Dear LIB readers: help me make sense of my existence | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 16 May 2014

Dear LIB readers: help me make sense of my existence

From a female LIB reader
Linda I'm 40years old today and I'm the saddest person alive. So I'm writing this letter today to God through your blog hoping somebody somewhere can help me make sense of my life.. 
Dear God, 
I'm 40 today and I hate the life you have given me. This isn't living. Being dead is better than this. Haba God, after my sacrifice, after serving you in truth and in spirit. You bring me shame? I have no money, no kids, no husband and you want me to continue serving u. Haha, you are joking right? 
From 18, I served your church till now, when my mates were busy having sex with their future husbands I was in church for praise and worship, cleaning chairs, going for revival, visitation, paying my tithes. etc. Continue...

Dear God, you no try! If I were you, I would have blessed me since. I never disobeyed my parents while they were alive. I read my bible daily, I was a virgin till I was 31 for Christ sake. Haba!

People told me, leave ikotun and move to the island. There are husbands there. I moved, nothing. They told me, change your church, I changed. Still nothing. Lose ur virginity, men dont like mature virgins, I lost it. What strategy have I not tried.

My mates that aren't married have money, and if they don't have money they have kids. Why have you chosen to humiliate me like this? Was I wrong to give up my virginity at 31? Is that why you are not fair to me, if that's the reason, all my friends and siblings stopped being virgins in their early 20s and they are all married with children. So that can't be. Or maybe my reward isn't here on earth. Oya take me, let me rest. I'm asthmatic, I'm lonely, I'm poor and not happy. This is too much. Too much 

Linda, libers somebody, anybody, please explain to me what I have done wrong. How does God work? Because I can't seem to make sense of my existence here on earth. 


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Anonymous said...

I felt so bad reading this because I look at my life and I pretty much feel the same way, though I am not close to 40. I don't think you have done anything wrong, life is just happening, it happens to the best of us. Life has no guarantees.

I would say focus on bettering yourself, so get a job, find something to do, go back to school if you have to, find your passion or a skill you're good at and focus on it. Don't give up on finding a husband and family, just don't give it all your time. You are not just here to be a wife and have children. Go out and live life, go to church and enjoy the service, enjoy your relationship with God, enjoy your family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Dear Child of God...God is sovereign regardless of what you feel or are. Your tone sounds like you think you have been doing God a favor all the 40yrs of your life. God blesses when he chooses. That's why the ideal prayer for a xtian should be 'dear lord make me a custodian of your grace and mercy' . His ways are not our ways that's why he's God. I would advice you take a humble way in your approach to God n all your questions. Do remember it doesn't take him a blink to change your life. So realize how powerful the God u serve is first and then humbly ask him to remember you and bless you. God always comes through at HIS time not yours. Pray some more sincerely and humbly. Nothing is new under the sun

Anonymous said...

Dear Poster, I understand your situation. You have done nothing wrong but having no time for yourself. I would have told you to go for a match-make but that is not what you need. You need someone to talk to you, someone that understands you. A friend is what you need. Let me ask you, did you go to school? how about your former male school mates? your childhood friends? Is there anyone you talk to you? But never be desperate. It will pass. Be strong dear. Raro!

Anonymous said...

Ur problems are not worse my dear. There is always solution in God, the bible says God will never give us anything greater than us. Call 08082863044 to talk. Remember there is always solution in Christ.I am a living testimony.

Anonymous said...

Dear writer

i feel ur pain and i can imagine wot u're going through.If u're sincere with God all will be well wit u,God is not mocked, he knows us better dan we know our selves. if people were asking u to move up and down den u chose to obey people rather dan wait on God. if ur objective of severing God is 4 a husband not bcus u luved him truly den He sees our heart. I feel ur pain, Everything dat is good and perfect comes 4rm God and God is a rewarder of dem dat DILIGENTLY seek him. God OWES no one! look at ur life through d mirror of God's Word(Bible) and not wot ur pastor told u and u will find ur fault and retrace ur step. i know of a family friend dat married at 42, she has 2 children today, weda marriage comes or not, d disciples said even if they slain dem, they will still follow Christ. God luvs u and God bless u.


Anonymous said...

Follow dis procedure:Go to d kitchen,get a knife,sharpen it vry well,go to ur bedroom ,lie dwn,try to test d sharpened knife by doin a slight incision on ur neck.Trust me by d tym u ar done,al ur prblms wil be ova.Idiot of life!!!

Anonymous said...

I can feel your pain even from your words. I feel like crying for you. The humiliation of knowing friends who lived their youthful days as carefree as the wind, slept with every tom dick and harry, but somehow still ended up with very wonderful men as husbands is usually overwhelming. I felt that way for a long time, until God gave mme a very very wonderful man. I'm 27, still a virgin, and hope to stay that way till wedding night.
My sister, it is well..... I pray God in his infinite mercies forgive your rant, and not withhold the smile he has for you within the next two months. It is well.

uche said...

Hmm, Linda, this was couched to be humorous, but it's not. I actually felt deeply for the woman. Poor soul. Just know that God id not asleep. That all I can say.

Unknown said...

It is well dear, dont give up now, you have made it this far in Christ..dont lose hope, believe...He may delay but God is never late and God has a very unique way of restoring the years that the cancar worms have have eaten...Remember the dry bones shall live again..Please dont give up again because i believe that your miracle is around the corner

Anonymous said...

Though I dnt support single parenting but u can try having a kid cos children have a way of lighting up our world,jst try n gt pregnant now cos of ur biological clock,God wil c u tru,jst continue to comnfess positive tins in ur life

Anonymous said...

If u continue to define ur happiness based on other ppls standards of u and ur comparism to them, u would never be happy! Happiness is a decision. one that u have to personally make. So many ppl have all u desire: wealth, kids and a husband and yet they are still not happy!

you do not need a marriage to make u happy. what u need is self fulfilment. instead of beating urself up and wallowing in self pity tell God to reveal to u, what he wants u to do to keep busy! I find I am happiest when I help other ppl, especially those that are less privileged. you can start from there.

Happiness is an attractive trait. .When ppl see that in u, regardless of how old or poor u are..they would be drawn to u and ur husband might just come along.

so first things first : Change ur mind set. Satan attacks us most in the mind. refuse out loud the thoughts puts in ur mind. refuse them.

Secondly : Go out there and help one or two ppl, help the needy, form a support something . That is what always makes me happiest and will work for you.

and Remember its never too late; surround urself with positive things and positive ppl.

all the best dear. Ebuka

Anonymous said...

This is just an agent trying to distract people from God. Even if you have really gone through all these you have people to talk to, not trying to ridicule God cos you can never. For your information men still love virgins no matter the age. I know things like this can be difficult because the devil fights those that love God but don't try to discourage people from serving God. If all you have said is true then I prophesy a husband for you this year with triplets before the end of next year. Hold on to God.

Anonymous said...

Dear writer;
U v got it all a lot to say to you but wanna mk it brief.

First; know that there is a thin line between self righteousness and God righteousness so to speak; as well as playing religion and really being Christ-like. Perhaps you crossed the line without you knowing.
It's either u stick to God's word or you go with the World's word. You don't apply Godly principles to a worldly relationship and expect heavenly results lady.

Secondly, know that your ranting won't change God from WHO he is...He doesn't need you to b God, you need him to be everything u desire; husband, kids, u pointed out. so chill out. And please don't forget what happened to the isrealites who murmured n complained?.

40 years of age ain't to late to get your acts right despite d mistakes you may have made. The God I know does delight in the prosperity (of the mind, body, career, marriage, etc) of his people. So erase that thought of God is punishing you bcus of that that that.
Like I said I have a lot to say, but will stop here.
Lastly, go back on your knee and ask God to forgive you of your ignorance and complaints, return back to him like d prodigal son and then place a demand on him as a daughter who knows what her heavenly Father is capable of. Do this with Faith and hope to hear of ur marital, financial and career breakthrough. Cheers.


Unknown said...

the bible says you should lay your treasures in heaven, not on earth. never think that all your hardwork and patience is all in vain. believe me..right from the time you started cleaning those chairs,you already started laying your treasures in heaven. He said, blessed are those who endureth till the end. never give up dear. there is nothing compareth to what awaits you in the kingdom of God. my advise is for you to go on your knees and pray like you have already recieved..have unwavering faith like james had told us and you will see true wonders of our father. dont loose faith...he sees and hears your cry.

Anonymous said...

Religion and the writings of that ancient greek book called the bible, is rrsponsible for ur pain today, its not just u, so many ppl are stl blinded..... Ppl on dis blog will tel u to pray, just watch..... Brainwashed ppl.... Sori bout ur life sha, i cnt help but advice u turn a freethinker or agnostics.

Anonymous said...

I know that GOD is in control,why not try to go for deliverance at redeem camp or mountain of fire camp ground or their headquarters at yaba,I know what you're going through but all i can say is that GOD will remember you today.

Unknown said...

