God loves U he surely does

Anonymous said...

God bless you for this comment. this girl just sat down waiting for God to drop things on her lap. she sounds confused and of very weak character. u live ur life for God yet make decisions on what ppl tell u. no pity from me sorry. grow a personality

Anonymous said...

Thank you! #Truth

DeeeVa said...

You need a makeover simples. we are human first before we are anything else. even men of God prefer hot looking women. fix yourself, have more self esteem. LIVE YOUR LIFE and not spend all your days locked away waiting for Mr right to come kidnap you. Finally, check yourself. what's your personality? after you have fixed all this. Boo will arrive!

Anonymous said...

Aunty Ekene, God is moved by our tears, go and read your bible.
He said if we cry unto Him, He will hear us...

How come people who don't know their bible don't keep quiet???

Anonymous said...

God bless u for this comment. she is very negative and self righteous

Anonymous said...

I tell you my dear to drink from the river of life because only it can satisfy. Husband, job and the good life you seeking are good things. But they are people who have all this yet not satisfied. That's is to tell you that nothing in this world can satisfy. You are a spirit from God thus only God can satisfy you. Today is your birthday choose to drink from the river of life and watch how things will turn around for you. God loves you dearly, am sure of that. Happy birthday.

Anonymous said...

Pls read this :

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

Sister Virgin. Are you related to Linda Ikeji ??

Anonymous said...

O tee aka oji di njo odi mma ! Praise God wholeheartedly and not for favours and He will bless you...#mytestimony

Elizabeth O said...

It is easy,I know what you are going through.I am over 40yrs and still single and most times v sad but i know God will remember me soon.I pray God gives us our hearts desires this year in Jesus name amen.

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

Did you just write Fuck God?? Well am sure ur already a waste or already know your death is nearby and hence you could utter such word..

Anonymous said...

Dearest, pls dont give up on God and on yourself God is still on the throne. First of all ask God for forgiveness for all the murmurings and plead for his mercy. Go for deliverance, there could be powers, curses or convenants affecting ur life that u dont know about. Then have faith in God as the one that can do all things, because its only faith that gives u access to the blessings of God. Continue in the service of God, i tell u very soon u will have a testimony to share. Its well with u.

Olaide Davies. said...

The Lord shall settle you sooner than u think in Jesus name amen.

Anonymous said...

U r so pathetic!

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

Nothing good comes from anonymous people.. SMH.!!

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

Another anonymous fool. I said it, they have nothing to offer..

Nonnybaby said...

Poster. It is well with you. From the little you write, it appears you have substituted 'justification by WORKS' for 'justification by FAITH by GRACE'. You seem unduly consumed with 'what you have done/not done for GOD', and over time, that kind of mindset can lead to a HIDDEN PRICE of the heart, that makes one UNCONSCIOUSLY feel better and 'more deserving' than everyone else, based on how much they feel 'they are doing for GOD'. I see this attitude coming through in the various ways you have 'compared yourself with your mates'. So, believe it or not, it is there. Nevertheless, there are a few things you need to remember; first and foremost, GOD resists the proud, but HE gives favour/grace to the lowly. So you need to really look within and ask yourself, 'is HE resisting me?' Remember, Pride, is often OF THE HEART, meaning it can hide! Secondly, what is the state of your heart? Do you serve GOD because You LOVE Him, or is it merely out of a sense of expectation? While it is good to have expectations, serving for this reason alone WILL often lead to frustration, particularly if GOD doesn't seem to be meeting your time lines. Trust me, I know this from experience. The cure for this is to release your heart and crave instead for DEEP & LASTING INTO MAY with GOD, EVERYTHING else that you do/give towards His Work, will 'flow' from this place. This was The Psalmist's greatest secret, he was 'a man after GOD's heart' and this decision to seek and love GOD for Who He is, is purely An ACT OF YOUR WILL! (See Ps 18:1). As you crave intimacy with Him, HE will reveal Himself to you more and more. As HE does, you will grow deeply in Love with your Creator and trust me, that alone will fulfil, satisfy and strengthen you! Like David, you will do things out of your deep love for GOD and not the tit-for-tat Christianity that people appear to propagate everywhere today. The 'vibe' you emit will gradually change and doors will begin to open for you. Opportunities and people will be attracted to you because they are 'drawn' to the scent of GOD coming from you. Finally, remember to walk in love towards GOD and man, again, love is of 'the heart'. Ask GOD to help you maintain this love walk, as stepping out of love exposes us to the enemy's attack. My dearest Sis, Guard your heart With all DILIGENCE (I.e. continually), for out of it COME THE 'FLOW' (I.e. the events, issues, circumstances, etc.) of your Life! Do you get it now? It all begins with 'a pure heart'. A pure heart will not listen to different kinds of ungodly counsel and 'strategies' as you did, while claiming to be following GOD. A pure heart will not serve GOD mainly for 'things'. A pure heart first and foremost, WILL LOVE GOD regardless of externalities. So I guess the starting point for you now is with the daily prayer - 'LORD, Please give me a genuine heart for you'. Start from here and let GOD take you from there. GOD bless you my Sis!

