In this new article, Etcetera grades president Buhari mostly F9 for his 100 days in office. Read below
We often use benchmarks as measures of progress. ‘How is your favourite football team doing at the beginning of this season?’ ‘How many words does your one-year-old son say in a minute?’ And, of course, there’s the time-honoured measure of how well a new president is doing after 100 days in office. In case you hadn’t heard, that benchmark is here for President Buhari.
You may feel it’s a little impertinent
for me to issue a report card for President Buhari on his performance
during his first 100 days in office. Yes, I’m not his teacher, and he’s
not my student.
But what the heck? It’s a free country and everyone else is doing it. So here it goes:
Confidence:- Buhari has
brought back confidence in governance. Especially in tough times, the
confident presence of a leader begets confidence in those that he or she
leads. With his steady demeanour, optimistic outlook and command,
Buhari embodies confidence. The number of incompetent heads of
parastatals he has sacked so far reflects that sentiment. The percentage
of Nigerians who think the country is on the right track is up. Grade:
Pace of Governance:–
When the pressure is high, leaders need perspective. They need swift
action. Buhari is working on so many things all by himself that it’s
sometimes hard to keep track of all of them. He has too much on his
plate. He should get into perspective and allow others do the job where
he can’t. It won’t be a surprise to discover that the president is in
charge of his travel itinerary, meeting schedule and other range of
issues on his plate. He runs the risk of edging toward a burn out. Well,
some argue that the president is keeping a pace that works for him.
Grade: F9
Effective leadership communication is outcome oriented and audience
specific. President Buhari is clearly not an articulate communicator and
he doesn’t do enough to shape his message to the audience. Hearing Mr.
President pronounce APC leaves you lost and wondering if you heard him
correctly. Maybe his media aides should have used this as an excuse to
exonerate him from the hundred things he promised to have achieved
before his first 100 days in office that has now capped him as a liar.
Buhari’s tone of voice usually stays within a fairly narrow range. He
could do better here. Grade: F9
Team Player: – There are
two major factors on this distinction. The first is to get a great team
in place. The second is to get your ego out of the way and allow the
team to do their job. Buhari has stumbled here and most people will
agree that his failure to appoint ministers in his first 100 days in
office has been a setback to governance. Whether you agree with me or
not, Buhari can’t be president and ministers all by himself. We need
competent hands to man the various ministries. You cannot achieve a lot
in three and half months without the support of a team. Good leaders are
the keepers of the what, not the masters of the how. Assembling a
strong team also helps in establishing an agenda. Buhari needs to
realise that he’ll likely never have more momentum than he has now if he
doesn’t put a team on the ground. Grade: F9
Accountability and Responsibility: President
Buhari has done fairly well with the campaign for government officials
to be held accountable for their actions or inactions. He has brought a
sense of transparency and has taken some interesting first steps in
promoting government accountability. I think this is an area where there
is a lot more to do however. For instant, there hasn’t really been a
clear explanation yet as to how he is going to tackle corruption and how
the country will avoid being ripped apart by government officials in
the years to come. Grade: C
Economy: – This has so
far been one of the president’s worst subjects. He may be making a grave
mistake focusing all his attention on recouping looted funds instead of
providing the basic needs of the people. Never in history has this
approach successfully led a country out of recession. This might lead to
an unhappy ending, and more inflation. The continuous drop of the
nation’s currency is stark reminder that we are still in the worst slump
in 50 years. Grade: F9
National Security:-
Nigerians are still not experiencing any sense of security. People are
dying and getting maimed everyday on the streets by hoodlums and touts.
Boko Haram insurgents are still using the yet to be found Chibok girls
for their bombings. Armed robbers are having a field day carting away
properties. The country is still not safe. Grade: F9
Absolutely correct
Etcetera be feeling important, who knows him. Linda take note!
Etcetera be feeling important, who knows him. Linda take note!
Etcetera be feeling important, who knows him. Linda take note!
I wonder how him not appointing ministers is a good thing. I hear some people talk and just wonder. If he thinks he can man the position alone...dats his business though. Couldn't care less about him...ntn good this country has done for me except bring me shame.
You have attributed conditions to villainy that simply result from stupidity. Get a life Ecetera!