My dear! This is life and life isn't fair! We cnt have all that we need bt in all we should praise God in all situations! Again its not by going 2 church or being a virgin!! Its by God's mercy that we what we are 2day!! And maybe is sometin u are not doing right!! Every body has one problem or the other! Pls dnt gve up on God cos he sees and knows all things! U cnt talk ill of him or shout at him either cos only him can liberate u! Pls blve n have faith!

Anonymous said...

God is never later. You are already at the end of the tunnel. Most people have everything you mentioned yet they are not happy. Be grateful for what you have...LIFE.

winifreda said...

My dear. No amount of words frm us here can giv u d needed ans or comfort bt trust me, God neva 4sake His own. Kip holdin on. D Best is yet 2 cum.

Anabel said...

i dnt evn hv words honey. stay strong pls

bISMARK DEHO said...

Finally, I am breaking my own virginity here too. This is my first time of commenting here ! YOUR biggest problem is that "YOU talk about your Problems to GOD" instead of "Talking to your problems about GOD". People cant help you solve your problems, Its GOD ! so go on your knees ! and leave Bloggers alone !

Anonymous said...

Now dis is a problem that needs solution not solange and jayz dnt go to d jewelry shop togeda,my dear holdfast to ur faith witout doubts,ppl have met their husbands in places they dnt expect,miracles do happen

Anonymous said...

Madam please park well and take several seats. You're alive and healthy and you have internet to post this rant. Go and look at other people who are wishing to be in your position. Beggars are on the street looking for the next meal, sick people in hospital wondering when they will have good health. Those with horrible husbands who beat them, riches that they cannot spend, good health that they wish for and a strong heart to serve God. There are several ways to fulfill your destiny on earth and its not by getting married and having children.

Eugenia Ekeji said...

The God who knows all and sees all knows u better than u know yourself. I think you should ask him 4 forgiveness first of all 4 this insult. You have no right to Question God.

Anonymous said...

Short of words...hmmm... But my dear LIBer the only thing God can not do is to fail. It is never too late 4 Him. His gift makes rich and adds no sorrow. It is nt easy to practice the faith but it is worth it @ d long run.

bISMARK DEHO said...

Finally, I am breaking my own virginity here too. This is my first time of commenting here ! YOU biggest problem is that "YOU talk about your Problems to GOD" instead of "Talking to your problems about GOD". People cant help you solve your problems, Its GOD ! so go on your knees ! and leave Bloggers alone !

Anonymous said...

sometimes i feel the way you why did God create hannah sexy and me ugly why am i poor and others rich why others get things easy and i get things difficult have God forgotten me these so many questions run through my mind but i still thank God am not dead and when there is life there is hope

winifreda said...

My dear. No amount of words frm us here can giv u d needed ans or comfort bt trust me, God neva 4sake His own. Kip holdin on. D Best is yet 2 cum. God stil Luvs U

Osas Memory said...

Commenting for the first time, even been an ardent libers since 2010, This post seriously makes me wanna believe that at times, the world we live in is really really unfair to so many people as there seems to be no straight plan or strategy to control it. But yet, i still feels its still not enough to blame God...Leave you remaining part and see what comes out from it. There would always be light at the end of the tunnel...

Anonymous said...

The only thing you have done wrong is to doubt the Almighty. If you remain faithful, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

morsi said...

Linda no go kill person wit laughter!!!!!!! We. Need am sef but still shetima brick bck our galz plz

Anonymous said...

He (God) makes everything beautiful in His own time. Don't worry my sister, u will laugh at last. He is d same God, He changeth not.

Anonymous said...

Oh God....I cannot say i understand what you are going through...but it is well with you in Jesus Mighty and Matchless name!
....Sigh. Please Pray..Your breakthrough is around the corner. If only you just believe and don't give up on God now. Who knows why everything was delayed?...Please pray,even when it seems it ain't working. All i can say is Pray.God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

I feel ur pain! Our God is not questionable am 28 too and am still a virgin and single. Sometimes I feel like you but believe me you will laugh soon and you will come back here to thank God.

the only love doctor said...

Madam, ask yourself what your doing that is not right. Its not about serving God like you claim your doing, the least of the things and most important, like loving yourself first and your neighbors are you doing this things?. Ive seen and been with people who have done more than you have yet have no single love for another. Search yourself and change your ways and see God bless you. If your reading this comment visit to learn more about your situation. I Love you and Jesus Loves you More.

Anonymous said...

Eya! U don't ve to be sad. He makes all tins beautiful in His time. But truly I don't undastd y it's so sm time. Gat sm1 dat started serving God in her sec skul days committed to His word, virgin, giver etc. But did nt marry till abt 37. Up till now still waiting on God for d fruit of d womb. Dey truly don't deserve such. But hey....its of God dat shows mercy. Be strong dear. Don't be tired. Serve him more. Ur miracle is closer now ijn. U will laff last. He is nt bais. Hapi birthday to u.

Anonymous said...

Sweatheart,your still better off than somany. Cheer up,its not over yet. Once there is life there is hope. I know a woman who married at the age of 52. She has two boys. Infact her husband was 47yrs when they married. What you need is to be creative. Get busy with a trade or handwork. Take a look at yourself. You may have to rebrand by changing your wardrobe. You have to look good. Stop looking pityful for no man will marry you for that. Be bold and beautiful. Don't lament . Still keep your faith. There is reason for everything. One day,your going to smile,laugh and dance. Jesus loves u. Breeze

swytchinny said...

My dear, God's ways r past finding, His ways r not our ways... we can't question God... der r still lots of ppl u r better dan... ve u ever sat down to fink abt all dose ppl u r beta dan.. yes it ur situation may seem lyk its d worst Bt i can assure u dat ur isn't!!!... God is nt man sat he should lie nor a son of man dat he should repent!!! and b warned God can't b mocked!!! In his tym he will do it!!!... ur mates dat r married wif kids, r all happy? some hv terrible terminal diseases, y dnt u Tnk God 1stly for giving u life!!! Cz with life Uve still got hope!! Dead ppl will trade anytn for dz life dat ur.rejecting!!!... still believe n keep ur faith... God is a God of impossibles!!!!. I knw it is difficult, bt dats wot makes u d born again sat u claim to b!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Am one of those enjoy reading others comment but,my dear I understnd hw it feels wen u think u've done ur best n wat u get out of life isn't wat u deserved.even @dat,ur situation is not d worst.dat u r alive to alone is a genuine reason,so pls dear never question ur existence..

Anonymous said...

Itz all about faith nd mind set nt about wht ppl tell Ɣό̲̣̣̣̥Ï…̲̣̥ or churches Ɣό̲̣̣̣̥Ï…̲̣̥ change dnt gv up but serve God as if dere ÈŠ̝̊̅§ ₪☺ 2moro read about abramham,ruth,job,hannah S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ many ppl dat gave all nd wnted ntin serve God wit out expctin ntin bt 2 mk heaven nd let him shw Ɣό̲̣̣̣̥Ï…̲̣̥ y he ÈŠ̝̊̅§ I A̶̲̥̅♏ that I A̶̲̥̅♏.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmn. God love u and has a plan for ur life. I knw its pretty hard for u but trust Him more and love Him more regardless. Listen less to wats happening around u and listen more to the word. Don't be driven by the band wagon opinion but allow the Holy spirit direct u.

Anonymous said...

You cnt tell me u hvnt rejected anyone that seemed interrsted in u.... Anyway, look for that book called "the secret" and read it.

Anonymous said...

Are u beautiful?

Anonymous said...

Follow dis procedure:Go to d kitchen,get a knife,sharpen it vry well,go to ur bedroom ,lie dwn,try to test d sharpened knife by doin a slight incision on ur neck.Trust me by d tym u ar done,al ur prblms wil be ova.Idiot of life!!!

Anonymous said...

God Almighty cannot be responsible for all this predicaments, something is wrong somewhere. please go for deliverance. it is well

minajesty said...

Hmmm. Woman, if u rili wanna make a meanin out of ur lyf, stop questioning God n soundin so rude. Dey re ppl out there wid worse situations

Anonymous said...

The Holy book says 'There is time for everything'

i am not here to judge you , rather to emphasize the scenario parading in ladies with same omen. the issue is not serving God or practically doing all as contain in the commandment , rather to be able to phantom out the stages you need to make a change in your life before it is too late.

You deployed serving God which is good, but you would have giving a turn to dating especially at the ripe age of 18 and 20s, it does not stop you to worship God

At 31 You dis flowered which means you could have done that earlier while dating but did it at old age , probably with the wrong guys.

At this point, you are 40, and you now realize that you have missed it all.

My advise is to have faith and choose a career to sustain you, also be prayerful, your turn will come but if nothing happens, just adopt have a child that will take care of you in future.

Anonymous said...

Omg! Speechless me.

Anonymous said...

Point of correction . You don't talk to God as if you are talking to a human being . Just put your trust in God . lamenting in this manner is disgusting . Seek God and stop listening to pple ' s advice on where to get husband . It's like chasing after your shadow . Allow God to handle your matter . Seek God and ask him what your purpose is . Don't give up because God never forget his pple . Try to read book of genesis and book of Matthew very well .

Anonymous said...