Nonnybaby said...

Sorry Poster, I meant DEEP & LASTING INTIMACY with GOD. And 'HIDDEN PRIDE of the heart'. It's the annoying auto correct function on my phone. Stay blessed!

Anonymous said...

I pray it does, every body deserves a happy life

Anonymous said...

I understand your frustration but just remember this, God is a good God and he is faithful. Isaiah 65: 24 says Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. Having a relationship with God is so important. It's not only about serving in church, or going for night vigil, etc. Do you have a personal relationship with God (is he your friend/lord over your life) ?
God speaks, so you can ask him why all these things are happening and he will definitely respond. Jesus came for the broken hearted and he is ready to fix all your problems! So don't worry! He died for so there is absolutely nothing that he cant do for you!!

Happy bunny said...

i think you need to change your orientation. If you don't love yourself when you are poor, money isn't gonna make any difference. also if you are unhappy because you are single, finding a significant other isn't gonna make you happy either. now, people have different definitions of success but i would say happiness covers it all. remember that heaven helps those who help themselves, go out look for a good job talk to people and they would help. whatever little money you are making from that job, if you are contented you would be happy. wish your married friends well, let your heart be clean. when the time is right you will find yours and even if you don't, its not the end of the world. life is unfair we all know that but don't compare yourself to others. don't let the society's idea of success stop you from developing yourself as an individual. there is more to life than Marriage, cars,houses, money. also remember you are alive and well, some people are no more its not because you are better than them its just the grace of God. So, get rid of all the baggage on your mind and all will be well. its hard yes, but you just have to try. i wish you well.

Anonymous said...

God will help you my sister, but you can not bribe God with all your uprightness and church activities.

Anonymous said...

Pls blaming God won't solve this issue, am sure u are healthy and fit to do something. Pls go out there and work, dress well , put your faith in God and stop listening to what people are saying. I know your time to shine will come the devil is just using your circumstances to slow u down, have faith in God he is not wicked he has done great things before and he will do it again. Jesus Loves you. It's Everlasting.

Anonymous said...

U 'll sti keep believing in Him. I have a lady in my area who waited for a long time and now she's married. She got married at d age of 46. Aunty look u no serve God reaach her, she had already given up abt husband but God surprised her in a wonderful way. A distant friend of mine too got maried at d age of 42 and she's is hapier than her mates who got married early. Who are we to question God? His plans are beter than ours. I'm in thirties too, I dt have a boyfried but I know I'm geting married this year by His grace. My sister relax and sti have faith in God U wl definitely smilE one day. Good luck

Anonymous said...

Dear Poster uvare not alone..there r many of us out there just like u feelin God has abandoned us..crying ourselves to sleep evry nitr..havin pastors wake us up in d middle of d nite jus t cast and bind and pray...we all have our pain!Hwevr pls hold firm to ya God n pray..nvr giv up..i know uv hrd dis too many times but pls jus keep believin God n he wil surprise u greatly.He is not thru with u.Also read d book of appears God hears dat faster...God is not dead and its only d faith i have in him dats keepin me goin evn when all is not well with ne either that is makin me encourage u.

Anonymous said...

God is not moved by your tears, He won't pity you and do something.Talk to your problems and stop talking about it

Anonymous said...

You said my mind

Anonymous said...

She's poor also, can't you read?

ruby boo said...

The irony is that both of those women peaching those words are married. Even Toke Makinwa preaching the "independent woman" 'crap is also married. Have 5 degrees and a wonderful career. Even be as rich as Linda Ikeji you still need a hubby. Linda pls post my comment o nor be becos I dis u small o

Anonymous said...