....only if this psychopant can actually write this in his brother regime or to all ur Igbo brothers that are tarnishing already tarnished our image. Idiot
Ecetera is a Mad man just like FFK n Fayose
Etcetera Write up: F9
Who is this guy sef. He is making too much noise these days. For me, you can shape a man's reign in 100 days. No matter how u hate PMB, u must give him credit for he has been able to achieve so far in trying to clean up the mess in Nigeria. He might be slow yes but he has a clear vision of what he wants to achieve and those are the steps he is taking. After a year in office,if he doesn't perform den we can talk but it's damn too early. After all u can't always hit the ground running. Sometimes u have to study the terrain lest u fall into a ditch
Lmaooooo ecte u won't kill me joor...all F9 4 wat nahh u for pity am small n give him E lolz
...Am gettin dere...
Oga Etcetera, your own Grade for this report is F9.
Ummmmm okay o!
Aunty linda
Ummmmm okay o!
Aunty linda
Ummmmm okay o!
Aunty linda
We're watching
His government will get better with time.
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Etcetera is a pathetic wailer. very mischievous, he started off by scoring Buhari high in the first point just to appear unbiased.
But he goofed seriously, because the first point already contradicted the others.
Anyway this is your perception of Buhari's first 100days in office, but many Nigerians like myself who believe in this government sharply disagree with your fallacious and ill-informed assertions.
Lol...this one's na better carry over ooo...you sure say e go grad @ all
Nice one.
Nobody voted for Buhari for 100days but for 4years......So all those counting days shud get busy with something else..........
Ectera.....Have U graded ur own life in the past 10years or more?????? Tell us ur grade...
Moye says so via BB Passport courtesy LIB...
A failed singer grading a General, and a Two time TOP MAN! As a General and elected President-on the fourth attempt. Now The President,Federal Republic of Nigeria! Awesome!!! Etcetera, shame on you!!!
Etcetera, if I may ask, what has your father achieved?
I love the Buharistic Spirit. Keeping going, my President, God will help you rule well.
looool...now u've decided to be less blunt cos its buhari... fall ma hand etc.
Very unbiased assessment. Very correct grading
I love u etcetera....hahaha! Chineke kpokwaa Ekwensu oku
This etcetera sef, who is he. In the entertainment industry what does his report card read. Notice Me supported by Linda...
I would very well too like to grade etcetera too music F9, the writing gan sef F9 cos u write craps. The man has been there 100 days u don nail am on top cross. I use to respect some of ur writing but nowadays I guess u just want to be seen so people will know u are still around
That's a wailing wailer's opinion. Etcetera is part of the remnants of GEJ's legacy and a dying voice amongst the PDP apologists. Etc needs to sign up with wadata plaza so he can assist the drowning Olisa Metuh.
For once I read etcetera's speech. I agree to an extent.
~D great anonymous!
I doubt if this guy eye or sense of reason is @ it best otherwise maybe he Wud av be more unbiased.
Bokohari u can do better than dis. U have done even worst dan ectetera's & Nigeria's report card shows. Nigerians had so much confidence in u but u havnt shown any iota of seriousness since u took over power. U'v done Nothing significant to distinguish or stand u out. Still same turning around. Am abit disappointed & so are Nigerians in diaspora
Buhari met Nigeria in a big mess. He's not a miracle worker. Nigeria is in a negative region, PMB is trying to move it first to a zero point before we can start the move into the positive region. Anyone ( investors or otherwise) who expect PMB to start running the country as though we are in the postive region is either interested in the continious exploitation of our abysmal state or up to something selfish. I can assure U that most of these uproar of hastening PMB is 90% + based on selfish interest of some individual or group, not based on patroitism or empathy with the common Nigerians.
I agree with you Etcetera 100%.
This guy is as dumb as his writings
Yes o........atleast there has been constant light in an area u may only see light once in two weeks
For corruption.......hmmmm everybody shake
Baba weldone
U r just been bias young man, just help him with prayers but I knw if u wia d president u won't do beta Dan diz, u r online good in toking n ranting, beta go get somtin beta to do instead of rating ppls performance.
I m not surprised by ur write up bcos u has a man had failed in ur chosen music career,now turning to journalist before he could feed his family.what a shame on u. U cannot boast of 1million in ur account go nd get life man
Go nd get a life man
Stupid etcetera......go and mark your dad's report. I don't know who appointed you as Nigeria's class teacher.
Question mark,or watever ur name is.....Biko goan take ur med mbok!!
Ectetra has forgotten to add his own name/career in the F9 list o. Maybe he has forgotten he is a failure. Oloribruku
If u get A1 in confidence.....any other thing is counterfeit.
Oya APc loyalist follow d guy up..one two go oooooo
Who is he?