My opinion is that you should have a plan/ dream for life. So that when the man/children comes its an addition. Dont put your life on hold just cause u r waiting. Plan follow the plan. For all you know u might meet him while doing business, it might be ur drive to achieve and become a living legend that will attract him to u. Don’t listen to what they say living on or off the island is just a status thing. Live your own life, the kind of life you are comfortable with doing things you love, not complaining and you will see things change. At least your perspective on the issue will change am sure.
God’s favor be upon u

Anonymous said...


Atobatele said...

And sincerely i can not see any sense forthcoming if u feel God can be moved by all these u listed...The God u claimed you're serving can never and will never be intimidated by any mortal.

Anonymous said...

This breaks ma heart. Just wanna hug whoever wrote this. God is not asleep. You shall prevail. My first comment ever on here

Wale Saranda said...

I don't know how you are probably feeling now, cos if I say I do then am a complete liar. We only read and visualize how it is like to feel what the other person feels but can't share the pain. This is a sad tale but here it goes from my angle: you worsen it by blaming God that's for sure and you can't make things right when you have made up your mind that it can't be right. You have part of the blames to have been out of life, you may have shut down some people in your life because of your Godly ways then but we can't dwell on the past now. Cheer up and live life because you only life once.

Jaysays said...

My opinion is that you should have a plan/ dream for life. So that when the man/children comes its an addition. Dont put your life on hold just cause u r waiting. Plan follow the plan. For all you know u might meet him while doing business, it might be ur drive to achieve and become a living legend that will attract him to u. Don’t listen to what they say living on or off the island is just a status thing. Live your own life, the kind of life you are comfortable with doing things you love, not complaining and you will see things change. At least your perspective on the issue will change am sure.
God’s favour be upon u

Anonymous said...

At this point its easy to be pessimistic..and no one can blame you..simple advice is forget your past, be optimistic, serve God for who he is and not what he cn do for you, it won't tarry and I bet you he would see you through.. It isn't easy just try..

Unknown said...

Stop questioning God, he a lone knows your destiny and his time is forever matter what your facing now, you should be thankful for other things that you have(such as the ability to worship him without hindrance). Believe me God has a plan and maybe just when u stop questioning his purpose about your life..things will start having a whole lot of meaning. God be with you

Anonymous said...

It is not easy to understand the ways of our Lord. May His will be done in your life. May your sorrows turn to JOY and soon, Amen

...Osas Memory... said...

Commenting for the first time, even been an ardent Libers since 2010, This post seriously makes me wanna believe that at times, the world we live in is really really unfair to so many people as there seems to be no straight plan or strategy to control it. But yet, i still feels its still not enough to blame God...Leave you remaining part and see what comes out from it. There would always be light at the end of the tunnel...

blaque pearl said...

That's the problem you moron! u kept listening to people , people !!, people!! u never went to God . so go meet people & leave my GOD alone . dim witted thwart.

Unknown said...

He is still d alpha and omega. Give him praise in any situation.

ket said...

Stop telling the devil he's won this battle. Tell yourself 'am rich, am beautiful, before this year runs out, God would surprise me with my husband.' Prophesy positive things into your life. I don't have a husband to give to u, but I can encourage u. God that did it for others would do it for u. Make yourself happy, no one can do it for u except u. Expect good things to come your way and it would. God bless you

Anonymous said...

take heart my dear, his ways not our ways. what you are passing thru wasn't as a result of sin but for him to take glory. behold he has done a new thing in your life and now it shall spring furth. watch out, he soon will make river flows in your desert and ways in your wilderness.

Anonymous said...

Ur Case No Be Small Thing Oo..just kip on Praying,it is well by God Grace

Anonymous said...

My dear friend
God has principles, you are just 40 thinking all hope is lost. No way!!! ...
As long as your living there is hope ...
A living dog is better than a dead lion in the forest ... Your alive makes u important and makes ur worth on earth valuable, so please God is not your problem, follow the principles of God. Numbers 23:19. If you are not expecting the right results in your life its your fault and not God because God works with principles. Stop complaining and praise God for the life he Gave u. U heard how people died due to bomb blast... Now imagine your legs and arms amputated because of the bomb... Please try and be greatful for once in your life.
Dear Linda please post my comment

Anonymous said...

God knows all of these.....he will answer in due time,don't ever compare your friends or siblings life with yours,God always means well,you don't know..soon and very soon you will rejoice.

Anonymous said...

My dear, it is not easy but don't blame God, u are trying to help yourself instead of allowing God lead the way. Some of your mates are in the hospital,very sick, cant breathe, can't eat.,can't waik.. I really feel ur ungrateful. Ask for forgiveness, let go and let God take control. Some mad people on the street don't even know today is their birthday.

Anonymous said...

Dear lady,
no man can judge another, therefore i am not judging you. but one thing is certain"without faith, it is impossible to please God, for they that seek Him must believe that He is and He is a rewarder of them who dilligently seek Him"in your service to God, did you have faith in Him? i think if you do, you wouldnt try worldly methods. Woman of God, service will only be service except it is acceptable by God, for He rewards acceptable service. Dear, i want you to know that God has delivered and freed you from the bondage of sin and its power (provided that you are a born again child of God) and therefore, Satan has no hold over you,but he is a goat, he will continue to cheat you except you rise up to who you truly are in Christ Jesus and tell him "enough". i am sure that somewhere there is your husband, and he will surely locate you NOW. but please don't question God. God is always faithful no mtther what. he is not a man that He should know. do not let the devil rob you of all the goodness and freedom that Christ purchased for you, remember that you were bought with a price and you are God!!!please wake up to who you are. i sincerely hope that you will read this comment wholeheartedly, because this is my very first time of commenting on this blog, for close to a year that i have been reading it. if you need more light on anything, i can always get help for you. i am in a House where freedom is being taught and practiced with evident results. we are not after hearing or knowing the word of God alone, but putting it into practice and getting results. God loves you enough to send His only Son to you, how will He now deprive you of joy, husband and a home.that means it was useless to have sent His can contact me on Shalom.

Anonymous said...

My dear friend
God has principles, you are just 40 thinking all hope is lost. No way!!! ...
As long as your living there is hope ...
A living dog is better than a dead lion in the forest ... Your alive makes u important and makes ur worth on earth valuable, so please God is not your problem, follow the principles of God. Numbers 23:19. If you are not expecting the right results in your life its your fault and not God because God works with principles. Stop complaining and praise God for the life he Gave u. U heard how people died due to bomb blast... Now imagine your legs and arms amputated because of the bomb... Please try and be greatful for once in your life.
Dear Linda please post my comment

Anonymous said...

Hey writer, you don't have to be like that. My aunty got married at 43 and her husband left her after 3yrs due to childlessness. Guess what? She is married again with a successful ivf.
It's not over until it's over.
Don't relent.

Wendy said...

Hi Dear, What Men see as success may not be what God counts as success.

At this point in your life, you need to open your mind to the right kind of information, and not allow people's opinion to determine how successful or unsuccessful you are. Just know that God has not forgotten or forsaken you.

Most times, we are the ones who step out of God's perfect will for us. Did you consult God before you moved out of Ikotun, did you consult Him before you gave up your virginity etc.. Now is the time to go back to God humbly and ask for His Mercy, allow the Holyspirit to guide you aright in the right direction. God still loves you.
Please go to a Bible-believing Man / woman of God for counselling. God bless you

Anonymous said...

I feel this pain, I can relate... but really sometimes there are no answers, but to look deep within, not all things are black and white in serving God.

Anonymous said...

All hope is not lost.he said it in is words dat i know u right from ur mothers womb.and none of my words will come back to me voild.dont give up......looking up to Jesus d author finishar of our lives.i dont care about ur age.time .when .but all i know is a perfect GOD

Anonymous said...

i feel you...
im 33 and i cried on my birthday 5 days ago.Maybe its the taurean thing.We are driven people.
like you,i have no husband,no kids no money yet.But one thing i have hope.
All uve complained about,God can turn around in one day.
just hang in there.
its just a phase.
you WILL overcome this.

Anonymous said...

God, The Almighty One, is always faithful and righteous. He does not tempt anybody and He answers prayers.

Yes, you have committed yourself to God work but,the question was and is "what is the level of wisdom, knowledge and understanding"you applied towards getting a job, getting married through developing worthwhile relationships with christian brothers, etc. You can be a the river and still will not be able to fetch water.

look back at your life and give yourself answers. Don't blame God.It is not too late, though. Trust God and confess positively. With God all things are possible and God is never too late.

Anonymous said...

My dear friend
God has principles, you are just 40 thinking all hope is lost. No way!!! ...
As long as your living there is hope ...
A living dog is better than a dead lion in the forest ... Your alive makes u important and makes ur worth on earth valuable, so please God is not your problem, follow the principles of God. Numbers 23:19. If you are not expecting the right results in your life its your fault and not God because God works with principles. Stop complaining and praise God for the life he Gave u. U heard how people died due to bomb blast... Now imagine your legs and arms amputated because of the bomb... Please try and be greatful for once in your life.
Dear Linda please post my comment

PRNCZZZ said...