So so sorry this is happening,David said it in he bible.ï have never seen the righteous forsaken, Job had worse than this,Abraham gave birth to Isaac at the age of 90something, destiny delayed is not destiny denied,yeah youre 40 buh what if you give birth at 30 and you die the next year, everyone has its fate.Always remember God created us all to worship him,hey keep trusting God even at your death. their is nothing as painful as missing heaven after suffering on earth..please and please never give up on God coz he will never give up on you. the people you see smiling has lots of challenges. im sure when you listen to few of them you will be on your knees thanking God.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you feel this way but I must say in life sometimes things don't go as we planned them. But you have to go on. you have to ask yourself the honest questions are you really trying to better yourself or looking for people to pity you? I don't mean to sound harsh but you have to fight for what is yours! the devil deceive us a lot and let's us focus on what's not working to hinder our future. If you are unemployed dont give up even if 500 people say no to you one person will say yes believe me. YOU HAVE TO FIGHT FOR WHAT IS YOURS God has definitely answered all your prayers but unfortunately he doesn't come down to give them to you. you have to believe, have the right attitude be positive and leave the blame game and take full responsibility of your life to get your blessings. majority of people that make it in life don't necessarily make it because they are the best talents. They make because they just wont quit! imagine if Linda decides not to blog because of people that find her post offensive? believe in a short period another person will take the spotlight. Let your story inspire others. make your mess a message to others. Take full responsibility and help others and trust me you will live to declare the goodness of God. Kindly get the book battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyer it may help you with your confidence.

I pray for you that this very moment your story changes and favor comes your way. Be healed, Be restored and Be blessed. Best of all Believe in yourself you are definitely unique. Please believe when I say marriage, career doesn't define you, you! determine what defines you!

Anonymous said...

my sister i had a similar case,i graduated 8 years without a job.i started drive taxi to let ends meet for me,wife and you know what kept me all the way?i trusted the God i serve that one day i will succeed.guess what?God answered my prayers.i got an international job, i was send to the USA for trainging and today i travel all over the world.
Advise:never u look at what your friends have,be focus with whatever u do,he will bless you with the work of ur me ,I believe in the God we serve,God is everywhere.Never u move from one church to another.remain where u are he sees what u going through.God bless u abundantly.

Unknown said...

Anon, well said

Anonymous said...

Olubukolami, your comment nailed it for the sister. Right words at the right time. God bless you BIG.

Anonymous said...

What this lady just wrote is blasphemy. She should go back to the bible and read the book of Job. She needs grace from above or probably she is suffering from sins of her forefathers. Too bad.


Livvsreamblog said...

Keep trying!

Anonymous said...

I can only say you are very special. This is confirmation of the mighty power of God. Take heart as it is the foolish things that God would use to prove the wise. All your complaints are worldly. You are not serving God because of what you would get out of it but because of the sweet relationship you would enjoy with him. Maybe he just wants you to learn how to be in relationships. If you can mend yours with him then you would see his manifestation in your life. From history you would find that great people in the world didn't have it easy at the beginning. You are great. Do not loose focus.

Anonymous said...

God bless you!
To the lady: PS 11 v 3...
Read it, deal with anything that needs to be dealt with in your foundation and don't give up on God! It is well! You shall overcome really soon! Sooner than you think!

Anonymous said...

And so she should wait for 90years? You know very wrll that in this life time people are dying at 90. Stop fooling thw girl because you know if it were you yoy would never wsit that long.

Anonymous said...

You are still stupid

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

one thing u shd know is that our God isn't good to us because of our actions but jst because of his grace and mercy, ask for that and be rest assured that he loves u virgin or not

Anonymous said...

Dear LIB reader, from your letter I have already identified the problems. I have to start explaining things from the scratch to you. You misfired from the very beginning and I don't blame you for it. It was ignorance and there was nobody to show you the right way. e mail me on then I will give you my phone numbers. God bless you.

Louis said...

Lemme show you a secret....I will start by saying, crying and regrets never helped anybody, you might be praying but not praying the right way... lemme expand; after you have prayed, you cannot afford to not go out and expect God to send a man to your parlour! Get a job if you don't have one or create one (fashion design etc) b cos if you don't have money how can you go out, or wear beautiful clothes and shoes, improve your self value, prayer and working in the church is important and has its own blessing... But that won't get you a husband bit what I have said above will... (for more inquiries)

Ope Careem said...

You are fearfully and wonderfully made!

He knows the best...

Anonymous said...

Be blessed. Lovely counsel

Unknown said...

God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you ask for. This is the devil telling you to blame God, don't give in! Don't give up!! Happy birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

my dear, mortal men do not understand the mysteries of God & don't have answers to the things of God, if truly you've been faithful. Our who sees your fruits of love u posses will reward u more abundantly.

Nobody has an answer for you on this blog but God, keep to the TRUE faith.
You'll come back to this blog to testify.

Unknown said...

You can contact me on let's see how we can help. I know God will solve all your problems.

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