Hmmmm I agree to an extent
Oooooooooh my...!
Laff wan kill me here o
truly hilarious but true.
So u mean Buhari need to repeat class?
Just what I wanna hear...trust apc fans to abuse this guy for saying the truth...
When are u guys gonna accept the fact...I'm a loyal Nigerian but there ain't no change coming....
Ooooh am loving dis dude already. Heheheheh tel him oooooh
Linda i kinda agree with him.
Etcetera's music career so far F9.
Even though I am more a fan of Etcetera than PMB, but I have to agree with him only on one issue, that is inability of PMB to appoint his ministers, yes PMB can not do it all alone heading all the ministries. So he needs to act fast. Then for other issues I think its too early to grade him 'failed', even though they promised to do miracles; every discerning mind knew that they are impossible do like that. Therefore, my own problem with him is his sectional tendencies.
Well put. But the myopic supporters of AllPastCriminals will jump to their defense..
Just what I wanna hear...trust apc fans to abuse this guy for saying the truth...
When are u guys gonna accept the fact...I'm a loyal Nigerian but there ain't no change coming....
Maybe etcetera or whatever he calls himself should try being a leader of a small community and let see aw he will achieve his set goals in 100dayz.He just know aw to talk,he his not even successful wit his music Career.
I must say I quite agree with Etcetera on this one. Good accessment. I hope sane people will see meaning in this than throw tantrum.
Hahahaahhahhahhahhhhahhaahaahaaaaahhaa. .....dis guy is sure a character. .
Wait! I have one more. Asset Declaration: The declaration was no declaration at all. It reads like the musings of a drunk at the local bar on a dirty napkin instead of a document released by a president to his people with varying degrees of knowledge and education. F9.
I kinnda agree with some of the grades...let us pray for the best for this country
I don't like this Etce worefa...he can say thrash too much
Buhari supporters oya come and finish him. Anyways he said the truth
Once again etcetera u are on point on this. He really needs to quicking his pace....time is ticking....md very fast
True talk
Fair assessment
I love the way he writes. Nice one Etcetera. I totally agree with him. He has made valid points..
See etc wey no get direction!
U get career? He hasnt achieved anything major in all his known endeavours!
Yet he is here forming great writer,grading & judging a man elected by the people to solve a deep rooted history of corruption!just over 3months? Yet u havnt been able to decipher why your whole career is still irrelevant in different forms!!!! Ok!! Dude is sick ,i feel!
If he has ever been a leader,he would understand!
Your pikin go chop F9 die him go only get A1 for yoruba...
Sod off dude! Poor analysis!!! Very poor! I thought dude was brilliant....kai!
Well articulated....preach on!!
Well articulated....preach on!!
Buhari, omo f9. Lol
<< LIB Addict >>
I concur,100% on point
Loooool....i like Etc mehn
Dis yeye n jobless guy shd go n take a back seat jare. He shd contest in 2019 n den we wl c wat he wl do
Dis yeye n jobless guy shd go n take a back seat jare. He shd contest in 2019 n den we wl c wat he wl do
Can Bonario react for his Master!
He's here again
Oh shut up and get a life.
Die hard Apc fanatics no go gree
Rubbish grades!
Die hard Apc fanatics no go gree
Rubbish grades!
Die hard Apc fanatics no go gree
Rubbish grades!
Rubbish grades!
Etcetera is just one sick idiat
I use to like this etcetra articles but on dis 1 bro u failed whoofly stfu stupid ass nigga u won't allow pmb to work, who tha Hella r u to grade him? even without minister of power or energy there has been bera power supply (electricity) cos I have experienced it, though. I ddnt mean he won't be needing them (ministers) but pmb has been trying since his inception, the only place I will fault him is in his appointment which is lopsided and he tryna be tribalistic, as an igbo man I dnt like the way he left us behind in choosing his team that's all so stfu failed musician
Lolzz good 4 him
Lib freak
He reveals is my on grading:
CONFIDENCE- B3 we dont have 100% confidence inthem yet ultimate they-didnt-want-their-child-to-sit-near.html Personal.
PACE OF GOVENANCE- E will at the initial state to yet capable bado hopefully soon.
COMMUNICATION--C it's no about pronouciation but passing an information Access with a feedback
TEAM PLAYER--E has not formed his TEAM yet which is affecting his PACE.
ECONOMY - D blocking loopholes and recovery of looted funds is affecting d economy positively. But he has a lindaikeji.blogspot.com way to go in boosting the economy.