Anonymous said...

My dear, the bible says, seek you the kingdom of heaven and every other thing shall be added unto you. You seem to to hand a happy and good beggening, but you lost it, you treded it for fun because of friends opinion. You destiny is different and people should know that. If your serving is only for what you will get from God. That is where u made a big mistake. Serving God should be for kingdom sake. If ur focus is to make heavev, u should not be distracted by earthly thing. Remainber , heavev is real and heal is real. Even if u decided to cause God, he will still be God. After all u are not crippled, not blind, not living with AIDS. Ashma yes is chronic but is a manageable disease. Many children in the states from age 2 months have it and are living with it. So what is ur problem. Where ever u are now after reading this, go on ur knees and ask God to forgive, what will it profit u if you marry, bear children, have money, live an affluent life and loose ur soul. Girl think twice, no one can battle with the lord nor ask him questions. He is a suprim God. By the way have u gone to deliverance to set it salt free from any bondage. Honey, think twice and be warn. If God decide to be on it case. U will have no rescuer. Jesus is lord and is coming again

Me said...

Sweetie, in all things pls give thanks. God will surely come through for you, in ways you least expected. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise again. I knw its not easy cos am a matured divorcee, I married as a virgin with no children myself. Am in a huge debt, no car n so on. However those who put their trust in God will never be put to shame. Hold on to Isaiah 54:4. God has a purpose for everything. You will laugh last. You will have every reason to dance. Your breakthrough is around the corner. Sister confess the word of God over your situation. I see changes coming your way in Jesus name. Hugs

G K Wisdom said...

My dear sister, God knows u better than u know urself.He knows what is best for u.I want to assure u that heaven is sweeter than the sweetest husband,sex and children the world can ever produce.Strife to be there.The darkest hour of the day is towards day dawn.If u"ve served Him for the past 40yrs how many yrs do u think u are left with in this world to (enjoy)the gruesome infidelity of contemporary husbands,their dirty sex and delinquent children.Don't be deceived.

Anonymous said...

U can't serve God and be ashame. God is not a man that he should lie, if u serve him whole heartedly he will surely reward u. Rekindle ur faith in God and never ever give up. The lord is ur strength and stay blessed.

Anonymous said...

Hhhhhhmmmmmnnnnnn,hw I wish God can be questioned bt He is unquestionable

PRNCZZZ said...


Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry about her situation...God help u. Am ready to read all comments as they trickle in. SMH

Unknown said...

My dear kpelle? I no blame u e dey pain shai? I know were u coming from? When u try to save God @ d end u find ursef stupid! Well u have question God enough! Now I want u to challEnge him! Do fasting n prayer for 7days break it sunday morning! Go to church n sow a seed dat will provoke God! Just tell him lord I want to challenge u! Biliv me somtin will happen! May God hear ur cry ijn Amen! Kiss

Anonymous said...

Please serve God because you love Him and not because you want something from Him. Change your mindset and choose to love Him inspite of anything you are passing through. I tell you He is worthy to be praised and served. You will look back very soon and know that "Oluwa to sin". Cheers

Unknown said...

There are many people who would give anything to be alive today and be in your shoes.. this is coming from a doctor... Thank God for what you have now which is life

Unknown said...

Try and not question God, because he alone knows whats best for you. His time is never late nor at the wrong time!! Everything happens to does who believe in God happen for a purpose. He alone will be the one to direct your footsteps and I must urge you to use that as a prayer point. Dont ever let your faith be tested, because miracles do happen and when they do, things that you thought would not be possible will seem so small that words wont be able to explain to man. Keep believing in God and like I suggested use the prayer point of directed footsteps and path in life as a communication with God and he will direct you. For once in your life try and listen to him and not to your friends or man, as they may distant you from the father in heaven. Have faith and no matter what be thankful as your friends maybe happy now but who knows the future?? Remember that it is by his love for you that you are still alive today and who knows you might have another 60+ years on earth so dont be in a hurray to acquire all of which God can give you in a day. Stay blessed.

Anonymous said...

I pray God shall be a light to you in the darkness. Please don't give up my sister. But in between if you have anybody to urgently deliver a kid for, please do it on time. Don't wait for any marriage again. Be smart! Life will be more unbearable for you if at the end you are poor , don't have a husband and also childless. I am a man and I can tell you "suitable" husband is very scarce in town now, baby daddy are the ones that full everywhere. Above all, never give up in yourself!

Anonymous said...

My dear sister don't lose hope in God, there is time for everything. You will be a living testimony.

Unknown said...

Try and not question God, because he alone knows whats best for you. His time is never late nor at the wrong time!! Everything happens to does who believe in God happen for a purpose. He alone will be the one to direct your footsteps and I must urge you to use that as a prayer point. Dont ever let your faith be tested, because miracles do happen and when they do, things that you thought would not be possible will seem so small that words wont be able to explain to man. Keep believing in God and like I suggested use the prayer point of directed footsteps and path in life as a communication with God and he will direct you. For once in your life try and listen to him and not to your friends or man, as they may distant you from the father in heaven. Have faith and no matter what be thankful as your friends maybe happy now but who knows the future?? Remember that it is by his love for you that you are still alive today and who knows you might have another 60+ years on earth so dont be in a hurray to acquire all of which God can give you in a day. Stay blessed.

Unknown said...

Stop questioning God, he a lone knows your destiny and his time is forever matter what your facing now, you should be thankful for other things that you have(such as the ability to worship him without hindrance). Believe me God has a plan and maybe just when u stop questioning his purpose about your life..things will start having a whole lot of meaning. God be with you

Anonymous said...

Husband ful my village oh wat aru waiting 4, oya waka com park ur own now.

Unknown said...

Stop questioning God, he a lone knows your destiny and his time is forever matter what your facing now, you should be thankful for other things that you have(such as the ability to worship him without hindrance). Believe me God has a plan and maybe just when u stop questioning his purpose about your life..things will start having a whole lot of meaning. God be with you

Anonymous said...

I am here to say your life is not a waste and your journey is far from over. I understand the pain and hurt, the anger, the feeling that life is not worth living but i can tell you that it is. I feel sad this happened to you and wish i could help but i dnt see how. Just know that "you" can bring yourself happiness! Many got married and are dead today, many are in marriages where their husbands beat them as wildly as cele drums get beaten, many have been childless for decades inside marriages and go through hell because of this! Is your situation hopeless? I say a resounding NO! Things can and will get better, when you hit rock bottom as you have the only way left to go is up and i believe you shall overcome. Oprah winfry is in her 60's never been married but is happy, tales abound of single happy women. You don't need a man to be complete in life. I wish you all the best
and remember....the only way left to go is up!!!

Anonymous said...

for we walk by faith not by sight (2corth 5 vs 7) you lost that long time ago by losing your virginity, all this while you kept it hoping and waiting that God will answer your prayers but your faith in God shake by the pressure you get from people.but dont worry the word of God Said in (Joel 2 vs 25)that, And i will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the canker-worm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm --------------. just hold on to God word sister for the just shall live by faith.
and linda post my comment

Myke said...

Stop questioning God, he a lone knows your destiny and his time is forever matter what your facing now, you should be thankful for other things that you have(such as the ability to worship him without hindrance). Believe me God has a plan and maybe just when u stop questioning his purpose about your life..things will start having a whole lot of meaning. God be with you

Anonymous said...

I wish i cld c u cos i really want to give u a hug, look u in d eye nd tell u that from a crushed grape was sweet wine made. Dnt give up there is always light at d end of d turnel. SUICIcdce IS NOT AN OPTION.

Anonymous said...

My sister I call you sister because I am also going through the same situation but I didn't question God like you did cos some of my mate are in the grave, in marriages where there is no peace, divorce, some are childless but I am alive, d bible says he formed us from our mothers womb that is to tell u he knows you better than u do. In every situation give thanks where is ur faith. Do not give continue to serve Him and u wont regret it. I know how u are feeling cos am in exactly d same situation but I have faith. God bless u.

Myke said...

Stop questioning God, he a lone knows your destiny and his time is forever matter what your facing now, you should be thankful for other things that you have(such as the ability to worship him without hindrance). Believe me God has a plan and maybe just when u stop questioning his purpose about your life..things will start having a whole lot of meaning. God be with you

Anonymous said...

for we walk by faith not by sight (2corth 5 vs 7) you lost that long time ago by losing your virginity, all this while you kept it hoping and waiting that God will answer your prayers but your faith in God shake by the pressure you get from people.but dont worry the word of God Said in (Joel 2 vs 25)that, And i will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the canker-worm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm --------------. just hold on to God word sister for the just shall live by faith.
and linda post my comment

Bisi said...

It seems to me that you are listening to everyone around you. Those who told you to move, those who told you to lose your virginity, etc. And now you're seeking advice from strangers. I think you should focus more on your relationship with God and try listening to him rather than us human beings who do not know the future. You being in church for praise and worship and cleaning is a great thing but it you're doing it simply because you believe it's the right thing to do this only makes you religious. I say work on having a great relationship with God; see him as your father and as a friend, and stop listening and taking advice from just anyone. You're alive meaning marriage, a stable income, and family is still a possibility. Be still and know he is God.