NATIONAL SECURITY: D all has are dead no to en-us the security of the people.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion, for me, you can judge an individual for a group performance. I guess your assumption is that we never had a government in the past
Attention Seeker! Gerarahere
I so agree, Buhari culdn't ave gotten a better grade
This chicken head fellow just craves cheap publicity. What do u know about politics?, study more on what brought about d 100 days in office parameter, Google is your friend. D 100days stuff came about 82yrs ago and everyone knows what's true for that era does not necessarily hold water today. You are not even blossoming in your career, at least u are not one of its shinning stars, like Tuface and d rest, what gives u d audacity to judge Buhari, whom rose to d top echelon of his as a general and now president a second time. We understand him, cos we know where he's going. In d least, now we have a reason to hope, a new breeze has blown, a person of integrity for once in our civilian history, we have something we can build on lego, let God do d rest.
Linda y do u still talk about this ecte..watever he is called. The guy is a failure na.. stupid retard scoring Buhari F9...wat abt his own scorecard? Oloshi somebody
Linda y do u still talk about this ecte..watever he is called. The guy is a failure na.. stupid retard scoring Buhari F9...wat abt his own scorecard? Oloshi somebody
Etcetera we all know is a failure in life so we don't expect him to see anyone better than the way he sees himself. He has scored F9 already in life but don't try to rope our lovely president in. Etcetera please get a life.
kudos etcetera...nice well taken,critically expert analysis...I hope to hear more opinions from uu..#odescopi
kudos etcetera...nice well taken,critically expert analysis...I hope to hear more opinions from uu..#odescopi
Mumu..seeking for notice..wat hav u done for ur family in d short years u have lived so far on earth...
If we can wait 16years for PDP and got notin in return, then 100 days is nofin to us..
kudos etcetera...nice well taken,critically expert analysis...I hope to hear more opinions from uu..i know u had a nice family time miss linda kudos too.#odescopi
kudos etcetera...nice well taken,critically expert analysis...I hope to hear more opinions from uu..i know u had a nice family time miss linda kudos too.#odescopi
ETC abeg go Sidon, I tot U are kinda intelligent but 2day I confirmed dat U are nothing but a nit-wit. Ur inconsistency makes has really exposed ur foolishness. I don't care about all the promises made by d APC or probably GMB. But am quite sure dat d presence of GMB @ d helms of affair of dis nation have in one way or d other instill fear in govt officials. 2day I've seen and heard people attesting 2 wat is happening in their ministries or agencies where b4 now duty tour allowance(DTA) were not paid, salary does not reflect on promotion and all sort of benefits denied. Now all dat hav bin reshaped 2 d extent dat people receive alert from thier banks unexpectedly or without mounting of pressure. Ur assessment is purely out of sentiment or probably U are not conversant with wats on ground. Maybe b4 now U've bin havin relatively steady power supply where U live, but now their is improvement in d slum where I reside. Yes GEJ put in place coz such improvement couldn't hav bin achieved by d present administration but I can assure U dat d laxity and I don't care attitude of the people in charge of power and negligence on the part of previous govt made it impossible to improve the power supply after much resources and effort had bin expended on it by same govt. Imagine Nigeria in d hand of GEJ controlled by those evil people dat surrounded him, I bet it is better left un-imagined. ETC abeg solve ur qualms coz Naija no owe U a dime. Steer up ur wisdom for more productive venture. Onelove ma broda from anoda zanga. Naija must be gr8
Truth guy
Spot on , etc .
Etc has become the conscience of the country .
Whatever did etcetera excel in,in his life? It is easy to criticise another person.In 100 days Buhari would use eraser to clean all the existing mess on ground abi? Stupidity
True talk my broda.
Yes ooo, Buhari us a failure and the biggest mistake in nigeria..very ignorant and unintelligent man
Yes ooo, Buhari us a failure and the biggest mistake in nigeria..very ignorant and unintelligent man
Only an illiterate would have so much crap to say..For the love of God,Etcetera,get a job or a girlfriend or something else to occupy ur time with...
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Etceteri or Etcetera or dafuq is ur name?
Ur nothing but a wailer!
You know what's common to all Wailers? They wail
Failed musician that keeps making boring noise
U watch and See PMB, what he'll do. U should also be praying for him to govern Nigeria well.
ETC. You'll make a good teacher. For a blogger, you're the only one with impeccable write-ups. No mistake and good use of English. Keep up the good work.
Na dem sabi
And what will you score your music career?
I no fit laugh abeg
Linda can't wait to see u marry
This guy is just a failed musician seeking relevance. I'm so tired of his ridiculous posts he comes up with every other week. Etcetera, if you really need attention I'd suggest you put more effort into producing "quality" music.
Who is "Etcetera"? Can't find them on the internet.
who is this asshole called ecetera? what happen to his music career? he failed. his trying to use this medium to get publicity, but we still dont know his FATHER so we dont want failed person in our country Nigeria.
I don't know how this fellow came about his ideas, but one thing I know is that the information contained within are filled with so much lies. Power problem is becoming a thing of the past. PMB'S body language has dealt a serious blow on corruption in most Government agencies & parastatal. Etc. Kiss the dust & Go to sleep or go back to start your nursery school.
D only good person in this planet is etcetera.. he is the only person dat is perfect
Be ready to compare 4 years of Buhari and Janathan's 6yrs untill then i cannot say a word about ur write up...
Bonario, na Odiodi for u. THAT Is NOTHING FOR YOU If YOU think YOU gonna Get ANY Form OF Favor From President buhari. Buhari is now using attack dogs like you to defend him. A good government don't need attack dogs to defend itself. They defend themselves with good performance. Because of people like you, if President Buhari is going astray, people can't be critical of him. Goodluck messed up everything, yes he was criticized. So if buhari mess up, let him be criticized too. If you want to defend him at all , do it with FACTS. That is what intelligent people do, Mr. Bonario
As for me, am still watching to see PMB succeed. I wish him very best. So far so good he is promising but that's not to say he has it all. And for the grading, Etcetera You're right. I wish Mr president all the best
It would have been better if yall had not commented on this Bullshit of a guy! I swear I'm still thinking who is etcetera?? #nobody
We know him, you...we know not!!!
Get a cup or even a spoon of brain you numb skull and a blind bat that never sees anything wrong with whatrver that daura bastard does! Mugu
ok. etcetera u have made ur point. this is a free country...yeah. every one has d right to express his or her opinion but when such opinion will cus hate and detaste for to ur leader den for d sake of peace and stability it is best u keep such opinion to ut failed self.( u are a failed musician u shouldnt even dare talk about others failure if at all). u are scoring a person who inherited a tumuluous country f9 in just 100 days in office how about the one that was there for 2190 days(6yrs) what did u rate him? he left d problems and mess PMB is trying to clean up. etc i give u the next 1000 daya to surpass the likes of wizkid and davido in the music industry. if u can then u can start rating our president. so till then shut ur partisan mouth and hide ur shameless face.
ok. etcetera u have made ur point. this is a free country...yeah. every one has d right to express his or her opinion but when such opinion will cus hate and detaste to ur leader den for d sake of peace and stability it is best u keep such opinion to ur failed self.( u are a failed musician u shouldnt even dare talk about others failure if at all). u are scoring a person who inherited a tumultuous country f9 in just 100 days in office how about the one that was there for 2190 days(6yrs) what did u rate him? he left d problems and mess PMB is trying to clean up. etc i give u the next 1000 days to surpass the likes of wizkid and davido in the music industry. if u can then u can start rating our president. so till then shut ur partisan mouth and hide ur shameless face.
God bless you Bonario. For being one of d few pple with brains on this blog
Illiterate shut up please
Re you intelligent? Fool
God bless you
God bless you
You started of intelligent but finished up your usual ibo self. God help you.
Same way you are always trying to be noticed wit your annoying Linda take note! Very annoying girl. Juliet take note!
Ok , but u never told us how much u saved from buying fuel or diesel for your own generator at home and in your shop,or how less u use your generator these days, which must have improved the economy of your pocket, yet economy is F9.its so very obvious to a blind man that you are biased and your stupid report means crap.
Etcetera,don't be a daft,taught u had more brains than this.With regards to the provision of basic amenities,wouldn't you think that if corruption is not checked,contractors would do execute their contracts with impunity,that is to say that ,nothing will work well if corruption is not checked first.
Bonario if you notice, this is the opinion of the writer, if you need a different opinion you ahead and write it, stop being stupid and myopic
Mufu! What report has Buhari done on power sector that warrants him to take the credit?!
The power sector is still been handled by appointees of the last administration! So, if anyone takes the credit, it should be GEJ
I disagree with accountability. He said, "He has brought a sense of transparency and has taken some interesting first steps in promoting government accountability". I cannot confirm any action by the President that supports this. GEJ dis the same. His score here is F8
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