Anonymous said...

Hello dear ... I thought to comment on your post.. God is faithful I.e He can always be trusted.. God is not against u̶̲̥̅̊ as His plan is to bring u̶̲̥̅̊ 2 an expected end (Jeremiah 29v11).. U̶̲̥̅̊ have been faithful in your service to Him & there's a reward 4u.. But my dear Faithfulness is not faith.. God is not move by tears or emotion but He can be touch by faith.. This is His own principle/law that has been laid according to His written word.. Don't use your emotion to relate with God, rather use your faith on His word to change any circumstance.. Age is a mere number.. Time test our faith & faithfulness.. Refuse D̶̲̥̅̊ spirit of frustration and wrong counsel.. carry D̶̲̥̅̊ shield of faith and say to yourself though I may not have money,home,child or husband but I have breath in my nostril and I'll praise God everyday of my life even if I have nothing.. Also thank God 4 what He has done 4u.. 4u are His creature & created 4 His pleasure.. Read D̶̲̥̅̊ rhapsody of realities by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.. God bless you

Phunmieladun said...

Sweetheart you need to calm down, maybe this is the reason its happening how u view it.Many wish to have the life you have but dont.Life isnt a bed of roses..hold on and keep the faith alive, there surely is hope with the life you have. May God bless you.

ABEE... said...

Oooh dear, its so sad to hear you say all this if REALLY you are a true believer as claimed. Even after you have read & knew what his word says, you can still say all this? Are you rather trying to call God a liar that promises & don't fulfill? Where is your faith as a child of God? Have you suddenly forgotten what happend to Sarah,job etc? Unless you were serving/worshiping God solely because you wanted a husband,kids,richies etc,other than the fact that he DESERVED to be serverd/worship,else this is the time for you to be steadfast & hold unto your faith...Galatians 6:7 says, do not be deceived, God can not be mocked. For whatever anyone sows he/she reaps..Pls dear, don't use your own mouth to sound the bell of defeat,else that's what de devil (the master accuser) would use against you..Be strong & all trust in God, for its not over until its over...! God is your strength...!

Onyeka F. said...

I'm hoping this is a real story and you can actually take my advice.

Aunty, I feel ur pain. My aunty who is like my second mom, is in the same situation like this. She had sb who wanted to marry her but changed his mind. Now she's 46, no kids, and no money, staying with us. Its sad, yes! But my sweet aunty is always frank and sweet... she continues to serve God, day and night.
I love her.

Back to u... I bliv that God has a plan for u. hang in there. Give God time.
And above all, pls watch your tone when speaking to God. Don't be blasphemous.
God is on ur case now. God loves u.

Anonymous said...

Stop questioning God, he a lone knows your destiny and his time is forever matter what your facing now, you should be thankful for other things that you have(such as the ability to worship him without hindrance). Believe me God has a plan and maybe just when u stop questioning his purpose about your life..things will start having a whole lot of meaning. God be with you...


PRNCZZZ said...


Anonymous said...

My dear woman don't u sin against ur God because of ur tribulation, yes its very painful nd fraustrating. Pls read d life of Joseph nd Sarah u will understand that God is with u. UR GLORY IS GREAT that's d reason u are faced with such problems. Glory nd problems work hand in hand d greater ur glory d greater ur problems. God is on ur side he loves u

Unknown said...

Stop questioning God, he a lone knows your destiny and his time is forever matter what your facing now, you should be thankful for other things that you have(such as the ability to worship him without hindrance). Believe me God has a plan and maybe just when u stop questioning his purpose about your life..things will start having a whole lot of meaning. God be with you

Anonymous said...

Mayb u ve nt prayed as ur meant 2 bc prayin, offering tithes n al dt has 2do wit d hrt...God neva fails...Ask him 4 forgiveness n I bliv tins wil change 4d beta

God Sent said...

Please take tins easy. God loves u so much dat he died 4u. Plz dnt n neva compare 2live wif anybdys, we are all made uniquely different n our destinies different too. Rmbr..."al tinz work 2geda 4gud 2dem dat bliv" Rom 8:28. God is neva late. He's alwaiz ontym. Ask him to 4give ur sins n plz go back 2ur God. Wifout him u can do nothing. I knw a lady hu married @ de age of 46 and she was even a Virgin til marriage bcoz she loved and.feared God. Dnt loose hope. God wil surely see u thru. He neva dissapoints. YOU ARE NEXT IN LINE 4 A MIRACLE. God Bless You.

Anonymous said...

Stop questioning God, he a lone knows your destiny and his time is forever matter what your facing now, you should be thankful for other things that you have(such as the ability to worship him without hindrance). Believe me God has a plan and maybe just when u stop questioning his purpose about your life..things will start having a whole lot of meaning. God be with you

Hotgirl said...

This is really sad.please don't lose hope.because when it looks like everything is about to crumble,God shows up and does his work.Dont lose hope please.Be strong .

Danmurray Farms said...

I really feel like reaching out to you and give you a hug and tell you that everything will be okay.
The number one mistake you made was u started listening to the voice of "people" instead of the voice of the Holy Spirit. If you really served God well since your teenage years and you were in a good church, then you would have developed a close relationship with God and you will be able to hear his voice clearly , so wen pple were giving you different advises you would have stayed with God and ask God what He wants you to do. Well that is past now and i am really really sorry for all you have gone through.
Right now, my number one advise is you have to go back to God. You have seek his face, cos he is the author of your life and he is the one that knows the plans he has for you. NO MAN,PASTOR,PROPHET, ALFA, OR ANYONE ON EARTH can tell you what your life is about . So seek the face of God.
2. Dont you ever ever ever give up on life. I can assure you there are thousands , if not millions of people that will give anything to be in your situation right now. You say you are poor, but you have eaten today, you have eyes to see, you have access to internet, you can type with your fingers, you are can count many other things that are "working" in your life, Give thanks to God for them. Focus on what you have and not what you dont have.
3. I dont mind being your friend, then we can talk better and i can tell you more things.
I hope you get to read this .
Dont give up on life, things are not as bad you think. I care...Jesus still loves you and wants you back.

Ada said...

I wish I could tell you to take heart but you seem to have reached the end of your rope. I cannot even imagine what you are going through. Imagine being a good girl and not been "blessed". I am where you are standing right now. Standing at the point of no return. Asking Is there God? Why me?
But there is one thing you have failed to realize, God is not man, he does not work the same way we do. 1+1 is 'NEVER'= 2 with God. I mean He is God.
All you have to do is stop looking for what others tell you. Sit down with a paper and write down all you wish you had in life.
Write down the names of all those whom you think have those things.
Then ask yourself this question
Do I really want this?
How do I get it?
You can get money, husband and children, not necessarily in that order, but are those enough to die for. Then go after them your own way, not the way others have gotten them. But your own way.
After you get them, which you will, come back to Linda Ikeji's blog and tell us how you feel.
Was it worth all the effort?
Then with a smile or a frown; ask if There is really a God somewhere?
Was it worth the wait?
Presently I wish there was a wand; I have no money, husband or children; but I have something which no husband, money or child can give me; HOPE
Hope that I was made for more than society claims I am. I am not just a fine face to be placed on the wall of a palace, I am made for more.
My Husband would come when the time is right, money, children all those things are inevitable, but while I am waiting; I must count what I have not I have not.
Because every other thing is just a smoke screen.
At least that is my opinion.
That is what makes me sleep at night and smile when I wake up.

Anonymous said...

oh my God dis sound mor real dan d rest of oda liber stories I've red b4. Dnt evn know whr 2start but pls i nid 2spk wt u &know howmuch help i can aford 2renda 2u. contact me on my gsm n0. 08129090119 but beliv me if dis ur story is actualy true, ur problems are ova weda u beliv it or not, wt time u'll com bk hia wt testimony by d grace of God. (miss libly addicted)

Anonymous said...

I don't believe dis write up bcos u can't serve God in spirit and in truth and ur life will remain d same. And mind u it might u are d problem of urself interms of attitude,human relation,dressing and sorts like that. Another thing is that it might be spiritual case, u need counseling, seek a good man of God to pray concerning u life to tell what's wrong.

Anonymous said...

God likes a person to be thankful, no matter the situation he or she finds her self in. I think you are adding to your sin by being so ungrateful to God because there are people worse than you, people without husbands and who are beggers too they live from hand to mouth, there some with incurable diseases, please have a rethink and thank God, then he will bless u more

Anonymous said...

Good day ma. I really don't know what you've been through but don't give up yet. I'll just say one thing, please attend Living faith church (aka winners) and follow diligently (emphasis on diligently) what the man of God says from the alter and when u do if your life doesn't change within 3 months then you are free to leave the church and do what u like ma. But I believe in the God I serve that u will surely have a change of story in Jesus Name. At least you're alive, so many that had the life u wanted didn't live on earth for long to enjoy it. Stay blessed ma.

Anonymous said...

Got semen for you if you want kids

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm! I read this and I had no idea on what to say. But atleast I would try, God has not given up on you and He would never my dear. Its looks like all hope is lost but it isn't. I plead with you to never think of giving up. Your time would come and you again would testify on this blog. I will try my best to put you in my prayers. If your a catholic, I advise you go back to your rosary, that would do wonders in your life. DON'T GIVE UP!!! Your testimony is almost near. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Well my sister you people don't understand God, he doesn't talk, he works in his way...from the age of 21years you should know that the next step in your life is to live with a man, so you then work towards it, trying to understand male folks, by that then you need to start a relationship, from then you can try agreements like ok no sex, see if it will work and then next and next, that's how it works you don't think that being a virgin is a guarantee, to getting a husband...then did you not go to school? why the no-money part? LINDA IKEJI BLOG is so magnanimous to contain a 200 page letter, explain yourself better... these days girls even go after guys they like oooh,

Anonymous said...

Hi lady, I am typing this as I grab a quick lunch from work. First and foremost I would implore you to go on your knees RIGHT NOW and ask for forgiveness. Do not DO NOT matter what you are facing -take the name of The Lord in vain. Please!

Now for some advise-
1- you are still alive and breathing!! Do you know how many people who have ever lived in this world would like to be doing just that at this moment!!,.they are no longer here. These people were rich,poor,famous,not famous,Oyibo and dudu alike. Some were old and some young, some had families some DIDnt,some had illnesses and some were cut down in their prime. The point here is that life sometime is not how we would like it to go but as long as life is still in your body - things can (and do) change!!! At the end of the day- everybody eventually answers te ultimate call of nature!! Pls value what you have been given and enjoy it while you can.
2- being rich or having a husband/wife and kids does not equate to happiness!! Fellow LIBers can attest to that!! many people who are married are on abusive unloved relationships that they feel would be beter to never have entered In the first instance - but they are still there and alive - making the bast of it.
3- many people are rich and yet know no peace at all, wishing they could give it all away just for one nights peaceful sleep!!
4- the fact that you have life at the moment means He is keeping His side of the bargain- the rest is literally up to you. You have been given the ultimate gift, so use it to achieve anything you want. God promised Abraham his children would be as many as the stars!! was already done as soon as the Words left His mouth-but yet Abraham had to still look up and fulfil his part of the blessing- which was- Count stars!!!( e easy to look sky begin count stars!!!??) but Abraham did it...and we are evidence of that today!!
In a nutshell my dear...I'm saying keep our faith as you have been...don't feel constrained by it..just DO YOU!!...feel free to go out, chill, meeting people, join dating sites, etc. you will definitely find what you are looking for...and you will end up being thankful for what you have.

My fellow LIBers sef no go fall yur hand...(apart from a few well-placed yabs!)....I'ld suggest dropping ur email address and people would be able to get in touch with you to help- as He uses anybody to bless!!..

Pele dear...happy birthday to you and please appreciate what you have. The rest can and WILL be added into you and your unhappiness will definitely turn to JOY!!...AND WE SHALL ALL NE WITNESSES ON THIS BLOG!!...just Shaa keep us posted!!..

Bless. SO. London.

Anonymous said...

awwwww speechless

Anonymous said...

Dear. U don't av to end ur life. Also going through similar situation, & 2day is also my birthday. Just don't give up. Not all of us will be married.

ID said...



Anonymous said...

My dear sister,it is well!! it could have been worse if God is not with you. The plans He has for you are much bigger than all these things that you worry about.Yes, i married at an early age but God didn't give me children early......7 good years!! but He gave me the grace and strenght that saw me through thoes years. Just forget about these thing, focus on Him, worship him with all your heart, He might not give you what u want but surely He will give u what you need...... and the grace to see u through. I understand how u feel but then HE is still God and the reason why we are here is to love and worship him. so put urself together and b on the right track and He will see u through.

Anonymous said...

Ducking idiot! That's what you are. How dare you blame God for your misfortune and try to discourage the young girls that are doing right by him! Those tour friends that had sex before getting married and are married with kids now, did they tell you that they are happy? You are your own downfall. For comparing yourself to others and trust the words of man more than the word of God! I suggest you get off social media and reassess your life. Regive your life to Christ. Being 40 is the new 20. Gods appointed time for you is coming. I'll pray for you.


Anonymous said...

It's rather late than never, our God is able , I know how you feel considering your age but it's not the end of the world, I can assure you some people are married and some has got kids but they are not happy at all, And some will pay anything to have that life you said God should take . So keep praying and I prayed God answer you soon.

Anonymous said...

This is not enough to judge God. He is that same God that makes impossibility to become possibility. you still have to continue to trust in God. God is a mystery buried in mystery. No one on the face of the earth can comprehend the works of God. A lady got married in House on the rock Kaduna at the age of 45. keep trusting in the Lord.

Unknown said...

Breakthrough always comes after what seems to be the darkest phase of your life. I passed through d worst kind of depression last December and on Christmas day I entered a bus from Enugu to Lagos and prayed for an accident so I could die. Instead of granting my wish, God opened my eyes to the love all around me I have been neglecting. Stay positive and surround yourself with happy people. And never stop praying.

Unknown said...

Stop questioning God, he a lone knows your destiny and his time is forever matter what your facing now, you should be thankful for other things that you have(such as the ability to worship him without hindrance). Believe me God has a plan and maybe just when u stop questioning his purpose about your life..things will start having a whole lot of meaning. God be with you..


Anonymous said...

Dear, your story may seem pathetic, but it is not impossible to be made right with GOD. Many indeed are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord GOD delivers him/her out of them all. Have faith, you are closer to your breakthrough than you think. DO NOT be discouraged at this point. Your expectations shall not be cut short in Jesus' name.

Anonymous said...

Stop questioning God, he a lone knows your destiny and his time is forever matter what your facing now, you should be thankful for other things that you have(such as the ability to worship him without hindrance). Believe me God has a plan and maybe just when u stop questioning his purpose about your life..things will start having a whole lot of meaning. God be with you

Anonymous said...

Stop questioning God, he a lone knows your destiny and his time is forever matter what your facing now, you should be thankful for other things that you have(such as the ability to worship him without hindrance). Believe me God has a plan and maybe just when u stop questioning his purpose about your life..things will start having a whole lot of meaning. God be with you

Anonymous said...

His ways are not our ways. Hold on to God sis - it's not like there is a better alternative anyways. Serving God and being a virgin is good but i guess God understands best. Let me use my life as an example- I have been married for about 5 years and still trying for a kid after I lost my first pregnancy 5 months into my marriage. I married at the age of 29 as a virgin, was a chorister in church..... and all that does not seem to count.... but you know what, God never fails. He knows best and I still hold on to the fact that I am alive, I have a job, I have family and friends that care. Look back Sis, there is something to be thankful for. Some people don't even have a roof over their head.....Be strong, God loves you dearly!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Fellow LIB Reader,
It breaks my heart to read your story… All i can imagine is the pain and suffering you are going through but to say i understand and feel your pain will be a white lie cos its only you who can truly understand your situation but all i can say is DON`T GIVE UP, DEATH IS THE ONLY THING WITHOUT A SOLUTION AND THE STORY OF JOB IN THE BIBLE TESTIFIES TO THAT, JUST KEEP BELIEVING …

Anonymous said...

Oh dear..God still loves u, all that u desire he will grant u, My God doesn't wrk wit time, in due season u an achiever. there r more that has served him nd had nothing yet dey still fear him. Uv got nothing to lose he owns u, i still biliv he's gonna visit ur situation.

Unknown said...

It's a pity that someone feels this way about God, note that God is love and who so ever serves him faithfully, must be blessed. First of all, we serve God wwith the intention that he will bless us but, when our prayers are not showing result, we should sit back and ask God to let his will be done. God doesn't owe us any explanation, and we must be careful not to arouse his anger. Read the book of Isaiah 41,21-22, 43 9-10, 45:9-10, 49:15&16, 48: 12-13.
After reading all these verses if u claim to ba a Christian, you will advice your self.

Anonymous said...

When it becomes worst, it starts getting better. Be still and know HE is God!

Unknown said...

It's a pity that someone feels this way about God, note that God is love and who so ever serves him faithfully, must be blessed. First of all, we serve God wwith the intention that he will bless us but, when our prayers are not showing result, we should sit back and ask God to let his will be done. God doesn't owe us any explanation, and we must be careful not to arouse his anger. Read the book of Isaiah 41,21-22, 43 9-10, 45:9-10, 49:15&16, 48: 12-13.
After reading all these verses if u claim to ba a Christian, you will advice your self.

Unknown said...

It's a pity that someone feels this way about God, note that God is love and who so ever serves him faithfully, must be blessed. First of all, we serve God wwith the intention that he will bless us but, when our prayers are not showing result, we should sit back and ask God to let his will be done. God doesn't owe us any explanation, and we must be careful not to arouse his anger. Read the book of Isaiah 41,21-22, 43 9-10, 45:9-10, 49:15&16, 48: 12-13.
After reading all these verses if u claim to ba a Christian, you will advice your self.

Unknown said...

Dear, I really feel for you.
But I would like to say somethings about God based on my little knowledge. God is God. He doesn't think as we do. He sees more than we can. He knows more than we do. Therefore His ways are quite different from ours.
He knew what you are going to become, the challenges you are going to face, etc.
What if you are rich, married with lovely children and have died?
Do you know what the devil has planned for you concerning marriage and/or raising children?
Some people are married today, but wish they never did. Some parents have been killed by their children. Your status and age are problems to you, but they are never problems to God.
I guess you have come across some portions in the Bible that talk about God's plan for His people. He's never too late.
What you just need to do is keep faith. Never give up. Seek counselling. And be happy.
Forget those things you are passing through. Remember, life isn't about marriage only. There are lots of unmarried but happy people.
I believe God has a greater plan for you. Keep hoping for that.
I pray, very soon, your testimony will shake the world. Tears of joy will be yours in Jesus name.

Anonymous said...

its so sad how you think your life is about getting married, money, kids, pleasures of this world etc. All this are vanity, things that will go with the wind in a matter of seconds. You allow all that to drive your happiness??? that's the biggest mistake ever. You should have derived your source of joy from God, His promises and the qualities you possess in you. He has never failed, he said in His world that Though it may tarry it'll surely come. He gave you the power of choice and you chose him right from a tender age, you should have stuck with that. Behold, the LORD'S hand is not so short That it cannot save; Nor is His ear so dull That it cannot hear.. You need to start looking beyond yourself because you're not here for you. He created you, He knows why you're still living. You need to find that out and live by it. That's why He's God, He has never changed and he will never, ever. He is also a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. I pray that He'll give you strength to hold on and not give up. Peace be onto you

Anonymous said...

sorry dear God works with sinners not self righteous people. K

Anonymous said...

Again ask youself, have there not been guys coming around for you before 30...35years, what did you do? Survey has it that no matter how not good looking a girl may look guys must still come I feel that there is something you are not tell us here..

Leendar said...

Darling, god does Not work. Waiting for prayers to bring you things is like expecting magic to happen. And we both know magic does not exist. The only way to get things done is to actively work for it, because waiting for a Christian god is waste of time. Now you have wasted your whole life serving this unseen "god", you know according to his word you'll burn in hell for fornication, yes? How can he be loving, merciful and just, but let you go through so much anguish? Do you see how every thing contradicts itself? There is indeed a higher power that exists in the universe but no human knows what this power is. The sooner the world realises this, the better for every one. Africans especially need to stop praying and start working for a change. With the way Africans are so religious, you would think the continent will be very developed. Instead we are getting aid from the "sinful" non religious countries.
Baby girl, forget what society and the pastors tell you about marriage being the sole ambition of a woman. Find a hobby and turn your passion into a viable business. Work on yourself and love yourself, hapiness comes from within. And remember, "have your own life before you become someone's wife"

Anonymous said...

awwwwwn, i feel you. just hold on, keep holding on i saw a vision about you, the best thing that you are going to experience is coming before december 2014. i just wish you would hold on till that time. word of advise, don't question God again.

Unknown said... wa for people sha......
Honestly I must say u weren't truly serving Him, expecting something in return.....serve God unconditionally and wait n see wat He (God) ll do in return....

God is not a robber nor is His hand to short to bless u my dear.....cases like Abraham and Sarah, what about JOseph......

Sweetheart can has the best packaged for u......
It is better to wait for Gods appointed time.....
Cheer up and wait

God bless u...

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I tot abt my life too sm days ago n almost cried my eyes out... Maybe u shld relocate to a nearby country, who knows, things might change.. Pls, dnt loose hope in God pls n I can be ur frnd if u wish..

Anonymous said...

awwwwwn, i feel you. just hold on, keep holding on i saw a vision about you, the best thing that you are going to experience is coming before december 2014. i just wish you would hold on till that time. word of advise, don't question God again.

Unknown said...

Dear, I really feel for you.
But I would like to say somethings about God based on my little knowledge. God is God. He doesn't think as we do. He sees more than we can. He knows more than we do. Therefore His ways are quite different from ours.
He knew what you are going to become, the challenges you are going to face, etc.
What if you are rich, married with lovely children and have died?
Do you know what the devil has planned for you concerning marriage and/or raising children?
Some people are married today, but wish they never did. Some parents have been killed by their children. Your status and age are problems to you, but they are never problems to God.
I guess you have come across some portions in the Bible that talk about God's plan for His people. He's never too late.
What you just need to do is keep faith. Never give up. Seek counselling. And be happy.
Forget those things you are passing through. Remember, life isn't about marriage only. There are lots of unmarried but happy people.
I believe God has a greater plan for you. Keep hoping for that.
I pray, very soon, your testimony will shake the world. Tears of joy will be yours in Jesus name.

Anonymous said...

Religion is the killer of destiny....the sooner Nigerians realize this the better! My dear u need to go out there and live ur life. I too was like u....hardcore born again christian till the scales fell off my eyes and now life couldnt be better. Take care of urself; workout, look good, dress good, go out with networking and meet new people! From there u could meet people that can change ur life/ or ur future hubby. Dont just stay a church rat expecting miracle husband, wealth and children to fall on ur lap.

Anonymous said...

I don't always comment online but I was moved with your case, my sister I will love to talk to in private, if you are real comment and tell me if you are on bbm, whatsapp or even 2go so we can talk, #apostle Igbins

Unknown said...

You don't have money, yet you moved to the island?
You don't have money, you have internet?
Do u know how many Nigerians u r richer than?
You seem not contented with what you have... Live a life of gratitude & you'll see more blessings than disadvantages.

Anonymous said...

Such an emotional letter to God! All I can say is, May the almighty who sees and knows it all dry your tears and give you very reason to rejoice. You have life sweetheart, and once there is life, all hope is never lost! I don't know you but I will be interceding for u as there is power in intercessory prayers! Keep your head high.....The master has not forgotten you! Just like Lazarus, he will roll out the tomb and call out Your NAME!

Doris Uchendu said...

Sober reflection

Unknown said...

God's is not asleep of all the labour of love you have rendered to him, he always pay back in double fold. all you need is to hold on to his promises. he never fails. sister God plan for you is beautiful.the word of God say, great doors are open unto us but there are many adversary. so all the is lacking in your life is the work of the enemy, but they that put their trust in the LORD shame not know shame. don't let go yet.

Anonymous said...

Keep the Faith! God can not fail. Frm Rukky

Ladies World said...

I kind of feel your pain, hurt, desires, loneliness but i will advice you to choose to be happy. Find things that interests you and give it time. Make new friends that can encourage you, join ladies fellowship where you can be prayed with, get constant encouragement and networking. Life is not all about marriage and money, it's all about contentment and joy. I'm sorry you served church from 18, but you are not meant to serve church! You are meant to serve a living God that you know and understand. God only reward those who know and serve him NOT those who serve a religious organisation. Your case is not closed yet, let your heart be open, cos your time of remembrance is here.
"They that compare themselves with others are not wise"
You are peculiar and choose to stop comparing yourselves with your friends.
Attend this coming conference for Ladies and meet with with the convener afterwards, i'm sure you will be helped to get healing and empowerment.
Detail of the Conference are: Ladies World Conference 2014
Venue: MBA Hall-Lagos State University, Ojo, iyana-iba.
Time: 10am
Date: Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ayokunle said...

I will suggest you try Fasting and Prayer. Or you go for a Deliverance in MFM. Some family problems or foundational problems may be militating against your glory. Bible says "If the foundations are faulty, what can the righteous do?" You may need a deliverance from foundational or family problems. Being obedient in the church alone may not be enough at times.

Unknown said...

Read the book of Isaiah 41:21-22, 49:7-9. Advice yourself.

Unknown said...

Dont loose it, God is going to surprise you. You can as well visit SCOAN. Dont loose hope my sister.

Anonymous said...

God is never late. He will not take your life because He is not a wicked father and He won't give you half baked testimony. Hold on and don't doubt. I am your age mate. Your are not alone. Just serve and trust Him. He will definitely show up.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear!
Please be informed that God cannot change standard because of you. You still have to wait and continue to trust God. I know someone who is married at 35 and all her anguish was changed overnight.
Though it takes alot to achieve this, but what shall it profit a man if he/she gains the whole world and lost her soul. Please be patient and trust God to bring it to pass. I pray that God in HIS infinite mercy will meet you at your point of need.

Anonymous said...

whosoever you may b I would like to inform you that God is still on ur side. Yes, u're going try wat seems like darkness but believe me God is wit u. I pray the Lord will strengthened u not to run away from His presence. Happy Birthday to you.

man of steel said...

My dear,u call ur self a christian, but u don't have faith at all.

The Perfect Bitch said...

God!!!u must be going through alot..dont u think God has something for u in d future or blessing u sooner than u think?pls,dont loose hope on him.God is testing ur faith!dont give up please.He will bless u beyond comparison.i am truly sorry for wat ur going through.God bless u sister.

Anonymous said...

My dear,

The Bible says we have Grace for every situation we are in. Trust me you are not alone, my advice is that you tap into the Grace the Lord has given you for your situation.

Encourage yourself in the Lord as no one will do or can do it for you

The Lord is your strength

Unknown said...

You're not the first neither will you be the last. Quite a lot is happening in this world and I think you should be thankful for being alive. A lot of people out there have no one they can express how they feel but your case is different. What if you have all this and you live a short life what will you say. As a christian that you are, you should be thankful, your case is not like that or JOB still in his tribulation he still keeps praying/praising GOD.
Remember the bible says our righteousness is like a filthy rag in front of the Lord think my dear you have your fault in this as well. You obviously do not believe in your GOD as you claim you do, you live the life of your friends/folks. I believe HE didn't ask you to do most of things you did but you followed peers. His plan for you is different from His plan for other its better you retrace your steps to know where you took the wrong step.

Unknown said...

God does not forget our labour of love. He always pay back in double fold. remember the word of God says, great doors are open unto us, but there are many adversary. those things lacking in your life is the work of the enemy, but always know that they that put their trust in the LORD shall not be put to shame. please hold on to God because the end of a thing in the hands of God is sure greater the the former. HOLD ON

Anonymous said...

The Problem is not God and it might not be you also...your story is incomplete---hows ur character towards men? do u behav desperate around men? are u constantly talking about marriage around men?...again y do u do what other people say u sld do?

If u want a child and u cant get a man look for a sperm donor and get pregnant

as they say life begins at 40 so start fresh go by to the church that makes u happy(or look for 1)

start a business or look for a job..

(if u r not already here) go on badoo, eskimo 2go etc and try it out

Selfmade Royalnaire

JAMHSEY said...

You're not the first neither will you be the last. Quite a lot is happening in this world and I think you should be thankful for being alive. Alot of people out there have no one they can express how they feel but your case is different. What if you have all this and you live a short life what will you say. As a christian that you are, you should be thankful, your case is not like that or JOB still in his tribulation he still keeps praying/praising GOD. Remember the bible says our righteousness is like a filthy rag in front of the Lord think my dear you have your fault in this as well. You obviously do not believe in your GOD as you claim you do, you live the life of your friends/folks. So God is justify for his action I believe he didn't ask you to do most of things you did but you followed peer pressure. His plan for you is different from his plan for other its better you retrace your steps to know where you took the wrong step.

Ruth said...

Dear sister,i can feel your pains,please don't give up. i believe in miracles and i know God still does miracles.Please stop complaining about what God has not done and start praising him,the fact that he has answer you as you think does not mean delay is denial.Still hang in there and see God working our things for your God.

JAMHSEY said...

You're not the first neither will you be the last. Quite a lot is happening in this world and I think you should be thankful for being alive. Alot of people out there have no one they can express how they feel but your case is different. What if you have all this and you live a short life what will you say. As a christian that you are, you should be thankful, your case is not like that or JOB still in his tribulation he still keeps praying/praising GOD. Remember the bible says our righteousness is like a filthy rag in front of the Lord think my dear you have your fault in this as well. You obviously do not believe in your GOD as you claim you do, you live the life of your friends/folks. So God is justify for his action I believe he didn't ask you to do most of things you did but you followed peer pressure. His plan for you is different from his plan for other its better you retrace your steps to know where you took the wrong step.

Anonymous said...

GOD is nt mock, dere4 don't Mock Him. Ur story is far beta dan my own. D conditions lm now, l don't wish it 2 My worst enemy. We all must nt marry that l undstnd.

Unknown said...

Read the book of Isaiah 41:21-22, 49:7-9. Advice yourself.

Anonymous said...

you caused it, u dont expect God to send husband from heaven, or you dont even expect him to give you money, u work for it and you will be blessed mate.

Anonymous said...

Every bad things happening in human life today are the work of the devil, as a Christian who understand the bible should not blame God. U change your church come to the Lord's chosen church where u will be delivered from that bondage . take a positive step now before it is late

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

My dear u woildnt have lost your virginity, the ways of GOD differs from man, you should be grateful to GOD for life. Take time to visit the hosspital and see for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Bonario, marry dis aunty na.....#Bonario's niece

Anonymous said...

Well, it is not over yet, you must undertsand that destiny differs, do you know that the current wife of pastor W.F. Kumuyi got married to him at 65. Also remember, life starts at 40, so dnt end it yet, ur life jst began.

Anonymous said...

I think the whole idea of serving is doing it selflessly and not expecting anything in return, the Bible says those that put their trust in God he never fails.My dear trust me if you truly put your trust in God he will and never fail you.Check yourself and see where you went wrong! Maybe at that 31st year was the time God planned to bless you but you missed it ....think about alot and reflex back .God is always a Just God he never lies and forsakes his own except you chose to move away from him and also remember serving God is in the heart not the things you do physically or for people to see.

ALFA KEKS said...


Anonymous said...

God is still God, and can't be mocked.I believe he still has purpose for ur living.just look out for Miracle in ur way IJN Amen. Its not over until its over sister

Anonymous said...

i no pity you...

Anonymous said...

My sister I appreciate ur predicament,but still hold on, our God I know would neither leave nor forsake his own, believe me u will laugh last.

Uche said...


ibrahim said...

you need deliverance, serious one for that matter

busybee said...

I can't say I know exactly how you feel but I am familiar with that feeling. Whatever will be will be, no use wondering about the girls who were loose that now have husbands and kids. All I know is you need some type of belief to stay sane in this world. So find a supreme being that you believe in and stick to it. You have 3 main issues, marriage, money and kids. They don't have to come together. First you need to figure out a strategy to make money. It's never too late to take a course or a class or learn to sew, bake, make beads, etc. Feed yourself, buy nice clothes, dress well and you will feel good. The issue of a husband is never too late. There are older men that are looking for women that are around your age. You can't go around being depressed, no man will be attracted to that.

I say, take care of yourself, be happy for those who "have it all", be confident, and the rest will follow!

I wish you the absolute best luck!

Anonymous said...

I can imagine the pain you feel but with God there is no strategy, it's either you serve Him or not and i'm sorry but your idea of doing things for God so He can do something for you is wrong, remember He love us with an everlasting love, so trust me if you don't do all the giving, keeping, serving He will still love you, you might not see the good in your life at the moment but trust God, His plan toward His own are good and not of evil, to give hope and expected end, and also God is not punishing you because you lost your virginity, He came for the sinner not the righteous, I feel you need to speak with the Holy Spirit, He is our friend, comforter, and he hears and talk to us, I wish I could give you a hug now, but don't loose hope, don't distrust God, he is too faithful to let His own down, if indeed you been true to Him, trust Him, He rewards those that diligently seek him

Uche said...


Anonymous said...

i'm moved but not touched.In all things, give thanks. If u av faith, u will know ur case is not lost. 40-55yrs are getting married dis days.
And change d way u see things and for some to start going back in doing thins for God. 'activities is not productivity'.e.g Mary and Martha.
Be sociable, go to movies, go for picnic with the church youth
Change ur attitude, be positive.
be presentable, church does not mean u dress anyhow. someone asked me 10yrs ago when i did have a job that av i gotten a job cos of the way i dressed. and wen i later got job, on a saturday, someone asked do u work on saturday cos i dressed very well and neatly.
Lastly be honest with urself. Peter asked Jesus what would u have John do when u are gone and Jesus replied 'What is that to thee, feed my sheep'. what do i mean? dont measure ur life with others, dont allow ur sisters who were so promiscious but later got married to deter u.
And finally, some tins can't be explained so just keep being in faith so that u will meet Him in heaven and have the opportunity to ask Him why?
Love u


Unknown said...

Read Isaiah 41: 21-22 and 4: 7-9 and ask yourself some reasonable questions

Anonymous said...

Delay is not denial dear. Others have gone ahead of you to witness your grand arrival OK. It can only get better.Go Gurl

Anonymous said...

My dear I was in d same position few wks back when I was angry at God and my self and I asked God y my life is hw it is right now bcos I knw I'm nt a bad person so y r other who dnt even have d fear of God and r into bad tins doing better then me. In my room I cried and asked God all of these thing d only reply I got was a slient room wit only d sound of my beating heart and a contant voice in my heart dat keep saying 2 me dat d ways of God is nt d ways of man, a thousand days is like a day 2 God, he will nt leave me nor will he forsake me and he is waking in ways we can't see, dat wen we less expect d desire of our heart will b meet and I slept dat day and wokeup with a determined spirit dat I will nt giveup nor loss hope, I will contiune work hard and I will make it dat d only time I will giveup is wen death comes and I knw I will nt die anytim soon mayb like 60yrs 4rm now. So I will advice u 2 4get hw u feel now might b hard bt try, all is nt lost yet and neva ever wish 4 death 4 as long ur alive anytin and everytin can change. Note dat gettin married is nt utimate in a woman's life and dats nt d only reason u were created. Keep hope alive.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

My dear, u do not any right to question and speak to your Creator this way no matter how frustrated you might be. There is nothing impossible for God,retrace your steps back to him and trust in him.u sound suicidal, pls don't do any thing crazy.

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